When Comparison Attacks You [FULL SERMON] — Lisa Bevere

I believe it’s time for women to embrace your identity and purpose in an age of confusion, comparison, and rivalry. Watch the full Without Rival course in our free MessengerX app: https://go.MessengerX.com/without rival Get the Without Rival book: https://store.messengerinternational…. #lisabevere #lisabeveresermon #preacher #minister #freedom #withoutrival #comparison #identity #purpose #calling #unity #cancelculture #church #sermon #truth #2022sermon […]


Speak to Your Soul [FULL SERMON] — Lisa Bevere


https://bestsermon.us/wp-admin/post.php?post=19250&action=edit&classic-editor It’s time for the WOMEN to wake up. There is a role unique to women that we abandon easily. We live near each other, but not with each other–and not for each other. We don’t want to intrude or judge and maybe, we don’t want to see each other truly succeed. And the world […]

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