In this most recent teaching from Sunday, March 6, 2020, Dr. Winston shares that as a citizen of the Kingdom of God you have Diplomatic Immunity and God has not placed you in this earth on your own but he has supplied provisions of protection, peace and prosperity. God always leaves you with a choice, life and death reside in your tongue. No matter how a situation looks always speak life.

you have something called diplomatic

immunity diplomatic immunity in other

words God didn’t just drop you off in a

nation and say go for yourself no he

didn’t look at what Jesus said now he

said he’s the original ambassador so

he’s going back seated at the right hand

of the Father now he’s the king

directing traffic and he now is telling

you where to go he said in John 17 as

the father sent me now I’m sending you

all right now nobody said in Matthew 26

because he’s talking about his

protection in that foreign nation

because I said hey don’t you know we can

do this and do that to you he said

thinketh valved that I can now pray the

father and he shall presently give me

what more than come on twelve legions of

angels twelve legions of angels this is

to protect him

from the enemy to try to get to try to

destroy him from from not finishing his

work here in this earth so he didn’t

have any problems with it he knew that

he could pray and dangers will come and

they’d get about anything over in 2nd

Kings chapter 19 the man prayed the King

and he prayed because the enemy was too

much for him and at verse 35 of 2nd

Kings chapter 19 and verse 35 and it

came past that night that the angel of

the Lord went out and smote in the camp

of Assyria a hundred and fourth score in

5000 and when they world arose early in

the morning behold

there were all dead corpses not sum up

living all dead all dead now this is the

protection that you have the Bible says

over in Hebrews chapter one and verse 14

the Bible says to you are they not all

ministering spirits sent forth to

minister for them who shall be what

hands of salvation the ambassadors so

the angels are ministering what spirit

spirits meaning that you can’t see them

but when you call see so you you cannot

go into these places and listen to the

news talking about diseases and so forth

and start saying something crazy because

then you angels will just back up to let

you get your head beat in because they

cannot overstep your authority

now can we keep going so how about and

over in Psalm chapter 91 look what it

says here

they shall not that’s are no evil before

you ambassador neither shall any plague

come nigh your dwelling thou shalt not

be afraid of the terror by night nor the

arrow that flies by day nor the

pestilence that walketh in darkness nor

the destruction that wastes at noonday a

thousand shall fall at your side ten

thousand at your right hand

but this disease shall not come down you

only with your eyes show you the whole

see the reward of the wicked why because

you’ve made the Lord which is your

refuge even the most high come on your

habitation there show no no evil no evil

befall you neither shall any come nigh

your dwelling for he shall give his

angels charge over you and they’re gonna



sum-sum chapter 103 and verse 19 103 and

verse 19 the Lord has prepared his

throne in the heavens and his kingdom

ruled over all angels are part of his

kingdom and it’s gonna rule over all

alright God always leaves you with a

choice he always leaves you with a

choice and you can choose one or the


deuteronomy chapter 38 verse 19 and he

says that i call heaven and earth to

record this day against you that i’ve

set before you life and death come on

blessing and cursing therefore choose

what life that both you and your seed

may live



now how do you choose it proverbs

chapter 18 and verse 21 death and life

are in the power of the tongue and they

that love it come on shall meet the what

true fruit fruitful fruit and I’m saying

you could say some things in the middle

of some play going on and the next thing

you know no angels are protecting note

come on now and I’m saying that wasn’t

the way God intended it he intended for

you and me to make the right choice over

in the book of Genesis and Genesis

chapter 37 and this is when Jacob’s sons

played a trick on Jacob and what they

did is they brought verse 32 they

brought in Joseph’s clothing with blood

on it and they sent the coat of many

colors and they brought it to the father

hid their father and said this have we

found no now whether it be their son’s

coat or no and he knew it and said it is

my son’s coat an evil beast has devoured

him Joseph is without doubt what

grinning Peter this is the father what

did he choose he chose death why because

he saw circumstances

which the enemy deceptively put up and

I’m telling you you can’t go by what you

see you’ve got to go by your


what says that a thousand may fall at

your side that if you hold your mouth

you’ll rescue not only you but your sea

and that media is trying to paint a

picture that this thing’s supposed to

come to you too

it’ll try to qualify it well it seemed

to be having most effect on people over

this age and people who’ve got some

other diseases and so forth get rid of

that come on that enemy is using that

media to stir up fear and fear will make

you say stuff that you never thought you

would say job said teach me in Chapter

six of joke and I’ll hold my tongue I

think it’s 24 and show me where I have

messed up he said I hold my tongue the

reason why I got wiped out in my

business I got my kids are killed so

forth cuz of my tongue my tongue I could

have held my tongue and protected my

whole house

but that enemy will show you things over

and over again in your mind and over and

over again in your mind and then that

condemnation come in and say oh yeah I

did that when I was unsaved and I

shouldn’t have done that and nothing you

do you weakening weakening pretty soon

so coming out to out now the Angels will

fold their hands now that’s that’s what

Satan would because he wants a

representative he won’t to hit somebody

and say see there now I’ll see there

they coulda shoulda shut their mouth and

I’m telling you life and death we’re

learn the power of the tongue so I don’t

care how bad it looked you speak like

say meant of that

I’m telling you the devil can even make

the instruments at the doctor use be

offs they told this man to catch rate

that he had cancer and he got there and

he did it

autopsy when he died and wasn’t not a

trace of cancer in his body

I don’t believe nothing but the word

Allah that that’s a cave right there by




