Dr. Charles Stanley obeyed God and left the consequences to Him, and the Lord took him on a remarkable journey all over the world to share Christ’s message of hope and love with millions. This inspiring tribute to Dr. Charles Stanley’s life and ministry traces his humble beginnings in Dry Fork, Virginia, and how God led him through the highs and lows on a path of impactful service for His kingdom. Join In Touch Ministries in this journey through Dr. Stanley’s life and discover what God can do through a heart that is fully devoted to Him. To view the memorial site dedicated to celebrating Dr. Stanley’s life and ministry, please visit https://www.charlesstanley.com





a young man dedicated his life to God

and chose to follow him


wherever he was called

whatever the cost

he would obey


in response God led him on a remarkable



a journey that included both Joy and



a journey that would take him all over

the world to share God’s message of hope

and love with Millions




a quaint farming community in Virginia

but for Charles Stanley

life here was far from serene

Charles was born in 1932.

in the midst of the Great Depression

a time when poverty and hardship was a

way of life

when Charles was just nine months old

his father died

devastated his mother was left facing

dire consequences

Rebecca didn’t have family to turn to

she didn’t have a job or savings

yet through God’s grace

she endured

she never said you can’t she never said

it won’t work she just reminded me we’re

just going to trust the Lord we’re going

to trust God that he’s always been

faithful and he’s going to help us

through no matter what and so I think it

riveted into my mind you don’t doubt God

you just trust him no matter how tough

things get or how bad it gets or what

you need he’s always there

Rebecca and Charles moved to nearby

Danville where Rebecca got a job at the

local textile mill

during World War II Dan River Mills

fulfilled orders for the military

for Rebecca work was now steady

even when life wasn’t


the first 17 years of our life we moved

16 times but I never saw my mom


Rebecca was an unassuming hard-working

woman with little education


the only book she owned was a Bible

with it she showed Charles how to love

and Obey God’s word

she showed him how to live

the greatest gift she gave me I guess if

I could put it to one single thing she

taught me how to pray

I would listen to her praying and watch

God answer her prayer she taught me how

to pray and she taught me how to listen

to God

and and to trust him

I would just see how God would just come

through every time

and then should always give God the

credit for it

early in life my mom would come in every

night and kneel down with the bed and

sometimes I’d already be in the bed and

she said well let’s get out and let’s

get down your knees and praise you and

let me lie in the bed and pray she was

there she is never too busy to come and

then she worked on the first shift

sometimes and then sometimes she’d work

on the second shift when she came home

we prayed no matter what time it was

I can still hear her voice

talking to God about me kneeling by my

bedside and and she’d say now Lord I

want you to bless Charles

and that you help him in school I mean

she prayed about everything and when I

was in college I’d come home we still

did the same thing in fact

my mother and I spent a lot of time down

with the bedside talking about what was

going on in our lives and difficult in

the hardship and the household we lived


she did everything for me she could do

and uh

I remember how often she would say to me

she would say

I just wish I could have done more for


and she would say I just I feel bad I

haven’t done much for a year

I’d always said to her mom

money couldn’t buy what you’ve done for



when Charles was nine Rebecca remarried

but her new husband was far from the

loving father figure she had hoped for

aggressive and sometimes violent

Charles’s stepfather brought hostility

into their peaceful home

struggling with difficulties Beyond his


Charles sought refuge in his growing

relationship with God

and so very early on I think he just

developed a very simple

childlike and not when I say simple I

don’t mean immature but a simple

childlike faith in the fact that God was

his heavenly father and he had to depend

on his heavenly father and his heavenly

father was dependable and that was it it

was that simple it was that clear and I

think that is the filter through which

he views the entire scripture in the

entire Bible that God is a trustworthy

heavenly father and everything connects

to that

in 1944 at the Pentecostal Holiness

Church of Danville Charles had an

experience that changed his life forever

this lady came her name as Mrs Wilson

and she came and preached a Revival I

was 12 years of age

I knew God was trying to say something

to me and and so on this particular

Sunday morning as she was preaching they

gave the invitation

I didn’t have far to step I stepped out

and knelt down and next thing I knew

people around me praying I did ask the

Lord to forgive me of my sins and to

come into my life and I wanted to be a

child of God and I want to be a

Christian and so there’s no doubt in my

mind of what happened and and then

somehow everybody left the Altar and

there was just me and so the pastor

called me up there and said Charles I

want you to tell these people what Jesus

has done for you

and so I remember looking at this big

church crying and saying I don’t know

everything he’s done but I know this

morning he saved me and I just was

crying and so forth and it wasn’t very

long after that I thought about

preaching the gospel by the time I was


than I knew without a shot of a doubt

that’s what I needed to do

while still in high school Charles was

asked to preach a sermon in Moffett

Memorial Baptist his home Church

I preached on the title Where Art Thou

in Genesis chapter 3 when God came to

Adam and asked him where are you Adam

and the King James Where Art Thou and I

mean I’ve studied all week and prayed if

I’d prayed and prayed and prayed the

Lord to speak to Mike because it was in

my own home church that’s where you have

the greatest judges in your own church

and I remember I walked up to the pulpit

and it just began to flow and I mean I

was I was just sort of standing there

and surprised myself

in order to pursue his calling to become

a pastor Charles would need to go to

Seminary however he had a seemingly

impossible hurdle to overcome

one of the things that she and I prayed

about often and quite some time was how

I was going to be able to go to college

because she and I had talked about going

to college and and to go into Seminary

to be a pastor

I made about 18 a week somewhere there

about delivering newspapers

and then I had a little side job on

Saturdays I would work at a service

station washing cars but all the money I

had wasn’t even have paid anything about

going to college