You are going to be tempted. We’re tempted to sin; to look where we shouldn’t look, listen when we shouldn’t listen. We’re tempted to cheat, lie, and steal. Temptation is real and it can cost you everything. That’s why this message “W.A.T.C.H.” is so important. Pastor Franklin teaches 5 areas in our lives where we need to take heed and be watchful of our lives.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection life is real there’s joy

there’s laughter and chaos lifelong

friendships are forged love is found

moments cherished and

gift and together we are real family

real friends real people experiencing

real life

this is free chapel

look with me and mark chapter 13

powerful powerful scripture notices all

read letter so this is our this is our

leader our Redeemer speaking but all

that day in that hour no one knows no

not even the angels in heaven nor the

son but only the father take heed watch

and pray for you do not know when the

time is if a man has gone to a far

country has left his house and given

authority to his servants to each his

work and commanded the doorkeeper to

watch watch therefore for you do not

know when the master of the house is

coming in the evening at midnight at the

crowing of the rooster or in the morning

lest coming suddenly he find you

sleeping everybody read verse 37 with me

and what I say to you I say to all watch

watch that’s what I want to talk about

watch the Solomon had an amazing thought

in the Song of Solomon 1 and verse 6

when he said they’ve made me the keeper

of others vineyards but I have not kept

my own he was looking at his life and

looking at the mistakes he had made

looking at his family that had been

destroyed and he said I was I was put

over the responsibility of caring for

other vineyards but I didn’t keep my own

God gives us responsibility of others

but that others begins first I cannot be

a leader of the church if I do not have

careful control of my own life and

particularly watch my own life the

elders of Ephesus Paul wrote and he said

take heed to yourselves take heed to

yourselves in acts 20 he said take heed

to yourselves

be careful lest you be disqualified

listen to 1st Corinthians 9:27 I keep my

body under subjection lest after I

preach to others

I should become disqualified

and be asked to stand aside they that’s

haunting words to a pastor to a

spiritual leader that it is possible

that I can preach to others and not

watch and take heed to myself and God

finally reach a point where he looks at

me and he says you are disqualified

stand aside I’ll have to have someone

replace you there’s a scripture in the

book of Revelation that said let no man

take your crown which means you have a

work and a purpose that God has put you

on this earth and he has a crown that

he’s going to reward you for doing what

he called you to do

but if you don’t do what he’s called you

to do his kingdom was still advanced

he’ll have to replace you with somebody

else and he said don’t become

disqualified and have to be told to

stand aside and let someone else take

your crown I don’t want Jesus to have to

ask me to stand aside because I was

loose in my life and loose in my living

and I missed the will of God many people

are in battles and when they get in

battles they drop out they fade away

they they don’t last the long haul

they’re not they’re not strong til the

end and so they they drop out of reading

the Bible of church attendance you see

them and then you don’t see them Joseph

said to his brothers when when he told

them who he was and he had the keys to

the corn in the middle of the famine he

said go back with this good news and

tell the rest of the family but then he

gave this admonishment in Genesis 45 see

that you fall not out of the way on your

journey back one translation said don’t

get in an argument among yourselves and

fail to find your way home with all this

good news while on your journey home

don’t get in arguments and fall out with

one another but take heed to yourself I

want to encourage everyone under the

sound of my voice today to take heed to

yourself don’t leave loose be careful

what you look at what you listen to what

you give your heart to

take heed to yourself don’t get don’t

get loose with your standards with your

morality it’s so easy to just begin to

erase the lines and just begin to to

live looser and looser and before you

know it there’s no difference between

the old you and the new you Jesus said

watch I thought about what do we need to

watch number one we need to watch our

words the W in the word watch stands for

words words are powerful things words

can destroy or words can uplift words

can build up a words can can tear down

mark chapter 11 Jesus said whosoever

shall say unto this mountain be removed

and cast into the sea shall not doubt in

his heart but believe that the things

that he said shall come to pass he shall

have whatsoever things he saith he keeps

emphasizing it’s important what you say

it’s important what comes out of your

mouth watch your words proverbs 18 and

21 said the power of death and life are

in your tongue and you’ll eat the fruit

thereof it goes on to say in other words

if you taunt death if you talk disaster

if you talk defeat if you taunt

depression that is the seeds every word

is a seed and it’s going forth and

creating the future and he said the

world that you will walk into the future

that you will walk into is being

determined by the words that you speak

you can speak death or you can speak

life you can speak depression or you can

speak joy you can speak hopelessness or

you can speak faith and it’s up to you

death and life are in the watch your

words number one watch the words that

come your way from the devil I’m telling

you now that Satan will get in your head

and tell you things that are not of God

that’s why Jesus turned to Simon Peter

and he said the things that you are

speaking are from the devil get the

behind me Satan I’m telling you that you

have to watch the words that come from

the devil words like just give up words

like what’s the use words like you’re

never going to get free it’s never but I

promise you that the Holy Spirit if you

have an addiction or bondage or some

major issue in your life and and it’s

destroying your life the Holy Spirit

will never tell you you’re never going

to get free this in that is a voice of a

demon spirit that says and it’s straight

from hell and you need to recognize it

and watch those words and say you’re not

coming in here I have another report I

have a report that says I’m loved by God

that He shed his blood for my

deliverance watch the words that come

from the devil watch the words that come

your way from other people they can

captivate you in inferiority and torment

you and defeat you and turn a tear a

beautiful day into a terrible day all

because of the words that somebody

speaks to you you don’t have to you

don’t have to make your ears a garbage

can watch the words that come to you

from other people and lastly watch the

words that come out of your own mouth

words we are to speak words of life we

are to speak words of faith we are to

speak words that agree with God we are

to speak what God’s Word says over our

families and over our lives and over our

bodies and over our pain and over I

heard Jesus said my words are spirit and

they are life and if you’re going to

watch your life you’re going to have to

watch your words watch your words

secondly watch your attitude watch your

attitude just because bad things happen

doesn’t mean you need to be ticked off

all the time Satan has this plan to not

let you get saved but if you get saved

he immediately opts to Plan B to make

you miserable I’m saying to you when it

comes to children

more is called been talked they’re going

to catch your attitude and the attitude

that you have toward God toward worship

toward his house toward life in general

if you if you have a positive attitude

they’re going to face life with a

positive attitude and you can be down

Paul said I think myself happy I think

myself happy you have to have a up


we’ve got too many children that are not

dreaming big dreams because they’re

round a negative attitude all the time

you can’t do it you’ll never be anything

I watch your attitude refuse to be a

negative angry upset mean person nothing

worse than a bunch of mean angry

Christians have a good attitude have a

positive attitude look over somebody say

you need to smile your face is bothering

me right now just tell you need to smile

don’t you want to get saved and go to

heaven with me throughout all eternity

no the young people think all the fun

people go to hell amen

there ought to be some Christians that

have such an uplifting wonderful

attitude that they want to be like them

they’re dreamers they’re achievers come

on somebody get up in your attitude the

joy of the Lord is our strength

let’s just take a praise break and have

an attitude correction right now what

was i discouraged about what was i

depressed about this is the day the Lord

is made I need to rejoice I’m alive I’m

healthy what else matters

number three what’s your temptations if

you’re going to watch your life you got

to watch your temptations because

they’re coming I really felt a

quickening in my heart about this point

all of us are tempted one man was 80

years old and young kid went up to him

and said I just want to ask you I’m

really battling temptation he said how

old is it before before I won’t be

tempted he said I don’t know I’m just 80

it’s a lot of people that you got to

understand that as long as you’re in

this body even after 21-day fast

temptation is still real you’re going to

be tempted to quit you’re going to be

tempted to sin you’re going to be

tempted to look at stuff you shouldn’t

look at listen to stuff you shouldn’t

listen to tempted to gamble tempted have

illicit sex tempted by drugs tempted by

alcohol Lord told me to tell you once

your temptations it can cost you

everything there’s something going on in

West Texas that have baffled the

scientists and and they said what it is

is there have been more rattlesnake

bites in West Texas in the last few

years than in decades and they cannot

figure out why especially in remote

places just where farmers are more

farmers are being bitten experienced

people with the country they’re the

barren kind of hot area of Texas are

being bitten by rattlesnakes and they

couldn’t figure it out and they said

they believe this is what has happened

wild hogs were imported from Europe many

many decades ago and those wild hogs

have over bred and there they’re

everywhere and wild hogs have bad vision

but they have tremendous ability to hear

and and feel feel vibrations and they

have developed an immunity against


so they eat rattlesnakes is one of their

favorite meals and so what has happened

is over time they believe that when the

Hogs would hear a rattlesnake go off it

would immediately be you know turn to go

to that rattle and the snakes have

gotten smarter and they’ve stopped

rattling and you don’t you don’t get bit

until it’s too you know before you get a

buzz that would go off and your buzzer

you know on this from the rattles and

you’d know back up but now there’s no

warning when you if you get close enough

to a snake now he’s not gonna rattle

he’s going to bite and I thought what a

message that sometimes we get to

thinking the Bible said in please ask

these 10 that if if the hedge is broken

down the snake will come in and bite and

sometimes we get to stomping hedges

meaning standards and convictions and

stomping them down and say I didn’t hear

any rattle of the snake I didn’t hear

any rattler go off

oh I’m gonna go over there and do this

too and look nothing happened to me and

I’m gonna go to that party and I’m going

to get drunk I’m going to sleep with

that person I’m going to look at that

filthy website I’m going to do this and

we get to thinking nothing’s happening

no lightning bolt is hitting me I’m

getting by with it but here maybe what

it is is the snake is so smart that the

reason you don’t hear the rattle is you

he’s waiting until you keep stepping

more and more and more and when he sinks

his things in you it’ll be too late to

try to fix it then and the Lord sent me

to tell you today watch your temptations

sin is still sin death is still death

even if it’s not rattling wrong is still

wrong and you may feel like nothing’s

happening and you’re doing it and you’re

fine and you can control it but if it’s

not rattling that doesn’t mean it’s not

deadly it may be that serpent is so wise

that it’s just pulling you further and

further and further and here’s the good

news Jesus Christ was tempted he has

overcome Satan he has overcome the devil

he has overcome every addiction and by

his blood you

can be free I want you to praise God

right there and I’m going to finish this

message everybody how many of you

believe the blood of Jesus is greater

than any temptation please hear a man

who has pastored for 25 years plus sin

will destroy it thrills you and then it

kills you it fascinates and then it

assassinates nobody gets by with it

sooner or later the serpent will bite if

the hedge is broken down watch your

temptations number 4 watch your

character the see and watch stands for

character character matters character

when you leave your bills unpaid

character what Jehovah Jireh is paying

my rent no he’s not whoever you renting

at home from has not got to check in six

months and it’s not Jehovah Jireh paying

it well I’m just gonna write a faith

check that’s not faith that’s a felony

character Abimelech the Bible said was a

king and he saw Sarah Abraham’s wife I’m

almost finished but listen he saw

Abraham’s wife he had a harem full of

beautiful women the most beautiful women

in the country and he saw Sarah and she

was 99 years old and he started less

than in saying I gotta have her she was

99 years old

how many of you want that lotion come on

just be on 99 and she was hot 99 and

she’s turning heads 99 turn to your wife

right now and say that’s what you look

like baby that’s you that’s you and you

know what God said to a family he took


pitiful Abraham lied and said she’s my

sister and and he took her and he’s

going into her bedroom to to assault her

and molest her and God spoke to him he

said if you touch her you’re dead man

and then he made this comment he said I

know you did this in the integrity of

your heart and I withheld you from

sinning because you even if you mess up

if you have integrity in your heart God

will help you work things out it’s a big

deal lastly watch your household the

most valuable thing that we have in this

world is our children our husband or

wife our loved ones they’re worth more

than silver they’re worth more than gold

they’re worth more than any a claim that

the world could ever any title you could

ever earn there’s nothing more precious

than Charisse and Courtney and Carissa

and Caroline and Connor and Drake

nothing and we’re called to watch our

household determine that your children

will be fruitful in the kingdom of God

and hell will not have them in Jesus


Genesis 14 and 14 Abraham’s family was

kidnapped and he sought God and God said

go pursue and bring them back you shall

bring them back David at Ziggler Ziggler

lost his family and God spoke to him and

said go after your family and you shall

recover them all I feel like telling

somebody that if you will believe

according to acts 16 believe

Evon the Lord Jesus Christ everybody say

this with me and you will be saved you

and your household does anybody believe

that this morning does anybody claim

that over your children over your


I know hail will come and assault and do

all it but if we’re watchful and we’re

praying there’s nothing more powerful

than the blood of Jesus Christ and a

praying mother and father and I’m saying

to you be watchful when that when that

boy comes to pick that daughter up you

be there and you open the door and just

watch him don’t smile and just look at

it my kid there’s a there’s a man in

this church that had an amazing month

for during the fast he was on the 21-day

fast very faithful member of this church

and a personal friend and I have his

permission to share this and just an

outstanding business and very prosperous

in his business and he was contacted by

a national corporation that if I named

them it’s a household name and every one

of you would note that name and they

heard about this man all that he’s done

and all that he is doing and the

International president of the whole

corporation flew in on private jet

picked him up and took him to a resort

area sort of tried to wine and dine I

guess you would say and offered him the

vice presidency of this international

corporation starting salary per year

five million dollars per year starting

salary and all of the benefits that go

with that this man who has beautiful

children beautiful wife beautiful family

it’s on the 21-day fast they said just

pray that I’ll do the right thing and he

said that he said I thank God he’s what

he told me he said I thank God for the

21-day fast he said I don’t believe it

was by

hands that I was on the 21-day fast and

he said I went back to to the lodge

after a day of all this offer after

after after offer and he said I’m laying

there in the bed and I’m fasting my

stomach is growling he said I looked up

at the ceiling and he said it was just

like the voice of God came booming

through that room and saying you can

choose I’ll bless you but my perfect

will is for you to be with your family

in the church where you are but I’ll

bless you and he said I never have felt

such peace come over me he said I

thought about my little son and I

thought about my beautiful daughters and

I thought about my wife and I thought

about my church and he said there’s some

things money cannot buy money cannot buy

a family money cannot buy a good Church

money cannot buy a family being raised

in truth money cannot buy a happy

marriage sometimes we need to be

watchful not every opportunity is God I

said it before I’ll say it again if you

don’t get anything else never move for

money now if God tells you to move then

go but don’t let money be the deciding

factor let the voice of the Lord be the

deciding factor because there are

ramifications that you cannot see I’ll

tell you this I told this man that you

will not give up houses lands or

anything for his name’s sake and he not

reward you a hundredfold in this life

and in the life to come that’s Jesus’s

words and how many of you know to see

your family in heaven is a hundredfold

in this life

and in the life to come

TBT not ck up a coating vatapá hippie no

appeal me z ll a platoon be teaming up

muy loco man dakhala guy Nando me –

Paulo appear Mesa

as a business owner I know what it is to

start out small I remember not having

anything and I remember I had to take

care of my wife and my baby and I wanted

them to have the best

and I feel people have talents down

there they don’t have opportunity when I

saw the picture of the marketplace I

think that is one of the things that

even today sticks in my mind because I

saw a place where people could go and I

could see him trying to barter and trade

and sell something so that they could

have their needs met for their family

and their babies

God can bless them just like he has

blessed me so this marketplace will

affect people’s lives forever it will

produce jobs that’s why I love the

marketplace is food for life

sustainability helping patients to help

themselves and I really like the concept

of pouring in to the marketplace to that

seed so we can grow one portable machine

mega messy boy

as an update we’ve sent another $190,000

to the miracle marketplace in Haiti

thank you so much for those of you who

have responded to the mission food for

life this initiative to build the 1

million dollar miracle market in Haiti

is going to provide over 2,600 new jobs

and Haiti will have its first ever

Christian marketplace but we are only

halfway through our goal would you

please consider helping us this month

build the foundations for the

marketplace it’s a one hundred thousand

dollar phase and you can be a part of

laying a foundation of faith in Haiti

when you give this month we have a

special gift to send to you our new

foundation series three inspiring

messages which will help you build your

faith and family values upon God’s Word

we’re still receiving stories of life

change from hundreds of thousands of you

who joined us on this year’s 21-day fast

please join us on Facebook or Twitter

and share your story with us of what’s

happening in your life thank you so much

for watching Kingdom connection and

we’ll see you next time life is real

there’s joy there’s laughter and

Khaos lifelong friendships are forged

love is found moments cherished and

gift and together we are real family

real friends real people experiencing

real life this is free chapel this

program has been brought to you by the

friends and partners of Jenson drink

land media ministries for more

information on this broadcast or for

additional resources go online at Jenson

Franklin dot o-r-g