Watch “The Supernatural” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel.

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exodus chapter 4 Exodus chapter 4 verse

1 then Moses answered and said but

suppose they will not believe me or

listen to my voice suppose they say the

Lord has not appeared to you so the Lord

said to him what is in your hand and he

said a rod or a stick

he said cast it on the ground so he cast

it on the ground and it became a serpent

and Moses fled from it how many of you

can relate to that part of the verse I

like that he fled from it then the Lord

said to Moses reach out your hand and

take it by the tail and he reached out

his hand and called it and it became a

rod in his hand and I’m gonna stop

reading there and I want to share with

you today on the subject of the

supernatural we live in a world that’s

interested in the supernatural

interested in the spiritual not always

the holy spiritual but the spiritual

movies books are seems like our more

being made about the supernatural than

ever before because there is a hunger

it’s amazing that when the church seems

in many places to be cold dead dull and

dry and there’s no mention of

supernatural power there’s no mention of

the power of the Holy Spirit that the

world is crying out wanting supernatural

power in the story of Moses I see three

quick things that I want to emphasize to

you the Bible said that God told Moses

after 40 years of being in the desert

I’m ready to use you again he spoke

through a burning bush and he said I

want you to go to Pharaoh and tell him

to let my people go

and after 450 years of bondage God said

you’re the man I’m going to use to

deliver the people and he said Lord why

would he believe me why would he say and

accept that God has sent me and God

asked him a question he said what is in

your hand he said there’s nothing in my

hand but a stick and God said

to him throw it down and the Bible said

that the stick became a serpent he said

I’m going to use what I’ve already given

you and I want you to throw it down and

it turned into a snake and then the

Bible said Moses fled from it he ran

from that snake he was running from his

calling some of you’ve camouflaged your

calling and some of you are trying to

cover up your calling and running from

your calling but God’s not gonna let you

run from your calling it’s time to run

to it and God spoke to him and said now

pick the snake up by the tail and this

is huge he said I want you to pick that

snake up by the tail now I’m not a snake

handler but if I were going to pick a

snake up I would not pick him up by the

tail I’ve watched enough of the TV shows

on National Geographic to know you grab

him by the back of his head because if

you grab him by the tail he can turn

around and bite you and what God was

saying to Moses if I’m going to use you

you will have to confront your fears you

will have to overcome fear because one

of the main things that God that Satan

will do to try to stop you from being

used of God is to put you into fear and

God said the only way you can be used by

me number one is to overcome your fear

to confront your fear and that stick

that looks so common that stick that

looks so normal that stick that looks so

ordinary when he released it became

supernatural I believe I know where

Moses got his stutter from because when

you first read of Moses the Bible said

he was eloquent or mighty in speech and

in words but later we read that he had a

stutter you don’t know where he got the

stutter from this is my own

interpretation when God said pick up the

stick he said what what

that’s where it all started that was

worth coming to church for right there

if you didn’t get anything else up it he

said throw it down and then pick it up

and the snake turned back into a stick

suddenly everything went back to normal

because sometimes all God needs is for

you to give him what he’s already given

you and all God needs sometimes it’s

just a stick when he was standing on the

Red Sea God said all I need is a stick

hold that stick up and I’ll part the Red

Sea in your gold cross on dry land when

they were in the bitter waters of Marah

and they were thirsting to death and

they didn’t have anything to drink in

the desert God said take a stick and put

it in the water and the stick will

transform the bitter water into sweet

water and they could drink it because

sometimes all God needs is an ordinary

stick when the widow was dying in the

famine and about to kick to cook her

last meal the Bible said the Prophet

showed up at her house and noticed what

she was doing she was gathering sticks

to make a fire to eat her last meal

because sometimes all God needs for a

miracle is a stick when the axe head

flew off of the handle and went into the

Jordan River and the sons of the

prophets could not continue the building

program and the Prophet said get a stick

off of that tree break a branch off and

put it in the water and when he did when

he put the stick in the water the axe

head did swim the iron did swim and it

began to swim back onto that stick

because sometimes when God wants to do a

miracle all he needs is a stick when God

wanted to prove that he was God to a

barbarian people who were on an isolated

island he said Paul I want you to gather

sticks and build a fire and I’m gonna

let the

people know that I am God when God was

ready to redeem the world from sin he

allowed his son to die at Calvary on two

sticks because sometimes all God needs

is a stick and that’s why the Bible said

a friend loves at all times and there is

a friend that sticks closer than a


sometimes all God needs is an ordinary

common average stick we think to do the

supernatural we have to be somebody

special somebody wonderful somebody

super spiritual when God is not looking

for that he’s looking for sticks he’s

looking for the ordinary all God needs

from you is exactly what you have to

offer notice he didn’t say what do you

have in your head because the miracle

that God wants from you is not dependent

on your intellect notice he didn’t say

what do you have what do you have in

your mouth because the miracle that God

needs from you is not dependent upon

your vocabulary he said what do you have

that I have already given you you don’t

need to produce a miracle out of what

you don’t have I’m gonna use what I’ve

already given you a simple Shepherd

stick quick thinking you’re inadequate

quick thinking that you can’t do it quit

thinking that you’re too small and it’s

too big quit thinking that God can’t use

you and God can’t bless you all God uses

most of the time is just ordinary

average sticks he said give me what

you’ve got

now this is a big important thing for

you to understand it wasn’t until Moses

took what he had and released it and

took his finger prints off of it that it

became the supernatural as long as his

fingerprints were on it it never became

supernatural but when he released it and

put it in God’s hands

then suddenly it became the supernatural

God is saying when you give me what I’ve

already given you and take your

fingerprints off of it because what I

want to do is supernatural in your life

and I’m going to get the glory and I

don’t want it in your hand I want it in

my hand

nothing has changed folks nothing has

changed in the same way that God used

Moses is how he will use you just give

him what he’s already given you and this

is the big point that I want to make on

this Moses if he had not gone through

the desert he would never have been

given that stick he had to go through

the desert and it was in the desert that

he picked up the stick the shepherd

shepherd’s staff that was where he got

the staff in his hand and I want you to

understand that many times when we go

through a season that we call a desert

and we quit and we give up we forfeit

what God is wanting to put in our hands

it’s when we go through some tough stuff

that God will equip you with some stuff

that he will later use to bring

deliverance and help and healing and

hope to somebody who you will minister

to through what you picked up in the

desert what you picked up in in the

rough stuff had Moses never gone through

that desert he would have never been

given the stick when we go through the

desert and we go through the wilderness

and we go through the dry place and we

don’t give up every time God will use

that trial God will use that wilderness

and he will put something in your hand

that later he will come back and use for

his glory but you don’t get it on the

mountaintop you get it in the desert so

now that you’ve had a trial run now that

you have practiced it’s time to go to

Pharaoh and when he says

how do I know God sent you what you

practiced here in the desert throw the

stick down and I’ll turn it into a

serpent you’re ready for the test he

goes in and Moses says I don’t believe

God since you prove it and he says you

see the stick and he throws it down and

it turns into a serpent and he thought

Pharaoh would be impressed and I can

almost see Moses go uh-huh

and Moses yawns our Pharaoh yawns and he

says bring my magicians in the Bible

said that the magicians came with

enchantments the word enchantment means

fire they were not prophets they were

magicians a magician is someone who uses

trickery they cannot perform the

supernatural but they can trick you they

cannot make a rabbit come out of nowhere

but they can use the sleight of hand to

make you think the rabbit came out of

nowhere that that shows up in the impact

a magician is using tricks and fakery

and the Bible said we don’t know but one

one one person that I read after said

that that the stick that that the

serpent the serpents must have been in

some kind of encasing that they that

they had and it looked like sticks but

when they threw them down and when it

says enchantments there was fire there

was smoke that was hey so there was the

sleight of hand and suddenly it looked

like they did the same miracle that

Moses did but God says keep looking at

the snakes Moses and all of a sudden the

one that the first state that was on

before started started swallowing up all

the other snakes it swallowed up that

fake one and swallowed up that fake one

and swallowed up that fake and when it

was over

that wasn’t when it started there was a

whole lot of wiggling going on but when

it was over it was just one snake it

started with one snake and it ended with

one snake it started with one Lord and

it’s going to end with

one Lord and Jesus will swallow up

Muhammad he’ll swallow up false teaching

he’ll swallow up doctrines he’ll swallow

up Buddha he’ll swallow up every lie of

humanism and it started with one Lord

and his funny in with one Lord he’s king

of kings he’s a king snake he’s Lord of

lords he’ll eat up every other snake

come on and give him a shout of praise

if you believe our God is mightier I God

is bigger our God is stronger and all of

a sudden there’s nothing left but that

one snake we love it oh don’t you know

that was fun for Moses in front of all

of Egypt the huge platform

boom God throws him on the floor the rod

and the stick turns into a snake and it

swallows up all the others and oh how

exciting and then God says now take him

by the tail and it’s gonna go back to

being a stick we love it when God

transforms us into something mighty and

something supernatural and he puts us on

a platform and he uses us in a big way

and he does something super and gives a

supernatural success and supernatural

victory and supernatural results oh it’s

beautiful it’s wonderful but the

greatest part of the miracle was not

mystique turning into a snake but in my

opinion the greatest part of the miracle

is the fact that the snake turned back

into a stick it went from the

supernatural back to being common back

to being ordinary back to being normal

because it was saying in that I don’t

deserve that it’s not about the snake

wiggling on the floor it’s about the

mighty God that can take an ordinary

a normal average thing and make it

supernatural and the question that I

have is can God take what you’ve got

your talent your gift and give you a

platform and throw you down on the floor

and use you in some big supernatural way

and did not go to your head but you have

to live there that you have to always be

but the real supernatural thing is when

you come out of it and you go back to

being ordinary normal but God can you

sing the solo but then be faithful when

you don’t have the solo can you preach

the sermon can you build the business

and have supernatural success but when

it’s not happening and and you’re not in

the office and everybody isn’t calling

you sir can you go back home and be

ordinary and be dead and be husband and

be family and be because we think the

miracle isn’t but folks this is just a

small part and the reason God doesn’t

make more snake things happen

sensational because the stick is boring

a stick is average a stick is normal but

I started to get a stick in a real snake

I thought about it but I said I will not

do it because I don’t I can’t do it but

if I wanted to do it I thought about who

could I get to stand up here and hold

the snake in the ass for a list of non

toddlers and where there was so many

that were that I couldn’t choose

one and so so you have to imagine in

your mind but if I held a stick up here

you would you would but if I pulled a

real snake out whoa and so many times we

get into the miracles whoo

but the real miracle is when God can use

you in a mighty way and give you amazing

success and blessing on a huge platform

in front of a bunch of Egyptians but

then you step out of the conference the

big stage and you’re just ordinary

you’re just normal you say God I

appreciate all of that but I want to be

faithful in your hand whether I’m a

snake getting a lot of attention whether

I’m putting cones out in the parking lot

or greeting or shaking hands or singing

in the choir not on the praise team it

really doesn’t matter I think about my

own life and when I go and preach and

occasionally God really used me to

preach in a forward conference or

something like that he throws me down

and gives me a foreword all of that but

I’m gonna tell you that is not what God

really looks for is people who can

perform in those moments but he then

says now I want you the supernet

sometimes the most supernatural thing

you can do is remain natural but after

he uses you you don’t get the big head

after he uses you it doesn’t change who

you are

I started out a stick ordinary nobody’d

and they’re nothing unless God touches

me he uses me and after he uses me I’m

still nobody nothing ordinary without

his touch so don’t praise me worthy is

the lamb don’t praise me give God all

the glory that’s what he looks

and we would get more miracles if God

could find more sticks see we say God

use me what we mean is foamy on the

floor in front of a lot of people use me

in front of all these people

let me wiggle around and do something

supernatural and let them say whoa Wow

God says when it’s over will you remain

faithful in my hand

life is like seasons seasons and here’s

the thing the Lord told me to tell you

that that he watches how you transition

and if you if you humble yourself if you

if you can stay normal and average and

if you can always say God that was

amazing but I’m still I haven’t lost Who

I am I Know Who I am I’m nothing without

you and it’s not words it’s truly from a

heart God says oh my I gotta have that

stick again BAM live here so let’s go

back give me the glory BAM let’s get go

back can God give you the house can give

you the stuff can he trust you with

supernatural success I’m almost done but

the Bible said in mark chapter 16 these

signs shall follow them that believe

they shall take up serpents and if they

drink any deadly thing it will not hurt

them the serpent in Moses day

represented the supernatural power of

God and when he picked it up it did not

hurt him can God use you to do the

supernatural and it not hurt you because

I’ve seen God use people to do

supernatural things and

had supernatural success and

supernatural victory but they didn’t

learn how to give the glory to God and

they were twice as better off when they

had half as much can God use you to do

the supernatural and it not hurt you can

you pick up the serpent and it not hurt

you or if he does some great thing and

open some supernatural door and blesses

you beyond your wildest dreams will you

have to will you be able to still be who

you are and so I conclude by saying to

you could God use you and you handle it

could God use you in Supernatural ways

and bless you and I felt led to tell you

that that he wants to bless people in

this church in Supernatural ways

supernatural everyone say supernatural

success and it not change who you are I

started out a stick

I had the supernatural I’m going back to

being a stick if he can find that he

will use you over and over he’ll

overlook a lot of hotshots and he’ll say

I like that attitude boom and then you

just go back and give him all the glory

give him all the praise I want you to

say three words everybody in this room

everybody in Gwinnett everybody watching

streaming live everybody listening to me

right now say these three words God use

me say it again God use me say it again


it won’t run me it won’t hurt me to do

some supernatural things to have some

supernatural opportunities I’ve had

supernatural opportunities I have and it

hasn’t hurt me I don’t think I’m saying

to you that God wants to give you

supernatural opportunities but the

question is can you handle it can you

stand to be blessed will you still go

back to being who he made you and called

you to be just faithful in his hand and

when those days start to fade and when

the phone doesn’t ring anymore

and when the invitations don’t come when

the opportunities and when the business

starts settling down and things are not

it’s okay I’m good I can abound or I can

I can I can I can be a base it doesn’t

matter Lord because it’s not about that

it’s about you and as long as I’m in

your hand and in your presence I’ll just

be a stick

that’s all God needs is a stick I want

you to look at me just one moment I’m

giving a massive altar call this morning

for everyone in this room under the

sound of my voice and in any room that’s

listening to me that would say I want

God to use me this is very important on

a call I want God to use me get out of

your seat and come stand as close as you

can get just as close as you can get

whether it’s big whether it’s little

whether it’s in the limelight or whether

it’s behind-the-scenes whether it’s a

snake or it’s a stick I’m fine with it

I would just like for God to use me


everybody that would say I want God to

use me get in as close as you can and

folks get in just as close as you can

well pastor this is crazy this big old

church people can’t get in here the ones

who want to will because this is

important this is what life is about God

use me

lift your hands high now all over this

room a beautiful beautiful scene that I

see this begin to pray for a moment just

begin to say Lord I’m Yours I’m Yours

and every transition in life I’m Yours

my goal is not a big platform my goal is

to remain faithful in your hand I’m not

trying to be something big lord I want

to be a vessel I want to be what you’ve

called me to be and I yield myself to

your hand if you can use anything life

is real vivid alive beating breathing it

happens behind closed doors and out in

front there’s joy

there’s laughter and chaos

lifelong friendships are forged love is

found moments cherished

and never forgotten

life is a gift and together we are real


real friends

real people

experiencing real life

is free chapel

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