The Counterfeit Trinity
Satan is the master deceiver! So masterful, that in the Tribulation he will attempt to counterfeit the Trinity of God. In this teaching, Pastor Mike Golay exposes the key spiritual deceptions leading up to the Rapture, unpacks how Satan will provide a counterfeit trinity in the Tribulation, and reminds the viewer of three powerful weapons reserved only for believers. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: Order Amir’s new book “Discovering Daniel”: Follow us on social media: Instagram: / beholdisrael Facebook:
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To open this morning, I want to just tell you a little bit of a story that happened.
It was 1988.
I was living in Germany at the time working for
an organization called a Niche Oshwin in Korntal-Münchingen
for all you Germans, you’ll know exactly what that is.
Korntal-Münchingen is there near Stuttgart
and this was a mission organization, German mission organization,
that would smuggle Bibles into communist Europe in 1988.
We were renovating the roof of this warehouse
where they housed all the Christian literature,
and I was a volunteer helping them put the new roof on.
Victor Blonk, who was one of the supervisors,
says to me in German,
Go out on the roof and start working over in that area.
And the roof had been torn off, there was trusses
and I looked to what seemed to be a concrete slab,
and I stepped on this concrete slab on top of a warehouse
that was four or five stories high, approximately
the same height as the ceiling in this very room.
I was fooled.
I didn’t understand German.
I stepped on a ceiling tile.
I stepped out and, poof,
I was there one minute
and then I raptured to the earth
because I was fooled.
There are two things:
(1) I did not understand what he said to me,
and (2) I was fooled, and I stepped out in faith
on the wrong material.
What happened next,
as I was [ahhhhhhh] falling through the air,
something happened that I will never forget.
Something that I’ve come back to many times
in my Christian life
that God has used mightily while I was falling in the air…
But to hear the rest of the story,
you’re going to have to hang tight. [Smile].
Satan is going to give you, the world,
a fake Godhead.
I want to look at this in all its essence this morning,
and I want to prepare you for what is to come,
which is what Barry illustrated.
There will be a crescendo, a J-curve, of the world
detaching itself from religion.
In other words, we’re going to be looking at
the fake Trinity, the pseudo-Trinity,
we are going to be looking at the counterfeit Trinity.
The world will be confused and,
they will be fooled,
and they will fall…
unless somebody rescues them.
It’s taught in both Testaments this whole Trinitarian concept.
It says here, and this is a Hebraic concept
because I know all of you love that,
it says in Genesis 1:1 (NKJV),
the very first verse of the Bible, did you catch this?
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
In the Hebrew the singular word for God would have been Eloah.
But the plural is used here Elohim.
Isn’t it interesting that the word Elohim is plural,
but it uses the singular verb for created?
Now if you know another language,
you’ll know what I’m talking about.
A plural God should require a plural verb for grammatical consistency,
but you have a plural God with a singular verb.
So, it’s one God in three persons.
It’s genius right there in the first verse.
That’s what the Lord wanted the reader of the Bible to understand.
He wanted them to understand who He is,
and what He did to bring about the world
with all of the contradicting views.
In the New Testament, you see this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
explicitly mentioned in Matthew 28:19,
it says: Go therefore (to His disciples after He’s about to ascend,)
and make disciples of all the nations,
baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”
So, all members of the Trinity are involved in
the most crucial social example of somebody testifying
and being baptized and being acclimated into the family of God, the church.
And without all three of the members of the Trinity,
it is not God’s design: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
This doctrine appears in all the major Christian creeds.
In fact, the Christian creeds were engineered
to address false teaching about the identity of God Himself
that was being already attacked in the first, second and third centuries.
For example, Adoptionism, they were saying
that Jesus was born into the world, and that He became God-like.
pretty crazy but that’s what some of these disciples had to write against.
And a lot of the early church had to write against many heresies
that were disseminating throughout their time.
Arianism, which is probably the most prolific and most obvious one,
if you’ve read anything in history of the early church,
you will not escape Arianism.
This is a gentleman that lived between 250 to 336.
He was a priest in Alexandria, and he was professing Christianity,
and he says, No, no. Jesus was a special creation of God,
but not God, and the Spirit of God is just a force.
This is exactly what modern day Jehovah Witnesses believe,
modern day Arianism.
You’ll see a lot of these fake concepts about God’s existence,
who God really is.
You’ll see that the devil is even working within the so-called church to propagate his deception.
Satan is always sold the world on false gods.
In 2 Corinthians 4:3-4,
it says to the Corinthians, which were a mess, by the way:
“But even if our gospel is veiled,
it is veiled to those who are perishing,
whose minds the god of this age has blinded,
who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ,
who is the image of God, should shine on them.”
So, devil s agendas is very simple:
If he can fool you into thinking that you’re secure,
and you step out in faith in whatever you have managed to come
across as far as his coping mechanism, or his design for you,
he can have you sucking away on error and it will cost you your life in the end if something does not change.
He is mimicking that which is real,
and he is doing a good job at it probably better in this day in age
than ever in human history.
When it says, image of God, Jesus is the perfect image of God.
The Greek word is icon.
He is an exact model of God the Father.
And if you want to know what God the Father thinks,
if you want to know how God the Father’s character is,
if you want to know what God the Father’s personality is,
if you want to know anything about God the Father,
you look at the Son.
You’ve ever been to like an event and you go to that family,
and that family standing there maybe it’s dance or hockey or whatever,
and you see the son of a man and it’s like a little clone,
it’s like a little version of the guy.
And that’s two people that that made that!
Have you ever met somebody that’s so…
they so much look like their parent?
That is what this verse is meaning.
Now, I was falling through the air…
but before we get to that,
let me just throw up a few more slides.
There is in pop culture today, a moving away from
monotheistic religions, religion itself,
we covered that with Pastor Barry.
In The Ancient Days, however, leading up to the first century,
people would worship many gods,
Greek and Roman gods of mythology, including Atlas and Jupiter.
A lot of the so-called gods are the foundation of a lot of today’s video games.
A lot of the video games bring back ancient gods,
and they are integrated within the system.
Granted a lot of them you have to kill these gods somehow
with swords and knives and machine guns, but whatever.
The Canaanite gods were some of the evil gods
but they mimicked
and led people astray to the point where they dropped the water on the floor.
Let’s put this over here.
You have altars in the Middle East, particularly there’s one in Megiddo Israel,
the site of Armageddon, the actual city,
where there’s a big altar where they would regularly sacrifice children.
Can you imagine?
A family has a child, a little crying baby,
and because they look at their financial, agricultural,
and social system within these religions,
they were promised that if they would sacrifice the most prized life form,
that these gods would give them back blessing for their crops,
for their cattle, for their beasts, and be blessed.
They were fooled.
The ancient Near East gods were no different, Ishtar and others.
There’s a resurgence even interest in Norse gods
because of Marvel comics, you know, Thor and Odin and Loki.
These Norse gods are fascinating for a lot of young people
but there’s one thing that I find amazing.
Here I am, last night watching the History channel,
and this slide kind of came out of the History channel
just last night, we created this.
There is and I didn’t know this petroglyphs that have similar images throughout Australia,
South America, Europe, Africa, Japan and other countries as well.
This is the words of the History channel, not mine,
that are saying and I saw this on the TV as well,
similar images and all of these people are proposing the solution of
why they all look similar when they didn’t have the travel methods
that we do today of saying,
there were extra-terrestrials that interacted with all of these ancient civilizations.
Isn’t it interesting that wherever you have big followers of aliens
watch this…
There’s not… it’s not far and you won’t even have to look
very far before you realize that,
a lot of these people are into the paranormal and into occult.
And a lot of these images that you see of modern-day aliens are identical in many ways to people
that have witnessed so-called demonic manifestations.
Now, all of this system of religion is going to merge like a funnel
to the beast of Revelation, which we will look at more in detail in a minute.
A few months ago, I was serving in my military reserve duty
and was just there in the office and a young airman walks in, says, Good afternoon chaplain.
I said, Have a seat. What brings you in?
He said, Well, I want a waiver so I can grow a beard.
I said, Okay. Why?
You know, because beards aren’t really allowed in the military
unless you get a waiver.
He said, I am worshipping Odin, Thor,
and I am a Norse godsman.
I said, Sit down.
[Laughter] Sit down.
Now look, okay, just so that we’re clear because this is online,
my job is to listen to the airmen and see if this is actually,
you know, if there’s any validity to this,
and I can also ask questions, any questions I want.
I said, Are you the Walmart version or the Marvel version?
And he was offended.
No, I didn’t actually say that. [Laughter].
That would have been, if you’re watching chaplains core,
I know, I would never do that. Okay.
But well, here’s what we did talk about.
Now, this is anonymous.
He said, No, it’s real. I have an altar to Odin in my backyard.
I said, really?
Have you ever asked yourself the question, what led you to this?
And we started to talk about spiritual things.
And it actually came out that he’s fascinated with the supernatural
and I said, you know, can I share my story with you?
I believe that I have found the chief God,
the top,
the God of all gods; even more powerful than Odin himself.
That’s what I said.
Would you be interested to hear?
He’s like, Yeah. Tell me more.
Satan is offering people right now a huge buffet table of counterfeits.
I want to put the definition of counterfeit straight from the Apple Mac program.
This is what they’re saying, not me.
They say it’s an adjective, made in exact imitation of something
valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud.
That’s Apple saying this, not me.
Okay, so here I am living in Israel in a little…
it’s actually it was a silo that was used for
hay and probably even manure.
Amir, remembers this?
I had a big pile of manure right outside my front door.
That was my last house when I lived in Israel,
it was a transition home just for the record.
And there was the owner, he lived just straight up the road
and he said, It is time for you to take the rent
so bring me the rent and we will have another month for you.
So, I went over there, and I said,
Okay, here you go.
And he says, Do you want to… do you know what is counterfeit?
He said it in Hebrew.
You know what is the counterfeit?
I said, Yeah.
So, do you want to see counterfeit $100?
I said, Yeah.
He showed me.
And honestly, friends, I felt a real counterfeit $100 bill,
that it was so accurate to the original
and I was impressed.
I stepped out on this ceiling tile…
and I’m falling… because I was convinced.
It looks real! It looks like concrete!
John 8:44b says this: He [Satan] was a murderer from the beginning…”
This is not new.
(Murderer means he wants to destroy and kill you.
“And he does not stand in the truth,
because there’s no truth in him. When he speaks a lie,
he speaks from his own resources,
(these are not coming from God) for he is a liar and the father of it.”
Examples, Satan uses examples. I want to give examples of
how Satan uses lies in this world.
2 Timothy 3:1-5, Paul writes to Timothy,
reminds him of something very disturbing,
and I want to approach this from a completely different angle of perspective.
He says: “But know this, that in
the last days perilous times will come:
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,
boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,
unthankful, unholy, unloving,
unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal,
despisers of good, traitors, headstrong,
haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
having a form of godliness,
but denying but its power. And from such people turn away!
Rust on cars, mold in the sheet rock coming through
with cauliflower fuzz that you can wipe off,
all he does is he takes a nice can of paint
and he sprays over it and makes it look nice.
He is glamorizing all these things in pop culture today,
making them not something to steer away from,
but something that should be tolerated,
and in some cases even celebrated.
In fact, some of them will hide behind some of these words and say,
Well, this person is a lover of money because you have to look at the backstory…
And now, we’ve got to bring in all the psychologists
and we have to treat him.
It almost… we are actually at the point where more effort,
more time, more money
goes into the evil one than the victim.
And if that’s not enough,
some of the people in the governments around the world will
still condemn these things
so they can remain popular to you
but behind the scenes they don’t care,
and they’ll eat a lunch without a mask
and value cast all day long, Governor of California.
See I would do that,
but I wouldn’t say masks are, you know,
if I don’t have to wear a mask, I won’t wear it.
I got one right here just in case.
I’m falling through the air…
I want to be careful because I was confused with the language of German,
and I was fooled that I was stepping on concrete.
I went straight through some shelves with auto parts
and some windshields
and so I’m falling in the air and I see an alternator and I see glass.
I’m very reluctant to share this,
but I feel I have to.
I felt the presence of God.
And I heard, I didn’t hear audibly, but I knew in my mind
as I was falling
it would be okay because I had Jesus.
I landed,
alternators, starters and glass landed all around me.
And this was four stories, the same level as the ceiling here, and
I was not injured. I went back to work.
Yeah, now, now…. [Applause]
There’s something else that happened,
I looked up and there was a hole,
and I could see the sun shining down
and something else happened,
which I’m going to wait till after we get that.
The world and all of its beauty is converging into a one world religion,
which thank you, Pastor Barry, you were able to cover those pieces.
I want to look at now the Revelation passages,
and I want to show you just what Satan is going to do,
and then I want to talk about the strategy that appears
within this passage
so that you can have the confidence to walk out of this conference
today or out of this live feed or this video,
to know what the Scriptures, the secret weapons, that God has given
which really aren’t secret.
I want to first look at the counterfeit Trinity,
I want to look first at the dragon himself,
then we’ll look at the beast that comes from the sea,
and then the beast that comes from the earth.
And I want to make some comments along this time.
And I want you to know that we cover this in this book
[showing Amir s book entitled, Revelation].
And so, there’s a lot more information
that’s going to be made available to you in the near future.
A lot of this is not new.
A lot of this is just as old as the book itself after John penned it
but it’s so untaught within the church.
And I’m telling you pastors, I was a pastor for 17 years,
I’ve taught through this,
I’ve taught through the entire book! You can do it too.
That’s why we want to give you these tools.
Revelation 12:1-17: “Now a great sign appeared in heaven:
a woman clothed with the sun,
with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars.”
Symbolic of Israel, okay?
In fact, if you want to pick up on this and study deeper,
go to Genesis 37:9-11, symbolizing Israel.
The sun and the moon are like Jacob and Rachel,
Joseph’s parents,
and we have the 12 stars were represented the 12 tribes of Israel.
“Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.”
Who is this child?
Verse 3 “And another sign appeared
in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon…”
I like how it uses the word red. I wonder if this
is because of all the blood that’s going to be on his hands, of red blood.
“having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.”
Pastor Barry uncovered a lot of the meaning of that.
“His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth.”
He’s referring to the fall of Satan
because he’s going to reference Satan and the world
coming around Satan to actually worship him
through his false messiah, or his version of the second member of the Trinity.
“A third of heaven threw from heaven down to earth
and the dragon stood before the woman
who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born.
She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron.
And her child was caught up to God and His throne.
Then the woman fled into the wilderness…”
Do you see the progression, the chronology happening here?
Israel has the prophecies that their Messiah would
come from the tribe of Judah, from their nation,
particularly through Mary, who was of the exact line from
the line of David to fulfill prophecy.
Jesus was caught up in His ascension after He conquered Satan,
sin, death, and demonic forces in a weekend He conquers!
Three days He conquered sin, demonic forces and death!
What did you do last weekend? [Laughter]
That’s kind of a big deal.
Who else does that? Jesus does that.
And he’s given a chronology and look what’s happening here.
He says: “Then the woman fled into the wilderness, after that.”
It’s referring to the tribulation when this dragon brings
another system of worship to worship him and his false messiah,
betrays the contract the covenant,
that he makes with Israel in the tribulation,
in the middle of the tribulation, and she goes and runs for her life, Israel,
where she has a place prepared by God,
and that they should feed her
one thousand two hundred and sixty days,”
which is precisely three and a half years.
Now, if you want to dig deeper, if you’re watching this online,
feel free to write these things down.
Daniel 7:7-8, and 24, and you can pick that up in
different places throughout Daniel, and you can really dig deeper.
And war broke out in heaven: (Rev 12:7)
Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; ”
This is again talking about the war in heaven.
And as he looks at the whole story of this, of Satan himself.
And the dragon and his angels fought…
“but they did not prevail,
nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,”
He calls it out right there.
That’s how we know this is Satan because it says so.
What does he do?
“…who(he) deceives the whole world;
he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
He wants the reader to understand the origin and the history
of this initiator of a counterfeit trinity.
Watch this: “Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,
‘Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God,
and the power of His Christ have come,
for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them
before our God day and night, has been cast down.
11And they overcame him…”
That’s you and me and even the tribulation saints have this secret weapon list.
“…by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony,
and they did not love their lives to the death.”
And I’m going to cover those in detail at the very end,
that’s kind of the punch line.
“Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea!
For the devil has come down to you,
having great wrath,
because he knows that he has a short time.
Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth,
he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child.”
Look at Israel’s history, even up till now.
Tell me there’s been a time where the nations have said,
Wow, we love Israel. It’s the best tribe on the planet.
Let’s do everything we can to admire them and be their friend.
Is that reality?
No, it’s not.
Whether you look at modern day Islam,
what’s going on there,
the Holocaust, you look at the Pogroms,
you look at the Spanish Inquisition,
you go all the way back, and even ancient civilizations
have tried to take Israel over.
It’s not new, it’s old as dirt.
“…he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child.
But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle,
that she might fly into the wilderness to her place,
where she is nourished for a time, and times and a half time.”
What’s a time, time and a half s time?
Three and a half years.
How do you know that? Prove it.
In the ancient text when you’d set a time, it meant a year.
And then times is two years,
and then a half a time: three and a half years.
Two, plus one, plus point five, equals what?
Three and a half years.
Now, that’s kind of my sixth sense of humor,
my cynical side. All right?
some people say the wings are airplanes. I don’t know.
We have a host of verses in the Bible that talk about eagle’s wings
being more of a symbol of God taking care and letting his people pass through things.
You’ll mount on wings like eagles, you won’t…
You will not be so destroyed, you can handle this,
God is with you, it’s the footprints poem;
Israel was reminded of that over and over again.
“So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth
like a flood after the woman,
that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood.
But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened up its mouth
and swallowed up the flood which the dragon
had spewed out of his mouth.
And the dragon was enraged with the woman,
and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring,
who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”
He’s talking about the tribulation.
Israel is in process of salvation,
the ultimate salvation will come
at the end of the tribulation, they will persevere.
They are called the elect.
The Second Coming of Christ, they will see Jesus whom they pierced,
that’s their Messiah.
Up until then, there are 144 people from 12 tribes of Israel
that are servants of God serving everywhere,
many of them probably will die, have their heads chopped off,
who knows what but a lot of Gentiles are coming to faith.
These are tribulation saints, the church is already taken out.
They will still have the Word of God, they will still have the tools,
and they will come in mass.
The pressure cooker will center on Israel
and Satan’s hatred for Israel.
That’s why he will erect the temple in Jerusalem
and halfway through, he will demand all the people worship him.
In fact, he will erect a whole system where
you’ll need a mark of the beast to worship the beast.
There will be an icon or a statue perhaps of the beast,
which will be a command to worship,
and it will all be Israel, you bow down.
The intent is to ultimately destroy Israel;
God’s intent is to ultimately bring them to salvation
and set up a kingdom with them
as the world’s superpower and He is the King.
The dragon is the fake version of Father God.
He hates Israel. He hates the tribulation saints, but his future is set.
See, I think he’s so arrogant, he knows the Word of God,
and He knows what’s happening around the world.
But I think he’s so arrogant, and I could be wrong,
that he believes he could still win.
That’s just how self… the deception is self-deceived as well.
From Revelation 20:1-3 says, we jump ahead:
“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven,
having the key to the bottomless pit
and great chain in his hand.”
This is at the end of the tribulation,
right after Jesus second coming.
“He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old,
who is the Devil and Satan, (he clarifies yet once again)
and bound him for one thousand years;
and through him into the pit,
and shut him up, and set a seal on him,
so that he should deceive the nations no more till…
thousand years were ended.
After these things he must be released for a little while.”
I think that’s a great question for the Q&A
this afternoon if you stick around.
Somebody should ask that question.
I want to move straight now to talk about the false messiah,
the false Christ,
otherwise known as the Antichrist.
Are you sensing the gravity
if we don’t do what we’re supposed to do right now?
And I know God has a sovereign plan,
but I also know that we have a role in that
if we take that lightly, and if we just blow it off,
what could happen is that some of the people we know
won’t be raptured and have to deal with this.
One of the big reasons why we wanted to cover this is
so that we could equip you
in an accurate portrayal of what is to come for those
who are left behind.
Can you imagine the chaos, the sheer evil?
We get upset when we put a mask on to go to the grocery store.
Even now, as we speak,
there are Christian brothers in Afghanistan
not wanting to go out in public or manifest their faith
because there’s a whole new sheriff in town there
and he is not a good sheriff, it’s called the Taliban.
The world is getting to the point where we’re looking at it
right now with sheer disgust,
you could only imagine what it’s going to look like in the tribulation period.
And you know, can I just be straight honest with you?
I have struggled since making a transition
from the full-time pastor to being in Behold Israel,
I have struggled because I’ve seen people
living life, including me,
going to and from events and all kinds of stuff, which we all do…
We all do, we do those things.
We go and take…
we do kids games, and we travel, and we do things.
That’s what we do. We do that and they did it back then too
but I fear that many of us have forgotten,
maybe not those in the room here,
maybe even if you’re watching online,
but those who are referenced to this video
by a friend that gave it to you and shared it,
that you’re a Christian, and you wear the Christian label
but if I was to look at your bank account,
and your priorities,
if I was to look at your calendar
and where you’re spending your time,
if I was to look at your attitudes and
what your social media is pushing out to the world,
what would be the fruit, what I would see?
I struggle with this
because if we’re not about the Father’s business,
which we’re going to talk about,
we could miss an opportunity for a soul
to join us in the Rapture,
that have to go through this pure chaos.
Now, as you look at these ominous putrefying images, I want it to sink in.
I want you to know that the world will probably say,
Well, that’s beautiful art.
Because that’s all they know.
It’s up to you and me to show them a better way,
a more powerful way.
Go to the top!
Why would you settle for a puny god when you can go straight to the top?
And here is the Antichrist…
And you need to know about it,
the beast from the sea,
otherwise known as the Antichrist, the fake,
counterfeit Messiah.
Revelation 13:1-10:
“Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw beast
rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns,
and on his horns ten crowns,
and on his heads blasphemous name.
Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard,
his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth was like the mouth of lion.
The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.
We talked about that.
We saw how these are the empires going back in time.
That’s why we know this is in the future.
And John wrote this around 90 AD,
Verse 3: “And I saw one of his heads as if
it had been mortally wounded,
and his deadly wound was healed.
And all the world marveled and follow the beast.
So they worshipped the dragon
who gave authority of the beast;
and they worshiped the beast saying,
Who is like the beast?
Who was able to make war with him?
And he was given him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies,
and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months.”
How long is 42 months?
Three and a half years,
we have better mathematicians than myself.
You see this coming together?
So, within that last three and a half years,
can I say all hell breaks loose on earth?
“Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,
to blaspheme His name,
His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven.
It was the abomination of desolation, according to Daniel.
It was granted to him to make war with the saints and overcome them.
And authority was given over every tribe, tongue, and nation.
All who dwell on the earth will worship him,
whose names have not been written in the Book of Life
of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.”
And it says this,
“If anyone has an ear, let him hear.
He who leads into captivity shall also go into captivity;
he who kills with a sword must be killed with the sword.”
And that’s the antichrists destructive rampage; he will be destroyed.
“Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
See, it’s good to know what the outcome of something is
because when you’re going through it,
it feels horrible, and you just don’t know if you can stand a minute more.
Some of us have been living in persecution the last two weeks,
maybe the last month
and you say, When is this going to end?
I wish I knew what the outcome is.
I wish I knew what the result of my medical exam is going to be.
I wish I knew if my nephew or my grandson is
going to come to faith that I’ve been praying so hard for;
I just wish I knew the outcome.
Well, He wants you to know the outcome, the ultimate outcome,
the most important outcome is no matter what Satan tries to do to sell the world,
it’s going to end it as destruction as it says in 2 Thessalonians 2:8.
And it says right there in the text that
He will destroy the Antichrist with the words of His mouth,
the Word of His mouth.
Can you picture all the nations coming together?
They’re all worshiping the beast;
they worship the image, we’re going to cover the false prophet momentarily,
and they’re all sighted and they are chaos
and they’re looking for hope,
they don’t know Jesus is the hope,
they have not gone to the top.
They haven’t been to the Lord of lords and the King of kings; they’ve settled,
and they’re coming together, and Jesus comes back
and no, they don’t want to go to the top.
They’ve settled.
Their hatred and their fists in the air.
It says in the Book of Revelation,
they would not repent,
they dug their heels within the ground, they would say,
No, we don’t want anything to do with the real deal,
we’re satisfied with what we know.
And they will want to battle with Him
and as Jesus is coming back, they have their guns locked and loaded.
Maybe it’ll be spears, maybe it’ll be all kinds of other paraphernalia of warfare.
And Jesus comes back and there’s a war
and all He has to say is: No. Enough. It stops now.
You come forward for judgment.
Can you imagine? I don’t know what it’s going to be like,
I’m just using my sanctified, hopefully, sanctified imagination.
Beast from the earth is the false prophet,
resembling the role of the Spirit of God.
Remember when Jesus says, When I leave, I’m going to send you a counselor.
Spirit of God comes into the believer.
He advises, He’s the Spirit of Christ.
He draws you to worship him.
Today, we worshipped Jesus, and the Spirit of God was directing our minds and our hearts, we felt something.
It’s not only the mind, it’s the mind, emotions and will.
He engages the entire soul and brings us before Jesus in worship.
Revelation 13:11-18. “Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth,
one is from the sea, one is from the earth…”
What’s that mean?
Funny you should ask.
We’ll cover that in a minute.
“…and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon.
And he exercises all the authority of the first beast
in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it
to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.”
See, Jesus conquers sin, and death, and demonic forces in a weekend
and takes all of the wrath of God and of the Romans and rises and conquers.
This guy is going to do a similar feat
but it’s pipsqueak puny, pathetic,
compared to what Jesus actually did.
The world will marvel that this guy was able to heal
from some kind of wound inflicted,
and they’ll rejoice and say, Look, he’s great.
And Jesus is standing over there going, How pathetic.
And by the way, you only have three and a half years, and then I’m coming to put this to an end.
You’re worshiping the right God, friends;
if you’re not worshiping Jesus, you are worshiping a fake.
Don’t be fooled.
Don’t fall through the ceiling thinking it’s concrete
because you’re confused with the message being sent to you.
One from the sea, one from the earth.
Now, there’s a lot of discussion about the interpretation of this.
Let me offer you some thoughts.
Could it be that the sea is the sea of the world,
peoples, the politics, could it be.
That’s how they referenced the phrase sea
throughout the ancient Near East texts
and even the Bible in the Old Testament, it’s numerous with the seas, the peoples.
So, whoever this person from the sea is going to be
a great political, social engineer.
The one that comes from the earth,
the idea is that he comes from land, these places of worship,
could it be that he comes from the philosophy of the system
or the world system, that will be something he’ll want to push, maybe?
I’m not sure. But what we do know is that both will have
a political and a religious component
and it will be religion-less in the sense that it won’t have a label,
it’ll just be worship the beast.
The false prophet is pointing people to the beast,
and the beast is receiving the worship.
And the dragon is smiling, saying, This is the best thing that ever happened.
And he’s got his false, fake counterfeit trinity operating.
But there’s a time stamp on it.
“He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire
come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs
which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast,
telling those who dwell on earth
to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.”
So, they’re going to do an icon of the beast.
And we already know who is the true icon of God, the Father: it’s Jesus.
So, they’re going to be doing the same stuff
and it’s going to have a catastrophic end.
“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast…”
This image, this icon, the statue, whatever it is,
will somehow be able to operate and talk.
“…that the image of the beast should both speak
and cause as many as would not worship
the image of the beast to be killed.”
You don’t want to worship the beast? You’re dead.
“He causes all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on
their right hand or on their foreheads,
and that no one may buy or sell except one
who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast,
for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.
All right, now,
we are going to go just a few minutes over
if I tell you the next Hebraic illustration
that may help your theological toolbox,
but you have to opt into it, you have to check the box,
so I’m waiting.
Okay. All right.
So, disclaimer, this will go over just a few minutes.
This is my view, but it’s based on history
and evidence that I’ll provide within three minutes.
666, or six-hundred and sixty-six, I believe represents
the very best man can do
just falling short of the perfect number of 777.
I believe the power of three has always been part of Hebraic culture
and still manifests itself in pop culture in Israel today.
An example would be if you really want to know
how somebody is doing in Israel, and they come from a Jewish background,
ask them how they’re doing three times
and be careful how much time goes by between each of them.
Let enough time cook. Because usually the third time
they’ll answer you and they’ll be accurate.
So, if I go to a guy named Moshe: Hey Moshe, how are you?
He says, Oh, I’m very good. I’m very good. Thanks.
We talk about the weather.
Moshe, how’s it going?
And he says, Yeah, good, good, good. It’s very good.
Then we talk about cars and all kinds of cool stuff
like turbo chargers, okay.
And I say, Moshe, tell me, how are you?
Moshe: Ahhh, you know, we’re going through problem with my marriage.
My kid has disease, and I lost my job last week
but apart from that, it’s good.
Now that’s an extreme example
and if you went to Israel and you ask somebody three times,
it doesn’t mean that this is going to happen every time,
but we do know that the power of three manifests itself in Scripture.
One example is Peter denied the Lord how many times?
And the last time he swore, and he had a fit,
because he wanted everybody to know
that three times is absolute.
I do not know this man.
Enough! You’ve a Galilean accent. No!
No. No. No.
6-6-6: Man. Man. Man.
Jesus comes back in the end of John.
Peter, do you agape Me?
Would you unconditionally love Me?
You know that I phileo you.
He [Peter] felt bad. I can’t agape you,
but I can phileo love you which is brotherly love.
Jesus asks a second time, Peter, do you agape Me?
Lord, I phileo you.
Each time Jesus is saying feed my sheep or do something in ministry.
It’s almost like forgiveness is embedded within the whole teaching.
I no longer worry about you denying Me; we’re well past that.
In fact, I’m setting you up for leadership.
He asked him a third time,
he went down to Peter’s level to an area
of a starting point that Peter could do.
And He says instead of agape, He says, Do you phileo me?
Peter says, I do.
And Jesus says then that’s going to be our starting point
because one day you will agape Me.
Three times Jesus asks him because He knows how he thinks
and He wants Peter to know that he’s forgiven,
and that he has mission, mission, mission
rather than denial, denial, denial, which is where he came from.
And it’s a beautiful picture.
The legend goes in all of the writings
that Peter was feeling unworthy to be crucified upright in Rome when they took him.
And so, he opted to be crucified upside down because he knew he was absolutely unworthy.
And it was his way of saying, Lord, may this be worship to you.
I, as a man, I’m not worthy of you and I recognize that,
and I have accepted you, and I truly do agape you,
and may this be the symbol and proof of that to the world.
The best of man, 666,
saying no to God, God, God, 777, is what the world will do.
Now, whether it means that or not, I don’t know.
But what we do know is that this will be a symbol of some form.
I don’t know if it’s a tattoo, I don’t know if it’s a chip, I don’t know.
Those people living in the tribulation will know
and if the book of Revelation is available, which it will be,
they will then have a very big clue of what they should not take
if they have a sensitivity to Jesus.
gentlemen running the slides, I want you to jump to
“Three Weapons You Have for Spiritual Warfare.”
I promised to come back to this.
It says in the Bible that they overcame him.
This is the church or tribulation saints,
it’s the same strategy either way.
“They overcame him, (that’s Satan, the dragon, the devil,)
by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony,
and they did not love their lives to the death.” (Revelation 12:11).
If you didn’t understand the word that we said,
this is the final gut punch.
And we are just a few minutes over,
but you opted in with a checkbox.
The blood of the Lamb is something that’s available
and has been for 2000 years since Jesus conquered
sin, death, and demonic forces on the cross.
You want to go straight to the top, the best God?
You want to worship the Lord of lords, the King of kings,
and be assured of forgiveness?
Do you want peace?
Do you want a purpose in your life?
Let’s delete that.
Just the mere fact that if you receive the gift of His offering,
you have a relationship.
Forget the benefits,
but the relationship with the real Jesus.
Think about that.
The world wants Jesus, they just don’t know it.
And the world has been deceived
and they are drinking the Kool Aid of the devil which will only get worse.
1 Peter 5:8-9 says:
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary
the devil walks around like a roaring lion,
seeking whom he may devour.”
Resist him, steadfast in the faith,
“…knowing that the same sufferings are experienced
by your brotherhood in all the world.”
In verse nine, it says, resist him.
You can, you can say no to temptation.
You can say yes to His calling.
And the devil stands by and he’s a loud voice,
but he could not get in your way.
The gates of hell will not prevail
against the church when it decides to move.
That’s a gift you have right now as a restrainer,
with the Spirit of God in you that the tribulation saints will not necessarily have.
But the blood of the Lamb,
have you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior?
Has there been a time in your life where you’ve said,
I need you Jesus. I’m coming clean,
I’m imperfect, I’m a sinner, and I receive your forgiveness
and I’m asking You into my heart to be my Lord and Savior,
and for You to have full rein on my future.
If you have that, you’re a child of God.
You can go into any situation,
and the Spirit of God can do His work through you.
2. The words of testimony.
More now than ever, as it says that if you want to defeat Satan,
in the public square, at home, share God stories.
The man that mentored me said,
Mike, be always bragging about Jesus.
You guys will never believe what just happened last night,
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
Now, you know, you can go too far with this and overcook the goose.
But I don’t think any of us are really doing that.
In fact, I don’t think we’re doing this enough.
It says in John 15:26-27: “But when the Helper comes,
(he’s referring to the Spirit,)
whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth
who proceeds from the Father,
He will testify of Me. And you will also bear witness
because you have been with Me from the beginning.
If we are going to take territory, we not only need
the blood of Jesus to be saved,
but we need to share stories.
Well, you don’t have any stories!
Ask God to use you in miraculous ways
and wait and see what happens.
Oh, yeah, be prepared.
Some of you may be scared to pray that.
Lord, I want to do your will. Whatever it is, I submit myself to you.
And I want to be the person that tells the stories of Your power,
instead of the one that always listens.
That airmen sat on that couch in the Air Force,
and I shared how Jesus rescued me from my crazy past.
And he walked away with a smile.
And he said, I’m going to think a lot more about this.
And I’m going to analyze, you know, and compare
the Norse gods to Christianity.
He said, Thanks, Chaplin. That’s you give me a lot to think about.
you’re going to hate this one:
Not loving your life.
John 12: 24: “Most assuredly, I say to you,
(Jesus says to you)
unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies,
it remains alone;
but if it dies, it produces much grain.
He who loves his life will lose it, (you lose your life anyway)
and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me,
and where I am, there My servant will be also.
If anyone serves Me, him…”
him or her…
“…anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.”
(John 12:24-26).
Whether before the tribulation or after.
So, there was a hole there and the sunlight was shining through.
I had auto parts all around me,
broken glass…
And all of a sudden, I saw this face, it’s Victor Blonk,
and I saw this face block the sun and his face looked like this.
[Grimacing face].
He was sure that I was either severely injured or dead.
I know that because he told me after.
He said, Mike, I don’t know English,
but maybe I should start learning.
And then I said, Maybe I should learn better German,
so we don’t have this confusion.
He said, I never thought that anybody could survive that kind of fall.
It was on concrete by the way.
This wasn’t even carpet or wood.
Later on,
there were three women praying, and they were in this office,
they just got up and they decided to pray for safety
at precisely the same time that I fell.
It just, whoa!
It’s just whoa!
Don’t you want to be engaged in the Lord’s work
to the point where you have seismic differences,
that if you don’t engage your faith on this level,
the blood of the Lamb, the word of testimony,
and not loving your lives to the end?
It’s about Jesus! It’s not about us and all of our world that we want to create.
It’s about glorifying Jesus, that…
if you’re willing to die to yourself, you will be the storyteller
of the true Godhead, the true Messiah
and all of the mission that He has for you here on this earth.
If we don’t do it, I don’t want to think about it.
Let’s pray. Let’s all stand as we close.
Lord, I know there’s many people here that want to hear
what Your Word has to say about end times,
and I do too.
Lord, sometimes… if you’re praying with me right now,
even online, sometimes we forget, Lord,
and we confess as a people, we forget sometimes
that You are worthy of our entire being.
We need to die completely to ourselves so that You may truly live
and that is where everything works according to Your design
and we get to see things that we would not normally see.
I pray for all of us, Lord, even now as we head out in a minute to lunch,
that You’d give us great fellowship, great idea exchange,
great reprocessing of what we heard from the two teachings this morning.
But Lord, don’t let us sleep or slumber, be apathetic
about those around us that still are not attached and worshipping You.
If there’s an area of my life, Lord,
your life watching this or hearing this right now
identify it, confess it, bring it to Him.
Is there a room in your life that s secret?
Bring it forth!
Let the light shine on it.
Let Jesus do His work.
Jesus, I give you all of myself. I die to myself.
May You rule and reign. Thank you, Lord.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.