This is “Can Jesus Use Me?”. Do you ever wonder, “Am I someone God can use?” Many of us think our past disqualifies us. We think our weakness or failures disqualify us. We believe God only uses great men and women who are far better than us. But throughout scripture we see God take weak, broken people from all kinds of backgrounds, and use them to accomplish His purposes. He’s even been known to use animals a time or two

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>> Thank you for joining us

today on Kingdom Connection.

It’s my prayer that God

will use something specific

in this broadcast today

to really speak directly

to your spirit.

I say that with confidence

because I know God

still speaks to us,

and it’s really our desire here

that you will open your heart

and hear a now word

of what God is saying to you.

We’re so grateful

to have you with us

on Kingdom Connection today.

Let’s go right into the service.

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>> I wanna talk to you

for a few moments.

I feel like the Lord’s really

dealt with my heart about

that I’m given the title

in the form of a question,

“Can Jesus Use Me?”

That’s what I want you

to ask yourself.

Can Jesus use me?

And in Matthew 21,

“Now when they drew near

to Jerusalem and came

to Bethphage,

at the Mount of Olives,

then Jesus sent two disciples,

saying to them, ‘Go into

the village opposite you,

and immediately you will find

a donkey tied,

and a colt with her.

Loose them and bring

them to Me.

If anyone says anything to you,

you shall say,

‘The Lord has need of them,’

and immediately

he will send them.

And this was done that

it might be fulfilled which

was spoken by the prophet,

saying, ‘Tell the daughters

of Zion, behold, your King

is coming lowly,

sitting on a donkey,

a colt, the foal of a donkey.’

So the disciples went

and did as Jesus commanded them.

They brought the donkey

and the colt,

laid their clothes on them,

and set Him on them,

and a very great multitude

spread their clothes

on the road,” notice that,

“and others cut down branches

and trees and spread

them on the road.

The multitudes who went before

them cried out, saying:

‘Hosanna to the Son of David!

Blessed is He who comes

in the name of the Lord!'”

Can Jesus use me?

Everybody say that,

can Jesus use me?

This third verse is what

I really wanna center in on,

the Lord,

this particular chapter.

I could’ve read this story

in all four Gospels because

it’s so important.

All four writers of the four

Gospels of the New Testament,

all four of them

included this story and used

that phrase.

One of them made it different

and said, “The Lord

has need of him,”

but the point is clear.

What’s interesting about

this text is nowhere else

in all the Bible does

God ever have a need.

The Scripture said,

“The Lord has need of him.”

Jesus told them to tell anyone

who tried to stop them

from taking that animal

and bringing it for His purpose.

He said, “You tell them the Lord

has need of that.

I need that.”

I mean, you can’t find

in the Bible

where God has a need.

He said in Acts 17 that,

“I’m not worshiped

with man’s hands,”

listen to these words,

“as though God needs anything.”

That’s in Acts 17,

“as though God needs anything.”

God doesn’t need anything.

He’s self-sufficient.

And yet this text said,

“God needs something.”

This is the only place

in the Bible where God said,

“I need something outside

of myself.”

You need water.

You need food.

You need stuff to survive.

God says,

“I don’t need anything.”

God’s even said in Acts 17,

“I don’t even need

your worship.”

We think we come to church

‘cause God needs our worship.

God does not need your worship.

You need to worship.

You need the house of God.

You need to lift your hands

in gratitude

and praise the Lord.

God is not the one who

needs the worship.

You need to worship

‘cause you’re gonna worship

something, and you’re gonna

worship somebody,

and you need to worship God.

In Psalms 50, He said,

“If I were hungry,

would you feed me?”

That’s the great famous verse

where He says,

“I own the cattle

of 1,000 hills.

What are you gonna do for me?

What are you gonna give me?

You don’t have anything I


But in this text,

this unusual text,

Jesus said,

“I need that donkey.”

I want you to notice He didn’t

say I need a white stallion,

I need a beautiful show horse,

a Tennessee Walker

or a Clydesdale

that’s got powerful muscles.

I don’t need any of that

in the most,

one of the most critical moments

of Jesus’s earthly ministry.

He would use that animal to go

into Jerusalem the last week

of His life and die on the cross

for you and for me.

And in one of the most critical

moments of His life He said,

“I don’t need a stallion.

I need that donkey.

I need it.

I can’t take salvation

to the world unless I can use

something that I can ride on.”

A donkey is a beast of burden.

A donkey more than anything

else is a burden bearer.

If you’ve ever been overseas

and you go to the mission field,

you’ll see a lot.

In places like Haiti.

You’ll see people in South

America or wherever.

In third-world countries.

You will see a lot of donkeys,

and sometimes you will see

those donkeys just

so covered in a load,

big bags on the side that are

so massive that you can’t

even hardly — the animal

is so low to the ground,

and you can’t even hardly see

the thing except for its head

and its tail because

it’s carrying such a load.

If a donkey is anything,

it’s a burden bearer.

The church was not built

by stallions.

The church was built by people

who would take on a burden.

Great families are not built

by show horses.

Somebody’s gotta carry a burden.

Somebody’s gotta carry a burden

for the house of God,

for the finances of the house

of God, for the worship.

Somebody’s gotta carry

a burden of prayer.

Somebody’s gotta carry

a burden of praise.

You can’t just —

somebody’s gotta start carrying

a burden to win the lost again

because we’re in the most

critical time in my lifetime,

in the history of this Nation,

and people are lost

and deceived,

and they don’t know Jesus.

They know religion.

They’ve heard the story,

but they don’t know Jesus,

and somebody’s got to carry

a burden of bringing Jesus

to a lost and dying world.

Somebody’s gotta get it.

Somebody’s gotta get it.

And I wanna give you some

lessons from this story

that I pray will become

real to you, and it will answer

because when I look

at this donkey,

I see the kinds of people

Jesus can use.

The kinds of people Jesus

will choose and use are found

in this story,

and I’m gonna give you five,

maybe six, if I have time,

quick things that this story

teaches us lessons

from the donkey of what

qualifies you to be used by God.

Number one, the greatest

blessings come from the greatest

burdens you bear.

Jesus Christ was

the greatest blessing.

Understand this.

The burden that animal bore

was the blessing

that he carried.

All we care about in this

generation is the blessing,

the blessing, the blessing.

I want the blessed life.

Somebody needs to write a book

about the burdened life

because the greatest blessings

in life always come out

of the heaviest burdens

that you have to carry in life.

You cannot separate

the blessings from the burdens.

If you get a burden,

then the blessings will come.

Notice that the weight of Jesus

on that animal,

that was the burden,

and yet the burden

was the blessing

that God would use.

When you understand that

the burden of Jesus Christ

is where the blessing

comes from.

It is a burden to carry Jesus,

to live for Jesus,

to have convictions,

to stand for what is right.

It’s a burden, but out

of that burden comes

the greatest blessing.

And many of you are dealing

with burdens in your family

and in your home,

but I want to encourage you

today that the greatest

blessings of our life

do not come just out

of blessings and blessings

and blessings,

but the greater the burden,

the greater the blessing,

and you’re not qualified

to be used of God

until you understand that.

I’ve never seen a pretty donkey.

Why does Napoleon always pose

in a picture,

why does Alexander the Great,

any of the ancient pictures

that they’re seen

in they’re never seen riding

on a donkey.

They’re riding on some beautiful

stallion that’s raring up

on his hind legs,

and they did that because

they understood we need

to positon the king and show

and project an image

of authority and power.

But here comes

the King of kings.

He doesn’t need anything

to make him look powerful.

He doesn’t need your talent,

your good looks,

your great singing ability

or my preaching ability

to look good.

He can use anything and anybody

who will get up under a burden.

If you don’t have a burden,

I don’t care how

talented you are.

God can’t use you.

You gotta get a burden

for the loss and if you’re

gonna carry Jesus,

the greatest blessings come

out of the burden

of carrying Jesus.

We want everything easy.

I don’t want my friends

to make fun of me.

I don’t want to not get invited

to the party.

That’s the burden

of carrying Jesus.

Nobody wants to hang out

with me right now,

and I can’t get nobody to date

me because they want me

to do things.

That’s the burden

of carrying Jesus, but when

you carry the burden of Jesus,

the blessing will come,

and you can’t have

one without the other.

Number two, if you want Jesus

to use you, this story

teaches us Jesus calls

the unqualified.

This messed me up right here.

I’ve never seen this like this.

Just reading through the story,

and there’s one place

where it gives more description

of this animal,

and this is what it says.

It says it’s a donkey that

has never been ridden before.

You’ll read right over that.

You know what that means?

That means it was

an unqualified carrier.

It wasn’t trained.

It wasn’t qualified.

If God’s gonna use you,

you don’t have

to know everything.

You don’t have to have

a degree in theology.

The first thing you gotta do

is get under the burden

of carrying Jesus Christ.

If you’ll carry Jesus Christ

into the workplace,

they don’t care about the Greek

and the Hebrew and

what the exegesis

of that text means.

All they wanna know

is they can feel the difference

when you walk into that room

and you’re carrying Jesus

and you’re under the burden

I care about you.

I love you.

I can pray for you.

I’ve got a living relationship.

The one riding me is real.

Jesus uses and calls

the unqualified.

You say, well,

I don’t understand everything.

You don’t have to understand

everything to do great things

for God.

I look back when I started

preaching over 30 years ago.

I did not know a lot

about the Bible.

I didn’t know a lot

about preaching.

I didn’t know how to preach.

It was pitiful,

but I carried a burden,

and I knew Jesus was on my back.

The King was on my back,

and I didn’t know how

I was gonna do it.

I just felt like, oh God,

I’ve gotta preach or I’ll die.

I’ve gotta preach or my life

is meaningless.

I’ve gotta preach.

I’ve gotta do it.

And I didn’t know how.

And many times when I first

started preaching

I made a fool of myself.

Some of you say,

I can hear your thoughts,

“You still do.” I know.

I hear you.

But I’m so glad God doesn’t

just use stallions.

I’m so glad He uses people

who are not qualified,

but if you go down the road

with Him, He’ll qualify you.

He’ll train you.

He’ll teach you.

He’ll mentor you.

He’ll raise you.

And people won’t give you

the glory.

They’ll give the one

you’re carrying the glory

because you’ll mess up,

but He’ll never mess up.

Give the Lord a mighty praise

if you’re thankful.

Say, Lord, you can use me.



Here’s something

that’s so important.

This story teaches us that

you have to carry,

you have to carry Jesus,

but Jesus will do

the heavy lifting.

What do you mean?

Isaiah 53:4, “Surely,”

listen to it.

“Surely, He has bore our grief.

He has carried our sorrow.”

You carry me.

I’ll carry that stuff.

“We esteemed Him stricken,

afflicted of God,

but He was wounded

for our transgressions.

He was bruised

for our inequities.

The chastisement of our peace

was upon Him and by His stripes

we are healed.”

And then it goes to say,

“The Lord,” listen to it,

“has laid on Him the inequity

of us all.”

You carry Jesus.

You carry the burden

of carrying Christ,

the reproach of carrying

Christ, sometimes the rejection

of carrying Christ,

but He lifts the heavy load.

I hear young people say

it’s too hard to live for God.

It’s too hard to live for God.

No, it’s not.

Not if you really live for Him.

He said, “Come unto me all you

who are weary and heavy laden,

and I’ll carry the heavy stuff,

and you carry me.

For my yoke is easy,

and my burden is light.”

I don’t know who I’m preaching

to this morning,

but you don’t have to carry

the heavy lift.

You don’t have to make it

on your own.

There is a Savior who says

I’ll help you.

Grace will lighten your shame

and your guilt.

Grace will lighten the load

of past failure.

Grace will pick you back up.

Here’s another big one.

This is number four.

Donkeys are built for endurance,

not speed.

Ecclesiastes 9:11,

“The race is not to the swift.”

Boy, are we gonna ever

learn that?

How many ministries have

we seen?

One thing about this

little church.

I know we go through our ups

and downs and our little deals,

but we’re not some little


built on a hot-shop preacher

or something or another.

We’re gonna go back

to this Book every time.

We’re gonna get on our knees.

We’re gonna love one another

and forgive one another.

We are not a

flash-in-the-pan ministry.

A mule is not a racehorse.

“The race is not to the swift.

The battle is not to the strong,

but he,” listen,

“that endures to the end

shall be saved.”

And boy, you better get ahold

of that ‘cause people are

quitting the race.

People are giving up the race.

People are falling aside

like a plague, and many of you,

you’re losing that joy,

that peace, that fire for God,

and you don’t understand.

It’s not how good you started,

but I have made up my mind.

I’m gonna make it

to the finish line.

I don’t care.

I can’t let nothing stop me.

I’ve got to make it

to the finish line.

This is about —

this is an endurance race.

How many of you would say,

Pastor Franklin, I have truly

been blessed by God,

He’s done amazing blessings

in my life?

I don’t deserve

the house I have.

I don’t deserve

the car I have.

I don’t deserve the life I —

come on.

Let me see your hand.

I don’t even deserve it.

Well, here’s a big lesson

from this story.

So important.

You carry the burden,

but don’t ever forget Jesus

gets the praise.

It would’ve been easy

for that donkey when he started

entering into Jerusalem

and all he was ever used

to was old, muddy trails.

Now, they’re throwing

expensive coats down.

Read the Bible.

They’re taking their coats

off and throwing it down,

and now he’s walking up

path of prosperity.


High stepping.

Everybody’s screaming, “Hosanna!


Voices of praise coming

from everywhere.

“Wonderful Counselor.”

It could’ve been easy

for that donkey to actually

think, “They are really

impressed with me!”

You carry the burden,

but He gets the glory.

He gets the praise.

He gets the honor.

And some of you better go back

to giving Him the glory.

It’s not about you, donkey.

You need to give Him

some praise.

Corrie ten Boom said,

“I was just the donkey

that carried Jesus

to the multitudes,”

and if you will be that kind

of person that will give Him

the praise for every victory,

for every success in your life,

give Him the glory.

I close with this.

Jesus can’t use you,

this story teaches us,

until you get untied.

He said you’re gonna find

that colt, and it’s gonna

be tied to a post.

And He said, “Loose it.

Untie it.”

When you’re tied to something,

the scenery never changes.

When you’re tied

to an addiction,

all you see is drug addiction.

Same old thing every day.

Tied to it,

and that’s your whole world.

There’s a whole world out there,

but when you’re tied

to guilt and shame,

that’s all you see.

When you’re tied to alcohol,

that’s all you see.

When you’re tied

to an immoral life,

that’s all you see.

You can try to get away

every once and a while,

but you can’t ‘cause

you’re tied to it.

But when Jesus unties you,

watch this, and He begins

to get in you and ride on you,

He’ll take you to places

you’ve never been.

You’ll see a whole new world.

You’ll see a whole new life.

You’ll realize I was

thinking so small.

God really can use me.

And if you’ll get loose

and let Him lead you,

Jesus says, “I’ll change

the road you’re walking on.

I’ll never leave you.

I’ll never forsake you.”

Lift your hands and worship Him

all over this room.

Come on.

Come on.

Now, go back to my title

and say can Jesus use me.

Can Jesus use me?

Yes, He can use you if you

will let Him do what He did

for that lowly animal.

He will use you.

>> Thank you so much

for being with us today

on Kingdom Connection.

It’s because of you

we’re on television right now.

Our number one goal

is to reach people

with the Gospel.

To find the hurting,

the broken,

those that feel like

they don’t matter

and don’t count,

and call them into a real

loving relationship

with Jesus Christ.

If you’re hurting today

and you’re watching right now

and you want to give

your life to Jesus,

why don’t you just repeat

this prayer after me.

“Lord, Jesus.”

Just say those words.

“Lord, Jesus

come into my heart.

You died and shed your blood

to forgive me,

and rose again

to live through me.

I give You my life,

give me Your peace,

give me Your help,

give me Your purpose

for my life.

Help my family, help me,

direct me, guide me

through this time.

In Jesus’ name.

I don’t wanna be alone anymore.

Amen, and amen.”

I really want you to know

a miracle just happened.

Our team has prepared

a special kit designed

for your new walk with the Lord.

We really want to help you.

And we pray that this

21-day devotional

will bless you,

and guide you.

Whatever season of life

that you may be in,

you’ll sense the presence,

the peace,

and the goodness of God.

For decades I have set

the beginning of the year

for prayer and fasting.

I know we’re approaching

Christmas and the holidays.

We’ve come through so much

with the election,

and it’s feast time again.

Hopefully we’ll be able

to get together

with our families and have

big Christmas celebrations.

But, this January

in just a few short weeks

we’ll be coming together

as a ministry to set aside

the first of the year

and seek God in fasting

and in prayer.

For 21 days we will seek

the face of the Lord.

Our team has put together

some unique resources

to help you plan and prepare

and to build your faith

for a successful fast.

You can do it.

And please know that your gift

of support to this ministry

helps us keep preaching

the message of Jesus Christ

all around the world

in over 200 nations

all over the world.

You keep it going,

you make it happen

when you give.

That’s our primary reason

for being here.

Everything else is just —

that we do —

and we do a lot of missions

and we do a lot

of support stuff,

but the primary reason

we’re here is to preach

the Gospel of Jesus Christ

to 200 nations

through this broadcast

and create

inspirational resources

to use and bless people’s lives

and tell ’em more

about Jesus.

Thank you.

Please help us end strong

this year.

Give an unusual gift.

We need your support

to do what God

has called us to do.

Thank you.

>> ANNOUNCER: Are you ready

to transform your life?

Now you can experience

Jentezen Franklin’s

dynamic teaching on fasting

in his New York Times

best-selling book, “Fasting.”

You’ll receive the keys

to encountering

the countless rewards

and blessings of fasting

that open the door to a deeper,

more intimate relationship

with God.

Everything you need

to access the power

of biblical fasting is found

in the 2020 Fasting Kit.

Including the types

of fasts in the Bible,

the secret to a successful fast,

choosing the right fast for you;

the connection between

fasting and prayer,

How to begin and end your fast,

the essential components

of a successful fast,

what to expect physically,

mentally and spiritually.

With your generous gift

of $1,000 or more this month,

you’ll not only help us

preach the gospel

through the broadcast to over

200 nations globally,

but help us go above

and beyond to help

our partners in Israel.

You can request the 2020

Limited Edition Fasting Kit,

plus this lovely replica

of the type of oil lamp

commonly used in Jesus’ day.

We’ll also include

this specially created blanket

inscribed with

the Numbers 6 blessing,

and our special edition

Legacy Bible

with over 300,000 words

of commentary;

including highlights

from Jentezen Franklin’s

fasting teachings.

Or, with your best gift of $50

or more you can receive

Jentezen Franklin’s Fasting Kit,

and get ready for God’s power

to break through in your life.

Fasting is a tremendous weapon,

and a source of power

in the life

of every believer.

Experience it today.

>> Cherise and I

wanna invite you to join us

on our Holy Land Tour.

It’s an amazing trip,

unlike anything

you’ve ever experienced,

and we’ll be on the trip,

we get on the busses,

our family will be on there,

and I promise you,

it will change your life.

You’ve been thinking about it,

you’ve been praying about it,

this is the year to go.

God’s gonna open your eyes

to things you’ve never

seen and experienced before

in the holy land.

Get signed up today.

>> We hope you’ve enjoyed

this teaching

by Jentezen Franklin,

and thank you

for your continued support

of this ministry.

Your prayers

and financial support

make these programs possible.

For more information

about this message

and other ministry resources,

visit us online


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