Watch “The Rewards of Faithfulness” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom


ever get discouraged on your job if you

ever get discouraged in your family if

you ever get discouraged in the call of

God on your life you need to remember a

hero in the Bible that I’m going to

preach about his name is Matthias he is

mentioned by Luke who wrote the book of

Acts in this one passage his name comes

up and it is in reference to the

prophecy in the Book of Psalms of one of

the Apostles that would betray Jesus and

have to be replaced and that is what was

happening they had been in the upper

room about seven days after the

resurrection of Jesus Christ

the disciples a hundred and twenty of

them were assembled praying and on

around the seventh day they said you

know we’ve been praying and we need to

fill the slot there’s one missing place

and according to the scripture we should

we should put someone in the place of

Judas who hung himself and betrayed the

Lord and that’s exactly what was taking

place in this scripture and they begin

to pray they begin to say Lord you know

the hearts of men you know who we need

to choose and I want you to notice the

the qualifications that it took to be

named and notice the word Apostleship

this was not just a leader in the church

in the first church this was Apostleship

this is same status as Simon Peter and

James and John and Matthew and all of

the Apostles all twelve of the Apostles

of course Judas hung himself and now

somebody is going to be elevated to that

position and here’s the qualifications

for it where for finest men who

accompanied us all the time through the

in and out of Jesus and who were with us

listen to this from the baptism of John


was taken up in the resurrection 40 days

after he rose from the dead and he went

up on a on a cloud into heaven to sit at

the right hand of the Father that was

the qualifications and only to fulfilled

that criteria and it was a man by the

name of justice and it was a man by the

name of Matthias and when they had

prayed they this is this is almost funny

but they cast lots they rolled the dice

that’s like some of you do when you buy

your lottery ticket in the name of Jesus

and and they actually said now God we’re

picking a leader and we need you to

leave this is this funny innit and they

cast lots and they said now if you get

that I don’t know if they use toothpicks

or what but if you get the short

toothpick you’re the loser and the guy

with the I don’t know how they did it

but it was basically a natural contest

that they used something and many

believe it was dice or something like

dice and one of them chose a number or

whatever and whoever got it welcome to

the exclusive 12 of the Lord Jesus

Christ but the real the real

qualification was they had to be

faithful they had to be there from

beginning to end I’m preaching tonight

on the rewards of faithfulness it really

didn’t matter they were saying no it

really doesn’t matter one is about as

good as the other because they’re both

faithful and so just roll the dice and

see see see who God wants to choose

tonight and so they chose an apostle and

it fell on Matthias and he was numbered

among the eleven apostles the only place

that he’s mentioned in Scripture he’s

chosen to be an apostle and what was the

qualification why did they choose him

notice that it wasn’t about his

preaching notice that it wasn’t who

could sing the best it didn’t have

anything to do with

his leadership qualities it was simply

the fact that he was looking for they

were looking for an apostle and this

person had to be faithful through the

ins and outs of Jesus

it speaks of faithfulness it speaks and

denotes of being there in and out doing

serving behind the scenes with no

recognition with nobody praising him

never coming up in the scriptures

neither one of these men they weren’t

doing it for any other reason they were

serving in their place we don’t even

know what they did but they followed the

disciples around they hung around they

were not talked about they never

performed a miracle they never preached

they never sung they didn’t do they

might have built a campfire or something

like that

but they did nothing that caused them to

be recognized in man’s eyes

qualifications not based on talent not

based on skill not based on education

God’s trying to tell us that when I’m

choosing my last apostle I’m not

choosing based on their knowledge or

even their scripture quoting or their

ability to get up in front of people I’m

choosing on the basis of faithfulness

and loyalty I’m choosing on the basis of

whether or not they’ve been there and

they were consistent and they were

faithful and I’m saying to you that God

has called you to do things that may

seem small to you but I don’t care how

small and insignificant it seems he will

not overlook your faithfulness if you

give a cup of water in my name I will

reward you one day at the judgment seat

of Christ you may not be able to rub

shoulders with great people all of that

stuff but one day one way you can be

equal with everybody is

they they make an outdo me and other

things but you need to say they can

outdo me in faithfulness they were there

from the baptism to the resurrection and

I’m saying to you that if people never

recognize what you do for the Lord the

real boss is upstairs and he sees and he

knows Matthias had to be with them

constantly what does that mean from the

time that Jesus went in and out the

verse said you know there’s times when

Jesus is in and it feels like revival

and it feels like whoa I got chill bumps

on top of my chill bumps and it’s

awesome and God is here and that’s

awesome and people love that but

sometimes it feels like Jesus has left

the building

but he said the people that are in that

are there with the ins and outs of Jesus

so you stay faithful in the word whether

you feel like it or not and you stay

faithful in prayer and you stay faithful

in your commitment to God into his house

you just stay faithful you’re there and

when Jesus is in and you’re there when

Jesus is out you’re there and I know

he’s always with us

but the tangible presence of God you

don’t always feel so sometimes you’re

going through a valley you’re going

through a dry spell you’re going through

a wilderness but you stay faithful

through the ins and outs of Jesus you

just keep praising him whether you feel

like it or not and sometimes you feel

like lifting your hands and other times

you just do it cuz the Bible said do it

and you worship God I’m telling you that

is faithfulness and loyalty to God and

he will not let it go unrewarded there

are too many green house Christians they

bloom in a protected environment only as

long as they have no wind they have no

rain they have no storm they’re faithful

to God but when the elements hit and the

storm hits and the rain falls you find

them weak and you find them in

situations where they lose the

faithfulness to God because things are

not going perfect but he’s looking for

people who will stay with him through

the ins and outs because the truth is

he’s using those times to expand your

faith in your trust he’s using those

times to teach you that you don’t always

have to feel God to know that he’s with

you but there is a settled confidence

and a peace in your soul that says come

what may he will never leave me he will

never forsake me I’m not afraid of the

future I’m not afraid of tomorrow I’m

not afraid of any bad report because the

Lord is with me there will be times in

your life when you feel like Jesus has

exited the building where did he go

what’s wrong with the church why aren’t

we having a move of God but what I’ve

found is if I’m faithful through the ins

and outs

he always rewards my faithfulness if you

get discouraged like that and say

where’s God you have to remember if

you’re involved in nothing but just

being faithful and I may be preaching

somebody who feels like quitting tonight

you can’t quit this is no quitting place

you’ll have no pleasure in you if you

drawback we’re not of those who drawback

set your face like a flint put your hand

to the plow and double up on your your

your dedication and make up your mind I

will not stop reaping the harvest it’s a

matter of fact I’m gonna give more than

I’ve ever given of my life to the

kingdom of God because one day the

trumpets gonna sound and the Lord is

coming back and his reward is with him

the scripture said everybody take a

praise break and thinking if you found

that there’s power and just being there

I’ve watched some of you you’re my

children in

I’ve watched some of you and you came in

struggling and you came in with stuff

going on but I’ve just watched you you

just keep coming and you just keep

coming and your barrage just might have

been weak but they just keep coming in

and out in and out in and out and you

know what they’re strong in the Lord

they’re they’re seeing the blessings of

God on their life God will do it for

anybody in this room who be faithful to

him with this wishy-washy stuff this hid

skipping this stuff that didn’t work in

the kingdom

you just disqualified yourself from high

places God would have taken you to he’ll

overlook somebody that’s a lot smarter

than you and give it to you if you’re

faithful the highest calling in the New

Testament church is Apostleship and all

that God did to get it was I was I was


I love that don’t you love that that

kind of gives us hope

you know I’m looking back on my life in

the past 25 years if I hadn’t done

nothing else I’ve been here in that

right shout about it praise God

hallelujah sometimes we let the devil

just put us down and tell us how sorry

we are but you need to remind him you

couldn’t be faithful when you were in

God’s presence looking at it and I’ve

been faithful I’ve never seen in

hallelujah but one day I’m going to see

in one day I’m going to behold him you

got to learn how to hang tough you know

that’s a surfer term that when the

pressure of the waves my son-in-law Ben

is a surfer and and he said the Hang Ten

the way you hang ten is you have to have

strong pressure on the back of the board

and he said and what they have to do to

keep the board from going over they have

to run all the way to the to the end of

the surfboard

and he said the reason it’s called hang

ten is you hang your toes over sometimes

you feel like you’re going through the

storm what do you do you just hang ten

just hang in there through the ends and

the outs through the ups and the downs

tails tell the devil you can’t I don’t

care what anybody says about me they’re

not running me off

that’s what you have to do don’t bail

out don’t give up at the slightest

problem the Bible said if you faint in

the day of adversity your strength is

weak stay strong and especially in

adversity stay strong in the Word of God

put on the whole armor of God that’s why

it’s so important to read this book

because if you’ll read this book when

you think you don’t need it God will

bring it out of you when you do need it

and that you don’t that words you read

tonight may mean nothing to you and you

may think Lance just another word but

you get up tomorrow and here comes the

devil right at you and the Holy Spirit

will bring up that words you read last

night when the enemy comes in like a

flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise

up a standard against it and that’s the

power of just being faithful in

spiritual things now I wanna I want you

to see this so Mathias his greatest

moment you know faithfulness gives you

glimpses of intimacy he had been there

every miracle Jesus had performed he was

there every sermon Jesus had preached he

was there he was an eyewitness he was

there so here’s the great thing about

that if somebody said I don’t believe

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead

I believe that’s exaggeration about

those 10 lepers getting healed I don’t

believe that actually happened I don’t

believe that he rose from the dead and

went to heaven

I don’t believe it watch Matthias here

comes Matthias and he swims up his hand

and he makes his only contribution to

the kingdom of God

I was there oh come on

I doubt Lazarus really was dead for days

I was there

a man with an experience is never at the

mercy of a man with an argument

everybody shout right there boy if you

were there and you saw it for yourself

they can argue and tell you you’re crazy

and it’s not real but I know what I have

experience is real because it happened

to me and I saw it with my own eyes a


man with an experience is never at the

mercy of a man with an argument that’s

why I like old people there’s something

about those gray headed Saints that

they’ve just been there and when stuff

comes they don’t freak out they don’t

fall to pieces something in them rises

up and says well I’ve seen him go take

me through the valley of the shadow

before I’ve seen him let the the cabinet

get empty before I’ve seen the bank

account go down to nothing before but I

have been old young and now I’m old and

I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken

or his seed begging for bread God is

faithful when we are faithful and even

when we’re not faithful he’s faithful

somebody praise somebody praise Him

I go to prepare a place for you that

where I am there you may be also I still

believe in heaven I still believe the

trumpet is gonna sound I still believe

that through the rapture or through

death there is another world and I’ll

never have to face God for my sins

because I have been covered from the

womb to the tomb the blood of Jesus has

cleanse me from all unrighteousness but

I will face God at the judgment seat of

Christ the Bema de Bheema it was an

exalted area where the Romans would

bring their champions and they would

stand like at the Olympics on a on a

pedestal and they would be rewarded

either a silver bronze or a gold medal

the Bible is very clear my salvation is

settled but my reward I’m not working

for my salvation I’m working for my

reward and I’m gonna tell you the a

sobering vault it’s how I live right now

one of the crowns is the crown of

righteousness means right standing it

means you take the right stand it

matters the the life it matters personal

purity and holiness and fighting and

resisting sin temptation all that stuff

matters it matters because one day we

shall stand before the judgment seat of

Christ the Bema the light of God will

shine on us before all of heaven and all

of our works will be examined but I’m

gonna tell you it matters if you’re

doing something in your local church for

the kingdom of God it’s the only thing

that will when the when the Bible talks

about the eye of the needle you know

it’s hard for a rich man to go to heaven

it be is hard for a camel to go through

the eye of the needle and and then we

start thinking well how in the world can

a camel go through the eye of the needle

it’s like a rich man in a Porsche trying

to go through a hotel revolving door in

that Porsche he can’t he can ram into

that door but that Porsche is not gonna

go through that revolving door here’s

the point it’s not that rich people

can’t go to heaven lunch you can’t take

you can go through the door sir but you

got to get out of the car the Porsche

and all the stuff is gonna be left on

this side you can go through the blood

of Jesus Christ but you’re not taking

any of it with you and it’s not gonna

matter when you stand at the judgment

seat of Christ only what you’ve done for

him will make it through in that

something so that’s why he said be a

joyful Giver because man you’re securing

blessings and eternity and joyfully

serve the Lord with gladness servant so

here’s my point he’s gone to prepare a

place for us and the Bible said that

there are foundations in that city

called New Jerusalem 12 foundations made

a precious stone jewels and it says this

in the book of Revelation and the names

of the 12 apostles are engraved in the

12 foundations so one of the foundations

is Peter and one of the Foundation’s is

John and one of the foundations is named

after Matthew and it goes on and on and

on every one of them have a foundation

can you see the angel work crews

finishing up their engraving names and

they get to the 12th foundation and the

angel work crew with their hard hats

hold up and they say Lord who would you

like for us to put here on this final

foundation the 12 apostles the 12

foundations where all of the redeemed

will live for eternity in the New

Jerusalem no weeping no sorrow joy

unspeakable full of glory but there’s a

name missing on the top foundation what

name would you like for me to put and

the Lord says put Matthias who is that

doesn’t matter if you know their name I

know their name and put their name put

his name let him be numbered among the

Apostles and when I get to heaven you

know where I’m gonna run to I’m gonna

run and put my fingers in the engraved

name of Matthias and say I didn’t preach

like Peter and I didn’t work miracles

like Paul I didn’t write any books like

Matthew but Lord I sure can’t identify

with this man I was there I was faithful

and God has rewarded me for my

faithfulness with all eternity to stand

to your feet and just give God praise

for his faithfulness and thank him for a

moment just to honor him all over this

ring all of you who feel like you’re not

worthy of anything in the kingdom put

your hands together and thank him that

he has a place for you and great will be

your reward

I believe today’s message is speaking to

your heart to just continue to be

faithful God is a rewarder of people who

are faithful to his kingdom you know

we’re never required to be successful

success is only found one time in the

Bible nothing wrong with success and I

believe when you obey God he will make

you successful but our ultimate goal is

not success

it’s faithfulness to God and if we’re

faithful to God he will bless everything

that we do and today why don’t you just

turn that commitment over to him why

don’t you just say Lord whatever I’m

walking through going through take my

life let me make a difference use me for

your purpose and your glory like you did

my thighs and let me at the end of my

life here you say well done thou good

and faithful servant that’s success that

is victory in every way when you are

faithful to God God will be faithful to

you even when you’re not faithful he’ll

be faithful to you because these are

faithful God I want to invite you today

if you don’t know the Lord as your

Savior to ask him into your heart right

where you are pray this prayer and say

Lord Jesus I receive you today as my

Savior just say those words I believe in


I put my faith in you and I know you’re

a faithful God and I commit my life to

you today in Jesus name Amen and amen

you know we love to hear the reports

that we hear from all over the world of

people who are touched by simple

programs just like this one if this

message today has touched your heart if

God has spoken to you and something

we’ve said I wish you would take him on

and just let us know you can go on the

prayer line if you prayed a prayer of

consecration and salvation and we would

love to help you and your new wall or

you can go online and you can

communicate with us that way we would

love to hear from you and our closing

moments I want to say thank you for

helping us take this message all over

the world and we simply are just

thankful for those of you who are

faithful faithful to God and faithful to

this ministry into your commitment to

help us reach the world as you know this

quarter we have been raising resources

to go into West Africa and build an

orphanage there and complete an amazing

ministry center that includes a school

and education and get girls off of the

streets out of sex trafficking into this

beautiful orphanage and educational

center we’re sending them two hundred

and seventy five thousand dollars and

we’ve raised a hundred and seventy five

thousand of that but we need the last

one hundred thousand it’s not for me

it’s not for even this ministry it’s for

that orphanage in West Africa what a

difference you can make for an orphan

what a difference you can make in

somebody’s life pray about what God

would have you do thank you for watching

we appreciate you so much pray for us

and we’ll pray for you Jenson Franklin

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brought to you by the friends and

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