Trying to discern God’s will can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack—a near impossible task fraught with frustration. But God never intended it to be that way. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that the Lord wants the best for your life, and He’s more than willing to show you exactly what that is. Learn to trust God and follow His guidance as He illuminates the path before you one step at a time. Trying to discern God’s will can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack—a near impossible task fraught with frustration. But God never intended it to be that way. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that the Lord wants the best for your life, and He’s more than willing to show you exactly what that is. Learn to trust God and follow His guidance as He illuminates the path before you one step at a time.


timeless truths

a collection of classic sermons from dr

charles stanley

today’s selection recorded in 1997

he will show you his will


my father died when i was about nine

months of age and so

those are pretty tough years for me

because i was sort of pushed around to

this one and that and somebody to keep

me while my mother worked

i don’t remember anything much about

those years except that i do remember

feeling very lonely because i would come

home and my mother was gone because she

had to work and

she was not there not because she didn’t

want to be but because she couldn’t be

my only remembrance of those early years

was that i felt

real empty and all alone and then when i

was 12 years of age

the second row where i usually sat on

the edge i stepped out one sunday


fell on my knees and asked the lord

jesus christ to save me and

immediately without anybody ever telling


somehow i had this awesome sense of


god not only has saved me but god

has something to do in my life god must

have a will or plan a purpose in my life

never heard a sermon on it never heard

anybody explain it

it was just a witness of the spirit that

god had something in mind for me

two years later when i was 14 years of

age i knew that the lord wanted me to

preach the gospel it’s the only thing

i’ve ever thought about doing

the only thing god ever impressed me to

do never doubted it one single time from

the moment i was absolutely sure

did i know how to find the will of god

in those days probably not

and in my ignorance of just asking the

lord what do you want to do with my life

i’m sure that he impressed me so


so clearly so simply so early in life

he knew that i would never doubt what he

was saying in my life

but i remember that after i was saved

that i didn’t feel all that long anymore

all of a sudden

this god who is out of reach and totally

beyond my comprehension those days

suddenly he’d come into my life and as i

began to read the scripture

things started looking a little

different i began to understand things i

didn’t understand before

began to read how he worked in the lives

of of jesus and how he worked in the

life of the apostles and i wasn’t too

much into the old testament those days

then later on but i knew that god was

saying something to me and speaking to

my heart and getting me ready for


and i think one of the most overwhelming

assuring encouraging things that i’ve

ever learned in my life is

god has a will and a plan and a purpose

for every

single one of us no matter who we are

i don’t know of anything much more

exciting than to know that the god

who created all of this has you in mind

has me in mind has a purpose and a plan

and the wonderful thing about it is he

doesn’t keep it a secret

when the bible talks about the mysteries

of god it’s certainly not the mystery of

his will and his purpose

but your life in my life god’s will

could be divided generally into his

moral will

in his personal will and if we get

beyond that in his providential will

that is the way he’s going to operate


and all those things above and beyond

their understanding

but in his moral will that deals with

those things those do’s and don’ts

some things we know fit into his moral

will thou shalt not steal

lie cheat commit adultery murder have

other gods before us

then there’s his wonderful personal will

for our life

that is what god’s agenda is for your

life as a person

what he has in mind when he created you

and so what i want to talk about in this


listen not only the fact that he has a

will for your life but you can know

the will of god for your life the will

of god

he will show you his will for your life

so i want you to turn if you will to

ephesians chapter 5

and i want to look at a couple of past

couple of verses here

in this fifth chapter paul has been

talking about our relationship to evil


sin and how we should um lay those

things aside that do not fit who we are

in christ jesus and

so then he comes down to this 15th verse

and here’s what he says

of ephesians chapter 5. he says

therefore based on all the things that

he’d said about laying aside the old man

and so forth

he says therefore be careful how you


not his unwise men but his wives making

the most of your time because the days

are evil

so then do not be foolish but understand

what the will of the lord is now my


god has a personal plan and purpose for

your life

and so the question is well can we know

what god’s will and plan for our life is

yes we can not only does he have one but

he we can know it

why would he say so then do not be

foolish but understand what the will of

the lord is

would god tell us in his word to

understand what his will for our life

is he says we’re not to be unwise as the

world is

walking as the world walks walking is

unbelievers walk he says

we’re to understand what the will of the

lord is that means

that not only does god have a plan and a

purpose for your life in mind but we

have the wonderful privilege

of being able to understand what it is

now that’s just as consistent with god

as knowing

that he has a plan that he is willing to

show us what that plan is

because you see it’d be inconsistent for

god to say i have a plan for your life

but i’m not going to tell you what it is

here’s why i want you to live a certain

way but i’m not going to tell you how

i have a purpose for your life but but

you have to figure that out

it would be totally inconsistent for god

to require

of me something and and then not tell me

what it is nor

enable me to do it because you see the

truth is you and i cannot live a

spiritual life in the flesh

the god who has a will and a purpose and

a plan for our life also is the same god

who has promised to enable us and equip

ours not only by spiritual gifts

but also by the fact of the indwelling

presence of the holy spirit listen

anything and everything you’ve heard me

say this over and over again

because i want you to understand it

anything and everything

god requires of us to become or to be

that is to be

or to do god has committed himself

to enable us by his indwelling presence

to do that in our behalf

for us through us to us and in us he

knows that apart from us we can never

discover his will

apart from him we can never discover his

will nor could we ever do his will

therefore we have the wonderful

privilege of knowing that he has a will

for our life

and the wonderful privilege of knowing

that he has assumed responsibility

for revealing his will to us and so god

has not said

you figure it out he says for example

the holy spirit is the one who discerns

the mind of god and he’s the one who

speaks through our spirit and enables us

to know

and sometimes when a child trusts the

lord jesus as their savior at six or

seven or sometimes five

i’m sure that sometimes adults say well

how in the world could they understand

what god is doing in their life at five

never underestimate the power

of almighty god to speak to a child as i

think about at the age of 12

i think some of these five-year-olds and

six-year-olds know who do a whole lot i

know a whole lot more about

what jesus is all about than i did at

the age of 12

because they’ve got godly parents and

they’ve come to sunday school and

they’ve heard

a good teaching of the word of god

throughout those early early years of

their life

probably learning a lot more than we

realize and so you never underestimate

the power of god to make himself known

to a child as well as to an adult now

how is it that god shows us and reveals

his will to us well i want you to listen

carefully because i want to give you

several things

the first step i believe and the most

important step in understanding the will

of god in any particular area

or big major issues in our life is go to

the word of god now listen carefully

i do not mean that the things i’m

getting ready to share with you

that all of these you have to go through

some ritual to find the will of god

i’m not saying that but i’m saying in

major issues of life

all of these things are important listen

and when this begins to be a habit of

our life what you’re going to discover


that finding his will in those daily

decisions would just be just like this

you’ll know what to do why because you

are in the habit

you’re in the habit of reading and

listening to the word of god you’re in

the habit of discerning and

understanding the principles of god so

you will listen automatically react by

the spirit

to understand what he would have you to

do i want you to turn to psalm 119 for a


psalm 119 and i want you to look at

verse 105.

the 119th psalm and the 105th verse

listen to what he says

i’m going to give you a moment to find

it 119th psalm in the 105th verse

listen to what he says he says thy word

is a lamp to my feet and a light to my


what does that mean it means that the

word of god

will listen we’ll lighten our path

will show us the way and in the king

james i believe it is the 130th verse

you may want to look at that

uh in whatever translation you have in

the same

in the same chapter 119th

the 130th verse says the unfolding of

thy word gives light or

the entrance of thy word gives light

that is the word of god listen the word

of god

lightens the way the though the word of

god shows

us the way if i want to know what god is

thinking about

listen in any given area i know exactly

where to turn

open the book and find out what is it

that god said

about this situation or something so

similar to it that the principle is here

and so the word of god is full of the

wisdom of god because it’s the unfolding

revelation of god himself

that’s the first step the second of

course is to pray

bible know the lord’s mind about

something get on my knees and ask him to

show him you say well you have to get on

your knees no you don’t

well can you stand up yes you can sit

right yes you can but you know what

there is something about

kneeling before god humbling ourselves

before him and saying father

i desperately need your direction

i need wisdom i humble myself before you

if you’re too proud to get on your knees

more than likely

you’re too proud to listen to what he

has to say and so we need to humble

ourselves beforehand in prayer

asking the lord to give us direction now

praying isn’t doing all the talking

praying is telling him what we think how

we feel and listening

backing off and listening that’s why

it’s so important

that prayer involves meditation reading

the word of god

being quiet listening lord what are you

saying to me in this

and sometimes god will just stick me on

one passage of scripture or one or two

verses and sometimes one verse

sometimes a week sometimes two weeks

sometimes longer than that

and i know when i can’t get away from

something god is trying to say something

to me

well you say well why can’t you get it

the first time same reason you can’t

and that is we don’t always understand

exactly up front

what god may be saying to us and none of

us have any insight on god

all of us have the same holy spirit

living on the inside of us

god deals with each one of us in

relationship to how he knows us and so


you get me in some passage and i think

well lord what are you saying

prayer seeking listen spending time with

god i want you to get this there is no

substitute in all of life for spending

time with god

in prayer with an open bible and people

say well i pray

how much how much time do you spend

reading the bible and praying well you

know i i just pray

all the time that’s not the issue well

listen what gods

are praying what gives validity to our


is the word of god now once in a while

somebody will say well i like the

sermons you preach that helps me

understand get my needs met but these

doctrinal sermons sometimes they go over

my head no they don’t go over your head

here’s the important thing about

doctrinal messages

in order to listen in order for the


about meeting our needs to have validity

and strength

you’ve got to understand who god is you

must understand those basic truths about

god this is why people get all emotional

jumping up and down praising

the lord and hallelujah and praising god

have a nervous breakdown you know why

because they are living on emotion not

truth not listen not abiding rich

deep theological truth that is the truth

of god

and so that’s why i don’t want to always

talk about getting this need met that

need met but who is god

who is the lord jesus christ what is the

work of the holy spirit what is his way

how does he operate in their life then

we understand we

when you begin to see our needs we we


god to meet our needs based on solid

biblical principles not on some oh lord

bless me good hallelujah praise god well


when your feet hit the ground the truth

is are you on truth

are you on some emotional bend you want

to walk in truth the bible says we’re to

walk in truth

walk in love walk in light not walk

listen walk in joy yes but not walk in

some frivolous kind of emotional


which is up to day and down tomorrow on

our face before almighty god the third

thing that’s so important is this now

listen carefully

listen if i want to know the will of god

listen not only must i be in his word

and in prayer

but listen now listen carefully i must

focus on my relationship with him now

listen carefully

god is not an information center he’s

not an information center

waiting for us to tap into him god is

our father

what is it he wants he wants a

relationship with us so therefore

if i want to know the mind of god if i

want to know his will about something

then what i want to do

is i want to pursue my relationship with

him at

some given point about this particular

situation lord let me speak to my heart

what do you want to say to me about you

what do you want me to know about you


that has to do with all this you see

he’s not interested in just dishing out


he’s interested in drawing us to himself

he’s interested in conforming us to his


he’s interested in building a

relationship with us so here’s what i’ve


and i’m discovering and that is simply

this if i want to know the mind of god

about something

i don’t have to make a big issue about

about what that is

what i want to do is focus on father

what do you want to say to me about my


what is your will and purpose and your

plan here i want you to

show me how to love you show me how to

express my love and devotion to you

show me how to walk in your you know

what it’s it’s very clear

the the will of god and the purpose of

god the plan of god begins to unfold

as i find myself being enriched in my

relationship and deepened in my

understanding of who he is

he doesn’t keep secrets from his

children more than willing to show us

and so what happens oftentimes we just

come to him and say

lord here’s the decision i have to make

and i need some direction here what do

you say god

and god’s real son you know why because

he’s not an information center he’s not

an operator sitting on the other end

god is a lover he is the chief of all

lovers and he loves us and he wants

us for himself and the unfolding of his

will for us is an expression of his love

and so therefore god’s not interested in

handing out information

with no relationship and this is why

people say i prayed and prayed and

prayed and prayed

and god hadn’t said a thing you know why

because praying and praying and praying

is not the

issue it’s relationship remember that

if i wa if i want to know god’s mind and

heart i focus on the relationship

not on the particular issue that i’m

after the fourth thing is this

one of the ways that he reveals his will

is through circumstances sometimes

god closes the door sometimes he closes

his door and opens this door

so often times he will reveal his will

and purpose of planning a given

situation for your life

by opening a door or closing a door

anytime listen any time

watch this anytime god closes the door

it’s for your protection

anytime he opens the door it’s an


and sometimes you and i may run right up

to a door that looks open to us

and slam right in front of us why

heading in the wrong direction

something about that appeal to us it

wasn’t the will of god and in his love

he slams the door

what is he doing protecting us from

making a wrong decision

so somebody says well i i wouldn’t make

a decision but i’m afraid you don’t have

to be afraid

if you genuinely with all of your heart

surrendered and yielded to him make a


and it’s the wrong decision listen god


rescue you out of a wrong decision if

your heart was committed to being

obedient to god

and for some reason out of any

experience or ignorance you misread

what the will of god was you weren’t

trying to indulge yourself you weren’t

trying to have your way

you really believed that was the will of

god didn’t seem to work out the way you

expected it to

god listen if listen if god closes one

door he’s got

something better all i have to do is to

be responsible to be obedient to what he

says do

and trust his reasoning is far greater

than my understanding

and so it’s so very important i think

that you and i understand that

well of course one of the things that

you and i can depend upon to some degree

is godly counsel

sometimes you and i will talk with

someone else

maybe not even bring up the issue at

hand and god will use that person to say


exactly what we needed to hear and so

godly counsel is certainly one of god’s

ways of revealing and unfolding his will

and purpose and plan

for a particular area or or making a

decision for us

now a lot of other things i could say

let me bring this to a close

how can i be sure ask myself seven


how can i be sure that i’ve heard what

god has said

so if you just jot these down number one

is what i believe i’ve heard consistent

with the word of god

and this is why it is so very important

that you and i not only know

verses but we know the principles is

this consistent with the word of god

second question i ask myself is this and

that is

listen is this a wise decision

and you know you and i deep down inside

we know one of things wise when it’s not


and does he not say here in in ephesians

he says

be not foolish but he says the

understanding what the be wise be

understanding what the will of god is is

this decision a wise decision the third

thing is this

can i confidently ask god to enable me

to do this

if something is not the will of god and

i say well i have confidence i’m going

to do that

listen the spirit of god will bear

witness with your spirit with

static there’ll be conflict in your

spirit when you say

when i say well can i can i confidently

ask god to enable me to do this watch


there is no way for me confidently i

have any confidence to ask god to enable

me to do something that’s not his will

i won’t have any confidence i can try to

muster it up all i want to i’m not going

to have

confidence to disobey god i’m not going

to have assurance to disobey god

the confidence comes in knowing the mind

of god

and listen if it’s in keeping with

scripture if it’s in keeping with


if it’s a wise decision if i can

confidently say god

you must enable me and i’m asking you to

enable me to do this

then the fourth question is this do i

have the witness of the spirit

is does this is the spirit of god giving

me a quiet

sense of affirmation on the inside now

watch this somebody says well

as soon as i get peace i’m going to do

it you know what sometimes we start to

think we’ve mustered up peace

listen you can’t go by feeling it must

be the witness of the spirit you will

know in your spirit when the spirit of

god has affirmed

for you this is the mind of god this is

the will of god

you are free to move in this direction

the next one is this

i have to ask myself this question this

question if i believe this is the will

of god does this fit who i

am as a child of god does this

does this conduct does this purchase

this does this act

is this is this in is this in keeping

with the mind of god

does this fit who i am does it fit who i


is it a violation of scripture is it who

i am i’m coming back to illustrate that

in a moment the next question is this

does this fit god’s overall plan for my

life somebody says well i don’t know

what god’s overall plan for my life

as well listen does it fit the scripture

does it fit who you are as a believer

listen if it fits who you are as a


it’s going to fit god’s overall plan in

your life and then

we have to ask ourselves this question

and thinking about all of these things

does will this honor god if i do this

will this honor god

now you ask yourself those seven

questions you’re going to know whether

it’s of god or not now let me give you a

couple examples and i’m going to close

lady came to me one day and she said she

said i’m going to the mission field

i said well wonderful praise the lord

about that i said then i know your

family is all excited about that she

said no

i said what do you mean she said i’m

leaving my family going to mission field

i said now wait a minute um she says

i’ve asked the lord to give me direction

for my life and i know this is will of

god i said now what’s the will of god

you mean to tell me that you’re leaving

your husband and your children

and you’re going to the mission feeling

obedience to god yes i am i said no

you’re not

you may go to the mission field but

you’re not going to mission feeling

obedience to god and walk away from your

husband and your children

because you want to be a missionary well

i believe god called me years and years

ago and

i probably shouldn’t have gotten married

and had these kids and i said it’s too

late ma’am

don’t sit here and tell me that god’s

called you to the mission field to leave

your family

god would never give you guidance to

violate his word

he’s not going to lead us to do anything

that’s going to harm someone else

he may lead us to do something that

causes someone else pain

because they don’t agree but he’s not

ever going to listen he’s not ever going

to lead us to do something

that violates the living word of god

you ask yourself those seven questions

and you will know

whether you have heard from god whether

you have the will of god for your life

or not

now god’s a wonderful father he wants

the best for us he makes it simple now

i’ve strung this out a long ways and

told you a lot of things about it does

that make it complicated no

i’m simply saying here are some things

that you can consider

in the major decisions of your life in

the minor decisions of your life and

listen what god wants us to do is to

walk in his spirit

and it’d be such a natural normal thing

for us that we just sort of know

what to do next because because we are

listen because we are walking in the


our mind and heart is committed to the

will of god and knowing the will of god


is very very simple in most things in


but then there are those tough things

and you know what he is there

to make it very clear this much i know

it is the will of god for you to be


this much i know it’s the will of god

for you to be baptized it’s the will of

god for you to be a part of a local

fellowship somewhere

and i know there’s some people who live

in different areas of the country where

they live maybe many many miles away

from a church and can’t get there every

sunday i do understand that

those circumstances health-wise and so


but under normal conditions it’s his

will of you to be a part of a local body

of people who believe god’s word

and love him love each other it’s the

will of god that you walk in the spirit

it’s the will of god that you love each


it’s the will of god that you forgive

it’s the will of god listen

that you and i are growing in our faith

toward him

a lot of things i know the will of god

for your life and i just want to say to

you if you’ve never trusted jesus christ

as your savior

you ask him to forgive you of your sin

tell him that you’re putting your life

in his hand in that moment

you’ve taken the most awesome step you

can take because you will have just


your whole eternal destiny in one

commitment of obedience to jesus christ
