Dr. Stanley tells us that we need, turn to Scripture, repent, and pay attention to what God has to say during this virus because His throne is still established in the heavens.

We have all felt the effects

of this plague called a virus.

of this plague called a virus.

of this plague called a virus.

Our finest scientists
have worked diligently

to discover a cure and continue to do so.

In the scriptures, God often
sent plagues upon the wicked

In the scriptures, God often
sent plagues upon the wicked

In the scriptures, God often
sent plagues upon the wicked

In the scriptures, God often
sent plagues upon the wicked

and sometimes upon His own people.

We might should ask: “Why
has He allowed this plague

to come upon our country?”

I didn’t say He sent it,
but He surely might have.

It has disrupted our
lifestyle, as you can see,

and the finest economy we
have enjoyed in many years.

Amidst all of our complaints,
have we stopped to ask why?

Is God trying to say
something to us as a nation?

I realize many people would
like to leave God out of this,

but you cannot.

He says in His Word, in
Psalm 103 verse 19, “The Lord

has established His throne in the heavens,

and His sovereignty rules over all.”

He’s in charge of everything.

He’s in charge of everything.

Some would respond, “Well,
God wouldn’t do that.”

Many times in the
scriptures, he sent plagues

to get His people’s attention
and bring them to repentance.

to get His people’s attention
and bring them to repentance.

to get His people’s attention
and bring them to repentance.

At a time when we were
enjoying great prosperity

At a time when we were
enjoying great prosperity

At a time when we were
enjoying great prosperity

but ignoring Him, has He
chosen to use this plague

to get our attention and
make us realize He is God,

and He still rules and reigns?

I realize that many who
have lost loved ones

in this pandemic would
respond, “God would never do

such a thing.”

Read your Bible.

While we are crying, “Back
to business, back to schools,

back to churches, open
everything.” Is God trying

to get our attention?

Is the message through all
of this back to God first?

Is this His message? And if
it is, and if we listen to Him

and acknowledge we have
ignored Him in many ways

and even drifted away from
Him, and even attempted

to remove any trace of Him in our society.

And if we stop listening
to the wrong voices

and ask for His forgiveness,
acknowledge Him as our God,

repent of our sins, I believe
He will heal our land.

We will be able to go back
to work, back to school,

back to church, and enjoy the
greatest blessings of all.

Are we listening to the
wrong voices, voices that

will destroy our freedom?

It is time for our
leaders to listen to God.

With Him, all things are possible,

and I would like to pray for us right now.

“Heavenly Father, we
acknowledge our sinfulness.

We are not coming to you
because we deserve it,

but we pray that you will
forgive us and help us

to acknowledge that all
good things come from you,

that you have blessed us
beyond all imagination.

We repent, we ask for your forgiveness,

we plead for your forgiveness on the basis

of the blood of Jesus, and we
ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

of the blood of Jesus, and we
ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.

of the blood of Jesus, and we
ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.