“What do I have to do to be saved?” Watch and share Billy Graham’s 1993 message from Columbus, Ohio, explaining the true meaning of salvation and how to achieve it. Watch more #MondayNightClassics​ weekly at 8 p.m. Eastern.

from our archives the billy graham


tonight i want you to turn with me to

the 16th chapter of acts one of the most

familiar stories

in all the bible and the 16th chapter of


is a wonderful little story in the life

of saint paul

he and timothy

are traveling about he picked timothy up

at another town and now they come to

to philippi and they are arrested

for preaching but philippi was very

interesting because that was the first

european city that paul went to

he felt that he should be going south

but it seems that god blocked the way

then he felt he should go north up by

the black sea

and the holy spirit said no don’t go


he had only one place to go and that was


and so he came to europe he had a vision

of a man in macedonia

calling him saying come and help us

so he went to europe with his little

team there were four of them but this


there was timothy there was luke

and silas and they were all together

going around preaching proclaiming the

gospel of christ

and they were arrested in philippi that

already had several converts and the

first convert

in all of europe was a woman by the name

of lydia she was a very well to do woman

a cell of purple

and she found the lord she opened her

home for them to stay there

and when they were arrested they were


with long leather thongs of steel

pellets on the end all they were beaten

with rods it says in one place

and they were black and blue and


and they were thrown into the inner

prison which meant

that their neck was tied with an iron

necklace their hands were put in stocks

their feet were put in stocks and there

they were

but you know what they did by midnight

they began to sing praises to god

they began to testify they began to tell

what christ had meant to them

the jailers was listening and all the

people in the jail were listening

and they kept on preaching finally there

came an earthquake

and the walls began to fall down from

the jail

and the stocks that bound them were


and the jailer knowing that he would be

held accountable

and he would have to die he’d be

executed for allowing these people to


he pulled out his sword and he was going

to plunge it into his heart

when paul said don’t do yourself any

harm we’re still here

and the jailors seeing paul and silas

standing there fell down before them

in humility in the dust of the jail

and he asked this question he said sirs

what must i do to be saved how can i

have the faith

and the spirit that you have you came

into this terrible smelly awful place

having been beaten and now

you begin to sing and you begin to tell

what christ

could do for you how how can i be saved

how can i have this same peace and joy

and happiness

that you have

and paul gave him a very simple answer

he didn’t go into anything profound

he didn’t go into a discussion of

philosophy or psychology or

world conditions he said

believe on the lord jesus christ

and thou shall be saved and thy house

believe on the lord jesus christ and


shall be saved

now that was very simple wasn’t it and

so we’re

crying we hear the cry all over the


save us we’re crying save us from war

we read a great deal about armageddon

and many people are asking me today

is the end of the world near they’re so

alarmed at what they see on the

television with all the crime

that we see and all the hunger that we

read about in the sudan and in somalia

then people are saying save our homes

church leaders have told me about the

breakdown of the home here in

ohio nationwide one out of every two


ends in divorce believe on the lord

jesus christ and thou shalt be saved and


house if you come to christ tonight

it’ll have an impact on your family have

an impact on your marriage on your


then we cry save us psychologically the

tensions in

the home problems that work health


making ends meet we want to scream at

life we want to escape from life

a few years ago a popular song said make

the world go away and get it off my


job who suffered so much in the bible

wanted to die

thousands of people are suffering from

some sort of mental illness

we’re called the tormented generation

millions are crying what can i do to be

saved from the pressures of life

the pressures are just so great we have

great technology to save time but we

have less time than ever

escapism is a subconscious mechanism to

escape reality

job said my days are spent without hope

isaiah the prophet said even the youths

shall faint and be weary

cain who had killed abel had a terrible


in his life and he said my burden is

greater than i can bathe

he became a vagabond a wandra

the psalmist said and i said oh but i

had the wings like a dove

for then i would fly away and be at rest

have you said that

i’d like to just fly away from my

problem get away from it

and have rest

the psalmist longing to escape has

become the cry of the world today

but there doesn’t seem to be any way out

for you

to those people jesus said i’m the way


jesus said i’m the door by me if any man

enter in he shall be saved

we have in the media today what we call

group thinking

it’s affected our whole way of living

it affects our brand of food the cars we


even patterns of religious belief modern

communication lays

down the law of fashion manna speech

and especially moral behavior

students feel almost like statistics at

the big universities

and personal relationships between

teachers and students that used to


have disappeared and have broken down

the student now feels that he’s only a


and students even in high school and

grammar school are now taking computers

to class

in the sight of god man is an individual

and god looks upon you as an individual

that he loves

he has the hairs of your head numbered

he sees the sparrow fall

he loves you he’s interested in you and

he wants you

to talk to him and tell him what your

problems are and he will help you

when you see a play on television or you

see a movie

almost everyone is saying what must i do

to be

saved out of my particular situation or

you read a novel

how is that person going to escape

all of mankind is crying what must we do

to be saved

and this was what the jailer was

asking paul and silas what must i

do to be saved he said and it’s the cry

of our world

in the latter part of the 20th century

and as we begin

the next 2000 years and paul had a

simple answer

believe believe on the lord jesus christ

and you will be saved

but we don’t want to do that

jesus said i am the way the truth and

the life

no man comes to the father but by me

many people today would say that this

jayla was in no

emotional state to make such a decision

i think we need some more emotion in our


we have it at ball games we have it in

the theater

we have it everywhere except when we go

to church

i heard about a baptist from texas again

and he was in one of those big

cathedrals in europe

and he didn’t think he would hear

anything that would sound like texas

baptist to him

and they said the apostles creed

the minister got up and read the 23rd


and then when the minister got up to

give a short homily a short sermon

he said some things he believed and so

he said

amen out loud

two or three times and everybody stopped

and looked around at him

thought he was crazy

and an usher came to him and said sir

you can’t do that in here

he said i’ve got religion and there she

said but you didn’t get it here

now the apostle paul had been converted

to christ

in a very dramatic way he was

had turned against

the christians he was trying to kill


persecute them and he was on the way to

damascus to capture some more and bring


he was going to put them in prison and

all of a sudden he was stopped by a

bright light

and he fell down he was blinded

and he said lord what are you

what do you want he knew it was god

and on that damascus road paul

was converted his name was saul and it

was changed to paul

and he was converted and he became the

greatest christian that has ever lived

now that was a dramatic moment there was

a motion

to it the bible teaches that we’re to

fear god

psalm 33 8 says let all the earth fear

the lord

let all the inhabitants of the world

stand in awe of him

we to ought to fear the judgment modern

man doesn’t like to think of god in

terms of wrath

and anger and judgment but god is a god


judgment he’s a god of love he loves you

he loves you so much that he died on the

cross for you and shed

his blood for you and if you repent of

your sins and receive him into your


you’ll be saved you’ll go to heaven

when you die you can have that assurance

right now and there are thousands of

people here tonight that have been


or you’ve been confirmed in the church

and you’re a good person but deep inside

you’re not

certain that you really know christ

you’re not certain that you’re going

to heaven and you want to be sure you’d

like to be sure

you can be sure before you leave this

stadium tonight

if you make your commitment to christ

and we ought to fear the fact that we’re

going to judgment

modern man doesn’t like to think of god

in terms of wrath and anger and judgment

he tries to remake god to conform to his

own wishful thinking

and make himself comfortable in his sins

this modern god has the attributes

of love and mercy and forgiveness but


judgment we don’t like that word

judgment we don’t like that word hell

how long has it been since you heard a

sermon on hell

the bible says he’s appointed a day in

which he will judge the world in


by that man whom he hath ordained

a divinity school student stood up at


and asked me in a discussion

said can you tell me in plain and clear


what must i do to be saved he asked me

that question

right in front of the faculty and the

other students

and i answered him i answered him as


answered believe on the lord jesus

christ and thou shalt be saved

after peter had preached his great

sermon at pentecost

the people were stirred in their hearts

and they said to peter what must we do

what do we have to do

20th century man asked the same question

that man has always asked i remember

when i was in korea during the war

there was a chaplain that came to me

and he said you know i’ve been to


i have my degrees i’ve been pastor of a

large church

i was called to be professor at a


and the other day i was called to the

side of a dying boy

out of the field hospital and he was

dying and i didn’t know what to tell him

he asked me he said what must what can i

do to find peace in my heart i know i’m


and he said i didn’t know what to tell

him what would you tell him

the answer that paul gave to this jailer

long ago

is so simple that millions stumble over


you don’t have to straighten out your

life first you don’t have to go home and

do something good in order to find


you do that after you’ve come to christ

we don’t have to make ourselves well

before going to a doctor

dr henderson is sitting on the platform

he sees sick people he doesn’t see well


jesus was called the great physician he

said it is not the healthy who need a


but the sick i’ve not come to call the

righteous but sinister repentance

i’m a sinner billy graham is a sinner

i needed to repent of my sin and receive

christ by faith

and we’re all sinners so are you the

blind man came to jesus just as he was

the leper came just as he was mary

magdalene with seven

devils came just as she was you can come

to christ tonight

just as you are you don’t have to go and

clean up anything you don’t have to go

change clothes and put on your sunday

best just come as you are and say lord i

am just a person in need of

christ i need to know

that i know christ

what do i have to do to believe you have

to become as a little child

the bible says all the way through the

new testament

that we enter the kingdom of god by


therefore being justified by faith

we have peace with god through our lord

jesus christ

in ephesians 2 it says for by grace are

you saved through

faith now grace means something you

don’t earn you don’t work for it you

can’t work your way to heaven you can’t

get good enough to get to heaven

the word believe implies commitment


it doesn’t mean that you believe

everything or just anything

you believe in the person of christ and

that word believe means

that you commit your life to him

you’re not trusting anything for your

future the little boy

that i heard about he said you know

this life is short but from what i’ve


eternity is awfully long and said we

better spend our time getting ready for


so when you come to commit your life to

christ you commit your mind

you commit your emotion you commit your


you commit your body the whole person is

involved in this act of commitment

neither is there salvation in any other

for there is none other name unto heaven

given among men whereby we may be saved

the bible says

for whosoever shall call upon the name

of the lord shall be saved

i’m asking you tonight by faith to call

on him

we received a letter from a woman

recently who said that

she was brought up in a non-christian


and i’ll read you part of what she said

she said although i was aware there must

be a god

somewhere i never gave him any thought

and just carried on believing that i led

a very happy

good church life my nephew aged 31 was

killed in a car accident

i wanted to know why he had died so

young where had he gone

where will i go when i die i really need

to find out

my husband bought me a bible the first

one i’d really have

owned i started to read seeking answers

for myself and searching for myself

and one day i noticed in the paper about

your crusade that was going to be on


i watched and that night

in front of the television set i

committed myself to christ

god opened my eyes everything has


what about you

is there a doubt in your heart if you

died at this moment you’d go to heaven

some of you may not be back to cooper

stadium this week

some of you are planning to come back

but you may not make it

because we never know what the next hour

is going to bring forth what the next

day is going to bring forth

now is the accepted time today is the

day of salvation

come while you can and i’m going to ask

you to do something that we’ve seen

thousands hundreds of thousands even

millions do

i’m going to ask you to get up out of

your seat and come and stand

out here on this in front of me

you can come all the way up here to this

rope here and stand there that’s all you

do just stand there

and after you’ve all come i’m going to

say a word to you and have a prayer with


and give you some literature and you can

take it home and study it

and help you in your christian life you

say well billy what does that mean now

for me to come and just stand there what

that’s going to do to me

it’s not going to do anything to you

it means that you’re saying to christ

i commit myself to you the best i know


i don’t know all about it i don’t

understand the bible i don’t understand

salvation i don’t understand any of

these things you’ve been talking about

but i know i need something in my life

so i’m going to ask you to come now

hundreds of you just get up out of your

seats around here you may be in the


you may be an officer in the church you

may be a minister in a church

most crusades we have we even have

clergy come

to make a commitment they want to be


about their relationship to christ not

the relationship to the church not the

relationship to your family but

relationship to christ

person and you need christ in your heart

you come we’re going to wait on you as

these many people come













just as hundreds here have responded to

the invitation to make a public

commitment to jesus christ

you can too wherever you are

just call the number on your screen

right now

special friends want to help you with

the most important decision you can ever


so don’t wait make that call now


i want to say a word to you that may

watch on television

you see these television cameras around

they’re not

filming tonight to show it this week and

next week or in the next

month or two this may be shown

sometime before christmas

and there are people that participated

in this service just like you have

by watching on a screen at home

or in a hotel room or a bar or wherever

they might be

they can make the same commitment that

you’re making

by surrendering their life to christ and

committing themselves to him

make that commitment now if you just

prayed that prayer

with my father or if you have any

questions about a relationship with

jesus christ

i’ll just call that number that is on

the screen

there’ll be someone there to talk with

you pray with you and answer those


and remember god loves you

if you would like to commit your life to

jesus christ please call us right now

toll free at 1 1-877-772-4559

that’s 1-877-772-4559

or you can write to us at billy graham

one billy graham parkway

department c charlotte north carolina


or you can contact us on the web 24 7 at


we’ll get the same helps to you that we

give to everyone who responds at the


on behalf of franklin graham and the

billy graham evangelistic association

thank you for watching and thank you for

your prayers

jesus christ promised that he is going

to return to the earth

and ladies and gentlemen jesus christ is

going to

keep that from god are you ready

the hope of the coming of christ ought

to make us walk as disciples of the lord

jesus christ we are to be false

and we are to be light in the world and

we are to work as though christ may not

come for a thousand years

but we’re to live as though he may come


towards the battle into the darkness

anytime anywhere

this is our mission sharing hope



the billy graham evangelistic

association always

bringing good news


a brand new day witness the story that

comes and give your


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