The things we want in life, no matter how great they may seem, can take possession of us if we’re not careful. If that happens, anxiety will enter our lives in the form of fear, worry or other paralyzing emotions. A steadfast focus on God is the only answer. Learn how to find the relief you need.


timeless truths

a collection of classic sermons from dr

charles stanley

today’s selection recorded in 1997

all our anxieties part one

anxiety is not just the mere emotion

sometimes it’s a very painful emotion

and sometimes unless dealt with can

become very destructive in a person’s


yet all of us know what it means to feel

anxious and we feel anxious about

different things

for example you’re sitting on the

expressway this

traffic has stopped absolutely dead

you’ve been late twice

this week already on your job and you

know this is going to be bad news if you

walk in again this morning late

you heard on the radio the stock market

fell 500 points yesterday and all of

your savings are there

not only that you just been to the

doctor the debt couple of days before

and you didn’t get any very good news

you discovered that there were drugs in


son’s room and you suspect that maybe

your daughter is pregnant

you think that would make you anxious

that makes you anxious

all of us have anxiety for different

reasons in our life

and yet in spite of that god knows

how to handle all of our anxieties no

matter what they may be

and so as we think about it and think

about what jesus said about jesus said a

lot about it

in fact in the sermon on the mount for

example of 111 verses

10 of those verses deal with the very

idea of anxiety

and he tells us how we’re to handle it

so i want you to look if you will

beginning in this 25th verse

of the sixth chapter of matthew he says

for this reason

i say to you do not be anxious for your


as to what you shall eat or what you

shall drink nor for your bodies to what

you should put on

is not life more than food and the body

than clothing

look at the birds of the air that they

do not sow neither do they reap nor

gather into barns and yet your heavenly


feeds them are you not worth much more

than they and which of you by being

anxious can add a single cubit to his

life span

and while you anxious about clothing

observe how the livelies of the field

grow they do not toil

nor do they spin yet i say to you that

even solomon in all of his glory did not

clothe himself like

one of these but if god so erased the

grass of the field which is alive today

and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace

will he not much more do so for you o


of little faith do not be anxious then

saying what shall we

what shall we drink with what shall we

clothe ourselves

for all these things the gentiles

eagerly seek

for your heavenly father knows that you

have need of all these things

but seek he first he says the kingdom of

god and his righteousness

and all these things shall be added to

you therefore

do not be anxious for tomorrow but

tomorrow will care for itself

each day has enough trouble of its own


we’d all agree to that when each day has

enough trouble

of its own well it’s interesting that

jesus would spend this much time

talking about anxiety because oftentimes

we think about the days in which he


were quiet they didn’t have jets they

didn’t have automobiles they didn’t have

radios tvs

they didn’t have all the noisemakers

that we have today

and probably we would think that they

didn’t have all the diseases that we

have today and

all the things that go on that cause


they didn’t have a stock market and they

didn’t have the newspapers to get the

news like we do and so

we’d think well how in the world could

they be so anxious why why would they

have that kind of anxiety well because

things in those days were far different

than oftentimes

we think they are and when you look at

this very word anxiety the word is a

little greek word narimna which really

means distraction

that is when a person is anxious they

become distracted

when a person is anxious they begin they

are they have

begun to experience uh an emotion in

their life

that uh causes or is the result

of some sense of not just insecurity but

uncertainty that’s going on

we become anxious when we become very


about something we hear bad news or we

find ourselves in ourselves in a

circumstance that we don’t know exactly

what to do next especially if it’s some

threatening uh circumstance if it if we

even perceive that it could be

threatening or dangerous

we often times become anxious and so

over and over and over again jesus says

don’t be anxious don’t be anxious don’t

be anxious because he knew

that he was talking to people who were

very anxious about their life

and so his concern here is to encourage


not to be anxious now you say well but

what about the times when you and i get

blindsided with something we don’t


we hear some very very difficult news

some news that’s very

heart-rending and in those moments of

something that’s threatening us or our


in those moments that you mean to tell

me that i’m not to be anxious let me put

it this way

there are times when suddenly we hear

something that oftentimes

we may at that moment become anxious

if we don’t know how to respond or even

if we do it may be so overwhelming at

least we experience

anxiety for the moment it is not a

matter of never

experiencing anxiety it is what we do

with it

will i let that dominating control me

throw me into depression

or cause me other some some other

physical problem or will i have myself a

pity party or will i recognize

what is happening and respond in a godly


we do not have to live in anxiety

doesn’t mean we won’t have troubles

heartaches burdens difficulties trials


that we can’t figure out and things we

can’t fix but even in spite of that he

says we do not have to live

in anxiety now each time he says

we are not to live in anxiety what he

does he takes a different aspect of


to bring the truth to our hearts so what

i want us to do is to look at this

passage in the light

of he says now hear the thing listen

these are the things that cause

anxiety within our lives now while he

will not mention

express ways while he will not mention

your job and so forth

the principles are the same so i want to

look at these verses

and listen to what he says here in light

of this look if you will beginning in

verse 25.

he says now here’s one of the reasons

you and i oftentimes allow ourselves to

become anxious

verse 25 for this reason i say to you do

not be anxious for your life as to what

you shall eat

what you shall drink nor for your bodies

to what you shall put on

is not life more than food in the body

than clothing

when he speaks of life here here’s what

he’s referring to

he’s referring to our total being that

is a physical being a spiritual being an

emotional being

that is our entire life he says we don’t

have we don’t have a real

good reason to be anxious he says don’t

let your life

become one of anxiety he says look in

verse 26

look at the birds of the air they don’t

sow neither do they reap

nor gather into barns and yet your

heavenly father feeds them now watch


are you not worth much more than they

what is his first reasoning for our

anxiety one of the primary reasons we

live in anxiety is because

listen because we

have a poor sense of our self-worth

listen to what he says he says are you

not worth much more than they

he says if you’re heavenly father listen

if your heavenly father thinks that much

of birds

that he would give them such uh

ingenuity and such uh

such an instinct to be able to operate

the way they do what about you

doesn’t he care more about you than that

yes he does

why are we anxious because we have such

a poor self-image of ourselves

and it’s a subtle thing we don’t even

realize what we’re thinking and yet

often times people will say well you


i know that god loves me but how could

god be how could he be

interested in these little simple things

of my life for example

you know something happened this weekend

and uh my car wouldn’t start surely god

isn’t interested in my car

yes he is well you know what my water

pipe busted he’s not interested yes he


well and so we just go on and on to the

things we think god isn’t concerned

about let me ask you a question

if god is concerned about birds is he

not concerned about every aspect of your


it is our poor self-image sometimes the

result of growing up in a home where

oftentimes there was child abuse

sometimes because you grew up in a home

whether you were criticized

deeply criticized until they absolutely

tore your self-image apart

oftentimes it’s because of guilt over

past things that we think will god

how could you care for me how could you

love me when i look at my past lord how

in the world could you be interested

in all of these things in my life when

these things are so true and

and looking at yourself and being

critical sometimes

it’s because you think well lord how in

the world could

how how could how could you care about

me when i don’t

i don’t feel significant i don’t have a

significant job i’m

i’m i seemingly am a nobody in this

world of five billions of people

why why would you be concerned about me

because he loves

every single one of us and one of the

reasons that lots of people just live in

anxiety you see

anxiety is a way of life anxiety and

worrying and fretting and caring and

pity parties and and and being fearful

and fear and anxiety are very closely

linked together

those some many people just live in

anxiety fear the uncertainty about

tomorrows and

what’s going to happen and things that

could possibly happen

they live in that not understanding that

the heavenly father

understands cares and that they’re worth

more than

birds and all the other creatures that

god has created

he cares for us he loves us he is

concerned about all the things that

concern us and so he said look

if if the father if the father cares for


are you not worth much more than they

and you see

the heavenly father loves us with an

unconditional love

he is he is personally interested

in every single thing that

concerns us so he said one of the first

reasons that people live in anxiety is

they just don’t think god seemingly

cares and they don’t seem to have

a concept of god that is proper that he

is a

heavenly father the second thing he

noticed you’ll notice here what he said

he said a second reason that people live

in anxiety is

simply this they attempt to change

things like they attempt to change

things they listen

they cannot change they attempt to

change things in the life

that they have no control over look at

this and which of you verse 27

by being anxious can add a single cubit

to his lifespan

now that oftentimes is translated cubit

18 inches which means that

somebody was trying to think in terms i

want to be 18 inches high i don’t think

that’s what that means

when he says lifespan he’s talking about

lengthening life

he says now why be anxious over

how long you’re going to live now let’s

face it we live in a society that is

absolutely consumed with longevity how

long can we live

and you’ll read magazines and you’ll

hear the the latest scoop on the

television let his scoop on

on longevity of life how to prolong life

you know what nobody can prove any of


because the simple issue is that you

can’t prolong your life god’s given all

of us a set time to live

and you and i can’t make it go any

further now i met a lady i’ve met two

sundays in a row here she’s 90 years of

age and

talk about what she can do and so forth

and if you ask carol why do you think

you’ve lived so long she can’t tell you


why because god has just seen fit to

give her a long life

now today we think if we take a handful

of vitamins every day

and if we drink pure water and if we get

enough rest and we exercise 20 to 30

minutes a day at least four days a week

and we at least five green vegetables a

day that

we’re going to live forever now i

believe in all those things try to do as

much of that as i possibly can but you

know what

not in order to live longer but listen

to enjoy it while i

am here and see the quality of life is

one thing

the quality of life and the productivity

of life is one thing but making it


nobody can lengthen your life god has

given all of us a life to live

and so what is he saying here he’s

saying you know people are very anxious

about things that they can’t change

but listen to what he said in this third

part now he says here’s the third reason

that you and i live in anxiety

because we have we we fail to trust god

listen we failed to trust god to meet

our needs

and if we if we don’t trust him what are

we going to do we’re going to be anxious

and so think about how the lord jesus

how he works in your life and how he

provides for you

and he says if he will do that if he

will do that for flowers

how much more will he do that for you


he says oh you have little faith the

truth is watch this carefully

anxiety is no more than unbelief

in disguise that’s what anxiety is

something something comes that’s um

makes us feel very uncertain

and very threatened and so what do we do

we become anxious we become worried and


we we either get depressed or we become

scared about

what the possibilities are the things

that could happen this is not the little

difficult trying times that people go


but here’s what he says he says it’s

futile to be anxious about

it we don’t have to be anxious about

these things

he says because what i want to tell you

he says is that the heavenly father

is caring for you now think about this

all of us who are believers have done


we have looked at the word of god and

we’ve looked at our life and we’ve said

one of these days i know i’m going to

die the bible says that jesus christ

went to the cross and paid my sin that

in full and that if i receive him as my

personal savior

that means that when i die i know i’m

going to be absent from the body present

with the lord

and so that my whole eternal future i am

going to trust in the hands of my

heavenly father who promised to forgive

me of my sins

and to save me and one of these days

take me home to heaven

and he says now wait a minute it doesn’t

make sense for me to bet my whole

eternal future

on a god who is promised to do for me

after i die something i have no control

over and at the same time

not trust him daily today for something

i need

if i can’t trust him today for some

material need

or some circumstance why do i think i’m

going to trust him and how can i trust

him for my eternal future

which i have absolutely no control over

when i won’t trust

him for something that i at least can

get my hands and my fingers in

and do something about it he said

why why would we why would we believe

that god is not trustworthy

now here’s the sin about anxiety here’s

what it’s all about

when i am anxious before god and i allow

that anxiety to capture me and dominate

me and begin to control my life what am

i saying

i’m saying first of all god i don’t

trust you it’s a slam against god’s

integrity and islam against god’s


and islam against god’s character do you

mean to tell me that the god who said

my god shall supply all your needs

according to his riches in glory in

christ jesus does he mean that does he


well look at the fourth reason if you

will and notice what he notice what he

says here

beginning in verse 32 he says now

for all these things listen for all

these things the gentiles eagerly seek

now when he talks about gentiles usually

what he’s referring to is those people

for example who are not jews or

sometimes he just means other people out

there who are unbelievers

he said a look he said now all these

things the gentiles

eagerly seek for your heavenly father

knows that you need all these things

the truth is our heavenly father knows

that you and i

he knows what we need before we need

them and he’s never come up short

but what is he saying he says one of the

listen that’s one of the reasons

people live in anxiety is this reason


listen they attempt to find contentment

and security in life following the

world’s pattern

now what does the world do how does the

world operate

here’s how the world operates the world

operates on the basis of material things

one of the causes of anxiety

is simply that and that is following the

world’s pattern

when it doesn’t work for them and it’s

not going to work for us and it is

listen it’s foolish for us to follow

their pattern when we have the

resurrected christ

living on the inside of us moment by

moment day by day

this is the almighty god the lord jesus

christ who’s made us the promise that

every single need we have he will meet

and he’s not going to come up short

then what do we have to be anxious about

he’s promised

listen he’s promised that we have his


that he will meet every single need

therefore he says

you look at the world and you follow

their pattern how foolish it’s empty

it’s void it’s not going to work

then listen to what he says now he sort

of turns this around and he turns into a


statement he says but look verse 33 but

seek first his kingdom

and his righteousness and all these

things that you are anxious

about he says shall be added to you

what is one of the primary reasons look

one of the primary reasons for anxiety

is misplace priorities in our life

here’s what he says now watch this this

is so simple

he says one of the reasons that people

are anxious is because their priorities

are out of order

he says now this is the way you’re to

live when he says seek ye

first not second third fourth or fifth

seek he first the kingdom of god what

does he mean by the kingdom of god

the kingdom of god is not some

geographical or some political

entity but he’s talking about the rule

of christ in our life

he says seek first that is first of all

make this your priority

submit your life to jesus christ as the

lord of your life

secondly allow him allow him

to do what to create his godly character

in your life

allow listen submit yourself to him and

allow him

to conform you to his likeness now does

that mean for example

that if you surrender your life to the

lord and you allow him to conform you to

his likeness

that you won’t ever have any desires no

it doesn’t doesn’t mean that

does it mean that you’ll just have

anything and everything in life no it

doesn’t mean that

he said you’ll never want for anything

and here’s the key watch this

when you and i are walking in the will

of the father

and we’re allowing him to conform us to

his likeness who do you think controls

what we want

he does aren’t you glad that you don’t

have everything you’ve ever wanted in


amen say amen like you mean it amen

that’s right because if you’d gotten

some things you wanted you’d probably be

dead and gone by now

god protects us but listen he says

when you seek the rule of christ in life

if that’s first

and you want to be conformed to his

likeness he said look you

tend to that don’t don’t worry about you

don’t have to worry about all these

other things

i’m going to give you provide for you

exactly what i know

you need and what i want you to have

what an awesomely

listen liberating freeing experience to

know that god the father assumes

responsibility listen he assumes

responsibility for the things in life

that we need

and what we desire now either jesus

christ told the truth or he lied

if he lied let’s shut the book close

down the church and forget it

but if he told the truth listen how


how foolish and empty and vain

what a failure we come up to be when we

don’t put

his rule in our life his character in

life is number one that’s number one

does it mean we’ll always succeed at it

every day no does this mean we won’t sin

no but listen conforming us to his

likeness what is he doing

conforming us to his likeness he is

sending into our life those things

difficulties hardships trials good

things in life doing what

focusing our attention upon him sifting

and sending at our life those things

that don’t belong there

whatever they may be here’s what happens

as the years go by

and god confirms us more and more what

does he do he gets deeper and deeper and

deeper we see things never seen before

and what does he do he goes all the way

down to the bottom of our heart as we


scraping up stuff that we’ve never seen

before what is he doing conforming us to

the likeness of his son

here’s what jesus said he said if you

make your first priority

if you make it your first business every

day if the number one on the top of your


is today i submit to the lordship of

jesus in my life today

i want him to conform me to his likeness

whatever it takes

here’s what he said you and i

don’t have to worry or be

anxious about anything else in life no

matter what

now friend would you not agree if that’s

the truth and it is

that it is very foolish for us to put

anything else in life first

other than jesus christ amen now listen

to what he said

then he moves on down and he says in

this next verse

therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow

for tomorrow will care for itself or the

same word

in the greek is anxiety he says the same

he says

tomorrow is going to have enough

anxieties of its own

each day he says oh as he was said each

day he says

has enough trouble of its own now

what’s the cause of anxiety here

trying to live in tomorrow today


that’s one thing i have to deal with

every day

because people who are goal oriented and

people who want to see things

accomplish and it’s it’s really easy for

us to live in tomorrow

and i know that’s one thing i have to

deal with personally i want to live in


not that i’m afraid of tomorrow or

anxious about it but i want to

i want i want to i want to do something

today to be to be sure we got things

moving tomorrow

and so sometimes we can get over

tomorrow which we should not do

and so he says now one of the things

that creates anxiety

is attempting to live in tomorrow today

when he says we have we we have enough

going on today that we shouldn’t be

trying to live in tomorrow now

you and i both know this that the call

of god in our life

will never call us to go somewhere that

his grace is not sufficient to take care

of us

so therefore whatever god has called us

to do in life and i think about


young men who are calling the ministry

and they say well you know

how am i how am i going to ever be able

to preach two or three times a week for

the rest of my life i remember one young

pastor saying to me

you know it’s when i hear you talk he

says it scares me to death to think

that i have got to come up with enough

sermons for the next 50 years

that’d make anybody anxious in fact it’d

make you anxious if you had to come up

with one

next week sometimes and so that’s not

even the issue

you see here we are living in tomorrow

well suppose tomorrow this happens

suppose my house burns down tomorrow i

suppose i have a wet wreck tomorrow you

know what

you and i can have a nervous breakdown

right here in this place

if we get into enough of tomorrow and

all the possibilities

of the things that could happen but what

are we doing we are focusing on

earth materialism and things not on the

father why don’t we think about the

father who says

i will care for you and i will watch

over you i will watch over you going out

and you’re coming in which is his way of


i’m going to take care of you all the


trying to live in tomorrow today creates

all kind of anxiety now listen to this

somebody pass this on to me

i was regretting the past and fearing

the future

and suddenly my lord was speaking

he said my name is

i am he paused

i waited he continued

when you live in the past with its

mistakes and its regrets

it is hard i am not there

my name is not i was

when you live in the future with its

problems and fears

it is hard i’m not there my name is not

i will be when you live in this moment

it is not hard i am

here my name is what

i am absolutely wonderful

not i will be not i was i am

so what good reason do i have to be

anxious not a single good reason

so what is my response to be father


i just want to i said i submit myself to

you i want to walk in your will by the

power of the holy spirit

i want you to conform me to your

likeness whatever it takes to do that

you know what he says don’t worry about

anything else

don’t be anxious about anything else

because i assume

full responsibility listen to this not

only for your needs

but every desire of your heart that fits

into my plan

for your life
