It sounds like a huge contradiction to be “as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing,” but it really is the definition of life. You are either going through trial, coming out of a trial or about to go through one. We are all familiar with adversity, but there is a pattern in scripture that may be less familiar. God specializes in bringing good out of bad … in “The Prosperity of Adversity.”

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

collection today on Kingdom connection

God has an after this for your life

you’ve been through years of adversity

after this after the divorce after the

bankruptcy after the layoff after the

depression after the accident after the

moral failure God always has and after

this God has an after this for you the

prosperity of adversity is next on

Kingdom connection

today I want to preach on the prosperity

of adversity sorrowful but rejoicing

poor but making others rich having

nothing yet possessing all things that

folks is the prosperity of adversity

it’s time to begin

I believe I hear in my heart the Lord

saying it’s time to begin to reap the

prosperity of adversity prosperity means

to be successful to be prosperous to

have good success the word adversity

means misfortune suffering trouble and I

was thinking about and I thought about

how that we’ve all been food both of

those times in our lives if you haven’t

you will there are seasons of adversity

and they’re seasons of prosperity and I

think as a nation we’ve been through the

last I guess decade has been one of war

and one of economic challenge and one of

tremendous terrorism and and things that

have been happening that are


millions of people losing their homes

and being laid off the real estate

business and people’s fortunes you know

just kind of vanishing as as their homes

have lost value and and cars and things

just being taken from people grieving

and going through terrible valleys of

loneliness maybe divorce maybe the

heartbreak of an addiction that came to

the family or some some tragedy hit your

life and it just shook you to the core

we all are familiar with adversity but

what I want you to understand is there

is something there is a pattern in

Scripture that anytime adversity comes

there will come with that the prosperity

of adversity at some point and it’s

coming our way I believe now is the time

the devil’s had his way long

enough troubles had its way long enough

tough times have had their way long

enough it’s time for the prosperity of

adversity if you can believe for that

clap your hands and say yes sorrowful

yet rejoicing we’ve had our times of

sorrow how many of you have had your

seasons of great sorrow we’ve had them

but God has already set his approval on

the prosperity that’s getting ready to

be reaped in this church and in our


the prosperity of adversity means that

there are some compensations in life

there are some Joy’s in our sorrows

there are some crowns in our crosses

there are some mercies in our miseries

there are some love’s in our losses

there are some divine appointments out

of our disappointments there are some

some I believe some compensations from

our contradictions my faith is greater

than it’s ever been before I believe God

has authorized that we will as a church

and as a people reap this year the

prosperity of our adversity sometimes

you just need a break sometimes you need

to quit crying sometimes you need some

good news sometimes you need something

good to happen sometimes you just need

some encouragement sometimes you just

need a door to open sometimes you just

need to get a phone call that is good

news and here’s the word of the Lord for

this hour it’s gonna come your way

you’ve made it through the storm

sorrowful yet rejoicing how because we

believe in the prosperity of adversity

give the Lord a shout of praise if you


please II asked these eleven and one

said cast your bread upon the water and

after many days it’ll come back there’s

that time of you just losing it and

there it goes and there it goes and

there it goes and then but if you’ll

keep casting your bread

somebody said I cast my bread on the

water and it came back soggy you’re the

one I’m preaching to you keep casting

your Bread on the water and it’s going

to come back a sandwich and you’re not

going to have to ask where’s the meat

you’re gonna see that God has provided

exceedingly abundantly above all that I

could ask a thing it’s time to reap the

prosperity of adversity shake yourself

loose from pride shake yourself loose

from depression shake yourself loose

from hopelessness we serve a God of

encouragement and he’s in this room

today and he’s saying I’ve seen your

tears I’ve seen your sorrow now get

ready for the prosperity of adversity

somebody take a praise spray and give

God a great shout if you still stand and

give Him praise

Isiah put it this way they’ve had wait

upon the Lord shall renew their strength

they shall mount up with wings as Eagles

they shall run and not be weary they

shall walk and not faint they that wait

upon the Lord some of you been waiting

10 years some of you been waiting five

long years some of you been through

weeks and months and year after year

after year of adversity but I’m telling

you the season is changing something is

about to happen for those who will seek

God and turn to him with all of their

heart there is going to come the reaping

of the prosperity of adversity we often

direct Galatians 6 and 7 to the center

but it was written to the Saint in

connection with verse 9 but he says in

verse 6 be not deceived God is not


whatsoever a man sows that shall he also

reap and if he sews through the flesh

he’ll of the flesh reap corruption if he

sews through the spirit he will of the

Spirit reap everlasting life but that’s

not where it ends it ends with verse 9

so let us not be weary in well-doing for

in due season we will reap if we faint

not take another praise break among

pre-k’s in a minute oh I hear the

prosperity of adversity coming for those

who will not quit and I’m going to enjoy


I’m gonna enjoy what has come out of

years of adversity

I’m gonna walk in the prosperity on the

blessing and I’m not just talking about

material things I’m talking about the

Grace and the restored joy and the

bigger for life and the renewed vision

and the dream that is jumping again and

alive again and purpose that is real God

wants to bring the prosperity of

adversity to this people he will never

leave us he will never forsake us the

Bible said when the enemy comes in like

a flood if you keep lifting Jesus up

there will come the prosperity the

standard that comes with the adversity

you see the devil is at work we don’t

deny the adversity he’s got a cane for

every Abel he’s got an issue for every

Isaac he’s got a Daniels lines then for

every Daniel he’s got a fiery furnace

for every Shadrach Meshach and Abednego

he’s got a Herod for every John the

Baptist he’s got an antichrist for every

Christ he’s got a nice song for every

Jacob but I’m telling you that if you’ve

been fighting those kinds of situations

in your life that there’s going to come

the prosperity of adversity if we will

let God he’ll take the devil’s tool and

weapon out of his hand and use it on him

the Bible said that David took Goliath

sword and cut his head off with it

the devil’s tool was number one weapon

was death and Satan said if I could use

my best weapon against Jesus I can

defeat him but God took the devil’s

number one tool and used it and Jesus

through death conquered hell and sin and

your past

the devil said well if I can find me a

champion that will persecute the church

I will stop the church and so he raised

up a guy named Saul of Tarsus he started

killing Christians everywhere he went

but then God said well let me take the

tool of the devil and turn it on the

devil and he knocked sawed off his horse

on the road to Damascus and changed his

name to Paul and the Apostle Paul became

the greatest apostle in the New

Testament and wrote half of the book

right here

he was the devil’s number one tool and

weapon and God took it and turned it

against the enemy I’m saying to you that

same devil that’s come against you God

can take it like a tool and turn it on

the kingdom of hell and you can see the

prosperity of adversity give God a great

shout if you believe the Apostle Peter

said it like this humble yourself before

the mighty hand of God let be adversity

humble you let the adversity Drive you

to your knees let the adversity break

your cold calloused hard until you weep

again let me adversity drive you back to

the Bible let me adversity caused you to

humble yourself and if you humble

yourself in due season I will exalt you

there will come the prosperity of

adversity David was anointed king of

Israel and then Saul began to attack him

adversity came and for 15 years he lived

in caves for 15 years he lived in

tremendous poverty being being poor

having nothing but possessing all things

because he was anointed if you’re

anointed if you have the Holy Spirit if

you have the promises of God do not dis

focus on your present season there will

come the prosperity of your adversity

it’s a test it’s a trial it’s sometimes

it’s just the devil we had we were going

through something with one of our

teenagers thank God I’m out of those

years Jesus I praise you pretty much

I’m telling you there were times when I

thought our family you know you just

have to take a step it’s okay to say no

parents let me help you if you’re a real

parent you won’t let your kids run buck

wild and do whatever they want to do we

were having one of those episodes and

little Drake and little Conner they’re

my youngest and now they’re on up but

they were little bitty things and we had

one of our kids in the back bedroom and

we closed the door but the conversation

was coming through the door if you get

my drift and so and so Drake turns to

Conner and says we need to go get the

Bible so they run upstairs and she got

her pink girly Bible she has a little

pink girly Bob and Drake said no Conner

a pink Bible won’t get the job done we

need a big black Bible the devil’s

really messin healthy sometimes you

don’t need a little Pete girly Bible

sometimes you need a big old black Bible

that says devil

david was anointed but he went through

hell why am I going through the course

you’re anointed cuz your children are

anointed inhales after them they have a

destiny they have an assignment God has

a plan for their life and hail will come

after it but stand there in the

adversity in the tears in the heartbreak

stand there and watch what God will do

he’ll bring prosperity out of the

adversity if you’ll stand for what is

right somebody give God a great praise

right now whoa I feel the Lord look at

all day that years later he’s not living

in a cave now he’s sitting on the throne

he’s the king of Israel he’s

experiencing and reaping the prosperity

of his years and years and years that’s

what I felt in my spirit and years some

of you been in years and years of

adversity don’t give up David started

reaping the prosperity of his adversity

I want to give you one more illustration

I thought about Jobe Jobe experienced

the prosperity of adversity having

nothing but possessing all things job

said I have the prosperity of adversity

coming my way then came that dramatic

moment in job

the 42nd chapter is a powerful verse of

scripture that said and after this job

lived a hundred and forty years God has

an after this for your life

you’ve been through years of adversity

after this after the divorce after the

bankruptcy after the layoffs after the

depression after the accident after the

moral failure God always has and after

this God started restoring joven the

scripture said that he gave him double

that’s called the prosperity of

adversity now when he went into the

trial he had 7,000 sheep but when he

came out of it he had 14,000 sheep when

he went in he had 3,000 camels but when

he came out he had six thousand camels

when he went in he had five hundred yoke

of oxen when he came out he had a

thousand yoke of oxen when he went into

the trial and adversity he had five

hundred donkeys and when he came out he

had one thousand donkeys and you have to

decide are you going to give up in the

adversity I’m saying that the next few

weeks are vital because the Holy Spirit

is going to renew vision he’s going to

place dreams back into the hearts of his

people he’s going to restore the years

the locust and the cankerworm year after

year of adversity but we’re going to

reap the prosperity of adversity you

have to decide are you a pessimist or an

optimist you see an optimist sees the

doughnut the pessimist sees a hole

some of you have allowed the negativity

of your circumstances the sink into your

thinking and you don’t see what Paul saw

when he said I’m sorrowful yet rejoicing

I’ve lost everything but I possess all

how could he make such a statement he

saw the donut not the hole there were

two frogs that fell in a deep cream bowl

one was an optimistic soul but the other

took a gloomy view we shall drown he

cried without more adieu with the last

despairing cry

he flung up his legs and said goodbye

croaked the other frog with a merry grin

I can’t get out but I can’t give in I’ll

just swim around till my strength is

spent and then I’ll die with more

content so bravely he swam until it was

seen his struggles begin to turn to

cream on the top of the butter

at last he stopped and out of the bowl

he merrily hopped and the borrow of this

is easily found if you can’t get out

let’s just keep on swimming around

I want every business person I want

every if you’ve been through years of

just you know the money’s been down the

business has been down she’s been a

struggle struggle struggle get your

faith it’s time for the prosperity of

adversity to come to God’s people I’m

declaring this a revival of the blessing

and the Grace and the favour and the

goodness of God in the land of the

living let’s just shout a minute let’s

just shout him in it oh we praise you

Jesus I’m so glad you’re listening to

this message today and I don’t believe

it’s by chance I I remember when you

know God spoke to my heart many many

many years ago about coming on

television and he said I’m going to give

you Kingdom connections and that’s where

our little name of our program came from

and I believe that you’re fulfilling

that prophecy you are a kingdom

connection and you were supposed to hear

this message today and I want to pray

for you father in the name of Jesus I

ask you to touch that person watching me

today that really needs your

encouragement that really needs your

healing and your power and your help and

your spirit to speak to them again I

know what it’s like to just need to know

and hear that God is still with me and

God is still for me and God still has

great things in my life coming and I

just speak that over this person’s life

right now you know who they are you hold

them in the palm of your hand and lord I

praise you for what you’re going to do

in their life and in their future and if

you’re watching this telecast and you

don’t know Jesus as your Savior just

pray a quick prayer right where you are

say Lord Jesus I give you my life I need

you I turn everything over to you it’s

where it belongs I can’t carry these

burdens alone I need you Jesus to be my

Savior amen and amen

well be sure and dial the number that’s

on the screen or just go online and all

the wonderful material there you can see

our website and just jot it down or

write it down and as soon as we go off

the air go there’s you can download

messages and you can just be blessed and

I know that you’re going to grow in your

knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and

don’t forget we’re having our second

forward conference on the west coast

July the 25th through the 27th an

amazing speaker by the name of Chad

Veatch is going to be with us Reggie

dabs the planet shakers singers all the

way from Australia are going to be with

us is real Holton and on and on the list

goes I’ll be preaching and I hope you

will get there get registered it it’s

totally sold out last year it’s going to

do the same this year so you don’t want

to be you know on the on the outskirts

get in it because God’s going to be

moving great I believe that great things

are coming don’t give a hold on to God’s

promises he’s going to bring to pass

everything he’s promised in your life

we’ll see you next time

I had a normal tile to you know grew up

in a good family a good home in a small

town and always had dreams to go to

California and always wanted to go there

ever since I was a kid just watching

movies that always look so glamorous

I am met a guy and we began talking and

he seemed like a really nice guy so I

trusted him and we ended up meeting up

but then he ended up being a pimp and he

abducted me and got me involved in the

sex trafficking industry a lot of

physical abuse and mental abuse he would

call me names and just break me down and

constantly told me how worthless I was

and how that I would never be able to

escape and that if I tried to that he

would kill me I mean he would hurt my

family but had no way of contacting

anyone and I was constantly just worried

about what they were thinking and how

scared they must be wondering where I

was at and I felt constantly guilty I

felt really hopeless I felt like a

prisoner I felt like there would never

be a way out that this would be the way

that I would die that I would stay there

forever I just began praying every night

to my Heavenly Father and just kept

asking him and crying out to him for

help to send someone to rescue me I was

out on the streets working and a person

came up to me from Project Hope and

offered me a way out they took me to a

safe place and they began to just pour

the love of Jesus into my life and they

just began giving me tools to be able to

overcome the emotional and mental abuse

that I’ve experienced I am the 1% that

has been rescued there’s other girls out

there that that deserve a chance to be

rescued they need to know that someone

cares about them and that there is a way

out and Project Hope offers that

together we can make a difference become

a life speaker today and join with us as

we help provide housing for the rescued

and spread the life-giving word of God

you can with the love of God love people

to wholeness and freedom and I’ve seen

girls that have come in carrying in a

fetal position absolutely laughs and I

think of the scripture in Proverbs where

it says she smiles at the future you can

make a difference you can help rescue

the enslaved become a life speaker today

for your generous gift of three hundred

sixty five dollars that’s a dollar a day

you can help save a life for your

generous gift you’ll receive an official

connection partner kit that includes a

connected life book The Voice Bible

connection magazine and exclusive access

to the connection partner website and

the four DVD set revival complete with

messages from Jensen Franklin well in

this revival God wants to revive you God

wants to bring purpose to your family

God wants to send the Holy Spirit dr.

mark Rutland I believe in part he chose

Simon Peter to show us that he can bring

power to the powerless that he can make

bold the Cowardly that he can bring the

Holy Spirit to us who need it and Perry

stone Jesus was so concerned about his

followers that he emphasized to them the

significance of don’t try to do anything

unless you have been empowered by the

Holy Spirit or for your best gift this

month receive revival on DVD and

discover the refreshing and newness that

comes through a true hunger for God your

life will move from ordinary to

extraordinary it’s our way of saying

thanks for taking a stand with us

against human trafficking we can’t do

everything but we can do something

become a life speaker today

this program has been brought to you by

the friends and partners of Jensen

franklin ministries for more information

on the ministry and resources visit us

online at Jensen Franklin no RG
