This teaching is a foundational truth that is essential for understanding how much God loves you and believing what He says about you in His Word. Each person is made up of three different parts: spirit, soul, and body. Learn how these three parts relate to God and to each other. At salvation your spirit is totally changed, but your soul and body is not yet redeemed. This series will teach you how to release the life that is already in your spirit, into your physical body and emotions.

the following program is brought to you

by the friends and partners of Andrew

Wommack ministries celebrating 40 years

of sharing God’s unconditional love and


welcome to gospel truth with Andrew

Wommack today Andrew illustrates the

power of God’s Word to change our lives

in his teaching spirit soul and body now

here’s Andrew welcome to our monday’s

broadcast of the gospel truth today I’m

continuing a series that I’ve entitled

spirit soul and body it’s probably my

favorite thing to teach this is what the

Lord used to just radically I mean

radically changed my life this is

basically what has given me

understanding of the grace of God and

how God can love me and deal with me

in mercy instead of justice and so this

is now our second week of programming on

this if you’ve missed the first week I

really encourage you to get our

materials I’ve got of course our CD

album on spirit soul and body there’s

four teachings in there I’ve got a book

on spirit soul and body and we’ve had

this out before we’re releasing that but

this is brand-new we’ve put this book

into a study guide and the purpose of

this is so that people can use this for

Sunday School for Bible studies of

course it’s good for your personal study

because there’s questions and answers

there’s an answer key in here and it’s

just a great way to get the truth in

your heart but it’s specifically

designed to help people be able to share

these truths in a group setting and I’m

really excited about that and so I

encourage you to please get those

materials now last week I basically was

just establishing some of the

fundamental things about spirit soul and

body that we are three parts and that

the spirit is the part of us that gets

born again according to second

Corinthians 5:17 If any man be in Christ

he’s a new creature old things are

passed away all things are become new

and most people do not really understand

and see the change that has taken place

in their born-again spirit because Jesus

said in John 3:6 that that would

spirited spirit that which is flesh is

flesh that there isn’t any direct

relationship direct connection between

the spirit and the flesh when you go by

your emotions what you see taste hear

smell and feel your five senses and then

your emotions they are only monitoring

this physical natural world but there is

also a spiritual being on the inside

that you can’t see in the mirror you

can’t feel you aren’t in touch with that

so how do you know what’s going on in

the spirit realm well the Bible says in

John 6:63 the words that I speak unto

you they are spirit and they are life

God’s words are spirit they reveal the

spirit James chapter one says that

looking into the Word of God is like a

man looking at his natural face in the

mirror so in a sense the Word of God is

like a spiritual mirror that shows you

who you are on the inside and we covered

all of these things in depth last week

again if you’ve missed any of that

please get these materials I guarantee

you this is life-changing stuff what I

want to do this week I’ve already made

this point that in the spirit we’re

completely brand-new I want to now just

kind of zero in and focus on this and

begin to show you some of the things

that have taken place in your spirit

because again you can’t just feel this

it’s not intuitive you’d have to go to

the Word of God you have to study this

and of course the Holy Spirit will bear

witness and give you confirmation that

these things are true but you can’t

perceive it in any physical tangible way

you have to receive this by faith and of

course God’s Word is how faith comes

it’s how this revelation comes so let me

turn over to Ephesians chapter four and

we’re going to start with this person’s

chapter 4 verse 24 again I wished I had

time to put all of this in its context

Ephesians 4:24 especially verses 17 18

on through 24 are talking about the

chains it takes place when you get born

again and in verse 24 it says and that

you put on the new man which after God

is created

aided in righteousness and true holiness

now that is one powerful scripture this

new man is referring to the part of you

that got born again if you come to the

Lord and truly put your faith in him and

receive the salvation that is available

to us through Jesus then there is a

change it takes place instantly in the

spirit realm your spirit becomes totally

new second Corinthians 5:17 says if any

man be in Christ he is a new creature

old things are passed away behold all

things are become new not some things

not a few things all things and you

can’t see this transformation in your

physical body and I use this last week

but if you were fat before you got saved

you’re still going to be fat after you

get saved your physical body doesn’t

instantly change your hair color doesn’t

instantly change your you know your

looks doesn’t instantly change your

gender doesn’t change you’re still the

same in the physical realm in the

soulish room in your emotions you don’t

just instantly get brand-new set of

emotions and new memories and everything

like that it would have been great if

God had given us a brand new head but he

didn’t he gave us a brand new heart it’s

in the spirit realm that you get changed

and this is what this is referring to

that if put on the new man which is

talking about this part of you that was

born again and it says it was created in

righteousness and true holiness well

there’s a lot of things in that verse

right there first of all notice it says

you were created in righteousness and

true holiness now see a lot of people

have the impression that when you get

born again now you need to start

becoming righteous and holy and there is

a partial truth to that on the outside

like say for instance a person before

they got born again was into dope and

alcohol and sexual immorality and when

you get born again well then you need to

start letting this change that is taking

place on the inside begin to manifest

and affect your actions on the outside

and so in that sense yes you should

start acting right and doing what’s

right and it’s not just an instantaneous

thing it’s progressive you become

more and more and more like God the more

you walk with God

so there’s a partial truth there but

this purse says that when you put on the

new man it was created in righteousness

and true holiness now see this isn’t

talking about a progression this isn’t

talking about you getting better I’ll

often hear people in churches that I go

to pray in a prayer and saying oh God

just make me righteous well they need to

be born again because according to this

verse when you get born again and you

put on that new man it was created in

righteousness and true holiness it’s not

progressively becoming holier you aren’t

progressive progressively becoming more

righteous in right standing with God

this verse says that your new man now

again what this is is this window into

the spirit world the words that I speak

unto you they are spirit and they are

life whoever looks into the Word of God

is like looking into a spiritual mirror

we’re trying to talk about what you’re

like in the spirit according to this

verse your new man was created righteous

and truly holy implying that there is

false holiness in other words there’s

different types of holiness and I really

believe that what most people are

referring to and they say that you need

to live holy and they’re talking about

that you don’t dip or custard chew or go

with those that do and they’re looking

on all of these outward things as

holiness you know really that is not

true holiness because man’s

righteousness our self righteousness our

own actions even though they may be

better than they’ve ever been even

though we may have made a total

transformation from the life we used to

live and we’re now living much more holy

did you know that all self-righteousness

all righteousness that is based on your

performance is infinitely infinitely

inferior to what it takes to really

relate to God now that’s a radical

statement and I know that some people

are offended by this by say what are you

saying I’m saying that God’s standard of

holiness is so righteous so pure that

you know what you at your very best are

still coming far short

of what God has demanded and see this is

this is really one of the main points

that God taught me through spirit soul

and body you know I have lived a

relatively holy life I got born again

when I was 8

I’ve always been seeking the Lord I’ve

never said a word of profanity I’ve

never taken a drink of liquor I’ve never

smoked a cigarette I’ve never tasted

coffee and I know some of you are

thinking coffee what are you saying

about coffee

you got scripture to stand on for

drinking coffee mark chapter 16 verse 18

says you can drink any deadly thing and

it shall not harm you amen it’s a joke

don’t write in to me about this I tell

you there are some people that just you

need a you know you need to get a life

there’s some people that’ll be so

offended because I said something about

coffee it was a joke

now it is true that I haven’t ever drank

coffee but I’m just saying I’m not

against coffee I’m just saying that I’ve

lived a super super super holy life by

man standards but if I was trying to

approach God on the basis of how good

I’ve lived I’d be rejected I might be

the best center that ever lived but you

know what who wants to be the best

center that ever went to hell I’ve still

sinned come short of the glory of God

and so of you nobody can relate to God

on the basis of your holiness and people

that are preaching self holiness your

own personal holiness as a requirement

to be able to enter into the presence of

God are missing this fact and what they

do constantly is compare themselves

among themselves in other words they

have some standard of holiness and they

have to look down their nose at somebody

who’s not living up to this but if you

were to stack stack your holiness up

against God’s standard of holiness all

of us have sinned and come short of the

glory of God Romans chapter 3 verse 23

there is none righteous no not one none

of us can claim holiness are our

relationship with God based on our own

actions and anybody who says that they

can instantly has to start making

comparisons and they will compare

themselves with other people right for

instance I know that there’s people

right now that’ll be mad because of what

I’m saying

and they’ll sit there and say no sir I’m

holy I’m living holy and it’s because

I’ve done these things that God is going

to move in my life and if I was to sit

down if I could talk to you face-to-face

I could guarantee you that I could start

grilling you have you done everything

perfectly like for instance the Bible

says that a man is supposed to love his

wife the way that Christ loved the

church and gave himself for it is there

anybody who could sit here and claim

that you love your wife as much as

Christ loved the church that you never

do anything that your will always 100%

faithful that you are always putting

your wife ahead of yourself the women it

says that you are supposed to reverence

your husband even as the church is meant

to reverence Christ is there anybody who

believes that you constantly treat your

mate perfectly and that you never make a

mistake see when you’re talking to

fallen human beings fallen human beings

aren’t perfect you may be better than

you’ve ever been you might be better

than I am but you aren’t perfect and if

I could sit down and talk to you


I could guarantee you I could eventually

push some buttons and show you where you

are failing in some area if nothing else

I could just a j’t eight you to the

point that you’d get mad at me and lose

your temper at me and then you’d have

missed it then there is no such thing as

perfection in this fallen world and I’ve

talked to people before who’ve come

against me on this line of reasoning and

they admit well yes I’m not perfect but

and then they start making comparisons

well at least I’m not like this drunk

over here at least I’m not like this

public and I fast twice in the week I

pay tithes of mint and anise and cumin

and all these things that’s the Pharisee

syndrome and and every person who is

into self-righteousness and that you

have to be holy for God to move in your

life every one of those people will

admit if pushed that they aren’t perfect

and by their own theology therefore they

can’t have any relationship with God but

they don’t usually follow it to that

conclusion what they do is stop short

and say well no

I’m not perfect but and then they’ll

compare themselves with somebody else

who is less than them I’m telling you

God doesn’t grade on a curve God doesn’t

just take the top 10% and even though

you may not have made a passing grade if

you did better than everybody else he’s

going to round your score up and give

you a passing grade nope that’s not how

it works it says in James chapter 2

verse 10 that if you keep the whole law

and yet offend in one point you become

guilty of everything you know like I

said I’ve not used profanity I haven’t

drank liquor I haven’t smoked I’ve lived

a super holy life but you know what I

haven’t been perfect I haven’t been

perfect I’ve been selfish I’ve been

angry I criticized I’ve done things that

are wrong and according to James 2:10 if

you miss it in one point you become

guilty of everything I mean it’s like

you know if if there’s a hundred things

in this list it’s not a matter of did

you do eighty or ninety and you got a

passing grade no you have to do a

hundred perfectly or you must be born

again and then when you get born again

according to this verse and many others

that I’m going to be sharing this week

then you’re in that spirit realm in the

born again you you were created

righteous and truly holy it’s not

something that now you have the ability

to start living better and if you will

live better than God will accept you

know in the spirit realm you were

created righteous and holy in the spirit

and remember a verse that I used last

week is John 4:24 where Jesus said that

those who worship God must worship Him

in spirit and in truth the first part of

that says God is a spirit and those who

worship Him must worship Him in spirit

and in truth why is that because if you

were to try and approach God just on the

basis of your performance and how well

you were doing things then you might be

better than me you might be better than

somebody else but you come short of the

glory of God Jesus is the glory of God

Jesus is the perfect standard

there’s not a person watching this

program that is as perfect as Jesus you

may be better than you’ve ever been you

may be better than some of your friends

or your family but I guarantee you when

you stack yourself up against Jesus you

fall short and that’s the reason that

you must worship God in spirit and in


in your spirit your spirit has now been

created instantly the moment you got

born again you became a new creature and

it was created righteous that means in

right standing with God and truly holy

there is no sin in your spirit there is

no impurity in your spirit in the spirit

realm you are sanctified and perfected

forever I’m going to deal with some of

those scriptures as we continue through

this study but boy this first point this

just transformed my life because when I

had this experience with the Lord which

I’ve mentioned quite a few times last

week and I saw the glory of God and I

knew how holy and how pure God was

instantly there was this comparative

sense of unworthiness in me I knew that

God was so pure so holy that I could

never match that standard now I was

motivated to and I’m living a relatively

holy life compared to people but I’m

saying that it my very best I still fall

short and I knew it and immediately this

presented me with the problem I had

received the glory of God I’d seen it I

was living better than I’d ever lived

but how do you relate to a infinite holy

God how do you do this well the weight

the one of the things that transformed

my life is when I recognize when I got

born again in my spirit I became a new

creature old things passed away all

things became knew and according to this

verse Ephesians 4:24 that spirit was

created righteous and truly holy it is

now the righteousness of Jesus that has

been put in my heart it says this over

in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 I’m turning

over there I believe its first 30

it says but of him are you in Christ

Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom

and righteousness sanctification and

redemption Jesus has been made my

righteousness Jesus is now my

righteousness you know there’s a

scripture in the Old Testament I believe

it’s Isaiah chapter 64 66 somewhere

around there and it says all of our

righteousness is as filthy rags and you

know that’s true for a person who

doesn’t know Jesus that’s true prior to

Jesus coming and paying for our sins but

after Jesus came and paid for our sins

when you got born again according to

Ephesians 4:24 you were created in

righteousness and true holiness and if a

Christian if a born-again Christian says

all of my righteousness is as filthy

rags then you have to qualify what

you’re talking about either you have to

be talking about your self righteousness

your own personal effort to do

everything correctly and in comparison

to God’s standards of perfection that’s

like a filthy rag or if you are just

talking about you across the board and

saying that there’s nothing righteous

there’s nothing good in you and if

you’ve been born again then you are in

effect calling Jesus a filthy rag

because it says that Jesus has been made

unto us wisdom righteousness

sanctification and redemption Jesus has

become your righteousness Jesus has

given you his righteousness it says in

2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 for a

it please let me see the exact wording

on this 2nd Corinthians 5:21 for he hath

made him starting at God the father made

him Jesus who knew no sin to be made sin

for us that we might be made the

righteousness of God in him

2nd Corinthians 5:21 says we are now the

righteousness of God

now most people again look in the mirror

and they saw no I’m not righteous well

you may not be in the physical realm it

may not be reflected in all of your

actions yet it may not be in your

thoughts and attitudes yet but in the

spirit the moment you get born again you

created in righteousness and true

holiness Jesus His righteousness has now

been imputed unto you you have been made

the righteousness of God second

Corinthians 5:21 and the word righteous

again is kind of a religious term that

some people just don’t really understand

they use it but they don’t really have a

clear definition of what it means but a

simple definition is it means in right

standing with God you are right with God

you are in right standing

it literally means much more than that

it means that all of your sin has been

taken away and that God has imputed unto

you his righteousness his holiness in

the spirit when you get born again your

spirit is now clean and pure wholly

righteous it is truly holy not this

physical holiness that is just good in

comparison to another Center but in the

spirit you are as holy and pure as Jesus

is because it is his righteousness that

has been imputed unto you there’s many

other scriptures that I’m going to be

going through and sharing but see these

are some of the things that this

teaching on spirit soul and body has

just liberated me on because I knew that

God was infinitely greater than I was or

ever could be and I was trying to be

pleasing to him but as long as I thought

that it was just my external actions and

thoughts that God was looking at well

then there was this constant

disappointment like god I’ll never

measure up to your standard I’ll never

be good enough how could you ever love

me and one of the things that I’ve

learned through spirit somebody is that

when I got born again my spirit was

changed and how has it changed it was

created righteous and truly holy and now

God is a spirit and God is looking at me

in my spirit and in my spirit I am a

totally brand new creation that is

righteous and truly holy and so because

of that I can now worship God in spirit

and in truth I can come before God and

instead of talking about how much I’ve

blown it out here and how I’ve been less

than what I’m suppose

to be I can come before God and start

praising him that when I got born again

I was created in righteousness and true

holiness and that now God sees me holy

and pure and I’m in God’s class in my

spirit you know if you don’t understand

what I’m talking about it if you were

just thinking that I’m talking about

nothing but my physical body and actions

in my soul is round then you may think

that I’m sitting here and speaking

blasphemy and speaking arrogant things

actually it’s just the opposite in my

flesh I am nothing in my flesh I can do

nothing but I am a born-again person and

God has literally put himself on the

inside of me I have the Spirit of Christ

in me Romans 8:9 says if any man have

not the Spirit of Christ he is none of


I have the Spirit of Christ and I now am

righteous and holy in my spirit and able

to relate to God’s Spirit the spirit

with no sense of sin no sense of

unworthy for that is just merely too

good to be true news but that’s the

gospel and I’m going to be explaining

this and saying in many different ways

this week in a way that I believe is

going to help you get this again I want

to say that these truths are what has

literally transformed my life I

encourage you to get all of these

materials that we’re offering our

announcer is going to give you some

information explain to you these offers

I encourage you to get them this will

change your life and then join me again

tomorrow as we continue the gospel trip

Andrews four-part teaching titled spirit

soul and body is available in a CD album

or it’s available in a DVD album as seen

on tv ask 40 1027 and be sure to specify

CD or DVD when you make a gift of 13

pounds or more

the second teaching in the audio CD

album is also available for a donation

of three pounds or more

we encourage everyone to send a gift but

if you’re simply unable to afford it

Andrew and his partners will provide

this second CD free of charge request

teaching TK 92 when you write or call

and will be pleased to send it to you

spirit soul and body the book is also

available when you send a gift to the

work of this ministry

request T 3:18 when you write call or go

to our website for the very first time

this teaching is available in a

companion study guide for a gift of 17

pounds 50 or more included is a cd-rom

that allows you to duplicate any

resources needed for each lesson request

study guide T 418 when you contact the

ministry once again I’d like to

encourage you to please get all of these

materials of this new study guide that

we’re offering you know this teaching

has just totally revolutionized my life

and I know that many of you been blessed

as you’ve heard the program today but

there’s a tendency for us to get

overwhelmed with all the other things

that we focus on during the day I think

it’s important for you to get this and

go over it and over it and over it if

what I’m saying in this teaching hasn’t

changed your life than I guarantee you

it’s just because you haven’t got the

full impact of it so please get the

materials and allow yourself to go over

this also it’s a great way to share it

with someone else listen is our

announcer gives you that information and

please call or write today

the very best way to reach us is through

our website you can order ministry

materials online 24 hours a day at a WME

net or you can use your credit card to

order by telephone our helpline number

is zero one nine two two four seven

three three hundred again that’s zero

one nine two two four seven three three

hundred when calling from outside the UK

you must dial your international calling

code then forty four one nine two two

four seven three three hundred helpline

hours extend from 7 a.m. to four p.m.

Greenwich Mean Time if the lines are

jammed remember you can go to our

website and there’s no fee for reaching

us through the internet if you prefer to

write us our address is a WME that’s

Andrew Wommack ministries of Europe P o

box for 392 Walsall WS 1:9 a our England

we hope to hear from you today I’d like

to encourage you to go visit our website

we have that address on your screen and

I tell you we have one of the most

powerful websites of anything I’ve ever

seen I get comments about how

user-friendly it is I have hundreds of

my teaching available for free downloads

and there’s literally been people’s

lives safe by having all of this

teaching material available to them free

of charge we have our living commentary

there I have about I think it’s eight

years or more of our television programs

that you can view right there on the

website we have about ten or eleven

years worth of my radio programs there

it’s just a wealth of information so

please join us on our website

we’d like to point out Andrews upcoming

speaking schedule mark your calendars to

come meet Andrew at one of these events

and let the word of God transform your

life he will be in Colorado Springs

Colorado for the 25th annual US

ministers conference September 29th

through October 3rd he’ll also be in

Gosforth newcastle-upon-tyne in the UK

on October 18th through the 19th and in

Buxton England for the annual awm

ministers conference October 20th

through the 22nd for more details on

Andrews next meeting in your area call

our helpline or visit our website at a

WME net be sure to tune in tomorrow for

more gospel truth