In this episode, John and Lisa discuss how to healthily navigate conflict with your spouse, family, and loved ones. In this time when so many are in close proximity with those they love, it’s only natural that conflicts bubble to the surface. Tune in to discover how to fight for your relationships when this happens, rather than fight the ones you love.
hey everyone welcome to today’s episode
of conversations with John and Lisa and
it’s just so great to be here with you
babe just a reminder for you guys we are
doing these podcasts on YouTube so you
can go to either John Bevere or Lisa
Bevere on YouTube and watch us I’ve got
a bright yellow shirt today so you might
need sunglasses anyway conversations is
part of an overall Network Lisa and
we’ve got the messenger podcast let’s
talk about it with sons and daughters
and we’re introducing a new one very
very soon that I’m very excited about
and today babe I just I’m really rushing
through the plumes because I want to get
to our conversation today we’re gonna
talk about how to healthily navigate
conflict with people that are close to
us in our lives
yes this has been a lot of practice on
that cough laughing okay so we have had
a lot of practice with that navigating
conflict in close proximity but a lot of
people haven’t had a lot of practice
with that and they are getting a crash
course they’re fast tracking close
proximity conflict and so we wanted to
actually talk about some of these
dynamics things that you and I have
learned the hard way we’re both Italians
and so no no no you’re Sicilian I’m
Italian Wow see this is you just make a
statement and already there’s like a
we’re gonna illustrate right yeah yeah
we are but we’ve had a lot of practice
of it our family does not like things
unresolved we are not afraid to directly
confront some stuff but but we’re
finding out there’s some people that
have been able to successfully avoid
conflict until they found themselves in
forest quarantine with family members so
we felt like it was important that we
give them some tools to be able to
navigate some of this Romans 12 verse 17
or 18 in the ESV
that is my choice of versions of the
Bible John likes the NLT it says repay
no one evil for evil but give thought to
do what is honorable in the sight of all
if possible so far as it depends on you
live peaceably with all you know John
there’s definitely been some times in
the middle of a conversation where if if
it depends on us we can make a choice to
either see it continue to go up up up
and escalate until it’s something out of
control or one of us can say man I’m
gonna I’m going to pull away and I’m
going to do something that is gonna stop
this from escalating like for example
not gonna lie there’s been times that
we’ve been in arguments well I didn’t
want to say something mean I wanted to
do something mean I wanted to want to
smack you but when I looked in the Holy
Spirit would say nope nope get up and go
hug him don’t throw something don’t hit
go hug him and immediately I watch
you’ve always been so gracious
everything just turned well you know I
agree but I want to take it back in the
father where you where you started this
whole conversation yeah so when we were
first married Lisa something happened
that left a longtime impression on both
of us there was another couple that we
thought were just how perfect how can
two people be so in love and so perfect
in treating each other so well they were
even intercessors they were intercessors
very involved in our group and we would
just feel like failures around him and I
remember after three years they went
through a very bitter divorce and what
happened was Lisa they they suppressed
all their feelings and this is what
people will do especially when you’re
working in separate jobs or the wife
stays home and the husband goes out
you can get one of those right you can
get through those couple hours at night
you get up usually early enough to where
you don’t see each other
so you just suppress but what happens
now when kovat 19 hits you’re now all of
a sudden together 24/7 and you and I and
and and I’m not this is said with the
utmost of humility you and I have had
probably the most delightful two months
being locked in together the reason is
we worked a lot together before this two
months and we had some real challenges
to where we even had to bring a third
party in a marriage counselor named chip
Judd who does one of our relationship
courses amazing he’s all he’s amazing
our board saw that we were we were not
getting along well and our board said
John and Lisa you need to talk to chip
and chip literally I mean our last I
would say our last three years have been
the most amazing and I wish we would
have met chip about 20 years ago but
chip started pointing things out and
both of us and we were just so strong
headed and bullheaded we refused to see
what the other person was really saying
we were feeling attacked and we might
have been attacked I mean we learned
early on you don’t attack the person’s
character you attack the problem but
still the way we attack the problem we
felt that was attacking the person yes
and you know chip really helps to
slapping helped us see that and and so I
want to bring these tools in there’s no
way we can do all of it because it took
two days but as think about what you
just read in as much well anyway though
that that couple ended up in the divorce
and you and I realized right now it
wasn’t healthy to suppress well and we
also got afraid we’re like wait a minute
if the intercessors shirts are getting
is there even hope for us well it
terrified us yeah and I think we
realized right then it wasn’t good to
just suppress things that really things
needed to be addressed but then what
happened was we started to attack each
and and let me give it an exam that
people understand it if you were doing
something that I thought was foolish the
stupid John would say you’re being a
fool well that right there is attacking
your character instead of me saying Lisa
I don’t think that was very wise
behavior now that I’m saying the same
thing but I’m not attacking your
character and I think that’s what
happened when people really get into a
conflict they get into what
psychologists call lizard brain and
that’s when they say just really stupid
things and those are things that really
really damaged long run until the
offense is forgiven the blood of Jesus
cleanses which sometimes takes a while
and get triggered you know some people
might say what you know so it triggers
something in them right where they self
protect and they attack so and this is
what chip helped us with right he helped
us discover where our trigger points
well and we already knew better yeah to
attack one another but what chip did so
well which makes me super excited that
he’s part of messenger courses is he
gave us tools to know how to have
constructive conversations yeah and now
what happened in the last three years is
we now fight for unity so in other words
I don’t want to suppress something but I
also don’t want to attack you and I
don’t want to create a blow-up so I’m
gonna avoid any triggers that I know I’m
gonna avoid anything that might still be
a tender spot for you and I’m going to
think how can I say this where I can
communicate what’s on my heart right now
without hitting a trigger without
attacking your character and these are
really important things to learn and I
just feel like saying this right now a
lot of you are almost feeling
discouraged and you feel like you’re
more distant you could look at it that
way or you could look at it as okay
problems have been exposed let’s solve
them because we are serving a god who
has answers for everything yeah so first
and foremost we want to just encourage
you don’t be afraid of the hard
conversations don’t continue to avoid
them they are not gonna go away they
need to be had and it is better that you
guys fight destructively than you
actually go silent cuz you and I have
actually we actually started to connect
with chip back in 2015 right so it’s
been it’s been a while five years and
and been able to actually get those
tools so don’t be afraid of the hard
conversations and get get yourself
connected with tools so we we’ve
mentioned messenger courses there’s also
amazing people that you can watch on
Instagram you and I love to watch dr.
Henry cloud he’s got these little tiny
but don’t avoid them don’t avoid them
and I think one of the best things Henry
said you and I watched this why we eaten
dinner the other night we watched his
tips and I love the way he put it and
I’m gonna have to say this in a way that
people that just listening can
understand people that are watching
you’ll see this but I’ve got both my
hands up at eye level right now
and dr. cloud said this so well he said
hey look nobody’s perfect we’re gonna
make mistakes so in other words I do
something stupid let’s say in the way
I’m conversing with you or addressing a
problem and I and I’m and I come down to
this level so now my left hand is down
to my chin and my right hand is up to my
eye he said the person who’s up here at
the eye level has a choice I can now
come down to that level and then we’re
going to just keep going step by step to
lower and lower levels to where we’re
now lizard brains and we’re doing
permanent damage or this person that’s
at eye level can say okay I can see that
right now we’ve gone down a level but
I’m not gonna go down there with them
I’m gonna stay up at this level that’s
the stronger Christian okay that’s the
person that’s stronger in their faith
and they stay at that level until this
person all of a sudden sees it and comes
up it may take an hour it may take a day
but if you stay at that level it’s
impossible to keep going down level
after level after level so thank you dr.
cloud for that bit of wisdom because
that’s so scriptural I love that you
said it may take an hour it may take a
day what are we doing right now we’re
saying have the hard conversations but
give yourself a break give yourself a
break sometimes John and I we realize we
need to step away so that we can regain
some perspective some composure here
from the Holy Spirit and then come back
to one another or get some counsel you
know we have amazing friends in our
lives that we can pick up the phone and
say hey have you guys ever navigated
this these are people that are doing
life in a similar pattern where we are
doing which is together close-quarters
having strong personalities both of them
so what we want to do is we want to be
people who don’t avoid the hard
conversations but we also give the mercy
that we want you know I know that I need
a lot of mercies and so I want to sow
mercy and you know I want to say one of
the things you have done so beautifully
is if we’re in this navigating something
and I go here I find it annoying
challenging and inspiring when you’re
like hey you know what that’s that’s
beneath you that’s beneath you what what
happens when John says that to me like
Lisa that bet
I’m sorry that doesn’t sound like that
doesn’t sound like you that doesn’t
sound like a woman who’s walked with God
for you know 30 some years that sounds
like a silly person right now what that
does is it says my husband sees me up
here and I’m acting less than but you
did the same for me and you do the same
for me very very well and if we do that
for each other you know when you think
about the scripture Lisa in in
ecclesiastical where talks about – being
better than one because why if one if
one falls down the other can pick him up
so your job even though you feel
personally attacked by your spouse
you’re not your spouse is frustrated
your spouse doesn’t like circumstances
maybe your spouse is just fed up with
being home for two months and maybe your
wife never thought she’d be
homeschooling your children yep yep
good and so what happens is because your
spouse is themself with you and
expressing their real frustration means
that they feel safe with you so in other
words think about it if it was the
next-door neighbor your spouse is gonna
ask act like the next-door neighbor
because she doesn’t feel safe or he
doesn’t feel safe with the next-door
neighbor but he feels safe or she feels
safe with you and let’s let’s remember
that let’s keep that in mind and give
each other that leeway to be able to get
frustrated but have somebody whose gun
is remained at that higher level and
pick them out of that frustration and so
I think if if you just take these simple
tools and you begin to work on this
right now I think you’ll see a dramatic
change yeah
and when our husbands hurt us and when
our friends hurt us and when our
children hurt us and when our wives hurt
us when people that we want to build
with feel like they have torn our world
apart you need to take it to the one who
has the power to heal you you know John
is an amazing companion he is an iron
that sharpens iron in my life but he is
not my healer and he is not my answer
and so when I hurt there’s only so much
John can do and a lot of times I’ve got
to go to God and say what is what is
really going on and I’m thinking
immediately of a situation in our
marriage where it was very early on
where I was in a pattern of
self-protecting by it wasn’t obvious
I just didn’t fully connect myself
protected because I didn’t fully connect
and I remember you saying to me Lisa I
feel like you’re always the first to
push away I feel like you’re always the
first to stop start patting me when I
was hugging you right yes yes I was like
okay we’re done we’re done we’re done
we’re done now this is enough and a part
of that was I was mom of young kids and
I was like I I just don’t got any more
to give but it also was a
self-protecting it and you said to me
you said Lisa I’m not your dad I’m not
gonna leave you I’m not going
to abandon you and and I don’t think I
even realized that I had gotten into a
pattern responding to you thinking that
all men leave all men disappoint all men
cheat and so I looked at you and I said
well I’m gay I know that but it actually
took me taking this to God and saying
it’s not just a conversation between
John and I God you’re my healer in this
situation tell me what is going on
because you can go to the best
counselors and we think it’s great tell
you for you to have therapists and
counselors but at the end of the day you
can identify the problem you still have
to bring it to the healer you still have
to bring it to the one who is the answer
you still have to bring it to the cross
yes and see it through God’s mercy you
know I made a statement to you and I
remember I was early 40s you were late
30s and I said to you and I want the
people to hear this I said look I’m not
gonna leave you is it gonna is it gonna
take till we’re seventy years old for
you to realize I’m not going to do what
your dad did and which is just did which
was then yeah 30 years away and and I
said we can do that and I’ll stay with
you til were 70 but we’re gonna miss a
lot of fun and I want to say that to you
all of you that are listening
don’t miss the fun you can have now in
this season because of the fears of
something that’s never gonna happen in
your relationships okay so if it happens
you know what you have Jesus and Jesus
is better than anyone and he is the one
that can heal any broken heart but you
know I never forget reading something in
a book one day where it said if you
truly truly love that means you take the
risk of being hurt when you think about
it God just loved Adam and Eve so much
Lisa but he took the risk he knew what
they would do he even knew they would do
but he still said I’m going to choose to
love you and if you think about with all
of us he knows we’re gonna make mistakes
he knows the end from the beginning but
he still chooses to love us so if you
take that approach with your spouse I’ll
tell you
conflicts will be resolved and you’ll
have a whole lot more fun which you
should well I just want to say everyone
thanks for tuning in and remember to
review and also subscribe to the podcast
it really helps get the message out
further if it’s helping you you want to
see it help others I want to read what
Dani said she wrote a review she said
John and Lisa thank you so much for your
honesty humor that’s mostly on Lisa’s
part humility passion and love I have
been devouring your podcasts listening
to you guys has been such a healing
learning and uplifting experience and my
spirit resonates with the way you love
and express and teach the Word of God
Danny that means so much to us I want to
say this to all of you and I want to say
this from the depths of my heart we have
spent hours and hours and hours
preparing a platform to help disciple
you and help you with some of life’s
tough conflicts that we get into or
challenges that we face and I I just
want to share with all of you the
importance of studying the Word of God
that has systematically put together by
somebody who’s walked through it when
Lisa and I were young couples there were
several ministers that had gone through
some real challenges in life and God
gave them a platform to teach on the
areas that they struggled in the most I
remember Lisa and ice diligently
listening back then it was cassette
tapes to their cassette tape series and
what it did is it kept us from having to
walk through the same challenges that
they did now Lisa and I sense have had
other challenges we’ve had to walk
through and if you look at our messenger
courses you’ll find a lot of them are
these challenges such as having trouble
forgiving people that’s the bait of
Satan raising four men that’s the moms
of men if you look at promiscuity and
the hurt that it brings Lisa experienced
that and we both really did because I
was bound to pornography and I’ve got
the porn free course but we share how
God not only delivered us but brought
healing into our lives so we have all
these courses and you know what’s
amazing you can get these courses for
the contribution that you choose we used
to charge a monthly subscription there’s
over 30 courses so this is not just 30
courses this is 60 combined years of
life hard
crying out to God a ministry that is put
into these over 30 courses and they’re
very simple they’re like 15 minutes each
there’s like 10 per course and what you
can do is subscribe and you choose
whatever you want to give a month
instead of the set fee and that way you
become a part of our team that helps us
get these messages to pastors and
leaders all over the world who can’t
afford anything so if you want to join
this all access platform go to messenger
podcasts dot-com backslash all-access
I’m gonna say that one more time
messenger backslash
all-access or if you want to go even
easier you can go to messenger courses
dot-com but I think you get a you’ll get
there both ways and I just want to
encourage you to do it because I really
believe will build your life we’re
getting so many comments we’ve had
probably around 3,000 people join the
platform in the last month and we are
getting so many comments of people
saying their lives are being totally
revolutionized they are being
transformed their life is just literally
becoming more fruitful so go to it and
sign up today you know and I just want
to add in addition to courses for
parents we actually have 34 episodes for
children so you’re thinking I can’t
watch a course right now well you can
put your kids on a device in one room
and you can go on a device in another
room and that way your family can learn
together so we’re super excited about it
we have things for kids we have things
for youth we have the sons and daughters
they have courses on there we have
things for marriage we have things for
Saints all sorts of exciting things that
go to messenger courses and check it out
until next time this has been
conversations with John and Lisa
thanks for listening to conversations
with John and Lisa let us know your
thoughts by leaving a review and be sure
to subscribe and share these episodes
through iTunes you can also connect with
John and Lisa through Facebook Instagram
and Twitter until next time