When you consider your finances, what comes to mind? What you have or don’t have? Whom you owe or what to buy? Do you feel stress, or are you at peace? God’s Word offers much wisdom for our financial decisions. In this message, Dr. Stanley covers common concerns, discussing what God thinks, says, and promises regarding personal finances—and what we can expect if we are obedient to His principles. Discover the path to generosity and provision as you learn how to trust Him with this important area of life.


next on InTouch god and our money when

you think about your finances do you

have a good feeling or a bad feeling I

didn’t I didn’t hear that answer but I

heard a roar a good feeling or a bad

feeling well when you think about your

money for example do you think about how

much you have how much you’d like to

have how much you don’t have what you

spent it on what do you think about it

do you give it in this spiritual thought

has it ever dawned on you for example

maybe you need to give or maybe you need

to give more or would you say that you

have a pretty good excuse not to give in

it because you don’t go to church that’s

not the only place you can give and so

when people think about their finances

usually they think about how much they

need and what can they do to increase

their income I understand that that’s

sort of natural normal there’s nothing

wrong with questioning that I’m

wondering why maybe you don’t feel like

you’ve been treated right you don’t make

enough on your job whatever it might be

so what I want us to do is to find out

what God thinks it’s not what man thinks

it’s what God thinks secondly what God

says what he promises that his God keeps

his promise so I want to know what he

promises I don’t know what I can expect

if I’m obedient to God if I’m not

obedient to him I can expect not to be

blessed somewhat you to turn to one of

my favorite passages in the 3rd chapter

the Proverbs turn that for a moment if

you will and I want us to begin reading

in this fifth verse this is an awesome

passage of Scripture and we’ll just read

from 5 down to verse 10 so listen to

this trust in the Lord with all your

heart do not lean on your own understand

in all of your ways acknowledge him and

every aspect of your life and he will

make your paths straight do not be wise

in your own eyes fear the Lord and turn

away from evil if you will it’ll be

healing to your body and refreshment to

your bones then he says honor the Lord

from your wealth and from the first of

all your produce

so your barns will be filled with plenty

and your vats or your barrels will

overflow with new wine

what an awesome promise of God so when I

listen to that passage I think well

according to that I shouldn’t be worried

about finances if I do exactly what God

says do I have to decide what I believe

that he keeps his word and doesn’t is

God telling the truth or is he not yes

he’s telling the truth

and oftentimes we’re in financial

problems because we’ve simply disobeyed

God he’s not going to challenge us to do

something that’s not for our best

benefit so I want to think for just a

moment when you think about your

finances consider the basic teachings of

Scripture very basic and the very first

one is this listen to the fiftieth Psalm

and the second verse 12 verse listen

though the world is mined and all that

contains well that settles the issue to

some degree that everything that exists

God controls it

he is listen the world is mined and all

it contains now there are a lot of

people who think it’s theirs they think

this is my money this is mine to do with

it what I choose that’s not what the

Bible teaches the Bible teaches that God

is the one who owns it all and he’s

given us the privilege of being

caretakers of it managers of it stewards

of it but not on us there’s a difference

to recognize that what you have belongs

to God it came from God you say well

I’ve worked 40 hours of 50 hours last

week well you could have been seeing

couldn’t work you could have been

without a job

and so when you consider the basic

teachings on scripture about giving the

first one is this the question is are we

at either of our income he says in

Malachi I better turn that cuz I want to

show you something look in melikhaya the

third chapter for moment and you’ve

heard this many many times and people

have preached on it and you’ve listened

to it some of you’ve listened to it

unhappily and some of you listen to it

happily but listen to this passage of

Scripture he says will a man Rob God yet

you’re robbing me but you say how have

we robbed you in tithes and offerings

you’re cursed with a curse for your

robbing me the whole nation of you then

he says bringing the whole tithe 10%

into the storehouse so that there may be

food in my house given as a reason test

me God says gene put me to the test and

since the Lord of Hosts if I will not

open for you the windows of heaven pour

out for you a blessing until it

overflows one of the purposes for his

blessing us is to prove himself to us

then he says I will rebuke the Devourer

for you so you not so he’ll not destroy

the fruits of the ground now when your

vine in the field cast its grapes says

the Lord of Hosts all the nations will

call you blessed for you shall be of the

lightsome land says to all of us now

what’s he saying he said look I’m the

source everything my requirement is that

you give a tenth of your income back to

me for three reasons primarily first of

all to provide for the work of the Lord

secondly to provide for the needs of

others and thirdly to prove his

faithfulness in other words one of the

reasons God requires those to give is he

wants to prove to us his faithfulness

that if I give he’s going to get back

if I give he’s gonna give more that is

he wants to prove to us that he is

everything he says if somebody says well

now I don’t need to give the proof that

ask you a question are you tabbing more

than likely anybody that questions

that’s not a toddler well I give to God

well how much do you give well I give

enough well it’s enough well I’ll tell

you what enough is enough starts with

one tenth and somebody says well in this

day and time God does not expect me to

give a tenth of my income to him well

let’s look back and let’s see what his

reasons are to provide for the work of

the Lord you want to get the gospel out

secondly he says to provide for the

needs of others you don’t keep

everything for yourself and thirdly he

says to prove his faithfulness one of

the reasons God requires of us and asked

of us to give to him is he wants to

prove himself so for example what else

could he do to prove himself and this

reaches the heart of a lot of people

their money there was I worked 40 hours

of 50 or 60 or 20 or whatever it might

be and this is mine don’ts not mine God

provided that for you and to prove

himself to you give him a tenth and

watch what he does it isn’t that God

can’t operate without us that he’s given

us this awesome privilege of working

with God so that he can prove himself to

us that he’s who he says he is now he

says we to tile their income and

secondly we to give cheerfully and

second Corinthians chapter 9 looked at

for a moment second Green chapter 9 and

look if you will in these verses

beginning in verse 6 now this I say he

who so sparingly will also reap

sparingly he who sews bountifully will

reap bountifully now listen to that

watch this this is this is a simple this


I either believe God oh I don’t believe

this is not the words of our pet

preacher this is the word of God if I

sow bountifully I’m gonna reap

bountifully watch this each one must do

just as he’s purposed in his heart not

grudgingly or

the compulsion for God loves a cheerful

Giver this is what he promises in God is

able to make all grace abound to you so

that always having all sufficiency and

everything you may have an abundance for

every good deed so God doesn’t put

pressure on people to give he says

here’s the opportunity here’s their

words here’s what God says this is where

I operate God says that the way I

operate is that I want you to have all

your needs met and I’ve chosen to do

this I’ve chosen that as you count your

dimes ten of them you take one and give

it to me you have nine somebody says but

but nine and ten are not the same not

with you but with the sovereign I’m

different than God he can take a little

bit and multiplied far beyond anything

we imagine you said well I don’t know

whether I believe it or not well I’ll

tell you when you believe it when you

try it one thing was certain when you

obey God God is going to honor your

giving you say well I don’t know whether

it’ll work or not well God is simply

saying you don’t have to wonder but just

try me imagine trying God I love that


try God he’s not gonna ever come up

short and we know you don’t ever come up

needing anything because that’s who he


he’s our God of grace and love and mercy

if I should ask you if you believe that

God is a God of goodness and love and

mercy you’d say yes I said well if you

believe he’s that would you give him

1/10 of what you have it’s just 1/10

think about what he said I’m gonna bless


the son so all I want you to do is to

set aside 1/10 of it one penny out of

every ten just line them up one penny

out everything and see what I do over

here because of what you’ve done God is

a God who keeps his word and when I

think about the simplicity of that

promise and what he’s willing to do if

we are willing to trust him so I want

you to turn to this very important

passage it it’s go back to the maloca

the last book Nils has been go back to

books as your quickest way to find a guy

I want you to listen to this awesome

passage of Scripture which should be a

warning to you about not given to God

listen to what he says verse 5

now therefore thus says the Lord of

hosts can watch this consider your ways

you have so much that you harvest little

you eat but there is not enough to

satisfy you you drink but there’s not

enough to become drunk you put on

clothing but no one is warm enough and

he who earns earns wages to put into a

purse with holes now is that not an

awesome passive scripture or not you

know what he says in one sentence no

matter which there’s not going work no

listen people can gain millions and

millions in their income just as

miserable when they lie on the bed at

night you you can’t buy a bed anywhere

that takes away the burdens of the day

you can’t you can’t have a room that so

as absolutely beautiful and peaceful and

everything is just right and relieve you

of guilt God says that you and I are

managers we are caretakers we are people

who are responsible for every aspect of

our life and money is an area in which

we’re responsible God is the giver of

every good and perfect gift and listen

who gives you the strength to get up in

the morning and get to work who gave you

a house to live in who gave you a car to


who’s giving you good health who’s the

source of every blessing you have that’s


listen giving to God is not just

appreciation it’s obedience it isn’t

just being good and being kind and being

thoughtful and being sort of generous

it’s either obedience or disobedience

and either I believe what he says though

I don’t so think about this he’s God

omniscient knowing all

listen let’s say like a minute and

omniscient knowing all I’m never than

having all power well why don’t you give

to it that is if he’s all of that can

you trust him with 10% of what you have

I’m just saying are you practicing a

principle and many of you do not even go

to church how many of you do and you may

listen to whatever it might be a morning

they’re not even on Sunday but what

about your money what are you doing

about your money in your relationship to

God it is it is an opportunity to obey

God and watch him work God is always at

work in people’s hearts who will obey

Him if you ignore him

God’s not gonna force himself upon you

God gives some people great abilities

and talents and skills and reasoning and

business and so forth bait lots and lots

of money and what are they doing they’re

strutting about what they’ve done well I

only go back to Haggai according to hey

guy you got a hole in your pocket but

then you don’t even know it’s there

you can lose quicker than you made it by

far and people spend their whole life

making money accomplishing more

achieving law putting away more and one

heart beat it’s all over one heart beat

it’s all over imagine spending six to

seven years doing your best to become a

multi multi-millionaire you go to bed at

night and wake up facing God I don’t

think so so would you say that you are a

spender or would you say you’re a good

caretaker of what God has given you the

reason people get in trouble financially

is real simple disobeying God and Haggai

is a good example when you got all that

money there’s a hole in your pocket have

you ever felt like there was a hole in

your pocket somebody says I felt like

there’s a hole in my whole finances you

can lose it you can lose it quicker than

you can have it amen okay so consider

God’s plan for a given time and if you

just jot them down from your

sake and then I will read the scripture

that is God’s motivation for blessing us

and causing us the tile is love 1st

chronicles 29 12 both riches and honor

come from you and you rule over all and

your hand is power and might and it lies

in your hand to make great and they

strengthened everyone for all things

come from you nor write that in your

Bible underline the scripture both

riches and honor come from you you rule

over all the second is not only his

motivation but here’s his plan we read

it while I go bring the whole tithe into

the storehouse so that there may be food

in my house test me put me to the test

now says the Lord of Hosts if I will not

open for you the windows of heaven and

pour out for your blessing until it

overflows get that last part he’s not

saying I’m just gonna bless you up to

the rim I’m gonna bless you to let

overflows know my best example of this

and I love it

and that’s owed me land raisin bran I

like them both and the other day I

bought a large curtain of raisin bran

and it had two bags of raisin bran in it

50% air piston % raisin bran so so I

bought a big container oatmeal right up

to the tip top and the truth is we don’t

like opening a bag in at 50% air thank

god that’s not the way he works then

look at this because that’s his plan his

promise listen his promise he says

proverbs 3:10 your barns will be filled

with plenty and your vessel barrels will

overflow with new wine and so that’s

what they were concerned about most what

to eat what to drink that’s his promise

then what about his protection of

whatever we have listen to what he says

he says in Malachi 3:11 I will rebuke

the Devourer for you so that it will not

destroy the fruits of the ground nor

will your vine in the field cast its


full of their right what he’s saying is

it’s the remember this is agricultural

life he’s talking about what about today

what are you simply saying is I’m gonna

protect what you do have you said well I

have what God do that it depends on the

situation God knows how to protect us he

would protect you for example and

decisions that you make you getting

ready to buy a house new house and so

you and your wife look at it oh your

husband and and you got the children

there and they’ll you all just love it

and it’s big and beautiful then you go

home and you look at your income and you

think well that stretches a little bit

and the deep down inside you know it’s

more than you can afford so you say well

what we’ll then we’ll just pray about it

if you pray about it God is not going to

lead you into debt now watch this owning

a house and having a mortgage isn’t

necessarily debt if you can pay the

mortgage but if you’re buying something

you can’t afford and what happens you

sleep in a bed that you’re never

comfortable in because of how much money

you owe you sit at the table and you

can’t enjoy the meals because you’re in

debt and you but you can work where the

finest clothes but if you’re in debt you

don’t you can’t enjoy them they’re words

God wants to protect us in what we have

and if we honor him listen to him and

you get ready to buy something for

example and you have this little

reservation mm-hm

I don’t know how God uses you don’t you

but it’s just like I’ll just think

that’s not a mate then you better drop

it right there and you know here’s what

we say sometimes we say well you know

what I know it’s nobody’s perfect and

y’all understands no he does not

understand disobedience he just doesn’t

and if God tells you not to do something

you have a strong feeling and remember

you have the Holy Spirit living within

you that’s his gift and what does he do

he warns us about things and he

encourages those it he gives us

direction and guidance and leadership

and so God wants you to have a place to

live he may not want you at this time in

your life to have a

that has all these particular minute to

sue it but he wants you to have

something you can rest in enjoy n

decorate in or what and have fun in it

he doesn’t what she’s living in a house

that you afraid financially

it’s just going to collapse on you and

many people have lost the houses because

they didn’t listen to God they bought

something they couldn’t afford that into

it because God let him because he warned

them against it so watch this when he

comes to God’s protection of us and his

watch yet he protects us in every facet

of our life what about his generosity

look if you will in Luke chapter 6 verse

38 give and it will be given to you that

is whatever you give they will pour into

your lap a good measure how much is that

when they pour it in its be pressed down

shaken together running over for by your

standard of measure it will be measured

to you in return look at that you know

it doesn’t get the simple of this look

at this he says by your standard of

measure you’ll be measured to you in

return so far he ever got one dollar out

of ten I’m gonna get blessed it’s just

that simple

I’ve been telling since my first job I

made four dollars I I would have felt

guilty if I gave God twenty-five or

fifty since I gave him a dollar I was

grateful I’ve never just tired in my

life I’m not saying I’m an example I’m

just saying this I know it works we

forget who we’re talking about we’re not

talking about what I’m gonna do for we

talk about what he’s gonna do for you

God is going to keep his word because

that’s who he is he’s a God of truth

that’s one thing to tell the truth the

second thing is does he have the power

to do it yes he has he has infinite

power to work in your life to do his

will to get his

well done so is he generous yes he is

gives us more than we expect more than

deserve more than we asked for then of

course his sufficiency listen what he

says in second Corinthians 9 6 through 8

and we ready now this I say he who sews

sparingly chichi you know that’s a

little bit well also reap sparingly he

who sews bountifully even a lot will

reap bountifully God loves a cheater is

that what it says God loves a cheerful


now watch this God is able to make all

grace abound to you that always having

all sufficiency in everything you may

have an abundance for every good deed

you know what God is saying I’m gonna

bless you if you distrust me it’s just

that simple it all boils down to one

thing do I believe the Word of God or do

I not

I’ve given you a few illustrations but

what I’ve given you is the word of

Yahweh just been quoting scripture olive

oil do you believe it or not what about

your children

some of you have small children and you

talked some things about them you should

talk to your children about your

finances you should teach them very

early in life to tide their income and

the way you do that is stack up stack up

10 pennies put one over here and they

have nine and you say well songs which

one do you on he’ll sell I’ll take the

nine you should talk about tithing your

income to your children because you

don’t know when they’re gonna need it

you don’t want them coming back for to

you for something that y’all would

provide so you just heard the truth this

morning and nobody here has an excuse

and nobody listening as an excuse for

not knowing what to do and that is time

your income if it’s your local church or

wherever you

get blessed you do what God tells you to

do and watch God work in your life it

may be a revolution that takes place in

your life about not only your giving but

everything else that you’re doing father

had grateful we are that we never have

doing any way apologize for your word we

never really don’t have to defend it but

just proclaim it and watch you work it

we love you we praise you we thank you

we could never thank you enough and

father I pray for the person who is

unsaved and they are seated here or

watching and listening and probably not

very interested in money but to realize

they have to give an account to you one

of these days they can’t pay their way

in but it’s a matter of asking you to

forgive them of their sins surrendering

their life to you and by faith trusting

you to forgive them on the basis of

Christ’s death II Calvary shedding of

his blood payment for their sin what an

awesome God you are let you race dear

father let your grace rest upon every

person who is trusting you as their

Savior believing you for their life in

Jesus name Amen

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