Watch “God’s Perspective on Parenting” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom


I want to preach today on God’s


apparentiy did you know that insanity is

hereditary hereditary you can actually

catch it from your children a science

teacher was introducing her class to the

subject of magnet and magnetic power and

she said I want you to guess what we’re

going to study next she said the subject

starts with an M and it picks up things

what am i and a teenager spoke up and

said a mother the definition of a father

is a man who carries photographs where

his money used to be you know your

children are growing up when they stop

asking where they came from and they

refuse to tell you where they’re going I

love this this is a great quote the

advice we rejected from our parents we

are now giving to our children and the

fifth commandment the fifth commandment

is honor thy father and thy mother we

must remember that this is one of God’s

top 10 when parents begin to decline in

health and require more help from us we

are to honor them it is a commandment

and a big deal to God how do you honor

your parents

number one you honor your parents by

accepting them proverbs said listen to

your father who gave you your life and

don’t despise your mother and her

experience when she’s old one

translation said don’t tune them out

they’re not perfect but you are to honor

them by accepting them in court when you

address the judge you address him as

your honor it has nothing to do with

this personality you don’t even know him

but you’re respecting the position and

that’s the theme and that’s the point is

we are to accept them and honor them

because of the position that they hold I

accept you in spite of your negatives

and I honor you

the second way that we honor our parents

is by appreciating them I appreciate the

positives I look and realize that it’s

costly to raise children it’s expensive

it’s it’s a grueling energy taking

experience to be a parent and raise your

children a little boy presented his

mother with a deal

he wrote the bill up handwritten with a

crayon I took out the garbage you owe me

one dollar I cleaned up my room you owe

me two dollars I feed the dog every day

that’ll be two dollars a day and then he

put the final bill final bill ten

dollars you owe me so then the mom

decided she would write the sunna bill

I’ve washed and ironed your dirty

clothes for ten years you owe me ten

thousand dollars I’ve been buying and

preparing your meals for ten years

you owe me twenty thousand dollars I

have been I have been your nurse and

your doctor nourishing you back to help

for over ten years every time you got

sick another ten thousand dollars total

bill I love you any mother any mother in

this room could perform the job of air

traffic controller with ease let’s

appreciate our parents let’s appreciate

their effort let’s appreciate their

sacrifice honor your father and your

mother and you are to do it because the

Bible says to do it

two fathers were discussing the cost of

raising children one of the dads said I

know the cost is great but it’s worth it

to me just to have someone at the house

who knows how to work a computer and

work the DVD player so there are

benefits except them is how you honor

them appreciate them honor your parents

thirdly by affirming them you know the

Bible said do not withhold good from

those who deserve it

when it is in your power to help them

acknowledge the good that they do mom

that was an awesome meal thank you Dad

thank you for taking me to that ballgame

I enjoy to acknowledge

we’re human beings to acknowledge it

you’ll get a whole lot more out of your

parents if you’ll praise them instead of

give them your attitude you’ll be amazed

and after after they faint and recover

they’ll deeply appreciate it when they

hear you actually thanking them for what

they do for you you have to understand

that it’s tragic that some people only

give honor to their parents at the

funeral when it’s too late no degree of

an expense at a funeral is equal to a

thank-you a visit a letter a phone call

while they are alive and you still have

the opportunity number four honor your

parents by not abandoning them you have

to learn as your parents are getting

older that you must juggle your own

responsibilities with the complex issues

sometimes families face as the parents

are getting older this is a character

thing this is a big thing to God how we

treat our parents and we don’t abandon

them as they get older we honor our

parents in their old age by not

abandoning them by assisting them in

practical ways we offer support

financially we offer assistance in their

old age if your wife or your husband

likes it or not that is what you are

required to do and you should do it and

God will bless you for it in amazing

ways I want to speak a word to the

children particularly the teenagers that

are here you know the Bible says honor

your father and your mother

and when you’re with your teenage

friends and they tick you off your

parents do and you walk off and under

your breath you say I hate my parents I

want to I want to clue you in on

something we don’t like you much

sometimes – if you ever walk into the

kitchen and your parents were talking

and they stop talking as a teenager when

you walk in it means they were talking

about you

and so this thing goes two ways and

don’t don’t ever forget it

a mother commented about her teenage

daughter she’s very independent she

lives alone at our house

remember parents are people with

feelings – so honor them when you walk

around the furniture so you don’t have

to hug them or kiss them that’s not good

a father said to a teenage daughter I

want you home from your date no later

than 11:00 p.m. the teenage girl replied

but Dad I’m not a child anymore and the

father said exactly that’s why I want

you home at 11:00 p.m. we’re not stupid

I know you think we’re stupid but

parents are not stupid teenagers say I

hate it when my parents repeat things

what if you would listen the first time

we wouldn’t have to say it over and over

and over again women if your parents

tell you to do something acknowledge it

yes ma’am yes sir because if you sit

there and get a day’s look in your eye

we will assume your own drugs we would

we don’t trust you and we know that

that’s what we children obey your

parents this is right this is the right

thing to do in the eyes of the Lord

that’s a Scripture teenagers get along

with your family don’t be selfish

address your parents with respect it’s

amazing how teenagers become experts in

statistics any time you tell them no

their first response is everyone else is

allowed to and it’s usually based on a

survey of one

mark twain i love this quote mark twain

said when i was 14 my father was so

ignorant i could hardly bear him but by

the time I was 21 I was amazed to see

how much he had learned over the seven

years it seldom dawns on teenagers

someday when they grow up they will know

as little as their parents know Jesus

was the only teenager who knew more than

his parents knew and yet he submitted to

his parents and the Bible said he was

obedient unto them the best reason for

honoring our parents is because God

tells us to do it

honoring your parents not only impacts

them it impacts you it is the recipe for

blessing and prosperity and long life

according to the scripture and when you

don’t honor them God will not honor you

children have a duty to honor the

parents and parents have a duty to be

honorable parents must live a life

worthy of honor there were some children

who was screaming and shouting in their

bedroom and the mother went back and

opened the door and said why are you

children screaming and they said we’re

not screaming mom we’re playing daddy

and mommy one of the best ways to

correct children is to correct the

example that you’re setting for them

here’s here’s a simple test how’s your

language around your children how’s your

behavior around your children how do you

match up to your own rules

who is our role model for parenting our

role model as our Heavenly Father God

how does God treat his children

well the Bible said God is close to all

who call on him for he hears them God

listens to us and we are to listen to

our children our one teenager said home

is the place where you can say anything

you want to because nobody’s listening


listen to your children listen to what

they say secondly God understands us the

Bible said that homes are built on a

foundation of wisdom and understanding

of one another the proof we understand

our children is that we’re patient with

them one exasperated father said to his

son in aggravation Winston Churchill

when he was your age

worked a hard full-time job all day and

studied his work his books at night and

the teenage son snapped back yes and

when he was your age he was Prime

Minister of England so two of the best

things that we can give our children are

roots and wings

give them roots that they’re founded and

connected and their roots to God’s house

and roots to Christian heritage and take

them to church and doing what you’re

doing here today there is no price tag

you can put on it it may not seem like

it’s in it’s even mattering but it

matters when you take your church your

church your family to church Sunday

after Sunday after Sunday it is a

priority it’s not a hit skip and miss

thing it’s huge you are shaping their

life for generation you’re giving them

roots and then give them wings and let

them dream and let them fly and let them

do amazing things grace says we are

loved and we are accepted even when we

fail give your children grace love them

and accept them even when they fail one

man said his mom was a travel agent for

guilt trips admit it when you got it

wrong if you’re a parent admit it when

you have done something and it’s not

correct admit it

keep your promises it’s tough but keep

your promises if you say you’ll do it do

it if you say you won’t do it then don’t

do it even if it’s difficult keep your

promises God loves us and how does God

love that express that love

to us through affection through

affirmation through attention affection

is how how we are to love our children

affection means touch hug kiss touch hug

kiss do you touch do you hug do your

kids affirmation is praise do you speak

well do you compliment do you say I’m

proud do you say you’re great do you say

you’re incredible I appreciate you speak

that way to your children and then

attention listen with your eyes listen

with your ears give them your attention


fourthly disciplines his children and if

we’re going to be good parents we have

to discipline our children the Bible

said that in Hebrews whom the Lord loves

he disciplines whom the Lord loves he

disciplines in other words if you as a

parent do not discipline your children

you do not love your children you want

to be their buddy your wanting to be

their friend and what they really need

is a parent who will discipline them so

that they will be all that God knows

they can be and discipline is important

it’s a sign of love to give discipline

there are too many parents who tie up

their dog at night and let their kids

run loose some families can trace the

roots and ancestors for 300 years but

they can’t tell you where their teenager

was last night it is our job as parents

to discipline our children not let them

run wild and go wherever they want to go

with whoever they want to go and report

nothing to nobody

it is your job as a parent to be all

into that the Bible said if you refuse

discipline to your children it proves

that you don’t love them don’t lay down

any rules as a parent you’re not

prepared to enforce now there are three

things that were to give our children

number one we’re to give them life

number two we’re to give them love and

number three were to give them laughter

and so many parents need to chill out so

many parents need to have fun again in

family three rules that should be in

every home number one be fair number two

be firm number three be fun everybody

say that with me be fair be firm be fun

say it again

be fair be firm and be fun you want a

happy marriage you want a happy family

you want a happy sometimes you can’t be

there little buddy buddy there are times

when I know when I say no that I’m gonna

have an atmosphere in my home for the

next few days there’s going to be an

issue that’s part of what a parent does

they don’t understand it now but one day

they’ll be the parent and you’re

training them how to raise their

children and everybody thinks when I’m a

parent I’ll let them do whatever okay

you have brain damage done to your 21 by

the way your brain is still growing

that’s a that’s a medical fact and you

don’t even have all your brains until

you’re 21 how about that tell somebody

be fair be firm be fun

even if my father and my mother

abandoned me God will hold me close the

scripture said in songs if you’ve been

abandoned God says I want to hold you

close jesus said I’ll never abandon you

I’ll never leave you I’ll never forsake

you Unzen resolved resentment is what

destroys families more than anything

else we must learn to forgive one

definition of forgive means to give up

anger and need for revenge to give up

anger and need for revenge if you if you

still have anger and a need for revenge

you have not forgiven another

translation of the word forgive means to

show mercy and grace to give up anger

and need for revenge to show mercy and

grace the book of Romans puts it this

way do your part to live in peace with

everyone as much as possible that means

I’ve got to do my part

forgive your parents receive forgiveness

from God forgive yourself if you don’t

forgive your parents you break the

bridge over which you must pass to

forgiveness with God God loves each of

each of us as if there was only one of

us and in the story of the prodigal son

the son was lost and he went away and he

took all that he had and noticed the key

to that story

he had to return to be restored and we

can only restore those who returned and

there are two kinds of people that are

in this room are listening to me and

there and winnette those who are

produções those who are running from the

Father those who are running from God

those who may have run from your own

parents and home and you’re and you’re

out doing your own thing

there’s the prodigal Xand there’s those

of us who were prodigal that’s the only

two kinds of people there are and you

know I thought about the scripture and

how the enemy wants to to divide our

families and I want you to listen to the

scripture in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 and

verse 9 it says two are better than one

because they have good reward for their

labor for if they fall one will lift up

his companion but woe unto him who is

alone when he falls for he has no one to

help him and then there’s one other

quick scripture I want to give you

before I give you an illustration and we

pray over our families and it’s out of

the book of Hebrews where it says do not

forsake the assembling of yourselves

together for such is the manner of some

but listen to this but so much more you

should assemble together as you see the

Day approaching now look up here at me

he said the more you see evil and you

see the coming of the Lord and you see

trouble in the world and trouble and

Families is don’t fail to

Simbel we’re better together the enemy

does not want us to get together the

more stuff going on out there come in

and get together with your family and

with your church he didn’t say do it

less people are going to church it’s a

it’s a fact they’re going to church less

now than they’ve ever gone in history

they’re not doing it more they’re doing

it less and the enemy is beating our

brains out and destroying our families

he said when it gets bad out there and

you see the stuff happening out there

assemble together assemble together I

read in the Atlanta Constitution about a

year ago Andy Stanley wrote a great book

and he shared very openly about how he

and his father dr. Charles Stanley who

is an amazing minister both of those

guys are amazing ministers and yet the

enemy got in and divided their home and

divided father against son through a

terrible situation and the divorce that

happened and and and and Andy and his

father were just really there’s they

were shattered in their relationship but

he said his father did something that

was bred he said his father would call

him every week and he said sometimes we

were so mad at each other

we couldn’t even speak he said sometimes

we were so upset with one another I

didn’t want to be around him but he said

my father had a Mexican restaurant that

he would make me meet him at for lunch

once a week and he said there were times

when we went in and we were dipping

chips and hot sauce and we couldn’t

hardly stand each other but every week

after week after week after week we kept

coming together the colder it gets the

more you get together the coat the enemy

says the colder it gets just go your

separate ways and let the cold kill you

but the way you hold it together I don’t

care what’s happening in your family

don’t you let the enemy divide you from

your own flesh and blood I’m going to be

in your life I’m good I’m gonna love you

I’m gonna call you I’m gonna I’m getting

in your arms coming back and sometimes

we don’t even like to be around each

other but we’re gonna be around each

other cuz we’re a family and what’s

amazing is they kept doing

and little by little the walls started

falling and little by little they

started reaching out and little by

little now they’re totally healed and

God is doing amazing things in both

their lives and it’s all because they

decided we’re going to assemble instead

of let the enemy divide and conquer and

you have to make that choice with your

family you have to decide I want

everybody in this room who would love

for a spirit of unity a spirit of

connectivity everybody right now put

your arm around somebody around you part

of your family hopefully there’s no body

heat going on if that’s not your wife

come on let’s just leave that there

where it is but say I’m not going to let

you go we’re better together come on say

it I’m not going to let you go we’re

better together we’re a family and we

stand together I forgive you forgive me

I love you love me and in the name of

Jesus no weapon formed against our home

we’re prospered and as for me and my

house we will serve the Lord

we will assemble together we will stay

together we will make it through I don’t

care how cold it gets we’re going to run

to each other and run to God and run to

his house and there’s stuff going on

that I don’t like not only prove out but

you know what we’re family and I won’t

let you go I won’t let you go you can

never get rid of me tell somebody that

you can never get rid of me

never never I’m always gonna be in your

business always in Jesus name

now everybody pray this prayer and we’re

gonna let you go say Lord Jesus you’re

the god of families you told Abraham

I am the God of all families family is

your idea so you know how to make our

family work we need your help especially

in our family so bless my family keep my

family unite my family connect my family

help us to let go of the past

help us to forgive one another and help

us to have life and love and fun and joy

in our relationships we’re better

together and we will not be separated in

Jesus name for where two or three are

gathered in his name he is in the mist

say he’s in my home he’s in my marriage

he’s in my family because we gather we

assemble in his name we are blessed my

family is blessed my children are

blessed my grandchildren are blessed in

Jesus name if you love somebody look at

them and say lean on me at Kingdom

Connection we believe that God has

enormous potential for the children and

people of Haiti and over the years

Jensen Franklin and partners just like

you have built homes provided 270,000

meals a month and created jobs that are

helping mothers and fathers provide for

their families but there is still a food

crisis in Haiti many of the orphanages

depend almost solely on donated food to

feed the children that are in their care

and so many Haitian families find

themselves unable to care for their

children’s basic needs but you can help

these families build a future for their

children when you do we want to equip

you to protect the future of your own

family by sending you Jenson Franklin’s

new help I’m a parent series the enemy

wants nothing more than to rob your

marriage and your children of their

potential we have to fight for our

families fight for what’s worth

protecting through this three message


and Franklin will help you prepare for

the attacks of the enemy that are coming

your way and it will give you insight on

how to raise your children under the

shelter of our mighty God this powerful

series is our gift to you when you give

30 dollars or more this month God has an

extraordinary future plan for the

families of Haiti and for you call now

with your best gift and request your

copy of help I’m a parent today Kingdom

connection is a soul-winning ministry

that is reaching the world through

broadcasting expansion into new church

campuses and global acts of compassion

by using the technology of today to

fulfill the Great Commission we are able

to connect with countless people and

reach hundreds of thousands of lives our

broadcast connect with people all around

the world who say that the messages

speak directly to them our ministry

exists to help build a connection for

strengthening your faith and living out

your god-given purpose and our missions

and relief work helps connect you to

desperate situations showing the love of

Christ through global acts of compassion

we feel the time is right and God is

leading us to grow and that only happens

when you partner with us through

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four nine for more information we can’t

do everything but together we can do

something amazing

this program has been brought to you by

the friends and partners of Jenson

franklin media ministries for more

information on this broadcast or for

additional resources go online at

Jentezen Franklin dot o-r-g
