This is “The Whispers of God”. God still speaks to His people. He desires to speak to you but you must ask. God seldom yells; He whispers. Don’t wait for a big, glorious moment, but lean in to hear God speak to you in a whisper. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit… & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you:… Share your testimony to encourage us and others:… See our outreach programs:… Stay Connected to Jentezen Franklin:… Donate to help us share the gospel around the world through Kingdom Connection broadcasts and other humanitarian outreaches:… #jentezenfranklin #pastorjentezen #whispersofgod
welcome to a very special edition of
Kingdom connection I’m coming to you
from the Sea of Galilee behind me is
where Jesus taught on the Hills behind
me the Beatitudes and just a little bit
down in the few moments in the picture
as we Cruise along the shoreline here
you’ll see the city of Capernaum where
he performed many mighty Miracles where
he healed the woman with the issue of
blood where he taught powerful lessons
in the synagogue
and I believe today the message that I’m
going to share with you is a word in
season I want to talk to you today about
how you can discern The Whispers of God
the power of one whisper from God
can change your life there were people
in the scriptures who heard the whisper
of God and you may not understand what
I’m talking about but stay with me for a
few moments because I believe you’re
going to hear that voice that so many
did in the scriptures he said in John 10
that he desires to communicate and talk
to us that God is still speaking he’s
still speaking and giving directions to
his people some of you need to know
God’s direction God’s will you’re at an
intersection you don’t know which way to
go in your business or in your life
maybe you’re single and you’re searching
for that right person there’s a whisper
that can come to you from God that can
direct your path in remarkable
astonishing ways and I’m going to prove
it to you in the scriptures God seldom
yells at us
but what he does is he sends that gentle
whisper that voice
that Rings true down on the inside that
says this is my will this is my
direction for your life and I was
thinking about the story in first Samuel
chapter 3. of how that
there was a man by the name of Eli the
high priest he was in the temple and the
scripture said that there was a young
lad there young boy by the name of
and every night the voice of God would
call out to him Samuel Samuel was the
Whisperer of God Samuel I’m calling you
Samuel I have a purpose for your life
did you know that even our children can
hear the Whisper Of God even teenagers
they don’t have to wait till they’re 20
or 30 to find God’s will plan and
Direction and calling for their life and
here’s Eli in the temple and he hears in
that Temple boy I want our young people
I want our children to hear the voice of
God the calling voice of God I want to I
want God to give them Samuel ears for
this generation to hear God calling them
and why he put them here what is their
the text said when God called out Samuel
Samuel that he would get up and he would
go into the high priest Eli and wake him
up and say did you call me and Eli said
I didn’t call you and this happened
three times three times Samuel woke up
in the night and he kept going to Eli
the high priest saying I heard a voice
calling me was it you and finally the
the old priest said to him it’s the
voice of God and the next time that you
hear that whisper saying your name you
say these words Samuel you say Speak
Lord thy servant heareth
and sure enough God one more time speaks
and calls him by his name it’s that
gentle whisper Samuel Samuel
and he said Speak Lord thy servant hears
and you know the rest of the story he
became perhaps the greatest Old
Testament prophet in all of the
scripture so powerful was what God
communicated to him so powerful was his
ability to hear God’s voice that the
Bible uses this term not one of his
words fell to the ground in other words
he had such an open line of
communication that when God would
whisper to him Direction and he would
speak it God would say not one word will
fall to the ground I’ll back it up all
of heaven will back it up I Believe In
The Whispers of God I believe in how
powerful they are in our lives I know
for me the first time that I encountered
The Whisper of God in a magnificent and
significant way
was when I was 20 years old I had given
my heart to the Lord and I had
surrendered my life but I was in my
second year of college and I loved music
and I thought I was going to do music
for for the rest of my life and be a
musician and that was my plan
but One Summer
uh that second summer when I was home
from school I felt the Lord just
impressed me to seek him for three days
of fasting and I fasted for three days
and on the third day of that fast
there came a Whisper Of God he didn’t
write it in graffiti I didn’t hear an
audible voice I didn’t see an angel
but I’m telling you I can take you to
the spot in North Carolina where I heard
the gentle Whisper of God and he said
I’ve called you to preach
I’ve called you to go in my name and
I’ll go with you and I’ll use you
and I’ll I’ll use you to preach and win
souls for me
and that
that one whisper now listen to me
carefully when God Whispers something to
you there are many people
many people who need you to hear the
whisper of God and need you to act on
The Whisper Of God that one whisper that
summer changed the whole direction of my
life I announced to my family and people
who knew me God had called me to preach
and that summer I started to preach my
first sermon and I thought I would go
back to school in the fall but I never
stopped I’ve never stopped to this day
preaching the gospel it all came because
one whisper from God he’s got Whispers
for you he has a whisper concerning his
will for your life the season that
you’re in I remember a second major
Whisper Of God that I heard in my life
as I was 25 years old I’d been
evangelizing with my brother for many
years and we’d preached all over the
and he got married and I was single and
I started traveling and was a single
evangelist and I was 25. and I remember
that I went to North Georgia to preach
and I saw
a beautiful girl by the name of Charisse
and I just over time just dated her a
few times but there came that moment in
my life where I knew God just whispered
to me marry her and he didn’t have to
scream that one because she’s so
the greatest thing that ever happened to
me I don’t know what I would be in the
ministry today if anything without my
dear wife Charisse she’s amazing amazing
God gave me the her full of wisp he said
marry her I remember there was some a
minister who called me and tried to tell
me that wasn’t the right move and that I
was missing God’s will but you know when
God Whispers to you it doesn’t matter
what other people say you just have a no
that I know that I know and I knew she
was the one and she was the one
God has a whisper for some of you some
of you are listening to me today
and you know you’re single or you’ve
been through a divorce or you’ve been
through a busted relationship and you’re
heartbroken but God has that whisper
and he knows how to whisper to the other
he’s a Matchmaker he knows how to
whisper to that other person and bring
you together pray about it and say God
give me Samuel ears
that when you’re Whispering I want to
hear it I wanna I wanna fresh new
whisper from God this year I tell you he
has plans he has directions he has a
will for your life I thought about after
I met Charisse and you know a lot of
people are counting on you hearing the
whisper of God
and not too long after that because
Charisse was connected to a little
church called Free Chapel I went and
preached and the pastor there was a man
by the name of Roy Welborn
and he asked me to come to make a long
story short
I was there and at his invitation
and he passed away the week that he
invited me nine months before
that very week that he invited me to
come preach nine months in advance he
passed away
and they asked me to preach on the
Sunday morning when their Pastor was
going to have his funeral in the
and I went into that church in
Gainesville Georgia at free chapel and I
preached a brand new message I’d never
preached before that I knew God had
given me for that grieving congregation
that had lost their Pastor for many many
and I’ll never forget it as long as I
live as as I finish that message and
then they had the funeral service after
the Sunday morning service
I walked out of the pulpit and I heard
these words they are sheep
without a Shepherd it was as clear not
in an audible voice but it was a whisper
a strong impression when when God
Whispers to you you don’t have to you
don’t there’s no arguing you just know
that he’s speaking
and I heard him say there’s that’s all
he said they’re sheep without a shepherd
and it was almost like in that I heard
him saying will you Pastor this people
and it wasn’t long after that that they
called me and asked me to be their
pastor and I didn’t think about this but
behind the camera that we’ve got several
camera people and one of the camera
people with me on this trip is his last
name is Welborn it’s Daniel welberg he’s
the grandson
of Roy Wilburn the pastor that I
followed at Free Chapel
all of that here he is in the ministry
standing on a boat filming on the Sea of
all of that depended upon a whisper
a whisper
oh Hallelujah God has a plan
God has a plan Whispers almost feel
Reckless sometimes they almost feel
like you know it takes Faith it’s one
thing to hear it then you have to move I
had to leave my denomination when I
heard that that whisper I had to give up
all my security I was like uh Elijah
Elisha when Elijah came walking by the
Bible said he broke the plows he had
been a farmer all of his life and he
broke compiles he said I’m never coming
back to this I’m going in this direction
I’ve heard a whisper from God
it’s a powerful thing when God Whispers
to you and I was thinking about how that
so many times we need that proceeding
word of God Jesus said man shall not
live by bread alone listen to me
carefully but by every word that
proceeds from the mouth of God you know
when Abraham
uh took Isaac up on Mount Moriah he did
that on a word from the Lord God told
him to do it and he said sacrifice him
and he raised the knife but watch this
this is the preceding word
and as he was about to stab the boy in
the heart at God’s word there came a
voice that said stay your hand stop your
hand I was testing you what if he had
heard a fresh proceeding word the
preceding word means don’t proceed
without this
if if you don’t have those Samuel ears
at certain seasons in your life just
because God told you to do something
doesn’t mean you’re supposed to do it
for the rest of your life to stay where
you are for the rest of your life God
has new directions for you God has new
orders for you
and he has a new whisper for you
I felt like telling you this and I wrote
it down in the hotel room here just this
morning early your greatest Whispers
are not in your past
I’m preaching to somebody who’s
listening to me today and the Lord wants
you to know that your greatest Whispers
that he has for you are not in your past
they’re in your future
and all along I’ve had the Holy Spirit
Come to Me and whisper to me a new word
a fresh word a proceeding word new
I remember at one time how of whisper
from God can change your direction and
you got to be humble enough to change
and shift When God Says change
and uh we were planning on expanding the
sanctuary we had already hired an
architect we were going to add 2 000
more seats to our Auditorium it was
going to be a 40 million dollar building
program we were going to have a bridge
that that went over to another parking
lot it was it and I’ll never forget it
as long as I lived I
I knew that we could do it we we were
lined up to do it we had everything
lined up to do it and I heard the
whisper of God
and all that I heard was the Lord say
wait on me
wait on me
and I I knew that something wasn’t right
we could have done it we should have
done it everything said we could do it
but God said don’t do it
and we pulled back and we said we’re not
going to do it I had to get up and kind
of tell the church that you know I don’t
understand this but God’s got a plan and
it seemed like people just really uh
actually just felt peace with me and
within a few months there was a campus
down the road our Gwinnett Campus Church
it was a building that was being built
and I want you to listen to me how God
has a plan
it had 21 Acres right on the interstate
it was a church that had started
building the building
and somehow they had gone through
conflict the church fell apart in the
middle of the building program the
pastor left and went up north somewhere
and the church fell to pieces and there
was a building sitting on the side of
the highway I wrote this down to make
sure I had it right it was valued at 16
million dollars the bank took the note
and it went from 16 million and they put
it up for sale for 9 million
and then they put it up for sale for six
million and then I heard about it
after I stopped the building program
that we were just about to break ground
and we bought that property for
2.8 million dollars
and we have a thriving Church there with
hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and I
can say thousands of people have been
saved in that building
and it all God had a plan and then came
Orange County and then came another
campus and another campus and another
campus and another in another and he’s
still at
what if I hadn’t heard that whisper what
if I had just kept right on going and
put everything right there in that
building I’m telling you God’s
greatest Whispers in your life are ahead
of you if you’ll just begin to pray and
say God lead me
I tell you when we obey the Lord when we
do what he says do and as we’re going
along the the coastline here
and right over to my left is Capernaum
where Jesus headquartered his ministry
and he did more miracles in that place
and in this region than anywhere
I’m telling you that same voice can
whisper to you Direction
can can whisper to you what to do to
make that business Prosper it was on
this Sea of Galilee that he said to a
failing businessman
cast your nets on the other side
and when he cast his Nets on the other
side the Bible said that the so many
fish came in the Nets that he had to
call for the other boats and say help me
I’m sinking in prosperity and blessing
God can whisper to You One Direction it
was one whisper that came to Simon Peter
when he was in a storm on this on this
body of water
Jesus came walking on the water he had
told him to go over to the other side
and just because you are in a storm
doesn’t mean you’re out of the will of
God As a matter of fact I would be
worried if the enemy never fights you if
Satan never bothers you it’s because
you’re going in the same direction with
him and all of his Devils but if you
really are doing the will of God you
will have opposition you you will go
through storms I really believe it was
Satan that brought the storm because
when they got to the other side which is
right over I’m looking at it in this
direction it’s the land of the
and when when he got to the other side
he said a man free from demons you could
be right on the verge of the greatest
breakthrough in one of your family
members who’ve been tormented by demon
spirits of addiction and suicide and
eating disorders and the storm is just
trying to talk you out of your Miracle
don’t quit and the Bible said he heard
a whisper in his storm
and he said Lord if it’s you
if that’s you out on this water walk in
on the water bid me to come
and he heard one whisper that changed
his life
Jesus said come on
come on
come on and he stepped off the boat
and he walked on the water with Jesus
I’m preaching to some people right now
who need to know
that Jesus is not finished with you his
greatest whispers are not in your past
ask him right where you are
he’s speaking saying come to me
give me your life give me your struggles
give me your questions
I’ll never forget as long as I live
a few years ago when I came to Israel
I’d been many times but the Lord spoke
to me one whisper about this nation
he said favor what I favor
bless what I bless
and I will bless you I will bless your
families I will bless the ministry I
will bless the TV Ministry I will bless
you and make you a blessing
he said but bless this nation bless it
mightily trust I trust you to bless this
nation and I I will I wept as I walk the
streets in Jerusalem I heard him while I
was walking on a busy street he said if
you’ll bless what I bless it was just a
whisper not an audible voice just a
whisper and we started doing that
and we have seen God
open the windows of heaven and pour out
his blessings our ministry is debt free
we owe no man nothing for the glory of
and we do missions all over the world
and especially right here in the nation
of Israel why
because one whisper from God
there’s provision in it there’s healing
in it in his whisper there’s Direction
there’s a plan of God for you and your
family for Generations I want to pray
for you just stretch your hand toward me
right here on the Sea of Galilee I speak
miracles to you today in the mighty name
of Jesus Lord you did it right behind me
right on these seashores you you healed
the woman with the issue of blood you
multiplied the fish in the loaves in
those mountains behind me
so you can provide for somebody today
you can heal somebody today you can heal
broken families and broken homes today
you can heal blood diseases and cancer
and all kind and all manner of sickness
and disease
and Lord I pray for the lost I pray for
those who are bound by evil spirits that
are just tormenting and destroying their
lives be set free
in the name of Jesus now while I’m
speaking to you there’s you hear a voice
inside of my voice that’s the Whisper Of
God he’s saying come come to me come to
come to me
my name is Jesus
call on his name
in Jesus name pray this prayer Lord I
receive you as my savior as my Lord give
me those ears like Samuel like Elisha
like Elijah to hear new directions your
will for my light one scripture that I
say a lot
is this and I conclude with this I pray
this almost every day
there’s a verse and I believe it’s
Isaiah 50 that says you shall hear a
voice behind you saying this is the way
walk in it then he said morning by
you awaken my ears to hear and give me
the tongue of the learn if you’ll ask it
God’s going to give you Sam your ears
and get ready for the Whispers of God in
your life
this program has been sponsored in part
by friends and partners of Jensen
Franklin media Ministries for more
information about this message and other
Ministry resources visit us online at
thank you
Good post and straight to the point. I am not sure if this is truly the best place to ask but do you guys have any thoughts on where to employ some professional writers? Thanks