Pastor Jack and Amir Tsarfati of @Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati, sift through God’s Word and discuss the “facts” of current Global events and this global pandemic. Take a look at how all of this lines up with the Bible and what God’s plans are for His church in the end times.

so tonight uh no stranger to many of our

lives for some of you

uh first time ever uh this man has been

a fixture in my family in this church

and in my life personally uh for i think

25 years

i’ve i don’t count because the time

doesn’t matter

honored that over all these years he’s

continued to walk with jesus

he has had an amazing career

and he was the last uh governor of


uh well the last one well the last one

was joshua and then

it was this guy


before handing it over to uh the

palestinian rule

uh but uh he is now a major

in the israeli defense force he’s an

ambassador unofficial ambassador but

really official

uh ambassador of jesus

yeshua to not only israel but to the


his his viewership watching him

grow all these years to what god has

done in amir serfate’s life and his

reach uh has been amazing he travels

literally the globe uh

a couple times a year that’s probably an


i don’t know anyone who has a schedule

like this he’s in such tremendous demand

and for good reason but tonight a little

bit of a different evening because we’re

going to sit down

and we’re going to talk but give an

overwhelming please

warm welcome to our dear friend amir



thank you

thank you


so listen without without any uh without

any further

uh delay lord we pray that you bless

this time together for us

and lord in this world of of media as it

is tonight

uh we know that there are those that are

here we don’t know if anybody’s even

watching us right now

that they’re able frankly and

yet to us that cannot matter the truth

father is this

that whatever we say tonight whatever we

express whatever we quote from scripture

may it be accurate

the whole spirit of these happening now

is to bring us stability to give us


and that lord we would revel in your

word and not

the words of man and god that we would

be comforted because jesus you made it

very clear that

uh your word concerning prophetic events

and current events

your word is to bring us comfort

therefore comfort one another with

these words and so we pray tonight that

all of us both here present and those

that are afar

viewing now that the bible would be our

foundation not our emotion

and not what somebody said somewhere on

some blog

but thy word alone

we pray in jesus name and all god’s

people said

amen amen so you guys we’re going to

dive into this and we’ve got some topics

that we’re going to run through that

we’re going to

look on the screens that that uh are

basically headlines ripped from

uh from the world around us and we’re

going to get into that

so uh sean if you would start cueing

them up we’re going gonna

we’re gonna go on this so uh

breaking report this is out of january

six obviously the world has seen this

former fbi agent

on the ground at u.s capitol says at

least one bus load

of antifa thug’s infiltrated trump

demonstration and what’s really unique

about that day

is that i happened to have been there

earlier that

morning at the state department with

secretary pompeo

i didn’t know that you were going to be

in dc that day

and uh surprised you you did yeah

you absolutely did and so uh listen

i want you to share with with the people

what you were thinking

why you were even there well i

i really felt that the lord wants me to

go to these i change all my plans i was

supposed to be somewhere else

and uh i

the thing that i receive from the lord

is that you’re gonna see history

being made so i thought yeah

i’m gonna go there vice president pence

is gonna see me

everything is gonna be great so

i i i’m landing in dc that’s the

that’s a on the fifth i go to the hotel

um and then on the sixth in the morning


went to the rally to the big one in the

ellipse right

opposite the white house it was

wonderful about half a million people

showed up

oh yeah the most peaceful rally i’ve

ever seen

in my life in every law enforcement


around was greeted by all of these


and god bless you the gospel was shared

in every street corner there listen i’ve


so so i’m like wow that’s going to be

great now of course

at some point around 10 30

it was too cold for an israeli it was


listen i don’t know how you take it but

it had to be below 60. oh yeah

so i made my

i made my way back to the hotel i

thought i’ll watch the speech on

on the screen and then of course um

i couldn’t sleep and and then of course

at 3 35 to 3 45

a.m on the 7th which means the night

after this whole thing in capitol hill

that’s when i saw history being made

yeah when i saw the vote the voting


and when i saw the prayer i don’t even

know how they call it prayer

it was a speech it wasn’t a prayer but

when i saw all of that

the first thing that came to my mind and

i know it sounds very radical right now

but i i realized i just watched

probably the end of the republic

of the united states of america and i


i just saw the beginning of something


i don’t want to get into what i i you

know i just want you to know that

um don’t let anyone

change the narrative and

forget what this whole thing was all


to begin with because they’re going to

shake you

and they’re going to make you doubt

that your own beliefs were

on solid ground and you’re going to

start asking yourself wait a minute

is that whole thing was it really true

what you know i got it

on twitter yesterday uh text so you’re

still on twitter

no that’s why i left yesterday i

left 158 thousand followers on twitter

but listen so i got a

there was a tweet that was aimed at me

uh by a congressman i don’t know what he

wants from me i never

congratulations congressman adam


now listen look what he wrote i believe

there’s a huge

burden now on pastors and clergy who

openly spread the conspiracies of a

stolen election

like robert jeffress behold israel and

franklin graham i don’t know why i the

israeli have to be in that list

i have a clue now if he didn’t make his

homework finding out that i’m an israeli

i don’t trust him about the election

think about it

but watch this and then he said among

many others

to admit their mistakes and leave their


out of darkness to truth

so that israeli did not stay silent

i wrote just that was my last tweet

before i left twitter

literally two minutes later i was up and

it was there there’s no burden here

i haven’t changed my mind and close to

80 million americans haven’t either

but then i said by censoring us you only


us even more convinced of your



the um

um no i’m trying to

i’m honestly trying to control myself

from laughing regarding what i’m about

to say

because uh because of the militant

blatant bias uh

i i’m at a loss for words of what uh

twitter and the

social media world is doing um that this

is fantastic i don’t know if you’ve seen

the news

but there’s an upcoming election in


and the nation of uganda has banned


oh that’s so funny and twitter is angry

twitter posted a rebuttal we believe in

free speech

yeah yeah it’s great it’s so it’s so

it’s amazing so

but the the the thing is this i mean

look oh thank god we can laugh about

this stuff we’re christians and

our politics is in heaven uh which uh

all monday monday and tuesday uh

it was just a mind-blower uh

for me personally because uh if i were

to try to tell you the media

uh interviews i i would come up short


uh calling and asking we need we want an

interview on an interview

listen i’ll cut to the chase but this is

what this is what time magazine

newsweek breitbart

new york times washington post

uh orange county register

i’m losing it doesn’t matter this is the

question they asked it’s like they got

together and they said

we’ve got to ask christians this

question and you need to remember this

all of you

they said they asked what are what are

what are you the evangelical community

what are you going to do now uh

without trump and i said are you

has the interview started is this it

have we started for real

yes yes what are you guys going to do so

what do you mean we’re going to do well

what are you going to do now

well we’re gonna do

what we’ve done for two thousand years


nothing changes

and and before you could ask another

question i said i wanna remind you

that we’re used to this stuff we endured

nero diocletian

we we endured the roman empire we’ve

been around for 2000 years and we’re

going to be around forever

our existence our hope and our faith and

i’ve used the line that i’ve used for a

long time

that people expect me to use it outside

of the church and i told the guy i said

listen if you’ve not heard the messiah

is not arriving on air force one

and that’s always been true so the whole

point was

why would why would the evangelical

community vote for

donald trump in record numbers in this

last election

and i said it’s not it’s not that it’s

donald trump it could have been a


if he had the same policies

it was pro-life it was pro-israel

it was pro-religious freedom

and that’s the truth if any politicians

out there that might be

watching adam uh

khrushchev what’s your name uh adam if

you want the evangelical vote next time


listen you’ve got to be pro

pro-religious freedom

pro-life right you got to be pro-israel

and pro-facts

pro facts would help that’s the issue

and a lot of listen all the media said

the exact same thing they were wrong and

i told them

you are you guys don’t get it if you if

you don’t get it you’re asking the wrong


you think that our faith has been


by a political uh outcome

and if that were the case we would have

perished 2 000 years ago

you guys need to remember that okay very

very important

so next next thing yeah look we saw this

uh dc mayor told federal law enforcement

to stand down

day before violent u.s capital riots

that’s a fact

that’s that happened she she not only

did that but when she found out how many

people were showing up

to the rally she had porta potties

that were provided by the host by the

host of the event

she had uh outdoor they’re called porta

potties aren’t they

she had many of them removed yeah

that’s one of the reasons i left early

that’s one of the reasons why i stood

two hours and 10 minutes in line

yes you had to stand in line to go to

the bathroom before you even had to go

to the bathroom

because of her we don’t appreciate that

but anyway

why would she do that why would she do

that every one of the

every one of the interviewers thought

that uh

the capital was invaded uh by

a bunch of trump supporters and yet

the id positive id by the way so there’s

been arrests by the way

positive idea for example the man

sitting in the

in the a speaker’s chair holding his

fist up

how many trump supporters go like this

and that guy lo and behold he facial id

positive recognition

as an antifa support as an antifa agent

or antique

you know a lot of people don’t know that

the timeline of

everything they don’t look at it but

when trump was not even

done speaking they were already

in on capitalism you understand this

that doesn’t make sense by the way it

takes about almost 30 to 40 minutes to

walk from the ellipse

to capital so nothing there makes sense

but hey

why confusing them with facts

i’m curious though how many of you have

seen this everybody

um i’ve been to the capitol

i’ve been in that building many times

and i have even had the honor of opening


in prayer let me tell you something i

could have never found

that lofty chamber that wonderful place

if you’ve been there you need a dose it

they walk you through and you’re guarded

you cannot there’s no sign that says

chamber this way or

our turn none of that stuff you have

it’s an

old building as i walk it through a maze

and you’ll never find it

how did people find it in 90 seconds

from the entry point

in in when you i hope you’ve seen the


where there are what looks like police


literally standing

inside the building going like this and

pointing did you see it

unbelievable so i don’t know listen uh

there may have been some zealots that

got in there

but i can tell you that um

there was a militant presence there

it was photographed it was witnessed uh

but that doesn’t

fit the narrative nor does it fit

apparently a possible plan

seems to me things were sure smooth in

operating that

that rally was going to be derailed in

some way shape or form but

by the way just so you guys know text

your questions uh

to that number and we’ll get to them

tonight we hope

so next next one uh no more news

yeah we’ll go fast through these trump’s

uh email’s been suspended

so wow so the people that are taking

over your country

uh they want they want you they want to

heal they want us to come together

this is how they’re going to do it come

together by removing you next slide

abc news executive calls for cleansing

the trump movement from america by the

way it just so happens

i happen to be the one that’s to be


myself and others charlie kirk sebastian


we are to be removed from america


cleansing silence shut up uh listen

that’s their

that’s the deal um see they

they missed the point there’s 80 million

of us

they don’t understand that but yeah but

so what

so what there’s 80 million here’s the

thing church listen we live in a time

let’s be honest you’re not gonna like

what i’m gonna say but i want you to

read your bibles

your sins were forgiven at the cross


jesus died for your sins personally you

understand that jesus did not die

for the sins of nations he died for you

amen that’s why every name look at the

history of israel

did they go through peril when they

disobeyed god

yes and every nation that disobeys god

is judged by god

okay listen just because god may be

bringing judgment upon our nation

which he has to by the way he said he

would he has to

he judges the nations for their evil

that doesn’t mean that god has given up

on his him saving you this is listen

we’re entering in the time we’re

entering into a time

of what may pro possibly be national


will it be hard for you yes will it be


violence if they have their way yes um

that doesn’t mean god has forsaken us do

you understand that please you need to

know that

oh wait a minute i thought the rapture

was going to happen first why did you

ever think that

the rapture could happen now could it

happen yesterday

but nowhere does god say to america

you’ll be

raptured and safe from any crazy people

why would we escape that which every

nation on earth has had to suffer

through and many are suffering through

it now

do you understand you’re not you’re not

applauding that right now because that

kind of that’s a

that’s a shocker but it’s it is a fact


there were wonderful christian believers

in germany

there were wonderful christian believers

in england in world war ii

they were wonder there are wonderful

christian believers right now

suffering under the regime of the ccp

in china god loves them

they’re his kids national

judgments are different you will never

see judgment

jesus was judged for you at the cross

you need to remember that

uh don’t think for a moment it would be

naive silly

and and and not biblical to think that


america is somehow exempt

from god saying ichabod you know what

ichabod means

the glory has departed yes it may it may

have departed

i think that jesus never promised that

the end

will be great in fact all that he said

about the very end times

was pretty scary in a sense if you think

about it

and and even when he described a lot of


that are going to happen all around the

world he said this is just the beginning

and the point is that

when we want to look into bible prophecy

for example

and we want to look straight to what is

written the text that is written

you can’t find america in bible prophecy

prosperous at the very end

you can’t find uh you know iran

gone you know they said that if trump

would have stayed four more years

iran would have been would have

collapsed with all the sanctions that

they had there

and now they’re the happiest uh in the

world right now

they just parade they’re so happy in

fact you’re going to hear about it in a

few minutes

they are right now flexing their muscles

like never before

that’s why last night we had to send a


f-16s and 35s to take care of business


but let’s talk about why christian

listen bible prophecy why is this even a

topic watch this uh

iran you know in your bible iran is

persia in your bible

and how many how many times have we

gotten together on happening now

evenings and talked about we’re just


closer to with with

america uh rapidly declining

it bolsters persia’s dominance for the

region do you know biblically that has

to happen

it has to i don’t know i don’t know if

you all know that you need to know that

according the book of ezekiel

persia will feel so emboldened

that they are going to attack israel it

says now god is going to intervene and

deal with them

and you and you may watch it on the news

god will intervene

but persia it says persia persia iran

will go against israel and the bible

says in ezekiel 38 the nations of the

world will say

why are you doing this

at this moment the united states would

never allow israel to be invaded by


do you see

but probably you will ask so wait a

minute if everything

fits so perfectly to bible prophecy why

did you

support trump if biden’s

america fits bible prophecy that’s where

you’re wrong

you see we must always

vote for the right thing

righteousness righteousness

pro-life you don’t vote

pro-death just so we can

haste bible prophecy you know

you know you don’t take somebody from

his basement and sending him to the

white house just so bible prophecy is

going no

you vote listen do the right thing you

vote for

pro-life pro-family pro-freedom for


pro-israel but god has the last word

no just as joseph had those good

seven good years and then came the seven

very lean years very

and it was the same god that was still

on the throne

and by the way throughout the seven

bad years he actually finally met with

his family

and his father and think about it

throughout these

that’s so good you know lean and

bad years we are going to meet

to meet our whenever we are messiah

see look right now the bible

is telling us that we we have

the restrainer in us okay the holy

spirit the holy spirit the restrainer

but we are the temple of the holy spirit

as long as we are here

where somehow that holy spirit

is holding the world like that from


falling apart think about it the minute

the world will

choose we go that way we go that way

do you understand we are not going that


we go up that’s why the bible says

that the restrainer will do so

until he will be taken

out of the way and that the bible says

and then

the lawless one will be revealed so the


we are up and the world is going down

guess who shows up and lead the march

for the rest of the world

and he’s uh amir’s referencing

second thessalonians two chapter two


exactly and um so very very important um

look number one you actually

know a little bit of what god is uh

i think wanting to do look at 2020.

he said do i have to say no no but

but listen look at your your

spiritual development in 2020

look at how you’ve gotten closer to

jesus you’ve gotten certainly more

serious about god haven’t you

and you’ve been more prone now to be

outspoken about the lord

and there’s a lot of people in your life

that are concerned and you have the


and um things have become simple

uh a streamlight maybe maybe homes have

been lost or

savings have been lost or businesses

have been lost

and that’s terrible but to god that’s

nothing compared to the spiritual

development that has happened in your


and you say oh man i don’t know that’s


but paul the apostle lost everything


to gain the knowledge of christ it’s the

value of

our currency regarding who we are now


in christ jesus as a believer it’s not

the dollar it’s not

gold it’s it’s not the shekel it’s not

anything else

it is the currency of our faith

you’re stronger now did it did it hurt

to get to this point

yes but things that are painful to get

they are they are what’s the word

strongly defended because they’re

valuable to you

anything given easily is not that big of

a deal

you have grown tremendous this

last year in christ and the year that’s


ours here is for us to grow

because it is our faith that’s to be

tested as fire and come

out as shining yes pure gold

that’s what god that is that’s what

god’s concerned about

in your life that’s the value and

currency of heaven

we need to remember that very very

important and more than ever before in

your entire life

the hour of trial that is going to come

upon the world to test

the earth throughout is around the

corner you need to understand something

we’ve been talking and teaching about

what is

about to come for the longest time we

haven’t by the way

gone to any other direction we’ve been

teaching the same thing

for 25 at least i don’t know about

25 years but i want to tell you

something i

understand we’ve never lived

throughout the days we’ve never lived


during the time of president obama it

was still

to me i was i was banking

on the moral compass of america

to turn things around what i woke up

on sunday on on january 7th

in the morning two is that that

compass that i knew then that is

will eventually lead this nation to the

right thing at least in the near future

has been robbed has been taken

and shattered to pieces and how do you

know because the constitution was

trampled on it was laughed at

it was ridiculed and by the way

make no mistake if everything that


on on november 3rd and on

january 4th was it the in georgia six

georgia uh fourth or fifth fifth

was it because the fifth was a was the

same thing

exactly same thing if you watch tv same

exact thing

but if that can happen and no one can

say a word about it

it’ll happen again and again and again

and that’s it

and so people call

some of those republicans that are

turning against trump rhinos

let me tell you something the rhinos are

the righteous ones because as far as i’m


97 of the republican party is now in


i think they misunderstood okay let me

okay i think rhino is republican in name


okay that’s what it stands for so they

think that okay

most of the republicans are great

there’s one or two or three that like

the you know the governor of georgia

and all of his gang that are rhinos but

honestly after watching the senate

and and and the house during uh

you know the the the january 6th thing

i think the rhinos the republicans in

name only

are the four or five or six that came to



you know my point is my point i’ll try

to say that you’re a republican

right now is not yes

so i’ll translate it translate it to


the gen the gentile the gentiles the

gentiles come to save the two

by pay retail the gentile will pay


the definition of republican these days

is something completely different that

the one who’s really acting

as they ought to to defend the


when he says republican republican and

name only the rhino

the true definition of republican has

only is

only being practiced by a few people

right now that’s what you’re trying

that’s what i’m trying to say

matt gates jim jordan uh josh hawley

just a couple seven eight just a couple

just a couple and it’s you gotta watch

out so thank you

listen to this

proverbs 22 28 says do not remove the

ancient landmarks

which your fathers have set

our fathers were our founding fathers


um a lot of a lot of uh all the

democrats and a lot of republicans

moved the the ancient landmark

and you have no constitution tonight


you only have it in the museum but more

than ever before

we now understand what it means to not

be of this world yes

and more than ever before we are now and

we now understand what it means to be a


of the heavens yes okay we don’t belong

to this place anymore honestly

think about it everything that is going

to happen

first of all they they tell you to your

face we need to cleanse

this world from people like you amen

well exactly amen by the way you can

tell them

don’t invest too much money in it he’s

going to do it for free

you know but my point is that

you but this is what it’s a word of


that i’m trying to convey here

you will feel alienated more and more

and more and more by even your closest


and so but i want to tell you something

this is when your christianity is going

to come

into effect in a greater way greater way

and your family look around you this is

your family i was just talking to

somebody uh

i think last night i’m not sure i don’t

remember but

she was making a comment about family

and i said wait a minute remember this

the old saying goes blood is thicker

than water but as believers

spirits thicker than blood our family in

christ this is our family this is the

this is we are knit together by the

spirit and the world doesn’t understand

they’ll never understand the world

cannot understand we shouldn’t be upset

at them for that they don’t understand


they don’t understand that even if they

issued an edict where we couldn’t meet

in this building

we’re not this building you can’t meet

in the building

okay well maybe that’s fine we’ll meet


you can’t meet over here well then we’ll

meet at the hilltop well you can’t meet


we’ll we’ll just keep meeting this is

what the church is

they don’t understand it’s a living

breathing entity

that was born out of heaven on the day

of pentecost that’s who you

are and and it’s just exciting because

um the more that we eat the word of god


right the more that we become of the


body and that’s never going to stop and

we have to be very careful because

deception apostasy and apostasy is now

creeping into the church like never


be strong be strong and always always be

in the word because look their videos

make sense

because it’s a nice video but the minute

you’re gonna open your bible

and compare what has been said to what

the lord said in his word

you’ll find out that they cut corners

here and there and

and they made things fit into their


so now you’re totally confused now


the point you need to stick to the word

of god now the attack comes from the

outside which we can

take it because we understand but i i am

more concerned about the attack that is

coming from the inside

and if there is one thing look don’t

listen to

anyone but the word of god and if a

preacher comes and teaches you

the word then you test it you go

and test it because i’m telling you

this is the biggest problem right now

that i’m i’m watching and you know

it is part of the end time at the bible

i mean paul

warned timothy said in the very

end people will depart from faith and

will start

going to those all of those doctrines of

demons and stuff like that

but even in second thessalonians we know

that there has to be an apostasy

and make no mistake apostasy is apostasy

people and anything else the bible’s


in the last days people will depart from

the faith just don’t let it be you

and that and the temptation comes this

way and i mean it

it’s this subtle you know what

uh it’s been a rough week i’m not gonna

go to church this week

i understand that and going to church

doesn’t save you

but what happens is it’s like a muscle

where you find out this is what happened

to a lot of people during covet they

found out

christians christians found out that

they have a lot more time on the weekend

if they don’t go to church because my

church was closed

you know we’d get up in the morning we

got dressed we would drive there

with them that’s sometimes a hassle then

we’d go home and usually we’d go

to lunch somewhere and then we got home

until two

wow since coveted we haven’t been going

to church i just realized we’ve got so

much more time

i’ve heard this and

two weeks of that a month three months

of that they’re not coming back

that’s how the enemy works ever so


ever so easy we need to remember what

paul said

he says i discipline my body yes

into subjection to christ

he buff it the word is buffet he buffets


see he doesn’t go around punching

himself it means that he takes his

his bodily appetites and desires and he

gets them under control if you lose that


right what’s the word people call like a

second nature

or automatic response if you lose that

you could easily easily drift

you can easily drift away it’s very very

dangerous we have to be careful

um i don’t know keep going next slide

what do you want to talk

about um you know what we can keep going

that’s just that

well yes we already know that china

that’s a bummer that is coming

yeah that is coming

uh come on

do something good i mean i only say bad


no that’s that’s good to them you do

understand right listen with kamala

harris’s buyback program

it’s not really a buy back program but

you will be giving up your

personal firearms to the federal


and then guess what will happen there’ll

be no more

violent crime anymore

yeah why are you laughing that’s what

they said you go to the state of new

york they’ll tell you give up your gun

gun free zongo works gun-free zone

chicago the only way they

listen seriously you don’t go to chicago

when the sun goes down

you go to your hotel and you stay there

in fact if people were killed

in israel as often as someone

people are killed in chicago on one


i wouldn’t take you guys to israel

you hear the news when one israeli gets

shot it makes international news

nobody covers the fact that there are 10

20 30 people killed on a chicago weekend

and you want to know another gun free

zone you can you do remember gun free

zones mean all the good people do not

have guns

people do not obey laws

washington dc is one of the highest

cities of murder in america why

it’s a gun-free zone all the bad guys go

there because people are sitting ducks

it’s crazy you see yeah and i was

interviewed this week about

second amendment said listen you

take away all the guns in the world

people start using knives look in china

people kill each other with knives

they don’t have guns and remember

kane killed abel he didn’t have a gun he

used the rock i assume

he used the rock right

next next thing um

this is yeah this goes i mean the

nations are pushing back

against these because they know it’s

going to come back and bite them

i lord we pray right now for these four


who are so lost and they don’t know you

they don’t they actually

they probably think because they’re all

multiple billionaires

they all i’m sure they think

that they’re okay and we pray lord in

jesus name tonight somewhere

somewhere in the world these four men

are somewhere

and we ask you lord right now that you’d

speak to them

show them your glory if you showed them

your glory

they would know they have none and that

they would cry out to jesus for


please lord in jesus name amen and made

their stocks continue to plan

that’s the way next next slide

all right yeah there’s uh there are

this is ongoing this is uh you

more and more of you who are in law

enforcement if not already

you who are in law enforcement if you

have not

already been notified by your agencies

or by your departments

that there’s

tactical alert possibilities coming

to your departments that’s no secret

we have a lot this this is a law

enforcement church

many many law enforcement agencies here

we need to really pray

for our first responders

we need to support them this is not a

time for us the citiz

citizenry to waver on our support

to them and uh we really need

uh to make sure that as a community when

you see a police officer

getting gas in their patrol or whatever

they’re at

you need to carefully walk up to them

and i make it a point it depends because

i’m a guy and they don’t know they don’t


i walk up like this and i say hey you

know what i want you to know

i absolutely i say this i absolutely

support you

we pray for i say we that i leave that

open door to

the we we pray for you and do not listen

to cnn that’s what i say

and every time they say thank you and i


that’s what they say thank you and i

don’t we

need them do you realize that without

your police officers in your town

there’s no barrier between the bad guy

in your bedroom

okay you know i i travel around the

world and

i hate to be brainwashed i hate to be

brainwashed period

but when you wait at the airport guess

what you’re watching not anymore

that’s what i’m about to say my point is

cnn airport is over

that’s it

wait a minute do you know why it’s over

they can’t afford it wait

cnn may be going up for sale wait

we should buy it

christian news network

i would change the logo instantly i

can’t even look at it

next next headline

amazon parlor wow

amazon to remove parlor from its web


hosting service no no

thank you come on boycott you’ll never

boycott amazon

i came home tonight amazon was waiting

for me there to greet me

we can’t live without amazon

you’ll never stop amazon come on

try you could you don’t even remember

living without amazon

be honest come on we

you need deliverance i mean

all right that’s not a can you imagine

let’s pretend for a second

how true what i just said is

that if amazon were to say

you have to accept our mark

to continue buying from us on your right

hand or on your forehead they won’t

serve it to you unless you have it

think about it but but

and that’s just amazon could you imagine

there’s going to be a day coming in

revelation 13 when the antichrist comes

on the scene

and it’s not when we’re here you’re not

going to be here

but imagine see how see look

the young generation today they can’t

look at all the technologies they could

never live without

imagine if someone came along and said

if you don’t listen

here’s who we are here’s what i am and

you need to pledge allegiance to me and


make sure i’ll i’ll make sure all of

your packages are delivered on time

at your door i will make sure you’re fed

and i will make sure that no

harm befalls you just bow down and

worship me

by accepting my number

people will get in line to take the

number and those are called

the ones in the bible that are deceived


the devil deceived by the antichrist and

there’s another group that’s not


by the antichrist and the mark of the

beast and those are the tribulation


and that’s very encouraging listen those


in those in that day there will be those

who will bow

to the lordship of the antichrist and

there will be those who will bow to the

lordship of jesus christ

and those who bow to the lordship of

jesus christ the bible says they will be

beheaded the bible says revelation 13

that those in that day who will not who

do not receive the mark of the beast

will be beheaded it doesn’t say that

they’re going to be crushed or run over

it says beheaded you’re going to see

uh and these are not you you’re not

going to see but you’re going to

uh you need to be aware of that it’s

easier now

maybe i guess oh much easier maybe it’s

easier now to live for jesus

hello sometimes i wonder because you

know honestly i’m not being rude

if if i accepted christ in 1977

and somebody said you’re christian yep

just became one last week you know what

i’m gonna kill you for being a christian

boom you know what happens in the world

i think that would have been easier than

living these 40-plus years as a


do you hear what i’m saying for you by

the man think that it’s his grace but by

you living faithful for jesus until the


for decades in a lifetime you know how

much grace it takes

that’s amazing to me yet god will

sustain you and

because you stayed faithful you have a


and the promise is in revelation 3

because you are faithful he says

because you have kept my command

to persevere i will keep

you from the hour

of trial which shall come upon the whole


to test those who

dwell on the earth in other words

because you’ve lived your life as


you’ve got a promise that he’s not going

to let you go

through the hour of trial but he will

keep you from the hour of trial

that is about to come upon the dwellers

of the earth we are not earth dwellers

you need to understand we will be in


we’re being taken and the people that

are on earth

will have a trial that is a

horrible trial because they cannot buy

or they cannot sell

they cannot do anything without that

mark and if you decide to follow

jesus then you’ll probably live in a

cave somewhere

or under the ground somewhere because

you won’t be able to show your face

they’ll they’ll know immediately there’s

nothing on your forehead

and there’s nothing on your right hand

you understand that

so that promise

is so amazing and because of this


we can comfort one another with these


you know how can i come to someone who


we are going to go through the

tribulation we’re going to be beheaded

comfort one another with these words

you know it doesn’t work like that okay

we have a wonderful promise to be

taken in fact out of not through

in fact i want to stress why how can we

be like this

some of you may be thinking what’s wrong

with those people don’t they realize


listen let me apologize for all of us

right now sort of kind of i’m being

a little bit sarcastic in a loving way

for you and and we know we know the

feeling we know we look around we love

this country

we’re completely engaged in the in the

freedom and the liberty of this country

and it’s it’s it’s as though that it’s

burning down around us and don’t you

guys care oh we care

there’s an overwhelming sense though i

know for both of us that

we we have fought the good fight and

we’re fighting it

we’re gonna keep fighting it here’s the

thing when you do all that you can or to

the best of your ability

and you leave it in the hands of the

lord you don’t need to fret

do we want things to get better yes by

the way we’ve read the bible

they will get better we don’t define it

god does okay heaven is our home this


but remember this we can be so confident

tonight and so

at peace because everything that god has

said in his

word he’s done and what has not yet been


he will do he’s never failed you can’t

find one prophecy in the bible where god

didn’t come through for you on it

or god didn’t answer that fulfilled

prophecy he he’s done it

that gives us confidence and so when we

talk about what we do talk about

everything that we say tonight i hope

you understand

is is pregnant with hope yes

because well this and google

and parlor and uh the world and iran

listen the bible speaks in fact

we are confident because the bible

speaks the book of daniel chapter 12.

did you know that daniel 12 talks about


increasing in the last days

at such fast speeds

the bible says that

young people listen the bible says that

the question what are they doing with

that knowledge

okay and uh look we are

witnessing the smarter they get

the more stupid they are because they


see the things that we see look they

cannot see the things that we see

it’s right in front of them and they

cannot see it because they’re

so blind and who blinded them

who blinded them the priest the god of

this world exactly the prince of this

world blinded them from seeing things

that we can see so because they are so


they really think that we need donald

trump to get saved

that’s how they think so the reporter

asks you what are you going to do now

when he’s not in the white house

that’s the way they think that’s how

they think they

are they truly believe that we’re done

right now

but we’re and if we’re not done they’ll

help ah whatever they can just

get us let’s do this let’s tie two

things together that came out tonight

what you just said in the

in the word apostasy check this out one

of the reporters said

so you’re not rattled by this i said

look i voted a certain way

i voted pro-life i wish it would have

gone better

i leave it in the hands of god but

aren’t you aren’t you

but what about the prophecies yeah

remember that yep the prophecies

this is amazing this is the new york

times you’re telling me but what about

the prophecies

the new york times is very prophetic

he’s interested in prophecies

and i said i’m not unless this is the

joy of being

a social media ignorant

i love it you know why

the guy goes aren’t you reading about

all these uh prophets that have said


trump’s gonna have a second term and

it’s gonna go this way and if this is

gonna happen that’s gonna happen

and i said no i’ve not read them i don’t

know what you’re talking about

so he’s telling me and i said no i

the prophets are the prophets in the

bible i don’t know any other prophets

and i know what my bible teaches how

many people have said

this this this hanging onto what a man

has said

i’m not saying god cannot speak through

people but whatever god speaks through


it’s going to agree with this not

contradict this

and so there are people rattled

because so and so

a prophet said thus and so

if it doesn’t happen

what’s that going to do to you you see

how the world is viewing these prophets

look they’re fools and you’re being

fooled and what are you going to do

it’s like they’re not profits

the profits are here yeah and and


it still doesn’t change the fact that i

wanted donald trump to win

because i didn’t vote

well i didn’t vote anyway

i know my point is

i only voted once yeah

anyway i would vote mailing never

but but i i do want you to understand

you shouldn’t doubt your position

why because if they are going to


baby killing that means that you should

have voted for baby killing

no if they’re going to reinstate

anti-israel uh policy that means

you need to turn now against is no of

course not you

always the bible says that we need to be

zealous for good works that’s what the

bible says

in titus that’s right so zealous for

good works

that means in that case voting for the

righteous things not the righteous

man but the righteous platform

and don’t let anyone tell you that

you’ve done a mis you’ve made a mistake

but you know the lord isn’t true no that

you’re doing great

you’re really good all right sorry go


who are the people saying you look you

made a huge mistake look how horrible

what uh you

were silly you made a big mistake you

should apologize for the way you voted

who’s saying that you know who’s saying


the people who 100 disagree with your


exactly they disagree with the the god

that you worship

but you see they they won

and so now they feel that they they can

say you need to say you’re sorry for

voting the way in fact we’re gonna

we are going to post your business

yes on a website and make sure nobody


business with you did you see the mayor

of new york has announced that trump

businesses have got to get out

no no renewing a business license for

trump organizations in new york

did you see it new york city not gonna

shut down the hotels move your offices

you’re gone you gotta go

they now is he gonna is de blasio gonna


i don’t know but who does this

isn’t it amazing that those guys weren’t

around at the founding of our nation

nobody would have gotten off the ground

think about it you’ve got to

love humanity enough to allow people who

completely disagree with you

to have value in your opinion

people who disagree with me have value


npr that’s another one this week monday


i told the reporter i said i’ve i have

respect enough for the constitution

though i’ve never met you ma’am

i would go to war and die for the first

amendment so

you can have the opportunity to print

your material that i so disagree with i


that i used to i said i don’t i don’t

buy your material but

when i later on when i re recouped re

uh what

when i re viewed it in my mind

it dawned on me npr npr

you and i paid taxes to to support npr i

do pay for it but here’s my point

i don’t i don’t believe stuff on that

show i know what i know what they’re


here’s the thing i would die for their


for the first amendment that’s called

being an american

the other team won’t do that


they’ll they’ll die to shut you up but

they will not die

to give you freedom that’s amazing

um let’s take questions wanna do that

you guys okay you don’t sound okay


listen i i’m so tired of this one it’s

just it’s so stupid it doesn’t even

deserve a moment but we’ll give it a


how legit is the impeachment insanity


and it’s not gonna work it’s totally

symbolic honestly to be honest with you

nancy this is all for nancy

everybody in the democrat party i’m

telling you right now

i’m going to go to jail for what i’m

about to say

you do not know how powerful she is

you don’t have a clue

she governs over her minions

because you people listen this is a fact

people who are elected even into her

party who do not agree with her

quickly wind up agreeing with her

because she has a network of people

who study your life and find out about

your inner workings

and she gets her democrat partners to do

exactly what she wants

because she knows exactly who they are

if she doesn’t know she’ll find out

this whole thing today was done because

she made it happen

she has that kind of power everybody in

dc knows it

you never cross her you’ll pay a price

how do you think she’s still in power

it’s remarkable remarkable the


is a symbolic act to try to

uh just crush trump’s

legacy on the way out are there any

credible news sources that you can

recommend the blaze sign up for the

blaze subscribe

now the blaze max newsmax

pray for them newsmax is number one


uh for attacks newsmax by the way is

number one

on the charts newsmax best fantastic

remarkable here’s the deal get newsmax

by the way you got to get it

if you if your if your provider doesn’t

have it dump them gets

get get somebody who carries newsmax get

their app for your phone that’s what i

do i watch it ultimately

uh but newsmax is being attacked

by uh the other team right now i say the

other team i’m not a i’m not a

republican a democrat i’m a monarchist i


i should divulge that i personally my

political uh

affiliation is a monarchist i believe in

a monarchy

you say well i thought we left england

for that it’s jesus it’s

it’s true but i agree with john hancock


and john adams um we have no king but


i’m a monarchist having said that

you need to pray for them and support

newsmax because uh

their their commercial uh

their their supporters on camera you

know commercial

sponsors are beings are being attacked i

know the hebrew word

to leave but so what’s some uh

daily wire oan

epic epoch times epic times epoch times

all right it’s getting slim next one

is there an update on the warships

surrounding israel

which ones which ones

because uh my daughter is in the navy

and uh i would know

was that question is this is that the

right question or were you questioning i

guess they can’t no i don’t know who i’m

talking to

there’s no way look there the u.s has

been called back into the region in the


you’ve got russian boats you’ve got


you’ve got you know you’ve got the

turkish boats iranian

submarines well iranian submarine

is like a little piece of

see i have a picture of it um

but what i want you to know is that

israel has never been stronger

never been stronger never ever been


but they just by the way they just today

they just

uh approved well reinstated our

credit rate a plus you know in a in an

area of the world that

they’re all collapsing all around us to

be a plus it’s a

very very good thing but this is exactly


israel should be at the eve of ezekiel


strong prosperous

and safe and that’s what we are now and

it is going to come look ezekiel is

going to come

whether you want it or not and i’m

saying that about my own country

iran is now flexing its muscles

everyone who wanted trump to to lose are

now they’re parading everywhere all

around the world

and they actually iran set an ultimatum

for america by the 21st

of january you better come back

to the iran deal or else

you’ll you’ll hear from us and listen

uh that’s how it’s going to be from now

on and make no mistake

from what we hear america will be back

in the iran deal

listen uh and they want

seven billion dollars compensation for

the they

for what they lost during trump’s era


iran iran is they’re not threatening to

sue us

but exactly what amir just said can you

believe these guys we’ve already given


uh how much cash did a barack obama give

them one point something billion

yeah they want they wanted cash by the

way they want it in bags

iran wants seven billion dollars tonight


they believe that they should get some

sort of

a restitution for the trauma

that trump has caused iran yes

they’re traumatized they’re asking

they’re asking

what planet are we on and by the way

you’ll never get back to the iran deal

unless you pay

them make no mistake they’ll get it

and you’re probably going to promise not

you i mean you know

i’m talking about right them yeah but

your new administration is going to want

it so badly

that at some point some shape they will

give it to them

but they will not let you know by the

way obama never told the people that he

is paying them

one point something billion dollars in

fact what did he say

in fact in fact

the cash billion almost two billion


or maybe more i don’t know does it

matter doesn’t matter if it was a ten


what he did was

absolutely something that was to lock

him up

instantly you cannot spend

taxpayer money without the proper legal

governmental entities

knowing about it and he did it

that tells you tons about who or

what that person is

it only benefited him at your expense

and he did it in secret and he used the

us military to be his postal service

and it was absolutely treasonous

boxes of cash unbelievable

and that’s how iran funds terror by the

way the iranians just admitted that they

smuggled to gaza boxes of

us dollars to to to buy whatever they

need to buy

terrorism by the way in the name of the

war on terror they will eliminate cash

completely you understand and and but


it’s it’s it’s being done it’s right

there it’s before our very eyes iran by

the way

secret report of the international

atomic energy

uh uh agency uh just

uh was it’s a secret report

that iran breached

the agreement in fact iran has all

the the things it needs for a military

nuclear program right now right in other


all that they said that we needed just

for civilian purposes

for energy it was just baloney they are

already now

ready to make that move for the military

thing something that we already exposed

when we got to eat tehran and we

took all their nuclear archive from that


warehouse we showed the world that even


that agreement was signed they were on

the path for the bomb

because they said to the world we never

wanted a bomb

all we want is nuclear energy

and then we brought all those you know


everything was there and they didn’t

know what to say but apparently

they are going back there right now and


in the name of oh we need to stop them


the new administration is going to run

back to this one

let’s just do this quick uh do you think

president trump is going to install

martial law

no or give the office over to biden

trump’s going to do what’s best for the


up to the last moment and he will

he will use every bit of legal options

that’s available to him to the last


and so would so would you

so would you um

the thing is that i understand his

his uh commitment to stand strong on


i don’t i i’m not phased by anyone’s


i have to be honest with you i don’t

care if it’s a christian or news


or i don’t care if it’s the pope and i

mean that directly and sincerely

anyone who criticizes his tenacity

to stick to the constitution you got to

understand something you may not

like what he’s doing maybe you should

he should just concede which is a legal

act by the way it’s a legal

procedure to concede um

if you if you know that you were robbed

of the election

you wouldn’t concede until the last

absolute moment just to make a statement

of of ethics and integrity

but nobody’s thinking like that anymore

they just want to move on with their

with their lollipop and all bad things

you know what what is the same

orange man orange man bad

okay well you know what have your

opinion but

that guy has upheld the constitution


than 90 of our elected bozos

and never took a dime you know why by

the way

by the way you should know this

uh if you had invested your life

into the nation and the world like he

has and what he stands to lose

you cannot criticize them the the pope


me and amir we have no voice on this

issue regarding

what he’s committed to because none of

us are invested in the united states

like he is

he how many people do you employ

compared to him

how many people depend upon you to

succeed to feed their kids

like others do for regarding his


he’s got a lot to lose other politicians

had almost nothing to lose

or had nothing to lose it’s very

different real quick

uh i i just saw trump had declared a

state of

you know i keep hearing about this i

don’t see any proof of this well the

state of the world does this mean

it’s at the request of the dc mayor

so he allowed more national guards to be


just so everything will be okay it has

nothing to do with

all of these theories that that mean the

quote you can exactly you can

feel behind the question maybe he’s got

something up his sleeve

yeah uh i don’t think so uh

she asked and he’s he doesn’t have to

but he did

he issued uh looks it’s

it’s uh


it’s what you need to know

about the one who makes it all matter

you guys it’s not

remember we’ve said it so many times

we’ll say it forever more it’s not what

you know

it’s who you know it’s who you know it’s

not what you vote it’s

who counts not just joking

that’s terrible

and true at the same time that is

terrible because we used to america

we were the gatekeeper of i know of

democracy voting in the world yeah but

stalin said that there’s not a country

in the world

yeah that would look to the united

states ever again

to help them with actually they all look

at you and they learn that the left the

liberals all around the world just found


a great way to take over a country

that’s it they are looking at you yeah

they are learning

but the wrong thing is don’t you have a

flight to catch you right now

do you think oh that the last question

right now

are closer more do you sense that we as

christians are closer to more severe

persecution in america absolutely

no doubt about it yes yeah no doubt

about it butch by the way you need to

conduct yourself wisely

from here on out and i don’t know if you

have any constitutional rights i

i don’t think i do

um free speech in a matter of

hours was gone from us


it’s another it’s not the same it’s not

the country

that it was yes

and personally


remember this i per from history

i don’t believe if satan wants


to happen every time persecution happens

that the church gets strong stronger

he knows this so then why does it happen

if he doesn’t want it then why because

you know listen evil cannot control


evil opens the tube of the toothpaste

and starts to squeeze it and it starts

coming out

and it just goes and it can’t handle


it can’t control it has no self-control

it’s evil

so evil once it gets going that’s how it

happens i think satan likes the shadows

but when it goes too far

then you’ve got a church that’s being

persecuted and everywhere in the world

throughout the last 2000 years whenever

the church is persecuted

the unbeliever flocks to it

because they see oh my gosh look at

those people

they’re dying or they’re being

terrorized or they’re being mocked

they’re being ridiculed and scorned and

they’re not caving in

what is it that they believe i don’t

have anything like that in my life

hey tell me more what is this isn’t that

what you read the book of acts

it’s how it works and how

why listen you need to trust jesus


amen listen it’s not that that’s how it

works i should say

it’s how he works he does it

he saves he forgives

he rescues you have listen you have a


your life is not politics our lives

is it’s not politics our lives are not a


our lives listen our lives we have a


we worship our god we take a hike

we eat pizza we have fun we can go


or we can take a walk why we have lives

we enjoy what god’s given us the other


they have only one god

and it’s a little g it’s government

that’s their world that’s not oh my god

that’s not all that we have we do

righteousness we say hey you know what

god is life we should stand for life

and if people accept it or not it

doesn’t it doesn’t change the truth that

god is life

god is life he gives life he’s he’s the


at the end of the day we joked about it


when we came out i told amir

in one of our lighter moments i said uh

remember i said we

uh to encourage him just before we came

out i stopped and turned around i said


they could only torture us so long

and he goes okay and i said you can only

die so long and then you’re dead

and when you’re dead you’re free

and he said that’s right to be uh to uh

what’d you say it was a bible

absent no no you didn’t say that verse

it was other for me

to live is christ christ to die

so we joke the same somebody grabs you

so you’re jack yes yes you’re a mirror


we’re going we’re going to kill you okay


thank you okay wait you okay with that

i’m okay with that

but we don’t like that you’re okay with

that so stop trying to kill me

so so we’re not going to kill you okay

but you okay with that yes then we’re

going to kill you

okay well you’re okay with that

yes to live is christ

or then we’re gonna kill you to die is


right you you can’t be stopped

you can’t you can’t be stopped

so tonight you need to trust jesus

christ as lord and savior

jesus said unless you’re born again the

word in greek is born from above

unless you have a birth that comes from


you will not jesus said listen well i

mean this all due respect my catholic

friends listen

you’re never told this and how do i know

i have hundreds and hundreds of

catholics tell me

i’ve never heard this before jesus said

in john chapter 3

unless you are born again born from


you will never see

the kingdom of heaven

yes you need to know this

jesus went on to say in that chapter you

were born of your mother

in this world through water and here you

are nicodemus

look at you well to get into the world

that is to come

you need to be born in the heavenly


of the spirit of god

being a member of a church does

zero for you eternally

nowhere in heaven is there the catholic


the calvary chapel section the baptist


nowhere the bible says there is every

kindred tribe

tongue and nation of people who

have been saved by the blood of the lamb

jesus okay

who he by his blood has washed us from

all of our sins that’s how you’re going

to get to heaven

by believing him when he says i am your

atonement i’m your sacrifice

you trust me and i have dealt with your

sin at the cross 2000 years ago

you don’t even know what he’s telling

you maybe for the first time tonight

you don’t need to carry around your

guilt and shame anymore

you come to me and you recognize you you

tell me jesus not me not a mirror

it’s ridiculous it’s so silly the book

of hebrews says stop

confessing your sins to a priest book of

hebrews says this in the bible

stop confessing your sins to a priest

who he himself

has to go confess his sins to somebody

but come to christ our great high priest

have you ever done that you should do

that and you’ll be set free

from the things that are weighing down

the world tonight

and causing people to be gripped by fear

from kovid

to the election to nuclear war to what’s

happening next who knows here’s the


your level of fear is directly connected


your level of faith you put your faith

in god

he removes fear don’t you want to have


it’s a great way to live choose jesus


i i just wanted to say that we i

strongly believe we’re reaching the

finish line

yes we are reaching the finish line and

when paul

felt that his finish line was there

around the corner

this is the first time he changed

the declaration of running

to i have completed

the race and then he says i he says

i am already being poured out as a drink


and the time of my departure is at hand

and that’s what we need to strive to say

i have fought the good fight

i have finished the race i have

kept the faith finally

there is laid up for me the crown of


which the lord not a judge

here that are so corrupt not the corrupt


the righteous judge he said will give

to me on that day the day of the rapture

the day that we stand before jesus

to receive our crowns paul understands

i’m not running to get a medal right now

i’m gonna run the race

complete the race make it to the finish

line stand before jesus

and i’m gonna wait for all of you

because when you will come

that’s when he will receive that crown

of righteousness that’s what he says not

only for me

he said i love listen not all but to

all who have loved his

appearing hallelujah

this is the finish line you don’t want

to quit the race now

how foolish all your life you were

running that christian race

and now when you reach the finish line

to just say

it’s too hard i love what you’re

look jesus he’s saying you all your life

you’ve run the race and here we are at

the finish line and i’m thinking

but what about the person who even

tonight is saying yes i want jesus

but we’re at the finish line that’s

right perfect lucky you huh yes

no seriously that’s like my mom my mom

cheated she lived her whole life

and then she accepts christ and dies

four weeks later

what kind of a thing is that that’s

amazing listen

you jesus talked about this and he said

uh he said in the parable

he said that he agreed with a man early

in the morning

to work will you work for me all day for

five dollars

and the man said absolutely so the guy

goes out there working

jesus said this is what the kingdom of

heaven’s like and i love what the mayor

just said because it triggered this


so the man’s working how much did he

agree to work for

five bucks how long till the end of the

day all day to the end of the day

till five o’clock okay so then at

ten in the morning somebody shows up and

they and

the master says hey i need i need more


uh i’ll pay you five bucks if you

work until a quitting time okay so that

guy’s out there working and then it’s

like two o’clock in the afternoon

and the master of the field says you

know what i need to hire more people

hey will you guys go into the field and

and fin and work till five o’clock i’ll

pay you five bucks

and then like an hour before it’s

closing time like four o’clock another

guy shows up

and jesus says that the master says

one more i need one more helper will you

work this hour for me

for five bucks and at the end the

master’s paying out

and the guy that was there all day says

what are you doing

you gave that guy five bucks he’s been

here for an hour i’ve been here for

eight hours

and jesus said what’s that to you yeah

you agreed to work for me for five bucks

all day

yeah he’s so jewish well

listen listen

it’s true think about it

israel will be saved when jesus comes


it’s true hello that’s great shortcut so

you say well

so you mean you mean so you guys have

been with jesus for years and i can

accept jesus tonight

and get the same heaven yep absolutely

what a deal

such a deal


now we’re way over yeah you can’t quit

now that’s the thing

don’t quit don’t quit run the race


the race stand strong don’t quit let’s

all stand keep the faith

in fact let’s stand let’s stand father

we pray tonight lord

in the name of your only begotten son

jesus the one who makes

all of this possible the one who your

word tells us

is the creator the one who tells us that

angels will someday bow in worship

before every knee will bow including


himself and every person that’s ever

lived will bow

so lord tonight we pray

we pray for a miracle and i think that’s

appropriate tonight because

a miracle cannot be described or defined

only enjoyed

and marveled at

father we know from our nation’s history

washington was surrounded so many times

lord they were about ready to surrender

and there never would have been the

united states

when the british 400 ships

surrounded manhattan

and washington was there and all of our

troops and it was over

and even the generals and the admirals

of the british navy said

we had never seen a fog instantly appear

and by mourning to find out that all of

the american rebels had escaped

manhattan island of new york

to the mainland that does that’s not

supposed to happen

lord we’re asking you tonight to make

the definition of this yours but lord we

pray for a miracle tonight

we pray for a miracle in our nation we

don’t deserve it

we ask you to forgive us of our sins we

forgive us of our apathy

you have given us each of us as human

beings so much aptitude

so much ability and we have used so

little like our brains

we have a big brain but we’ve used so

little of it and you’ve given us all

all of us a big footprint of influence

and we

we’ve barely used it we’re asking you to

forgive us

and we’re asking you lord in your tender

mercies if you might somehow prolong our


our liberties

and i pray that we’d do something with

it that would honor you if you did

if you don’t we ask you lord that you to

remember mercy

and judgment so father we give you this


present to you ourselves and to any man

or woman tonight

listening that they would bow their need

to you jesus and say lord be my savior

i accept you tonight i want that joy i

want that ability

i want that i want that word of god in

me too

i want to have the hope of eternal life

and lord may you transform them like

you’re transformed and transforming

us ever so much into the

image of your dear son until we see him

face to face until then

as the mayor just said may we not give

up until we see the whites

of his eyes may we not give up

in jesus name and all god’s people said


amen god bless you guys


well hey thanks for listening and uh we

appreciate you

and of course we do in this time and in

this age us being together and linking

up together to get the word of god out

is actually ministry being fulfilled and

in fact if you would like to subscribe

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and look we’re going to continue on with

or without you

we’re inviting you to join us no

pressure but if you’d like to link arms

in this venture you’d be greatly

appreciated so listen keep praying for

us we’re praying for you god bless you

and we’ll see you back here real soon