God created everything with an invisible code to become what it’s meant to be. For example, a tomato seed can’t grow into a watermelon. When God made you, He put an invisible code, a plan, for what He wants you to become. A dentist? A lawyer? An athlete? God knows, and He loves to reveal the “Clues to Your Assignment Part 2.”

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom


I love it that God has a plan that God

has a purpose that God has an assignment

for our lives before we were ever born

God had a plan for you not just the

preacher not just people we see all

around us and we said boy God really has

his hand on that guy or that lady or

that person or that individual you I’m

talking to you this message is to you

God really does have a plan for your

life if you’re still here he’s not

through with you everything here’s

here’s here’s some things that we are

talking about it how do you find that

plan how do you discover that assignment

everything God has made was created to

solve a problem

Satan solves a problem God wanted to be

chose and he solves that problem as

solved the problem of seeing ears solve

the problem of hearing feet solve the

problem of going to places your

assignment is connected with problem

solving a dinner solves a teeth problem

doctor solves physical problems a lawyer

solves legal problems

rock-and-roll or athletic person solves

an entertainment problem everything in

the world that you see if people are

successful at it is because they learn

how to solve problems for people and the

bigger problem solver you become the

bigger your rewards and life become you

are a reward to somebody Moses was a

reward to the Israelites Joseph was a

reward to Pharaoh and you are a walking

reward for somebody somebody needs you

you are exactly what somebody needs

right now not everybody needs Jenson

Franklin right now but some

he needs what I’m sharing right now and

so I don’t have to try to fit everybody

but if I can find the people that I’m

assigned to and they can find me great

things can happen you are genetically

perfect somebody needs exactly what you

are they don’t need another you

they don’t need somebody else they need

you there’s no other you God doesn’t run

a Xerox machine he made you just like he

made you because he needed you to solve

problems that nobody else can solve your

assignment is is not a decision it’s a

discovery you don’t decide your

assignment you discover it the creation

decides nothing it only discovers the

product does not decide what it’s going

to be the manufacturer does it’s not

about what you do it’s about what you

are see a painter doesn’t decide to

start painting no he was a painter the

talent was in it a singer doesn’t start

doesn’t decide to be a singer because I

know a lot of you have decided to try to

be singers and sometimes you sit behind

me and you can’t sing you’ll never I

don’t care how you decide nothing

nothing on anybody down there tonight I

honestly I wasn’t listening to you but

if the shoe fits find your son I’m just

saying I’m just saying I’m kidding I am

kidding I’m totally kidding but how many

of you know what I’m talking about you

know if you’re a public speaker you

don’t decide it you discover it if

you’re if you’re businessperson you

don’t decide it you just got it now you

have to develop it you have to sharpen

the skills you have to get training you

have to get all the education you can

get but the bottom line is there are

people you don’t decide it all you got

to do is discover it and it’s not what

you want to do is what you are what are

you and then you begin to build on that

most people never discover their

assignment sadly 70% in a recent poll of

people surveyed said they hate their job

70% that’s why they pull vote to the

door to get out at 501 you can predict a

person’s future if they know what their

assignment is if a mother knows she’s

assigned to those babies you can predict

that those children are going to be

great kids by the time that mother gets

through with them because their mother

knows their assignment anger is a clue

to your assignment Moses got mad when he

saw the Egyptian beating the Israelite

and it stirred up his assignment

somebody something is supposed to change

and it stirs you up anger is the

birthplace for change mothers against

drunk driving

it’s called mad some mother saw her son

splattered on a highway killed by a

drunk driver and started an organization

called Mothers Against Drunk Driving and

she found her assignment out of

something that made her mad what gets

you upset what stirs you up what gets

you going some problems I see I can

easily walk away from and it’s you know

somebody else’s problem I don’t care and

then there’s things that stir me up

that’s a clue that I’m supposed to get

involved in that somehow I I think we

need to know that what we love the most

is a clue to our assignment what do you

love the most

what do you talk about the most what

what kind of books do you like reading

what kind of interests what what things

really get you excited

when you discover your assignment it

will reveal your enemies when Nehemiah

discovered his assignment to rebuild the

wall Sam ballot and all of his enemies

turned out when Esther found her

assignment Haman showed up in her life

when Jesus discovered his assignment the

Pharisees came right on his heels every

assignment has a birthplace and you

never know where the birthplace is

that’s why you need a relationship with

God because this night could be the

birthplace of your assignment I’m dead

serious the potential of a chosen place

and a chosen people coming together in

his name your whole life can be altered

in one moment’s time there are still

some upper room experiences there are

still some Bethel’s like Jacob had where

his whole life changed and the heavens

opened up and he saw his assignment God

still has those places available your

assignment will take you to places you

were never intended to go I want you to

listen to this point there’s a place

there’s a people there’s a purpose for

you I wrote this down and I felt like

the Lord gave it to me the Lord said to

tell you tonight you have not been

everywhere God’s going to take you so

get ready for changes dramatic changes

are coming there are people there are

people whom you have not met that are

about to come into your life and the

Lord says you’re in transition and my

hand is on you and your assignment will

take you places you never intended to go

I never intended to pastor in

Gainesville Georgia I never did it ever

cross my mind when God called me to

preach I never thought about games

when I preach for seven years before I

came here all over the nation it never

crossed my mind one time God’s

assignment will take you places that you

never dreamed you would go but boy if

you can find those key places everything

changes and here’s a big point your

assignment may seem small at the moment

yet it can be the golden link to the

great chain of miracles that would be

released into your life that’s why the

scripture said in Zechariah despise not

the day of small things well I heard the

Lord just kind of screamed this in my

spirit he said and he said it to me and

he saying it to you don’t minimize your

assignment don’t because you compare

yourself to other people who seem to be

doing a whole lot more

don’t you minimize your assignment don’t

you play down anything that God is doing

in your life right now where you are

right now don’t you play it down and

don’t you minimize it God has you

hearing this sermon this very moment

working the job that you’re working boy

I feel this he has his hand on your life

and it grieves his spirit when you

minimize where you are right now

li’l be where you are right now hmm not

when I get there not one day someday be

where you are right now and leave right

now and enjoy the moment right now and

be all you can be where God’s put you

right now

I think about the whole prophet he said

to a servant ghost go look we’re

supposed to get some rain tell me what

you see and he runs and comes back he

says I seen nothing go again I see

nothing go again I see nothing I see

nothing I goes seven times and then he

finally comes back and he says all I saw

was a cloud the size of a man’s hand

and the prophet Elijah said oh my god

packed the bags and run for your life I

hear the sound of an abundance of rain

he did not despise the day of small

things and listen to me it was little

that’s a little cloud but it’s loaded

and some of you are in a season where

what seems to be materializing in the

dream is little but the Lord told me to

tell you it’s little but it’s loaded

your assignment may seem small take that

little basket and put that little baby

in that basket Moses mother and release

that baby that little bitty baby into

the basket and Pharaoh didn’t Pharaoh

didn’t respect he broke Zachariah for

Scripture when where it says despise not

the day of small beginnings because he

took Pharaoh into his palace you

remember his daughter took her and he

was not afraid he didn’t see its little

but it’s loaded he didn’t know that that

Moses was going topple his throne one

day it wasn’t a threat because he’s so

small-time little bitty thing was little

but it was loaded one day Moses would

say let my people go and Pharaoh and all

of his power and wealth would have to

bow to that little baby and the power of

his God and don’t you don’t you minimize

the assignment that God has for your

life stay in the center of your

assignment oh this is so important when

did David get in trouble when he should

have been out leading his troops in the

battle but he stayed home when them

Kings went to war and that’s when he

failed to adultery stay in the center of

your Kali unclutter your life you know

Paul said this one thing I do he didn’t

say I dabble in 40 things this one thing

I do

don’t dabble in this and that stay

focused on what God’s called you to do

your assignment may appear to be a total

contradiction to your skills very

important Moses said I can’t talk how am

I going to be your messenger Jeremiah

said I’m just a young child how can I be

a prophet Timothy said I’m just a youth

and Gideon said I’m the least of my

tribe your assignment will force your

greatest gifts and talents to emerge and

it may require unusual study you’re

never born qualified you become

qualified through your experiences there

are two ways you get wisdom two ways to

get wisdom number one through mistakes

number two through Mentors

and God says you choose you’re going to

get some wisdom but if you won’t let me

put any mentors in your life and people

who’ve already lived longer and you done

more than you they got more sense than

you they’re smarter than you they know

the word more than you they pray more

than you I want to put some mentors in

your life and that can really save you a

lot of pain and heartache but if you

don’t want to get wisdom that way then

let’s pull out behind curtain number B

mistakes so who’s your mentor so so who

in your life do you look to who

what kind of who are you listening to

you need mentors in your life your

assignment may require unusual study the

Bible such study to show yourself

approved I sex but I wasn’t born with

that I didn’t just find a sax and beat

my food if I pop up no no it required

study hours and hours and hours and

hours and hours and days and days and

months and years of

your assignment will always cut this is

so good your assignment will always

cause somebody else to succeed it’s not

about you that’s where we get it all

messed up it’s not about you it will

help other people succeed when you get

in your assignment it makes people look

good all around you

David enabled Saul to kill Goliath

Joseph helped Pharaoh feed the world

through seven years of famine elisha

helped the elijah fulfill his prophecies

somebody else succeeds because of your

assignment if your assignment you think

is just all about you becoming some

wealthy healthy beautiful wonderful life

could care less about the rest of people

it’s all about me and God and God giving

me what I want you will never get what

you think you’re going to get and if you

get it you’re going to be a miserable

person you will succeed when something

becomes your obsession you your

assignment is your legacy how will you

be remembered by those around you

see some of you your assignment is

prayer we think it’s just doing

something big I’m that is big one of the

assignments on some somebody’s life

maybe you know being a prayer warrior

and that will be your legacy your

assignment will be your legacy problems

are the gate to significance you’ll be

remembered for the problems you solve or

the problems you create who will carry

on your assignment I’m almost through

but your assignment is geographical this

is so important your assignment is

geographical Jonah was in the wrong

place he was not where God told him to

be and that’s why the whale swallowed it

because God’s assignment for your life

it’s to a place go where you’re assigned

always be where you are God can get you

anywhere he wants in 24 hours one day

Ruth is out begging in the field 24

hours later she’s riding around in a

chariot limo being fanned by servants as

mrs. Boaz she owns the field she owns


24 hours Joseph is in prison with a

striped suit 24 hours later he is second

to the most powerful richest man in the

world and he became so wealthy in 24

hours that he gave each of his brothers

and his father their own ranch because

he owned so much real estate from a

prison suit to a real estate magnate in

24 hours David was tending sheep 24

hours later he’s in Saul’s palace

telling you that your assignment is to a

place your assignment would take you

where you would be celebrated not just

tolerated jesus said when you go into a

city and you need to see if they’re

worthy of you and if they don’t if they

don’t celebrate you know don’t don’t get

crazy about it but but I mean you know

if you just he said shake the dust off

your feet and go find somewhere where

you celebrating not tolerate you don’t

give a rose Royce to somebody who don’t

clean their car

listen if God is not with you last point

if God is not with you in that business

deal I mean Here I am he has to push me

through the door even if a door opens

this is what wisdom teaches you in gray

hair see I used to look at stuff and

said now look at us how much maintenance

would that take how much of my life is

that gonna take away from me to do that

how many hours what what am I going to

it’s not just the I know we can do

something with it boom but then there’s

the maintenance of it and so if God is

not with you don’t go if God doesn’t

tell you to do it don’t do it I mean I

mean I would put it I’d make it hard on

God and easy on me that’s how that’s how

I am about decisions big decisions okay

I’ve done everything I know to do I

fasted I prayed a richer word I’ve

looked I’ve kept my ears open I’ve done

everything a prayed I’ve asked elders

I’ve asked counsel I’ve done everything

I need to do now if you don’t push me

through the door if you don’t do

something I’m making it hard on you and

easy on me because I know I’ll do what

you want me to do

but I gotta know it’s you I’ve got to

know it’s you

so you’ve got you got to so impress me

you made me you know how to speak to me

when when the Lord told to told me some

months back year well she’s been years

now I was questioning him on the owner

to owner 21-day fast

he said Lord why are we on TV I know you

put us there and I know you blessed it

and I thank you for it but I why and the

Lord said two reasons I’ll never forget

it he said you are to preach the gospel

of Jesus Christ and then you are to take

the other resources all

of them not any of the resources are to

be used for any other reason no salaries

nothing comes out of it take all of the

other resources and help the helpless

and when we started doing that God

started blessing us in ways that we

never dream and you know all the things

we’ve been doing I don’t have to list

them and one of the things that we’re

going to do as part of our assignment is

we’re going to we’ve already got it

arranged we’re partnering with a

fabulous ministry called God’s pit crew

you can look them up God’s pit crew this

is a ministry that takes tractor-trailer

loads we’ve already got five

tractor-trailer loads of food diapers

they take chainsaws they take front

loaders they take food they have a full

kitchen that can that cooks three to

three to seven thousand up to ten

thousand meals but normally three to

seven thousand meals a day and we’re

going to sponsor those five trucks to go

into more Oklahoma they left today

jam-packed tractor-trailer 18 wheelers

they’re going in with a mobile kitchen

they are going to be one mile from

Ground Zero

right the Red Cross everybody

Samaritan’s Purse they all work hand in

hand with this ministry God’s pit crew

and we have sent the first five trucks

filled with tens of thousands of pounds

of food and supplies and help and

volunteers to go in and help them

because that’s what God’s called us to

do that’s our assignment part of it

anywhere people can’t help themselves we

need to try to help them can we say man

this is the 68th major disaster we’ve

been to and and I’ve not seen any any

worse anywhere we’ve delivered six

tractor-trailer loads of product here so

far to be distributed to the victims

that’s over a quarter of a million

pounds of relief supplies to those who

need it

bottled water Gatorade diapers you know

food paper products anything to help

those folks we’ve had teams here all

week long cutting trees off of people’s


we’ve got crews today putting a new roof

on for a family and pressure washing the

house which sounds a little crazy but it

was just covered in mud and and that

helps his family get a little bit back

to normal and a huge crew here working

in one of the local parks to try to help

get it cleaned up and leave a bright

spot in this community

all sudden I hear the rumbling and I

thought oh god you know so I grab my dog

and we hit the closet and put fellas

over my head and I could hear the

rumbling real good and popping and it

just sounded like 30 trains going

overhead it’s just I never we’ve had

tornadoes here before but not this close

it’s amazing I’m just blessed and

thankful I can’t express how thankful I

am I’m just really blessed to have

people that care enough to help people

when you show up representing the Lord

and Savior that we serve and help people

who who have cannot figure out why you

would do this why would you travel 1200

miles to help me you know it’s because

God loves you and we love you that’s

what we’re called to do what does it

mean for God’s pit crew for Randy

Johnson in the team that free chapel

Pastor Franco and Kingdom connection

would partner um I don’t think I have

words for that it’s huge for us we just

feel so blessed that that we’re even

able to partner so it’s such a great

blessing to us the resources that that

can be brought to help us continue to

help others is powerful and be thank you

connection partners for what you’re

already doing to make this possible

would you consider a one-time gift for

the people of Moore Oklahoma so we can

continue this amazing work of love you

can be the hands and feet of Jesus in a

very real way call now or go online to

be part of this miracle thank you

coming to the grammarian in Atlanta June

27th through the 29th

for conference with jinsan Franklin

Phil do

rich Wilkerson jr. Karl winds

Reggie dabs and music from the Craig

can Brewster

Israel hope

and the free chapel bag

register now at board conference org

this program has been brought to you by

the friends and partners of Jensen

franklin ministries for more information

on the ministry and resources visit us

online at Jensen Franklin go RG