Watch “Three Lessons From Lucifer’s Fall” Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom


in the book of ezekiel the 28th chapter

it talks about Lucifer and the pipes and

timbrels and musical instruments that

were created inside of him it talks

about how that he was created to worship

how that he was created to praise God

and today I want to talk to you about

three lessons from Lucifer’s fall you

see the devil was not always a devil he

used to be Lucifer the anointed cherub

but there was a day when he chose to

become the devil the question that I

have is what transformed an angel a

worshiping angel into a devil it

happened when he made a choice one day

in heaven that many people make in their

life and so today I want to talk to you

about the lessons of Lucifer’s fall for

you see there are forces that would

oppose and minimize our worship most of

those forces are are not forces on the

inside are the outside the people in the

world don’t care how much we praise a

matter of fact the loss Luvdisc come to

a lively church where the people know

how to praise God the forces that

minimize worship and praise are inside

not outside

I just want to declare today that I was

born in the fire and I can’t live in the

smoke I have to have a church that is

alive in praise 1st Peter chapter 2 and

verse 9 is powerful but you are a chosen

generation you are a royal priesthood

you are a holy nation you are a peculiar

people why that you should show forth

the praises of him who has called you

out of the darkness into this marvelous

light he said the reason

that God chose you and anointed you and

sanctified you and delivered you is that

you would show forth praise to a dark


in other words praise is our purpose we

were raised to praise he brought you

from death to life to worship the Bible

said let everything let everything let

everything that has breath praise the


God breathed on mankind in the book of

Genesis gave him the breath of life but

before he left the earth the Bible said

after he had resurrected from the dead

Jesus breathed on the disciples and said

receive the Holy Ghost in other words

the breath is the Holy Spirit and what

he’s saying is when he says let

everything that has breath let

everything that has the Spirit of God in

them be appraiser be a worshipper if

you’ve got the life of God and you been

praise the Lord

that is the commandment of the

Scriptures we were justified to glorify

we were liberated to love him he took

that weed out of your hand so you could

clap him and praise God he took those

sin shackles off your feet so you could

dance he took that profanity out of your

mouth so you could shout and sing and

praise him glorify God with your body

and your spirit which are gods in other

words you’ve been washed to worship

you’ve been redeemed to rejoice you’ve

been delivered to dance you’ve been set

free to sing and I’m here today to

defend old-fashioned worship I’m here to

say that we haven’t outgrown it and I’ll

never lay it down I’m here today to say

that we need to put aside everything

that would hinder us from being true

worshipers and even on a Sunday morning

we ought to lift our voice and give God

praise because we have been redeemed

everybody who’s got

from God praise him right now I don’t

care who you are

my heart’s desire is that my children

and my grandchildren not be raised in a

dead church as long as I’ve got strength

there’s gonna be some tongue talking as

long as I’ve got strength there’s gonna

be some shouting as long as I’ve got

strength there’s gonna be some glory to

God hallelujah if they’re not

embarrassed to cut up in a club I’m not

embarrassed to shout and praise God on a

Sunday morning on national TV all around

the world he’s the best thing that ever

happened to me I will bless the Lord for

the rest of my life and if you like it

you better do it if you want a Duke warm

Church just sit there but if you want a

church where God is moving then become a

praising Church hallelujah

God’s church has got to remain powerful

in praise and if you like it you better

do it too many churches have it in their

past but they don’t have it in their

present praise is a serious Bible

subject and when you get to heaven

you’re gonna shout just like I’ve been

screaming it’s a serious Bible subject

it’s not cheap it’s not shallow it’s not

something to make fun of it’s not

something to make light out of all those

Pentecostals or whatever

we’re not Pentecostals we’re spirit

filled believers

I refuse to be put in any camp I’m a

Jesus follower fanatic I’m a fan of the

Lord Jesus Christ and I’ll never stop

shouting his prey

you know but but but there’s people that

make light off it make fun of it even in

the church David’s wife rebuked him for

the way he was Bible said he brought

back the Ark of the Covenant was dancing

before the Lord with all of his might

and his wife said you’re embarrassing me

cut it out and he said I’ve got a

message for you sweetheart

I don’t care if you like it or not I

wasn’t dancing for you I wasn’t thinking

about you when I was dancing with the

Ark on my shoulder I was thinking about

the one who who raised me from the from

the pasture to the palace I was thinking

about the one who gave me that lion rug

in my bedroom and that bear rug on my

barn and gave me that giants head in my

trophies case that’s the one I was

praising that’s the one I was dancing

and all around you or ex drug addicts

and ex jailbirds

and ex alcoholics and when they praise

God been thinking about you they’re

thinking about when they were bound and

now they’re free they’re thinking about

when they couldn’t help themselves but

Jesus reached down his hand and raised

them and set them free everybody who’s

got a past and you’re thankful it’s over

give God a praise hey teach your new

generation how to praise the Lord granny

you can’t get quiet now

Lucifer has not always been the devil

there was a time when he was the

anointed cherub and he was created with

music and worship in him but Lucifer had

a problem that most musicians have he

thought music was the main thing and he

tried to make music the main thing and

dethrone God one-third of the musicians

and singers and worshippers of heaven

tried to kick God off the throne and

make music the main thing music is not

the main thing music is all we’re doing

is pointing you to the main thing and

he’s the one who sits on the throne he’s

the most important we don’t need

unsanctified talent

we don’t need beer Beth beer breath

celebrities I like it when you look at

me like that that just that just Spurs

me on

we need anointed singers and musicians

who spend time in prayer not just on the

stage but they prayed and they’ve salt

God when they get up they’re not just

doing a gig and playing a chart but the

worshiping God because it sets an

atmosphere that drives Devils crazy when

David played his heart the devil got

crazy and went out of soul and jumped

out demons go jumping out windows and if

you got the devil in your house learn

how to praise God walk through there

praising God depression will flee demons

will flee somebody shout and praise God

this sounds like old-fashioned preaching


lucifer was the choir director the

worship leader until iniquity was found

in him and he was dismissed demoted and

distance from the throne of God forever

without possible restitution without

repentance possible whatever he did so

take God off that God said you’ll never

get in my presence again what did he do

what did he do his sin his inward sin

was pride self exaltation and rebellion

but notice how that sin inwardly

manifests outwardly it may not be the

way you think it wasn’t as big of a deal

as you think but what turned an angel

into a devil rebellion self exaltation

and pride but how does it manifest

outwardly it manifests outwardly when he

said as of today I will no longer

worship God I will be worshipped and in

that moment the anointed cherub became a

devil the day he decided I’m not going

to be appraiser and the way that pride

manifests itself is to not praise so

don’t look down your nose too much some

of you hadn’t said as much as an Amen

the whole service and notice how pride

self-exaltation and ego manifests

refusing to worship and at that moment

he was hurled out of heaven at the speed

of lightning I beheld Satan fall from

lightning Jesus fall as lightning from

heaven jesus said at the speed of

186,000 284 miles per second the only

thing that can keep you notice this the

only thing that can keep you in a

spiritual atmosphere is to praise and

worship God the day you decide I’m not

gonna worship God you get out of God’s


a fish cannot exist without water the

human body cannot exist without oxygen

and a Christian cannot live long without

praising and worshipping God sooner or

later you’re gonna have to praise God

sooner or later you’re gonna need to

learn how to clap your hands and say

hallelujah praise God thank you Jesus I

love your Lord glory to God sooner or

later if you don’t you won’t be in God’s

presence and if you don’t get in God’s

presence you die I got to hold on to my

swag your swag doesn’t mean nothing to

God when someone listen when someone

ceases to worship they begin to solicit

worship notice that when Satan ceased to

worship God the next thing you see him

doing is in matthew chapter 4 he goes to

Jesus in the wilderness and he says fall

down and worship Me because when we

refuse to worship then we begin when

when we don’t worship Jesus we begin to

solicit worship for ourselves and you’re

never more devil-like than when you say

praise me notice be honor me everybody

seen me everybody being all of me when

people don’t worship God most of them

most of them are wanting praise for


God said heaven is not big enough for

two objects of worship so you’re getting

now I’ll be worship and in Jude chapter

1 it says that the Angels that kept not

their first estate number one were cast

down so when you refuse to worship here

it is quick now in my last five minutes

the lesson of Lucifer’s fall when you

refuse to worship you get down you go

down there’s nowhere to go I’ve noticed

that people who will not worship and

refuse the worship always are down

they’re not happy they’re not joyful

they are down down down they’re always

in a valley they’re always in a struggle

if you want to be a down Christian then

just be too proud

worship number two the Bible said and

they were bound in chains the Angels

that kept not their first estate Jude

chapter 1 and they were bound in chains

notice that once the enemy takes praise

from you you go down just like the

angels did when they were cast out of

heaven you get bound in chains you start

going back to your iniquities back to

your former life everybody say I’m not

bound say it again I’m not bound say

Jesus set me free and I refuse to go

back to being bound especially with

religious chains Lucifer became the

devil when he quit worshipping God

listen if you don’t praise God you will

become something you don’t want to be I

don’t always feel like shouting and

praising God but I doubt Jesus felt like

being spit on and carrying a cross and

beaten the Bible commands to weep with

those that weep and to rejoice with

those that rejoice do you understand

that’s a Bible commandment that if

anybody on your row starts rejoicing you

are commanded to rejoice with them and

if you don’t you’re breaking the

Scriptures but I don’t even know what we

read y’all so about we’ll figure that

out later if anybody breaks out in a

praise you just start supposed to now

look around you is anybody you are

commending you’ve figured out on a cup

of coffee after the service but if

anybody gets happier on a break out all

over the place


your preachers happy I bet the balcony

up there how about the overflow how

about anybody laughs screaming praise

God the Bible commands you to praise God

with me rejoice with them that rejoice

we don’t want to hear your whiny mess

the Bible the Bible said elders should

not be given to much wine have you ever

read that I want to put an H in there

we shouldn’t be given to much wine when

when when when and when how you doing

man wine what you need to rejoice look

at your neighbor and say God told me to

shout with you

so I only know what you’re shouting over

but if you shout out shout now test them

here’s how you test your neighbor you

say hide a say that hide a and if they

say lujah you’re sitting by the right

person if you say thank you say thank

you and then look at them and they say

Jesus y’all got something going on and

Jesus will show up on that row but if

you look at them and they just sit there

like a not on the log you’re in trouble

you’re in the wrong section turn to

somebody and say will you praise our

King with me I’m rejoicing rejoice with

those hallelujah it’s the joy of the

Lord and it is our strength not whining


somebody praise him right now you’ve

been down too many days you’ve been

depressed too many days put on the

garment of praise for the spirit of

heavens let me finish


my god you remember my little story you

remember a little story about North

Carolina at the Air Force Base where the

planes land they got a big billboard

that says pardon the noise it’s the

sound of freedom look over at your

neighbor and say I just put up a sign

you need to read it here I go

pardon the noise this that is anybody

free think about where the Lord brought

you from I don’t care how much money you

have I don’t care if you’re a

millionaire if God’s been good to you

you need to praise him with all your


now here’s the third lesson and it’s the

big one keep standing

notice that when Lucifer stop praising

the Lord one third of the Angels stop

praising the Lord with him you see if

you don’t worship you encourage somebody

else to not worship what would happen if

every teenager got so full of the holy

spirit because because you either

through your worship encouraged worship

are you like Lucifer when you don’t

worship one third look at you and

especially if you’re a leader and

especially if you dress good and look

cool and look nice and got some

influence your influence is either you

being used by Satan or God you don’t

have you you’re just a dummy standing

there what I learned at a young age is I

could influence the youth group with my

praise I want to say to the parents I

want to say that the dad’s I want to say

to the moms I want to say to the

grandparents we can’t afford to have any

services or we don’t have real worship

going on in the house because because

God is raising up a new generation when

I held my grandbaby in my arms last

night the thought really hit me this

babe has never been in a Holy Ghost

service yet and bless God we got some

more coming I guarantee you because that

baby is gonna get in a Holy Ghost

service now some of you what is that

well god bless your little heart

you need to experience that too there’s

nothing like God’s people getting free

there’s nothing like gears flowing and


corine and people rejoice in it

deliverance breaking down walls of

religion and chains that hold us back

from miracles

so so if you don’t worship you encourage

your family not to worship if you don’t

worship you encourage your husband your

wife not to worship your children yeah

the reason the reason we have the reason

we have so many use sickles is because

we have so many popsicles

one will tell you something we’re living

in a wicked world and we better realize

our weapons are not carnal and one of

the greatest weapons we’ve got is the

weapon of praise when you’re down you

can praise your way out of the valley

you can praise the devil out of your

teenagers you can praise the devil out

of your marriage

there’s something about praise that

drives Satan crazy we’re replacing him

when we praise the Lord now watch this

I’m through so here’s the summary the

lesson of Lucifer’s foam well this is a

big one what you don’t turn into praise

turns into pride and we were never

created the higher we go up the more

we’re supposed to defer the praise to

God the glory to God the honor to God

and the more God blesses you you’re not

supposed to get more prideful and more

look at me and I don’t have to worship

like those lowly people you were just

nothing and God picked you up and

blessed you and to whom much is

committed I don’t know who I’m preaching

to but I guess I’m saying you still need

to get broken you still need to have


you still need to bow down and say

you’re the King of Kings you’re the Lord

of lords and all my achievements I throw

at your feet and give you the glory

because what you don’t turn into praise

will eventually turn into pride and

pride will cause you to have a fall

God’s gift are wonderful things and

dangerous things especially when you’re

super talented

so the more God raises you the more

people honor him

turn that praise and give it to God or

it’ll turn into pride and destroy I’m

going to pray with you in just a moment

I believe today’s message is so

important it’s God’s Word and God’s Word

is always sent to build us up and to

speak courage into our spirit you may be

afraid you may be facing challenges like

net like never before

or maybe discouragement you know the

longer I live I believe the greatest

weapon the enemy uses against a

christian is discouragement because

you’re never really defeated until

you’re defeated on the inside and the

enemy knows that and that’s why the

Bible said David encouraged himself in

the Lord when he faced great challenges

he learned to be to praise the Lord he

learned to put on the garment of praise

for the spirit of heaviness when life

gets heavy become appraiser and that’s

why it’s so important and even when life

is good even when you’re on top of the

world it what you don’t turn into praise

will eventually turn into pride let’s

give God all the glory let’s give God

all the praise and if you don’t know him

as your Savior today that’s why we bring

this telecast week after week we want to

tell people Jesus really does love you

and he really does care pray this prayer

right now with me right where you’re

sitting say Lord Jesus I receive you as

my savior forgive me of my sins and be

Lord of my life today in Jesus name Amen

we would love to hear from you we would

love to sow some free material into your

life in our closing moments together I

really want to say thank you to our

friends and partners who make this

telecast possible not only this telecast

but everything that you give to this

ministry we use to buy airtime and

anything left over you know what we do

we do mission projects and our great

mission project going on right now is in

the nation of Israel we’re building a

church in downtown Jerusalem you can be

a part of that miracle thank you for

your prayers keep praying for me I’m

praying for you we’ll see you next time

you can be a part of an unprecedented

moment in history when you join Jensen

Franklin and kingdom connection partners

around the globe to help build the

celebration center in Jerusalem your

most generous gift today will help make

a difference in the very heart of

Jerusalem helping the Jews come to know

Jesus as the Messiah and opening the

doors of worldwide revival when you join

us with your gift of $35 or more this

month you can request

Jennsen Franklin’s brand new series the

blood the moon the feasts including

three powerful teachings and a special

four parallels to Israel’s blessing

prayer card with this set you will learn

the significance of four scriptural

blessings that we as believers can claim

and discover God’s plan a protection for

us as we enter into this significant

time in history and eagerly await the

return of Jesus Christ if God is calling

you to make a difference for his people

in a greater way with a gift of $1,000

or more we will send you the blood the

moon the feast set along with a special

gift selected just for you a beautiful

Jerusalem stone gift commemorating your

support of Israel through the

celebration Center in Jerusalem

whatever you invest in the ministry

today Jenson Franklin will take your

name and the name of your family to

Jerusalem to the Western Wall and pray

for you there on the day of Pentecost

God is calling you to be a part of his

outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all

nations call now and spark revival

around the world by giving today

register now for forward conference 2015

with special guests Steven Furtick

Beth Redmon Reggie dabs rich Wilkerson

jr. vanning leisure Jensen Franklin


elevation worship em Jesus culture for

more information and special group rates

go online at forward Qumran so Archie

life is real there’s joy there’s

laughter and chaos lifelong friendships

are forged love is found moments

cherished and never forgotten

gift and together we are real family

real friends real people experiencing

real life

this is free chapel this program has

been brought to you by the friends and

partners of Jensen drink land media

ministries for more information on this

broadcast or for additional resources go

online at Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g
