This is “Begging for the Body.” God does not oppose you having good things, so long as they don’t have you. Joseph was rich and a disciple and He did what He was able to do because of his wealth and status, and he leveraged his wealth and status to honor and serve Jesus. Are you using your influence to help the body of Christ?

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection if you’re lost you’re welcome

here if you’re a drug addict you’re

welcome here don’t treat them in a

different level and let the Holy Spirit

save them and set them free we can’t do

it but the plan of Jesus can



how great is is all the sea


he’s a god that sounds so good you gotta

keep singing it one more time







sing it everybody – yeah



sing it


has he got any great things me


with his



with this



shouting klappa phrase


he’s great given the

that’s it crazy crazy

and that he still heals that he still

provides that he still delivers he skill

sets free he still lifts up feel Chris

Lord we praise God be the glory

I love you look all the church said amen

look at someone and say you’re in the

right place today you may be seated

don’t it feel good to worship together

wonder what Heaven’s gonna be like you

have your Bibles don’t want you to open

them with me to the book of Matthew the

27th chapter I want to talk to you as we

are concluding this series on the

exchange today about this remarkable man

who was mentioned in all four of the

Gospels he lived in a little obscure

village and called Arimathea which is

about 20 miles from Jerusalem and yet

his contribution to the kingdom of God

is is so incredible again that every

writer of the gospel every new test of

the four Gospels they included the story

of Joseph of Arimathea the Bible tells

us a few facts about him number one it

says in verse 57 he was a rich man he

was wealthy he was blessed we would say

he had tremendous resources and then the

Bible says in the same verse that he

became a disciple of Jesus so you can be

wealthy and you can be a Christian you

can be wealthy and be a disciple of

Christ God doesn’t mind if you have

things he just doesn’t want the things

to have you and then notice what else it

says it said that this man with all of

his giftings with all of his ability

with all of his wealth with all of his

prestige with all of his name fame in

his popularity he was a member of the

Sanhedrin we’re told which was the

political system of that day he was but

he did not consent to their ways the

scripture said in other words he was in

it but he didn’t agree with everything

he was there to influence so he had

influence he had wealth he had power he

had prestige but he understood it wasn’t

about him the thing that I want you to

see is this man went where no one else

could go but someone

like himself who had been trusted with

much when it came time to affect the

body of Christ the physical body of

Christ had Jesus had been crucified he

had died and now the body of Christ was

being kept by helped by a pilot the

judge and he had the remains of Jesus he

had his physical body and this man used

the influence the wealth the giftings

that were significant to him and he knew

that that gave him an opportunity to go

where nobody else could go except him

because I guess he had probably given to

this and given to that he understood God

gave me all of this wealth and prestige

for one purpose to affect the body of

Christ I need to get the body of Christ

into my city and prepare a place to put

it I don’t care what condition it’s in

I’m gonna move it from a death position

to a resurrection position and it’s my

responsibility think about what I’m

saying one man move the body of Christ

one man said I’m moving it from where it

is to where it ought to be and he said

the only way I can do this is I

understand God has not blessed me with

wealth and with fame and with prestige

and with popularity to be all about me

but he has given me this influence and

resources for one purpose to the body of

Christ then was a physical body of Jesus

but Paul calls the church the body of

Christ and he said I’m going to use

everything that God has given me to make

sure I help produce a place for the body

of Christ to have a permanent place in

the city where I live now I know he

wouldn’t stay there permanently he only

needed it for three days but had he not

moved the body of Christ there couldn’t

have been a resurrection and here’s what

I want you to understand

he went to hair he went to Pilate and

the Bible said that he begged King James

says he begged for the body of Christ he

was begging for the opportunity to get

involved with the body of Christ which

is the church now under the new covenant

he was you don’t you didn’t have to beg

him usually the more Fang the more

wealth people get the more independent

they get the more they think they don’t

need God as much he’s lucky to have me

but this guy had the total opposite idea

he said God has blessed me so much has

raised me so much has been so good to me

I’m begging you Pilate let me get my

hands involved with the body of Christ

I’m not gonna use all the blessings that

God has given me to keep me disconnected

from the body the only reason I was

given all of this stuff was that it

should help impact an influence the body

of Christ in my city to have a place

it’s pretty amazing

are you willing to beg for the

opportunity to be involved in the body

of Christ

most people have to be begged to serve

beg to give we are not begging anybody

for anything it is a privilege to give

it is the privilege to serve it is an

honor to be in church worshipping Jesus

and that’s the attitude that God looks

for is do you willingly offer yourself

to me or do people have to beg you to do

what you know you ought to be doing he

was begging the word beg means to craze

to have an obsession he was obsessed

with the body of Christ he was obsessed

with with impacting and providing a

place for the body of Christ meaning his

tomb the people that have influence and

resources the only reason he was given


influence here it the only reason he was

given that wealth was to move and

enhance the body of Christ one man took

advantage of his position of his well of

his giftings of everything for one

purpose to move the body of Christ where

it needed to be the money that he had

the wealth that he had he said I want to

use it all to impact the body of Christ

it was his passion

everybody shout passion you see the

church ought to be our passion

compassion was birth in his heart for

the church and he said I don’t care what

they look it looks like it’s got it’s

got nail scars in it I know it’s bloody

I know it’s bruised I know it doesn’t

look like much but I won’t I’m begging

for the opportunity to be involved with

that with that body that doesn’t look

like much

you see I don’t care how bad people look

I don’t care how decayed their life is I

don’t care how dead spiritually they are

addicted they are the truth is they

ought to be a part of the body of Christ

and it must become our obsession and our

passion and our compassion to reach them

we’re not a sanctuary for the saved we

are a hospital for the sick and everyone

is welcome here with your addiction with

your problem with your issues with your

troubled marriage with your messed-up

family we’re all messed up but by the

grace of God and we must reach people

with the message of Jesus the Bible said

that as soon as he got the body of

Christ notice what he did he put clean

linen on it

he put clean linen on the body of Christ

he wrapped it in clean called

in other words he was saying if I’m

gonna be involved with the body of

Christ again which is the church I need

to add to its holiness I need to add to

its cleanliness I don’t want to

desecrate the body by having uncleanness

in my

own life and so if you’re gonna get

involved in blessing the body of Christ

make sure that you clean it up make sure

that you are part of cleansing the body

of Christ I don’t want to be one thing

in the pulpit and something else outside

the pulpit

I don’t want secrets and bondages in my

life I’ve lived free up to this point I

don’t intend to go into darkness and

bondage if I’m gonna touch and preach

and minister and helping lead in the

body of Christ I want to add to the

holiness I want to dress it in clean

linen and never has there been a

generation that needed the message of

holiness and sanctification and being

clean if you’re gonna sing sing with

clean linen own if you’re gonna serve if

you’re gonna work for God if you’re

gonna give give with a cleanness of

heart this is God I’m doing my best to

live right for you come on and give me a

big hand right there add to its

cleanliness add to its holiness it

matters what you look at it matters what

you listen to it matters what you feel

your mind and your body and your eyes

and your ears will it matters and if

you’re gonna be involved with the body

of Christ put clean linen on live clean

during the week and then when you come

in here you will be amazed at how God

will use you and speak to you and lead

you and guide you he took the body

what’s this and he positioned it after

he put it in clean white linen from a

death position to a resurrection

position he said I know a resurrection

is coming and I’m gonna move it from

death position to resurrection position

the resurrection is the type of the

rapture and our job is to provide a

place for the body of Christ in every

city where we king of and what we’re

doing is we’re moving the body of Christ

from this old world of death and we’re

getting it ready for the trumpet to

sound and the resurrections gonna take

place and

those who have been moved from death to

life are gonna be ready for the

resurrection when the trumpet sounds

we’re going up oh I still want to say

that I believe in the second coming of

Jesus Christ it could happen today and I

tell you it’s gonna be wonderful I’m not

so in touch with this world that there’s

nothing I wouldn’t gladly leave behind

and say I’m going to a better country

how about you we’re getting ready for a

resurrection this is what God is called

free chapel to do we’re supposed to be

involved in positioning the body of

Christ for revival that’s what these

buildings are about that’s why we’re

building new churches that’s why we’re

buying new TV stations that’s why we’re

expanding the ministry to two hundred

and forty eight nations why do we do


why do we try to reach hundreds of

thousands every week not try to we do by

social media and all this going on the

youtubes and all of those things even

now tens of thousands of people are

watching online why do we do that

because we’re moving the body of Christ

positioning them for the next mighty

move of God a revival is coming to the

body of Christ people are going to be

baptized in the Holy Spirit by the

thousands and millions miracles are

coming back to the church come on and we

need to position the body of Christ your

sons and your daughters will prophesy

when God pours out his spirit and God

says I just need a church to get the

vision of providing a place for the body

of Christ so that when the revival comes

and I breathe on my church resurrection

life will come to a whole generation I

don’t want the clinking of religious

machinery around here

I won’t revival

I won’t resurrection

he was involved in anointing the body of

Christ the Bible said he laid it listen

to these words in his own team Oh W in

his own Tim that’s a remarkable thing in

other words he had ownership it cost him

something he had used his wealth to buy

this piece of property and the Bible

said it was a rock that he had hewn out

he had cut it out he had that get a pig

and he had to maybe hire people to help

him and they had to get wheelbarrows and

they had to how long how hard it’s hard

work ministry is a four-letter word work

and he had bought the place that he

owned he had hewn it out dug it out all

to provide a place for the body of

Christ that’s a lot

you know forgiving you need to calm down

you’re getting a little you’re a little

different why are you begging to be

involved in that it’s just the church

they don’t need your help in Hell this

guy said I’m begging let me work for the


let what I’m doing matter beyond just

blessing me let it have impact on the

body of Christ he hewed it out the Bible

said that when he got three with the

with the team and he got the body of

Jesus dressed in white linen and put the

anointing spices on it saying I’m

anointing something dead but it’s about

to come alive and he laid it in the tomb

and he rolled the stone in front and the

Bible said listen to this that that that

Mary Magdalene Verte verse 61 Mary

Magdalene was there on one side and the

other Mary you know the Virgin Mary pure

Holy Mary so I want you to see it there

is Mary Magdalene who you know according

to by

was a former prostitute she had seven

demons when Jesus met her and he cast

the devil out of her she felt

comfortable hanging around this place

where the body of Christ was she didn’t

feel like she was less than and here’s

Holy Mary the other Mary I like how the

Bible puts that there that there’s that

Mary and then there’s the other Mary

Virgin Mary Holy Mary but both of them

felt equally comfortable in this place

that was housing the body of Christ it

was for every status of society he

positioned the body listened so it was

attractive to everybody so if you had a

past you could come and you didn’t feel

less than sister righteous who had been

in the church all of her life that you

could come from a terrible background

and you were all treated the same that

that you both got equal access and

everybody if you were rich you felt

wanted if you were poor you felt

cherished if you were of someone of a

had an addiction or if you’d been in

church all your life and never smoked –

never drank never – you never ran with

women who do you you felt totally

comfortable from any status of life I

want to say that if you’re gay the

church ought to be a place that you feel

totally comfortable we’re gonna preach

the gospel and we’ll let the gospel

change you if you’re transgender

you’re welcome here if you’re lost

you’re welcome here if you’re a drug

addict you’re welcome here if you’ve got

alcohol on your breath treat them just

like you treat somebody who’s been here

thirty years giving big donations don’t

treat them any different level and let

the Holy Spirit save them and set them


we can’t do it but the blood of Jesus

can I’m almost done but every status

every status of life he preserved it

you see if he wouldn’t have gotten that

body it would have decayed and failed to

pieces we’re begging for the body of

Christ I just want to say this the body

of Christ is not Baptists the body of

Christ is not Pentecostal the body of

Christ is not method as the Presbyterian

Orthodox or Catholic the body of Christ

is the body of Christ


and-and-and-and I’m not competing with

my Baptist friends I celebrate every

church in this city that’s preaching

Jesus we’re all the body of Christ can

the hands Center the foot I don’t need

you came to I say to the ear I have no

part with you

we’re the body of Christ I’m begging for

the body of Christ do you want God to

bless you do you want him to raise you

up do you want him to bless your family

and your dreams and the call and give

you the amazing success the key to it is

get connected to the body of Christ

connect your business your resources

your life your dreams your talents to

the body of Christ and if you’re ready

to get right with God

this is your moment jesus said if you

will ask me I will not turn you away he

said what I have in my hand no man can

pluck you out of mine he wants to

connect you to the body of Christ and to

your purpose pray this prayer say Lord

Jesus forgive me and cleanse me of my

sins I have I need a life I need freedom

I need your peace in my life and so

today I come to you I want to live for a

greater cause I want to be a part of the

body of Christ I want to do what you

called me to do I wanted I want to reach

people and I want to see a change in my

own life that they will see and know

that you’re real in Jesus name I pray


if you prayed that prayer we would love

to hear from you call the number on the

screen go online let us know what God

has done in your life you know in our

closing moments I want to encourage you

to join us in the exchange offering the

beautiful thing about this ministry is

we’ve got a lot of opportunities right

now and you can be a major part of what

God is doing I’ve said for the last few

weeks on this program that in Romans

Paul talks about how will they hear if

somebody doesn’t preach and then he says

how will they preach if somebody doesn’t

send them if somebody doesn’t support

them if somebody doesn’t finance them so

they’re preachers and they’re senders

and which one is most important you

can’t have one without the other and we

and we will share in the reward when we

get to heaven seen lives

heaven seen Souls saved and it won’t be

because of the preachers and it won’t be

because of the cinders it’ll be the two

linking together making a kingdom

connection and saying I have resources

you have a message that can change the

world together we can bring glory to God

with our lives and what we do I tell you

that’s what it’s all about the older you

get the more the focus of eternity comes

into view and you begin to ask yourself

what have I done for the kingdom of God

I’m asking you this year to go up a

level in your commitment to helping this

ministry I believe God will open the

windows of heaven over your family over

your life in remarkable ways financially

as you help us preach the gospel across

America and around the world thank you

so much pray about it ask God ask God

what he would have you do that’s all we

ask you to do and I know he’ll bless us

and he’ll bless you because we preach

the gospel to the world thank you bless


God is calling Kingdom connection to

expand our reach and we are ready to

answer that call together we can take

Kingdom connections to major

metropolitan communities across the

United States on networks such as ABC

NBC CBS and Fox we already reach around

the world through Christian television

networks but we are ready to take the

hope and message of Jesus to the lost

and hurting people in the cities where

they live with your gift this month you

will join Kingdom connections in sharing

the gospel with an even greater reach

when you give a gift of $40 or more you

may request Jenson Franklin’s new three

CD series the exchange 2.0 this teaching

series will encourage you to release

what’s in your hand

to experience the blessing of the

exchange to learn more call us or visit

Jensen Franklin TV hope starts with you

together we can do something incredible

for the kingdom of God

as a church free chapel strives to

create spaces and places for people to

have a true encounter with Jesus

currently we have five campuses across

the country our Orange County California

campus is our second largest campus in

attendance with over 3,200 attending

services each week our Spartanburg South

Carolina campus is a shining light to

the community our Gwinnett Georgia

campus which launched a few years ago is

thriving when net had the honor of being

instrumental in helping launch our

Beauford campus and because of you we

were able to launch there in January of

2017 it’s been an incredible first year

and in Gainesville Georgia we have

completed a beautiful renovation of our

existing building as well as the

construction of a brand new chapel and

amphitheater today we’re honored to

announce plans for the launch of not one

but two new campuses over the next year

and most recently we have amazing news

on a longtime dream of planting a church

directly in the heart of Atlanta we’ve

secured a contract to hold services in

beautiful Midtown Atlanta at the center

stage theater beginning in February of

2018 this state-of-the-art facility is

in the heart of Midtown within reach of

the nearly half a million people who

live in the city together we are

creating spaces for brand-new families

to experience an encounter with God

together we can inspire more people to

live for Jesus everything we do is about


we hope you’ve enjoyed this teaching by

Jenson Franklin and thank you for your

continued support of this ministry your

prayers and financial support make these

programs possible
