Listen as Dr. Stanley examines the story of the Red Sea parting and its meaning for us today. The same God who led His people out of slavery and into a new country will also deliver us from difficulty—and show His glory in the process. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to

well this text is about one of the most

interesting events in the Old Testament

and all of us have heard a better

there’s some point in their life and

probably thought about it but never

thought about applying it to our own

personal life and in this 14th chapter

and several chapters around it is the

story of The Great Escape we hear that

phrase but this is what the Great Escape

is all about so I want to look at this

incident that we know very well about

Moses and the Red Sea and then I want us

to just pull out at least five French

civility and just to show you how to do

this and how you can do it in any

passage of Scripture that you’re dealing

with so when I look at this and realize

what’s happened Pharaoh’s afraid so they

enslave God’s people and how long they

were enslaved we don’t know but a very

long time and here’s some Moses who grew

up in Egypt in Pharaoh’s household would

you’ll remember because Pharaoh’s

daughter found him in a little arc in

the Nile River and so he grew up in

their school it’s educated by the

Egyptians so he knew very well how they

lived and they came a time when he

committed a crime that is he killed an

Egyptian and so went over to the other

side of the desert Midian now 40 years

later God dealt with Moses at the

burning bush and tell him to go back to

Egypt because he wanted him to lead his

people out of bondage and you remember

that story and so he comes back and I

got the against their work in his heart

and he begins to go about doing what God

said do and of course I can try

confronting Pharaoh about releasing all


was absolutely ridiculous as far as fara

was concerned for what reason and so

naturally Pharaoh didn’t pay much

attention to that so this is when you

and I thought in the scripture what God

knows out of them he knows how to get

people’s attention so what did they do

he started with the first of ten plagues

and then that one work of God that

changed the whole story is that when God

killed the firstborn of all of Egypt

and all the people inhabited there and

you remember the scripture says that

Moses gave the people of Israel

instructions the death angels coming

through Egypt and you want to put blood

on the doorpost the lintel of your house

if there’s no blood the first one is

gonna die tonight in your family but

that was the ultimate final blow to

Pharaoh to realize he could no longer

keep these people captive and he could

no longer ignore their religion and what

they believed and so naturally they will

let go and when they were let yo they’re

also the scripture says the people in

Egypt the citizens of who Egyptians gave

him their gold their silver that closed

everything to get rid of them if you had

lived through those ten plagues you’d

have been happy to give them anything to

get rid of this Moses guy and all of

these people who were called Hebrews or

Israelites in those times so with that

in mind I want us to look at this first

principle I want us to think about then

we know we know the rest of the story

but we’re coming to it

the first prince was this God always

knows which way is best now what do we

mean by that God always knows which way

is best because all of us face

situations in circumstances in life and

we want our God how do I get through

this how do I survive this how do i how

do I handle this

well the Pharaoh I want us to see this

in this first issue here when Pharaoh

finally let the people go after these 10


and then decided for example afterwards

that was a mistake then he arranged his

army to attack the Israelites and to

bring them back the Israelites were

completely vulnerable surrounded by the

desert on the one side and the sea on

the other and so what was happening was

that Pharaoh was watching this he was

convinced that the Hebrews had trapped

themselves they were in the desert with

the desert on one side to sea on the

other side and so he decided that he was

not going to tolerate this because he

decided he couldn’t afford let him go

and so this was not a surprise to God

and the one thing that happened to

pharaoh was this what happens to a lot

of people they forget who’s in charge

god was in charge not Pharaoh

not even the Hebrews were in charge God

was in charge

God’s purpose was to demonstrate to the

Egyptians that the God of the Jews the

God of Israel the God of the Hebrews was

the one the true God so the second

principle also says it God’s faithful to

provide for his people what did they

have they had nothing they lived in huts

they were slaves they had nothing and

the last thing they would have thought

is that the Egyptians were going to

empty their house of their precious

commodities from closed to silver and

gold jewels and give that to the Jews

watch this

only God could have spoken to the

Egyptians and said give it to them you

get them out of here so here they leave

now and it looks like they’re free and

they have been blessed greatly by all of

this Egyptian gold and silver and all

the rest which leads me through the

third principle God’s always listen he’s

always present to God his people

that is he’s not gonna tell you to do

something and then that got us to do it

so if God tells you to move or if he

tells you to do this that whatever it

might be

remember this that he knows the

beginning and the end

watch this he will never tell you to do

something that he does not provide for

you to do it never so often times when I

hear people say well you know I know God

told me to do that but I couldn’t think

that out sorry I just said no that’s a

disaster because if God told you to do

something he’s responsible to make it

possible to happen in your life whatever

that might be so we have no justifiable

reason for disobeying God by saying I

didn’t I couldn’t figure it out I didn’t

understand yeah I got that God didn’t

make it clear God is not going to ever

tell you to do something that he doesn’t

make clear is he gonna give you all the

answers to all the things you’d like to

hear no he’s not going to do that he

wants us to trust him and so when you

look at this passage and you’d see how

God has worked this is the way God

operates that is he’s going to show us

what to do and when he does we have to

ask ourselves the question am I willing

to obey God even though I don’t quite

understand I don’t always know what to

do next I just know that obey God is

always the right thing whether I

understand or not what I can figured out

or not whether it hurts or not whether

it please anybody else or not you don’t

have to please anybody but God and so if

that be true we don’t have to worry

about what’s going to happen here they

are out in this area trapped because

they have the desert and Pharaoh’s army

and the Red Sea and what do you do now

from that

so here’s what happens he says get ready

to March where are we going well we can

hear the rumble of chariots and here’s

the water in fact it’s pretty close to

my feet now are you telling us the head

for the sea and watch God work now God

opened up the sea he opened it up so the

people could pass through God’s command

is very important because here’s the

principle God’s simplest command can

result in surprising and powerful

consequences when we obey Him one of the

most difficult things in life when when

you’re in pain and suffering or you’re

facing some trauma in life is for God to

say be quiet

just trust me and so God’s simplest

command oftentimes it’s surprising but

it has powerful consequences if we obey

Him so here they are put yourself in

that position this is behind you

the charioteers of an army that is fully

equipped to destroy you is coming down

on you what do you do well do you do

what they did and they first of all said

Moses how did you get us in this

position what’s this orbit so they want

to attack him and each time God had

moved them in a certain way with a cloud

they knew exactly where they were going

if they were trusting him and now it

looks like it’s all over what’s this we

make the biggest mistakes in life when

we’re looking at our circumstances

through our eyes our abilities and

talents and skills our circumstances our

situation and do not look for us to God

the issue is am I will entrust them in

this situation when I’ve never been in

that situation before sometimes God’s

commands we don’t understand but we have

to decide am I gonna do what he says oh

I am I going to do what I feel like

doing what my mind tells me to do

and so there they were and so they’ve

you had to believe Moses trust God or

not you know what’s significant about

that is simply this sometimes when we

are where we are in our situations and

circumstances as their as they were

God’s simplest government simplest

command can have awesome consequences

and sometimes God may said you sit down

be quiet or he may say this is where I

want you to go just trust me don’t try

to figure it out Moses lifted up his

arms with his staff in his hand and

something began to happen the sea began

to open up and the people began to march

through and the floor was all over it

while it was still dark over here the

scripture says that God’s people were

rescued they walked out of a disastrous

situation and it had to take him all

night I’m sure there was somewhere maybe

2 million though there abouts and the

how long it was but what God did is he

kept it dark over here until they all

got through when they finished what

happens then the light came out and as a

result of that the scripture says that

Pharaoh attacked and so what did he do

he ah’d accomplished what was one of his

primary objectives they began with the

chariot is came rolling down the pond

the Hebrews

and so when enough of them got in the

midst of what was water you know the

story that Moses spoke again and the

waters came tumbling back and destroyed

them all in the Red Sea so the principle

here is this don’t look for someone to

blame for your circumstances look for

God to help you they were continually

blaming Moses for this and that and the

other and it’s always easier to blame

somebody when things aren’t going your

way but think about this is this not

true then whatever the situation of the

circumstance you’re in watch this if you

are in the will of God God is

responsible for getting you through it

and it’s interesting here we look for

somebody to blame and yet when I think

about that and think about also how God

worked in Moses life and all through the

prophets and what he said to Isaiah

Isaiah 41 which is one of my favorite

passages he said in this ninth verse you

are my servant I have chosen you and I

rejected you so listen do not fear I am

with you do not anxious look about you

for I am your God I will strengthen you

surely I will help you surely I will

uphold you with my righteous right hand

behold all those who are angered at you

will be shamed and dishonored and those

who contend with you will be as nothing

and will perish you will seek those who

quarrel with you but will not find them

and those who war with you will be as

nothing and non-existence for I am the

Lord your God who upholds your right

hand who says to you do not fear I will

help you what an awesome path

but do not fear I’m with you the wise

thing to do is to look to God

lifting God for help he’s the only one

who can help us in situations in

circumstances listen you know where you

are in your life today if you are facing

something that’s very difficult remember

this never too difficult for God he

knows where you are

he’s there to help you he never runs out

of whatever’s necessary to help you and

he he wants you to trust him step by

step and whatever you’re facing you

always come out right always not

sometimes always come out right by

simply trusting him we all have been

through difficult times and we’ll go

through difficult times the question is

what do you do when the bottom drops out

you trust him

you rely upon him you believe him you

wait upon him if they had listened if

they had tried to fight it would have

been a total disaster God listen watch

this sometimes from here in situations

we try to fight our way out it just gets

deeper the best thing there is the

surrender your life to the Lord and say

God I don’t know what to do next but I’m

gonna trust you because you said you

would never leave me nor forsake me

amen amen father we love you in bration

thank you for these awesome not just

stories but dramas in the Word of God

that remind us of where we are where we

could be and what do you lose no matter

where we are I pray for somebody here

today he’s never trusted you as their

Savior to remember that apart from you

they have no hope and no real a genuine

true help with trusting you thank you

here thank you you for preserving this


and putting it on paper and ink

so we thousands of years later it read

it hear the truth understand and apply

to our heart and walk in it in Jesus

name Amen

