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I haven’t been at a 1la in almost a

month or over a month and it’s because I

had to like get the kids all situated in

Denver but when I tell you like I love

this church I mean like I really really

I love this church I love what God is

doing in this church I loved it that

people just come in here exactly how

they are and they receive people exactly

how they’re you all don’t know how

blessed we are to have the potter’s

house at one la that there is a place in

the earth when people are giving up on

church and Millennials don’t believe in

God that we gather into this room

literally thousands strong to hear from

God and so it’s just so good to be back

into to being this new dimension of what

God is doing through our church even

though I had to be apart for a little

bit while I got the kids settled which

has been an adventure as um PT has

shared there was a bear in the yard in

Denver which is just not normal you know

like there’s a bear I’m like what do you

mean by bear like like trying to find

schools and things it’s all been a

struggle and I promised myself that I

would be the kind of mom that didn’t

like make my kids feel like because they

don’t pay bills that they can’t say that

their life is hard because I don’t know

about your parents but my parents like

if you came home and said like I had a

hard day at school they would be like Oh

at school are they making y’all pay

bills at school now oh I’m sorry you

have deadlines oh I’m sorry you have to

figure out what X he is and so I

promised myself that I wasn’t going to

be that kind of parent because I just

know how hard school is you know and

there’s peer pressure and

and you have different teachers and

different personalities and it can

really be a struggle so I really wanted

the kids to get settled and so we were

working on that and of course they came

home one day and had a hard day and my

daughter Mackenzie which were all in

prayer for everyone who’s heard me talk

about her we all stretched forth our

hands whenever her name comes up I won’t

even get started but anyways the teacher

emailed me and says Kenzie’s talking in

school and you know we just want to know

if there are any techniques that you

have at home to keep her from talking

and and my mother was like well she’s a

socialite and when she says something

like she’s not a socialite she’s eight

and she’s disobedient and but I know

what it’s like to talk in school all the

time because I can remember having like

a confidential conversation with one of

my friends in class and the teacher

busting us in like is there something

you want to share with the entire

classroom no I want to share it with my

friend and privacy like I was already

doing and then there was this riddle

there was this riddle that this one

teacher used to sing whenever people

were like passing notes and she said

secret secrets are no fun secrets are

for everyone which is not true and I

didn’t realize it in the moment but I

understand now that what she was trying

to teach us is that secrets have an

expiration date yeah like I did that

I’ve been studying cuz I ain’t been here

son I know people reclaiming they time

the LK Bishop it’s time I’ll get up and

eat what is a girl to do out here

let’s loot that in their secrets seekers

have an expiration date the moment it

escapes your lips and is in someone

else’s hands more than likely it’s going

to be released in a circle that you

would rather and not be my topic for

today is secrets I want to talk about

secrets when we talk about secrets

having an expiration date we have to

recognize that it is a billion-dollar

industry to reveal other people’s

secrets billion dollars nothing is

really a secret anymore and while people

have millions of followers to to track

other people’s secrets and to see what’s

going on in other people’s personal

lives I can’t help but wonder how much

more productive we would be if we dare

to confront our own secrets because we

can be so consumed with someone else’s

secrets that we never take time to take

inventory of our own when’s the last

time you confronted your secrets or have

you become so comfortable living your

life separated from whoever it was who

did that thing that you never really

deal with what caused you to be in that

situation in the first place

we’ve all got secrets some are big

secrets some are little secrets some are

family secrets but yet they are still

secrets and even more curious than what

we could do with our own secrets I also

wonder what we would do if we ever

started to search out heaven secrets

about us did you know that heaven has a

secret about you I didn’t know either

I was 14 years old and I was pregnant

and I was wondering how I was ever going


get to the other side if I would ever

really know God and all while I was

wandering heaven had a secret Oh while I

was crying all while I was broken heaven

had a secret I wonder what heaven knows

about you right now that you don’t know

I wonder what heaven knows about your

circumstance what heaven knows about

your finances what heaven knows about

your broken heart I wonder what heaven

knows about you did you know that heaven

has secrets I hear angels whispering

that they’re gonna come out on the other

side I hear angels saying if you just

hold on a little bit longer you’re gonna

see why I chose you to go through what

you’re going through heaven has a secret

about you and the thing about heaven

secrets is that they are only revealed

to those who seek them so I’m sorry to

disappoint you if you thought that one

day it was just gonna appear and you

would know exactly why you were hurting

and you would know exactly why your

father wasn’t in your life I wish I

could tell you that one day it was all

going to make sense but it’s only gonna

make sense if you search for it

heaven what are you saying about my

circumstance we always talk about not

knowing how to pray and I don’t feel

comfortable but what if you started

asking Heaven Who am I what is the

secret that you know about my mother

that makes it hard for me to connect

with her what is the secret that you

know about this career that that I don’t

get what is this secret that you know

about the industry because if you ever

start asking heaven what’s the secret

about my life you’ll see radical shifts

take place I want to talk about secrets

I want to introduce you to Daniel Daniel

he’s not a foreign character in the

Bible but what I love about Daniel is

that he was picked out of Israel and

chosen to live in the king’s house and

what he knows that many people in this

room know is that being chosen

at a cost nobody fully recognizes that

because they’re so jealous that they

weren’t the one chosen that they don’t

realize it sometimes being chosen is

more painful than just being regular

because there’s a responsibility that

comes with being chosen there’s a weight

that comes with being different that not

many people understand chosen people

have secrets that is harder than I

thought it would be that that I’m really

not sure if I have what it takes I’m not

sure if I’m talented enough chosen

people have dangerous secrets that there

are opportunities to settle in and to

sleep with people and to have drugs

there there are all kinds of secrets can

I be real with y’all tonight I didn’t

come to play there are all kinds of

secrets and while everyone else is

jealous that you’re in the palace or

that you’re in Hollywood or that you’re

in the relationship but they don’t know

the other side of it but sometimes you

cry yourself to sleep at night that yeah

I may have had both parents in my house

but it didn’t mean that I actually saw a

good example of love because they don’t

really get along

we all have secrets and all of us are

chosen in some capacity some of us are

chosen because we actually took a leap

of faith in and live lives with that

other people don’t have the opportunity

to live and others of us are chosen to

suffer were chosen to to maintain a

certain environment within our homes

were all chosen but there is a secret

behind why we are chosen and I want to

examine Daniels life to help you with

your secrets so when we find Daniel in

the text he’s in a peculiar situation

because he’s chosen to live in the Kings

past in the king’s castle and he’s

living there and he’s doing the best

that he can and he’s made a decision

that even though he was in the

king’s castle he wasn’t going to eat the

King’s food that’s important because

some of you are going to be called into

certain rooms where they try to feed you

certain ideas and in certain mentalities

and you’re going to have to make a

decision on whether or not you can

maintain the diet that got you in the

room when you actually get in the room

yeah we were fasting and praying before

we got the audition but then we got the

audition and all of a sudden we wanted

to be like the Kings so we started

eating the King’s food and now we don’t

understand why our careers aren’t

progressing he said I recognize that I’m

in the next level but I also recognize

what got me to this level so I’m not

going to eat the King’s food but he knew

how to be different without being

difficult that’s a word for somebody

because so often we think that being

different gives us the right to be rude

and arrogant not recognizing that what

really makes you different is when you

can present you’re different with the

level of humility that makes other

people curious about how they can tap

into they’re different but some of us

are so desperate for a platform that we

create a stage when we’re still on the

floor asking other people to worship who

we are instead of worship who brought us

into the room but that’s not what I’m

talking about tonight

I want to take you to Daniel two and 14

as I mentioned Daniel’s in a difficult

situation because he’s having to

navigate someone else’s Kingdom while

the kingdom is established within him

and if we do this thing right that’s

exactly what’s going to happen to us

we’re going to have to learn how to

navigate different kingdoms while

keeping the kingdom inside of us and

that thing is hard because everyone has

a kingdom my daughter

Ellis she’s a year and a half and she

has a kingdom in my kingdom she thinks

the world caters to her she cries she

wants someone to come so I’m navigating

her Kingdom the thing that makes

marriage so difficult is that when two

people come together they each have

their own Kingdom and so you’re trying

to navigate other people’s Kingdom what

makes work so hard is that you’re trying

to navigate someone else’s Kingdom I

can’t exactly do things the way that I

want to because it’s not my job it I’m

not calling the shots so I got to

navigate your attitude I got to navigate

the way you want things done I have to

navigate someone else’s Kingdom and that

is exactly what Daniel is doing in the

text and he’s found a way to navigate

someone else’s Kingdom while remaining

authentic to who he is and it’s oh the

most important part of this is the king

has a dream and the king is he’s extra

okay I didn’t study a good word for that

so you just had to take my Ebonics the

king is extra okay so the King had a

dream and he calls all of the wise men

and he says I want someone to interpret

my dream but I’m not going to tell you

what the dream is the dream is a secret

so interpret a dream have you ever had

someone wants you to interpret something

that they weren’t even clear about


it’s like you you pick up the phone

because they want to talk it out and you

go at about 20 minutes into the

conversation you like well what is the

problem because every time I offer up a

solution you reject it so I just what do

you oh you wanna vent I thought you

wanted help you just want to vent he’s

having to interpret a dream that he

doesn’t understand so he calls all of

the wise men in and none of the wise men

can tell him what the dream is and so

the King decides to kill all of the wise

men and that would include Daniel and so

when Daniel catches wind of this

conversation he recognizes that there is

a secret but there’s also a barrier to

him recognizing what the secret is and

while we dissect this story I want you

to consider your own barriers that keep

you from identifying what the secrets

are in your life what are the things

that keep you from confronting your own

issues in your pain and so the scripture

begins it says then with counsel and

wisdom counsel and wisdom counsel and

wisdom counsel you gotta know who your

counsel is and you gotta make sure they

have wisdom because sometimes you have

counsel with people who help you to act

foolish and every now and then when God

is calling you to do something you gotta

get in the right room with the right

kind of people because you have to go up

against systems and structures and you

can’t afford to be no fool you can’t

afford to cuss out your boss and say I’m

leaving when you got bills next week

you’re gonna have to learn how to

navigate this kingdom with some type of

wisdom and so with counsel and wisdom

Daniel answered Arioch the captain of

the Kingsguard

now Daniel and Arioch they have

differences they don’t believe in the

same God yet some kind of way he has

created a relationship with him that

even though they disagree they can still

be connected the captain of the Kings

cart who had gone out to kill the wise

men of Babylon says in verse 15 he

answered and said to Arioch the Kings

captain why is the decree from the King

so urgent why is it that he wants to

kill everyone

and kill everyone now then Arioch made

the decision known to Daniel he told him

about the dream that no one could

interpret it and verse 16 is what I love

this is what makes Daniel just like so

true okay just to do it one time for

Houston he says so Daniel went in so

then you went in and asked the King to

give him time the day the King has

already made a decision that everyone is

to be killed but Daniel had the audacity

to go up against what was already set in

stone and asked for more time some of

you the only thing that’s keeping you

from accessing the next dimension is

that you’re too afraid to ask for more

time you think that because the decision

has already been made that you can’t go

in and change someone’s mind

he made a decision without even seeing

Daniel but there was something about

Daniel that said if you would just give

me a shot sometimes you gotta shoot your

shot sometimes you gotta know that

there’s something about you that’s

different than everyone else I know you

rejected everyone else but there’s

something about me that’s a bit

different if you would just give me some

time give me some time give me some time

to figure out what the dream is give me

some time to figure out how to interpret

it don’t just count me out because of

what happened to everyone else give me

some time and so he goes in and he talks

to the king and asked for him to give

him time that he might tell the

interpretation and then 17 says then

Daniel went to his house and he made the

decision known and these are his friends

that are also Israelites and their names

are Hananiah Mishael and Azariah his

companions and I love this because in

verse 17 if you go back for me

when he made this decision to talk to

his friends he knew exactly who to carry

the information to and I just want to

sit here for a minute because we talk so

much but sometimes we’re talking to the

wrong people

you gotta know

that when God is trying to tell you the

secret that he knows about your life

that you cannot trust that information

with just anybody you need some people

in your circle who when they receive

some information that my friend has a

shot at changing the currents that

changing the tide my friend has a shot

at breaking generational curses I’m not

gonna let them shoot this shot on their

own I’m gonna get in my prayer closet

and I’m gonna start praying for a

breakthrough on their behalf I’m not a

selfish prayer I’m gonna start praying

that God’s hand would be revealed in

their life do you have the kind of

friends that know how to cover you I

don’t mean going out and having a good

time I mean when your back is against

the wall Daniel is facing death Daniel

is trying to survive when you get down

to your last and you are out here trying

to survive can you pick up the phone and

call the kind of people who will go to

war for you who recognize that we

wrestle not against flesh and blood but

if there is something going on with my

friend that there is something going on

in their spirit realm and I can make a

degree from heaven that said something

loose down here on earth I wonder if you

have the kind of people in your life who

recognize that you are in a war Daniel

wasn’t playing any games

Daniel was trying to survive don’t let

the fact that you’re comfortable right

now keep you from progressing in such a

way that you move like you’re still

hungry that you pray like you’re still

hungry that you take each opportunity so

seriously because I’m still hungry I’m

not there yet heaven hasn’t shown me my

full potential and I know it looks like

I’m doing good right now but I serve a

God who can do exceedingly and

abundantly so I got a shoot in my shot

I’m not comfortable right here I need

God to do something in my life I know it

looks good from the outside but I’m not

satisfied until I got empty do I have

any tight empty people in this room

who have decided I don’t care how far I

get until God caps up taking breaths out

of my life

I’m gonna keep pursuing the things in

the heavens because haven’t had this

secret about me heaven has it secret

about my circumstance haven’t had this

secret about my gifts haven’t has it

secret about my talents haven’t had this

secret about you heaven has a secret

about you

angels are whispering your name angels

are whispering your name

you’re not struggling you’re not in


heaven has a secret about the thing

you’re crying about right now it’s not

over this isn’t the end of the road let

me tell you about heaven secrets heaven

secrets will have hate parading on the

television two weeks ago in

Charlottesville and turn around and have

love controlling the news cycle in

Houston people the black heaven has a

secret when everyone else thinks all is

lost in this world is full of hate love

stands up in the middle of struggle

because heaven has a secret heaven has a


heaven has a secret I’m sorry I’m going

to keep saying it until somebody gets

the breakthrough they’ve been looking

for because somebody’s been wondering

what in the world is going on with my

life what in the world am I going to do

and I came here to tell you that heaven

has a secret about you heaven has a

secret about you you’re gonna come out

on the other side

I lost my friends I lost my relationship

I’m down to my last in my finances but

angels are whispering about me heaven

has a secret about this situation I

gotta change my perspective I can’t

afford to be like all the other wise men

who accepted death no I don’t accept

death in this situation I just need a

little bit of time because I know when I

give God a little bit of time that he

shows up and he helps me to recognize

that there was a secret in the works and

all I had to do was search for it

and believe all I had to do was believe

nothing changed my life like believing

that it wasn’t over nothing changed my

depression like believing that the Sun

was gonna come out in the morning

nothing changed my life like believing

that all things work together for God’s

good nothing changed my life like though

he slay me yet shall I trusted him

nothing changed in my life like my faith

is not in seeing in my faith is not in

Donald Trump

I haven’t secret in heaven somewhere and

I cannot be persuaded otherwise heaven

has a secret about me


and I’m not giving up till I find it

and I’m not letting go until I find it

so Daniel and his companions got in the

prayer closet not to ask God to save

their life not to ask God to change

their situation they got in the closet

to figure out what the secret is when is

the last time you just got in your

prayer closet to figure out what the

secret is what’s what’s the secret to

this I’m broken I’m hurt I can’t barely

sleep at night what’s the secret your

word says that all things work together

for the good of those who love the Lord

and are called according to his purpose

I don’t even know what my purpose is but

I believe that there is a secret to why

I’m still here

some of you shouldn’t even be in the

room some of you are the first

generation Christians that your family

has ever seen none of you grew up in

church some of you have a reason for

being in this room and you are so

thankful that you have survived that you

haven’t asked God why why me why me

what’s the secret what can I do on the

earth do you recognize that we are all

here because God has decided to do

something in this earth through you

that’s the secret there’s something that

must take place on the earth and no one

can do it like you do it no one can grab

this microphone and speak the way that I

do I’m sorry there are lots of great

speakers in this world and I’m not

trying to discredit any of them but I

have been laying of my own and that’s

what I call

dude and I know that that’s what he

called me to do because when I’m in that

zone I feel his anointing like never

before have you gotten in the zone have

you found your lane do you know what

your breath is in your lungs

do you know heaven’s secret about you

you know the world’s opinions you know

your family’s expectations but do you

know heaven’s secret about who you are

Daniel didn’t know why he was in the

palace but he had such a connection with

God that he didn’t mind getting in the

prayer closet and saying what’s the

secret what’s the secret what’s the

secret and then it dawned on him later

in the text that that the secret is I

can hear from God and I can see dreams

and I can interpret dreams but he would

have never found that out if he was so

busy trying to fit into the palace that

he didn’t ask God why do you have me

here don’t let the city make you want to

fit in so bad that you miss

opportunities to bring people to Jesus

don’t let the city make you look so good

that you feel so bad on the inside don’t

let the city make you chase after money

so much that you lose your own soul in

the process don’t forget that you are

not here by coincidence that God has you

here for a purpose

he has positioned you in those rooms for

a reason so let your light shine don’t

dim it for other people let your light

shine so brightly that people start

asking what’s your secret how do you

deal with that boss how do you deal with

that director how do you deal with that

heartbreak I got a secret baby girl it’s

done on the inside of me

I don’t live this life on my own desert

strength of working down in me I got a



verse 18 continues and so they go before

God’s throne that they might seek

mercies from the God

have been concerning this secret so that

Daniel and his companions might not

perish with the rest of the wise men of

Babylon but in verse 19 it says then the

secret was revealed to Daniel in a night

vision in a night vision I loved that it

was the night vision because for me it

suggests that the vision was revealed at

a moment when everything was dark at a

moment when it seemed like all hope was

lost at a moment when when Daniel may

have thought you know it maybe I’m

supposed to die maybe this is the end

for me maybe I’m not supposed to be here

maybe my heart is supposed to stay this

way maybe I’m not supposed to be here

and all of a sudden got to reveal

something to him

I dare to suggest that while some of you

came in and are receiving a word from

God for somebody this is the moment and

once God has revealed to them

he’s whispering about you that God has

revealed in this moment that there is a

secret that just when you weren’t about

to give up just when you thought I can’t

even go to church and open my heart up

fully that God saw through all of your

excuses and all of your pains and all of

your doubts and he would write in for

your heart and he said I’ve got a secret

about you that I can still reach you

that you aren’t too for our loss that my

name is still written on your heart I

know that you thought that you had lost

everything in the process that your joy

was never going to return but the fact

that I can still reach you means that I

can still restore you the fact that I

can still touch you means that I can

still add to you it’s not over yet

there’s still hope for you and if you

could just grab a hold of this secret

that exists about you in heaven I

promise that I’m gonna reveal to you

dimensions of who you are that you are

gonna go to the next level and your

identity that you were going to be

confident for real let that fake

confidence where we posts up on social


to make other people feel good you’re

gonna be so confident that you can close

down your social media account and still

look in the mirror and say I’m beautiful

and nobody likes in my picture today I’m

smart and nobody saw my quote today I’m

powerful and I’m an even nobody had to

validate me because I am so sure about

what God said about me that I don’t mind

shaking things up and being who God has

called me to be in certain rooms there

is there is a secret and God wants to

reveal that secret to those whose hearts

are open to receive to those who don’t

mind seeking wisdom and asking for

strategy who aren’t so caught up in

pretending that they have forgotten that

God does the best with us when we are

humbly before him saying God Who am I

and how can you use me and what’s next

and how can this opportunity give you

the glory not me the glory I don’t want

people to leave here talking about me I

want them to leave here talking about

you that’s that’s all that I desired

that I want them to talk about the you

that exists down on the inside of me

some people may not even know that it

was you but I want them to leave so

touched with such an impression that I

know it’s you but they’re become curious

about my secret and so god reveals the

vision to Daniel and

in verse 20 has a prayer if you guys

stand with me as I prepare to close if

you don’t have to leave please don’t

leave because there’s a prayer and if

you’re taking notes I want you to write

it down at least write down where you

can find it and it’s in Daniel 2 verse

20 and as I was reading it I knew it

wasn’t necessarily a part of the message

but I knew that it should be our prayer

in this season when honestly it’s so

easy to let the fact that it’s

night make us lose fact lose sight of

the fact that God still has things to

reveal to us even in our darkest moments

looking at the news and and seeing

what’s happening in this world it’s so

easy to feel like there’s nothing that

can be done in this world is just

turning into something I don’t even

recognize or believe in anymore

that’s what it’s like to be in night

and then even beyond what we see on the

news there are own things happening in

our life transitions taking place then

and change taking place right in front

of us and we wonder like between what’s

happening in the news and what’s

happening to me I don’t even know who I

am anymore but when you don’t know God

knows when you don’t know in your

darkest moment God knows that I’m gonna

use that very thing that you’re hurting

about right now you’re going to be

grateful for it later I’m gonna use that

thing right there and I had to hurt you

a little bit because I was molding you

into something and when I get finished

molding you you’re going to be so

grateful that I stripped that

relationship away from you you’re gonna

be so grateful that you didn’t get the

job you’re gonna be so grateful that you

didn’t move to the city but I had to

break your heart to fix it I had to

break your heart to heal it it wasn’t

evil you didn’t do anything that can’t

be fixed but I needed to teach you a

lesson so that you never go back to

being that person you were before that

season of your life is over

and that’s why it hurts so much you

think you’re hurting about what happened

but you’re actually grieving who you

were because you come out of some

situation then you say I learned

something from that and I’m gonna use

what I learned for the future so I’m

never gonna be that person again some of

you are not grieving another person

you’re grieving who you once were and

will never be again because when God

gets finished with you you’re gonna be

so disconnected from the person who made

those choices that is gonna seem like a

memory when it was just yesterday

because that’s the kind of God we serve

and that’s what he wants to do in your

life I love this prayer says blessed be

the name of God forever

and ever even when it’s raining in


even when racists are together and

Charlotte’s feel I still bless the name

of God even when my finances aren’t

where they’re supposed to be even when I

don’t know who to trust even when I feel

lonely even when I’m depressed I still

bless the name of God for ever and ever

for wisdom and my strength for wisdom

and might are his and he changes the

times and the seasons this is so

important because Daniel thought he was

about to die and then God reveals

something to him that helped him realize

he was going to live and all of a sudden

the season changed all of a sudden the

times changed all of a sudden his energy

change he changes the times in this

season’s I can go from crying into

rejoicing because God can give a word to

me that changes my entire life and

that’s why I bless the name of God

because he holds this world in his hands

and he can change this thing he changes

the times and the seasons he removes

kings and raises up kings that’s why I

don’t have to kiss anybody’s ring

because I recognize that you’re in

position today but

could remove you tomorrow so I’m gonna

bless God and I’m gonna respect you but

I’m not going to submit myself to you

like you are my God because I know who

my God is and I know that if you speak

against me or you speak against what

he’s doing that just as soon as you got

there he will remove you he removes

kings and raises up kings he gives

wisdom to the wise I never saw wise that

I still can’t receive from him and he

gives knowledge to those who have

understanding I don’t just receive his

knowledge I take a minute to process it

to understand it in verse 22 continues

it says he reveals deep and secret he

reveals deep and secret things he

reveals the generational restrictions

that are on you he reveals deep and

secret things he’ll show you why you

have to forgive someone because they’re

more broken than you are because they’re

more hurting than you are that’s the

kind of thing he reveals to you you see

you can get what some people who guess

you up and make you feel like you can

stay mad but if you get in the presence

of the Lord he will start showing you

things about people that you didn’t even

realize he reveals those things to you

deep in secret things you’ll start

having eyes like God to see things and

to recognize

that other people are hurting and broken

too he knows what is in the darkness and

light dwells with him if I can just get

with Jesus I can find my light it may be

dark right now I may be hurting right

now but if I can just get with Jesus

somebody just saw a little light even in

the hours that we’ve been in this room

somebody just retired a reminder that if

I can just get with Jesus that I

couldn’t see light again the moment I

came in the room and felt worship the

depression and stress that I was feeling

over Houston began to lift up off of me

because I got closer to Jesus and I

started feeling more empowered to help

and not just weep but to really change

the tide and that’s what he does when we

get with him because the light dwells

with him and verse 23 continues it says

I thank you and I praise you I thank you

and I praise you O God of my father’s

because you have given me wisdom and

might and have now made known to me what

we asked of you you told you gave me

what I asked for for you have made known

to us the Kings demand some buddies and

then somebody in this room has been

struggling with the Kings demand because

you’re living in other people’s Kingdom

and and you feel yourself getting weak

sometimes and you feel like I don’t

fully understand how to navigate this

thing but God has given Daniel divine

insight in this text on how to navigate

other people’s Kingdom but it was a

secret that was hidden in him and if you

are ready to really have that level of

access to have that level of wisdom to

have that level of knowledge I want you

to meet us at this altar because we are

not in a season of playing games and we

are not in this season

placating people we are in a season

where we must hear from God because

there are things going on in our

government and in our homes and in our

heart and in our industry and if we

don’t have wisdom from God we’re going

to end up falling into systems that

weren’t meant to handle our anointing

but if we can ever get with the source

this source will show us how to be in

the world but not of the world how to be

in the world but not of the word how to

be in the room and not take the drugs

how to be in the room and turn away from

this ex how to be I want to keep it real

with you because you’re navigating other

people’s Kingdom and if you don’t have

intentionality about your life you’re

gonna fall into someone else’s plan for

your life there are people right now

planning and plotting on what to do with

the minds of people who have no strategy

for their life how can we keep them

distracted on social media how can we

keep them on YouTube so that they never

get off we’ll make the videos roll in

one after another because if I can show

you what to do with your mind then you

will never be away into what God is

doing but I happen to believe that there

are a generation of believers who have

decided that we don’t have time for

distractions that we need to be so

submitted to what God is doing in this

season that we come with up with

strategies on how to rebuild Houston

that we come up with strategies on how


our nation that we’re not waiting on a

president because we recognize we can be

the change heaven has a secret he has a

secret about your life he has a secret

about your pain he has a secret about

your heartbreak he has a secret about

your disappointments he has a secret

about your depression the kind of secret

that will make you rejoice when it’s all

said and done but we don’t get it

because we just wait for it we have to

press like Daniel we have to ask people

to join us in prayers we figure out what

our next move in is isn’t and what God

is going to do in our life we got to be

willing to search for the deep things of

the Lord because he will reveal them to

you baby this is such a moment of

purpose and all I keep hearing is you

know how the Bible talks about the sons

of Issachar zoness of the times and the

seasons and what is raw to do there is a

sound in the spirit right now that we

are probably trying to wrap our mind

around still it’s a very highly charged

sound and it’s the sound that calls for

the secret that’s on the inside of you

it’s a time of great purpose I believe

that first of all we thank God for the

secret that’s living inside of this

woman of God Jesus

and I believe that that one of the

things that I want you to hear loud and

clear because this isn’t gonna be vital

to you coming into alignment with the

sound that God is inviting you to its

time in the secret place the secret

place is calling you right now deep is

calling you time and the presence of God

is calling you right now it is beckoning

you it is saying get over here get in

here do whatever you have to do shut

this down shut that down say no to this

closes door open this door and come near

and sit with me that’s the moment we’re

in purposes the text talked about

seasons changing and you’re gonna go

from obscurity to clarity just like that

obscurity that that debilitated you I

couldn’t see because because purpose

people can only move with vision we can

only move with vision so when we don’t

have clear vision when our vision all of

a sudden gets a little dark we stop

moving we get stagnant and what’s gonna

happen in the secret place is clarity is

gonna come back to you you’re gonna be

able to write the vision plainly right

now it’s dark but you’re gonna see a

plane and then you’re gonna be able to

run because you can now read it and

there is a new strength and vitality

that’s gonna come to you with power and

effectiveness that is relevant to the

things that are happening in this world


now but the key more than anything else

is drawing near to him so that’s what I

want to pray into right now father I

thank you so much for your beautiful and

blessed sons and daughters that are

under the sound of our voice right now

in this house those watching via

livestream and those watching or even

listening to the podcast you are doing

something now is a time of purpose your

word says in Romans chapter 8 that the

earnest expectation of the creation is

eagerly awaiting for the revealing of

the children of God the revealing of the

secret of them right now the earth is

groaning literally the sea is groaning

the sky is groaning the earth is shaking

all over this world it is groaning it is


for us to become the secret version of

us that heaven knows hallelujah

it’s groaning for and that groaning is

described as birth pains we’re pregnant

we’re getting ready to come forth the

time is now and father I thank you that

the last push is to push against

everything that keeps us from your

presence and so father I pray right now

for all who are under the sound of my

voice that you would subtract from them

everything that is a distraction I pray

right now every sin every weight which

would so easily beset them we draw a

line in the sand right now I plead the

blood of Jesus over these your sons and

daughters that it would be would begin

to repel and expel and dispel everything

from their life that would keep them

from purpose and destiny and father

conversely I pray that the revealing of

them would begin to attract everything

that is aligned with their purpose

everything that is aligned with their

identity everything that is aligned with

their destiny god I thank you we call it

in right now we call in truth right now

we call in healing and deliverance and

breakthrough we call it in right now

true relationships true friendships true

mentorships true mentees we call them in

true wisdom true counsel that is aligned

with a secret Alleluia let it happen in

this house let it happen in their hearts

let it happen in their minds let it

happen in their homes let it happened in

their careers let it happen in their

businesses let it happen in their

families that it happened in their

marriages let it happen alignments

alignment alignment with what heaven

knew and father we know that the only

way to get there is through sacrifice

and that’s why we’re here at this

alternative we’re here at this altar

saying not my will but your will because

I can’t have destiny both ways and so we

lay down our dream Oh hallelujah we lay

down our agenda we lay down what we

thought and we say God I’m clay

you’re the Potter shape me and mold me

so that the secret that was in your mind

when you made me can be manifest in the

earth by the shaping of your hands have

your way in us in Jesus name Amen amen


come on just take a little moment and

just worship and praise God say say God

I’m yours yours is the kingdom yours is

the glory yours is the power and my life

is yours

hallelujah let it be let it be

established we seal this in the mighty

name of Jesus may the Lord bless and

keep you may he make his face to shine

upon you and be gracious to start you

may he lift up his countenance over you

and grant you shallow Shalom in Jesus

