This is “Just Add Water”. If you look throughout the history of the church, there have been many issues that divide denominations and create confusion. Baptism is one of those issues. Some people get sprinkled with water as babies in elaborate ceremonies. Others get dunked in a backyard pool or river in their jeans and t-shirt. Some believe baptism doesn’t matter at all, while others believe if you’re not baptized, you’re not even saved. With all the confusion, many adult Christians still don’t understand what Baptism is or is not. In Just Add Water, Pastor Jentezen Franklin helps us understand the meaning of water baptism and the significant role it plays in our lives as Believers. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel:

♪ ♪

>> Thank you so much for

joining us today.

I really appreciate you

joining us for this special

telecast today.

Recently I preached a message

called “Just Add Water”,

and it’s a reference

to water baptism.

After you’ve given your heart

to Jesus Christ,

we’re commanded in the Bible

to be baptized in water.

I’m gonna share with you

a simple teaching that can

change your life.

But then, we’re gonna show you

the power of water baptism

by letting you see

on this program, and hear,

some of the most powerful


Watch this, and listen to this.

This is God’s Word to your life,

just add water.

♪ ♪

There’s a story in Acts 8.

I don’t have time to read it,

but it’s the story of Philip,

and it’s the story of how

that there was a revival

in Samaria,

and the Lord spoke to him

and said go to the desert.

Leave the revival where miracles

were happening

and go to the desert.

And so this preacher,

Philip the evangelist,

is in the desert,

and he doesn’t understand

why he’s there,

but he’s waiting on something,

and all of a sudden, he sees

a chariot come in his

direction in the middle

of the desert —

how in the world

these two people intersect

and find each other.

It’s a miraculous story

in Acts 8, and there’s a man

who is over the treasury

of the nation of Ethiopia,

the Bible said.

He was working directly under

Queen Candace who

was over the whole nation

of Ethiopia.

He was a very powerful man,

and he just so happened

to be allowing the horse

to lead the chariot.

I guess it was a trail.

He couldn’t have been

using the reins.

It must’ve knew the way

to go toward water, is all,

and he happens to be reading,

this man, he happens

to be reading the Book

of Isaiah in the 53rd

chapter where it says that

he will be led as a lamb

before the slaughter,

and it goes into the stripes

that he’ll take on his back

and the whole story,

the beautiful crucifixion

Old Testament chapter

of Isaiah 53.

This man who is of another

religion is reading

the Book of Isaiah,

and he does not understand

what it’s saying.

All of a sudden,

Philip the evangelist hears

the spirit say that is the man

I sent you to the desert for.

Join yourself to him.

He runs and while the horse

is trotting along,

here comes the preacher

running right beside.

Here’s the chariot.

The guy is sitting there

reading the Book of Isaiah,

and here comes this preacher

running up beside him.

It’s an amazing story,

and he says, hi, how are you?

What are you doing?

Now, I’m gonna paraphrase it,

but this is what happened.

And he says, well,

I’m reading this book,

this Book of Isaiah about

someone who will be wounded

for my transgressions

and bruised for my inequities,

the chastisement of my peace

will be upon Him,

but I don’t understand a thing

that I’m reading,

and Philip says in so many words

I have a Ph.D. in Isaiah 53.

Would you like for me

to step on to your chariot

and explain it to you?

Come on.

Come on aboard.

He steps on to that chariot

and by the time he gets through

with him the Bible says,

“and he preached Jesus

unto him.”

I love that.

He preached Jesus.

He showed him that Jesus

was the one who had gone

to the cross for him.

He did not preach

politics unto him.

He did not preach

economics unto him.

He preached Jesus unto him.

And the Bible said the man

believed on Jesus Christ,

so much so that he came upon

a pond of water,

probably the only oasis

out in the desert,

and he says what hinders me

from being baptized right now?

And he said do you

believe on Jesus.

He said yes.

And notice they came unto

certain water, and he said

if you believe in your

heart in Jesus Christ —

this man had never heard

the Gospel, and he just had it

preached to him and instantly,

the Bible said,

they both go into the water,

and he gets baptized

right there on the spot.

They went down both into

the water.

What a story!

What a story!

When it comes to baptism,

we make two mistakes.

There are those who say baptism

in water isn’t that big

of a deal because

your salvation does not

depend upon it.

I can be saved without

being baptized in water,

but you cannot be obedient

to the commandment of

Jesus Christ, and then

there are those who go to

the other extreme and say

you cannot be saved unless

you’ve been baptized in water,

and neither one of them

is the correct way to see it.


The first thing that Jesus

did in His earthly ministry

was get baptized in water

and when He came

out of the water,

the heavens opened,

and the Holy Spirit in the form

of a dove came down upon Him,

but the first thing that

He did in His earthly ministry

was model water baptism

for you and I.

The last thing that Jesus did

after He died and rose

from the dead,

and He’s going back on a cloudy

elevator to intercede

for you and me at the right

hand of the Father,

the last words

was go into all the world,

Matthew 28, and preach the

Gospel to all nations

baptizing them in the name

of the Father, Son,

and Holy Spirit.

The last thing Jesus said

was I want you to be baptized,

immersed in water.

I want you to go down

and come up completely

in water through baptism.

We dare not minimize

what Jesus so emphasized.

But in Mark 1:9,

this was the baptism of Jesus.

When He came from Nazareth

to Jordan, Jordan was a river,

and it says in Verse 10

straightway He came up

out of the water.

Now, if He came up out

of the water,

guess where He was?

He was down in completely

in and under the water.

It was not convenient for Jesus

to get baptized,

and that’s why people

don’t do it a lot of times.

It’s just inconvenient.

It’s inconvenient.

It’s a little bit awkward.

It’s kind of, I mean,

Jesus traveled 60 miles

from Nazareth

to the Jordan River.

60 miles.

It was not convenient,

and He did it for one reason

because He knew it was the will

of the Father for Him to be

baptized in the Jordan River

by John the Baptist.

And it’s not convenient

if you just had your hair done,

ladies, a $200 hairdo,

and you’ve gotta get in here

and mess it up.

No thank you.

I don’t feel God speaking

to me today about that.

I get it.

I get it, but I’m just

telling you it will never

be convenient.

Sometimes God doesn’t want

it to be convenient.

He told Naaman the general who

had leprosy get in

the Jordan River and dip seven

times, and he said there’s

gotta be an easier way.

I don’t wanna do it.

God said you do it my way.

You get my results.

He came up, and he had skin

like a baby’s skin

that was leprous before.

And the point is many times

God doesn’t make it convenient

to kill your pride.

Baptism requires,

biblical baptism requires

a lot of water.

It requires a lot of water,

and the word baptism

means to be submerged,

to go under.

All the early Christians

were baptized.

Even in the earliest cathedrals

that they found that

go back to the Second and Third

and 14th Century Christians.

They had baptistries

built in them because they

practiced what Jesus the role

model showed them to do.

Now, let me give you this

real quick, and then we’re

gonna do this.

In Romans 6 this

is what it says.

It gives a biography

of your future.

It shows your past.

It shows.

This baptism tank shows

your past,

it shows your present,

and it shows your future,

and let me tell you

what I’m talking about in

that because he said in Verse 3

that we’re baptized

into Jesus Christ, and we die.

Look at that.

He says when we’re baptized

into Jesus Christ,

we’re baptized into His death.

So, when you go down

into the water,

you are baptized into His death.

What this is a watery tomb,

literally in God’s eyes,

and the old you is being

buried under the water.

The old you, we are about

to have the funeral of about

20 plus people on this stage,

and nobody will be crying

except the devil.

He’ll have his

handkerchief out.

He’s gonna grieve bad,

and he’s gonna say I lost

another one.

I lost another one.

There the old goes.

That drug addict.

There he goes,

and he’s coming.

Now, that’s the past.

And then he says

in the next Verse,

and we baptize them,

and they come out.

Notice the last part,

“in newness of life.”

That’s the present.

So, you go down, and your past,

your shame, your guilt,

the power of the enemy,

the defeat.

You go down in that.

You come up in newness of life,

and then he ends the story

with the next verse

by showing you your future

when he says and just

as we have all will one day

be planted together in

the likeness of His death,

we’re all gonna die,

and they’re gonna put us in

the ground like they put Jesus

in the tomb, but we shall

also in the likeness

of His resurrection,

and he’s all tying that to

this baptism place,

and he says what that is saying

is not only is your past

taken care of, not only have

you come to newness of life

in the present,

but I’ve got your future,

and one of these days

if the Lord tarries, you die,

and they put your body in

the grave, the trumpet is

going to sound,

and you have resurrection power

in you that not only will raise

your spirit instantly

goes to be with God,

but your body will be raised

on that day out of the ground

and out of the grave.

That’s the miracle.

The last thing I wanna say

to you about baptism

and why it’s so important

is because it proclaims your

identification with Jesus

Christ publicly.

It’s like the wedding ring.

This wedding ring says

I belong to Cherise.

It says I —

it doesn’t make me married.

The ring doesn’t

make me married.

I have a marriage certificate.

We had a ceremony.

We have 34 years of living

together, and we did

what we did before God.

That’s what made us married.

But here’s what it does.

It doesn’t make me married.

It shows publicly that I

am married.

That’s exactly what this is.

This doesn’t make you saved.

You can go down a dry sinner

and come up a wet sinner.

There’s nothing magical

in this water that will make

you saved,

but it identifies with the fact

that you belong to Jesus Christ.

He is your Savior,

and you’re going public with it.

You’re going public with it.

You belong to Him.

That’s what water baptism is.

♪ ♪

I want you right now to just

open up your heart,

and let God speak to you

through real life testimonies

you’re about to hear.

As I mentioned at the opening

of this telecast,

we like to hear from people.

We like to hear their stories.

The Bible said we’re overcomers

by the blood of the Lamb,

and the Word of our testimony.

When we start telling people

what Christ has done in our

family, and in our life,

it brings the power of God’s

grace to the forefront

in our life like nothing else.

If you need to know

somebody cares about you,

pick up that phone,

dial the number on

the screen, or send us

and email.

We will have a team

that is praying for you.

Now, let’s go back into

the service, and listen

to these testimonies.

Give us your name, please.

>> Catherine O’Brien.

>> And how old are you,


>> 20.

>> 20.

Now, I heard a lot of ruckus

out there in the congregation.

Who is making all that noise?

>> My counselors

from New Beginnings.

>> You’re in New Beginnings?

>> Yeah, I graduated in 2020.

>> And so how long did you

go into that program?

If you don’t know,

New Beginnings is an amazing

ministry that we support,

and we opened up a home

for teenagers there.

This church built it.

>> I’m actually the dorm

mom for the teen dorm.


>> Okay, so you came there

addicted and broken,

and now you work

in the ministry.

>> I do.

I do.

I started working

for the ministry two or three

months ago, and you know,

now it’s just crazy because,

you know, we have one teenager

there right now,

and you know,

everything that I went through,

you know, every night

that I just sat there crying,

every hurt that I went through,

you know,

like the Lord brought me

out of that.

He brought me through that,

so I can pour into this girl

and to give her the same hope

of Jesus.

You know?

And it’s …


>> You’re so young.

You’re 20 years old.

When did you start?

When did you get into this

darkness, this dark world?

>> Well, it started —

it really took off at age 13.

You know, I was just so angry.

I was angry at the world.

I was angry at God,

and I didn’t want any part

to do with Him or the way

He wanted me to live ‘cause

I was raised in church.

You know?

My mom thought it was very

important to have me in church,

but you know,

my parents had gotten divorced

when I was five,

and I blamed God for that,

and I just was so angry.

I was angry at everybody,

and that just progressed.

You know, I just blew hell

wide open, really.

You know, I started smoking weed

when I was 13,

but that just opened

up the door to so —

>> It’s gateway.

You know, our crazy nation

is legalizing it everywhere,

but it’s a gateway to hell.

>> Absolutely.

You know, and then that just —

there was just other darkness.

You know, I started slitting

my wrists and trying

to commit suicide.

You know, I tried to hang myself

when I was 13 years old,

and the rope broke,

you know, and that was right

there was God’s hand over me,

you know, but even then,

you know, like,

I remember the day that I said

that, well, if God won’t

let me kill myself,

I’ll just do it slowly,

and that’s when I started

really resorting to drugs,

and you know, I ended up

on meth when I was 18,

and it all led up to this one

night where I really thought

that I was gonna die.

I thought that this man

that I was with was gonna

kill me, and I cried out

to the Lord in that moment.

I was like, God, if you

will get me through this alive,

I will change.

I will give my life to you,

and He did,

and from that moment on,

that moment on, He started

moving everything out

of the way,

about a month later,

He led me to New Beginnings,

and I even tried to leave

New Beginnings because part

of me still didn’t —

part of me still didn’t really

want to surrender everything,

but I did.

I tried to leave New Beginnings,

and He wouldn’t let me leave

from there,

you know, and it was a week

later that I got born again,

and I’ve been living for Him

ever since.

>> How long have you been clean?

>> About a year and a half.

>> That’s a miracle.

That’s a miracle.

Anything else you wanna say?

My goodness.

That’s unbelievable.

>> That Jesus,

that Jesus is the only way.

He’s the only one who is ever

gonna be able to bring you

through your problems.

He’s the only one who is gonna

be able to heal that brokenness

that’s within you,

and it’s Jesus.

It’s only Jesus.

>> Praise the Lord.

Lord, thank you

for this miracle.

I baptize you in the name

of the Father,

the Son Jesus Christ,

and the Holy Spirit.

Praise God.

Praise God.

Praise God.

Praise God.


What’s your name?

>> Naomi.

>> Naomi? And are you in

New Beginnings?

>> I’m a graduate from

New Beginnings.

>> How long have

you been graduated?

>> Since September last year.

>> Tell us a summary

of your story.

>> Well, my dad brought me here,

high, in 2018

and I sat in a service

and the Spirit of God

was just speaking

straight through you, Pastor.

>> So your dad made you.

Where’s dad at?

There he is.

That’s awesome.

So your dad knew

that you were high.

Was it a Sunday morning?

>> It was a Sunday morning,

and I came in here

wide-eyed and ready to go.

>> What kind of drugs?

>> I was addicted to Meth

and Heroin.

And I was addicted for —

>> So this could be a real

freak show on a Sunday morning

when we’re wide open, right?

I mean —

>> Absolutely, yes sir.

>> On drugs, you know what

I mean.

Did it freak you out

or what?

>> No, I came in here

and it was like I couldn’t

even feel high anymore.

And —

>> What do you mean you

couldn’t feel high?

>> It was like complete clarity.

Like you were preaching about

being a child, and how when

the Word gets in us as children

that there is a heartstring

in there that will reel you in,

and it was just reeling me in.

So, anyway, he brought me here

and I came to a few services

and we were just going

into the fast and I decided

to stick it out.

I came high every time,

but I still came.

>> Oh, I love that.

You came high every time,

your dad never gave up on you.

And you just kept coming.

Coming messed up,

coming struggling,

coming hurting,

coming addicted,

but you just kept coming.

>> We went into the fast

and you know, that was my

first time learning about

fasting, and you know —

>> So you still getting high,

but you’re gonna learn how

to fast?

>> I mean, you know,

I don’t know who’s fasts

the Lord honored,

and I know he honored

my father’s.

I feel like he may

have honored mine.

My fast was that I was just

gonna watch Sermons.

And I was just gonna let

the Spirit come into me,

even though I was high.

And you preached a sermon

about Ishmael and the cries

of the lad that were heard,

and during my fast,

my baby was taken from me

by Child Protective Services.

And, you know —

>> So that’s a sermon

that’s called Picking Up

Dropped Dreams.

And it’s about Hagar

having to lay the baby

down under a bush and

hearing it cry,

knowing that it was —

she was being separated

from it for it to die,

but God had another plan.

>> Yes, and I believe that

the cries of my baby

were heard.

And within a month I applied

to go to New Beginnings

and he just reeled me in

by that heartstring.

and it was just incredible.

And I’ve made it through,

I came out on the other side.

I wear this sticker

with honor.

This is for my son

who is down in Kidpak,

Little River.

This is my badge of honor.

Every time I come to church

I’m so excited to put it on

my shirt.

>> What a testimony.

To God be the glory.

Oh my goodness, do you want

to say anything else?

>> Yes I do.

I want to say thank you

to my dad for his obedience.

I want to say thank you to all

of the women and staff members

at New Beginnings.

And I want to say thank you

to the people of this church

for their support,

and their prayers.

I don’t even know you,

but I know that you

prayed for me and I want to

thank you and Cherise

for being just,

surrendered vessels

and all of that.

>> Thank you.

Praise the Lord.

Oh, we love you, Jesus.

We love you, Jesus.

We worship you, Lord.

Oh we thank you,

we thank you,

we thank you,

we thank you, Lord Jesus.

We praise you.

I baptize you in the name

of Jesus Christ,

the Father, Son,

and Holy Spirit.

I believe that what you’ve heard

today was what God intended

for you to hear.

Something was said that

touched your heart.

And that’s why you’re still

watching this program.

And I want to give you an invite

that God loves you.

That God cares about you

that Jesus Christ came and died;

He lived a perfect life

and died a horrible death

so that I could be forgiven,

so that you could be forgiven.

Say Jesus, Savior, healer,

deliverer, I need you.

I confess with my mouth

and believe from my heart,

you are the Son of God,

you died and rose from the dead.

You are King of kings

and Lord of lords.

And today, come into my life.

In Jesus name, amen.

Now, tell somebody,

get on the phone, or send us

an email or call

a family member, a friend,

and say, I just gave my heart

to Jesus Christ.

And we want to send you some

free material and help you

in your next step for what

you need to do,

which by the way,

I hope you can find a good

church in your area

and tell the preacher,

I want to get baptized in water

just like I saw

on Kingdom Connection.

Thank you so much.

We can’t wait to hear from you.

In our closing moments together,

I must say a huge thank you

to our partners and friends,

that as we watch the news daily,

and the conflict that’s going on

in Israel,

the hundreds and thousands

of rockets that have been

fired into Israel,

and now the pushback by Israel

against the terrorist leadership

of the Palestinian people.

We started building

bomb shelters there almost

two years ago, we are in

the process of completing

a massive school

and community center,

which is right on the border

of the Gaza Strip right

on the border.

They had two people killed

recently, and several injured

from the rockets.

And we already have one shelter

children are running to it

every day.

Families are running

to it every day.

And we have committed to build

three more.

We also just committed $100,000

more to help counseling

for children who have

post traumatic stress

and they are — they’re really,

the whole community really

is in bad shape.

And they said the number one

need now is they need to be able

to send many, many counselors

into that area

and try to help people

who are having great difficulty.

Will you be a part

of the miracle?

We need your help

and we appreciate all that you

have done and all that you’re

going to do.

Pray about it.

God will bless you

in miraculous ways

when you begin to bless

the nation of Israel.

Let’s do it together.

God bless you.

I’ll see you next time

right here on

Kingdom Connection.

>> Palestinian militant groups

fired more rockets

into Israel overnight.

>> Israel’s missile defense

systems lighting up.

>> The worst seen in years.

>> More rockets towards Israeli.

>> Launched just today.

>> Seven rockets targeted

the city.

>> Your overwhelming

financial support has allowed

Jentezen Franklin

Media Ministries to not only

construct critical bomb shelters

in Israel,

but now we are able to provide

trauma therapy through

the Post Trauma Resilience

Center Program in Eshkol.

>> We understand that one

of the most important resources

for someone to go through

a traumatic moment is to know

that we are not alone.

To know that we have friends

across the ocean

that take care of us.

Our thank you for your gift

of $50 or more

we want to bless you with

the Healing Tree bundle.

Through this uplifting resource

bundle you’re going

to discover the wonderful

blessings God has for you.

Our thank you for your gift

of $500 or more

we want to bless you with

the Healing Tree Gift Set

featuring Jentezen’s uplifting

book, Acres of Diamonds.

Our thank you for your gift

of $1,000 or more,

we want to bless you with

the Healing Tree Collection.

To thank you for your generosity

towards this ministry

and your heart

for the Jewish people.

We want to plant a tree

in your honor in Israel

and send you a beautiful

Comfort My People coin

made with soil from Jerusalem,

as well as the many other

resources in this

powerpack collection.

Your gift will provide healing

and hope to the families

living in a war zone.

Call now or visit us online.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

>> We hope you’ve enjoyed

this teaching

by Jentezen Franklin,

and thank you

for your continued support

of this ministry.

Your prayers

and financial support

make these programs possible.

For more information

about this message,

and other ministry resources,

visit us online
