Get the simple but powerful truth that brings success in every area of your life! Learn what biblical meditation is and how it can cause you to prosper in all that you set your hands to. With practical examples, Joseph Prince teaches you how to meditate on God’s Word, and opens your eyes to the resuscitating and revitalizing power of the written Word. Whether it’s a health condition, travels fears, or exam jitters, discover how meditating on God’s Word can bring into your situation the healing, peace, wisdom, and good success you need!

The one thing that you do,
that will cause you to prosper.

Whatsoever he doeth
shall prosper. Meditate!

When you read your Bible,
it’s not possible to be

reading your Bible or
reading a daily devo, alright,

and then all day long you
put your face in the Bible.

You will knock in the telephone
poles and all that, alright,

knock into other people.
It’s not possible.

But what you do is you take
a bite-sized portion of your daily devo

and there’s a verse there,
memorize it, and all day long,

under your breath,
mutter it.

Because the word “meditate”
here is the word “mutter.”

Mutter, mutter.

Alright, mutter means you
speak to yourself.

“Like two times two is four,
three times two is six,”

“four times two is eight,
five times,” you know,

you mutter to yourself,
like talking to yourself. Amen!

Right, you mutter to yourself.

“People will think I’m crazy!”

Does it really matter when crazy
people think you are crazy?

Does it really matter?

Alright, honestly even
Shakespeare calls it soliloquy,

a man talks to himself.
You know, it’s normal! Amen.

At least you are talking
to a gentleman.

And even in your Korean dramas,
they talk to themselves.

There is no one else there,
he says: “Wow, if I do this,”

“she will leave me for him…”

“I do not know if
I can afford this,”

“but if I do that, they will know
that I am the one…”

“How can I just do this
and not do this?”

Keep your thoughts to yourself!
You speak out loud for what?

He wants the audience to know,
you understand or not?

That’s why they speak out loud.

So meditate day and night.

You say: “Pastor Prince,
I do not know how to meditate”.

Do you know how to worry?
Same principle.

Worry is like you lie down there
in your bed, you start to

revolve your mind around:

“Oh boy, the boss wants it
by this coming Wednesday.”

“Today is Sunday, oh man.”

Or you think about your child:
“His first day in Primary One.”

“Will people bully him or not?”

“You know, he’s not good
with money.”

“How can he handle himself?”

“Oh no, I see him
under the car, oh no.”

Alright, you are revolving
around your mind on the dark side.

Listen, do not go to the dark side.

You are meditating!

So don’t tell me you
do not know how to meditate.

So instead of that, revolve
your mind around Scripture

that you have memorized.

You say “Pastor, I’m
looking for this.”

“My doctor says that
I have a very unique disease.”

“I am trying to find
that in the Bible”.

You don’t have to.
Just memorize verses like:

“The Lord will take away
from you all.”

I think that includes yours.
“All sickness!”

“The Lord will take”

Just meditate on that
when you bathe,

under your breath,
when you sleep at night,

meditate on that instead of
your thoughts,

being terrifying thoughts
as you lie down there,

meditate on that.

You might just wake up
in the middle of the night

and there are terrifying
thoughts again, just quote that.

“The Lord will take away
from you all sickness.”

It is written: “The Lord will
take away from you all sickness.”


The Bible said, for God’s Word
in Proverbs 6. It says in

Proverbs 6: “When you walk,
it shall lead you.”

God’s Word shall lead you.

“When you sleep,
it shall keep you.”

“When you wake,
it shall talk with you”.

So in the middle of the night,
you wake up and

you got bad thoughts
about your family, or your future,

whatever it is, alright?
Worrisome thoughts.

Straight away,
quote that verse.

It is written: “The Lord will
take away from you all sickness.”

Not too long ago,
I was in Israel.

We were on one of the
highest mountains in Galilee,

near the lake of Galilee,
Mount Arbel.

Many of you have been there.
And then we decided,

instead of going down
the easy way,

we will go down the hard way,
because all the boys. Amen.

We got Pastor Mark with us,
Pastor Lawrence,

all the macho guys.

So we said: “Let’s go down
the hard way.”

So we were clinging by the
side of the mountain for dear life.

Anyway we were there and
somewhere down here,

on the right, we passed by,
we saw a huge cave.

Most of you don’t go by there
because it’s a hard way down.

There was a huge cave
and guess who was in that cave?

I’ve been meditating,
I’ve been going over

the importance of meditation
and meditating on Psalms 1.

Alright? And in the cave
was a cow!

And the cow was sitting down
looking at us. “Strangers.”

And he was chewing his cud.

And all of a sudden
when I saw that,

my goodness, it was like,
I remember all of a sudden.

Now a ruminant, whether
a sheep or a cow or a goat.

A ruminant, one that has
four compartments,

not four stomachs.

People say a cow
has four stomachs.

No, they have four compartments
in one stomach.

So when they take the grass in,
the first compartment, alright?

The rumen mixes with the
bacteria and fermentation happens.

Okay, and then he
brings it up again.

Now he chews the cud.

And it goes in, the ball of cud,
it comes up again,

and he will chew it.

That’s where you get
the curd on your milk.

And then after the second
compartment, he brings it up

and he brings it into
the third compartment,

now this is very interesting,
where all the water

is extracted from the cud.

That tells me when I meditate
on God’s Word and

I bring it up again,
and I chew on it again

during the day, alright?
Here and there I chew it again,

there are always
pockets of moments

where you are lining up
for example,

people are bored, people are,
you know, feeling frustrated,

you can just meditate.

“Surely He shall deliver you.
A thousand shall fall at my side”.

You’re having a
personal revival,

you’re having church
all by yourself. Amen.

And you bring it up again.

What you have fed,
you bring it up again.

And now the third compartment,
the third stomach,

the third compartment rather,
extracts all the water

out of the cud.
Every time you meditate,

God wants you to meditate

until you suck all the juice
and the nutrients

out of God’s Word, as if
you can do it completely.

God’s Word is,
you know, inexhaustible.

But it’s like you extract the Spirit,
the water from the Word.

The anointing.

And the fourth one is like
your normal stomach,

it goes into the excrement.

So this was the cow we saw.
Alright, he is chewing the cud.

You see, he will stop for a while,
and regurgitate, watch this,

he brings it up again.

There you go,
he brings it up again, alright?

Any resemblance to any
of your relatives, alive or dead,

is just purely coincidental, alright?

This was exactly the cow
that we saw in the cave

in Mount Arbel where

you saw us climbing, okay?
So when I saw this, I said:

“God you are speaking to me
in a very—who put the cow there?”

Ever since we passed
by Mount Arbel,

I’m always looking out in the caves
to see if there is a cow.

There’s no more cows.
It’s amazing that day.

There’s a cow, huh, Lawrence?
A cow was there!

The first time ever.

I’ve been to Israel
so many times,

I’ve never seen so
many cows there.

And they were all chewing,
chewing looking at me,

chewing and chewing.

It’s like God is saying:

“If you don’t get it now,
you’ll never get it”.

“Bring meditation back
to the church.”

“You’ve been enjoying it
all these years.”

“Son, it has prospered your life.
Bring it back to the church.”

I remember when I was
in basic military training,

Pastor Henry would prepare for me
3 by 5 cards of verses

and I put them in
my camouflage uniform.

Even when I’m training,
here and there,

we have some pockets of time,
where we lie down there

for some drinks or
some snacks or whatever.

I’ll take it out and
I’ll read one verse.

There’s power in that.
There’s just power in that.

I don’t have time to
read the Bible

but I have time to read
the 3 by 5 cards.

It’s amazing the nutrients
you get out of it.

The strength, the perspective,
the rest in place of worry.

Are you listening, people?

By the way, there is another verse
I would like you to meditate on.

If you do not know what to
meditate on, it’s Romans 8.

“He who did not spare
His own Son.”

Remember I preached on this
and I preached so much,

from little nuggets here and there,

like “if God did not spare
His own Son,”

“but delivered Him up for us all,
how shall He not with Him”

“also freely give us all things.”

And I am telling you this verse
won’t last you one day.

Probably one week.
One week plus.

Just take the first part:

“How, if God did not
spare His own Son.”

Now who did God not spare?
His own Son.

The word “own” is very precious.
His own Son.

Justin is my own son.
And then that’s the

first day
you meditate.

Then after that you come to:

“But delivered Him
up for us all.”

“Delivered Him up.”

God gave Him up for who?
For angels?

No, for us. For us.

And then maybe another day
you start meditating,

your friends tell you:
“You know, sometimes

God answers prayer,
sometimes He doesn’t,”

“sometimes He…”.

You hear all kinds of teachings
you know.

But then you’re meditating.

Your friends do not know that
streams of living water are

coming into you. Amen.
Pure water.

They are listening to
stagnant water.

Man has put their thoughts in it
but you are listening to

streams of living water.
You come to this part

another day:

“How shall He not with Him,
how shall He not?”

God doesn’t answer prayer?
“‘How shall He not?”

I know English, in English,
“shall” is a powerful word.

“How shall He not?”

And another day, you hear
your friends saying:

“You know something,
I know that God answers people”

“who are really holy.
Holy people get answered prayer.”

Now we are all for holiness.
But is that true? Amen.

No. Holy people are people
whose minds are holy

because they focus and
meditate on God’s Word.

How about this, because you
hear your friends saying that

kind of thing,
it disturbs your spirit.

Then you meditate:
“How will He not with Him freely.”


How does God answer prayer?

How does God give?

How does God give?

And the word “freely”,
you jump up.

Freely! Freely!

And you are in a café or
you are in a cinema,

you get excited!

You feel like jumping.

I’m not saying you jump.
Right, that’s how you meditate.

Remember from here I said,
God gave up His highest,

any other request is lowest.

It’s lower than the highest.

If God gave His best,
what is the rest?

So there are a lot of
angles to meditate.

You can chew this for
a whole month.

And then you tell me whether
faith is bursting forth in your heart?

Learn to meditate.

Something about God’s Word,
it has a,

don’t touch it. If you don’t want
prosperity, don’t touch God’s Word

because it has power in it
to prosper your day.

How many of you found that
when you neglect reading the Word,

that day it seems like the
day is short,

the day is like there is
not enough time

to solve your problems,
the day you give time to it,

although you have other
things outstanding, when you

give time to God’s Word,
it seems like the day

was long and full and you were
able to make quick decisions.

I mean the problem is there
but your attitude is different.

But those days that you don’t,
I like what Jonathan Edwards,

the great revivalist said,
who lived in the 1700s.

Jonathan Edwards says this:
“How it cometh about,”

“I do not know, but this
I have found out.”

“The more I read the Scriptures,
the greater frame I have been in.”

In those days, he used
this language,

that means his body is the best,
he feels the freshest

and the strongest, the more
he reads the Scriptures.

How it comes about
I do not know.

I myself can tell you
I do not know how

it comes about but the more
time we spend in the Word.

So how do you spend
time in the Word?

You cannot be carrying
your Bible the whole day.

Chew on it.
It has a prospering virtue.

It has a healing virtue.
It has a purifying virtue.

You’re hearing all kinds of
language spoken around you.

It has a purifying virtue.
Coming back to this again.

“Pastor Prince how do I?”

I’ll just let you know,
if you need help,

you really want help in this area,
this might sound like a promotion,

but honestly God gave me
this message only at the end

towards very late at night,
I start calling up to ask, you know,

about my own App which
I have for daily devo.

So this might sound like
a promotion, let it be.

I want to help you because
a lot of people in America

are enjoying this already.

I have a Joseph Prince
iPhone App that has a daily devo.

It looks like this. It’s free.

It’s free and when you
download it, okay,

it has a daily devo
with a daily meditation

right on top there.

Okay, today’s one happened
to be the book of wisdom,

the book of Proverbs,
talking about friendship, okay?

And you’d be surprised
how many times when you

read that daily meditation, it is
the Word exactly for that day. Amen.

And there’s a bite-sized devotional,
thoughts to share with you

that we have put it down for you
and I can’t begin to tell you

the number of people that say
how that is the Word in season.

And by the way, in this App,
there’s also a reminder for you.

Alright? You can just
set up for example 10am,

to remind you to
read your daily devo.

It’s all in this App and it’s free.
It’s free.

And you can also keep
all your MP3s in this App.

And by the way, it does not
take up your iPhone space

in case you are worried.

Many of you want to take
pictures of your kids and all,

and you find that your phone
is always running out of space.

This is not stored in your iPhone,
it is stored in the Cloud,

in the heavenlies.

So all doesn’t take up space,
that’s a good news.

And also if you want to
purchase any message you want,

it’s at a click.
At a click, okay?

So just to let you know so that
you can be blessed. Amen.

Sometimes we advertise this
on television and all that,

I feel like we’re not
doing you justice.

We didn’t let you know and
many a times I don’t like

to appear like I’m promoting
things from the pulpit but

I think that yesterday,
when I thought of this,

I really think it’s gonna
bless you. Okay?

I think New Creation Church
of all people,

as well as Grace Revolution Church
ought to be the first people

to enjoy what their pastor has.