In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how Christ can set us free from thoughts that steal our peace. We don’t have to haul around a load of insecurity, inadequacy, and hurt when we have a Savior who can heal and deliver us, replacing our burden with His peace and joy. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to

when we think of Christmas one of the

words that pops in their mind often

times this piece we sing about it we

talk about it we write about it we hear

about it but how much of it do we really

experience especially peace within

ourselves we talk about peace between

nations peace in groups that are voting

on issues but what about peace within

ourselves how many of us have genuine

peace within ourselves you remember

Jesus said my peace I leave with you my

peace are given to you not as the world

gives give on to you but let not your

heart be troubled God is a God of peace

and God is interested in peace within

all of us and one of the issues that we

have to deal with the peace is this

whole idea of peace within ourselves so

I want to think about peace for just a

moment it’s mentioned 353 times in the

Bible so it says something about how

important it is Jesus talked about it

let’s think about this whole daughter

idea peace within ourselves if I should

ask you today do you have peace within

yourself are you happy about yourself

are you at ease with yourself can you

sleep with yourself and be happy can you

go about your work and be happy or is

there something missing in your life

there are three areas of life in which

you and I suddenly want to have peace

and the first one is peace with God

which is his gift to us when we accept

the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal

Savior for the forgiveness of our sins

we have peace with him the war is or no

country then there’s peace with one

another which is the result of our

learning to live in a harmonious

relationship with others and this is a

very difficult situation with many

people they have a very difficult time

really being at peace with many people

in their life sometimes it’s for their

own home with their children with their

friends the people they work with but

there seems to be conflict when there’s

no peace there’s conflict there’s

something wrong but you know the burning

greek word RNA which is the greek word

for peace means to bind the yellow and

when you don’t have that you have

conflict then of course this one that’s

what we want to talk about peace with


when you think about it would you think

that you have peace with yourself you

had to yourself you’re delighted with

what God’s doing in your life what

you’re accomplishing what you’re

achieving so pleased with ourselves

which is the inner quietness and

serenity that comes when we learn to

live in a harmonious relationship with

our inner self how do we live with

ourselves many people cannot this is why

they get entangled in all kind of

situations and circumstances that are

very damaging to their life they don’t

have any peace in themselves there is

only one place that you’ll find peace

that makes it possible for you to have

peace with yourself to accept yourself

to be at ease with yourself to be happy

with yourself and that is in a personal

relationship with Jesus Christ no other

way I know that many of you who are

trying all other things say well some of

these some want to somehow I’m gonna

make peace with myself no you’re not not

apart from Jesus Christ and so when I

think about that and I think about the

struggle that people go through to find

peace for themselves

the things that they do the places they

go the money they spend how do you find

peace with yourself and that’s what I

want us to talk about primarily in this

message and I want to think about how

piece really eludes us we think well

everything is just fine

then all of a sudden we don’t have any

peace because we forget what the base

several pieces it’s the basis of our

peace with ourselves is the relationship

its relationship to God but its

relationship to ourself if I should ask

you do you love yourself oh you

shouldn’t talk about loving self yes you

should you should love yourself because

watch this only those you love will you

really treat adequately you do not love

somebody you’re not gonna you said what

about all the people I don’t know there

is a capacity God has given us to feel

and to express love for people we don’t

know otherwise why would God give us a

great Commission go into all the world

and preach the gospel to every creature

if we do not have the capacity to love

people we don’t know people will never

see then there’s something wrong with

the Great Commission given to us by

Jesus because there’s a capacity to love

even those you don’t know our problem is

loving the people who we do know and

loving ourselves but it’s loving

ourselves that I want us to know

primarily here and Psalm 34 verse 14 if

you’ll turn there for a second it’s just

a very very short passage of Scripture

and the reason I want you to turn this

because of what it says it’s a very

short verse and here’s what it says seek

peace and pursue it it isn’t just enough

to seek it but go after it there was

when you find it pursue it that is work

at it because peace does not come

cheaply and it does not come oftentimes

easy so honest I think for just a moment

if you think about your peace with other

people if you have it it’s going to be

expressive in a certain way if you don’t

have it it’s going to be expressed in a

certain way so let’s think about it for

just a moment now listen you have to be

honest with yourself you can sit in

think a lot more Christian and I’ve got

peace with everybody know you

not really if you asked me if I had

peace with everybody I couldn’t tell you

that I have peace with every single

person because some people create

conflict and you have to work at having

that kind of relationship with people

who are just conflicting by their very

nature so let’s think about it in this

light and that is a person that we have

problems being at peace with people for

example who don’t like the way they look

you said well no what’s this got to do

with just stay with me they don’t like

the way they look they get up in the

morning and they look at themselves and

this is not right that’s not right this

is not right and this is too tight and

these shoes are the wrong color and my

stocking has a whole run in it and on

and on you go and so after all you think

what in the world is going on that you

don’t like that you don’t have peace

with yourself until you can accept

yourself and all of us have expectations

of ourselves so naturally we’re going to

judge ourselves on the basis of what we

expect and so sometimes people do well

till they look in the mirror and they

think oh my what’s happened to me I’m

getting old I’m getting too thin I’m

getting there otherwise and so they have

a problem with it then people feel

inadequate they don’t feel like they’re

up to doing what they need to do and

ought to be able to do and so they feel

inadequate they don’t have any teas you

have a job for example you go to your

job on Monday morning you don’t feel I

think that you can do it it’s over your

head you don’t having the peace and so

listen to this when there’s no peace

that’s what conflict and when there’s

conflict that’s not happiness there’s no

joy there’s no real sense of

satisfaction and acceptance of ourselves

and so the conflict is an indication

something’s not right

then there’s feeling unworthy and I

don’t deserve that and you have seen

people like this and met people and

maybe you have congratulated them for

something you’ve given them something

and you’ve told them how grateful you

are and what do they say all you know

they say

I don’t deserve it you should and so

they don’t know how to accept

congratulations that my how to accept a

gift that oh my how to accept the fact

that you think they’re special that you

think there were they can’t accept that

Samara why not because of something

you’ve done but because of something

they feel on the inside they don’t feel

worthy of a gift they don’t feel worthy

of your desire and many people for

example get into marriages and they get

into measures that don’t last because

they never settle this they never get

this issue of a personal acceptance

right and so sometimes because they

don’t accept themselves they don’t allow

someone else to accept them because they

don’t even know how they can’t even

interpret it and so before long they

have a problem there’s conflict not what

the other person would but within

themselves that is at the acceptance of

one’s self on the basis of spiritual

things that’s very very very important

then of course there’s the feeling of

being not only unworthy but insecure

about themselves if you’re insecure

about yourself you’re never quite happy

I’ll tell you what it’s like it’s right

walking like this I’m not too sure I’m

gonna put my foot the right place you

don’t feel secure you don’t feel that is

these are not feelings that God intends

for his children to have because if

you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your

Savior he’s gonna make you very good

he’s gonna he’s gonna enable you to be

at peace with your surroundings but many

people are not and of course there’s the

feeling that they don’t fit any group

they don’t they don’t fit a son in class

at church they don’t that any group

where they work in their community that

they just don’t fit if you ask him why

they can’t tell you why then watch this

they have this feeling I don’t fit if

you say will describe that foam but they

can’t tell you why they just feel

inadequate they feel unloved they feel

unacceptable and you ask them why they

can’t tell you they’ve never experienced

the awesome indescribable unconditional

love of

Jesus Christ he’s the foundation of true

genuine love and then of course many

people don’t feel loved by anybody and

this is one of the biggest problems that

they in our society children grow up

they have their college education paid

for they have an automobile all the

clothes they want all the rest but they

never got accepted at home as a part of

the family

listen voices carefully you can’t give

in as substitutes for love you can’t

give any substitutes or accepting

somebody you can’t give into substances

but just acknowledging who they are and

accepting them as they are they’re no

substitutes for that and one of the

major problems in our society is we

don’t accept each other we can always

come up with some reason to criticize

and to blame and rather than accept the

fact that we’re all different we’re not

you know and that no to people this is

hard to believe in it all the billions

of people in the world no two of us are

like you think well surely there must be

somebody out there like me but usually

the people who are arguing with that

don’t want to divide like them they

can’t accept themselves so I’d ask you

this simple question do you accept

yourself just like you are this is who

you are God wants us to accept ourselves

listen in his love in his predetermined

will he wants us to accept ourselves and

when you trusted him as your Savior he

didn’t say well look there’s a wholeness

though he I want to deal with now No

he began to work in your heart watch

this when you trusted him as your Savior

the Holy Spirit came into your life he

sent him to sealed you under the day of

redemption which means once you’re a

child of God you’re always a child of

God you may not act like it you may not

look like it you may not dress like it

you may not do anything but you still

are and when you don’t do the right


his chastising hand comes upon you and

you wonder well where is this level of

God that’s what he’s doing loving you by

chasing you to get you back in line

so God wants us to live in peace and he

wants us to have his peace and to be at

peace with one another here’s what I

want you remember

are you listening say Amen when you and

I carry with us negative attitudes about

ourselves we may think that that’s just

between us and nobody else it’s also

between us and God but now here’s that

here’s the bad thing all those negative

thoughts weigh on us they’re in your

mind all that negativism is in your

brain in your mind and you’re thinking

about that you say well what’s that got

to do with you so it’s got to do with

negative thinking about yourself

unloving thoughts about yourself way

something they weigh against you and so

you carry that with you all of that

trashy stuff weighs within a person’s

life and this is why they are

emotionally been over you may stand tall

but if you’re not emotionally right on

the inside this is what happens the real

picture is this because all of its

negative thinking – God – his love –

what he thinks about you is weighing you

down so when I think about that the fact

that we battled these things all the

time and I think about children who grew

up in a home or the mom and dad fussing

at each other no acceptance of each


what does that y’all have chale has a

mind full of chaos conflict

consternation unloving bad words bad

deeds bad sites that they say and they

grow up with it and we don’t realize

what this thinking does – listen this is

right with and love God we’re to be at

peace with him we’re to be at peace with

each other unless we’re at peace with

him we’ll never be at peace with each

other and so

people struggle to overcome these things

and they can dress up job the best live

the best talk the best but unless God

has dealt with you’re thinking about

yourself watch this carefully if

somebody criticizes you listening

carefully say Amen if somebody

criticizes you that doesn’t mean it’s

the truth doesn’t mean it’s a truth God

is healing the true judge that sometimes

all of us need to be corrected but

that’s not listening correcting my

attitude or my particular action or what

I say that that’s not who I am

sometimes I may need correction but I

think about people who grow up in

conflict it’s constant conflict and the

reason I make an issue of that it’s

because I grew up in that and I look

back and realize how long it took me to

get that all of that out of my system

and we will act what we think what we

feel and the only God can deliver us and

when I went to see my stepfather and

deal with my attitude toward him

set me free I’d already been a pastor

but I knew something was wrong and

wasn’t right I had to deal with it and I

had to go to see him and express what I

felt in my heart and not blame him but

accept the fact that that my feelings

told him we’re not right and get that

straight as long as you carry watch this

you can’t get rid of it unless you ain’t

God yet relevant you can go to

psychologist psychiatrist and everything

else you and God must deal with negative

attitudes that are nothing other than

conflict no peace my peace are given to

you not as the world giveth give unto

you let not your heart be troubled Jesus

made it very clear that the peace that

he gives

is peace that makes it possible for me

to live among people different people

who from other nations of the world and

yet we get along why because we have one

central figure and that is Jesus Christ

he’s the one who is a central figure and

that’s the way God intends for us to

live we at watch this we accept each

other because of who you are not because

of what you do all of us make mistakes

we don’t always look at best we don’t

always we don’t always do it best we

accept each other because we belong to

God and because Christ living within us

listen God intends for us to live

submissive to his will so that he can

express himself there was two other

people and the fact that we don’t is

because we do not realize we’re in a war

with ourselves as long as you’re at war

with yourself watch this you cannot be

at peace with others he can’t you won’t

happen and the reason we have such

conflicts and I think about all the

political conflicts and all the racial

conflicts and all the religious

conflicts and all national can’t say

conflict conflict conflict everywhere is

that necessary I don’t think so

you say well you don’t know what you’re

talking about I know this wherever Jesus

is he can eliminate conflict he can give

us peace in our heart acceptance of

ourselves and acceptance of each other

and one of the reasons we have problems

accepting other people as we don’t

accept ourselves when you’re living with

a mind full of conflict it may have

started in your home as a kid small

child it may have started later on in

life at this conflict there’s no peace

and if I should say today to you can you

name somebody in your life that when you

see them you feel conflict you may not

do that but your system does when you

deal with people with whom you have

conflict your whole system

is affected Jesus said my piece are

given to you that is the world gives I

give on you you can’t buy it you can’t

trade it you can’t swap it my piece are

given to you not as the world gives give

unto you let not your heart be troubled

what about it do you have real peace who

is there in your life with whom you feel

conflict even today is it somebody who’s

already died and buried but is in the

grave still have conflict somebody that

you married first still have conflict

your kids who went over to college and

haven’t written you a note I’ll called

you since they left your boss who fired

you and you thought felt it was

absolutely unnecessary and unfair who is

there in your life that still is there

no matter what because you’ve not dealt

with it my peace are given to you listen

when Jesus said that Rome and the Jews

were in terrible odds with each other

and yet Jesus said my peace are given to

you not as the world gives give honor

you let not your heart be troubled

neither let it be afraid he told us to

love each other not carry a load of

guilt and here’s the thing that’s so

such a burden to my own heart when I see

people who’ve grown up in families full

of hatred animosity and conflict with

each other and coming along in life in

facing life and carrying all that with

them when I think about it it’s it’s

really it’s really harmless to believe

that any two people could marry and be

happy if you think about where people

have come from the kind of homes they

grew up in

and then they marry someone and then

what happens if they haven’t dealt with

it all the past and all the past and

when all of us past meets it’s like an

explosion and we judge each other

accuse each other want to leave each

other want to weep want to hurt each

other and what we don’t realize this all

that started way back yonder we didn’t

deal with it then because nobody talked

to us about it kind of education never

mentioned it now I have all of this

stuff where we live where we drove what

we drive I have all this reputation all

this big job big this big that the

conflict is still there listen carefully

whatever has happened no matter how

you’ve been treated you don’t want to

carry the weight listen it didn’t

innocent come in pounds he comes in tons

tons of weight of negative feelings

thoughts ungodly feelings and thoughts

unforgiving feelings and thoughts it’s

there right here right here and if you

ever have any peace in your life you

can’t make enough money to buy driving

the big cars divided I live in the big

enough home they live one thing they can

set you free it’s Jesus Christ and when

you surrender your life to Him yes what

happens when you surrender your life to

him he takes away all the guilt he

taking take away all the hurt would you

have to deal with it yes you will but he

wants to clean you up whatever’s in your

heart that shouldn’t be there lay it

down lay it down you say how do I do


you confess it to God and you surrender

it and Lord I lay that down I choose to

ask you to take that out of my mind

I forgive whatever it takes don’t keep


the tonnage of unforgiveness hurt pain

grief in your life when it doesn’t

belong there my piece are given the you

Jesus said not as the world gives

because it doesn’t work nothing’s the

world give I give you my love my peace

and my joy and that’s the promise of

Almighty God to those of us who will

surrender our life to Him yield

ourselves to him and let him begin the

healing process in our life if you’ve

never trusted Jesus as your Savior

remember this you don’t have the

capacity to forgive you may have like a

passage to give a little bit but it

won’t last you need Jesus you need to

ask God to forgive you of your sin and I

trust that you’ll be willing to ask the

Lord to forgive you cleanse you set you

free and watch him work amen thank you

dear Lord for the awesome power of your

word when you said if we can test our

sins you are faithful and just that

means you always will forgive us of our

sins and cleanse us from all

unrighteousness all of these thoughts

their way as done in Jesus name Amen
