This is “Faith In The Father’s House”. Your faith is more precious than gold, more precious than anything in your life. Sometimes we have to go through difficult times to be reminded how important our faith really is. The heroes in the Bible lived lives of extreme faith that sustained them in times of great trial, even unto death. In this message with Jentezen Franklin, learn that even when you are in a time of testing and proving, even when your circumstances are not good, you must hold on to your faith and believe God is good.

the following program is sponsored in

part by friends and partners of jensen

franklin media ministries

thank you for joining us today it’s our

prayer and our deep desire that we speak

a message that touches your life today

as you view this program and i agree

with you that you’re going to find god’s

will and god’s next step for your life

listen to this message and let it speak

to you today


first peter chapter one that’s in the

new testament

verse six in this you greatly rejoice

though now for a little while

if need be

you may have been grieved by various


everybody say a little while

that the genuineness of your faith being

much more precious than gold that

perishes though it is tested by fire may

be found to praise honor and glory

in the revelation of jesus

christ i love that verse 7


your faith he said

is much more precious

than gold

and i want to talk to you for a few

moments today

about something i’ll give you the title

in just a few minutes when i figure it

out amen

but um but i do know what i’m preaching

on i just i just want you to lean in and

listen a minute

but i was thinking about this that verse

just came alive in my heart that my


is more precious

than gold

than gold

i mean our faith is more precious

than our home

our car

our bank account

everything that we possess

i’m telling you there’s nothing more

important than your faith

i believe that sometimes we have to go

through things to remind us that what

really matters is not

the gold

it’s not material things

but what really matters is our faith

what really matters in greater than

passing down an inheritance of gold or

financial blessing to our children and

our children’s children our faith

our faith is more precious than gold say

amen somebody

i think that when i read about the

heroes of faith in this book

they had faith


was so great

they did not have 401ks

they did not have safety nets


they did not have healthcare plans and i

think we ought to have all of those


but i want you to know that their faith

was more precious to them when you read

of the heroes of this book than all the

gold in the world

the word faith can be defined this way

i’m going to give you my definition of

it a daily dependence upon god

to have a daily dependence upon god

to never lose the daily dependence upon

god because what we are striving for is

independence i want to be independently

wealthy we say i want to be i wanted

this and i want that and that will make

me independent and i won’t have to worry

about anything and god has geared this

thing to where we will never be

independent and blessed enough that we

won’t need him because you can have all

the gold in the world and if you don’t

have faith you don’t have nothing

faith is having a daily dependence upon

god now i want you to give yourself a

faith check right now do you daily

depend on him do you daily say without

you i can do nothing daily i need you to

leave me daily i need you to guide me

daily i need you to fill my mind with

your thoughts because that’s what true

faith is and it’s more precious than


thank god for a job but my job is not my


thank god for money and a paycheck but

that is not my god if you take my faith

from me

then my gold is over

if you take my gold from me

and me keep my faith i’ll be just fine

i’ll have a comeback every time because

faith is the substance to everything

that we need

faith is the currency of heaven

faith is how god god transacts with

human beings

without faith and faith is the substance

of something hoped for but not seen but

when you put your faith in god and say

in a little while the circumstances are

going to change and god will show

himself alive i believe that it’s my

faith that causes me to prosper

not my prosperity that causes me to have


trials come to get get you to turn in

and lose your faith for gold

trade it in

trade it in


my faith is more valuable than gold

famine time is a time

that god will use to take you to the

next level if you let him

some people go into a famine


and come out up

and some people go into a famine up

and come out down

there’s a shift that takes place abraham

in the book of genesis it says he

entered into the land and a famine came

but he went in it down but he came out

up god actually used the famine and when

he came out of it god called him the

father of faith

his son isaac went into the famine

pretty pretty bad

but the bible said he sowed in genesis

26 in the time of famine

and he reaped a hundredfold the same

year he went in low and the famine

lifted him high

joseph went

it was actually the famine that promoted

him from the dungeon to the palace

he was promoted because of bad times in

his nation

he was prosperous and raised to a height

that he could have never gotten had the

nation of

of egypt not gone into a massive famine

but in luke chapter 15 it’s the story of

the prodigal son

and the bible said that the prodigal son

was in the father’s house

and a famine was on the way

and he was in the father’s house

everybody say the father’s house

aren’t you glad you’re in the father’s

house this morning

and that’s where you need to be when the

famine’s on the way

and the prodigal son

is about to experience that famine

because he didn’t stay connected to the

father’s house

see but here’s a powerful thing to


even though

that boy went to his father and demanded

the inheritance and took that and left

it and went out and started living

wicked and wild

you know what the bible said

it said

that i’ve never seen the righteous

forsaken listen to this or his seed

his seed is his children

begging for bread

the seed was connected to the paternal


and even though the boy was acting crazy

and going berserk the bible said there

was still a blessing on him because of

the paternal blessing of the father

there was a father and a mother who were

in covenant with god and the scripture

said i’ve never seen the righteous the

father in that house was righteous how

many of you are righteous because of the

blood of jesus and what i’m preaching to

you is it doesn’t matter what your seed

gets into when you understand he never

forsakes our seed

elisha elisha did not get a double

portion from elijah until he recognized

elijah as his father he said my father

my father the chariots of israel and the

horsemen thereof and when he said my

father there was a

double portion blessing that came on his

life because it matters if you’re

connected to the father’s house

and it matters when there’s somebody in

the father’s house on behalf of your

house who’s standing in the covenant and

even when the seed isn’t living it you

have a covenant that is so strong that

i’ve never seen the righteous forsaken

or their seed even though the enemy

wants to kill them there’s protection

over them because of that covenant clap

your hands and say amen

the father has a house

the father’s house

there are certain things that a father

provides a father provides ultimately a


and notice that during a famine the

father didn’t have his house repossessed

he had hired servants kept on iron in

the middle of everything going haywire

wire out in the world there was blessing

in the father’s house there was increase

in the father’s house there was hiring

we can’t get enough help

the house

the house

was blessed

the house

was and whoever yoked together with that

house the hired servants were eating

plenty of bread the tech said and had

room to spare had food despair

everybody else is starving to death but

anybody who got yoked up and connected

to the house

the father has a house the fathering

anointing is needed in the body of

christ today

you don’t have just

a young little rooster preacher up here

i’m becoming an old man and i am a

spiritual father whether you want me to

be or not and that’s why sometimes i get

all up in your business all up in your


because you need a spiritual father in

times like these and a father builds a


and a father

anointing paul put it like this he said

though you have ten thousand teachers

see y’all and that’s fine i i i

go on the internet you listen to a lot

of people listen to them all i hope you

listen to somebody all the time but you

have not many fathers

because there’s certain people that the

holy spirit connects you to spiritually

and there’s a house that he wants to

connect you to spiritually and to unplug

from that is to to not stay connected to

the blessing i’m not making this up i’m

right in the book

during a famine in the father’s house

there was no lack

they in there dancing they’re in bible

talk about they had robes they had uh

shoes gucci’s and they had

bling bling the bible said they put the

rings on oh

read read the book read the book

they had fatted calves

in the middle of a famine

the house of the lord was pressed down

shaken together running over

and anybody who was connected to it they

weren’t getting laid off and the hired

servants went into recession and they

got laid off they weren’t getting laid

off what are you saying i’m saying that

when you move in to the lord in troubled

times he that dwells in the secret place

of the most high god shall abide under

the shadow of the almighty i will say of

the lord he is my refuge and my strength

in the father’s house there’s bread

there’s hired servants there’s fatted


there’s clothes nice robe rings shoes

the father has something to impart

and the evidence of a fathering

anointing he has the capacity to build a


secondly he has hired servants it means

he’s taking more taking care of more

than himself

hired servants some of you have a

fathering anointing god has blessed you

in business and so on and you build a

house under the anointing of god a house

of work and employment and you have

hired servants that help you and people

who you hire who help you

that’s the sign of a fathering anointing

you’re taking care of more than yourself

and then the scripture said

that there was an inheritance

that those who were in the house

received that speaks of impartation

that when you get under a fathering

anointing there will be impartation

impartation of dreams

impartation of purpose impartation of


impartation of worship

impartation if ever people needed

spiritual fathers it’s in this time

famine is here famine is coming but

we’re not the people who tremble in fear

we’re the people who run into the house

of lord of the lord and there is no lack

and there is no want and there is no

need because he supplies all of our

needs according to his riches in glory

but let me finish

the father if he’d have stayed in the

house would have told him how to manage

his money

the father would have told him how to

abound and how to be a base

you got to learn how to sometimes you

need to go into survival mode

sometimes you need to tighten up cut


see this generation needs to hear this

stuff i know it’s so simple but

sometimes you need to really really

tighten up i feel like something’s

coming on our nation and and we just

kind of um let’s be real careful here

all right

the bible said the famine came the boy

took the money got out from the house

got out of church got out of the

father’s house got away from a father

and anointing where there was plenty

where there was blessing where there was

overflow and he goes out into the world

and i listen to this verse in luke 15

and not many days afterward

not many days

i’m having a good time party

party party and then all of a sudden not

many days afterward

he begins to spend all that he had on

riotous living we’re in a season of

riotous living in america

we get money and we don’t know what to

do with it we when we have money

when you see i read an article not too

long ago about people who were taking

their pet to a psychiatrist they were

hiring pet psychiatrists when i read

that my mind said you got too much money

when you not you laying on the couch i

understand that but but i’m talking

about when your cat is laying on the

couch and you’re paying several hundred

dollars an hour

for fifi

the pride of the prodigal made him start


like he’s something that is not

i could see him in my mind he was buying

all the drinks

running with a new crowd

wearing stuff that he couldn’t afford

just trying to keep up an image and

shoot in instagram

and when he had spent all the tech said

luke 15 and when he had spent all notice

this there arose a famine the famine

didn’t put him in a broke position

the famine came when he was broke and at

the moment he could least afford it this

is how the devil does it

at the moment you can least afford it he

makes sure you’re good and broke and

then he sends the famine

and when the economy shifted

the pride of the prodigal instead of

turning and going home to the father

going home where there was no famine

hiring servants help wanted

inquiries here and check that robe out

look at those look look there’s plenty

and i’m not talking about material

things i’m talking about

something that’s more precious than gold

the father’s house and all the spiritual

things that we have in this house

and the bible said

that he joined himself a citizen

to that foreign country

he joined himself i got new friends

i don’t want christian friends they get

on my nerves they aren’t hypocrites


you know how we get

especially somebody who’s off they get

real crazy and joined himself a citizen

of that country

and watch what they did when he got out

there and spin all and the famine came

so-called friends i wrote down in my

notes hammer time

he’s a great guy by the way i’ve met him


but he had to go through something to

learn something and i remember reading

the article one of the greatest artists

one of the greatest dancers one of the

greatest uh performers and an an iconic


but you know what they said they said he


90 people on his payroll at one time and

they not like they worked or they did

this some of them were dancers was was

and i’m not saying that’s not work but

i’m just saying that’s all that they and

everywhere he went he had an entourage

he had to every where he went 90 people

and most of them from high school and

you know what they weren’t leeches

just draining the resources

and when he had spent

all and no man could help him

where’s the people

you know who’s going to be there when

you hit that spot the church and a

family that loves you

all those people

all those people we tight

you don’t understand that boyfriend that

girlfriend that user that leads that

person yeah do it yeah snort it yeah do

it with me do it with and when you have

lost it all none of them will be there

where are those people in this story the

story never changes

but i tell you who you will find you’ll

find the father who’ll open the door and

he’s got binoculars looking and the

moment you don’t even have to have it

together if you’ll just start moving in

the right direction he’ll come running

he’ll come running and say let’s restore

you crank up the band because my son was

lost and now he’s found

here’s the point of the whole sermon

here it is

and i’m done

the path back to prosperity for america

the path

back to pros real prosperity

is defined in john

i wish above all things that you prosper

and be in health

get this nasty virus out of here i wish

above all things that you prosper and be

in health



your soul your spirit man


the path back to prosperity for america

is to return

to the father’s house

the moment that boy got up from the mud

and started moving back toward the

father’s house and here’s a word from

the lord if you want to see

the prosperity and healing and blessing

of god back on your life get on the

pathway back to god’s house come back to

the father’s house if you can’t come and

you got health issues or you’re a health

person that keeps people that that could

get something i totally respect honor

that keep watching online i’m talking to

families who the enemy through the

pandemic has pulled you away from the

house of god and the lord said to tell

you the pathway to prosperity begins

when you start making your way back to

the father’s house i’m not saying it for

a crowd we’re doing just fine but i’m

telling you everything your family needs

is in the house of god

and our faith is more precious than gold

stand to your feet and give the lord a

mighty hand clap of praise if you

believe it

i believe today while you’re viewing

this program the holy spirit has been

speaking to you

and it’s time for you today to invite

him and his great presence into your

life just repeat this prayer after me

say lord jesus cleanse me heal me help


i can’t help myself i can’t i can’t get

myself free i need a deliverer i need a

savior i need

you lord jesus i bow to you i give you

my life today

heal me help me lift me forgive me

cleanse me

in jesus name i ask

i speak healing over every household

today i speak the power of god into

every situation

every person stressed every person who

feels like you’re at the end of your

rope every person listening to me that

you just feel like you’re out of options

and you don’t know where to turn it’s

not by chance you’re watching this

program he’s still the answer his name

is jesus speak that name

speak it and peace comes wherever that

name is invoked

in jesus name i speak health and healing

and comfort and the angels of god around

your life

in jesus name

and i want to welcome you to the family

of god i can’t tell you how excited we

are that you just made the major

decision the most important decision in

your life to follow jesus christ and

accept him as your lord and savior fill

out our salvation form you can go there

and we’ll send you free a 21-day

devotional to help you in your new

relationship with jesus you don’t have

to walk alone and we’ve got online

church and online campus all of that and

it’ll feed your soul and as many of you

know god has led us to work closely with

the nation and the people of israel that

border the gaza strip in an area called


they’re constantly under attack that’s

why this ministry has been building

fortified buildings for the families of

this region of israel in fact during a

recent escalation on the border of

israel these bomb shelters were used to

keep families women and children safe

will you help me today bring comfort to

the people of israel when you give to

this ministry our pledge to you

is we do three things with the resources

we unashamedly preach the gospel of

jesus christ to 200 nations just like

you’ve heard on this telecast today

secondly we produce inspirational

resources we put out all kinds of

material that encourage people in their

walk with god and thirdly we go above

and beyond to support projects just like

this one

in the nations of the world that need it

the most

so today do your part and i know god

will bless you thank you and we’ll see

you next time right here






this program has been sponsored by

friends and partners of jensen franklin

media ministries we hope you’ve enjoyed

this teaching by jensen franklin and

thank you for your continued support of

this ministry your prayers and financial

support make these programs possible
