Whatever your need today, expect God to more than meet it! In this uplifting message by Joseph Prince, see from the parables of the good shepherd and the prodigal son how God doesn’t just give you the bare minimum, but provides exceedingly above all you can ask or imagine. Lost your way and need God to rescue you? He’ll do it with joy! Worried about the practical needs of life? He’ll clothe you with His best and give you the fatted calf! Hear the truth about God’s heart for you and begin to receive from a gracious God who exceeds your expectations!

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You know Jesus always rises above what you expect


Some mothers were coming to Jesus

And it is specifically mentioned in the Bible They were

their children to Jesus Jesus wanted to bless their children by placing his hand on them

But Jesus hugs them when he sees them

He always rises above our expectations

Amen He not only answers our prayers

He gives us more than we want, in abundance and

beyond anything we could ask for.

years ago, when I was much younger,
I asked God Because I’ve

had a few failed relationships

And you know,
I didn’t want to have any more experiences like that One more

time I

said, “God give me a girl like that”

Don’t even ask about those things anymore I’ve got these
features, let it be like this

The person’s heart is broken I

said, “God, You know best who I need. I just want a wife with whom I can share my life”

“Now it’s time for
me to get married Lord, give me a wife”

And God answered
Beyond what we could ask and think, abundantly and over


Without make up, she’s even prettier on the

inside So pretty
What she does, how she moves

It’s a great support for me But the

years pass and she’s getting
prettier inside and out

God knows what I’ll need in two years

But when she’s in blu age I want that now she
can sing, sing, let him sing, dance

But you talk to himself
“Haa huh… what did you just say”

God knows what you’ll need in 10 years

him Trust him

God will never give you someone nobody wants

What do you think is in your heart for

this girl?

do dedicate yourself

Didn’t you sing the other day, Lord, that I have dedicated my life to you?
Now show me

God is not like that

He is overflowing

God does not have to take from A and give to B He does not

need to take it from you There is no need to be
jealous, because

every time you see God’s goodness on someone,
God took it from you and gave it to them Thinking like

this is a small-minded, stingy, weak mind. With

God’s fullness we

all receive. He gives abundantly to all He
still has more. He has more than

enough in my Father’s house

. Those of you who put the

word “repent” in a very important place for

“Pastor” who said “I wish you would talk more about

“repent” This “repent”

When did the Son repent? ‘Many of my

father’s workers have more than enough to eat, I’m starving here..’

I think he didn’t come back because he loved his father very much.

He was embraced. He calls his friends and neighbors and says to them, ‘Rejoice with me, I have found my lost sheep!’ [Luke 15:6]

Some of you may contribute to this happiness today You may make

God happy
Lord, I am here,

you are the reason why God is happy, it is understood why I came here today.

Heaven and earth rejoiced. When he comes home,

let me tell you, likewise, for one repentant sinner in heaven, There will be greater joy than for the ninety-nine righteous who do not need repentance. [Luke 15:7] Those

who told me “Pastor Prince you must teach me more about repentance”

This whole verse is on repentance
And the story of the son we just read In

finding the lost
sheep How


the sheep repent What did the Sheep that celebrates, the Shepherd carrying the

Shepherd, rejoicing


The sheep let him love himself The

sheep consented to be carried on his shoulder

This is what God expects from you only

for God it means “repent” For

God it means “repent” Original

written here as
repentance means “change your way of thinking”

You would think that God was after you or

yes God is after
you But to take you in his arms

Amen Your

thinking has changed

You saw an angry God
Now you see a happy God

That is repentance

God gave us chairs Amen

transformed by God’s grace The

law was given by Moses
Grace and true Jesus came with grace and truth The

law demands
righteousness Rightly, God has the right to demand all righteousness As

the king of the universe
He has all rights

But what
perfection and holiness could he expect from a spiritually bankrupt man

God knew this

God arranged everything in such a way
And gave his son And the

son who knew the father himself

the loving heart of God
But the people to whom they could not approach He

came in his righteousness and happened on

the cross Fully matched with God’s righteousness

And overpaid over what was due

This percentage says in the book of romans in the bible
Even more, even more

like 10 billion payments for a 1 million loan

If you know too much Jesus
Really overpayment

But God will make this payment for you

Barely, but not
enough Ask for full and more payment

So the whole system has changed
Because of what was on the Cross

The righteousness of God we fear now is on our side

This son’s right has been paid for with noble blood

This is everything my son who believes in me has to do for me in his life

All the conditions for divine holiness With
the blood of Jesus granted

My holiness commands it to be touched no more. So

Such must live under my favor.

Instead of
righteousness the

law demands,

gives righteousness Law demands Grace

gives grace.

“So what “God has chosen what the world considers absurd to shame the wise, and what the world considers weak to shame the strong.” 1 Corinthians 1:27




Peter reminds me of all of us

Thoughtless, boisterous, mouth before their brains

Some of you might confidently
say I know someone like that

No, that’s all about you.

WHAT HAPPENED Jesus was on the
mountain I believe it was Mount Hermon

And the Bible says, His
face shone like the sun



Think of glory

Jesus’ face is shining, Moses appears, Elijah appears

Peter answers

no one asked him

if Moses’ face could turn red




Peter looked at Jesus and started to do what Jesus did Walk on


As long as your eyes are on Jesus You

can do great things As

long as he puts Jesus between himself and the situation he is in It’s fine

And you will be fine

No matter what problem you have

economic crisis, bad Addiction, dependency

Not between you and Jesus, but as long as you put Jesus between you and that thing, you will be fine.

and shouting to the man who denied thrice Out of

all the disciples, Peter du

without fear of the preaching Jews
They were there when Peter denied Jesus

He preached to them, you
killed the Messiah, the prince of life
God resurrected him

And this seared the hearts of those who heard it says in the Bible

And 3000 people He believed that by
Peter’s preaching the

Pillar had become