Prayer will be as easy as breathing for the believer. It will be as natural to pray as it is to live. The knowledge of God is the key to that kind of life. Once His knowledge fills us, His Word will empower us, allowing us to pray effectively. However, prayer is impossible unless we are filled with His knowledge and the knowledge of His Word. Overcoming prayerlessness takes place only when this happens, as Pastor Benny shares on this life-changing broadcast.

pastor Benny Hinn is celebrating 40

years of ministry taking the gospel to

the nations of the world looks are

precious Jesus today who say he

delivered prospered and blessed this is

your day for our viewers the disciples

said to our wonderful Jesus they said

teach us Lord how to play I think today

we are still asking the same thing Lord

teach us how to play I want to teach you

today what does the Bible say about

prayer because I believe God Almighty

wants to wants to destroy the power of

prayer lessness in your life in my life

because see the enemy will cause

distractions trouble and bondage so we

just won’t pray and when we are not

praying that’s when we lose strength

that’s what when when trouble really

increases and things get a whole lot

worse the Bible tells us why

prayerlessness exists and the answer

also on what to do about it is in the

Bible how do we experience victory every

day you know it’s possible it’s possible

to experience victory every day of your

life and I’ve seen this happen in my

life when I wait upon the Lord and you

know what it says in Isaiah 40 they that

wait upon the Lord will renew their

strength now this does not happen in one

minute or overnight it’s a process of

waiting upon the Lord and I’ve

experienced in my life well it takes me

2 weeks to get back to full power it’s

just like a battery you know if you lose

battery power you can charge it up it

may take you an out or two for the

battery let’s say your phone or whatever

but our spiritual battery needs to be

recharged every so often and we recharge

it through prayer so just like you

charge your battery daily for your phone

or other things well why not charge you

spiritual battery every day because

daily contact is the key give us this

day our daily bread if we neglect one

day think about the disaster and the

trouble we can experience so but why is

there problems with prayer because of

the fall of man prayerlessness began in

Genesis chapter 3 when Adam hid from God

there’s hiding in God is prayer hiding

from God is prayerlessness so here he

was hiding from the Lord in Genesis 3

but why was he hiding from God because

of sin sin is the problem here

prayerlessness is the result of sin and

frankly it’s a disease it’s a problem

bigger than really what you think I mean

when you when you think about a disease

it’s something major

it’s a spiritual disease and the only

way to to correct it is at the cross we

have to bring our disease to the cross

of Jesus it’s the only way now let me

show you what the Bible says because I

think we need to deal with this what

does the word of God say about trayless

nasai why do people not pray alright and

the result of it so I want to show this

to you first from Scripture so go with

me to Joe please if you have your Bible

take your Bible with me and we’ll even

put it for you on the screen to make it

simpler in job 15 it says the reason

people do not pray is because they lose

the fear of God they’ve lost it that’s I

think what probably most people don’t

realize the minute sin enters into

someone’s heart the fear of God is gone

Adam hid from the Lord but why was he

hiding from God because the fear of God

was gone because he God had said don’t

touch the tree don’t touch the fruit

of the knowledge of good and evil what

the fear was gone and now that hiding

from God not in God the Word of God says

to us in job 15 verse 4 yea thou cast us

off fear and restrain us prayer before

God in other words the minute the fear

of God is gone

prayer is dead now when prayer dies the

the results are disastrous job 21

beginning at verse 14 it says this

therefore they say now these are the

people who just do not want to pray

therefore they say unto God depart from

us we desire not the knowledge of thy

ways what is the Almighty that we should

serve Him and what prophets should we

have if we pray to Him now this is what

the wicked are saying this is what men

and women say who don’t care about

prayer will tell you something

we as Christians have have discovered

there’s power and prayer unlimited power

everything that God is everything that

God has he has put at the disposal of

prayer think about this

auditory said one day he said prayer can

do anything God can do he said therefore

if prayer can do anything God can do

then prayer is omnipotent see my my

desire for you as my partner my prayer

for you as my partner and friend is that

your prayer life becomes strong and

mighty because you will you will

experience the part of God in such a way

where you will have daily victories they

that wait upon the Lord will renew their

strength they will mount up as with

wings as Eagles they are run and not be

weary they walk and not faint

what happens is in prayer is the minute

you pray and your strength is restored

your battery is recharged suddenly your

spiritual discernment is back because it

says we’ll mount up like the Eagles well

the thing about the eagle is he stands

on the road that that bird stands on the

rock and will not release its wings will

not you know surrender to the wind until

the wind currents are right so now

discernment is back the minute you pray

your discernment you’re able to discern

what is of God and what is not of God

the second thing is you you’re able to

surrender to the spirit to the Holy

Spirit it’s impossible to surrender to

the Holy Spirit without prayer and the

minute you surrender like the Eagle

surrenders to the wind you’ll mount up

to higher places of God so you’re able

now to go to those high places of praise

and worship where the anointing is is is

powerful because it says in Deuteronomy

32 13 about Jacob it says God made him –

honey and oil out of the rock but where

was he he was in the high places of the

earth it says he made him ride on the

high places of the earth well how did

you get there prayer they that wait upon

the Lord will renew their strength and

mount up that’s right now you’re up in

those high places like the Eagle and

they’re there is power that’s what it

says in Deuteronomy 32 13 now something

else it says they shall run amazingly

they run before they walk they shall run

and not be weary they shall walk and not


that’s are they forty running means

you’ll catch up with God because

prayerlessness causes you to slow down

you’re not able to walk you’re not able

to fellowship with the Lord so when you

are in prayer now you’re able to catch

up with the Lord you’re running to catch

up with the world God is and

a safe under the cloud remember that in

the Old Testament when the children of

Israel were following the cloud those

way in the back were killed by a manic

so if if you’re not catching up with God

the enemy will destroy exactly because

those who were way back there could not

catch up with God were killed we don’t

want to be killed we don’t want to be

destroyed by the enemy so what must we

do catch up with God because that’s

where the protection is that’s what

safety is under MacLeod

it happens in prayer now every time you

pray you exhale the flesh and inhale the

holy spirit in a powerful I’m going to

say it again every time you pray you

exhale the flesh and you inhale a holy

spirit so prayer develops or brings

about releases the presence of the holy

spirit and the presence of the holy

spirit produces more prayer so it’s like

this when you pray but part of God is

released and as the part of God is

released more prayer is born it’s like a

it’s like a an eternal circle of power

we pray the part of God comes now the

part of God comes and we continue to

rank so but those who are not praying

are in trouble and the Bible says in in

job 21

let’s just keep reading verse 16 it says

no other good is not in their hand the

counsel of the wicked is far from me you

know I love just talking to you

one-on-one heart-to-heart I ministered a

few days back on the Holy Spirit many of

you loved it and called us about it I

want to see God do something mighty with

you as my partner as your prayer life

comes back into power but you see it

takes a decision on our part

Paul the Apostle said in Corinthians in

fact let’s just go to it we will come

back to job very quickly go to 1st

Corinthians 9 because this is what you

and I have to do all the time and this

is probably the toughest part of all but

we we we really have no choice we have

to do it verse 27 of chapter 9

1st Corinthians 9:27 but I keep under my

body and bring it into subjection lash

that by any means when i have preached

to others i myself should be a castaway

you know it’s possible to preach the

gospel and and see the sick healed and

people set free and and wonderful things

happen and yet loose at the end if you

become prayerless absolutely and the

lord made that very clear he said many

will come in that day saying lord lord

and i will say to them i never knew you

now you have to think about this how is

it possible that these people were able

to cast out demons and and see people

healed and wonderful things that happen

through their ministry any other Lord

would say I never knew you well the key

is found in 2nd Samuel chapter 1 where

David talks about Saul and says when

Saul lost the anointing it says as

though he had not been anointed with oil

in other words the minute a person loses

the favor of God it’s as though he was

never here God looks and says I never

knew you because the moment the

anointing departs the moment the Holy

Spirit is gone from someone’s life and

it’s possible of course for the tappet

because it it happened to solve and

others in Scripture Judas was another

one the minute the anointing is gone God

looks at that person as though he was

never here as though they were never

used of God and that’s what it says in

2nd Samuel chapter 1 it says the

mountains of Gilboa that there be no do

neither let there be rain upon you nor

fields of

for there the shield of a mighty is

Valley cast away and the shield of Sol

as though he had not been anointed with

oil now that to me is scare that’s

frightening that once someone loses the

anointing it’s as though they never had

it it’s as though God never even knew

them but what what causes all that what

brings about this disaster in people’s

life prayerlessness when people stop


that’s when destruction comes remember

in second chronicles 26 it says very

clearly as long as he sought the Lord

God made him to prosper there we read

about a king named Isaiah in Isaiah was

a young man when he started and and and

the Word of God makes it very clear that

as long as he prayed as long as he

sought God God made him to prosper this

is in verse 5 second chronicles 26 5 and

he sought God in the days of Zechariah

who had understanding in the visions of

God and as long as he sought the Lord

God made him to prosper so here’s the

key as long as he sought the Lord God

made him to prosper that’s it right


but it’s our decision you and I have to

draw near to God before he will draw

near to us we make the first step and

that first step is the tough one that’s

why Paul in 1st Corinthians 9:27 says I

gotta bring my body under subjection the

word subjection in the Greek gives the

idea that the flesh is fighting to be

put on the subjection you have to use

force it’s like it’s like two wrestlers

when they are wrestled somebody’s always

fighting you know

daaad wrestled with Jacob there was

struggle struggle and that’s what I’m

talking about you you you you have to to

struggle with the flesh and that happens

daily but it gets easier as you keep

praying every day it’s much easier to

bring the body under subjection you know

on day four or five now like I said

earlier it will take you about two weeks

to go to full strength if you have not

been praying will take you two weeks of

daily prayer to go into full strength

but by the third fourth fourth day it’s

a lot easier because the flesh has

weakened by now they that wait upon the

Lord will renew their strength so your


begins to come back your strength begins

to return and the and the worst thing

you can do for yourself is neglect

prayer the price of neglect is very high

because when we neglect time with the


everything suffers we suffer spiritually

we suffer emotionally we suffer

physically our family suffers our home

our future suffers everything goes wrong

suddenly everything falls apart and the

enemy becomes strong and here is the

here is the frightening part is when we

lose strength because of prayerlessness

the enemy will gain strength against us

and then we are we’re back in prison

we’re back in bondage prayer is the key

truly there is power in prayer I’m

really asking the Lord even while I’m

talking that the Lord is speaking and

talking to you about prayer it’s time to

go back to those quiet times with the

Lord daily on your knees you know play

worship music in the background as you

as you’re entering in and I’m going to

help you to show you what the Bible says

so please don’t miss one program now

prayerlessness I need to show you the

the danger of what could happen if you

don’t play so it says in verse 16 I’m

back now to job 21 verse 16 because it

talks about people who don’t want to

pray in verse 15 verse 16 says their

good is not in them in their hand the

counsel of the wicked is gone so the

first thing that people lose is counsel

they are not able to make proper

decisions because now prayer is out of

their life

number 2 verse 17 how often is the

candle of the wicked put out how often

comes their destruction upon them this

is this is quite frightening because

here it says how often is the candle of

the wicked put out in other words

there’s no light in their life think

about people walking in darkness when

there is no prayer there is no light and

then it says how often comes their

destruction on them so where there is no

prayer there is no protection as it says

destruction comes on them that means no

protection verse 18 they are as stubble

before the wind as chaff that the storm

carries away no preservation they are

not preserved they’re not kept by God so

no prayer means no counsel no prayer no

light no prayer means no protection and

no prayer means no preservation they are

not reserved they’re not kept you know

how it says in the scripture that God

will keep you as the apple of the eye

well he is not he will not be able to

keep you unless you pray prayer gives

the Lord the you know the opportunity it

releases him to protect you so imagine

that we limit God when we don’t pray

literally we limit his power when we

don’t pray it it goes on to say in verse

19 God laid up his iniquity for his

children he rewards him and he’ll know


there’s no forgiveness I mean think

about this a God lays up his iniquity on

him and his children so not only is he

suffering but its own kids are suffering

no forgiveness because of no prayer no

prayer means there’ll be judgment on

that family I mean nobody wants this I’m

trying to show you the importance of

prayer even if it’s only half an hour a

day now I suggest one out every day

that’s my advice to you because Jesus

said could you not wait with me an hour

and hour a day we’ll do the job now if

you can spend more time please do it

because you will just be flowing a whole

lot easier the next day and and for the

week because now as you’re waiting upon

the Lord your increasing strength okay

so you’re receiving more strength if you

wait for an hour and a half or two hours

rather than half half an hour but you

know it’s up to you and I know you have

working responsibilities but please take

time in the morning and do it in the

morning because evening it’s just not

the it’s not the right time because your

body is worn out God wants the best of

your day and the best of your day is in

the morning and that’s why David said in

the morning Lord you’ll hear my voice

now let’s keep going here with the

result of prayerlessness in verse 20 it

says his eyes shall see his destruction

ah so think about no blessings on mercy

on that man’s life because he’s not pray

his eyes will see destruction no mercy

no blessings and then verse 21 for what

pleasure has he that the number it says

in his house when the number of his of

his months is cut off imaged his own his

own descendants are now also suffering

no blessings on his children so no mercy

Oh blessings on him no blessings or

mercy on his family because he has not

played or she has not played now on the

program tomorrow I want to talk about

the three realms of Prayer

and how to escape Satan’s trap in prayer

so please please be watching tomorrow

let’s pray right now that God Almighty

will restore your strength and I’m going

to play that the Lord will would give

you that holy desire to get into prayer

precious Jesus we come into agreement

right now lord I pray that your might

and on it will be released right now on

your child everyone watching me place

that holy this desire in them play and

seek you

you said if you’ll seek me with all your

heart you’ll find precious Lord let that

be a reality in Jesus name in every life

I pray that this season be our season of

prayer and miracles in Jesus mighty name

amen and amen and Lord also pray that

healing would come right now I rebuke

sickness and disease

I remove infirmity and pain in Jesus

mighty name Amen oh my man – Jesus be

the place make sure to get my teaching

on prayer and fasting to help you get

back into prayer and get into player and

become powerful in God in Jesus name

with this study guide for any gift and

gods and do mighty things for you as you

seek Him you’ll find it


Passover offering God said I will

dispatch an angel I will destroy your

enemy there are seven things in which he

describes to us in Exodus how that he

will take sickness out of the midst of

you how that he will bring increase the

Passover offering is probably one of the

most powerful offerings you can give to

God but it is the only offering in the

whole Bible where God says in numbers


I will wait 30 days if you miss it on

Passover I will give you 30 days I will

give you the second month and the

fourteenth day of the second month you

might have said I want to give the

Passover offering I want to be obedient

to God we just experienced the red blood

moon right now we are connected in a

time zone of a historic event and it’s

not too late to stand before the Lord

God is so so interested in blessing you

that it says if you’ll stand before me

that angel will take you will take you

to the next Blood Moon the next six

months the moderate rains of blessings

that will be upon you and you said I

don’t want to miss it

and many many people did it and you

should hear the testimonies you should

hear the testimonies of what is going on

around the earth right now in the last

24 hours the last 40 hours and God said

and it’s the only offering of all the

offerings when it comes to seasonal

offerings that God says I’ll give you

another 30 days and numbers 9 and the

eleventh verse I want you to go to the I

want you to go to the phone and say I

want to put my Passover offering in this

30 days after Passover I want to get it

on the altar because I want the angel at

my house

the invisible angel that will release

that will release healing that will

extend my life that will bring


right now this world is going to really

rock in the next six months you’re going

to hear all kinds of things but God God

has focused in upon you and God says if

you stand before me with the Passover

offering I will dispatch that angel you

have not given that Passover offering go

to the phone now the urgency of

obedience is upon me to promote and to

and to inspire and to pray and to anoint

you to say God

here is my Passover open to somebody

watching me it’s going to get $3,000

another one go get 300 off someone’s

going to give 150 in each hand or

somebody’s going to give 60 in one hand

60 enough you’re just going to stand

before the Lord go to the phone go to

the computer I am Telling You that I

sense that God is going to do a

turnaround in your life I’m picking up

my phone will you pick up your phone and

let the exchange of you giving the

Passover offering and the angel comes to

your house to your life to your finances

do it now

seven blessings of the Passover is Steve

Muncey’s in-depth study of the blessings

which can be yours as a result of your

Passover offering when you honor God he

promises to assign an angel to you be an

enemy to your enemies give you

prosperity take sickness away bless you

with a long life

bring increase and give you a special 12

month blessing be sure to request your

copy of seven blessings of the Passover

when you honor God with your Passover

offering of three hundred dollars or

other significant amount call write or

give online today pastor Benny invite

you to join over 2 million Facebook

users around the world who like Benny

Hinn ministries go to the ministry

website and click the Facebook link and

while you’re there be sure to start

following him on Twitter connect with

pastor Benny
