On this week’s episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2017, Jennifer Eivaz says if Jesus lives in you, you are an intercessor to the world around you. Jennifer shares her secrets on how to contend with power and encounter God as you do. Just watch where the Spirit leads!

Is there a
supernatural dimension,

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this
edition of It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where
it’s naturally supernatural.

What would it be like if every
prayer you prayed was answered?

Do you think your prayer life
would be more important

than it is now?

Do you think you might
be praying all the time?

Well my guest says she’s learned
through God teaching her step by

step how to have all your
prayers answered and she’d like

to teach you.

Is there anyone interested?


You know, Jennifer, I
have a picture inside of me.

You’re a young child.

You’re abandoned by your father
and I can just picture you

walking up to strangers,
strange men and saying to them,

are you my daddy?

That must have been a
tough time for you.

Jennifer Eivaz: That was
what was repeated to me,

that I was doing at that time
just as a very young child,

looking for my dad.

Sid: And your mom remarried.

She married a Mormon and so
you became part

of the Mormon Church.

You kind of had your
period of rebellion.

You drank, you did coke.

That’s more than a period.

That’s a big
period of rebellion.

And how in the world did
God get a hold of you?

Jennifer Eivaz: It was a miracle
because I had no interest in

Christianity at all.

As a Mormon, naturally they want
you to stay in the Mormon Church

and you’re taught who to avoid,
so we were taught to avoid


And so becoming desperate,
becoming understanding that the

Mormon Church was not
taking care of my problems.

My uncle, he invited us
to church and he went to a

Pentecostal church.

That would be far cry, the
farthest thing that we would

ever go to.

But when you’re desperate you
try things you would never try.

Sid: If you’re sinking in the
ocean you don’t care who throws

you a rope.

Jennifer Eivaz: Exactly.

So my mother and my
half-sister, and myself,

my stepfather didn’t come, we
went to my uncle’s church and it

was wild.

It was everything you
would think about as far as a

traditional, old style,
vintage Pentecostal church.

Sid: You had zero grit.

Jennifer Eivaz: No grit at all.

Ran around the
church in worship.

The ladies didn’t wear makeup.

They believed that was holiness.

And I sat there not even
registering at all what the

preacher was saying.

And then what happened is he
began to play on his guitar,

and he sang to the congregation.

And I remember
exactly what he sang,

and he sang “Are you Ready”.

And when he hit that I felt the
power and the presence of God

upon me.

It was like liquid warmth
and it came all over me.

And I felt that,
and I began to cry.

And I heard a
statement in my heart.

It was God speaking to me.

It was Jesus speaking to me,
and it was a distinguishable

thought, and it was I
accept you as you are.

And it’s something I needed to
hear because as a Mormon I was

not feeling accepted as I was.

I was failing the standard.

But here Jesus, before
I even accepted him,

before I knew him
the correct way,

he was saying I
accept you as you are.

And so one of the
ladies in the church,

she sat down next to me because
I was obviously being touched by

God, crying and everything.

And she asked me if I’d like
to receive Jesus into my heart,

and I said yes.

And she prayed me through the
traditional sinner’s prayer,

and I meant it
with all my heart.

And then she said
this, she said,

“Would you like be
baptized in the Holy Spirit?

Now I knew about the term, but
I didn’t know what it meant.

Mormons, we didn’t have that
in the Mormon Church obviously.

And I said yes, and I
began to speak in tongues.

Sid: Did she tell you to speak
in a supernatural language?

Jennifer Eivaz: No, she didn’t.

Sid: It just bubbled out of you.

Jennifer Eivaz: Yes,
it just came right out.

Sid: So you get
settled in the faith,

but you must have had a problem
with your Mormon stepdad.

Jennifer Eivaz: I did.

He didn’t come to us, excuse me,
he didn’t come

to that church service.

Obviously he wasn’t going to
have anything to do with that.

And about a month after
my mother and myself,

and my half-sister, we
all gave our life to Jesus,

about a month after I was
studying for my exams

in my bedroom.

I of course lived with my family
and the power of God came upon

me for intercession.

I hadn’t been taught
about intercession.

I hadn’t been
taught about prayer.

I didn’t know
anything about this.

All I know is I was
on the floor weeping,

wailing, crying out to God for
the salvation of my stepfather,

and I landed it like this.

I landed it
saying to God, I said,

“Save my stepfather or
why don’t I just die.”

The words were really strong.

And so I thought….

Sid: That is strong.

Save my stepfather
or just kill me.

That’s what in
effect you just prayed.

Jennifer Eivaz: Yes.

And so it was not long after
that a local church in town,

they offered a seminar on the
differences between Christianity

and Mormonism, and he
actually went on his own.

And as a result of that
he gave his life to Jesus.


Sid: You learned from starting
with praying for your stepdad

and your family about prayer
that few believers understand.

You say that when you realize
the value of prayer you have

tremendous influence with God.

I want to find out why you
have such influence with God.

Any of you interested in that?

I am.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return
to It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Now this is unbelievable.

A couple of years after
this marvelous experience that

Jennifer had with God, a
couple of years later,

by the way, can a
Christian, a believer in Jesus,

have a demon, not
in their spirit,

but in their flesh?

For instance, if you ever read
in the Bible there’s a spirit of

infirmity, can a
Christian get sick in the flesh,

not in the spirit,
but in the flesh?

Of course.

But two years after
Jennifer became a believer,

what happened to you?

Jennifer Eivaz: Well
what happened is this.

I had a tremendous
honeymoon in the Lord.

I was learning to live for God.

I had parted ways
with all my old friends.

I really was living for Jesus
as much as I knew how to do.

And so I had peace.

There was peace in my home.

It was beautiful.

And then what happened is
it felt like peace left.

It left me.

It left my household.

It felt like
darkness was coming in.

I hadn’t experienced that kind
of darkness before I became a


I remembered it
from back in the day,

but it seemed like everything
was coming back again.

Sid: You know, it says in the
Bible that the devil might leave

you for a while,
like with Jesus,

he left him for a while,
but he would come back.

That’s what happened.

Jennifer Eivaz: I believe so.

And I was at a prayer meeting,
one that I intended for quite a

while, and this lady, she
looked over at me with concern,

and she said this
to me, she said,

“I see a spirit of
sorcery standing over you.”

And when she said that something
picked me up and threw me

against the wall, and it went
into a demonic manifestation.

Sid: Could you have stopped
that if you really wanted to?

Jennifer Eivaz: No,
there was no way.

It was everything went out of
control the minute she exposed.

Sid: Did you know in your
mind what was happening to you?

Jennifer Eivaz: I didn’t.

Sid: Okay.

Jennifer Eivaz: I was
not taught these things.

This was not in our teaching.

I just had to
experience and work it out.

Sid: Then what?

Jennifer Eivaz: Well I was,
these were ladies who were

ladies of prayer.

They practiced the type of
prayer where would call that

spiritual warfare.

That was how they prayed.

And so they were trying to
deliver me from this spirit,

deliver me from this demon
and they couldn’t deliver me.

And so after about three or
four hours of me manifesting

demonically I was taken
home, because I had calmed down

enough, and I was pretty
much left to figure out how to

overcome this on my own.

Sid: All the things
you’ve learned in prayer and

deliverance you
learned by the Holy Spirit.

Jennifer Eivaz: I
learned by the Holy Spirit.

Basically what it boiled down to
is I was going to have to have

authority over myself.

And so it was about three months
or so where this spirit was

tormenting me.

I would hear screaming at night.

My bed would shake.

My doors would shake.

I couldn’t sleep.

It would follow me around.

Other people would hear
the knockings on the doors,

the different manifestations.

Other people
would experience it, too.

Now keep in mind, I
had been praying,

I had been begging God to
set me free from this spirit,

set me free, praying.

And so one day that spirit
actually walked into my bedroom

and it came to torment me, and
then something grows

inside of me.

It was the Holy Spirit.

And I spoke out with
authority to that demon,

and I said, “I
will not serve you.

I will only serve the
Lord Jesus Christ.”


Sid: You exercised
what you had all along,

but did not
realize what you had.

The Holy Spirit
gave you those words.

I have to believe it.

Jennifer Eivaz: He sure did
and that was the end of it.

Sid: Really.

Jennifer Eivaz: Yes.

I didn’t have any problem
with that spirit again.

Not only that, I wasn’t
afraid of demons anymore.

And also I’ve been able to
deliver people from the very

thing that I was delivered from.

Sid: Why do we have such
tremendous power

with God if we pray?

I thought it was just
intercessors that are supposed

to pray, an intercessor
by definition of the word,

praying for someone else.

These are special people
that they love to pray.

We love TV, food.

These are special people.

Jennifer Eivaz: Well
everybody is an intercessor,

who believes in Jesus, and
that’s because intercession by

definition, you’re just praying
for another person and that’s

because we have
the authority to.

We have the authority.

Sid: Same authority
you have for yourself.

Jennifer Eivaz: Exactly.

Sid: To help others be free.

Jennifer Eivaz: Right.

So you can pray for another
person to be let’s say delivered

of what I was delivered from.

I would like to pray for
some people right now.

Sid: Please.

Jennifer Eivaz: In Jesus’s name,
I break and sever every cultic

connection and tithe that you
still have that is remaining

upon your life.

I break the
torment off your life.

I break the demonic torment
and the demonic onslaught off of

your life.

You are free.

In the name of Jesus that spirit
of occult must leave you and

never torment you
again in Jesus’s name.


Sid: That makes it special.

It’s wonderful to
pray for other people,

but what if you’re
loaded with problems.

Your family is a mess.

Your health is a mess.

Your finances are a mess.

Can you use that same power
like you did for just yourself,

not for someone else,
in your own family?

Jennifer Eivaz: Yes.

We all have the name of Jesus
and we all have

his written word.

That’s our toolbox.

That’s our weaponry.

And so I take a promise from the
Bible that I know he has spoken

about my situation and I
actually use it like a weapon.

In other words, I actually
speak to the problem with that

scripture and it’s like a
weapon against that problem,

and it has to change.

It has to come to pass because
that’s the authority we have in

Jesus Christ.

Sid: Let me ask you something.

I want you to talk to people
watching us right now and I want

you to tell them why it’s so
important that they understand

the supernatural principles of
prayer and start operating in

them and it’s not
for someone else,

it’s for them.

Jennifer Eivaz: Right.

You were never
meant to be defeated.

Jesus didn’t die on the cross
so that you can be defeated and

live a defeated life.

You’re a king’s kid and
you’re supposed to look like it,

and your life is
supposed to reflect it.

And so now you have to make a
decision to choose to walk in

your spiritual authority.

You have it, but you need to
get it on the inside of you that

it’s yours and start using
his work over your life.

And everything you
begin to speak out,

it’s going to come to pass
because you’re a king’s kid,

you have his promises and
he spoke the Word first,

and now you speak
in like manner,

and it will happen.

It will come to pass
and you’ll see a change.

Sid: Now I know you’re
going to see a change.

Now Jennifer has heard secrets
by the Holy Spirit on how to be

a winner, how to have
your prayers answered.

I want to hear a few of
these secrets when we come back.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: I’m having fun here.

I hope you are, Jennifer Eivaz.

Jennifer, I know you have
learned from a lifetime of the

supernatural secrets to having
all your prayers answered.

Tell me a couple.

Jennifer Eivaz: The first is
that we actually know who is

behind our circumstances,
who is behind our negative


So many times we actually
give credit to the wrong source,

things that are
happening that are bad to us.

We give credit to God for that.

Many people do.

Sid: What would you say
to someone that says,

okay, I know the
devil is doing it,

but why is God allowing it?

Jennifer Eivaz: Exactly.

And so we don’t realize that God
has given us authority by his

Word, by his name to actually
pray and see something change.

Sid: Tell me a second thing.

Jennifer Eivaz: A second thing
would be learning to pray in


This is huge,
especially family matters.

You’ve got one person one
thing and another person praying

another thing.

What is God going to do?

Sometimes when somebody is, it
seems like they’re

terminally ill.

It seems like they’re dying.

Well are they supposed to go
or are they supposed to stay?

You have people praying
all sorts of different ways.

Sid: So you don’t
have the agreement.

Jennifer Eivaz: They don’t have
the agreement and God respects

unity and agreement.

These are simple keys, but
they’re very supernatural keys.

We miss them all the time.

We could see so many prayers
answered if we just get those

two things.

Sid: Now talking
about authority,

tell me that Christmas story.

Jennifer Eivaz: One of
the things that I learned,

and I said it previously, is
that we have authority in the

areas that we’ve been
delivered ourselves.

We know how to get people free.

And so one Christmas my husband
was sharing with the church,

and he’s pastor.

And he was ministering on
the Sunday morning service,

and he said to the
church, he said,

“Fathers, I want you to learn
to pray for your families.”

And he gave the whole
church a challenge,

especially to the dads,
learn to pray for your family.

Well one family in particular
took up that challenge.

And so the stepfather
at the Christmas meal,

he decided, I’m going to
pray for the Christmas meal.

And so he had his wife there
and he had his stepson there,

and then the other children.

And so as he
prayed for the meal,

well guess what happened?

His stepson was actually
dabbling in the occult and they

didn’t know it until the
father prayed over the meal,

and then he began to levitate.

And so they didn’t know
what to do with that.

Sid: And by the way, so many
young people are in it and they

don’t realize how
dangerous it is.

It is dangerous.

You play with a Ouija board, the
spirit that is moving your hand

to have it say things will
then go right inside of you.

You know, if I’m putting a
little fear of fooling around

with the demonic side
of the supernatural,

good, it’s healthy.

It’s dangerous.

Jennifer Eivaz: So they called
the church and

they asked for help.

And so there was three of us and
we actually went to their house

on Christmas Eve to help
this young boy get free.

And so my two other partners
began to pray to cast the spirit

out, but nothing happened.

But then when I began
to pray, now remember,

I’ve been
delivered from the occult,

and so I have authority
there because of that.

And so I grabbed him by the
shoulders and I commanded the

cultic spirit to leave him.

And he tensed up, which
means that he was manifesting,

but he was going to break.

He tensed up and then within
about 30 seconds it left him.


Sid: I can’t let you go
unless you comment right now on

something that is
very important to you,

prophetic intercession.

What does that mean?

Jennifer Eivaz: That is
the prayer that prophesies.

There’s the prayer that’s
what we call a petition.

I’m asking God to do XYZ.

And then there is the
prayer that prophesies.

I know God’s will for something
and so I speak it out as if God

was speaking it, and it’s as
if God is actually saying it,

but he’s saying it through
me and will come to pass.

And it’s that
strong of a prayer.

And prophetic intercession is
just as much a part of prayer as

petition is and some of
the other aspects of prayer.

Sid: I want you to
pray for people.

I know you have special
authority over mental illness.

Jennifer Eivaz: Yes.

Sid: Any mind type
diseases, Alzheimer’s, bones.

Pray right now.

Jennifer Eivaz: I just prophesy
over your body right now.

I prophesy to your mind
that you have a sound mind.

God has not given
you a spirit of fear.

He has given you power
and love, and a sound mind.

And so I break mental
illness off of you.

I command your mind to come
together in the name of Jesus.

I command your
sanity to come back.

I command your
chemicals to balance out.

I command a reversal in
Alzheimer’s and dementia right

here and right now.

I even speak to your bones.

I command your
bones to be healed,

your broken bones to
set themselves right now,

for fractures to heal,
for knees to be healed,

backs to be healed,
discs to be healed.

Your body made whole, I
prophesy it in Jesus’s name.

Sid: You know, how much
more do you need to see?

You have sins.

There’s none
righteous, no not one.

Jesus died in your place.

If you will believe that and
believe that his blood washed

away your sins and just
say it with your mouth,

I believe that
Jesus washed my sins.

I’m sorry for what I’ve done.

Please forgive me.

Jesus, come and live
inside of me and be my Lord.

If you will do that right
now with your own words,

I just prayed that two-word
prayer and I got set free.

I didn’t know what I was doing.

Here was my prayer: Jesus, help!


Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

Jack Sheffield: People in your
neighborhood are crying out,

is there a God in
Heaven who cares?

The healing ministry is given to
the church in direct answer to

that prayer.

We must answer that call.

Join me, Jack Sheffield, on It’s
Supernatural with Sid Roth and I

will show you that it’s
easier than you think.
