Thank You Father in heaven Cooper

abortion terrible huntie man Tyrion Tara

bahara Baha’i okay who is the one you

had it but you feel like puking

yesterday you felt like throwing up this


all right you fell it like like you know

nauseous you felt nauseous is that your

sister all right sister I mean do you

have it now do you feel the pain now you

don’t but you felt that way

it comes on and off is it the condition

okay who else who else feels that way

over there you felt that way you felt

nauseous okay over here you felt

nauseous as well

okay those around then stretch your

hands towards them Father in heaven in

Jesus name we release that miracle of

healing into that stomach area right now

in Jesus name

do you feel that whole ween Church do

you feel a cool wind coming right now

wow it’s so refreshing can you feel it

it’s wonderful can you feel it is that

cool refreshing um and just receive that

in Jesus name from the crowns of your

hates or the very soles of your feet

I command healing to be effected right

now in Jesus mighty name amen amen

okay there’s someone here you’ve been

sitting and you’ve been realizing that

when you sit down lately there is a pain

in your tailbone area who is that all

right stand to your feet okay you have

you been having pain in your tailbone

area okay and it’s a sharp pain it’s a

sharp pain it’s a sharp pain if you’re a

sharp pain or a dull pain

those are dull pain is dull pain yours

is down you know the darling shopping

your sharp pain yours sharp pain yours

sharp yours okay

looks like quite a number of sharp pain

you sharp or dull okay

I want to pray for the shop paint okay

come ups you’ll come up

praise God just take some time okay I

didn’t plan for these I plan to preach

okay thank you Jesus you have it now you

have it now you have it now okay so can

you tell if you’ve got effects that you

can tell right can you feel the wind

give you the win okay close your eyes

Jesus is here I want this I want to

sister to place your hand on the back

all right a sister just place your

handle back thank you Jesus

father I thank you everyone says healing

is by grace and grace grace be upon them

sister from the crown of your head to

the soles of your feet there it is


there it is in Jesus name receive it

don’t be afraid of it don’t be afraid of

it in Jesus name

Arabic Oh robot can pick up pick up pick

it up pick it up

don’t put it pick up okay follow my

instructions okay doesn’t mean that one

needs to lie down there okay I want a

sister to hold up okay

touch the area okay can you feel a whomp

in that place you fear the one you fear

the wall now either sit down here sit

down here okay put your weight on it in

Jesus name

what is it it’s gone praise the Lord

thank you Jesus

all right you may go back and we believe

it will not happen again in Jesus mighty

name it’s coming on you sister it’s

coming on you it’s by grace receive it

in Jesus wonderful name place your hand

there where where is the pain okay all

the way down

thank you Father God in Jesus wonderful

name thank you lord I speak your healing

to be affected right now in Jesus mighty

name now there’s someone here standing

you actually had an injury all right is

an O injury and and it’s been coming on

and off for some time who is that is you

right what was the injury

what happened Oh trauma two a childbirth

licked your hands do you have that pain

just now you said I’m all right do it

the pop card is we on you can you feel


in Jesus name thank you Lord for our

ba-ba-ba-ba can turn around

receive it sister Jesus name place your

hand in Jesus name

thank you Lord Jesus

hallelujah sister Cydonia

put your weight on it

is the pain gone press harder is it

going it’s going Braves the Lord

on you you didn’t go back hot hot

press hot move around move move you all


praise the Lord amen okay now the floor

the Spirit is here okay I didn’t plan to

do this I plan to teach I want to

continue teaching ken okay

I mean by all my pastors to come and

just release that healing upon all of

them the same thing what happened okay

now you don’t have to sit down here okay

I’m a country teaching all right so any

time the geese flow like this okay I’ll

just want you teaching because every

session is very important but the path

is going to come and pray for you all

right you are very precious to go and

the same thing you see just now all

right your faith is really there okay

your faith has has already praise your

sister your heel you know already

all right come you sit down here no

hands laid on you but you just sit on it

fresh harder

praise God

what happened

it’s gone here is precious this crying

praise the Lord

may go back we believe will not happen

in Jesus name Amen