In a world full of crisis and chaos, Christians are still called to accomplish their unfinished mission of hope. Witness three international stories of courage, determination and mercy, and see how God is moving powerfully all around the world. Looking for peace? Visit Connect with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association on Facebook:… on Instagram: on Twitter: on Pinterest: on YouTube:    / billygraham   on TikTok:

the Lord Jesus Jesus Christ has given a

command God has called us to a serious

business taking his love taking his

message taking his salvation to the ends

of the Earth

what are we going to do about it

is an urgency

I am afraid of where I would be if

someone had not told me this news

it has changed my life

what is God calling you to do

are you willing to do it


rhyme corruption

the family suffer

how can I live when my young people die

how can you do that

because of the Lord

we are not allowed to preach the gospel

outside of our church

so we pray God do something mightily for




is urgent


God is doing incredible things in places

that don’t always make the headlines

God is changing lives around the world

just like he did with Apostle Paul in

the scriptures Paul was a Pharisee who

despised Christians he made his mission

to destroy the church and he was


but one day God intervened and radically

saved his life instead of trying to

destroy the church he was called to

Proclaim and to spread the gospel of the

Lord Jesus Christ from one end of the

Roman Empire to the other he had a

fervent desire to go where there was no

church where there was no witness Paul

says in Romans chapter 15 it’s always

been my ambition to preach the gospel

where Christ was not known

so that I would not be building on

someone else’s Foundation

rather it’s written those who are not

told about him will see and those who

have not heard will understand

there’s still places in the world today

where people have not heard the name of

Jesus Christ the fact is the mission of

proclaiming the Gospel remains

unfinished and the task is urgent

recently I had the rare privilege of

preaching of all places in Vietnam

a nation of 97 million people but only a

small percentage follow Christ

I want you to see the incredible things

that God is doing today in Vietnam

right now there are only a small number

of Christians in Vietnam so that’s why

this is a very urgent to preach the



the Vietnamese people

they don’t care much about their


they don’t care much about their soul

when I look at them I felt very sad they

don’t have Jesus Christ


that’s why I pour my heart to pray so

please save the Vietnamese people

the need to reach men and women with the

truth of the Gospel is growing every day

there’s millions and millions of people

they’re going to be separated from God

for eternity the only hope is Jesus


we’ve got to share with them the good


God is willing to save us and we just

can’t sit back and we just can’t take

our time

we need to get out there and get it done


the churches were looking for an

opportunity to invite us

many places in the world it’s difficult

for Christians to have outside services

to do evangelism

because of the law we are not allowed to

preach the gospel to anyone else outside

of our church

we have to ask permission from authority

to do evangelism


if God puts a burden on a heart for

something pray about it and just see

what God does

he’ll use any of us

so we pray

and we’d ask for God’s help

God do something in the heart of the



God uses prayer

God opened up doors and gave us great


to some of the Communist officials that

said yes

a chance for us to preach the gospel


to the community

it’s so good for us to be able to stand

and tell people Jesus Christ is God’s

son he’s the way the truth and the life

it was really a historic occasion

we first started looking at coming to

Vietnam about three years ago

we’re grateful to the government of

Vietnam for allowing us to come

Vietnam when I was invited to The

Interpreter for Dr Franklin Graham I was

so scared

standing in front of the big crowd like

that scare me so I asked Lord this is a

privilege for me an honor from me help

me to do my job well and I hope many

people will listen to it and come to

accept Jesus Christ there are many of

you here tonight that you’re in danger

of losing your souls

and tonight I’m going to give you an

opportunity to invite Jesus Christ to

come into your heart into your life

Jesus Christ came from Heaven to this

earth to save you

by going to the cross and dying in your

place shedding his blood for your sins

if you’re willing to turn from your sins

tonight God will forgive you

is your soul secure in the hands of

almighty God if you’re not sure you can

be sure right now

so wherever you are right

come to Jesus tonight


so when I say people coming to accept

Jesus Christ I almost cried


but so amazing

it was beyond my thinking


it doesn’t matter where you go in the


the need of the human heart is the same

languages are different cultures may

change but the good news of Jesus Christ

applies to all people

in Matthew chapter 28 Jesus gives his

disciples instructions about their


he said therefore go and make disciples

of all Nations baptizing them in the

name of the Father the Son and the Holy

Spirit and teaching them to obey

everything I’ve commanded you and surely

I’m with you always to the very end of

the age

this Great Commission is still our

mission these orders that Christ gave us

two thousand years ago are still our

orders today

but often we struggle with it sharing

the good news isn’t always easy

Jesus never promised that it’d be easy

but he did promise that he would be with

us always this means even to the darkest

corners of the world I want you to see

someone who takes this calling very

seriously who takes the gospel even to

places that most of us

would avoid



Rio de Janeiro is surreal

family suffer

there were times when the police came

because of a shooting and we were caught

in the middle

two of my cars were shot full of holes I

was in the car but God delivered me


I lost abroad


I remember once I got home and he had

slit his wrists

my parents were desperately crying


he passed away because of drugs

when I lost my brother God spoke to my


Spirit God’s calling for my life was to

serve this type of community

care of them

preach to them


a friend of mine he’s wealthy and lives

in a nice place he tells me I’m crazy he

says come to Santa Catarina your car

won’t be riddled with bullets anymore

how can I do that

when my young people are dying


how can I leave

who’s going to love them

who is going to hurt them

and boss I can’t leave this place


this is one of the great cities of the

world Rio de Janeiro

but like all great cities of the world

it has great spiritual problems


we were given this invitation and we’re

going to preach the gospel to give

people an opportunity to invite Jesus

Christ to come into the heart to their


associations event has United the

pastors I want to say thank you to all

of you for the invitation to come we

have over 4 000 churches that have been


so to come down here and support them

and to be a part of this and to work

with them

we have been praying daily for God to

move in every city in Brazil

that all the churches all the the

nominations come together to evangelize

here to change the whole neighborhood

hey Gloria




there’s only five Franklin Graham


and tonight I want to take just an

opportunity to speak to you for a few

minutes if you don’t remember anything

else you remember this

God loves you



thank you





you see God sent his son Jesus Christ to

this earth to save you from your sins

tonight God will forgive you

if you’d like to trust him as your

savior tonight

I want you to raise your hand

Dear God

forgive me

I want to follow Jesus as my Lord

and I pray this in Jesus name


I’ve got it all



as a family we committed to giving our

life to Jesus

I think it was the right moment because

I I had nowhere to run to I came and

felt the desire to surrender my life to


I feel peaceful

it’s a joy to feel and hear that God is

alive and that God’s here right now and

willing to forgive us

today many people took a stand and made

a decision

now they will be an instrument of God to

transform other lives


coming up

I remember when Christians came to

minister at the prison I was Furious

I was like an animal

you realize that billions of people

haven’t heard the good news and if we

don’t tell them who’s going to tell them


do you see people every day with empty


searching for something they don’t know

what it is they

that ought to give us a new urgency to

declare the one answer



is unfinished we still have a window of

opportunity to reach a lost and Dying

World with the truth of God’s love



God sent his son to this Earth on a

rescue mission to save you from your


God’s given you a chance right now to

give your life to Christ all you have to

do is receive it


it’s cool to the ends of the Earth

everything is about the gospel

gospel there’s nothing there is no hope



Jesus came from Heaven to Earth on a

rescue mission and that was to save

Sinners he didn’t come to condemn he

came to save the Bible says that it came

to seek and to save the lost when I was

22 years old I didn’t want Jesus in my

life but I just got to the point in my

life where I got sick and tired of just

being sick and tired one night I just

got on my knees and I said

God if you want my life you can have it

if you can just take the Peace of my

life and somehow put it together it’s


I believe that Jesus is your son I

believe that he died and shed his blood

for my sins on the cross I believe that

you raised him to life and that night I

invited Jesus Christ to come into my

heart and and gave him my life praise

God he’s still redeeming lost Sinners

even people you might think are Out Of

Reach take a look at this next story an

unlikely rescue

there is an urgency

only two percent of Mongolians are


we need to tell others about this good


changed my life

I am afraid of where I would be if

someone had not told me this news


you when I was a child

I dreamed of being someone who catches

the bad guys


on its own in the summer of 1989

I was accepted to study with the KGB to

become a spy

I thought my dream was coming through




prisons were a wild place at that time


smoking and fighting for my lifestyle



I was becoming like an animal

I had hardened my heart to survive


when Christians came to minister at the


I was Furious

I thought they were no good

I ripped up their Bibles I beat them and

I even sent others to steal their


then on the eve of the new year I opened

my locker and the book they left behind

fell to the floor when I opened the book

The Words the son of man came to seek

and to save the Lost jumped off the page

and under that verse whoever calls upon

the name of the Lord will be saved

the strangest thing is and that word

touched my heart strongly you have

things so I prayed

all the things

while I was praying

I began to cry


I must tell people this news because

what if I had not heard the gospel while

I was in prison


today I’m very happy that his grace

gives us the opportunity to spread the

gospel when I heard about the Festival

of Joy with Franklin Graham I had a deep

desire to participate


in the gospel

the festival has equipped our churches

and giving them the tools to share the




50 churches are sharing the good news in

their communities

we are organizing this project at water

wells three days before the Festival of



but if it’s one of the people who come

to the water stations

we are praying for their water and

giving them a cup of coffee


we are sharing the Gospel of Jesus



we are inviting them to the Festival of

Joy with Franklin Graham

We will connect them with buses that

will bring them to the festival







I have been praying for this moment for

many years

May many people she said


Jesus is passing by the step Arena here



the same Jesus two thousand years ago is

here tonight for you

the Bible says salvation is found in no

one else for there’s no other name under

Heaven given to Men by which we must be

saved there’s no other way to God Jesus

is the only one to take your sins

he took death for you and me

will you come to Christ tonight

will you put your faith and trust in him

if you’re willing to do that tonight God

will forgive you of your sins

you come

thank you


dear God

I’m a sinner

sharing this for the first time tonight

I was wondering does Jesus really exist

but now I believe

I realized that I was a sinner

I was touched by the fact that Jesus

came to call unbelievers to Salvation

I feel so full of joy my soul feels such

a relief


thousands called upon his name I can’t

describe it in words

may this fire reach every single

household and family in this nation




praise God he’s still redeeming law


God is changing lives all over the world








God is at work

and as you’ve seen Vietnam and all the

others that God is at work and we thank

you for your prayers we thank you for

your support we couldn’t do this without

you our commitment is that we’re going

to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to

the ends of the Earth and we’re going to

use television the internet radio

whatever means we can open air stadiums

we’re going to keep preaching

proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ

thank you and God bless you

partner with the Billy Graham

Evangelistic Association in this mission

of proclaiming the Gospel through every

means available with internet evangelism

we reach the world with the good news 24

hours a day

our rapid response chaplains step into

the midst of tragedy to offer hope to

the hurting

and we continue to share God’s love to

those who need Jesus Christ through

Franklin Graham festivals and Will

Graham celebrations he knows your name

here tonight as I’m speaking tonight

he’s calling some of you you may never

have another chance like tonight to make

a decision concerning Jesus join us in

taking the gospel to the ends of the

Earth visit or call


as a thank you we’ll send you the Tony

Evans book Kingdom encounters

experiencing more of God when life hurts

your gift can have an eternal impact

call or log on today



I know it’s not my words that helps a

person it’s God’s word it’s the power of

the gospel God sent his son Jesus Christ

from Heaven to this earth to take our

sins but on the third day God raised his

son to life the Bible says but he wants

everyone to come in Repentance but you

ask Christ into your heart he’ll give

you that strength he’ll give you that

power but you’ve got to be willing to

say God help me by faith trust Jesus
