Dr. Tony Evans emphasizes the importance of seeing life through God’s spiritual lens, urging us to put on our Kingdom bifocals. With these new eyes, we can grasp God’s riches and authority, residing in heavenly places with Christ. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/drtonyev… If you would like to download two encouraging, FREE full-length MP3s of Tony’s popular sermons: “The Sovereignty of God” and “How to Handle a Crisis,” you can do so by clicking on this link: https://share.hsforms.com/1atT9MJvXQN…

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Dr. Tony Evans is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative and author of over 100 books, booklets and Bible studies. The first African American to earn a doctorate of theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, he has been named one of the 12 Most Effective Preachers in the English-Speaking World by Baylor University. Dr. Evans holds the honor of writing and publishing the first full-Bible commentary and study Bible by an African American. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries. Dr. Evans’ sermons are also streamed and downloaded over 20,000,000 times annually. #tonyevans #tonyevanssermon #KingdomVision

he wants you thinking spiritually you’re

sitting next to Jesus and you got to

picture that in your mind you’ve been

given an all access pass to Heaven which

gives you access pass to his veto

Authority that’s why Romans chapter 16

verse 20 says and he will crush Satan

under your feet my feet our




far too many Christians are living with

a distorted

view far too many of

us have gotten so used to

Earth that we’ve lost the picture of

Heaven our Focus has


dimmed because we’ve gotten so used to

not seeing

clearly that we’ve accepted distortion


normal and so Earth’s views go

unchallenged cuz that’s what everybody

else is seeing

too our series is

called developing Kingdom

Vision I’m trying to help me and US

learn to see through God’s

eyes and interpret the physical world

through his spiritual lens but if you

don’t put on those

glasses if you don’t put on your kingdom

bifocals if you don’t put on your


lenses then all you see is what you see

and if all you see is what you see you

do not see all there is to be

seen because we are looking with a

distorted view today I want

to help all of us

to look a little

clearer to be able to be more precise in

our perspective to put

on the set of glasses that

will help us to see with new eyes that’s

why I’m calling this I want you to see

me to see and collectively us to see

with new

eyes so I want to

change your

prescription on your spiritual

glasses so that you we us see more

clearly in our day-to-day

lives Paul says in Ephesians chap

1 verse

18 I pray that the eyes of your heart

may be in enlightened you see that he

says I pray that you’ll start

seeing that the eyes of your heart may

be enlightened so he’s not talking about

your physical eyes he’s talking about

the eyes of your heart so he’s still

talking about sight CU he’s talking

about your eyes so he’s suggesting that

your heart has

lenses I pray that you will see with

your heart and that you you will be

enlightened things will get more in

Focus things will become clearer and I’m


this as the psalmist says in Psalm 119


18 He says Lord

open my eyes that I might

see now Paul is writing to Christians

he’s not writing to

non-christians he says I pray that the

the eyes of your heart may be

enlightened so therefore it is possible

to be a Christian and be spiritually

blind and not see

clearly because the lenses we are using

are secular lenses secular bifocals

and cultural

context he says I’m going to pray to the

in and one of the things that you do

with prayer is ask God to help you see

what’s really going

on because all of us have been in

circumstances where what we thought was

happening really wasn’t happening the

way we thought it was happening when we

looked at

it the beautiful thing about spiritual

eyeglasses is that you can see deeper

because you’re seeing the heart of the

matter open my eyes that we might see

every time you are confronted with

something you whisper a prayer to God

help me to

see the reality not just what I’m

looking at open up my heart so that I

can grasp it what my eyes are seeing

give me give me the backstory give me

the real deal about what I’m looking at

so that I can apprehend it grab it grasp


he says I want you to see in verse

18 what is the hope of his calling the

riches of the glory of his inheritance

of the

Saints he says I want you to

see what you already

possess as part of the family of

God there are certain rights and

privileges if you are a

Christian that God God has provided for

you as part of his family he calls it

the hope of his calling he calls it the

riches in verse 18 of his inheritance

you have I have we have

inherited some

benefits that are to us that you may not

automatically know about or be

utilizing did you know some of the

things you’re looking for you already

have you just may not know

it Paul says I pray that you will

apprehend God’s

purposes and God’s wealth talk about

that in a moment that he has provided

that he has Beque to every believer

because it belongs to the

Saints if you are a believer in

Christ God wants you and me to see

our purpose he wants us to see his

Direction he wants us to understand what

he’s doing as he unveils

it see a lot of folk follow Jesus for


perks they want the big

stuff but they may miss out on many of

the key things that are life altering

things it may not look like much

now I pray that you your eyes might be

enlightened that you


understand all that God has provided as

part of your relationship your

inheritance your salvation I love the

word he uses here because he uses the

word in verse 18 the

riches this word riches is used over and

over again let me show you what I mean

in chapter 1 verse vers s in him we have

Redemption through the blood the

Forgiveness of trespasses according to

the riches of his grace so first of all

you are rich in

Grace you know what Grace does Grace

does for you what you can’t do for

yourself and guess what he says you got

some riches in

Grace notice what he says in verse 8

which he lavished on on us the word

lavish is the same concept of riches in

other words he got so much grace you

can’t get to it

amen in chapter 2 verse 7 let me show

you how much grace you’ve got so that in

the ages to come he might show The

surpassing Riches of his grace and

kindness toward us in Christ

Jesus let me tell you how much grace is

there it’ll take eternity to run out of

it let me put it this way you ain’t seen

nothing yet but you don’t have to wait

till eternity cuz he says it’s


now he says in chapter 3 verse

8 to me the very least of the saint this

Grace was given to preach to the

Gentiles the unfathomable Riches of

Christ he says again in verse 16 of

chapter 3 that he would Grant you

according to the riches of his glory to

be strengthened with power through his

spirit in the Inner

Man so he goes deeper with this concept

of new eyes he wants us to look at

things differently and more


verse 19 says and what is the surpassing

greatness of his power toward us who


these are in accordance with the working

of the strength of his

might which he brought about in Christ

when he raised him from the dead and

seated him at the right hand in Heavenly

places far above all rule Authority

power and Dominion every name that is

named not only in this age but in the

one to

come he wants to now tell you

about what these new bifocals glasses


perspectives do they are power

lenses he says these lenses if you will

put them on a

Divine god- centered perspective that

you pray down CU he says I pray for

them he says that God will grant you

power how do you know that you’re

looking through God’s glasses because

you’re seeing his work his power his

activity his energy his engagement his

involvement you are

seeing things Trump

Earth if all you wear are Earth glasses

you’ll only see Earth

results what kingdom Glasses do

is it gives you the ability to see God

at work at another level in your

circumstances chapter 1 verse

10 with a view to an

Administration suitable to the fullness


times that is the summing up of all

things in Christ things in the heavens

and things

on the

earth it’s all in

him to an Administration

okay God says he has an

Administration and the administration

stay with me here is to be summed up in

Jesus Christ God’s Administration is

summed up in Jesus Christ I need to say

that again God

administers what he’s going to do

through Jesus Christ now why do you need

to know that because it is your

relationship with Christ that will

determine how much power you experience

amen not merely your belief in

God now we’ve said that many times but I

don’t want you to miss this sure you

must believe in God but when it comes to

history all Authority has been given to

Jesus Christ and he administers that’s

why we end our prayer in jesus’ name in

Jesus name that is I want this prayer

answered by virtue of his administrative

responsibility so you will not see what

he’s up to you will not understand see

understand perceive what he’s doing if

you skip him in the

process and that’s why he says iay pray

that you will recognize

him let’s go a little

deeper he says which he brought about

verse 20 in Christ when he raised him

from the dead and seated him at the

right hand in the Heavenly places far

above all Rule and Authority this is so

rich when he raised him from the dead

now now

now how could such a thing

happen there’s only one way that can

happen and that is the natural order of

things were

overridden other words if somebody rises

from the dead who’s died that means the

natural order has been skipped

over it’s been



Resurrection here’s why

you need to have spiritual

eyes so you’re not limited to Earth’s

conclusion see when a person dies that’s

Earth’s conclusion that’s the conclusion

of the physical life so you’re limited

to Earth’s conclusion but he says if you

get new

eyes then you can see beyond what Earth


concluded and that’s why there’s nothing

like a testimony when a person said this

is what what everybody else said but let

me tell you what God did he trumped

Earth I don’t know how many people have

ever seen God Trump a boss God Trump a

situation Trump a sickness Trump a

scenario the reason you want spiritual

glasses is so that you can Trump the


order the natural processes when it’s

God’s will but if you don’t know that’s

what he wants to do then you’ll just

react to the Earthly situations that you

find yourself in he

says according to the power of His might

when he raised him from the dead and he

set him at the right

hand right now Jesus Christ is seated at

the right hand of the

father this chair is on the right hand

side of the

Father the right hand side of the father

is his power location

Hebrews chap 1 puts it this way verse

two in these last days has spoken to us

in his son whom he appointed heir of all

things through whom also he made the

world he made the world through his

administrator Jesus Christ so God made

the world but he did it through his

administrator Jesus Christ that’s

because Jesus Christ of course is God

and he is the radiance of his glory

Jesus is the radiance of the father’s

glory and the ex exact representation of

his nature all that makes God God makes

Jesus Jesus and upholds all things by

the word of his power God upholds all

things through the word of Jesus’s power

when he had M purification for sins he

sat down at the right hand of the

Majesty on

high notice what he says in Ephesians 1

verse 20 far above all rule Authority

and power and and Dominion in every name

that is name let me explain something

Jesus has veto power amen he can

overrule why cuz he sits on the right

hand side of the father and I love this


above all Rule and Authority okay let me

tell you how much Rule and Authority

Hebrews chap 2:14 here’s what it says

therefore since the children share in

flesh and blood he himself likewise also

partook of the same Jesus became a man

and through death he might render

powerless him who has the power of death

that is the

devil Jesus is invo

power over everything

human and over everything

spiritual including the devil you’re

going to see what that means next week

but including the devil so even

hell does not have the last word over


situation cuz he’s far above even the

devil he not even close he’s far above

that means if you have eyes to

see you have connection with somebody

who can say I overrule you chapter 2:4

but God being rich in Mercy because of

his great love with which he loved us

even when we were dead in our

transgressions made us alive together

with Christ by Grace you have been saved

and raised us up with him and seated us

with him in the Heavenly places in

Christ Jesus so let me Define Heavenly

places Heavenly places means the


realm different from the physical

world right now we are seated in Earthly

places we’re seated in the Physical

Realm Earth

but once you come to Christ you go

through a relocation

process okay every

Christian should be functioning in two

places at one

time God doesn’t expect you to be so

Heavenly minded you’re no earthly

good he doesn’t expect you to be so

Earthly minded you’re no Heavenly good


he expects you to be Heavenly minded for


help so while you are seated on Earth

you’re supposed to be interacting with

heaven so that you know what to do on

Earth but if you do not operate with

that view in mind he says you are seated


him that means you’re not just here

you’re here and there you’re here

physically there

spiritually he wants you thinking

spiritually you’re sitting next to Jesus

and you got to picture that in your mind

cuz it’s real but it’s spiritual so you

don’t you don’t physically see it but

nevertheless it is a reality you’ve been

given an all access pass to Heaven which

gives you access path to his veto

Authority that’s why Romans chap 16

verse 20 says and he will crush Satan

under your feet am my feet our

feet okay so now he brings this

home watch this these are two of my

favorite verses in the book of Ephesians

verse 22 and

23 and he

God put all things in subjection under

his Jesus

feet and he God put all things in

subjection under his Jesus’s

feet and gave him Jesus as head over all

things to the

church which is his

body the fullness of him who fills all



okay please notice the word

all and how often it is repeated in

those two

verses all all all all things have been

placed under the feet of which means

under the authority of Jesus Christ that

goes back to the

administration all things so you you

best get Jesus on board

cuz he’s the administrator so you best

get Jesus on board all things have been

placed under Jesus’s feet okay but

here’s the

trick and gave him as head he’s in

charge over all things to the church

okay wait a

minute Jesus is over all

things but the all things he’s over

don’t know

it only one group knows it he’s given

him as over all things but only to the

church he’s only been given to the

church now wa a minute it says the

church which means Christians which is


body now last time I check the job of a

body is to carry out the dictations of


brain the problem is the body doesn’t

want to do what the head

says the body body wants to do his own

thing and when the body does its own

thing here it is when you and I do our

own thing apart from

Christ we go

blind we go spiritually blind and once

you’re spiritually blind you can pray

that you bleue in the face but God won’t

administer that cuz he’s only

administering that with Christ as the

head which means if you don’t solve the

lordship of Jesus Christ meaning he can

overrule you if you are a Christian that

God can’t overrule then you are a

Christian that’s


cacks and

glaucoma you won’t see clearly you will

live life with a disport distorted

view so what Jesus is offering us all of

us as

Believers is the opportunity to see

differently to see with new eyes how do

you do that simply you invite God’s

perspective into decision making okay

and he’s got plenty of Grace he he he

lavishes it he wants to be utilized in

this fashion it can be Financial but not

limited to that it’s relational it’s

this it’s it’s circumstantial it’s

career it’s it’s uh do I move here do I


there he can he can let you know things

that you would not have normally thought

of he can bring a person into your life

to say something that will totally

change your

mind he can bring thoughts to you

because he’s enlightening the

heart whoever got the son got everything

else whoever got the son got access to

everything else so if you don’t want the

son you don’t get access to everything

else Jesus Christ wants you to know if

you grab the sun you have access to

Lavish Grace to overruling power to his

Supernatural presence because you’re

wearing glasses that can see the

spiritual realm and be transformed by

it Jesus is the



being in the midst of The Magnificent

beauty of the Rocky Mountains has given

me a a more excellent perspective on

God’s creative order it helps me to see

nature a lot clearer in the hustle and

bustle of everyday life with modern man


thing the awesome creative genius of God

can easily be

obscured but what God wants us to do is

to be able to look at him and life

through his eyes so that we see what he

sees untampered with by the things that

men have put up that has destroyed his

presence his power and his purpose and

that means we must live life with the


perspective not a worldly

secular point of view when you put on

worldly eyeglasses everything is going

to be cloudy and confusing but when you

put on uh the lenses of Glory the

perspective of God the guidance of the

spirit you will see things as they were

really created to be seen which means

you’ll see them correctly let’s not live

our lives with blinders on not really

seeing what God had in mind when he

created us and when he has set forth his

purpose for us let’s begin to look at

things based on his word from his spirit

and consistent with his character and

then we will not be blind as we live our

lives we will live our lives with Clear

Sight lines before







