Dr. Tony Evans delves into the inspiring story of Nehemiah, a man who developed a Kingdom Vision to rebuild Jerusalem. Join him in this look at how God can use ordinary people to make an extraordinary impact on Earth. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/drtonyev… If you would like to download two encouraging, FREE full-length MP3s of Tony’s popular sermons: “The Sovereignty of God” and “How to Handle a Crisis,” you can do so by clicking on this link: https://share.hsforms.com/1atT9MJvXQN…

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Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #KingdomImpact

a kingdom vision is when God lets you

see a need that he wants you to be part

of meeting even though you don’t know

how it’s going to get done yet when God

sees that he can use us for Kingdom

impact Kingdom Purpose then when we are

in his will he provides what we need

because your calling will always involve

something God has given you to do to

make a difference for


I want to call our attention today to

Nehemiah chapter

1 Nehemiah

1 because here is a man who had to

develop Kingdom

Vision because Kingdom vision is not

just about you your future your career

your salary your desire your education

it is about the imprint of God through

you in history

this glimpse of the future

now the words of

Nehemiah were introduced to in verse one

it happened in the month of

chislev in the 20th year when I was in

Souza the

capital and Han and I one of my brothers

and some men from Judah came and I asked


concerning the Jews who had escaped and

had survived the Captivity and about

Jerusalem and they said to me the

remnant there in the province who

survive the Captivity are in great

distress and

reproach and the wall of Jerusalem is

broken down and its

gates are burned with

fire so these are God’s people people in

distress and are

reproached not taken seriously not

believed not

followed not requested for their

perspective cuz we don’t we don’t take


seriously they’re as racially divided in

the church as we are in the

culture there’s class divided in the

church as we are in the culture there

they got as many divorces in the church

as we got in the culture we got as many

men abandoning their responsibility in

the church as they do in the culture so

how we going to listen to them and how

we going to listen to their God when

they don’t even listen to their

God they are

reproach he says the

walls are burned

down the Walls have crumbled well the

walls encase the city so that means

there’s no


everybody’s got to F for

themselves there is no police and

Community agreement cuz crime and gone

through through the wall they they burnt

up so so stuff can infiltrate the city

and Bring Havoc to the

community in other words it’s a mess up

there things have not gotten better

since they left

captivity since they

left Persia since they started with

Babylon captivity then they were with

Persia and now that they’ve been

released to go back

home nothing’s better in the old

neighborhood that’s how they

felt going back to the Magnificent city

of Jerusalem apple of God’s

eye and

all they could report was is bad I mean

it’s really

bad Nehemiah hears

this in verse four and when he heard it

he sat down and wept and mourned for

days so that’s the

problem the problem is regression in the

community of the

Saints which made them a reproach to the

environment in which they were

situated and it brought him a broken

heart well the first thing he does after

hearing about the problem is go to

prayer because it says at the end of

verse four and I was fasting and praying

before the god of

Heaven oh he’s got a what looks like an

unfixable problem that drives him to

fasting and

prayer I mean this is so deep for so

long and so bad only God can fix

this so I better talk to heaven cuz of

how messed up things are on on

earth now please notice we going we’re

going to conclude by

seeing what happens but he doesn’t go to

heaven last he goes to heaven

first he doesn’t pray after he prays

before God is on the front end not on

the back end because the nature of this

problem demands heaven Heavenly

intervention Kingdom prayer is

designed to call down Earthly

intervention because you need to access


Authority does prayer

work he has an unconditional will and a

conditional will what’s the difference

an unconditional will means things he’s

going to do regardless of what anybody

else does in other words it’s just based

on him deciding to do it regardless of

anybody else doing

anything his conditional will is tied to

things he decides only to do when you

meet the qualifications for him doing

it one of the primary conditions that

God says has to be met to meet his

conditional will and his desired will is

prayer that’s why he says you have not

because you ask not we don’t know

whether this is unconditional or

conditional is it his desired will or is

it his determined will and since we’re

not sure often which is which that’s why

the Bible says pray about all

things he goes to

God and he says you are great and

awesome why in verse five does he say

God is great and

awesome because you have to know how big

God is when you see how big your problem

is so he EST stols the character of God

in light of the

crisis far too many of us have a God

that’s too

small which is why we don’t go to him

because if we thought he was really that

big we would go to him more but since we

got this tiny God we go to him for tiny

things to the great and awesome

God does that mean he’s going to say yes

to every prayer absolutely not because

some things he has

determined that even if you pray he’s

not going to do

it so he’s he’s got a determined will

but don’t miss out on the things he’s

agreed to do if you meet the

qualifications because you did

pray he says who serves this Covenant is

loving kindness to all who love him and

keep his Commandments see the

qualifications now he comes to the

situation verse 6

let your ear be attentive and your eyes

open to the prayer of your servant which

I am praying before you

now I confess verse six my sins and the

sons of God so let me tell you now if

you’re not willing to deal with sin your

voice won’t be heard in

heaven now he says I need you to forgive

me for how we have abandon you and then

he comes to verse 9 and says here it is

remember the word word which you

commanded your servant Moses saying if

you are Unfaithful I will scatter you

among the people but if you return to me

and keep my Commandments and do them uh

though those of you who have uh been

scattered were in the midst of the

remote part of the heavens I will gather

them from there and will bring them to

the place where I have chosen to cause

my name to dwell now let me give you

another part of

prayer first of all you have to

recognize God’s person and how big he is

that’s why when I hear a

problem I try to don’t I’m not always

successful but I try to just to position

it up against the size of God awesome

God and then he goes to God’s Purity we

have sinned we have not met your

standard we’ve disobeyed you he comes

clean with

God and why not he knows it

anyway but then he

says remember what you

said he says remember your word that you

spoke through your servant


um did you know this may not sound right

but did you know you can hold God

Hostage to his

word he’s exalted his word above his

name you can hold him Hostage to God you


it and if you need some help read it to

him just open up your B and read it to

him just

say here right here you


okay so we are your people verse 10 who


Redeemed by your great power and your

strong hand and we’ve seen what you can

do yesterday I’m asking you to do it for

us today we’re in a bad situation in our

country in our culture in our

church and so verse

11 oh

Lord I beseech you I I’m I’m begging

you may your ear be attentive to the

prayer of your servant and the prayer of

your servants who Delight to Revere your

name and make your servant successful

today and Grant him compassion before


man what man the last line of verse 11

now I was a cup Bearer to the

king the cup Bearer to the king is like

the chief of staff doesn’t mean he just

drank before the king drunk and and ate

before the king ate but it it was a it

was a a high level administrative

position called the cup Bearer the chief

of the staff the

executive so he was way up

there so when I go before this man

today I need I need you to go in that

room with

me cuz this is a bad

situation now why did I point that

out why did I even bring that

up because of chapter 2 verse

one it came about in the month of

nison why does that matter because of

chapter 1 verse one now it happened in

the month of chislev

those are two different

months there is a four and a half month

gap between chislev and nyson those are

four and a half months apart from each

other he got the news in

chislev when he got the news he

prayed in his prayer he said do


today but nothing happens for four and a


months because your time and his time is

not always the same

time I I know cuz when you’re in a

crisis you want God to do something


now so it’s 4 and a half months later


happens this is where you’ve got to see

you’ve got to see you got to have

Kingdom sight he goes in to serve the

king verse one so the king said to me

me why is your face sad though you are

not sick there is nothing but sadness in

your heart then I was very much

afraid okay I don’t want you to miss

that he’s sad for four and a half months

cuz he’s still sad and it’s four and a

half months later so that means it’s a

big problem when you sad for an extended

amount of

time but notice what God did he let the

king bring it up


said let the King live forever why

should my face not be sad when the city

in the place of my father’s tombs lies

desolate and its Gates have been

consumed by fire he says you ask me and


scared and look at what he did in verse

four then the king said to me what is

your request so I prayed to the god of

Heaven wait a minute now he prayed

chisl now he’s

praying because a specific opportunity

has arisen the king says what can I how

can I help

you he prays again Lord give me the

right words to say I don’t want to miss

mess this up you know you’re going in

for a job interview pray first you want

to mess this

up God God got something special here he

says and I prayed that God would do

something now

I want to show you something else that

is easy to miss unless you have

spiritual eyes unless you are looking


first and

that he

says that he is

now talking to the king verse 6 then the

king said to

me the queen sitting beside


he said to

me the queen sitting beside

him the queen had nothing to do with

nothing she doesn’t come up it it

doesn’t tell us anything about the queen

it doesn’t give us any information about

the queen all it tells us is when I was

talking to the king the queen was

sitting next to

him why would Nehemiah tell us that I

mean it doesn’t seem to fit you just

look like a throw in phrase that the

queen is sitting next to the king when

I’m just talking to the king about the

problem the king asked me why and now

let’s throw in but the queen was there

too he’s in

Persia you know who else was in

Persia a lady


Esther stay with me here you

remember Mori told

Esther I need you to go before the

king and plead my case and the case of

the Jewish people before the

king but Esther said I can’t go in

there because until you’re invited to

become before the king and he has not

invited you I will be putting my life in



Mori says to her you’ve been called to

the kingdom for such a time as this and

if you don’t do it God will find

somebody else who will cuz God has a

kingdom vision and a Kingdom Purpose she

said if I Parish I perish she goes in

she saves all the Jews from hmon who

wants to destroy all the Jews this

influence of a woman on a man set the

stage see Nehemiah wants us to know that

this queen was critical to this decision

cuz it comes from the same

circumstance that was in play in

Esther and

so I pray to the god of

heaven and then what did I wind up with

here it is God gives him a plan I said

to the king if it pleas the king in

verse 5 your servant without favor let

me go to the cities that I might rebuild

it and I said to the king verse 7 if it

pleases the king let letters be given to

me from the governors of the provinces

beyond the river that they may allow me

to pass through until I come to

Judah he says our culture is

broken but I believe God wants to fix

it the king is not a

Believer but the Earth is the Lord’s the

fullness thereof the world and all they

that dwell in

it not only did the king if you read the

chapter give him the letters that would

give him safe travel he gave him the

resources to do the

rebuilding wait a minute wait a minute

you don’t understand

that God used the devil’s man and the

devil’s money

to rebuild the kingdom

program see he he God knows how to use

Sinners to help out Saints when Saints

see what God wants to do for his kingdom

program God God because all of it

belongs to God Satan just wants to use

it but when God sees that he can use us

for Kingdom impact Kingdom Purpose

Kingdom rebuilding because we see

Heaven’s purpose then when we are in his

will he provides what we need and that’s

how you know you have a kingdom Vision

because God always supplies what he

calls you to

complete and so what does he say as we

close he he makes some profound

statement verse 12 of chapter 2 I arose

that night I and a few with me I did not

tell anyone what God was putting in my

mind to do for for

Jerusalem then he comes down to verse 18

I told them how the hand of my God had

been favorable to me and about the

king’s word verse 20 so I answered them

and said to them the god of heaven will

give us

success you see how much God comes into

this okay so let let let’s let’s bring

this home now

look a kingdom

vision is when God lets you see a

need that he wants you to be part of

meeting even though you don’t know how

it’s going to get done

yet how do you see

that how do you see your Kingdom Purpose

he said I’m a cup Bearer for the king

that was his job that was not his

mission but his job opened the door for

his mission

his mission was to rebuild Jerusalem his

job was merely a conduit don’t confuse

your job with your calling now your job

may be your calling okay you can have a

job that’s also a calling my job is also

my calling but every job is not your

calling Paul was a Tent Maker that was

his job his calling was to reach the

Gentiles with the gospel so your job may

be your calling but don’t mix up your

job as your calling because your calling

will always involve something God has

given you to do to make a difference for

him not just make money for you number

one he had a

burden you will always see based on a

weight God puts on your heart that’s a

burden something you cannot shake cuz

for four and a half months he’s not been

able to shake his concern for this

situation so there is a

burden secondly he says God put it in my

mind to do something so it starts in his

heart with a burden but then it comes to

his mind with an idea because the holy

spirit renews the mind he brings God’s

thoughts into your thinking even though

you don’t know how to do it he says I

don’t know just help me with the King

today and it was four and a half months

you don’t have the particulars so from


burden came the prayer from the prayer

came an Open Door the king comes to him

from that God puts an idea in his mind

that leads to a plan to make a

difference for the glory of God for the

good of people using the skills that he

had learned because as the administrator

watch this for the king he knew how to

put projects together so God used his

secular employment to prepare him for

his kingom om Vision so yes you may be

employed as a teacher but God may be

wanting you to use teaching skills for

the kingdom how can I take the vision

God has shown me burdened me and given

me and transfer it for something he lets

me to see that creates a burden in me a

kingdom vision is a vision where you can

see the change that God can use you to

make in a world of desperation

because I see

Heaven wanting to make a difference

through me on Earth in a decaying

culture if Christ does not come back

soon if things keep going the way

they’re going you won’t want to live


anymore if things keep going the way

they’re going at the speed they’re going

without divine intervention this is not

going to be a happy place to live

now I don’t have time to get into all

the idiosyncrasies of all that could

happen as things unravel but that’s what

you’re looking at so we better get some

folk with some Kingdom

Vision who can look to heaven to

intervene on Earth but if we can get

some folk with some Kingdom

Vision who can see heaven on

Earth we can rename this bad boy and

give it something that God can be

glorified in and people can be proud to

live in cuz we’re not looking like


looking we’re looking up there and

asking up there to make a difference




here what do you do

when Society has shredded

when the life that should breathe hope

and help in a

community has become a wasteland

emptiness surround you how do you


it well God has not left us to guess

about that he has a specific order and

plan for the

rebuilding of the lives of people where

it’s been shredded by evil and sin

and breakdown and

disintegration we do not have to give up

hope even when the culture looks like


collapsed because after all God created

government God created civilization God

created Society but he also created

rules and when we follow that rules and

when we follow those guidelines we can

see what was broken

rebuilt let’s see how to rebuild a

culture that is broken



