Dr. Michael Brown reveals America’s only hope for a future… ▶▶Order Dr. Michael Brown’s 2 Books: https://bit.ly/3IV39gi

▶▶Order Dr. Michael Brown’s 2 Books [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3IYxM4y

In Revival or We Die, Dr. Michael Brown, a respected biblical scholar and bestselling author, urgently calls the American Church to return to God and His Kingdom purposes. In a prophetic “state of the union” address, he candidly examines the United States, emphasizing that our sole hope lies in a genuine spiritual awakening. Dr. Brown’s passionate plea challenges believers to rediscover God’s Word, fear the Lord, rekindle zeal for Jesus, and hunger for the Spirit of God. As our nation teeters on the brink, this message is crucial for every Christian willing to participate in the revival God desires. Be a Part of the Solution, Not the Problem! In his book Our Hands are Stained with Blood, Dr. Michael Brown exposes the tragic history of anti-Semitism within the Church. From early persecutions of Jews to the Holocaust and present-day Israel-bashing, this painful account is an essential read for every Christian. Dr. Brown reveals the theological roots that led to anti-Semitism and offers a path to break free from hate, emphasizing the crucial role believers play in shaping a Church that blesses Israel instead of cursing it. ▶▶Order Dr. Michael Brown’s 2 Books: https://bit.ly/3IV39gi

▶▶Order Dr. Michael Brown’s 2 Books [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3IYxM4y

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Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2024 #SidRoth #Jesus #HolySpirit

My guest was a leader
at the great Brownsville Revival.

Very few true believers
in this generation

have seen what he saw
with his very own eyes.

Why is this so important
at this time?

It’s about to be released again!

Except one thousand
times stronger.


SR: Welcome.
Welcome, Holy Spirit.

Thank you for being our most
gracious, important guest.

Dr. Michael Brown is Jewish,

has a doctorate
from New York University,

he speaks, reads and writes

over a half
a dozen Sematic languages,

and is considered
one of the top

Hebrew Biblical scholars
in the world.

He has authored
10 books on revival,

and experienced
three revivals personally.

Now, he says God has shown him
the next move of God’s Spirit.

I want Mike to tell us

how a Jewish New York
Supreme Court Judge’s son

became radical for Jesus,
and then to top it off,

he becomes a renowned
Sematic scholar,

concentrating on proving Jesus
is the Jewish Messiah.

Mike, how did this
all happen, briefly?

I’ve seen pictures with you
having not gray hair,

not the short hair,
but you had it full blazes!

MB: Oh, yeah.

When my wife, Nancy,
saw an older picture of me,

because she didn’t know me in the
hippy days, she started laughing.

I said, “You’re laughing
because I look like a woman.”

She said, “No, I’m laughing

because you look like
an ugly woman!” [Laughter]

SR: Oh, no!

So here’s the deal.

I was raised
in a nominal Jewish home,

so I was bar mitzvah’d at 13,
and so on,

but we weren’t religious Jews,

we didn’t go to synagogue every
Sabbath or keep the dietary list.

But I’m Jewish,
I don’t believe in Jesus.

I get caught up
in the counter-culture movement,

started getting high at 14,
shooting heroin at 15.

My two best friends
started going to a church.

They got born again.
I went to pull them out.

The people started
praying for me.

The Holy Spirit
convicted me of sin.

And then the end of 1971,
I met the Lord.

I was instantly transformed.

I said, I will never put
a needle in my arm again.

December 17th,

’71, free from that moment
on by the Power of God.

And some days later, my dad said,

“Michael, I’m glad
you’re off drugs, but we’re Jews.

We don’t believe this.
You need to talk to the Rabbi.”

So I become friends
with the local Rabbi,

I want to share Jesus
with everybody, right?

SR: Of course.

MB: And we begin
talking back and forth,

and he says, “How can you
tell us what to believe?

You don’t know Hebrew.”

I said, “Well, I’m using
this dictionary-”

He goes, “Forget it!
In the meantime, shmeantime,”

he said,
“You need to know Hebrew.

You can’t teach us anything!”

So I was provoked.

I knew Jesus had changed my life,
I knew it was real,

but how can I talk
to these Rabbis

and these learned ones that said

the New Testament
mistranslated the Old?

And I didn’t know
what I was talking about.

And you couldn’t rely
on the English translation.

So I majored in Hebrew
in college,

and then I got a master’s
and a PhD at New York University,

and their Eastern languages and

literature, because I said,

“I need to be able to read it
and study it for myself.

I can’t rely on another
commentary, another dictionary.”

And then everyone I studied
with all through my school,

no one believed
what I believed.

I never studied with someone who
believed the things I believed,

so I was challenged
every single day.

For years, I met with Rabbi after
Rabbi, ultra-orthodox Rabbis,

and the more I studied,
the clearer it became.

The more I dug,
the more I found, whoa!

This is amaze–
the deeper you dig,

the clearer it becomes! Jesus,
Yeshua is the Messiah.

Sid, I believe
I’ve had the privilege

of debating more Rabbis,
public debates about

Jesus being the Messiah than any
human being on the planet today.

There’s only one problem.

SR: What?

I can’t get anyone to debate me!

SR: Dr. Michael Brown
will explain

why we should know
about past revivals,

and God’s outpouring
of His glory.

Why his strong warning
about putting God in a box,

and his experience
with three revivals

and his eyewitness report
of major miracles.

MB: So Sid, when we go back
and read The Word,

we find out who God is.

And we find out what He does,
the kind of God

He is, and that builds our faith.
Why not now? Why not here?

So I would read
about the past revivals.

I’d hear about the glory
coming out in the Welsh Revival

in 1904-1905, the Hebrides
Revival 1949 to 1952,

and you hear about
God’s sovereignly saving.

You hear about
crime rates dropping.

You hear about judges
wearing white gloves,

because they had
no more cases to try.

You hear about men in the bars
going to have a drink,

and they couldn’t, because
they were under conviction,

because their wives
were praying.

And they fall on the street
and get saved and cry out,

and you say,
“Lord, where is it?”

One — it’s not a matter
of being nostalgic,

you say, why not again?

The Jesus People Movement
when so many of us got saved late

’60s, early ’70s,

among the highest number
getting saved,

for us Jews,
hippies, radicals,

rebels all over the world,
sovereignly saved.

You say, “Lord, we need
to have that again.

We need to see it again.”
I am an eyewitness.

I prayed, I fasted,
I groaned, I cried for years.

God showed me
in the spring of 1983,

I was virtually unknown,
just doing my PhD work.

God had radicalized my own life

with a fresh outpouring
of the Spirit,

because Sid, along the way
to my doctorate,

I was getting intellectually,
theologically proud.

I was embarrassed of my
charismatic Pentecostal roots.

God rocked my world, brought me
to repentance, sanctifier.

Brought me back
to my first love.

The fire fell in our church.
The church ended up rejecting

what God was going
after months of outpouring.

And God spoke to me,

“You’ll be in a revival
that will touch the whole world.”

First I thought, I’m crazy.
It’s not the case.

The more I prayed,
the more angst,

the more He made it clear.

Thirteen years,
I held to it, I cried out.

And then Brown’s Revival,

God brought me right
in the thick of that.

And I can tell you
what I saw with my own eyes.

I can tell you stories
of people that I knew,

knew the people, you know,
one night, these two Playboy

Bunnies, they’re
in Pensacola, Florida,

there was going to be a photo
shoot there on the beaches.

Hurricane-like weather cancels
it, so they got a free night.

They hire a taxi —
where is the action in Pensacola?

SR: Playboy Bunnies?

MB: Playboy Bunnies.

The driver says,
“The church in Pensacola!”

And he drives into the church,
that’s where the action is!

The end of the service,

they’re there weeping
and shaking in repentance.

John Kilpatrick, the pastor,

goes over to see what’s
going on with these ladies.

One of them says, “We feel like
God shook the hell out of us!”

One of my friends got to know
one of the ladies well,

I mean, they came under
conviction, they read The Word.

They said, “We can’t do
what we were doing anymore.”

One of them got to know
them well for years.

A guy comes into the church,

the son of an Assembly
of God pastor.

He’s openly homosexual, he’s
in relationship with a gay man.

He’s angry with God,
he’s angry with Brownsville

because of what God’s
doing there.

But obviously something’s
happening in the man’s heart.

He walks into the building,

the Power of God hits him
in the vestibule of the building.

He’s laid out there.
The ushers carry him

and lay him in the front
of the building at the altar,

where he stays the whole night,

gets radically born again
and changed.

A friend of mine
has known him for years,

a transformed man
by the Power of God.

This is the kind of stuff
that happened —

SR: You mean just laying
under the Power of God,

a lifestyle of
homosexuality —

sexual activity
was just lifted from him?

MB: The Spirit of God,
the piercing Word of God,

the call for repentance.

The man opens his heart
and is radically transformed.

I’m preaching in a church
in New Jersey some years ago,

the Spirit’s moving powerfully.

The pastor says,
“You need to hear our story.”

He said, “Five of us pastors
went down to Pensacola,

we were in the services,
we enjoyed the meetings.

We were blessed.
But we left disappointed.

We were expecting more.

We get on the plane
to fly back Sunday afternoon,

we’re going to be at our Sunday
night service at the church.

We bought five tickets together,
somehow they’re all separated.

We get on the plane,
it’s a short flight to Atlanta

and we transfer planes.”

He said, “As I sit down and the
plane’s about to take off,

the Spirit falls on me,

and I begin weeping
on the plane.”

He can’t wait to get off
to tell the others,

only to find out it happened
to all five simultaneously,

separately on the plane.

It was God’s way of saying,

“It’s not the crowds,
it’s not the hype.

It’s my Spirit.”

He goes, “From there, the Spirit
falls in their church.”

Two years later,
they were still in an outpouring.

I mean, I heard this day
and night,

the most dramatic story
I was involved with,

in the middle of nowhere
in Canada —

why we ended up there, who knows?

There were
some First Nation people,

some native Canadians there.
They had come very discouraged.

They were on a reserve,
a reservation, with 1200 people.

A little church
had gone through a split,

and now they had
two little churches.

SR: Hmm.

They were among a thousand people

that heard the message
that night. I laid

hands on every one of them. But
something happened in them.

One year later —
I had this confirmed

by three independent
eyewitnesses —

one year later, they had been
going with meetings night

after night after night,

because the Spirit
fell one year later,

1150 out of the 1200
on the reserve had come to Jesus.

That’s God. That only happens
when the Spirit works.

And that’s why we say,
“Do it again, God!

If you can do that,
if in a few months

the work of years
and decades could take place” —

we launched a missions
move in that,

raised up a ministry school.

Some of our missionaries
have been on the road

now for 25 years overseas,

and they’re seeing
God change lives.

That’s the lasting fruit
of revival.

We must have it again today.
The situation in America,

in the world, is more urgent
than it ever is.

God’s going to move
with greater urgency than ever.


And very briefly,

what do you mean when you say,
“Don’t put God in a box”?

MB: When God moves,

when He shakes us out
of the wrong place,

it almost always gets us
out of our comfort zone.

When Jesus,
He lifts it — why did

He spit on dirt
and turn it into mud?

Why did He spit on a guy’s eyes?
Why did

He do that?
Why did He try to —

SR: If He did it today,
they’d say, “You’re not of God!”

And magicians use spittle.

Magicians would do it.

The false gods, they said
they had the spittle of life

among the false gods.

Why did he drive demons
into the pigs

and the pigs go running down
and drown in the water?

That can’t be God.
Show me tongues of fire.

The moment the Spirit falls,
there’s division.

God’s not the author
of confusion.

He doesn’t say Prophet-A,
prophesy they’ll be rain,

Prophet-B prophesy
there’ll be no rain.

No. But when the Spirit comes,
He brings up to the surface

what’s in people’s
hearts and minds.

And almost always,
when the fire falls,

just like at Pentecost,

half of them
hear the praises of God,

and the other people,
they say, “They’re drunk.”

When the Spirit falls,

either people are shaking
under the Power of God

like happened
with Wesley in Whitfield,

or falling or crying out,
or demons leaving,

there’s something that’s
going to scandalize us.

We like a nice little revival.

Here’s our traditional prayer
for revival.

“God, send Your power,
send Your glory,

but Lord, leave us in control.”

“Keep it to
a convenient little hour.”

And revival is not something
you turn on, you turn off.

We use discernment,
we use wisdom, but we say,

“God, come and shake us
and come and visit,

whatever the cost
or consequence,

because that’s one thing
we can’t live without.

That’s Your presence.”

Now, God showed Mike in 1995

the magnitude of the power
of the coming greater glory.

It will make Niagara Falls
look like a dribble.

Be right back.


>> We will be right back to,
“It’s Supernatural!”



MB: “Revival or We Die:

A Great Awakening
is Our Only Hope.”

This is the most important book
I wrote on revival in 25 years.

It does ignite something in you.

It’ll give you a vision
of what revival looks like,

what it’s like to experience it.
We take you into past revivals.

From the Brownsville Revival,

where I served for four
and a half years,

from the Hebrides Revival
or Welsh Revival,

or great awakenings
in the past.

And it’ll create something
in you that says,

“Oh, God, Oh Lord, do it again!”

But it’s not just a cry
for national revival.

It’s a cry for God
to move in our own heart.

I opened up my own heart
and I talk about times

where I left my First Love, asked

Him to light that fire
fresh in me,

and talk about how
He visited me, and revived me.

I’m believing with you
for a fresh revival,

for a fresh spark
to start in you!

“Our Hands Are Stained
With Blood:

The Tragic Story of the Church
and the Jewish people.”

This is a new, updated edition.

This is the single
most important book.

And this had
the most intense impact

of any book that I’ve written.

You will learn church history
through Jewish eyes,

the church history
you never knew about.

It’s not taught
from behind the pulpits.

It will explain to you

why there is such hatred
of the Jewish people.

It will explain the diabolical
nature of anti-Semitism.

It’ll separate fact from fiction
when it comes to Israel today.

And then we tackle
replacement theology,

that the church has replaced
the Jewish people,

that the promises given to Israel
now belong to the church,

and that God is finished
with Israel as a nation.

But we will not see a saved
Israel without a revived church.

And we end with what happens
when Israel gets right with God.

It means the return
of the Messiah

and the resurrection of the dead.

>> To experience revival
in your home,

in your life
and in your community,

this is the essential set
of two books by Dr. Michael Brown

that will ignite
the fire you need.

Just call or go online
at SidRoth.org/9980

and make your donation of $35
to get both books,

“Revival or We Die,”
and the new updated edition of,

“Our Hands are Stained
with Blood.”

Shipping and handling
is included.



>> We now return to,
“It’s Supernatural!”


I told Dr. Brown

before we got back on the air
the most important,

in my opinion, question I’m going
to ask him is right now.

Why do you say repentance,

or turning from sin,
is so important?

Repentance is everything,

not just in our relationship
with God,

but especially when
we talk about revival.

Repentance prepares the way
for the visitation of God.

Frank Bartleman,
used in the Azusa Street Revival

said that the depth
of any revival will be determined

by the spirit of repentance
that is obtained.

God comes as a refiner’s fire.

He brings to the surface
all the junk,

all the uncleanness,
all the things that are all —

look, why do we need
to be revived?

Because we’ve left
our First Love,

because we’ve compromised
with the world.

Because we’ve lost
the power of God,

because we’ve become
religious and proud.

Because we’ve allowed sin
to come into our lives.

Repentance clears the way.

Repentance is the first word
of the Gospel,

it’s what John
the Baptist preaches,

what Jesus preaches,
what the apostles preach.

Paul said, “I preach that all men
everywhere should repent,

and to the churches
in Asia Minor,”

five out of seven, he says,
“Repent, or else.”

If you want God
to come in your life,

He will pour out
a spirit of repentance.

He will uncover things,
not to condemn us,

but to cleanse us.
Not to hurt us, but to help us.

I want to say to every
single one of you,

if you really are hungry
and thirsty for God,

it will be uncomfortable,

He may uncover pride or wrong
motives or wrong attitudes,

or lack of love or lack of faith.
But it’s all for the good.

Let the refiner’s fire
do its work.

The muck, the junk
is in there anywhere.

The Spirit will purge it out
so that you can shine for God.

And if we want God
in our churches,

the Holy Spirit
will only come where

He is welcome and where
He feels at home.

Therefore, we must deal with sin

if we want the Glory of God.

SR: And as I like to say,
and you do too,

I personally walk
in instant repentance. Why?

Because I know that if I don’t,
it’ll become a stronghold,

and become much —
it’s never easier than instantly

when the Holy Spirit
convicts you.

Say, “God, I’m sorry.”

But if you just ignore it,
it can grow like a cancer.

And sin grows like a cancer.

And there are many of you that
have never entered into heaven,

forgiveness of your sin,

not just forgiveness
under the new covenant, God says,

“I, God, will not
only forgive you,

but I, God, will remember
your sins no more.”

That is —
only God could do that.

Say this prayer, mean it to
the best of your ability.

It’s time for you to enter
in all the way.

Repeat it out loud after I speak.


SR: Dear God-
>> Dear God-

SR: Please forgive me-

>> Please forgive me-

SR: For every sin
I’ve ever committed.

>> For every sin
I’ve ever committed.

SR: I believe-

>> I believe-
SR: – Your blood-

>> – Your blood-
SR: – washed me clean.

>> – washed me clean.
SR: And now that I’m clean-

>> And now that I’m clean-
SR: – because of what You did-

>> – because of what you did-
SR: – for me-

>> – for me-

SR: – Jesus, come and live
inside of me.

>> – Jesus, come and live
inside of me.

SR: Thank You for saving me
from my sins.

>> Thank You for saving me
from my sins.

SR: And now I make You Lord-

>> And now I make You Lord-

– over every area of my life.

>> – over every area of my life.

SR: Amen.
>> Amen.

SR: Mike, you had
the most supernatural,

amazing encounter
at Niagara Falls.

MB: So years ago, early ’90s,

I’m at Niagara Falls
with our older daughter,

Jennifer, a young girl
at that point, young teenager.

So we’re there together
at the Falls,

we’re on the Canadian side
of the Falls,

it’s just absolutely stunning.

So as we were walking
towards the Falls,

I see just kind of, you know,
the water running down there,

and I thought, that’s a picture
of normal church life, you know?

It’s good — okay, as you
get closer, it starts to —

you know, there are rapids,
and it starts to intensify.

And I thought, that’s what
most people would call “revival.”

That’s just the thing
starting to get more intense.

But that’s not revival yet.

I just had this sense
that Niagara Falls

was like a picture of revival.

So as we got close, it’s just
staggering, overwhelming.

I said, “No, no, no, I want to
experience the Falls for myself.”

So I went with Jen.

You get these jackets,
these yellow jackets —

SR: I’ve done the same.

MB: — okay, and this case,

we walk and stand
under the Falls.

So the water’s pounding
and churning,

and the wind is blowing —
it’s overwhelming.

And all I could do
is raise my hands in worship,

and I thought,
that is a picture of revival.

I wrote a book that came out
three months before Brownsville.

Three months before the revival,

I shared that picture
of Niagara Falls.

I said, “That is a picture
of revival. Are you ready?”

I knew it was about to hit.

And Sid, we are in
the early stages

now of the Holy Spirit

beginning to pour out
in a fresh way in America,

but it’s not just going to be
a Brownsville or a Toronto —

there will be thousands of places
where the fire falls,

and we must seize
the moment when it happens.


You know, Mike,

interesting enough,

I had a vision

about Niagara Falls also,

and in this vision,
I was there by myself,

and the mist that you described
started coating me.

And it was the light of God.
It was the presence of God.

It was the Glory of God.
And many people don’t know this,

almost every day
they have a rainbow there.

What does a rainbow stand for?

The promises of God,
the covenants of God.

So all the promises of God
in that glory

are going to be
instantly unstoppable,

amazing answers instantly.

It’s going to be different
than any time you’ve ever —

or any generation
has ever walked with God.

And I’m telling you,
I was there alone.

You know what that meant?

I can’t ride
on someone else’s faith.

I’ve got to ask for myself.

I have to hunger and thirst
for righteousness.

Mike, I want you to turn around
and look at this right now.

[Sound, view of Niagara Falls.]

You know, Mike,

I don’t know how many years
this has been going on,

but imagine the unlimited power
for this to never stop?

It just keeps going on,
what we’re seeing right now.

That’s what’s coming.

The unlimited,
unstoppable Power of God.

[Clapping] MB: Sid,

what else is going
to get the job done?

How else will two billion Muslims
turn to Jesus?

How else will Israel be saved?
How else will America be shaken?

There has to be a greater,
sustained move of God

with intensity, with rapidity,
than we’ve ever seen.

And as I sit — I mean, obviously
we’re not at the Falls,

but it’s stirred —
boy, does it stir the memories.

And you know,
it reminds me again,

every day we have to live
as disciples.

Every day we do
the little things.

Every day the mom’s changing
a diaper and dad’s busy doing —

we do our daily work.
The church is doing the work

the disciples should
do day by day.

But Sid, when we have
experienced the glory,

when we’ve been
under those Falls,

so to say, how can we live
without it?

How can we just go back
to normal church life,

those of us who’ve tasted it
and seen it?

And those who’ve just
heard about it.

They read about Brownsville like
I read about the Welsh Revival.

I want to shout to everyone,
“It’s real!”

It’s the nature of God.
It’s the reality of God. And what

He wants to do is the thing
that’s been abnormal,

that’s been exceptional —
He wants that to be the norm.

He wants that to be the climactic
thing before He returns.

Why not now?
Why not here?

Why not something greater
than we’ve ever seen?

Does God not have the ability?
He does.

Does God not have the desire?
He does. How about us?

Hungering and thirsting
until the answer comes.

SR: You said something —
“Why not now? Why not here?”

Would you pray for us?
So it is now!

MB: Yes.
SR: It is here!

MB: Yes.
Father, right now,

[Music] I pray for every
single one watching.

May there be a hunger,
a thirst, a desire, a passion,

the likes of which
they’ve never known.

May they have a cry that comes
from the depth of their being.

God, visit me now.
God, send the fire now.

God, change me now.
God, send Your glory now,

for Your honor,
for the sake of a dying world,

for the exaltation
of the Name of Jesus.

For the salvation of the Jewish
people here and now,

start with me.
I ask it in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

You live a holy life,

God says,
“Be holy, for I am holy.”

Instant, instant, instant
repentance. Got it?


