Knowledge is power; all matter has energy. Energy released has world-changing power. When you pray in Jesus’ name, powerful things happen. There are two kinds of power in the Bible and in the world today: power over people (to crush and control them) and power to serve people (found in the Bible). He who is the greatest among you is the servant of all.


turn with me to act chapter 1 verse 8 as

we talk today about the power of the

Holy Spirit We Begin this new and

exciting series of sermons titled you

shall receive power say that with me you

shall receive receive power how many of

you would like to have unlimited power


God it’s

possible because the Bible says ask and

you shall receive which means you have

as little or as much of God’s power as

you want how many want the power of God

to destroy destructive habits to

eliminate fear to take worry and doubt

away and to live with the confidence and

the hope that God has for your future

how many of you’d like for that to

happen today the power of the Holy

Spirit read with me acts 1 verse 8 ready

but you shall receive power when the

Holy Spirit has come upon you and you

shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem

and in Judea and Samaria and to the ends

of the Earth Heavenly Father We Gather

in the house of God today to discover

the anointing and the power of the Holy

Spirit to be released in our lives in

Jesus name we pray and all of God’s

children said amen you may be

seated you have heard the expression

that knowledge is

power Albert Einstein created the world

famous equation e equal

mc² which produced the atomic bomb e

equals mc² means that all matter has

energy and that energy captured and

released can released world changing

power at the speed of light that’s what

that means I hold in my hand God’s

atomic bomb the energy and the power of

the Holy Spirit that’s released can

quickly in the twinkling of an eye

change your life the power of the Gospel

released under the anointing of the Holy

Spirit can change the world can change

America and can change your destiny the

Bible says in Psalm

68:35 he gives strength and power unto

his people Romans 13:1 says all power

comes from God say that with me all

power comes from God Romans 1513 listen

to Paul May the god of Hope fill you

with all joy and peace so that you may

overflow with hope how by the power of

the Holy Spirit John 1:12 to as many as

believed to them gave he power to become

the Sons and Daughters of God the

kingdom of God came with power the

greatest need of the church in America

today is the preaching of the word of

God on the anointing of the Holy Spirit

what’s in this book The pulpits of

America right now are flooded with timid

preachers who are saying things like if

you’ll repent to some extent you can be

saved to some degree

maybe the message from God Almighty is

the soul that sinth shall surely die the

wages of sin is death the gift of God is

eternal life can I get a amen

amen St Paul continues the theme of

power he says for I’m not ashamed of the

Gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the

power of God to Salvation to everyone

who believes do you believe he says to

the Jew first and to the Greek that

would mean the Gentiles the Jewish

people had this message long before we

ever knew it existed

don’t ever say that they’re cut out God

Almighty loves the Jewish people with an

everlasting love there are two kinds of

power in the Bible there’s power over

people and then there’s power to serve

people the power over people is to crush

to control and to conquer if something

in you seeks to control other people

that’s a demon Spirit the Bible calls it

the spirit of witch


manipulation that leads to domination is

witchcraft whether that’s in the

government whether that’s in the church

whether it’s in your marriage recognize

it for what it is and stop it the second

kind of power is the power of the Gospel

gives you the power to serve Jesus

Christ who was the greatest among all

men he and his disciples arrived at the


room they were getting ready for the

feast they all had dirty feet because

they had been walking in the dust and

dirt of the

road Jesus was the one who washed the

feet not the disciples why didn’t they

because they were concerned about what

their image would be in the Kingdom that

they thought Jesus was going to do on

the earth how can they rule and Reign

other people and bow and wash

feet but the one who had greatest

strength the Son of God knelt on his

knees and washed their dirty stinking

feet because he was the only one who had

enough power to do the unthinkable task


you do you do you have the power to do

the unlovable task the Unseen task the

unnoticed task the task that will not

get your name printed in the church

newsletter serving God in the 21st

century demands Supernatural power

demons do not leave because you think

positively they leave because you have

the power to drive them


out Mark 16 and 17 and these signs shall

follow them that believe in my name they

shall cast out demons that requires

power from God diseases do not disappear

Because You Weep with emotion they

disappear because there’s healing power

in the word of God the prayer of faith

shall save the sick and the Lord shall

raise them up are you or someone in your

family facing a deadly disease or

someone has been critically injured or

someone is overwhelmed by disappointment

or depression pray for that person unto

the anointing of the Holy Spirit and

they will recover that’s God’s promise

to you do

that spiritual Revival will not come to

America while the church lives with

compromise in carnality it will come

when the Gospel of Jesus Christ is

preached under the power and the

anointing of the Holy Spirit ritual is

replaced with repentance when hype is

replaced with Holiness when ceremony has

been replaced to the confession of sin

righteousness exalts a nation

righteousness exalts a church but sin is

a reproach to any people Psalms 11 says

if the foundations are

destroyed what can the righteous do the

foundations of America are being

destroyed the foundations of the

American family have been destroyed our

nation is suffering from the absentee

father there will never be enough money

to replace an absentee father the

foundations of America are being

destroyed our government is corrupt our

schools are being corrupted socialist

indoctrination centers Supernatural

power will crush

anti-Semitism that now flourishes in

America’s colleges and universities love

is of God and those who have not love

listen to this have not God I want to

say that again love is of God and those

who have not love do not have God the

question is asked is it ever right to

defy the government and the answer is

yes when the government defies the word


God we live by the laws of this

government when the government in

Washington defies this we practiced this

when the government says you cannot

attend church this book says forsake not

the assembling of yourselves

together power from God empowers you to

reach your Divine Destiny to be the best

you can be to reach for your Highest

Potential to conquer the World the Flesh

and the devil to stand in the winner

circle as a champion for Christ the

question is

what would you attempt to do for the

Lord if you knew you could not fail what

would you attempt to do in your business

if you knew you could not fail your

thoughts and your dreams are not greater

than God’s ability to

provide nothing is impossible to you

when you really buy into that you’re

liberated from fear and doubt and

anxiety lie on the wings of Faith to

accomplish The Impossible Give the Lord

a shout of Praise In The House of

God the Bible says unto him who is able

to do exceedingly abundantly above all

we can ask or imagine let your

imagination go as far as it will go just

for a moment let your mind Escape the

Prison of your limitations what can you

imagine what would you dare to attempt

with your life you can do that God’s

power will explode within you and you

will accomplish your spiritual dream

your dream for your life nothing is

impossible you have unlimited access to

the throne of grace use it in Jesus name

Give the Lord


Praise St Paul said I’m not ashamed of

the gospel Paul was a Roman

citizen Rome had power over people power

to crush to conquer and to control to

the Romans the death of Jesus on the

cross was a testimony of absolute

weakness it was shameful it was pathetic

for the Romans it was Despicable much of

the Church of Jesus Christ in America is

ashamed of the Gospel Jesus Christ said

I have come that you may have life and

have it more

abundantly abortion

destroys life

abortion is murder fitting all drugs

that kill what are we doing about it

absolutely nothing this was manufactured

in China sent to Mexico plac into Phill

form and brought across our Southern

border what should we do about it close

the border that’s what to do about

it Jesus said no man can serve two

masters we must decide to either offend

God or offend the world we are at war

with the World the Flesh and the devil

compromise is treason in the courts of

Heaven the church has watched in silence

as America has fallen into this

socialist sewer it’s time for the Church

of Jesus Christ to wake up to speak up

to stand up and fight the good fight and

fight to win and fight now

as the world around us seems to take a

very dark turn you might ask yourself is

it possible to prosper in every area of

life even in such perilous times the

answer is yes are you trusting him to

lead the way and show you what steps to

take next in him you have the ability to

prosper to help you grow in your faith

and learn how to trust the Lord through

your storms we want to send you a copy

of our inspiring 100 day devotional

title stormproof and a set of stormproof

magnetic bookmarks this valuable

resource is our gift to you for your

support of any amount for your generous

donation of $150 or more we’ll also send

you our stormproof journal and a bundle

of 100 uplifting scripture postcards

aligned with the themes of the

stormproof devotional to carry these

treasures and more we’re pleased to

include our stylish anchored tote bag

when you fill your mind with the word

the enemy can no longer control you

because your mind is set on things not

of this world call the number on screen

or go to

storm stop whining about how dark it is

and turn on the


light we are soldiers in the army of the

Living God we have the power of the word

the power of the blood the power of His

Name arise and do exploits in the name

of the Lord Jesus consider the power of

the Holy Spirit the

benefits the Holy Spirit brings to the

life of every believer believer

here first is powerful

witnessing how many of you witness for

Jesus Christ on a regular basis acts 1

and8 for you shall receive power say

that with me but you shall receive power

after the Holy Spirit has come upon you

and you shall be Witnesses unto me

notice that the witness is unto Jesus

Christ because Christ is the answer

don’t try to sell people on Cornerstone

Church sell them on Jesus Christ because

this is his


church on the day of

Pentecost 120 were filled with the

spirit why were there 120 people there

because this was an official National

Prayer in

the Jewish faith you have to have 10

people to have a prayer meeting

there are 12 tribes in Israel 10 * 12 is

120 so this is an

official National Prayer 120 in the

upper room when they were filled with

the spirit they went into the streets

and started witnessing to the thousands

of people who were there from all over

the world it was the greatest evangelism

explosion since television came out all

over the Earth

secondly the holy spirit Power for

prayer Romans 8:26 likewise the spirit

also helps our weaknesses for we know

not what we should pray for as we ought

but the Holy Spirit himself the third

person of the godhead makes intercession

for us listen and he that means god

almighty who searches the hearts knows

what the mind of the spirit because he

makes intercession for the Saints

according to the will of God when you

are are praying about something that you

don’t know the answer

to you don’t know which way God wants to

take you you are praying about it from

the depths of your soul and the Holy

Spirit is your paraclete that’s the

Bible word actually it means lawyer but

he is your Advocate and he goes to God

the Father the the Holy Spirit goes to

God the father and says this is what

she’s trying to say this is what he’s

trying to say this is what their problem

is God the Father brings the answer back

and whether you know it or not the

problem is solved but it’s coming back

from Heaven sometimes God leaves you

hanging on the cliff but he will always

answer prayer I don’t know why God

always answered my big prayers at the


second but he has never failed


thirdly the holy spirit Power for

teaching you all things John 14:26 the

helper the Holy Spirit whom the father

will send my name will teach you all

things and bring to your remembrance all

things that I have said to you the holy

spirit is the author of the written word

of God that’s the Bible and he’s the one

who comes to help you understand the

word of God it was the Holy Spirit that

opened my mind in my my eyes to the

truth of God’s word concerning Israel

and the Jewish people for instance in

seminary I was told to stay away from


9:111 our professor had an earned

doctorate degree and was highly touted

as a

theologian but why should I not look at

Romans 9:10 and 11 this was

Paul’s position paper on the Jewish

people given to him by God the holy

Spirit why should I not know what’s in

that scripture I found out very quickly

replacement theology is a false

Doctrine saying that God has replaced

the Jewish people with the church is

wrong God has given the Gentiles their

day of salvation but he hasn’t cast the

Jewish people off God loves the Jewish

people has God Cast Away his people Paul

says certainly

not certainly not he said says I am a

Jew and God is still using me he’s not

done using the Jewish people Romans 11:7

teaches that Jewish people were

judicially blinded to the

identity of Jesus as the

Messiah this was a major Discovery for

me think this blindness was not their

choice God did it God did it the Jewish

people come to know the Messiah by by

Revelation by literal appearance

Gentiles come to know Jesus by

propagation that means preaching the

word of God but remember the conversion

of St Paul where God knocked him off his

horse and God says why are you

persecuting me now Paul was throwing

Christians into prison they were being

killed when Paul called himself a

murderer in the Bible he was a murderer

he used his position to get Christians

killed the conversation ended this way

Paul said who are you Lord and what

would you have me to

do who are you Lord and what would you

have me listen and the Bible records in

Acts 9:18 I’m talking about the

blindness then Saul whose name was

changed to Paul I’m reading from the

Bible arose from the ground and

immediately there fell from his eyes

scales scales CA

blindness Romans 11 The Tap Root of

Judaism Abraham Isaac and Jacob support

the Gentile branches which were grafted

into the Olive

Tree The Olive Tree represents the

combination of Jews and Christians but

there were Christians who got the idea

that we’re Superior in some way and Paul

said do not boast Against The Roots the

Roots of that tree are Abraham Isaac and

Jacob fourthly you need the holy spirit

Power for guidance and warning John 16

when he the spirit of Truth is come he

will guide you into all truth and tell

you things to come listen to that phrase

and will tell you things to come God the

holy spirit is God he knows the

future the two things in the Holy Spirit

can bring to you guidance and warning of

things to come when I was looking for

property to build this church it was

divine guidance that brought me to this

property on a country road covered with

rocks and rattlesnakes there was nothing

for miles around

here my human advisors called The Church

board screamed no one is ever going to

live out here today this property is

priceless we are here by Divine guidance

this is Holy Ground this is Holy

Ground fifthly the Holy Spirit brings to

you a warning the Bible said he will

tell you of things to come when I was

pastoring the first church one Monday

morning as I sat at my desk

praying the message came straight Out Of

Heaven by Holy Spirit Express you will

be attacked but you will not be harmed

that Wednesday night as I was teaching

my congregation on how Jesus dealt with

demons because the movie The Exorcist

was out and a man walked into my church

with a loaded pistol he walked down the

aisle roaring like a

lion we have a recording of This by the

way when I saw the gun the message that

I had received that Monday

morning brought

peace in a very troubled time

that man walked within 10 ft of the pull

pit and shot at me six times he missed

every shot by the grace of

God I encourage you when you have your

prayer and your Bible time before you

jump up and start eating tacos just give

the Holy

Spirit just give the Holy Spirit the

chance to chat with

you get in a place

where it’s quiet throw the cat out the

back door and shut off the

television and listen to what God the

Holy Spirit wants to say to you you’ll


amazed at how quickly some of your

problems are going to

vanish because he will lead you into all

truth and everything that you have asked

for that you have the right to have in

this book will be yours by the power of

the Holy


Spirit can we stand

together what I want you to answer is


question have you invited the Holy

Spirit into your life to guide

you through the problems that you’re now

facing have you invited the Holy Spirit

into your life

period to be your

counselor and to be your

advisor the holy spirit will not come to

you until you invite him in so we’re

going to pray this prayer and I want you

to just absorb the presence pres of the

holy spirit will you lift your hands to

the throne of grace our most gracious


father there are people in this room

right now that need to receive the Holy

Spirit and those of you who have not

pray this prayer holy spirit of God holy

spirit of God I invite you into my life

I invite you into my life to be my

paraclete to be my paraclet to be my

representative to be my representative

me into all truths to lead me into all

truth to show me to show me what God

wants me to do what God wants me and

what God wants me to become and what God

wants me to become in Jesus name in

Jesus name I receive the Holy Spirit now

I receive the Holy Spirit now in Jesus

name in Jesus name amen amen amen we

have received many praise reports from

those of you who have honored the Lord

by giving your first fruits we thank you

you for blessing this ministry with your

financial gifts and prayers to God be

the glory for the lives you have helped

us change now stay tuned for pastor

heggy delivering a blessing I’m so

grateful that I chose

differently I’m so happy that I chose

you I get to see you become the person

God intended you to be thank you heggy

Ministry Legacy Partners there has never

been a better time to share the love of

Christ with a mother and a child than

right now when you partner with heggy

Ministries your legacy impacts lives and

transforms a nation call today or go to SLP

partner get ready for a weekend like no

other as Cornerstone Church proudly

presents come live 2024 April 26 through

the 28th featuring Dynamic messages by

both Pastor Matt and John haggy Dr

Darius Daniels and Kelly Shackleford

immerse yourself in a soul-lifting

worship concert with the incredible

recording artist Brit Nicole and mission

is free bring your friends family and

co-workers for a Texas style weekend

filled with Fellowship food fun for the

entire family learn more at


you’re watching haggy

Ministries if you need prayer call our

prayer line or visit our website looking

for more content to help you in your

daily walk listen to our podcast or

subscribe to haggy Ministries on YouTube

and now your blessing with Pastor John



and now may the Lord bless you and may

the Lord keep

you and may the Lord make his face to

shine upon you and may the Lord be

gracious unto you and give you his

peace may you leave this assembly today

committed to allowing the Holy Spirit to

be your teacher to lead you into all

truth to lead you into the knowledge of

the things to come

to give you the answer to problems that

you now have because the holy spirit is

God and has awesome power and will go to

work in your behalf the moment that you

release him in Jesus name to help you

achieve the destiny that God has for you

receive this blessing in Jesus

name amen Give the Lord a shout of
