To truly love and obey God, we must also love those around us. In Mark 12:31, Jesus says, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” In this 1983 message from Tacoma, Washington, hear Billy Graham explain what it looks like to love your neighbor, even those with different views. Watch more #MondayNightClassics every Monday at 8 p.m. ET. CONNECT with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: on Facebook: / billygrahamevangelisticassociation
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from our archives the Billy Graham
classic I want you to turn with me to
Luke’s gospel the 10th
chapter the 10th chapter of Luke’s
gospel if you have a Bible with you
beginning with the 25th verse and behold
a certain lawyer stood up and tempted
him saying Master what shall I do to
inherit eternal
life he said unto him what is written in
the law how readest thou and he answered
said thou shal love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart with all thy soul
with all thy strength and with all thy
mind and thy neighbor as
thyself and he said unto him thou Hast
answered right this do and thou shalt
live but he the lawyer willingly to
justify himself said unto Jesus and who
is my neighbor who is your neighbor and
Jesus answering said a certain man went
down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell
among Thieves which stripped him of his
rment and wounded him and departed
leaving him half dead and by chance
there came down a certain priest that
way and when he saw him he passed by on
the other side and likewise a levite
when he was at the place came and looked
on him and passed by on the other side
but a certain Samaritan as he journeyed
came where he was and when he saw him he
had compassion on him and he went to him
and bound up his wounds pouring in oil
and wine and set him on his own beast
and brought him to an end and took care
of him and on the tomorrow when he
departed he took out two pence and gave
them to the host and said unto him take
care of him and whatsoever thou spendest
more when I come again I’ll repay thee
which now of these three thinkest thou
was neighbor under him that fell among
thieves and the lawyer said he that
showed mercy of on him then Jesus said
unto him go and do thou
likewise now Jesus gave this little
story and answer to two questions posed
to him by this
lawyer Master what shall I do that I
might inherit eternal life now the first
mistake the lawyer made was there’s
nothing you can do to inherit it you
cannot inherit eternal life from your
parents or your
you could say I was born in a Christian
home but that doesn’t make you a
Christian or born in a Christian
Community but that doesn’t make you a
Christian you could say you were born in
a garage but that doesn’t make you a
car now the second question he asked was
this who is my neighbor who is my
neighbor now there are three things
wrapped up in that question who is my
neighbor first it was a social question
who is my neighbor my neighbor was the
person who is close to me of course my
boyfriend my girlfriend roommate husband
wife mother father person next door your
professor your friends but today we must
take a wider look because of modern
communication and modern technology the
whole world has become our neighborhood
and everyone is our neighbor that lives
on this little planet because we are a
small planet and we have technology in
our hand now that have made this a very
very small planet and we are
demographically moving closer and closer
to each other and we become a
neighborhood without becoming a
Brotherhood and this is one of the great
problems that we face in the world
today and Jesus said Thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul
and strength and mind and thy neighbor
thyself you had to love the people of
Africa you to love the people of the
Soviet Union you are to love the people
of China you to love the people of Latin
America you to love the people of Europe
you have to love all of those people you
say but there are some of those people I
don’t even know but we have to love them
and we pray for them pray for the whole
world every day and so this story
teaches many
things and one is about
relationships there are several
relationships in loving our neighbor
that I would like to mention tonight the
first is the race question I remember
back in the early days of
1950s uh when we were just starting Drew
Pearson who was a columnist a famous
columnist in this country wrote me a
letter and he said Billy he said would
you uh be
willing to go to Clinton Tennessee that
was the first incident big incident we
had racial incident that we had in the
40s and 50s was in Clinton Tennessee he
said do you have guts enough encourage
enough to go there and preach to an
audience and I said yes I do if you’ll
go with
me and he went with me and I remember
Senator keola and different ones of the
Senate were there and they sat on the
platform and the head of the White
Citizens Council had declared that he
was going to blow up the meeting or he
was going to stop the meeting or he was
going to do something that it’ll never
be held the meeting was the gospel was
preached and one of the first people
that came forward to receive Christ was
the head of the White Citizens Council
and from then on he found out that he
was to love the black man and that he
had a responsibility in this race
question and you see the story of this
Good Samaritan is really a story about a
because the Jewish people of that day
had very little to do with the
Samaritans they were of a different
ethnic background and this is a story
that Jesus tells directly to teach who
our neighbors are our neighbors are
people of A different race or a
different cultural background and we’re
to love
them when Jesus went back to his
hometown in Nazareth he was well
received until he spoke about the race
problem and when he spoke about that
they tried to Stone
him and then secondly there are the rich
and the poor relationships in the world
today the rich the poor Nations the rich
people and the poor people in James 2 it
says hath not God chosen the poor of
this world rich in faith and HS of the
Kingdom which he hath promised to them
that love him but ye have despised the
poor and we read the statistics pouring
out about 60,000 people a day starving
to death or 1 billion in the world today
who are on a starvation diet and then we
read about all the money we spend for
dog food in this
country and then we read about all the
money that we all the garbage that we
waste and somehow there’s an inequity in
the world that we have to
face now the gospel of Christ has no
meaning unless it is applied to our
fellow man who hurts and is in need and
I would like to ask you a question
tonight when is the last time that you
shared your life with another person or
someone of another race
or your material Goods with the poor or
your knowledge with those who crave
knowledge or your skills with the
untrained you stop to teach them what
know and then thirdly there’s the
relationship with the obsid sex now
instant sex we’re told is in while
enduring relationships are
downplay now this was a problem in the
oldest book in the world job and job
said I’ve made a covenant with mine eyes
why then should I look with lust upon a
maid the Apostle Paul told young Tim
Timothy to flee youthful lust Peter said
abstain from fleshly lust which war
against the soul now we say there you go
there’s God again telling us we can’t
have a good time no God is not saying
that there’s nothing wrong with sex
we’re all here tonight because of
sex and it’s a wonderful GI gift of God
God gave it to us but we to use it
properly he meant it was to be used
within the confines of marriage and he
says Thou shalt not commit
adultery why because he doesn’t want you
to have a good time no to protect the
marriage if you commit immorality before
marriage it affects your marriage my
oldest son-in-law is a psychologist and
he’s told me how many people with guilt
you know uh there was a article in in
the paper I think just two days ago
about how many women in America commit
adultery over 50% of the American women
admitted to committing adultery and yet
70 or 80% said they feel guilty now why
do they feel that way there’s something
in their conscience that tells them it’s
wrong and they suffer and many of them
have to go to psychiatrist and
psychologist or to a clergyman or to
someone and and talk to them about this
guilt and then God said that to protect
your body
we thought we had all the venial
diseases licked with
Penicillin then comes along herpes
simplex too and many articles are
appearing about it it’s like a raging
plague through the population there
seems to be no cure and just when it
seemed that the pill and sex education
and other methods of contraception were
giving us a new Freedom then there
suddenly appears this disease with no
known cure and then thirdly God says
Thou shalt not commit immorality to
protect you
psychologically there was a girl from
one of our great eastern institutions
quoted in one of the magazines some time
ago saying after I’ve had a sex
experience I always feel guilty why deep
emotional disturbances insecurity they
often feel
unloved well there are many
relationships I could talk about that
involve Us in loving our neighbor trying
to protect our neighbor trying to help
our neighbor
I could talk on parent daughter and son
relationships the Bible says honor thy
father and thy mother but young people
have a hard time forgiving their parents
forget what an Agony and what a burden
their parents carry for
them and parents sometimes forget that
they were once young themselves and
there should be a bridge and the bridge
can be
Christ because Christ can help you to
forgive as Christ forgives you of of
your sins you can help Christ can help
you to forgive your parents and help you
parents to forgive your children and to
love them because they’re the closest
neighbors you’ll ever have and they come
under this when Jesus said Thou shalt
love thy neighbor as
thyself now I want to get back to this
story before my time is gone some of you
are watching by television and there’s a
number there that on your screen you can
pick up your phone and call and talk to
a counselor standing by in various parts
of the country right now and they will
talk to you and if you get a busy signal
call and call and call
again and they will help you in your
need of Christ your need of God or some
spiritual problem that you’re facing now
you notice in this passage Jesus said a
certain man Jesus believed in the worth
of the
individual and Jesus spent most of his
time with individuals not just great
crowds and it’s all always the
individual that he was concerned about
he said that he sees the sparrow fall he
has the hairs of your head numbered the
Bible teaches that God loves you as an
individual you’re not just a person lost
in a crowd here tonight you are an
individual before God people talk about
Mass evangelism this is not mass anytime
you get two or three people together
that’s mass and if you get 5,000 or
10,000 that’s mass and you get a little
bit more that’s Mass
but we’re individuals and you’re
standing or sitting before God tonight
as an individual not just someone lost
in the crowd he sees you as though you
were the only person living tonight and
Jesus said a certain man he loves people
and Jesus hugs us one by one because he
loves us and greater love hath no man
than this that he lay down his life for
his friends and the Lord Jesus Christ
died on the cross and while he was on
cross he was thinking about you because
he was God he could look down the
centuries and call you by name on that
cross and say I love you I will forgive
you if you will come to
me and then the man in our story was on
his way to Jericho from Jerusalem now
Jericho was a border City and it was a
center of black marketing and crime and
international Bandits and the road from
Jerusalem to Jericho in those days was
called the bloody way but it was also a
great city of
priest and it says a certain man this
certain man that Jesus is telling about
fell among Thieves which stripped him of
his clothes and wounded him now all the
world is a bit like that sin is
rampaging through the world it’s
ravaging Humanity violence and terrorism
robbing and raping and all the things
that we read about in the newspapers and
all the things that we do the little
things that are called sin in the Bible
so that the Bible says that all have
sinned and come short of the glory of
God every one of us are law Breakers and
that’s what sin means the breaking of
the moral law of God and we’ve broken
God’s moral law now these thieves
wounded and stripped this
man and departed leaving him half dead
alone and
forsaken he was knocked out and when he
came to he was crushed and broken and
unable to move himself and the scripture
says that you and I are that way sin has
made us dead in our trespass passes and
in our sins the scripture says she that
liveth in pleasure is dead while she
liveth you see that means that you can
be alive physically but spiritually your
soul your spirit that lives inside of
you that’s the part of you’re going to
forever that’s the part of you that
dreams and thinks and the real you
that’s going to live forever that part
of you is dead it’s dead toward God you
don’t have any desire to read the Bible
and pray and witness and live a good
you have a desire sometimes but you’re
unable to do it why because you’re Soul
your spirit is dead it needs to be made
alive and that’s what Christ can do
tonight he can make it
alive he can take a dead person here
tonight and make you alive now there
came along some what I call Salvation
quacks the world is full of false
Messiah there are over 400 people
claiming to be Christ in Los Angeles
alone I read some time ago I don’t know
how many in
Tacoma are in the state of Washington CS
Lewis the great professor at Cambridge
or Oxford he’s taught at both
universities once said all religions are
a perversion or a preview of
Christianity Jesus said take heed that
no man deceive you we have a lot of
deceivers now he warned that many false
prophets shall rise and deceive many
Paul said evil men and seducers shall
whack worse and worse deceiving and
being deceived so there came by a priest
now you’d think a priest would certainly
help a man that’s broken and crushed and
knocked out like this man was but he
passed by on the other side he probably
had a religious conference he was going
to a very important wedding that he had
to perform I don’t know but he re
represented religion in all of its
forms and Paul wrote to Timothy of those
having a form of godliness but denying
the power power thereof and I want to
tell you this religion doesn’t save
anybody religion is man’s attempt to
God Christianity is God’s attempt to
reach man there’s a vast difference
Jesus said ye are they which justify
themselves before men but God knoweth
your hearts for that which is highly
esteemed among men is an abomination in
the sight of God oh yes we can be
leaders but be
insincere and I told the other night
about the bishop of a church that asked
to see me and he said I’m a I have a
doctor’s degree from the University I’m
a bishop in the church but he said I
really do not know for sure that I know
Christ and he knelt down and he wept and
accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior
and he was sure for the first time in
his life he’d had to become like a
little child all over again and there
are many of you like that that are in
the church and leaders of the church but
deep in your heart you’re not sure how
you stand before Christ then it says a
levite came by he stopped and looked at
this uh man and passed by on the other
side now this levite represented the law
The Ten Commandments people say they can
be saved by doing the best they can or
by keeping the law a poll was taken
recently in New Jersey that said 92% of
the people said they hoped to go to
heaven but most of them were were unsure
they were not certain now the Bible says
you can be sure you mean to say Billy
that I can know that I’m saved I can
know I’m forgiven I can know I’m going
to heaven yes you can know it Paul said
I know whom I am believed and am
persuaded that he’s able to keep that
which I’ve committed unto him against
that day John said these things have I
written unto you that believe on the
name of the son of God that you may know
that you have eternal life you can know
it and it’s a wonder F thing to walk
down the street or to go to bed tonight
and know that every sin is Forgiven and
that if you died during the night you’re
going to go to
heaven how not by works of righteousness
which we’ve done but according to his
Mercy he saved us I’m going to heaven
because of the mercy of God I’m going to
heaven because of the grace of God I
don’t deserve it I deserve judgment in
hell I’m a sinner like you but I have
repented of my sins and received Christ
into my savior and I’m trusting in the
Cross of
Christ so the wounded and the deric man
was left to Die the priest and the
levite unable or unwilling to help him
then there comes a man along with from
another race another religion and he
could have felt no responsibility at all
but he did he was a Samaritan he had
compassion on him a former prime
minister of one of our countries
recently said I’ve never known such a
time in in his lifetime in my lifetime
when there’s such a shortage of love I
read of a woman in London who died at
102 and for the last years of her life
she had nightly made the entry in her
diary no one call today no one loves me
she died
alone this Samaritan of another race of
another religion went to
him he didn’t just love him and leave
him Jesus doesn’t just love him
but he died on the
cross and he died for us and for you but
God who is rich in Mercy for his great
love where with he loved us and the
scripture here in this passage that
Jesus is teaching says that this man
went over and bound up his wounds and
poured in oil and wine but he did
something else God doesn’t just convert
US and change us
tonight but he goes with us he keeps us
and brought him to the end and took care
of of him in other words this man went
with him to an end put him on his
donkey Peter says we’re kept by the
power of God this Samaritan had his own
ambulance with him the donkey took him
to the first Good Samaritan Hospital in
history and on the tomorrow when he
departed he took out money and gave it
to the inkeeper and said unto him take
care of him and whatever you spend when
I come back I’ll pay
it we sang tonight or last night the
hope of
Tomorrow Because He Lives I Can Face
Tomorrow looking for that blessed hope
and glorious appearing and the great God
and our Savior Jesus Christ Christianity
is good news not just good advice good
news that you can be forgiven that you
can have a new life and that you can
make a commitment to someone who will
love you and go with you from here
tonight to help you change your way of
life you have a moment to decide tonight
is the night for many of you and it may
never come again like it is
tonight the scripture says he that being
often reproved shall suddenly be cut off
and that without
remedy there comes a moment when you
face God as you do tonight and you face
the cross and you must
decide and I ask you to come forward in
these meetings and stand in front of the
platform and say symbolically by coming
I do indeed repent of my sins and
receive Christ you say what do you mean
repentance that word repentance means
simply to
change you say God I have sinned I’m
sorry I am willing to change my way of
life if you’ll help
me I’m willing to
change are you willing to say that and
then you come secondly by faith and put
all of your confidence in Christ on the
cross for your forgiveness and your
salvation and then thirdly you’re
willing to follow him and you’re willing
to go back home and be a good
neighbor are you willing to say that
tonight that’s what it
means if you are you can get up and come
now why do I ask you to come
publicly because he said if you’re not
willing to acknowledge me publicly
before men I’ll not acknowledge you
before my Father which is in heaven and
it’s always been interesting to me that
every person that Jesus called in the
new Testament he called publicly so I’m
going to ask you to publicly do what we
have seen about a thousand people each
evening do since we’ve been here I’m
going to ask you to get up out of your
seat right now in a moment and come and
stand in front of the platform and after
you’ve all come and stood here I’m going
to say a word to you have a prayer with
you give you some literature to help you
in your Christian Life you can go back
and join your friends you get up and
come right now
now as you can see many hundreds are
making their way forward to make
decisions for Jesus Christ you can do so
too simply by calling the number on your
television screen train counselors are
standing by ready to talk with you if
the lines are busy just write the number
down and call back
you that are watching by television can
see here in the Tacoma Dome here in the
state of of Washington on a beautiful
evening hundreds of people coming from
every part of this great Stadium to make
their commitment to Jesus Christ you can
make the same commitment where you are
just pick up the telephone and call that
number that you see on your
screen make that commitment it’s my
prayer that you will and be sure and go
to church next Sunday and God bless
if you just prayed that prayer with my
father or if you have any questions
about a relationship with Jesus Christ I
would just call that number that is on
the screen there’ll be someone there to
talk with you pray with you and answer
those questions and
remember God loves
you if you would like to commit your
life to Jesus Christ please call us
right now toll-free at
4559 that’s
4559 or you can write to us at Billy
Graham 1 Billy Graham Parkway Department
C Charlotte North Carolina
28201 or you can contact us on the web
247 at
Evangelistic Association thank you for
watching and thank you for your
prayers Jesus Christ promised that he is
going to return to the Earth and ladies
and gentlemen Jesus Christ is going to
keep that promise are you ready the hope
of the coming of Christ ought to make us
walk as Disciples of the Lord Jesus
Christ we are to be fault and we are to
be light in the world
and we’re to work as though Christ may
not come for a thousand years but we’re
to live as though he may come
tonight you’re invited on a journey of
Discovery at the Billy Graham
Library retrace Billy Graham’s path from
Humble Farm Boy to International
ambassador of God’s love through
multimedia photos and memorabilia but
the fruit of the spirit is love that is
a supernatural tour the restored Grand
Family Home Place browse Ruth’s attic
bookstore and have a meal at the Grand
Brothers Dairy Bar enjoy special
exhibits events and seasonal activities
for the whole
family admission is free so come walk
this journey of Discovery at the Billy