This is “Propped Up on Your Leaning Side.” You cannot lean so far away from Christ that He will not reach out and keep you from falling … lean on Him. In this message we’re reminded the darker the world gets, the brighter the Day Star shines. No matter how lost you feel God will guide you in the right direction. He will be there to prop you up … just lean on Him!

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection don’t ever let the enemy take

your joy and take your worship and take

your praise don’t ever let circumstances

in this mirror temporal world rule

whether or not your hands are raised in

worship and adoration to your king

somebody lift your hand and open up your

mouth and shout a praise to God

I’m telling you this is how you win

he’ll prop you up on your leaning side


Song of Solomon chapter 8 and verse 5

who is this coming up from the

wilderness leaning upon her beloved who

is this coming somebody’s coming out of

the wilderness they’ve been in the

wilderness but they’re coming up and

they’re coming out and they’re leaning

on one side leaning to one side and

they’re leaning on their beloved who we

know that beloved in the Song of Solomon

is Jesus and we are the bride we’re

leaning on our beloved coming out of the

wilderness it seems like the worlds in a

wilderness economically politically

spiritually I’m not a pessimist because

I believe when it gets dark enough you

can see the stars and the stars are

about to come out and we are the sons of

God and the women of God and the men of

God the daughters of God and it’s time

for us to shine the darker the world

gets the more the stars shine and he’s

the Daystar from on high how will we

make it through the wilderness that

we’re in we got a lien on Jesus

I heard a story some time ago that I

want to give you this morning that’s the

whole premise of the message I’m going

to share a pastor asked his members at

the end of his message in a little

country church he would he would

conclude his service by calling on one

of the members to stand up and pray the

benediction pray the closing prayer this

was a normal thing many of you came up

in a church like that where you know

they just call somebody out and if you

didn’t want to pray they don’t sit on

the front row because you’re very much a

target if you sit on the front row and

and so and so this pastor he would point

this one guy out every time the guy

would pray he would pray Oh God thank

you for this word today and bless these

people today and he would end with the

strangest statement and he would

conclude his prayer by saying and Oh God

Oh Lord

prop us up on our leaning side and then

he that would be it he every time the

preacher would call on him he’d pray

whatever was relevant to the message and

then he would say in all

propped us up on our leaning side and

finally the pastor pulled him aside and

he said I love the way you pray but I

don’t understand your little closing

phrase what are you talking about prop

us up on our leaning side where he said

well pastor I’m a I’m a farmer I live

out on the farm and you know I live in

the country and and he said I’ve got an

old barn and it’s been there a long time

it’s been through a lot of weather and a

lot of storms and a lot of bugs that has

eaten at it and he said I got to looking

at it one day when I was riding on my

tractor and I noticed that it was

leaning to one side and he said I

thought to myself oh my goodness the

barn is leaning and it’s a matter of

time before the whole thing falls so he

said you know what I did I went and got

some pine beans and I propped it up on

its leaning side and he said it still

leans I must tell you I didn’t fix the

lean it still leans but I propped it up

on its leaning side and it’s not going

to fall down because I propped it up on

this leaning side and he said you know I

got to thinking about it when I was on

the tractor pasture and I was riding in

the field and I thought about the kind

of year I’ve had and some of the storms

I’ve been through and some of the things

I’ve gone through some of the people

that are bugging me and eating away at

my joy and eating away at my spirit and

I just got to thinking you know I’m

still here I’m still standing after all

that stuff I’ve been through the storms

and the howling winds they couldn’t

topple me I’m still standing by the

grace of God but from time to time I

find myself leaning leaning toward my

old desires leaning toward anger leaning

toward becoming bitter or hateful at the

people who are bugging me or leaning

toward going back to the old habits and

the old life I used to have and when I

feel myself start leaning toward that

tendency I’ll just remember that old

barn and I’ll pray out loud on my

tractor lord I thank you that you go

prop you’re going to prop me up on my

leaning side

ah I want to thank the Lord because I

know what it means it really means

something to have the props of the Lord

on your leaning side now for those of

you who are so strong and steadfast that

you don’t ever have to worry about a

leaning side because you’re so holy fide

that we can’t hardly stand to be in the

room with you all I can say to you is

one of two things is going on number one

you have not lived long enough and been

through a storm severe enough or you’re

already you’ve already fallen and you’re

flattered and a flitter and you don’t

even know it yet it’s one of the two

because sooner or later you’re going to

feel the howling forces of spiritual

mother nature you’re going to have

emotional hurricanes it’s going to be

things and people that bug you and try

to steal your joy and your going to

start leaning toward that old habit or

leaning toward depression or leaning

toward giving up and quitting or leaning

toward bitterness and unforgiveness and

anger and hatred and all the things that

the enemy would love for you to do but

I’m here today to preach to you that

you’ll find the need sooner or later to

pray Lord prop me up on my leaning side

I believe we’re living in days where

people need to be propped up on there

leaning Sun the Bible said when Moses

died Israel mourn for 30 days but when

Aaron died all of Israel mourned in the

Rabbinical thinking of the rabbi’s they

teach that people mourned more for Aaron

than they did Moses because it said all

the people mourn for Aaron because they

believed that the people could identify

with Aaron more because he had basically

a leaning problem he was the one who was

always leaning toward his weaknesses and

he’s the one who built the golden calf

and they were all dancing around it he

had so many weaknesses and he wasn’t

qualified really to be

the first high priest of Israel but

Moses came along and propped him up on

his leaning side and when he felt

unworthy and when he felt like he had

failed God and when he felt like he had

built the golden calf an image in his

life and how could God ever use me as

the man to go in and represent the

people with the blood that can bring

blessing or cursing upon the people if

I’m not acceptable and my sacrifice is

not acceptable how could God use me and

it was Moses you read who was constantly

propping him up on his leaning side and

I’ve seen God give people props I’ve

seen him green people into other

people’s lives and when they were

leaning toward quitting and when they

were leaning toward giving up and when

they were leaning and all of you have

lean leans and bends we all do two areas

and things and weaknesses in our lives

but when they started leaning God knows

how to bring people props who can prop

you up on your leaning side and tell you

you’re not going to do that and God can

use you and God’s not through blessing

you marriages are made in heaven and

some elsewhere but God puts people

together and do you know why he puts

people together he puts opposites

together for a reason to prop each other

up on their leaning side and when you

are about to be down God wants your mate

to be up and prop you up on the leaning

side and when you’re about to kill one

of your kids because they’ve gotten on

your last nerve

you’ve got another one in there that’s

supposed to prop you up on your leaning

son God knows what he’s doing in

marriage he put you together so that if

one Falls the other will pick – or

better than one the Bible said they’ll

pick each other up what you don’t want

is both of you down at the same time you

got to prop each other up on your

leaning side I thought about John Mark

in the Bible who wrote the book of Mark

but there was a time in his life when he

failed miserably and the Apostle Paul

was so disgusted with him the great

spiritual leader everybody looked up to

Paul he was so spiritual and so powerful

but when John Mark messed up

he said send him home in other words

send him home to his mama I have no use

for him in ministry he’s not fit he’s

not good enough he’s not qualified he

doesn’t have what it takes to make it in

ministry and Paul dismissed him and said

he’s never traveling with me again I’m

gonna tell you that’s that’s one of the

whole books of your Bible that was just

dismissed and told you don’t have

anything to say or do that’s worthwhile

but Barnabas comes alone a man named

Barnabas and he begins to prop John mark

on his leaning side and for two years he

pours into him and for two years he

tells him God has his hand on you and

God is going to bless you and Jesus has

called you and I know Paul rejected you

and Paul’s a man too and he didn’t mean

what I said and I’m going to tell you

God’s going to use you and after two

years the Apostle Paul says I’m going on

another missionary journey oh and by the

way send John Mark he’s profitable unto

me I need him I’ve heard how good he’s

doing and you read his book today

because God sent somebody named Barnabas

to prop him up on his leaning side do

you know that it would have been so easy

to lean and to fall and to go back to

what he used to be before Jesus called

him I’m so thankful that Jesus never

gives up on us but he will prop us up on

our leaning side you talk about props

what must it have been like for Simon

Peter after he denied Jesus three times

the rooster crowed and he looked into

the bleeding bruised face of Jesus and

he saw those eyes and that face that had

been torn to pieces as this beard was

plucked and those eyes looked at him and

they asked him point-blank do you know

this man and he denied Christ the Bible

said to his face you ever read that it

says it to his face

and I can see those eyes of Jesus face

covered with blood drop and can you can

you even imagine when that rooster

crowed that third

how how Peters heart must have sunk in

despair and he starts leaning and he

even leans so far that he goes back to

his fishing boat and the old life that

he used to have God could never use

someone like me but Jesus rose from the

dead on the third day and when he rose

from the dead and the girls came running

he said to the merrier that was there

the two marries he said listen you go

tell my disciples and tell Peter to meet

me in a certain place he knew that it

was going to take a prop to to stop

Simon from leaning and falling back into

the life that he used to his cousin and

his cutting and his temper tantrums and

his old addictions and his old habits

and some of you are listening to me

today and you’re leaning toward that

habit leaning toward that addiction it’s

been a long time since you felt God it’s

been a long time since you felt the Holy

Spirit and you came in today and the

truth is you’re leaning you’re leaning

you nobody knows it but you and God but

you’re leaning toward that weakness but

the Lord has sent you to church today so

that he could prop you up on your

leaning side he knows your name and he

loves you and he knows if you’re

struggling and he knows if you’re

leaning and he can prop you up on your

leaning side all I’m trying to say to

you is Jesus said if I go away I’ll send

another comforter and the word comfort

is Paraclete which means called

alongside the Holy Spirit is the one who

props us up on our leaning side when we

start to lean toward hatred when we

start to lean toward unforgiveness when

we start to lean toward weakness or

addiction when we start to lean towards

backsliding and going back there’s no

shame in it the truth is we’ve all had

those times because of the storms we’ve

been through because of the battles

we’ve been through when your home is

leaning when your marriage is leaning

when your family is leaning because of

something that has happened there is one

who says I can prop you

up on your leaning side and I won’t let

your house fall he’ll prop us up he

knows how to do it

that’s what I’m trying to preach to you

this morning he’s a good God he’s a big

God he loves his people and he loves you

he knows what you’re facing he knows

what you’re feeling he knows what you’re

fearing and he’ll prop you up on your

leaning side you may be facing chemo

treatments or surgery this week but

he’ll prop you up on your leaning side

their strength you didn’t know that was

coming to you’re leaning side you may be

facing grief and sorrow because you’ve

lost a loved one but I serve one who can

prop you up on your leaning side and you

don’t have to fall to the darkness and

the hopelessness and the depression let

him prop you up this morning he loves

you and he wants you to make it not to

fall not to fail he’s not against us if

you’ve got an addiction and when you get

weak in the word and weakened the Lord

you start leaning he won’t just let you

fall and say I never knew I never much

believed you were gonna make it anyhow

he’ll come right in if you’ll ask him

and he’ll prop you up on your leaning

side Moses and the children of Israel

were fighting the amorite s– they were

fighting in the valley and Moses went up

on the mountain to watch from a vantage

point and the Bible said when he raised

his hands as long as he kept his hands

up the battle in the valley

Israel would conquer the amorite sand

cushion Bank but then his hand started

getting weary and when his hand started

coming down amazingly the battle in the

valley began to be lost and the

ammonites began to prevail against the

Israelites because his hands were coming

down and then when he would try to raise

them back up but Israel would start

winning against the amorite but you can

only hold your hands up in your own

strength so long you just got to keep

your hands up if you want to win that’s

all that was the key to the whole battle

you got to keep loving him no matter

what’s going on you got to keep

worshiping him no matter what’s

happening in your life don’t ever let

the enemy take your joy and take your

worship and take your praise don’t ever

let circumstances in this mirror

temporal world rule whether or not your

hands are raised in worship and

adoration to your king

somebody lift your hands and open up

your mouth and shout a praise to God I’m

telling you this is how you win

he’ll prop you up on your leaning side

but there were two men called Erin and

her is spelled hur erin in her and when

Moses raised his hands and they saw his

hand start going down and they saw the

battle beginning to turn against Israel

the Bible said they ran up under him

like two big pine beams when the barn

was leaning when the barn was weary when

the barn couldn’t keep going on its own

strength they came and one got on one

side and one got on the other side and

they propped him up on his leaning side

that’s why it’s so powerful when you get

to sit by somebody who appraised the

Lord because you may be weak but if

they’ll praise the Lord the Lord have

come up under one side because he

inhabits the praises of his people some

of you don’t like this stuff but I will

tell you there’s something to the power

of praise when you look like you’re

losing praise the Lord

when you’re in the valley praise the

Lord when you don’t know what you’re

going to do praise the Lord and when you

get weary keep praising the Lord praise

the Lord

I’m almost done but Moses was a good

prop for Aaron in the past do you

remember when Aaron was was supposed to

be high priest and he was about to give

up but Moses propped him up remember but

now guess who’s prophet Moses uh it’s

Aaron hey you were so weak I had to prop

you up but now I’m weak and you having a

proper meal and when his arms started

coming down Aaron and her as long as

that barn was standing there was victory

that was being won but if that barn came

down the victory was lost and I’m saying

to you that he’ll prop you up on your

leaning side and here’s the best part of

this message Jude chapter one in verse

24 now unto Him who is able to keep you

from falling and to present you

faultless before the presence of his

glory with exceeding joy Jesus the Bible

said is able to keep you from falling

you may be leaning this morning but you

not go fall you may be weak this morning

but you’re not going to fall you may

have the howling forces of spiritual

mother nature coming against your

marriage in your home but I promise you

if you’ll say Jesus prop me up on my

leaning side the Holy Spirit would say

are they able to keep you from falling

and present you faultless now maybe you

maybe you don’t need a good verse like

that but I will tell you something if

you look into your own strength to not

lean and fall for that old habit or that

old addiction you’re not gonna make it

but if you’ll run to Jesus he’ll prop

you up and he’ll keep you from falling

shout I’m not gonna fall

shout my house is not going to fall

shout my dreams are not going to fall

he’ll prop me up on my leaning side and

I will not fail the winds are howling

from house to house from home to home

from family to family from relationship

to relationship marriage the marriage

how will we make it through the

wilderness who is this on the Salomon

8/5 who is this coming up oh I love that

been down been in the desert been in the

dry place been in the wilderness but who

is this coming up you’re coming up and

coming out of the desert who is it is

somebody leaning on their beloved now if

I’m leaning they’re not carrying me huh

I noticed you she wasn’t in his arms and

he was carrying her she had to do what

she could do God wants you to do what

you can do and then after you’ve done

all you can do he’ll prop you up on your

leaning side and he’ll walk you out of

the desert he’ll walk you out of the

wilderness he’ll walk you out of the dry

place that you’ve been he’ll prop you up

on your leaning side I don’t know who

I’m preaching to today but I came to let

somebody know that he’s gonna keep you

from falling

you haven’t come this far to collapse

and fall and break down and give up I’m

preaching to somebody who needs to hear

that he is able to keep you from falling

and prop you up on your leaning side

lift up both hands like Moses did over

your battle and the enemy showed you a

picture of falling and failure and give

up and you ain’t going to make it your

whole house is coming down but the Lord

sent me with a word from his throne

today he’s going to prompt you on your

leaning sighs here comes the Holy Spirit

here comes the armies of angels here

comes the power of the blood here comes

the authority of the name here comes the

power of agreement in prayer and we prop

you up and your house and your family

we prop you up on your leanings side I’m

so glad it’s not up to me to try harder

but I can lean on Jesus and His grace

will prop me up on my leaning side how

many of you got a lean inside be honest

if you if you don’t admit it will ask

your husband or your wife but you

definitely have a lean inside and this

word is for you today I wonder how many

of you said pastor you’re preaching to

me this morning let me see your hand be

honest be honest don’t don’t play that

game be honest I won’t ever want to view

that wheel that raised your hand at this

campus or any of our others get out of

your seat and come down front I want you

to come if you can by the hundreds

because something’s about to happen

you’ve got a weakness if you’ve got a

tendency if you if you felt like quittin

if you felt like giving up if you’ve

been leaning and you know it you’re

tired of pretending you need a touch you

need you need in the prop to prop you up

on your lean inside I promise you he’s

able to keep you from falling and to

present you faultless so once you right

now lift your hands all over this room

lift them up high I want you to say Oh

God Here I am here’s my weakness I’m

leaning I got it mitt I I’m leaning to

one side I’m leaning toward this area

Lord would you prop me up it’s a weak

area it’s an area I’ve been struggling

with I’ve been feeling the the wind is

blowing in that direction so father Here

I am send the comforter send the power

of the Holy Spirit

send the anointing of the word that he’s

preached today and prop me up on my

leaning side I thank you for it


thank you for Jesus I bless you for Lord

we believe you today just to profit up

on our leaning side thank you Jesus

thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank

you Jesus

let him do it let him do it he sees your

struggle he sees the battle you’re in he

sees what’s going on in your family and

in your home let him come and crop you

up on your leaving here at free Chapel

our mission is simple to inspire people

to live for Jesus with incredible

worship and messages by senior pastor

Jentezen Franklin

you will leave encouraged to thrive

throughout the week we offer great

opportunities for you and your entire

family to grow connect with others and

serve the community we would love you to

take advantage of all three Chapel has

to offer for kids from newborn to 12

there’s kid pack it’s one of the top

children’s programs around for middle

and high school students Wednesday night

is the best night of the week with free

Chapel you in addition to our weekly

events we have conferences with some of

the top musicians and speakers from

around the world for more information on

all we have to offer a great place to

start is free chapel so come I invite

you to join us at one of our campuses

this Sunday here at free chapel a place

to call home


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