Strength is your heritage. In this lesson, I debunk the lies that strong is wrong while giving you permission to live a life of strength. God is strong and He wants you to be strong! Watch my full Strong Course on MessengerX:

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#lisabevere #lisabeverestudy #lisabeverecourse #lisabevere #strong #strongdevotional #lisabeverestrong #christianstudy #strongwomen #strong #proverbs31 #onlinecourses #summerofstrong ______________ Chapters: 0:00 – Lesson Teaser 0:14 – Strong Is Not Wrong 1:07 – Defining Strength 3:07 – The Proverbs 31 Woman 5:16 – Lift People Rather than Hold Them Down 8:48 – Equipped and Empowered ______________ Make a one-time donation to help fund our livestreams, content, events, and more:

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I want you to know you have permission

to be strong as a woman


okay my friends I want to tell you why

strong is not wrong strong is not wrong

now this just came out of my spirit when

I was actually talking to a friend she

had just come from a rather frustrating

conversation where where I think she

kind of was feeling that she was being

told that she was too much that she was

too strong too confident

to to something and I listened to her

and out of my spirit I just blurted out

you know what strong is not wrong strong

is not wrong so let’s talk about this

because I think sometimes as women we

think strong is wrong or our culture

tells us that wrong is strong be angry

be vengeful but we’re not talking about

this we’re just going to talk about how

strong is not wrong I want you to know

you have permission to be strong as a

woman and before even exploring during

this concept further I want to define

the word strong for you so I I looked up

a bunch of different examples synonyms

here they go robust robust is good

sturdy durable solid resilient tough

heavy duty convincing sound clear

persuasive compelling effective

formidable great intense fervent deep

deep-seated that means convictions

Fierce powerful potent passionate Ardent

that’s where I got my son’s name from

muscular powerful dazzling bright

brilliant concentrated and I like this

one highly flavorful highly flavorful

there’s not a bad description in this

list but let’s talk about what is the

opposite of strong the opposite of

strong is weak thank eight fragile dim

insipid and then my favorite indifferent

women who are weak are indifferent women

who are strong they are not just

passionate they make a difference and so

strong is not wrong and how many of

you’ve already realized that this life

puts Demand on us to be strong to have

strength marriage requires strength it

does motherhood requires strength

friendships require strength education

requires strength taking responsibility

and moving beyond blame requires


loving your neighbor

requires strength


let’s talk about that woman that we all

say of course she’s strong she’s got all

this helpers in her house the Proverbs

31 Woman but what it says about her it

says she and I’m just going to read this

proverbs 31 17 she dresses herself with

strength and makes her arms strong

I’m going to read it from the NLT it

says she is energetic and strong a hard

worker and then it goes on to say she

makes sure her dealings are profitable

her lamp Burns laid into the night what

does that mean it doesn’t mean that she

just works out she’s like oh yeah my

arms are cut in photos no she makes

herself strong for a purpose her lamp

Burns late into the night means she gets

it done when it says that she makes her

her dealings are profitable you know

there’s a lot of things that look like

they deserve our attention but a woman

who understands how to make her dealings

profitable knows how to focus on the

right things that will not only give her

strength but strength for her family we

need to make sure that we’re not just

building superficial strength so that we

look good in our clothing we need to

clothe ourselves with strengths and

learn what strength and strong looks

like in our lives progress 31 goes on in

verse 20 to say she extends she extends

a helping hand to the poor and opens her

arms to the needy strong women extend

their life they understand that strength

isn’t just for them and strength isn’t

just for their household they make a

decision that the strength on their life

needs to go out to other people

so that they can lift them as well I

don’t know if you know this but it takes

a whole lot more strength to lift people

than it does to hold them down you know

when John and I were younger and I was

pregnant John and I were so poor that

John only weighed like 138 and I

remember when I was pregnant I would top

out at like 158 160. and I loved it

because I could sit on him and hold him

down but I was never able to lift him

strong women lift other people they

don’t use their strength to straddle

people and hold them down it goes on to

say in verse 25 and 27 she is clothed

with strength and dignity she laughs

without fear at the future wait wait

that means if we have strength and

dignity we are positioned to laugh at

the future when she speaks her words are

wise and she gives instructions with

kindness why because we want to make

sure people can hear what we have to say

she carefully watches everything in her

household and suffers nothing from

laziness we don’t want to be lazy women

we don’t want to be distracted women we

don’t want to be busy women who are

burning our muscle instead of building

it we want to be women who are lifting

and then I’m going to go with the

ultimate endorsement about why it’s okay

for you to be strong

Ephesians 6 verses 10 through 18 in the

message pair phrases and that about

wraps it up he’s just gone through all

of these different relationships all of

these different dynamics that are going

to wire strength in our life and then he

says God is strong and he wants you

strong so if you’re thinking well it’s

nice I need to know no God is strong and

he wants you his daughter strong so take

everything the master has set out for

you well made weapons of the best

materials and put them to use so you

will be able to stand up to everything

the devil throws your way this is no

afternoon athletic contest that we walk

away from this is not a bar class people

and forget about in a couple hours this

is for Keeps a life or death fight to

the Finish against the devil and his

angels so why

be prepared you’re up against far more

than you can handle on your own take all

the help you can get every weapon God

has issued so that when it is all over

but the shouting you’ll still be on your

feet truth righteousness peace faith and

salvation are more than words

learn how to apply them learn how to

apply them this is a season to learn how

to apply peace learn how to apply Faith

salvation we need to know how to apply

these things and it goes on to say

because you’re going to need them

throughout your life God’s word is an

indispensable weapon in the same way

prayer is essential in this ongoing

Warfare pray hard and long pray for your

brothers and sisters keep your eyes open

keep each other’s spirits up so that no

one fails and no one falls behind and

drops out that was a massive amount of

information so I’m going to break that

down to nine key points number one God

is strong and he wants his daughter

strong number two his weapons are

Supreme there’s no greater weapon number

three with those weapons that he gave

you in hand there is nothing that the

enemy me can throw your way that will

knock you off course number four you are

in a spiritual battle between life and

death this is not a joke this is not

like a story this is a spiritual battle

between life and death number five

prepare now so you are not caught off

guard number six you can’t do it in your

own human strength God knows that so he

is the one that gives us strength number

seven truth righteousness peace faith

and salvation are live apps think about

the applications on your phone use them

number eight God’s word is an

indispensable weapon God’s word is a


learn how to use it pray the word of God

it is indispensable if you don’t know

what to pray pray the word of God and

number nine prayer is not optional we

need to be a people who prayer becomes

fluent for us it is just something that

comes out and it is easy and part of our

life so I hope you are encouraged that

our heavenly father anticipated each and

every one of our needs we are in days

where we actually are realizing

I need all these maybe two months ago

you might have thought it’s okay if I

just have three of these well now you’re

going to have to take all of these

you’re gonna have to take all of these

things and God is saying hey girl pick

it up I’ve done all that I can to equip

you with everything that you have need

of you lay aside the man I wish I would

have been doing this and just step into

a season of overcoming the finest most

personalized infallible weaponry

has been made for you these Timeless

elements have the power to win battles

that are immediate as well as go into

our future

we are in the midst of a struggle

between light and dark

fear and faith hope and discouragement

be those who stand in the middle and

declare the strength and Light Of God I

need you to know beyond a shadow of a

doubt that strong is not wrong the

strong is right the strong is necessary

that strong is your heritage as a child

of God and that we can actually go in

just one day from being weak in faith

weak in this Wonder of God and move into

a place of strong so I’m giving you

permission to be strong so we are women

who understand that our family our

husbands our friends

our employers whatever it is whoever is

dependent on us needs us to be strong in

God in these days so be strong it’s not

