Stay Close To The Water of God’s Word (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner
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it’s so vital that you get in touch with
the word of God every single day because
there are a lot of areas in your life
that has cut off that has gone dead sin
always brings death deadness in your
mind means you are full of worry you’re
thinking dead thoughts you’re more
discouraged more depressed more Angry
you’re alive but the process of death is
working but God has given us his word to
offset that death when you spend time in
the word the washing of the water the
Breath of God himself comes into you
life comes in the scripture says there
is hope for a tree if it’s cut down that
it will Sprout again at the scent of
water the word of God transcends natural
laws so every day we need the water the
word of
God the Bible you hold in your hands is
no ordinary book it contains our
inheritance that is bought by the Lord
Jesus it is the title deed to every
blessing and promise in Scripture
just like the good land God promised to
his people when he brought them out of
Egypt this book is our inheritance and
the Lord’s desire is for us to possess
it in Deuteronomy 8 it describes the
promised land as a very good land it is
a land of Brooks of water fountains and
springs that flow out of valleys and
heels so in the same way the word of God
is Flowing with lifegiving words to meet
every need and situation that you may be
with and I love how the Bible is all
about our lord Jesus and what he has
done for
us from Genesis to revelation we see the
scholet tread of God’s Redemptive plan
for men woven through every book every
story on every
page it is all there for one
purpose to point us to the person of of
Jesus hi this is Joseph Prince and I
want to invite you on this journey of
learning how to see Jesus in the
word now I know some of you might be
thinking Pastor Prince I am not you when
I read the Bible I don’t get much out of
it if you’re feeling that way I want to
encourage you not to feel discourage
reading the Bible may feel overwhelming
at first but let me assure you we all
learn how to never at the treasures of
God’s word one step at a time
introducing Joseph Prince’s latest book
how to read the Bible see Jesus in the
word like never
before in this book you’ll learn the
simple yet profound keys and principles
that will help you unlock the treasures
of God’s word delve deeper into the
Timeless truths shared through specially
curated teaching
clips and reinforce what you’ve learned
with activities and short reflection
questions that will help you better
understand and apply these truths in
your life this book contains some simple
yet profound keys to unlocking the
treasures of God’s word and principles
that have helped me fall more in love
with Jesus each time I open my
bible my friend how much we possess of
our inheritance is how much time we
spend in the word of God it behooves us
then to pour over it Pages study the
scriptures and to read to understand to
see Jesus and to lay hold of all that he
has bought for us through the cross I
pray that you will come away from this
resource with a renewed hunger for the
word a deeper revelation of our Lord
Jesus and a closer walk with him
thank you Pastor
Gabriel don’t you just love that guy
amen and what an amazing pastor and
teacher of the word you know when he
teaches yeah you can show your
appreciation Gabriel I hope you are
listening and you know when he teach
teachers right there’s definitely the
gift of teaching amen so in the body of
Christ we are so rich God gives us gifts
amen the Bible says When Jesus ascended
on high he he gave gifts unto men and
the gifts that he gives in that in that
part of the scripture when he ascended
on high he gave gifts are actually men
and women amen he gave the church what
pastors first of all Apostles
pastors and
teachers so everyone can teach everyone
in the body of Christ can teach but not
all have not all are called to be
teachers this guy
here every time he teach get ready for
Greek or
and a teacher loves to break down the
amen maybe because in his calling he was
called to be a teacher in the body of
Christ but then he became a teacher in
first right so he was from that school
which I won’t mention and he did a good
there then I I pull him over because I
saw the gift of God and usually if you
want to find out your gift you’ll find
out that you have a passion and a desire
towards a
certain um work a certain assignment
and and that assignment that passion
that you have some people love te
technical stuff they love robotics
things like that and if your child loves
that put your child on that
trajectory amen it’s not important to
especially in now I’m speaking the right
time I know what I’m saying it’s not
important like go or your child
qualifies academically for this school
and that school and all that pray about
it God knows the kind of friends and the
kind of influence that your child will
be under it’s more important that your
child be in a place that to develop his
character because uh in the teenage
years that’s where it’s make or break
whatever habits he pick up from the
wrong company will stay with him for
time right and it’s important God knows
the future so don’t don’t be troubled
about schools and things like that you
know don’t let the world system get into
you get into this school means you are
smart no smart is not just
academic it is it is uh in every area of
your life and the Bible calls that
wisdom amen so there’s a verse in the
Bible that says train up a child in the
book of wisdom train up a child in the
way he should go and when he is old he
will not depart from it so in the Hebrew
it says train up a child in the way he
should go
right the idea there in the word pay is
used for the mouth train up a child
according to his taste according to his
b in other words every child has a
temperament every child has a propensity
and a and a passion for
something amen if your your child loves
to build things put your child towards
direction all right not not like I want
you to be a doctor I want you because I
want to be a lawyer okay that that that
is not the the thing find out your
child’s personality and work with it
every child is different so train up a
child according to his temperament
according to his b and when he’s old he
will not depart from it amen okay praise
the Lord now that that is from my heart
just to talk to the parents this is like
a little bit of uh housekeeping we call
it amen before I start preaching
actually I start
preaching okay okay and uh so don’t
worry all right if your your child’s
results that that we expect why let the
world system determine how smart your
child is your child could be smarter
than the one who’s caught really good in
other areas but that is not determined
isn’t it amen they don’t put a mark to
that right now you put a mark on it amen
if your child has is developing a Godly
character you know in his life
compliment him tell him that’s what
meths yeah you
see people that are not smart when they
steal one they steal one item all right
it’ll be just one
item people who graduate from University
and all that when they
steal they steal a lot of watermelons
and they can do it in such a way
technically digitally they can
manipulate in such a way that you don’t
even know until years
after amen
amen character is more important amen
honesty Integrity teach your children
those things you say but what what what
does that do for his future you know we
want him to make lots of money no you
want him to make lots of
money amen and I tell you this it is
it’s like a spiritual uni um law of the
kingdom of God when you do what you are
passionate about
and by by saying that is what God puts
in your heart isn’t it because in the
New Covenant God leads you based on your
inner desires inner convictions and
passions amen once you embark on that if
you do what you love the money will
follow amen if you’re in a job that you
don’t love get
out but not because of your bad attitude
or because you know you got some
scolding from your
you know what I mean
huh there is not but when you do what
love even though for a while it might
not seem that you are getting what you
know you want to
get the money will follow but never
follow off the money don’t don’t do job
just because you know you think that
you’ll get rich amen you sit at home and
you you admire a few people that you see
on YouTube who say that invest in this I
did this I did that and you do it and
then your family is struggling you’re
using the the finances of the
house your wife is
struggling and you don’t even care
because you’re out to make a lot of
money let me tell you this make stable
money amen the Bible says the hand of
the diligent makeer
Rich right but now this it seems like a
lot of young people just want to get
quick all right so let me just tell you
this the Bible says he that is Hasty to
be rich has an evil eye and does not
consider that poverty will come on
him amen but when you have the
character of honesty integrity and
somebody will see you and I I I don’t
mean a Christian boss you know I look at
the Bible Pharaoh is not a Christian
boss H but he could see that the Lord
was with Joseph and that whatever the
Joseph did God made it to
prosper Joseph wasn’t sitting at home
looking at now let me see how to make
money quick get rich quick you know it
happened to this guy my age it happened
to that guy amen Joseph was on the
internet no and do you know what Joseph
is doing when the Lord prospered
everything that he did with his hands he
was working out there in the field amen
he was cleaning the house he took care
of the
horses egyp horses beautiful horses but
everything that he touched prospered the
trive they became more
friendly amen not not so
moody and and whatever Joseph tend to
even the garden
flourish amen bumper crops harvers in a
time of famine even which we know happen
so any secular boss when you you see
that kind of thing you see that this guy
has some special touch on him the world
calls it Charisma which is the word
Karis Grace is there do you see that so
when someone is charismatic it’s because
of God’s favor on that person can I have
a good
amen amen so I I I I hope that uh this
is important I feel that there are some
things that I want to say that sometimes
in in in in the process of of uh
preaching and teaching you’re teaching
that portion of scripture but you know
it needs to be said instead of just
expounding that portion of scripture are
you okay with that amen your pastor
loves you yes and all your pastors here
we love you we want you to thrive amen
because if you don’t watch it you know
you if see this is amazing Church isn’t
it you correct them they clap amen there
was correction just now amen yeah praise
the lord well let’s look at the
scriptures I hope you’re enjoying the
the Joseph Prince Bible study program
and you have start using
it amen is it it’s so vital that you get
in touch with the word of God every
single day every single day uh the
scripture says in Job chapter 14 it says
this for there is hope for a tree if
it’s cut down that will Sprout again and
that its tender shoots will not
cease though its root May grow old in
the earth and it stum may die in the
ground yet at the scent of water it will
butt and bring forth branches like a
plant wow even though the tree that
branch is cut off and you know that any
branch that is cut off life is gone amen
come on so that’s why we are talking
about the word of God which transcends
laws amen if you live naturally you are
bound by the natural laws amen the
miraculous realm is beyond it’s like
it’s like uh you know even though that
what I’m trying to describe is like
transcending the law of gravity when you
every time every time you take a plane
it transcends the law of gravity but
actually there is another law called The
Law of trust and lift it’s still a
natural law but there’s no um there’s no
similitude okay there’s nothing that you
can use in the natural to describe God’s
ways God God is saying even though you
cut off even you are at this
age that every doctor will tell you
what’s natural and they have to if they
are honest about it amen they’ll tell
you things that you need you might not
want to hear right but but we don’t live
in the natural
realm we we are Spirit
beings in the house of God the temple of
God Amen and one day that spirit will
never die amen this body May if Jesus
terries but we’ll have a brand new body
but the body is just a house that you
live in you are a spirit
being so a fish whatever God creates the
person or the being that creation has
got to try in his environment so the
fish must can only survive where in the
water amen right birds can
fly only when it dies it
falls as long there’s
life it cannot be
Earthbound amen you are a spirit being
created in the image of God God is a
spirit Jesus says and they that wor ship
him must worship Him in spirit and truth
so you are a spirit being you live in
that realm amen and that realm is not
natural it transcends all the natural
laws so here it says that even though in
the natural stop thinking naturally the
Bible says be
renewed amen be transformed by the
renewing of your mind in another place
it says be renewed in the spirit of your
mind it’s all about
transforming yourselves by renewing your
mind but how do you what is the object
that God used for that it is his word
amen and there’s a people who are so
smart in you know like very much in The
Logical realm and all that some atheists
for example they say there is no God and
they are very very sharp very
smart aodi
people amen but the thing is this even
you talk to them and you ask them a
question they are trying to tell you
that there is there is no God why based
on natural laws based on what they think
but you see it’s based only on their
limited understanding they want you to
believe their reasoning isn’t it when
they talk to you am I right they believe
their reasoning is smarter than yours
right am I right not that’s why they’re
talking to you right they believe that
they logic and all that so you ask them
you don’t believe in God you know so
everything come from what just
nonrational matter guesses
Boom Big
Bang okay so the nonrational non-logical
gesses of matter produce you
yeah so your brain how was it produced
originally huh as men’s evolve or
whatever they want to say that’s what
they believe all right it came from
nonrational matter so non-rational
matter produce your rational brain now
that you trying to rationalize with
me all right right if you believe you
come from this non-rational matter I
don’t think I want to listen to what you
have in your
brain it must be a superior intelligence
to give you
intelligence it must be a rational as
well as a spiritual
intelligence and logical to produce such
order in this
universe not just that minutely in your
body and everything that happens that’s
an intelligence
amen the guy who discovered
DNA and how it works some years ago is a
strong believer in Christ and he you
know everything everything that he
writes about they try to blot out his
belief but he talks about his faith he
even produced a book all right he got a
book out there but people don’t want to
hear they just want to know his results
and they they run with it all right even
the breakdown of the DNA and all that he
it when he saw look at the DNA it’s
amazing it cannot be a non-rational
non-intelligent being producing this
kind of
thing amen the greater of you know the
Lesser cannot produce the greater the
greater produce the if non-rational gas
matter and all that produce the greater
a logical rational mind then it’s it’s
opposite of everything in
amen no we didn’t come from
apes look God made us in His
image the apes are still
around and then they try Millions think
millions and millions from an little
crawling tple to have feet they try to
logic out so you sure it’s 65 million
years ago you sure about that oh yeah
yeah we we are
sure we have carbon dating whatever aha
carbon dating very interesting carbon
dating is based on everything must be
constant everything in the atmosphere
must be right for it to function it
assumes that the earth and the universe
is the same as it was 1 million years
ago 10 million ago but it
wasn’t everything is changed now you got
to think about that that’s Comm da thing
cannot go all the way back because you
know why there was a universal flood the
Earth was Once Upon a Time upright it
tilted to conal the flood waters North
Pole and become
iced and South Pole amen all because off
amen come
Amen whenever I hear this 65 million
years ago are you sure it’s not
64 very intelligent 65 million 85
million 25 million they speak and they
want you to believe it okay now that’s
just something that I just want to share
with you I just feel like sharing that
with you okay come back to this so
whatever it is you need the word of God
every single day amen because there are
a lot of areas in your life that has cut
off that has gone dead you know and many
of times it’s because of our foolishness
our actions or or or sin you know we we
indulge in some of these things we we
think there’s no consequence there’s
always a consequence sin always brings
death amen do you know that and you know
that that but Pastor Prince I I’m still
alive here you alive but you do not know
there’s a process of death working and
every time it’s working you know we call
call that what a constant tiredness and
then from there you become weak like the
Bible says the the the process and then
from there you become sick and then
finally you die that is the ultimate in
terms of it’s not ultimate actually the
ultimate is the lake of second death in
the Lake of Fire but that death is what
we are talking about when we say I’m
still alive no you’re alive but the
process of death is working and God has
given us his word to offset that
amen and that’s why in in in the Old
Testament there is a a sacrifice in the
Book of Numbers called the ashes of the
red hather so what they do in those days
is that they bring a haer to the um they
bring a haer to
God okay in the Tabernacle and then the
haer is killed before the Lord and as
the carcass of that haer as the body of
the haer the cops is being burned as a
sacrif sacrificial victim the Bible says
very very interestingly that this
heer upon which came no
yoke and in which there is no defect
it’s a picture of Jesus
Christ amen that that cow that
sacrificed is a picture of the sacrifice
of Jesus on the
cross upon whom there is no yoke he was
never in servitude he was never in
bondage yoke is a picture of bondage
upon him there is no bondage and in him
in the sacrifice there is no defect
in him there is no defect it’s a picture
of Jesus after that what happens when
when it’s being burned as the victim is
being burn they they throw in the Cedar
they throw in the
hup and it’s a picture of the Jesus on
the cross the the the it’s probably it
might be a cedar tree we do not know
right we have that those kind of trees
around it could be it could be such a a
thing that God ordained that tree a
cedar tree might be one of the trees
they use and then they offer Jesus
his on a sponge remember
that the
vinegar okay nonetheless they wait until
it’s burned completely into ashes then
they put it with water now it’s a
special sacrifice for Israel whenever
they touch any dead thing what is a dead
body a a cops whether it is um animal
that’s dead or anything that’s dead once
they touch death this sacrifice is for
it it’s not a burn offering sacrifice it
is not a sin offering sacrifice it’s in
fact those things you can find in the
Book of Leviticus this one you find in
the Book of Numbers The Book of
Leviticus is a book of priesthood amen
the five offerings I’ve thought on that
but the Book of Numbers is the wandering
in the wilderness it’s the book of our
it’s like a picture of us on Earth as we
are going to our Heavenly Home amen
which is so much more beautiful you
heard that last week amen we talk about
that that’s our real life we we are so
flesh conscious we think that this is
the real life but no you know God
ordained this life as well but we
everything is Fallen amen everything on
this Earth is Fallen we’re looking
forward Amen to
hallelujah amen so as we are going
through this journey like the Book of
Numbers it’s a Wandering in the
wilderness and this Prov was provided in
the book of numbers so whenever you
touch death when I say touch death I
don’t mean you touch a dead body all
right physically I mean that there are
things that you know you touch it’s not
overly sinful you say it’s okay and all
that but you touch death you watch that
movie and after that you just feel
there’s a date deess in it I remember I
was with Pastor Mark you know overseas
and we went to a Bookshop and he and I
were browsing through some book and all
that and he was with me when this
happened I took up a book that is uh I I
I saw the wow you know is like giving
you some some
secret so I pick up the book I thought
maybe they the author is a Christian
maybe you know sharing kind Supernatural
principles of the universe the laws and
all that I was very interested thinking
that you know it’s it’s based on the
Bible and I look at it yeah something
things they always like to base on the
Bible new age teaching favorite verse is
for as a man thinks so is he
which is a verse taken out of context
anyway that’s the verse they know amen
if you can believe all things are
possible they take Jesus verse out of
context who said that Jesus but believe
in who believe in
Jesus amen not just believe in anything
so anyway as I I was reading through the
thing I said this is new age but then I
I started reading and reading as I was
standing down there Pastor Mark was with
me and I something say close the book
close the book so I’m When I close the
book I walk in the mall with Pastor I
had one of the most severe headache I
ever had it was terrible right and and
and right after I I closed the book I
walked away it started developing and it
was very severe so much so you you feel
like throwing up now I’m not one given
to that that kind of you know call call
it migraine or whatever but it was very
severe and I went to the toilet and I
asked the Lord you know and past was
there he was always very helpful that he
want to run you know get panad doll or
something thing all right he’s he’s
always in the natural no I’m just
kidding all right
and and by the way there’s nothing wrong
all right utilizing Medical
Services amen the Bible says every gift
and perfect gift is from above all right
every gift the first one every good gift
every good and perfect gift the good one
is for natural for people of the world
God still loves them even though they
are Fallen God’s best is that they come
through Christ amen but meanwhile God is
still merciful and God provide many of
times medicine and discovery of medicine
so I’m not against medicine you
understand I’m just saying that you know
if if men never fa you have no need for
medicine amen so we have to go back to
manufacturer and his handbook to find
out how to live our life he’s our
creator more than that he’s now our
father when we were lost he redeem us
through his son
amen so I touched death that’s what the
Lord said I was praying I said what
happened Lord the Lord says you touch
death I said how did I touch death I
even forgot I was reading the book he
says you read that stuff so from there I
learn that there are things that seem to
be innocent but when you touch there’s a
feeling do you know what I’m saying and
every day we are defiled we are still
the righteous of God in Christ but we
get defiled a good illustration will be
like you take a bar of gold amen you
throw it into the mud especially these
few days it’s been raining a lot right
so after the rain you throw it into the
mud you leave it down there for one hour
and you pick it out now the is is it
still a gold
bar hello is it still of the same value
amen but is it
defiled yes very much so right the value
is still the still there it’s still goal
but it is defiled amen some Christians
think when you you know God has made you
the righteousness of God by the way
righteousness in the Bible is symbolized
by the the metal
goal amen and they think that when you
fall in mud you fall into sin or
whatever all right straight away you
amen no you don’t revert you are still
the righteousness of God in Christ but
you are defiled where you defile in your
mind in your your emotions in your
actions when you get angry towards
someone you can you’re still the
righteousness of God in Christ amen in
fact that that realization should judge
cause you to judge the action remember
this church always judge your action
based on your
position never never judge your position
by your action because I have done wrong
therefore I am now unrighteous
that’s good A lot of people judge their
position before God their standing
before God by their state no judge your
state by your position by your standing
you are the righteousness of God in
Christ and once that is secure You’re
Not Afraid even when your wife corrects
you amen anyone corrects you you find
that you can learn from it because it
doesn’t affect who you are a lot of
people they cannot take uh criticism
because they are very
insecure remember I told you that Jesus
in in the upper room before he watched
the disciples feet what did he do the
Bible says these words and it’s almost
like filling up that that verse you know
that passage he says that Jesus knowing
he came from the father and he he came
from God and he’s going back to God
knowing that the father has given all
things into his
hands he took the towel a basin he
stooped down and wash the disciples feet
remember what I said only those who are
secure can afford to be
humble so people who are proud are
actually what very
insecure a and your criticism actually
touch a place in their life where
actually they they are hiding from
people but they are insecure and and and
church let me just tell you this all of
us are
insecure of varying degrees and that’s
why we need to be reminded all the time
you are the right ousness of God in
Christ amen so all you need to do is to
pick up that that gold bar and what do
do you wash
it right now not with blood but with the
water of the word when defilement is
involved is always the water of the word
what happened in the ashes of red haa
whenever Israelite touch death and all
that he cannot worship God until he
comes to the priest and the priest
sprinkle on him water that is actually
From the Ashes of the red haer listen
all right some of you think that uh it
reminds you of some some practice and
all that but actually that practice is
base on
this this is the original the ashes of
the red haer is put in a bowl right and
then the water is in the bowl and it’s
mixed together with cedar and then it is
a his is di into it and they sprinkle on
the person who is
defiled and the person is clean
again and they s of the Bible says in
Hebrews for if the blood of bulls and
goats and the ashes of the
haer amen sprinkled to the cleansing of
the flesh how much more shall the blood
of Christ who through the eternal spirit
offered himself without spot to God
purch your conscience from dead Works to
serve the Living
God right so the type of course the type
is always in Fe period it’s always
lesser than the the substance but it’s
pointing to the substance so the ashes
of the red haer is telling us there’s a
provision for God’s people when they
touch things in the world they look at
something a picture that they shouldn’t
be looking for to you know whatever it
is and then they defiled or they hear
conversation around them amen
profanities and all that and they’re
defiled and that thing if it’s for too
long it can actually become
sin amen it can even affect your health
it’s very interesting it can affect your
health amen so what’s the provision for
that water if the the gold bar is
defiled it’s still a gold bar but you
wash it with
water and then it’s sparkling again amen
so the Bible says having therefore
listen carefully do not misquote this
verse it says having therefore these
promises dearly beloved Brethren let us
cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of
the flesh and the spirit
notice let us cleanse ourselves from all
having therefore these
promises and the word of God where do
you find the promises the word of
God don’t just say let us cleanse
ourselves all right amen a lot of people
say if you are the righteousness of God
why did Paul say in Corinthians that let
us cleanse ourselves they jump the gun
you got to quote the entire thing he
says having therefore these promises
beloved Brethren let us cleanse oursel
we cleans
ourselves amen from all filthiness of
the flesh the defilement it attaches
itself to us you are still the
righteousness of God in Christ God will
never see you otherwise he will sees you
through the efficacy of the work of
Christ amen but this this defilements
how do you cleanse yourself having
therefore these promises let us cleanse
oursel you use the word of God Amen are
you with me so far you understand amen
so the more you wash yourself in the
word of the word like it’s very
interesting that um one of the diseases
that is very prominent in the Old
Testament is
leprosy and you know what’s the
provision for leprosy a lot of water
sprinkling here sprinkling there make
him go to the water and and immerse
himself baptized you know in the water
comes out there’s a washing a few days
later there’s a washing again a lot of
washing one day I was reading about all
these defilements and the Bible says all
these defilements they happen to a
person uh uh you know like emissions and
things like that and uncleanness and all
that is always dealt with with
water so I tell myself instead of
waiting to be defiled why not just get
into the
water amen like years ago I remember
sharing this somewhere I think in my
first book destined to rain I still
remember vividly you know there was a
little uh waterfall you know not not a
one I was in another country
and it was falling and I was a young boy
at the
time and I remember a rock I took a rock
it was it was covered with moss and very
dirty right Sandy and all that and I put
it in between some rocks where the water
falling after a far a while I came back
to the to My Little Rock and I pick it
up and guess what it was glistening
radiant shining like some of you are
right now like I said to the pastors
last week sometimes when when I preach
right I love to see your faces because
some of you don’t even know like Moses
he wish not that his face
Shone because you know why now you are
clean to the word which he is speaking
through me didn’t Jesus say that in the
upper room he says now you are clean
through the word which I’ve have spoken
unto you the word is the word of
Amen the water is the word of God the
water is the word of
God Amen so says here even though it’s
cut off from its roots at the scent of
water at the scent of
water the moment it senses
water it
sprouts life comes in so you keep
yourself wash all the time keep yourself
in the word how many of you you you find
that when you are without the word of
God okay uh you this happens often when
you’re on holiday those of you who are
tuning online you’re on holiday right
now you’re eating sashimi and all that
right and didn’t even send anything to
your pastor okay never mind it’s okay
but but let me just tell you this you’re
watching right but the thing is that
many of us we experience this on holiday
because we don’t spend time in the word
or we don’t listen to the word and all
that after some time you find that uh
you tend to feel defiled amen you you
tend to like quarrel more you find that
you’re more discouraged more depressed
more angry and the whole purpose for the
holiday is for you to rest and refresh
but instead of that you come back to uh
your own
country and then you feel like you need
holiday so the the thing is this we’re
not refreshed we can bathe every day and
still not be
refreshed but this refreshing is
something of the
spirit amen so stay in the water amen
like like that rock the water comes all
the time amen instead of bringing it out
of the water and then you you get
dirtier then you put it back and stay in
water and that is spend time in the word
get the word of God you can spend time
reading the Bible on that day amen then
spend time listening as you’re walking
and shopping around as you’re eating
your food
amen listen to the
word doesn’t have to be Pastor Prince
any word that is based on the word of
God that glorifies Christ keeps you
Christ occupied amen as you look to him
you become
radiant praise the Lord at the scent of
water it will
but there’s a picture this this happened
a number of years
ago when I was in San Francisco with
some of the pastors Pastor Lawrence was
with me we went to
visit um natural
uh natural
park they had some very ancient trees
there and as I was passing by a stream I
saw a lock that fell over a
stream okay it’s cut off that lock is
off that tree that tree is now a lock
all right it it’s cut off from its roots
I could see that but you know what’s
happening as it fell over the stream not
into the stream okay just just above the
stream it’s not touching the water the
water only a little small
stream I said guys look look look you
know what we
saw we saw this this taken from there
see and if you can see the roots I
should have Tak the picture of The Roots
the Roots there are no roots it’s it’s
cut offed we don’t not know how long
it’s been cut offed but at the scent of
water it’s it started
freshh GRE green
leaves it’s actually cut
off but there are green leaves from this
tree at the scent
water amen amen so this was
taken by
me amen because when I’m overseas with
my pastors we do some of these things uh
in those days that we are free I’m not
preaching and all that in in fact this
was after my preaching but in those days
I don’t let them serve I serve them many
times amen yeah you can have people
helping you because you are preaching
and all that after that hey pastors you
are just one of them okay amen I can
hear Pastor say Amen we are not here to
be served sometimes you know people help
because of convenience so that things
are going smoth smoly and don’t have to
worry about the time and all that people
come and help but don’t think for one
moment that after my time I’m always
having them serving me no no no no
sometimes I serve them I don’t know how
many times I serve Pastor
Mark amen somebody has to serve him
because he’s going to the gym all the
time amen all right
so see this is family talk okay so those
are watching and all that they are
listening you know they don’t even know
who is Pastor Mark
amen and they don’t know that I love
this guy so it says a stum may die in
the ground see it’s not just the root
but notice the root May grow all so what
is the the the the the thing about
all is that they say that you got no
moisture in your bones do you know that
that verses in the Bible that says when
you do this it is moistening to your
bones in the
Hebrew right health to your navl and
Marrow to your bones look at that word
in the Hebrew it says moistening to your
bones and you all know right our bones
can click and
clck when you wake up in the morning but
when you grow old there’s a lot of click
clack click
CL click click click click cck you know
it’s like so the the lack of moistening
lack of water
is the
problem amen even the skin
shows you know so we have to put water
from outside they call it
moisturizer all right because we we are
lacking water and you grow all very fast
when you lack water you don’t drink
water night so even in the natural just
as the natural so is the
spiritual amen you need that water very
interesting you know that verse many of
you know um Moses
when Moses died when he was 120 years
old his eyes was not deemed nor his
natural force
abated right his eyes was not deemed at
120 nor was his natural force abated
okay don’t look it up now okay you can
look up on the Bible study app that you
have the interesting app that you
have but
listen the Hebrew check it out natural
his natural force was not abated the
Hebrew says his moisture was not flat
away is it interesting it says that
literally in the Hebrew his moisture was
not flat
away his moisture was retained in other
words that’s why 120 he was still young
amen and he died at the brink of the
promise land because he represents the
Law the law cannot bring the people of
God into their inheritance into the land
flowing with milk and
honey amen it must be a Joshua who bring
them in and Joshua his name literally is
the name same name as
Yeshua in
Hebrew the law cannot bring you in only
grace through Jesus Christ can bring you
in amen so he died healthy you know he
died healthy and strong his brother
Aaron also died in a very good old age
and you know what he he hide up the
mountain to
die and he cannot die
until Moses took off his high priest
robes the Bible the moment he took off
his high priest robes then he died it
seems as if as long as you realize you
are clothed with the righteousness of
God in Christ the forces of death cannot
come in WoW amen
the moment read the Bible so Aaron died
and he was hiking up which means he
wasn’t infirm he wasn’t weak he wasn’t
feeble he might he hiy
up I mean think about it he hiked up to
his place
cemetery and they still have that in
Petra you go to Petra even from the
hotel where you stay you can look far
and you’ll see a white MOS right on top
of Mount wh that is the tomb of
amen he died without sickness and
disease there are people who die without
sickness and
disease why not make that your aim if
Jesus stes amen amen so moisture the key
word moisture so we find this also in
the upper
room we find that Jesus knowing the
father has given all things into his
hands he stooped down because they all
looking at one another and they saying
uh okay the custom in those days you you
know when you walk your feet get defiled
by the way your feet get defiled is the
same thing defilement on your mind your
spirit your body it attaches from
outside all right the things you hear
the things you see the things that you
have done all right and it attaches
those things to you and what you need is
the water right so the picture picture
of washing your feet in those days they
actually practice the custom of washing
the feet because it gets dusty in the
land of Israel so when you come into
someone’s house right there’s water
there always to wash and usually it’s a
servant of the house that washes
people’s feet so when the disciples they
all tired okay when you’re tired
especially you can get very
grumpy amen especially during
holidays during holidays we don’t
observe Sabbath for you know rest we
don’t observe rest we don’t observe and
and and you know I I will always advise
you if you can factor in the day of rest
don’t be rushing out everything counts
all everything counts all then start
yelling at one another start yelling at
the kids and the kids not happy you know
the the kids start yelling at every dog
that they pass by and the dog not happy
the dog start bucking at every cat that
pass by all right and the cat just say
meow you know so
they’re looking at one another and they
said it’s not my
turn all right Peter says hey I’m the
one who said you are the Christ the son
of the Living God and he says Upon This
Rock your confession I’ll build my
church then they look at Thomas Thomas
says I doubt it’s me I doubt it’s my
turn amen they look at Judas Judas says
sorry yeah busy counting in the midst of
money Jesus stood
up and he washed the disciples
feet he washed their feet and then to
just tell you that it’s not just a
act but a
symbolic gesture to teach us something
he got up and he says happy are you if
you do these things if you do this to
one another you are happy because if I
your Lord and Master have done these
things you ought to do this things to
one another but remember when he was
washing their feet to show something
symbolic something spiritual Peter
stopping and say Lord how can you wash
my feet and the Lord says if I don’t
wash your feet you have no part not in
me that means salvation but he didn’t
say in me he says you have no part with
me in terms of walking with me every day
in terms of communion with me in terms
of your friendship with me in terms of
flowing with me you missed it you don’t
lose your salvation because that they’ll
be saying if I don’t wash your feet you
have no part in me this for believers
only washing of water is only for
believers for those who are Washed by
the blood already remember that what did
Jesus say to Peter at that time he says
don’t only Peter says not only my feet
Lord then wash my my head wash my hands
Peter is very extreme you know Peters
any Peters in your life all right they
are very extreme one very dramatic amen
if they if they do this on this on they
go left all the way they they do right
they can’t be a little bit they go right
all the
way you know people like
that so Peter said that and Jesus says
listen carefully what Jesus says Jesus
says I’m going to give you literally
what he says in the in the Greek you
will find the two different words used
sometime the Bible says he that is
washed does not need except to wash his
feet what he said was this both are wash
but actually there are two different
Greek words the first one is a buff the
second one is washing some parts of your
body which means your face or your hands
is some parts of your body what Jesus
says he that is bathed all
over all of you have been bathed all
over by the blood of Jesus that is a
once and all event amen the washing of
regeneration he has loosed us wash us
from our sins in his own blood and made
us Kings and Priests unto God and his
father father Revelation chapter 1 amen
so Jesus is saying he that is Bath he
that once and for all bath does not need
to be bath again it’s not like some
people teach you know you’re safe then
you sin or whatever then you are now no
more safe you must be resafe and then
resafe no such thing as resafe once you
are safe you are
saved or usse it’s not eternal security
it’s not Eternal Redemption as the book
of Hebrews declares it is not Eternal
inheritance it is not eternal
life so what do you need to do
defilement sets in which is the dirty
feet our walk in this life becomes dirty
it gets defiled what do you do cut off
that food no no Rel relax brother relax
relax yo cut off that you know no all
this cutting off business all the cut
off business listen
carefully relax okay don’t cut off your
cut cut off that cut off everywhere okay
okay Jesus said you need to wash your
feet and what do you use to wash your
feet water now what do you use to get
saved wash all over that buff is
actually he washed Us in his own blood
Revelations chapter one we are washed in
his blood
once and for all that’s how we are
amen now we only need to wash our feet
and the the Greek word there is
referring to a part of your body so
every day we need the
water but many Christians are more
conscious every day we need the blood we
need the blood we need the blood no you
can be using the blood right and not be
conscious of spending time in the word
you know I’ll tell you this I I I
experienced that also a few days without
the the word okay I’ll be honest with
you my wife will be in the service
anyway she here can I tell you something
that no one else
knows just between you and I but you
don’t tell anybody else
okay espe people who are getting ready
okay thank very juicy I’m going to post
this about Pastor Prince get ready
please get ready I’m going to share
something right
now whenever I’m out of out of
okay with my wife or something she she
see that I’m out of sorts someone else
even or just not
myself she would tell
H last time last time nowadays you don’t
it you be spending time in the word
now you don’t say it in a judgmental way
there are some guys you know they’ll
tell your wife oh you spend time with
please the Bible says husband loved your
wife as Christ loved the church and gave
himself for it right he gave himself for
it that he might sanctify and cleanse
her with the washing of Water by the
word talking about husband and wife and
then it talks about Jesus how he he he
died for us he gave him himself for us
all right and he wash Us in his blood
and then to present himself a glorious
Church Without spot or wrinkle without
spot means no defilement no sin amen
without wrinkle means no old
age yeah ever meditate on that what it
means no
wrinkle amen and in our real Spirit man
there’s no age We Are Forever Young in
spirit so without spot wrinkle and what
does it
to the church to present her to himself
a glorious Church Without spot or
wrinkle he wash her with the washing of
Water by the word amen from the book of
Ephesians and husband love your wife as
Christ loved the church and gave himself
for it so first of all it’s
self-sacrificial love for the wife you
sacrifice yourself all right what are
advice you want to go for Holiday think
service think work don’t think I’m there
to enjoy myself no when you’re going to
your family you are there to
work you are there to serve amen if they
are grumpy you must not be you serve
them the word they are hungry you wash
them happy of you you do these things
amen oh no all right now the finger be
pointing at me don’t forget what you
said okay never mind you know my
daughter or my son or my wife if they
listen to to this they’ll say don’t
forget what you said on
holiday that that is the the the occup
occupational hazard I have you know
whatever I preach I got to you know face
it but really when you when you go as a
family you can have your own break time
you can you know try to I I advise
people to have some sabbatical time your
me time like just go away and spend time
with the word you know doesn’t be far
away can be
nearby amen refresh yourself but you go
to your family you are to serve you are
there to wash
feet and then Jesus says you’ll be happy
you’ll not be sad you’ll be happy happy
of you you do these things we are to
cleanse one one another’s feet he’s not
saying about the you know he’s talking
about spiritual thing just now right he
that is bathed does not need except to
wash his feet am I
right yeah and it’s very interesting
that the devil seems to nip the feet
right that’s why it says the God of
Peace will soon Crush Satan under your
feet and in the first Prophecy in the
garden God says he the devil shall Crush
you will crush his head he will crush
your heel he it’s always nipping like a
snake you know only gets your feet
doesn’t get your shoulder doesn’t get
your upper arm doesn’t get your biceps
he goes for your
right amen just like the verse Jesus
says about Judas
from the prophecy in the Psalms he
lifted up his heal against
me the traitor Judas he betrayed Jesus
he lift up his heal against me you know
there a picture of this someone walk
past you right you know what they do
they use their heel to kick you behind
your back he lift up his heel against me
he did things behind my
back amen so the devil cannot handle
feet there’s nothing for him to eat
because he has been ordained since the
Garden of Eden dust you shall eat all
the days of your life so dust is the
food the devil eats
dust the name
Canaanites all right the enemies of
Israel the Canaanites mean wallowing in
dust amen you become food for the enemy
because God ordained that Satan would
dust and that’s why every time you wash
away the dirty feet what do you wash
dust when you’re in the word there’s no
dust when you you have bathed right you
bathed and all that you feel like you
don’t to get
dirty amen it’s not matter of oh don’t
sin don’t do it’s not matter don’t it’s
like after you bathe it’s just from
within you don’t get
right Pastor I don’t understand what
you’re saying because I don’t bath you
don’t understand now then you don’t
understand yeah now your neighbor is
saying ah now I
understand I can smell it
bro when you wash you feel fresh you
feel good you feel
relaxed amen that’s the washing of water
of the word so are you getting this so
far it keeps you healthy also
physically like I said you know having
that severe headache that time is not
healthy right is a sign and many of
times the lack of water I’m talking
about spiritual water now the word of
God in your life manifest even
physically it manifest in your mind
deess in your mind means you are full of
worry you’re thinking dead thoughts
anxiety you are
depressed amen it’s like everything your
outlook is very bleck very dismal very
moody everything you see is very
dark Jesus specializes in turning mour
into dancing
Hallelujah tears May last for a night
but joy comes in the
morning amen he turn our sorrows into
joy and that’s why in first chapter of
the Bible it says that and the evening
and the morning were the first day and
the evening and the morning were the
first day men like to say morning and
evening morning and evening God says
evening and morning evening and morning
God says the moment is always getting
brighter as far as I’m concerned it’s
always getting brighter amen
so when you spend time in the word you
think like God can I a good amen am it’s
exciting the word of God it’ll make you
wise you know the world puts a premium
on wisdom and don’t even know how to
express it so they look at at at at at a
billionaire that builds rockets and all
that and they say oh that’s wisdom or
they look at this oh that’s wisdom and
they always think that wisdom means
smart amen I’m not saying but these
people are not smart I’m I’m saying that
wisdom is not being
smart it may Encompass that but it’s
more than
smart wisdom is knowing things before it
happens it’s like intuition on the
inside you know what to do even without
understanding all the logic of what
doing amen wisdom is always
loving moral
Excellence sometimes there’s no benefit
to saying the truth but you you must say
the truth when you see someone doing
something wrong you must speak the truth
you have to be honest but then you will
lose out yes you may lose up but there’s
something inside you that loves moral
Excellence if no one knows the Lord
knows it’s not vital for my salvation
I’m safe already all right but it’s
something about an elevation a moral
elevation amen a prince walking on Earth
must act like a prince or else you’ll be
despised people expect more from a
prince so for Christians you every time
I hear something that happens to a
Believer you know that I feel sad
because of testimony so it is true
believers must walk with a moral
elevation you must love moral Excellence
you look at Jesus for example we try our
best to be imoral but the Bible says you
know the word of God says um that that
uh the offering the meal offering amen
it’s fine flower fine flower which means
nothing in it is CSE or rough there’s
nothing that like in the character of
Jesus the fine flly is Jesus I’m the
bread of life the the fine flly offering
is a picture of Jesus in Leviticus so
you find that Jesus there’s nothing in
him that is Salient uh more prominent
than another
feature Amen in other words when when he
he has love and mercy is not at the
expense of
righteousness you know sometimes we show
mercy and charity to people but it it is
at the expense of
Justice we say never mind it’s okay it’s
something wrong they’re abusing people
never mind it’s okay you know we got to
love people love one another no my
friend you have you are misapplying that
part has that part has become prominent
in Jesus his character his moral
Excellence nothing preponderates there’s
no feature higher than another and a
feature comes in a beautiful feature
like mercy and when it does his work it
disappears and there’s another feature
that comes in Trace his walk every word
he speaks every action he does emits a
fragrance like the meal
offering because they put frankincense
on the meal offering to show that Jesus
life every thought every word every deed
emits a fragrance to the father who
alone can fully
appreciate this his completely
amen now many of us we we we we we don’t
realize this but but uh they made some
studies on people who are who are
beautiful or handsome or good-looking or
whatever they say that it’s because our
eyes look at things that are symmetrical
we look at things that are
symmetrical amen doesn’t mean you have
to have big eyes if both your eyes are
small it’s
symmetrical amen it’s like everything is
symmetrical that’s what they say so we
look for that in other words there’s a
cry for beauty in our
hearts and it’s where where did the cry
that cry come from we love beautiful
things that’s why we go for Beautiful
Things our house want it to be beautiful
we want to be among beautiful gardens
and things like that right there’s a cry
for beauty because when you look at the
world it’s very
ugly but what is making it ugly
outwardly is actually the moral
ugliness people are deceiving cheating
so the Bible says this in 2 Timothy
3 but evil men and imposters will grow
worse and worse deceiving and being
deceived is any what’s happening now in
the world huh fake news and all that is
here doesn’t matter where they graduate
from some of them are from prestigious
universities Elite
schools IV
Le but they are deceiving and being
so what do we do this happening in the
last days Paul is writing to Timothy and
saying by the spirit this happening in
the last days the answer is the
following verse it says that but you
must continue the next verse says but
you must continue in the things which
you have learned and been assured of
knowing from whom you have learned them
and that from childhood you have known
the holy
scriptures it’s not too early to teach
your children the word of
God make them memorize the the the the
sheep the Lord’s PSAL Psalms 23 the
PSAL make them memorize Psalms
91 amen make them memorize John 14 where
it talks about peace I leave with you my
peace I you’ll never know when the Holy
Spirit bring it in their
lives they’ll just do it to please you
they’ll just do it because they have to
but I think it’s more important to
memorize that than to memorize the
mathematical table on Amen the word of
God from from childhood Timothy remember
from childhood you have known the holy
scriptures which are able to make you
wise that’s what the world is looking
for and they’ll pay a premium for it as
we have in the story of Joseph Pharaoh
is not a Believer but fa Pharaoh will he
place a premium on Joseph’s
wisdom he for him he cannot he can
explain it I just want this guy to be
running my affairs everything he touched
prospers there’s a result of Shalom
there’s a peaceful
result I want him at my
sight if he’s in charge of the garden
the garden prospers imagine if I have
him at my
side governing the land while I shake
legs and do nothing amen just think of
it so that’s why he did so the word is
looking for wisdom they might not be
able to express it but they’re looking
for wisdom they might I say we are
looking for people high IQ you can have
a high IQ but no wisdom and it shows
there’s no moral
Excellence character success is more
important than circumstance success
remember this and it’s character success
many are times that gives birth to
circumstantial success but not the other
way around circumstantial success
doesn’t mean character
success but when you have character
success you can handle the circumstances
success and you be tested like Joseph
was his character he he had character
success then when he had circumstance
success B’s wife was eyeing
him no one was in the house it was in
his interest to please the boss’s
wife she can pull strings for him no one
was in the house his parents are far I
mean his his father was far away his his
brother so him no one there to account
to except God he told her the he
mentioned God to
her you know right when you’re tempted
by the opposite sex the moment you say
God only the all the darkness
disappear man you know what I’m saying
when a girl is flirting with you the
more you say yeah my wife was telling me
that they it’s so
amen amen amen
my wife asked me one time what will you
do if someone flirts with you she ask me
one time I just said look at this finger
man very happily
amen no I didn’t ask for that save that
for pastor Mar a few weeks later okay oh
coming soon but appreciate that
nonetheless but character success he was
able to stand to her because you know
what imagine if there was no character
success he succumb to
it now right now he says I’m enjoying
all the benefits that the boss wife
gives me yeah for a while somehow it
will come
around right and pharaoh who has a lot
of women and finds out about this you
think he’s going to put you in charge of
the whole country no
way sin has a way to haunt you yeah
first of all it haunts you the worst of
all it haunts your
conscience you cannot be bold outwardly
in fact you have a lot of fears when
your conscience is not
right there are poor people who don’t
have a lot of money but they sleep right
they’re happy conscience is clear there
are rich people who can only eat one
meal at one time some of them they are
sick they cannot even eat meals properly
the best meals that money can buy he
only sleep on one
bit big house only sleep one bed and can
they sleep another
question all right now I’m not against
people who are rich okay I’m I’m just
saying don’t think just because people
are rich they enjoying the good life
that you want to be G rich quick skin
into your life no
no Jesus says what shall it profit a man
he gains the whole
world but he lose his soul
there’s no price for
amen if your boss sexs you because you
told the
truth there’ll be a boss who appreciate
truth and Beyond him is God who will
reward you for you serve him amen amen
amen are you with me so far
I love you all amen it’s correction but
correction in love praise the Lord from
childhood you have known the holy
scriptures which are able to make you
wise for salvation through faith which
is in Christ Jesus and the word make is
able to make you wise is one word in the
Greek Sopo from the word sopia is able
to Sopo you is able to
Sopo make you wise with the wisdom of
God Amen and make you wise for what for
salvation now again I want to tell you
this the word salvation is the word
soteria in Hebrew Yeshua familiar is the
name of Jesus when Jesus comes along if
there are Greek people around they’ll
say soteria Amen his name isans soteria
but in Hebrew his name means
Yeshua Hallelujah so when you find the
salvation amen it is the noun of the
word Soo but a lot of people think of
Salvation and Soo as only being saved
from the lake of fire that is the
greatest definition of the word
salvation and it’s used amen because we
got to make sure that our Eternal
Destiny is
secure of course but the word salvation
is so
rich like The Lord himself name
represent the person so he call himself
salvation because it’s all en passing
and salvation went around healing all
that were
sick so the word Soo again let me remind
you is the word to save to keep safe and
sound to rescue from danger or
destruction right of course the leg of
fire is destruction it rescued us from
that but it’s more than that it is to
rescue from every danger and
destruction amen it is also to save a
suffering one from perishing that is one
suffering from
disease to make well heal restor to
health that’s salvation Salvation means
to heal to make well to restore to
health and I’ve told you this I’m say
again that when Jesus heals people when
he says when you find the word your
faith has saved you your faith has made
you well in your English Bible your
faith has healed you the word the word
there is actually
soou for heal so save is more than just
safe from hell do you know you are being
safe every day salvation
amen and that’s why God’s word is able
to make you
wise into these areas am receiv
receiving it and how to walk in it not
just save from Hell lot people I’m safe
from hell I got salvation
no you haven’t got salvation in its
fullness you are saved from hell yes
eternally praise the Lord through Christ
and Christ
alone but there’s so much areas to be to
to still
safe how long will you be
slack to possess your
possessions and to walk in the fullness
of your inheritance amen amen so there’s
so much more yes that got one want to
amen salvation Salvation is a noun Soo
is from salvation by The Way Soo this
word Soo is the same word as salvation
Salvation is a noun Soo is a
verb okay soia
Soo it’s the same
meaning amen so God’s word is able to
make you wise for salvation through
faith which is in Christ Jesus drop down
all scripture is given by inspiration of
God and it’s profitable for Doctrine for
Repro for correction for instruction Ah
that’s why I Shar the word of God
there’s correction isn’t it there’s
reproof isn’t it but it’s not
condemnation there’s not
condemnation in fact when you reprove
it’s a washing there goes another
dust there goes another dust there goes
another dust the devil Bites the Dust
there goes another dust
amen by the way one of the easiest ways
to see pride is in the area of
Correction when you correct someone
right and you don’t come condemning
condemning is
different look you don’t condemn your
children right you correct
them amen correct correction you point
to the problem they know your love for
them and because they know your love for
them you must establish that first then
you can can correct you correct the
action not the person you don’t say the
action is bad but the person is good
righteous in Christ but correct the
person just like you can correct your
behavior when you realize you’re
righteous you can say what Joseph prce
why why are you doing that that is
stupid that is not you amen you can
it amen you judge the action by your
position never the other way around you
don’t say you did a stupid thing that
stupid you did a sin you committed a sin
therefore you are
sinful okay so same thing your children
you correct them so it is good for God’s
word is good for by the way inspiration
of God I love
this do you have time for this just let
this after that we we we let you
go amen because you don’t realize you
are letting me go
so oh all scripture say all all not just
here and there some people believe some
parts are inspired some parts are no no
no the Bible says all scripture is given
now listen by inspiration of God that’s
the best the English can come to but
literally in the Greek it is the word
tanos tea is Theos God God’s God is
called Theos like theology Theos in in
noos breath the Breath of God every
scripture is
breef can I ask you a
question Once Upon a Time you are just a
body God Made You Like a
mannequin by the way this jacket is from
Benjamin barer
see at at the at the showroom right
there’s no life that’s what you all were
when God made Adam it’s like that so
your body is not you and then what did
do in Hebrew he VI even the way said in
Hebrew you got to breathe out
VI he breathe into man and man
Man became a living Soul
amen for Pastor Mark is going to be Man
became a living Soul
amen well Pastor Lawrence going to be
like amen I’m giving the glory to God I
have to be humble
man’s life is in that
breath God breathe into man that’s why
carefully man cannot just disappear
after he dies physically there must be a
place to house him but because he’s not
recreated he cannot be in the place of
perfection because he has sinned there’s
sin in his life you still must house him
because he lives
forever so hell is a place where they
live for
forever or
suffer so you got Jesus love us so much
God sent his son to die for our sins the
wages of sin is death but the gift of
God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
Our Lord amen imagine when you spend
time with the word of
God you think you are receiving God’s
word just the instructions no it’s more
than that you’re receiving the breath
that gave give you life in the natural
your your your Earthly life all right
you’re getting that life which means
what the more life you have don’t forget
you are always allowing death to come in
right somehow but then when you spend
time in the word not only washing of the
water but Breath of Life the Breath of
God himself comes into you that’s why
God’s word is Health to All God’s word
is life to you and health to all your
amen and allow it to reprove you to
correct you and to instruct you in
righteousness righteousness is not right
doing in the New Testament is right
position amen you are the Righteous of
God in Christ amen that a man of God may
be perfect this word perfect means
fitted complete truly furnished unto all
good works thoroughly equipped forever
very good work amen and um it means a
man who is like in those days a ship is
about to take his journey to a far
country in the days of Paul he Des you
describe the great word he is used for
fitting it the ship with everything
that’s necessary fully equipped whatever
you LA right now when you spend time in
the word there’s an
impartation so that means even the area
of weakness sickness whatever there the
impartation of life and health amen amen
is this helping you
have you been blessed give the glory to
God Amen praise the Lord thank you Jesus
all right every head bow every eye
closed and friend if you are here today
and you don’t really understand
everything that I’m sharing is okay the
most important thing is to know that God
loves you and he sent his son to die for
your sins on the
cross believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and you will be saved and your house
if that is you pray this prayer with
me putting your trust in Christ who died
for your sins on the cross and then God
raised him from the dead to declare that
because Jesus bought your sins and when
God raised him from the dead that means
what you are now without those
sins imputed on you CU what Jesus did
was for
you so if that is you where ever you are
my friend pray this prayer with me right
now from your heart say heavenly
father thank you you love me long before
I knew you and you love me every step of
way thank you for giving your son for
not sparing him because of your love for
me Christ died for my
sins he bore all my sins I believe
it but on the third day when you
Justified me when you acquitted me you
raised your son from the dead Jesus
Christ is my Lord and Savior now and
forever thank you Father I’m
Sav I’m highly favored in Christ and
from now on I fully
expect everywhere I
go that the favor of God will attend my
way everywhere I go surely goodness and
mercy will follow me hand me down all
the days of my
life in the name of Jesus amen amen amen
stand to your feet praise the Lord lift
your hands all across this
place let’s believe God don’t take this
week for granted those of you who are
traveling don’t take your travels for
Grant granted amen even the countries
you’ve been to don’t take it for granted
amen things may not have happened before
can happen in the future but God will be
with you and that’s why we are
pronouncing this over you not to soo you
but to cause answered prayers to attend
your way so this coming week Church the
Lord bless you and your families
wherever you may go wherever you may be
the Lord bless you and your families
Blessings of Abraham on you blessings of
Deuteronomy cre at every spiritual
blessing in
Christ and the Lord keep you preserve
you and your loved ones throughout this
week from harm Danger from every
infection from every sickness and
disease from every danger harm and from
all the power of the evil one the Lord
preserve you believe it see him
attending your way see the light shining
in front of you throughout this
week the Lord make his face shine on you
and be favorable to you now expect the
favor of God don’t forget this message
every day expect the favor of
God the Lord lift up his countenance on
you and your families and Grant you and
yours is Shalom peace and wholeness in
Jesus name amen God bless you we’ll see
again good morning church indeed we have
some good news to share with you and
last Sunday those of us who were here in
church would remember that Pastor
ministered with a strong healing
anointing and there are number of
testimonies that have come in and I’m
here to share with you some of these
testimonies to encourage you but the
first testimony comes to us from a
brother from Singapore and he writes
that I had gone for two minor operations
on my thigh just a month or two back and
since then I’ve been suffering from a
side effect of the medication where my
eyes would sting so he went for surgery
on his thigh and then his eyes would
were affected right my eyes would sting
and tear uncontrollably on certain days
my vision would also be blurry with my
eyes unable to focus and to read words
even a short distance away this was
affecting my daily life on Sunday the
17th of November I woke up and my left
eye was tearing but I still made sure to
tune in to the online service I wasn’t
expecting that Pastor Prince would call
out healing for blurry vision during the
time of ministering but I knew straight
away that the healing was mine and I
claimed it in the mighty name of Jesus
Christ the blurriness in my vision
cleared miraculously on the spot and my
vision seemed to go from 720p to 4K
that’s the resolution of the TV you
know very high definitional our God is
truly a god of time and space and this
happened even though I was at home to
God be all the glory praise Lord for
this testimony
right next we have a testimony from a
sister from Canada Canada and she writes
that I’ve been suffering from
osteoarthritis in both my knees for a
few years but the pain became bad after
my recent travel on Saturday the 16th of
November Canada time which of course
it’s really Singapore Sunday a Sunday on
Singapore my husband and I were watching
the online service where Pastor Prince
called out healing for knees I claimed
the healing even though the pain uh even
though the pain had persisted after the
service I I went to bed and as I was
lying down I suddenly felt my left knee
jerk involuntarily the pain was gone and
I knew in my heart that I was healed the
next day my left knee continued to be
completely painfree and a few days later
my right knee also was fre of pain I’m
enjoying being completely pain free all
glory and praise to my beautiful Lord
Jesus who has healed me praise the Lord
for healing both her knees
Hallelujah con next we have a sister
from Singapore writing to us and she
says that I’ve been having pain in my
Ailes tendon in my in my right heel for
about a year initially the pain would
just come and go but gradually it became
more frequent during the past two months
the pain intensified and caused me
discomfort while I was going up and down
the stairs because my Mobility was
affected I even slipped and fell down
the stairs at home thank God I was well
and unscathed after the fall on Sunday
the 17th of November I attended the
third service at the star and Pastor
Prince prayed specifically for pain in
the right heel though it was a recording
God’s power transcends time and space I
prayed along and claimed the healing
believing that it was done I didn’t take
notice of the healing until Monday night
when I realized that I could move around
and up and down the stairs with ease
there’s no pain at all hallelujah thank
you Jesus for healing me praise the Lord
for healing this sister
and finally we have a testimony from a
brother from Singapore and he writes
that I’ve been feel feeling pain at the
top of my right foot for two weeks
likely due to an injury while I was
playing basketball I still had to keep
walking with pain as my work involves a
lot of walking but I also kept
meditating on Words of healing on 16th
of November which is a Saturday I was
worried if I could go to church the next
day where I be serving at the connect
Point furthermore I’d also sign up to
serve at a welcome party for newcomers
after the second service and lastly I
had planned to visit my friend at the
hospital that evening so there was lots
of walking required and the pain in my
foot was getting worse the next morning
I seriously contemplated resting at home
as my foot was in pain but because of
the commitments I made I decided to
trust the Lord and go to church thank
God for commitments we make on Sunday in
church you know when Pastor Prince
started ministering he called out a
right heel condition inside my mind I
thought Aya that’s what he wrote Aya
missed by a few inches for overseas
friends Aya is what you say when to
express dismay or exasperation right a I
missed by a few inches but Pastor Prince
then called out for other foot
conditions which encompassed mine I felt
a cool sensation in my right foot and
the pain started to disappear I tested
it out by stamping my foot and the pain
was really gone after the service I was
able to run he didn’t say move or walk
he said run to the welcome party which
was on the 11 floor then I ran to the
connect point on level five to help out
then I prayed with a couple whose father
was hospitalized at the same hospital as
my friend that was going to visit since
I would already be there I would say I
will also visit them after that I headed
back to the welcome party to serve with
lots of standing and walking and later
that day I went to the hospital to visit
the couple and to pray for my friend God
is so good my fot has been healed and
there was no pain throughout the day
hallelujah praise the Lord for this
tesones I hope you enjoyed today’s
episode but don’t go just yet if you
like to receive prayer share your
testimony or find out more about gospel
partner just click the link on this
screen if not I’ll see you in the next