This is “Get Up, Get Out, Get Free.” The doors to your destiny are already unlocked. It’s time to take courage and walk by faith. When the enemy says, “Go no further,” God says, “Keep moving!” Discouragement and intimidation may try to hold you back, but if you’ll take one step, God will take two. The favor of the Lord is going before you to open the doors of your future! To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel:

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connection I want you to look with me in

the book of Acts chapter 12 verse 6 and

when Herod was about to bring him out

that night Peter was sleeping bound with

two chains between two soldiers and the

guards before the door were kicking were

keeping the prison and behold an angel

of Lord stood by him

a light shone in the prison and he

struck Peter on the side and raised him

up saying arise quickly when the King

James says get up and his chains fell

off his hands then then the angel said

to him gird yourself tie on your sandals

and so he did and he said to him put on

your garment and follow me they went out

followed him did not know that what was

done by the angel was real that’s an

astonishing thing but thought that he

was seeing a vision but when he went

past the first and second door or gate

posts they came to the iron gate that

leads to the city which opened of its

own accord and they went out and went

down one Street and immediately the

angel departed notice verse 11 and when

Peter had come to himself he said now I

know for certain in other words he

wasn’t certain this was all real he

didn’t even have faith to believe that

what was happening was happening he said

now I know for certain that this has

that the Lord sent an angel and

delivered me from the hand of Herod and

from the expectation of the Jewish

people and I want to talk to you today

about get up get out and get free how to

do it how to do it

Peter was arrested by King Herod he was

put in prison and being held for


Harrod gave specific orders make sure

this man never gets loose he is never to

break out a prison he’s going to die in

prison I’m going to execute him and

silence his voice forever he said to

those over this prison it is your job to

keep this man from breaking free we have

an enemy who has decided that his job is

to keep every believer from breaking

free the evening before the execution

were told that there was an upgrade in

the security so much so that the Bible

said that two chains were attached to

Peter on his hands one of the chains

were connected to the wall and his hands

to bind his hands we know this from

history one of the other chains there

were two chains and one of the chains

was connected around his ankles to stop

his feet from going anywhere if that

wasn’t enough the upgrade in security

also according to the text included two

soldiers at all times there were four

different ships but two would stand one

on one side one on the other side making

sure that if he got free from the chains

he still had two armed killer guards

standing on both sides of him and if

that were not enough he had two prison

gates that he had to go through before

he got to the large iron gate massive

gate and behind that gate was a warden

the keeper of the prison who who was

watching also I mean we’re talking about

strict strict security and if he could

get out of one situation he would have

to go through another and another and

another in other words it seems nothing

on earth could get him out but we’re not

limited ladies and gentlemen to earthly

help our strength is not in horses and

chariots the Bible declares our strength

is not in Navy SEALs shimmying down a

rope and putting explodes

on the iron gate and busting us out with

machine guns and rocket fire and all

kinds of protection but the Bible says

the spiritual prison that the enemy

wants to hold us in the devil thinks

I’ve got you this time I’ve got two

chains on you I’ve got two guards on you

I’ve got two gates in front of you and

if that’s not enough an iron gate that

you could never move and if that’s not

enough another war a prison guard who is

over the whole the whole prison is

watching you there is no way out but I

want to remind you that the Bible said

he that the Sun sets free is free indeed

two chains I want to talk about those

two chains for just a moment two chains

one on the hands one on the thing I

believe that that speaks of the twin

chains of fear and doubt many of you

have great things ahead of you many of

you have big things coming in your life

but the enemy would love to chain you

and stop you and stop your feet from

going forward stop your life from moving

out into the unknown by two chains the

chain of fear and the chain of doubt

fear that says you can’t go where you’re

supposed to go you can’t do what you

need to do you don’t have what it takes

the fear of someone of what someone

might say of what someone might think

you might fail you might get laughed at

what if you don’t have it what if you’re

not good enough what if you’re not smart

enough the fear the chain of fear and on

and it’s twin is the chain of doubt not

just doubting if God will help you

because that’s what the enemy loves to

do question and make you down is God for

me is God on my side and if you can’t

get you to doubt that one of the biggest

waves the enemy will keep you bound is

to make you doubt your own ability your

own giftedness your own call your own


maybe you doubt if you’re good enough if

your doubt if you’ve got

you doubt if you’re talented enough or

smart enough or good-looking enough all

those things the enemy can put chains on

us to say you just don’t have what it

takes in the chain of fear on one part

of you and the chain of doubt on the

other side of you I’m down it’s going to

happen a doubt I can make it I’ve come

today to remind you the Bible declares

God has not given you the spirit of fear

of intimidation of timidity of being

afraid and backing up if there’s an

opportunity that God wants to bring into

your life don’t you dare let the chain

of fear and the chain of doubt hold you

back from God’s very best for your life

shake off the chain of fear shake off

the chain of doubt there are miracles in

your future let God liberate you from

fear and from doubt

it’s your hands free get your voice free

get your feet free shake off between

chains of fear and doubt and then if the

enemy can’t hold him with that if

somehow miraculous I mean he couldn’t it

seemed there was no way to get out of

that but if he did then he had two

guards on either side I believe those

guards represent one of them represents

discouragement because you’re going to

encounter those guards on the journey to

your dream you’re going to have to

confront your fear you’re going to have

to overcome your doubt and you’re going

to have to break free from those chains

but as soon as you do there will be a

guard who will stand and his name is

discouragement and another guard on the

other side called intimidation and

they’ll do everything they can to try to

talk you out of and beat you down and

cause you to stay down you see the enemy

wants to stop you and keep you and Glock

you from being free and he’ll use

discouragement and he’ll use the guard

of intimidation he’ll use the chain of

fear he’ll use the chain of doubt even

self-doubt to hold you in the

place the dark place the limited place

that life has put you in I want you to

understand today that the enemy of your

soul is guarding the gate and he says

you’re not going to go further and if

somehow you could shake the chain of

fear and the chain of doubt and you

could somehow overcome the intimidation

and the discouragement then the enemy

would have closed doors and he would say

those doors will never open for you

those doors that you need to finances

and so on to your dream

they’ll never open for you so you might

as well just get settled right where you

are I’m sure on the other side of that

big gate where that warden of the prison

was he was he was hurling insults you

don’t have what it takes you’re nobody

you’re nothing you can’t do nothing

you’ll never amount to anything these

are the voices and then the end the

instruments of the enemy that he will

use to hold you back from the purpose

and plan and dream that God has for your

life to change to soldiers but keeper on

the door but then the story shifts

suddenly it uses the word suddenly a

light shone into the prison that life

shining light into the darkness was the

shining light of hope and victory and

the word because it doesn’t matter how

bound the enemy has you in fear and

doubt and intimidation and in

discouragement today wherever you are

whatever campus or wherever you’re

watching this by television or listening

streaming live the enemy would love for

you not to hear this message he knows

that if he’s got you chained with fear

and doubt and intimidation and

discouragement you’re not going anywhere

but when the light of the gospel that’s

why so powerful to sit in a service like

this the gospel can shine the light of

hope the light of faith the light that

can bring victory into the dark prison

and suddenly notice the change

are still there the guards are still

there the darn gates are still there the

warden is still there nothing has

changed except the light of the gospel

is hitting and when the light shines the

next thing that happens is the voice of

an angel that says and I’m your angel

today the voice of the angel that says

get up get up that’s my message and it’s

simple in its plain when you think

there’s no way out don’t just sit there

rattling your little chains of fear and

doubts and intimidation and

discouragement and talking about how big

they are

because here’s the point when I’m down

here the guards look so big when I’m

down here the gates look so big when I’m

down here the discouragement looks so

great but when I decide to get up it’s

amazing they’re not as big as I thought

they were they’re not as great as I

thought they were that’s why we can’t

afford to sit around and victim playing

the victim game and and sitting around

feeling sorry for ourselves you have to

get up in life and say I am NOT sitting

here the rest of my life

get up turn your neighbor and say get up

and then the angel says put your shoes

on did you catch that you’re going

somewhere shout we’re going somewhere

don’t sit there you sit there wiggling

your toes long enough and chains of fear

and doubt with guards of intimidation

and discouragement get your shoes on

stand up get up get your shoes on it’s

time to move it’s time to march it’s

time to get out of here it’s time to put

your walking shoes on you’re going where

you’ve never gone before and God wants

you to go with confidence that is angel

is going before you

I can’t tell you when it happened but

all I know is the Bible said when he

stood up and put his shoes on the chains

fell off

that’s a miraculous thing I wonder if

you two got up the day before or the day

before if the change wouldn’t have

fallen off when you’re ready to get up

all you have to do is get up 38 years a

man waited by a pool for somebody to

pick him up and some of you need to quit

waiting on everybody to have to pick you

up to talk you into your own victory

sometimes you have to do like David and

encourage yourself and get up put your

shoes on and say I’m moving forward get

up and go to church get up and start

praising God get up and start believing

God quit feeling sorry for yourself and

having a pity party and get up and put

your shoes on and say I’m not gonna live

here in discouragement intimidation fear

and doubt I’m going somewhere and here I

go now I don’t know what happened to the

soldiers I don’t understand this but the

next thing to happen is the Bible said

the angel said put your garment on put

your coat on put your coat on that

speaks of the garment of praise so you

get up and the problems don’t look so

big you you put on the garment of praise

for the spirit of heaviness you put on

the shoes of faith so that you walk by

faith not by sight and I don’t know

we’re not told what happened to the

guards they just disappeared I don’t

know if they got slain in the spirit and

fell down I don’t know we don’t have an

answer all we know is the thing that was

holding him back so long didn’t even

matter when God said get up put your

garment of praise on put your shoes of

faith on and go at the sound of my voice

suddenly the guards of intimidation and

discouragement could not hold him any


you have to get up and I don’t know what

happened to those soldiers but the thing

that Peter feared the most simply

disappeared the perspective is a lot

different down there than up here and

God wants us up and you might have come

in just bound and determined that you’re

just gonna sit through another service

and the chain of fear and doubt has you

and you’re not expecting God to do

anything and then on top of that you’ve

been discouraged and on top of that

you’re intimidated but the light is

shining right on you in that seat where

you’re sitting and I’m preaching to you

saying get up put the garment of praise

on put your shoes on say I’m going

somewhere I’m not staying here the two

soldiers of discouragement and

intimidation didn’t have anything else

to say when that happened the keeper of

the prison that was so brave

trash-talking behind the gate when the

chains fell off when the guards

disappeared I like this I love the fact

that when he stood up and started

walking by faith put his shoes on had

the garment of praise on he didn’t even

have to worry about the doors he only

had to do was push the door and keep

walking but listen the doors were

already unlocked the doors to your

destiny are already unlocked God’s

waiting on you to get enough courage to

take a step of faith and all you’re

required to do it didn’t take you don’t

have to have I don’t know how that door

is gonna open I’m just moving toward it

I’m praising God I got the garment of

praise on I got up I got misused the

faith on and here I go and in the moment

he would push on the door the door was

already unlocked and he went to another

door and the door was already unlocked

and when he got to the prison gate the

big iron gate the one that the warden

was talking trash from I could hear the

warden in my mind he was saying things

like you don’t have what it takes and

you’re not going to make hitting your

good and you ought to just give up but

now when he sees Simon Peter coming with

the garment on shoes on he’s standing

tall walking by faith he takes off and

runs the Bible said humble yourself

before the mighty hand of God resist the

devil and he will flee from you he went

through the first Ward went through the

second Ward and when they got there they

were unlocked all the time he was held

back by doors that were not even locked

some of you don’t understand there will

be doors that look closed but as you

walk by faith at the right time God will

make those doors open your job is to

keep moving keep moving keep moving it’s

not my job to push the door open my job

is to keep moving walking by faith

having the garment of praise on and I’m

to get up and keep moving and if you do

that every door that is the door to your

destiny and God’s plan for your life

well you thought there would be law but

would you get there the favor of God

will open those doors the favor of God

will open those doors here’s my favorite

part of this love story the whole time

what encourages me Simon Peter didn’t

really believe what was going on I

thought he was some giant of faith

I thought he had such faith that he you

know was believing and that door is

going to open it was none of that he was

being carried by God’s Spirit and he

didn’t even have faith and he didn’t

even believe that it was real he thought

he was dreaming the whole time he

thought that it was too good to be true

and it wasn’t until he got outside and

the fresh air hid his face it wasn’t

till he got outside and he was

completely freaks that he said now I


for real now that I don’t know maybe

they don’t do nothing for you but it

really encourages me that he didn’t have

great faith nor was he totally convinced

but God was just a little faith not

great faith not being totally convinced

but if you will get up if you will shake

off the chain of fear doubt and not

listen to the guard of discouragement

intimidation and use just a little bit

of faith to keep moving forward with a

little faith chains fell off with a

little faith guards disappeared with a

little faith iron gates open of their

own accord with a little faith the the

warden started running for his life and

with a little faith he walked out

because he got up he got out he got free

and it wasn’t great faith it was just a

little thing I’m saying to you today

that the doors are already unlocked and

the iron gate is already opening I

prophesied that big doors are swinging

wide open in 2017 for God’s people and

don’t you let the chain of fear and

don’t you let the chain of doubt and

don’t you let the guard of intimidation

and don’t you let the guard of

discouragement hey you you don’t belong


you go and you say what I tell you to

say and do what I tell you to do because

I’m the God who opens doors no man can

shut if you’re supposed to be there God

will get you there if you’ll get up put

the garment appraisal put the shoes on

your feet

and keep moving shalt keep moving the

doors are already unlocked

I believe today is the day of freedom

freedom from fear freedom from doubt

freedom from bondage addiction sin if

you’re under the sound of my voice and

you say pastor Jenson you’re preaching

to me I know I’m not free I know I’m not

right with God I know that that I need

God’s power and God’s grace to cleanse

me and make me whole and I want to leave

this building today that I’m standing in

set free by the power of the blood of

jesus christ in his mighty name would

you pray for me pastor I want to be free

today if that’s you boldly raise your

hand wherever you’re standing at every

campus this is beautiful this is

powerful many many hands raise them high

and under shame there’s no shake see

this is putting your shoes on this is

putting your garment on this is what the

moment you do that chains are breaking

and and and and guards are disappearing

and wardens are running like no more

change no more guards no more no more

lies no more no more closed doors God

have the big plan for my life it is time

for me to cooperate all right come on

I’ll let you now come on come on come on

at every campus get out of your seat

step out of your seat you feel that

that’s the Spirit of God that’s the

light shining in your dark prison don’t

stay there if you’ll get up the chains

will follow if you’ll get up the guards

will disappear if you’ll get up the

warden will run in terror because God is

with you and his angel goes before you

here they come on everybody to celebrate

the harvest come on come on come on come

on come on


it’s available today from intimidation

discouragement fear doubt and unbelief

come on keep coming keep something will

happen to you can you get out of that

seat lock down that up something will

happen to you James will fall off come

on don’t let fear hold you back


bigot church



and and string

and the pie

take that course again


he’s long


I can bear

my god


we’re going to pray this prayer on

everybody to say these words out loud

right where you’re standing and when you

do spiritually you’re standing up chains

are falling off doors are opening

guards are flee and you’re going to be

like it’s a dream but it’s not a dream

it’s real

we’re overcomers by the blood of the

Lamb and the word of our testimony

everybody pray this prayer out loud

Lord Jesus I surrender completely my

life my body my mind my future I

completely surrender to you

I refuse according to your word to be

held back with the chain of fear and the

chain of doubt any longer I refuse to

allow intimidation and to allow

discouragement to defeat me another day

the doors that are closed God has

already unlocked and I am taking a step

of faith and as I move forward every

door will be unlocked and thank you God

that the iron gate the big door is

swinging wide open from my life and I am

free in Jesus Christ right now give him

the greatest shout of praise you can’t

thank you for victory over fear we hope

you’ve enjoyed this teaching by Jensen

Franklin and thank you for your

continued support of this ministry your

prayers and financial support make these

programs possible
