“Billy Graham: An Extraordinary Journey” takes a deep and personal look at Billy Graham—the man, the mission and the message. Featuring interviews with well-known and trusted personalities, the film focuses on the journey of how God used Billy Graham to share the Gospel around the world.


And here he is, the
Reverend Dr. Billy Graham.

One of the most influential
figures in the world.

Billy Graham’s
untiring evangelism

has spread the word of God
to every corner of the globe.

The fruit of the spirit is love.

Billy Graham was a giant.

Thank you for
coming, Billy Graham.

His crusades are legendary.

I’m like, what is it
that’s making people

just suddenly raise up out of
their chairs and just come?


I never wanted to be a preacher.

I would rather be anything
but being a clergyman.

God was calling me and I knew
that, so I got on my knees

and I said, Lord, I’ll go
where you want me to go,

and I’ll be what
you want me to be.


Christ belongs to all people.

He belongs to the whole world.


I went through a
terrible struggle.

As a child, I didn’t understand
all of the difficulties.

He says, but I’ve
run out of sermons.

I have no other
sermon to preach.

A lot of times I would go
down this driveway here

with tears in my eyes.

I didn’t want to let go.

This journey will be hard.

It’ll not be easy,
but never give in.

He was always willing
to take a risk when

it was for the right reasons.

You always knew it was about the
message and not about the man.

Who is this unique
person that comes

across the pages of history?

He had a burden to take the
Gospel to as many people

as he possibly could.

This is the way, the
truth, and the light.

Jesus said, follow me.

Come and change
the world with me.