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uh we’re going to do things a little

different I’ve got a word that I want to

share with you but I also have some

testimonies I want to share with you and

so I’m going to start with the word and

then we’ll toss to a testimony and we’ll

just see what God wants to say to us if

I were to give this message a subject it

would be on the front

line o y’all saved somebody already felt

it I’m in judge

14 judges 4 I know said I probably got

stressed it’s four it’s not 14 judges 4

verse 19-

22 perspective is that at this point in

the text there is a man who was on the

Run God has decided that Barack one of

the commanders in the Army would capture

this man and this man is on the Run he’s

trying to avoid being captured and in

the process of trying to avoid being

captured he runs into This Woman’s tent

thinking to himself this woman her name

is JL and he’s thinking to himself that

if I can get in This Woman’s tent I can

be under cover and they’ll never find me

and verse 19 begins it says then he said

to her this is s Sarah he says to her

please give me a little water to drink

for I am

thirsty so she opened a jug of milk gave

him a drink and covered him and he said

to her stand at the door of the tent and

if any man comes and inquires of you and

says is there any man here you shall say

no then JL heber’s wife took a tent Peg

and took a hammer in her hand and went

softly to him and drove the peg into his

Temple and it went down into the ground

for he was fast asleep and weary so he


and then as Barack pursued Cesar jel

came out to meet him and said to him

come I will show you the man whom you

seek and when he went into her tent

there lay cicera Dead with the peg in


Temple father God you gave me a word and

you told me it was for not just the

women in this room but the women

watching from literally all over the

world and so father I pray that you

would bring me into alignment with how

this word is supposed to flow you know

my plans you know what I studied but we

want nothing more than to be in your

will and to be in your way and so father

let us flow as you flow you know for me

God help me to settle into this thing

and I pray God that you would begin to

open the hearts that need this word the

most that they would receive that which

only you can give them to be seen to be

valued to be motivated to to repent in

the direct over to you even more and we

say Have Your Way great God that you are

in jesus’ name amen and

amen can I tell you all first of all can

we give a hand to the band give a hand

to the band you’re amazing thank you all

praise the Lord thank you for being here

God bless you and the worship team let

me tell you

something you all do a thing what I love

so much is that even though Dallas is

having the International Leadership

Summit next week and so the team is so

busy getting everything together that I

was like let’s just see if we can go to

La and have he you in LA but do you know

that there are members from the Dallas

team who literally flew in if you’re

from the Dallas team can you just stand

up for a minute stand up go on make it

awkward stand up yes thank

you thank you guys for coming out we

love the family we love the connection


1997 it’s 9 years old and like I don’t

know if any of you all are in that

Millennial stage of life where you begin

to realize like I really had no business

watching and listening to some of the

things like like I’m grown enough now to

understand that I had no business

watching that but I was watching it

anyway I was watching the movie g j and

then this have you seen it with Demi

Moore okay so here I am preparing for

for a battle I’m not even eligible to be

a part

of for those of you who haven’t seen it

in the movie Demi Moore she is in

training to join the Navy after there

has been a ban against women and so

she’s going through the tough brutal

process of being a member of the Navy

and she’s like cut her hair off buzz cut

she’s doing the push-ups like she’s

trying to prove that she can be like one

of the guys and I think I love this

movie so much because we got to witness

this woman ‘s commitment to dismantling

patriarchy and showing that women can do

some of the same things that men can do

and I love this so much because when I

was studying for our text and I was

praying and I was asking God about what

it is that I needed to share at hey you

he just gave me these words like on the

front line didn’t really make a lot of

sense to me until I began to pray and

look at the state of just the world and

the Kingdom right now and God told me

that there are women who are going to be

coming to hey you who are maybe watching

online who don’t even realize that they

are on the front

line that whenever you begin to declare

things like I want to break a

generational curse or I want to change

the way things are done in the industry

or I want to climb the corporate ladder

you think that you’re talking about a

goal but what you are doing is

volunteering to be on the front

line in March it’s women’s history month

and we celebrate all of these women who

have made incredible impact on the world

and on global stages but I think very

few people realize that the cost of

being historical means that you have to

be on the front

line one thing that we know for sure is

that in many ways patriarchy has allowed

women to believe that their best space

is in the

background that if you stay in the

background and you aren’t on the front

line then you are in a woman’s

place I wrestled with this a little bit

because when I hear about women being in

the background I think I automatically

think about people who are not

necessarily visible from a public level

and yet as I was studying God showed me

that that’s not necessarily what it

means to be in the

background a lot of times we think that

being in the background maybe doing

things that people don’t fully

appreciate but you allow things to

happen logistic Bally but God told me

that you could be on the main stage and

still be in the background if you are

conforming when I told you to


transform some of the people who we

think are maybe the most notable in

their careers in their field who have

the most standout power don’t

necessarily that doesn’t necessarily

mean that their standout power

translates into standing out in the

Kingdom so you can be popular in one

sector of the world but not be a blip on

the radar in Kingdom because you’re not

really on the front lines of what God is

doing in the

earth if you cannot say with real

certainty that I’m on the front lines of

what God is doing in the earth then you

must be willing to ask yourself then

what am I on the front lines


oh I was thinking about

this how

even though we have goals and we have

objectives that most of the time have to

do with our external gifts and talents

and how we want them to impact the world

that we cannot really move into a

position where we can be trusted with

the power the strength The Innovation

the resources to make that happen unless

we are willing to be on the front lines

of who we need to become in order to

make it

happen I got to go to my notse because I

want to say this

right if you do not allow yourself to be

on the front lines of what needs to

happen in your own soul then you will

lust for something happening outside of

you not recognizing that the real battle

needs to take place inside of

you that means that if you know that you

are governed by fear or inadequacy or

anger or bitterness or Pride or ego

until you successfully get on the front

lines of what needs to transform on the

inside of you we should stop asking God

to put us on the front lines of what’s

happening outside of

us because the type of weight that you

need to have in order to be on the front

lines of what God wants to do in the

earth requires that you be sure enough

on the inside that even when fear talks

it can’t control you or even when shame

tries to move you out of position you’re

steadfast and unmovable because I’ve

done the work to be on the front lines

you see it’s not necessarily that you

ever get to a place where you no longer

have the fear where you no longer have

the in insecurity but you stay on the

front line long enough to realize that

that fear is just a boogeyman because

when I allow my faith to be on the front

line when fear starts talking I Outlast

the fear I keep showing up regardless of

what the inadequacy says because at the

end of the day I have made a decision

that I am not going to move out of the

position where God has placed me and

that means sometimes I got to face off

with my own doubt sometimes I got to

face off with my own insecurity

sometimes I got to face off with the

Paradigm that once held me stuck but

when I get finished facing off I

recognize that greater is he that is in

me than he that is in the

world so when we were thinking about the

conversation that we wanted to have

tonight I asked them to help me find

some women who have had to face off with

fear and uncertainty because sometimes

you don’t believe it when it comes from

someone who you think has it all

together sometimes you need to hear that

the very woman sitting next to you has

faced off with fear and came out on the

other side you know I know we are in

cool LA and you know this is my city I

this my city lived here eight years from

Texas this is my

city but we going to have old school

testimony service for a minute if

there’s somebody in this room and you

know that you know that you know that

you have faced off with a fear and

you’ve come out on the other side can

you just take a minute and send a round

of applause in this room so that the


understand that he’s still slaying

Giants if there was a generational Giant

in your family that you thought for sure

was going to take you out but you

trusted that God had equipped you to

come out on the other side I want you to

make some noise cuz there’s another

woman in this room who is wondering if

God is still performing Miracles God are

you still empowering us to overcome and

sometimes it takes a woman to go and get

another woman to let her know you really

can’t have your mind back you really

can’t have your peace back depression is

not the end Suicidal Thoughts can go

away anxiety doesn’t get to control you

I’m not talking about what I heard I’m

talking about what I know I know that I

know that I know that I know that he

will help you stay in perfect peace I

know that I know that I know that he

will always


provide see because until you face off

with the way that you talk yourself out

of where God has positioned you then you

don’t even need an outside enemy you

talking about your haters God says but

you are your own hater you won’t give

yourself an opportunity to step into the

fullness of what I have for you




I want to show you a

testimony from a woman named

Ashley who knows very well what it takes

to Face Off With

Fear hi I’m Ashley and the way that

power is moving in me from Fear to faith

in this season is very interesting I am

what you could kind of consider a

classic recovering overthinker so even

now I’m sitting here I’m making this

video there are so many thoughts that I

have had to quiet in order to sit down

just to do this right but I am in this

space where I’m like if I’m going to

have any fear it’s not going to be fear

that holds me back it’s not going to be

fear that causes me to be stagnant or to

overthink but I would rather create a

healthy fear that says that if I am not

in the center of God’s perfect will

having the fear of who will I not become

because I am Paralyzed by my thoughts

because I’m Paralyzed by sometimes

feeling like an impostor or not knowing

the full plan and so even recently that

looked like me leaving La after 9 years

to move to Dallas Texas and not really

knowing what was ahead of me but I knew

that I had a word from God and I knew

that I have have built such a

relationship with God that I can trust

him even when I don’t see the details of

what it is and so right now I am so

committed to not living or existing in

an expired space where the power of God

and the grace of God no longer exists

that whether that is God saying I need

you to physically move whether that’s

God saying I need you to move out of

this Friendship Circle whether that’s

God saying I need you to move your mind

and move your thoughts and move the

limitations that you placed on yourself

that is how fear going from Fear to

Faith is really working in me and that’s

requiring me to own who I am in such a

way that I am now redefining and

relearning things about myself that I

may have forgotten and really getting

out of my own way renewing my mind

renewing my thoughts renewing just the

the pattern of what I thought life

should be and it is birthing something

that is very unfamiliar some days I got

to cry it out some days I’m filled with

joy of where I’m headed but the trust

and the foundation of trust that I have

in God and the power of who God is is

what is moving me forward it’s what’s

moving me ahead and it’s currently how

power is moving in

me Ashley stand up wave at the PE


people one of the things that stood out

in my mind about Ashley’s testimony is

that she made a

decision oh God help me she made a

decision that allowed her to move in the

direction of overcoming what was

standing in her

way I was thinking about the context of

the theme about becoming powerful in God

and I thought to myself how do we get

the power to move in the direction of

what God has for us I wanted to make it

as practical as possible for you and God

told me the first thing that is required

is that you have to make a

decision if you think about it no power

can really come to anything until you

make a decision that gives your power a

Target okay I’m going give you an

example you know how you go back and


about if you going to text somebody

back I didn’t even say who I said

somebody the girls who get it get it the

girls who don’t teach

us you make a decision you’re going back

and forth and then the moment you make a

decision you usually say something to

yourself and you’re like I’m going go

ahead and do it or I’m not going to do

it and in that moment you then have the

power to follow through with whatever

your decision

is that’s why the war will always be

over your mind because your mind is the

place in which you make a decision

scripture says to set your mind on

things above it doesn’t say to vacillate

between things above because if you set

your mind on things above then you have

the power to move in the direction of

where you have set your

mind that woman with the issue of blood

was so power ful that Jesus had to make

sure that she understood exactly what

allowed her to get her healing it wasn’t

just that she touched the H of His

Garment Jesus says her to her your faith

has made you well but she had to make a

decision before she was even in that

situation that she was going to be well

no matter what she had to go through in

order to get to

well oh that’s so good you see because

that woman should have gotten

discouraged somewhere along the way I’ve

had the issue for so long I’ve gone to

physician after physician and no one

could heal me it should have changed her

mind but for some reason this woman was

so sure of the decision that she did not

allow failure or disappointment to make

her change her mind I hear God saying

that if you are going to become powerful

in God you are going to have to make a

decision about the direction of where

you need power and if you are going to

make a decision in the direction of

where you need power then the decision

should be in the direction of where

God’s power can back you up you see

there are some things you can do with

your own power but when you have an

assignment that only God can fulfill you

need God’s power in order to get it done

God I will set my mind on where you’re

sending me but I’m going to need your

power to get it done and that’s when God

says I can get behind that because now

we’re in the same Synergy we’ve got the

same frequency we want the same thing so

when you start talking about breaking a

generational curse I hear God saying

that the enemy will try and convince you

to change your mind about who he already

said that you are but when you decide to

set your mind it doesn’t matter who they

knew before you set your mind it doesn’t

matter what they’ve known or come to

expect from you I don’t know about you

but I’ve had to set my mind on some

things and anytime I set my mind God’s

glory shows up where I have settled

God’s glory oh there Comes This Moment

when I’m preaching and I’m nervous and

I’m anxious and I’m stumbling and I’m

bumbling and I’m shaking but then I get

to this point where I say I’m in it now

and I believe that God sent me to it and

if God sent me to it let’s go baby you

got to get in a position where you

decide that I’m going to set my mind

there is not no taking no for an answer

that woman with the issue of blood got

down on her hands and her knees because

she recog there was a multitude

surrounding her but I won’t let the

multitude talk me out of my healing you

got to act like you only got one shot I

only got one shot to get it done I’ve

only got one shot to show up in this

space this woman didn’t give herself any

other option and she did not allow

herself to be

discouraged in spite of the many things

that were standing in her

way God told me that there were women

who were in this room who struggled with

setting their mind because they feel

like someone else can do

it God told me to tell you you got to

act like you’re his only

option God told me that you got to be so

sure about this thing that you got to

act like nobody else can do it but me

you got to be so sure about this thing

that it doesn’t matter who else grabs

the microphone it doesn’t matter who

else writes the song because God gave me

something that only I can do God gave me

something that only I can produce God

gave me a child that only I can raise

God gave me a Ministry and I’m the only

one who can preach this thing I’m the

only one who can do

it there is no other

option it’s just me so I’m not scared

when I see you doing you baby cuz you

got to do you so I can do

me God’s counting on me

there were some people only I can

reach and there are some people that

only you can reach and if I let you

stepping into you discourage me from

stepping into

me then I’m a

counterfeit but I got to be on the front

line of where God has called me and I

need you to hold down your side of the

line cuz Can’t Nobody Do you the way

that you do you


but you got

to you got to go to war with you to get


done you got to go to war with you to

get that done you got to get sick of

your own excuses you got to get sick of

your own backsliding you got to make a

decision that fear doesn’t get to

control me any longer you got to make a

decision that shame has got to let you

go you got to go to therapy you got to

get some trauma therapy cuz you got to

make a decision I’m not going to be a

scared little girl anymore I’m in my

grown woman era and he’s got things for

me to






I want you to turn to the woman next to

you and tell you it’s time for you to

get on the front lines it’s time for you

to get on the front lines it’s time for

you to stop playing it’s time for you to

get on the front lines it’s time for you

to take it seriously you got to be

serious about this healing you got to be

serious about this breakthrough the

kingdom suffer violence and the violent

take it by force it’s time for you to

get on the front line it’s time for you

to go to war with your Devils go to war

with your




um I’m

uh I’m preaching in Dallas on Sunday and

God showed me this scripture in Luke 10

and in this scripture in Luke

10 he’s got these 70 disciple IES and he

sends the 70 disciples out and they come

back and they say you know even the

demons are subject to us in your

name they’re Blown Away by what God gave

them and Jesus says to them that that’s

not a big deal I saw Satan fall from the

sky like

lightning he says I gave you power and

authority to tread upon serpents and

scorpions and over all of the power of

the enemy

I love

this verse because it makes things two

things very clear to me when Jesus

himself says the power of the enemy it

means that in our mind if we allow

ourselves to believe that the enemy has


power we will always be stopped in our

tracks Jesus says I gave you power over

all of the p power of the enemy the

enemy does have enough power to keep you

from stepping

into who God has called you to be he

does have enough power to keep you from

seeing your destiny properly he did have

some of the things that happen to us why

we need the trauma therapist is a result

of the power of the enemy showing up in

our lives or other people’s

lives but Jesus says I gave you power

over that

so when we begin to give ourselves no

other option it is the full recognition

of the power we have in Jesus to

overcome whatever power has been thrown

our way I wish I could say that the way

that I feel

it that fear that has become

normalized has enough

power to keep you from being all that

God knows you can be that’s why if you

don’t see it as a threat you’ll start

Sleeping with the Enemy not

recognizing that you have the

power to overcome the

fear the

shame the

abandonment sleeping with the very enemy

you want to

overcome because you don’t recognize

that no matter how normalized it has

become in your family in your friendship

group in your culture

it is on assignment to stop you in your

tracks and if it is stopping you the

power is

working so obedience is an act of

resistance I don’t do this because I


it I don’t I love

y’all but I do this because obedience is

an act of

resistance and I recognize that the only

reason I don’t want to do it is because

I’m afraid that I’ll be embarrassed that

I’ll be ashamed that I’m not smart

enough so if I don’t do it I am becoming

obedient to the power of the enemy and

stepping away from what God has called

me to

do so I told God as long as you keep

showing up I’ll keep growing

up cuz it’s has had enough power in the

past it had real power but there is a

greater name a greater

power and I align myself with the

greater power even if it means

abandoning what makes me

comfortable y’all sit

down this is what it looks

like when power begins to move in

us when we allow the power of God to

confront what has had power in the

past when we see our opponent

properly you are powerful enough to do X

Y and Z but when I worship when I create

an environment for God’s power to show

up it changes

things then there Comes This stage where

we go from Power moving in us into Power

moving through

us so there’s people watching

online not in the

room who cannot hear another sermon or

read another book that will further

prepare them for where God is ready to


them their mind is set they got

everything they need but they have a set

mind with cold

feet they’re not in

here they’re not in here they’re

watching online from all over the

world I really got everything I

need I just don’t trust what I

have every time I hear a sermon every

time I pick up a book it just reinforces

what I already

know but I do have cold feet when it

comes to activ

ating the face you’re making is making

me think there may be one person in the

room just

one I want to show you guys a video from

someone who can

relate pack I’m currently on towards

discovering myself and my

purpose so for the last month or so God

has had me on a two word basis and those

two words are trust me every single time

I ask a question I hear trust me and

honestly I am grateful that the Lord

finds it within himself to just continue

repeating himself over and over again

and not ghosting me cuz I would ghost me

at this point because I just keep asking

and he keeps saying trust

me I had found

that I had become dependent on God in a

way that almost diminished the fact that

he had placed power within me what I

mean by that is him saying trust me is

not just saying trust me he’s saying

trust me I have placed discernment and

wisdom and intuition within you and when

you feel that move I have given you

Dominion I have given you the

wherewithal to move and so what I am

discovering is a new level of power and

as I walk lock step with God because

he’s saying he is still saying trust me

but it is the belief that I know that as

I move you are with me we are in

alignment we are walking together and

that through me you are going to use me

in all of these spaces and that you are

telling me that I am equipped I know

what to do and in the places that I’m

not equipped your power is made perfect

in my weakness so I don’t even have to

trip when I feel a little weak

because yeah come

on you be the

power and so there’s just a new level

of in my


and the purpose that God has shown

me he just keeps telling me like I’ve

laid out a path specifically for you

like just trust

me and I think what I’m discovering is

who I’m going to need to be in order to

lay hold of

the blessing that’s already mine and

he’s developing me and fortifying me in

such a beautiful way

um yeah that’s where I’m at for



now one of the things I love about her

testimonies that she’s had to recover

from what I think many of us have had to

recover from and that is not trusting

ourselves as much as God trusts us

I don’t know if you’ve ever been like

God are you

sure part of the reason why I love the

text that really lays the foundation for

being on the front lines is that it

showed me so much about how God allows

women to be on the front lines of what

he’s doing in the earth while also

taking in consideration where they are

placed in the earth I can go back to my

text first of all I want to say this if

you feel anything like the way that

woman felt I want you to know that it is

not uncommon for the

vulnerability required to allow your

transformation to live outside of you it


excruciating to Bear

yourself that

naked to be seen to reintroduce yourself

into circles and situations where they

were used to a certain version of who


are man I guys I have a book coming out

it’s called power

moves ignite your confidence and become

a Force and the reason I wrote the book

is because I realized that so many women

have done a lot of work like we do the

courses we ride the books uh read the

books write the Books don’t release them

but we do write them we have the podcast

like we fill ourselves with all this

information but when it’s time to

actually come out we don’t do it because

we are afraid of how us stepping into

our power will disrupt our comfort

zones we’re afraid that if I actually

walk in this power that I may lose some

friends or that people are not going to

understand me and it’s one thing to be

like I’ll do it by myself I don’t need

nobody but like let’s be

honest I don’t even know who this is

that I am

yet and it is very rest restricting for

us to have all of this power inside of

us but for it to have no place to

go what I love about this text is that

it revealed to us that this woman JL she

was prepared for the moment when the

front lines would come her

way oh she wasn’t out like GI Jane in

the middle of the battle with all of the

other men this battle came right to her


it still required her to move out of her

comfort zone and that she was going to

have to perform a task that quite

literally only she could perform but God

was intuitive enough about who she was

to understand that I have to position

her in such a way that she can stretch

herself without breaking

herself I think many times we don’t move

or allow the power to move through us

because we are afraid that it will be

such a drastic change from where we are

right now and because we don’t want to

flip the script that rapidly we stay

within not recognizing that it will be a

becoming powerful in God it won’t be

drastic overnight and so God allows her

opponent he allows the sah to quite

literally meet her in her tent in her

domain where she understands the

landscape where she understands the

weapons that are available to her he

knew what was available to her and fixed

the battle in such a way that she could

experience Victory and vulnerability all

at the same time sometimes we only

picture ourselves with the vulnerability

not recognizing that with the

vulnerability comes Victory we overcome

by the by the blood of the lamb and the

word of Our Testimony that means that I

am going to overcome but it is going to

require some vulnerability and if I

can’t get comfortable with vulnerability

then I can never really taste victory

because Victory requires


this woman gets on the front lines and

she allows this enemy into her camp with

the intent of making sure that he didn’t

get up

again God told me that for those of you

who are in a position where you are

wondering what am I going to do with all

of this Vision all of this power all of

this Insight all of this anointing that

you have awakened me to what am I going

to do with it God told me the only thing

you need to do is not miss the moment

when the battle comes to your

doorstep that you have to be sensitive

enough to understand when I allow

opportunities situations to come to

where you are that you have to strike on

who you are becoming in that moment I

wish I could say it better the only way

that I can really explain it is that

sometimes we have these moments where

we’re praying praying that God would

give us an opportunity and then when the

opportunity comes we think that there’s

someone else more qualified to actually

do it this woman JL could have let him

sleep in the tent and then went and got

a soldier or a commander and say hey

here he is can someone else come and

take care of him but she was sensitive

enough to understand that there was

something about what was standing in

front of her and what God had placed

inside of her that needed to connect and

it was on her to step fully in that

moment God told me to tell a woman in

this room that you got to know when the

battle is yours for the taking you got

to know when I’m giving you an

opportunity to step into all that I have

deposited on the inside of you you’ve

heard the words you’ve heard the

speeches now I hear God saying that it’s

striking time and if you insist on

someone else more qualified striking

because it’s going to be your first time

then you’re never going to get started

but you’re going to have to risk things

getting bloody you’re going to have to

risk them being m see you’re going to

have to risk getting it right or getting

it wrong but if you don’t take a chance

you’re never going to see the plan the

role that you play in God’s

plan you got to be willing to get on the



recognizing that you will have

everything you need Within

Reach God brought the battle to her she

used a tent Peg she didn’t have the same

tools that the other soldiers had she

didn’t have have the same training that

the other soldiers had but what she did

have was Within Reach that only she

could grab and whereas someone else may

have looked at it and said that’s only

good for aent she look oh I don’t know

who you are but you’ve got something in

your hand that doesn’t make sense to

anybody else but you you see it as a

weapon and nobody else understands that

you have a weapon in your hand I hear

God saying don’t drop the weapon if I

told you that that is what I’m going to

use to to help you stop the plan of the

enemy that’s running rampant in your

family don’t you drop the weapon I hear

God saying it is not just a degree I

hear God saying it is not just a weapon

I hear God saying that it is not just a

book I hear God saying that is not just

another witty idea that is a weapon in

your hand and you may be the only person

who sees it as a weapon God says that’s

the only thing that matters because when

the battle comes to your doorstep you’re

going to have to use that thing that I

gave you maybe it is just preaching

maybe it is just singing maybe it is

just writing but on the outside looking

in you may not see what it is but God

told me this thing is a weapon and I’m

just waiting for the opportunity where I

can strike in the area that God has

allowed to come to my doorstep I don’t

know who you are but I hear God saying

knock knock it’s getting ready to come

in your direction knock knock the battle

is got your name on it knock knock I’m

about to give you an opportunity to

strike so I want to prophesy in this

room right now that when the door knocks

you’ll have an ear to hear it when the

door knocks you’ll have an eye to see it

I pray right now in the name of Jesus

that you would begin taking inventory

over what God has given you I hear God

saying that you got more to work with

than you think I hear God saying stop

looking at the other tools start looking

at what’s in your tent start looking at

what’s in your domain I got more than up

to help you overcome the enemy that has

come your way I hear God saying if you

use it I’ll send my power to back it up

there is no way that the woman should

have known exactly where to strike but

the moment she reached for it God gave

her Insight on what to

do with what God has given

her it’s in your tent it’s already

sitting in the house it’s already in the

Friendship Circle it’s already running

around in your mind God gave you a

vision for generational wealth and it

doesn’t even make any sense but God says

it’s already in your tent I wouldn’t

give you the vision if I wasn’t going to

let it run up you I hear God saying

knock knock I’m on my way I hear God

saying knock knock Get Ready Get Ready

Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready

Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get ready

you better start sharpening your tools



don’t miss the moment don’t miss the

moment keep your eyes open it’s coming

keep your ears open is coming don’t miss

the moment I hear God saying there’s an

enemy with your name on

it don’t miss it don’t miss it don’t

miss it don’t miss the moment you got

everything you


need don’t miss the moment that devil

has your name on it don’t miss the

moment that generational curse has your

name on it that means you’re the only

one who can take it


down so you got to know what you’re


with and you got to trust what you’re


with and it doesn’t have to look like

what everyone else

has you don’t need anything

else not another

lecture not another sharing the idea and

telling you how good it is over you

already know you got

something you just got cold

feet and it’s

okay cuz a lot of

us know what it’s like to have cof

feet to be afraid that if I started I

can’t sustain

it to be afraid that if I shake things

up that I’ll be so long lonely I go

running back to be afraid of failure a

lot of us understand

this but you don’t get the strength to


it until you actually

activate in scripture where it says that

the Lord will order our

steps some of us are like we need Map

Quest like I need to like thank you

appreciate you but I’m more of a like

give me the whole

picture and God’s more of a like a order

them when you take

them but you got to give

yourself no other option but

yes last point we got two minutes y’all

can stand I’m going to

close power moves take your time come

on Power Moves In

You then power’s got to move through

you then you get to this space where you

recognize that power is also moving for


okay the last part of this


Barack finally catches up and he’s

looking for the man that

escaped he’s looking for the man and he

comes to jl’s

tent and gets to jl’s 10 and he says I’m

looking for a man and she’s like come

I’m going to show him to you not

recognizing that what she’s going to


him is a job that’s already been taken




sometimes I find myself feeling like

Barack in these

moments feeling like I’m catching up to

an enemy That Got

Away that I’m still tracking down this

same old issue same old

concern and then God shows me that that

thing you were worried

about I already took care of

it if you’ve ever wondered if someone

would understand you if you’ve ever

wondered if you’d move to the city and

find connection if you’ve ever wondered

about something and finally got to it

and God was like I already took care of

that for

you then you know what it’s like when

power moves for

you what I love about the last part of

this text though is that it happened in

the context of

partnership he had an unsuspecting

partner and a woman named

JL before we go tonight I want to take a

minute and allow you to have an

unsuspecting partner and the person

sitting besides

you I want you to grab that woman like

we did

earlier every

time I want

you to share with this

woman an area in your

life and your heart and your

soul where you need

God to partner with

you where you need God’s power to move

for you I just want you to take a minute

and just unpack that to the extent that

you’re comfortable it could be broad

Strokes in my

healing in my relationships in my

finances you don’t have to get super

detailed but what is an area in your

life where you need God’s power to work


you take your minute

if you’re watching online I want you to

type it in the

chat I want you to the type in area in


life where you need God’s power to work


you is it in your body is it in your

marriage is it in your


creativity type it

out when that woman gets finished

sharing with you I want you to hug on

her love on that woman squeeze on

her you’re watching online you see

another woman’s need I just want you to

say I see you I see you I see

you I see


what I love about this

text is that Barack had to be willing to

look in unexpected

places Barack had to be willing to look

in the tent of a

woman to find that it had already been

taken care

of you may have to look for the answer

to your

prayer in unexpected places

so Spirit of the Living God I pray right

now that every woman in this room in

need of a touch from God that only God

can give and need of breakthrough from

God that only God can do that you would

help her to start opening her eyes to

look in unexpected places I thank you

God that the spirit of Prophecy is in

this room and that you are going to

begin prophesying to this woman the

areas where she needs to look I hear the

Holy Spirit saying look again I hear God

saying that I’m already moving you just

can’t see it I hear God saying that when

you finally start searching me with your

whole heart that you will see that I’ve

already gone ahead of you and so God I

thank you that you are giving this woman

the ability to shift her Focus no longer

will she look for all of the things that

could go wrong she’s going to start

looking for the ways that you were

showing up cuz she understand if you’re

showing up in one area then you’ll show

up in all of the areas I thank you God

for the woman she’s touching that that

woman she’s touching has breakthrough on

the way I thank you God that the woman

she’s touching hasn’t seen her best days

yet I thank you God that the woman she’s

touching is going to have an encounter

with joy that gives her her hope back

that gives her her peace back I thank

you God that the woman that she’s

touching is going to get on the front

lines and when she gets on the front

lines she’s going to recognize that

she’s got backup that all of Heaven’s

resources are backing her up I thank you

God that she’s not alone I thank you God

that I’ve never seen the righteous

forsaken nor their seed begging for

bread I thank you God that you take her

seriously and that no weapon formed

against her has prospered I thank you

God that she’s still here I thank you

God that she’s still breathing I B the

blood of Jesus over this woman I

dispatch Angels over her Dwelling Place

I dispatch Angels over her finances she

may be on the front lines but she

doesn’t see the angels that are going

ahead of her I thank you God that every

crooked pad will be made straight I

thank you God that you give her the word

she needs for the meeting you give her

the strength she needs for the building

I thank you God that she’s just getting

started and because she getting started

that I

won’t be on this journey

alone cuz I’m getting started to because

I’m answering the call to because I

heard from you God and because I heard


you my soul says

yes my mind says

yes my feet say

yes Father I thank you for divine


I thank you for ordered

steps I thank you for peace for power


breakthrough and God

selfishly I thank you for woman

evolve I thank you for

connection I thank you for

joy and I thank you for what you’ve

already decided to do in the city of Los

Angeles in Jesus name amen amen amen