Step Out And Possess The Land (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode
Are you waiting for your breakthrough to come? Wonder where God’s blessing is in your life? What if I told you that the breakthrough or blessing you are looking forward to is already there for you to take? About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them. If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit: Here are other ways you can support the mission: • Become a supporter on Patreon: / officialgospelpartner • Become a supporter on Buy Me A Coffee:… Through any of these ways above, you will be supporting our ongoing commitment and publishing mission to (1) accelerate our content development work, (2) support the innovation of our technology, and (3) make more resources available for free to people in need. Do note that as we are a publishing house with a focus to advance the Gospel through resources, we do not accept tithes, offerings, and donations. About this episode You are watching the sermon, Step Out And Possess The Land, preached on Sep 15, 2024 by Joseph Prince. This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us! Chapters 0:00 In Today’s Gospel Partner Episode… 0:40 01 Introduction: This is your heavenly reality 10:31 02 Are you listening to your spirit man? 18:07 03 The Lord is always protecting you and your loved ones 25:23 04 Grace does not mean laziness 34:43 05 God is giving but are you taking? 50:31 06 Lessons from the tribe of Asher 1:02 07 Have faith to possess your inheritance in Christ! 1:13:55 08 How much you believe determines how much you’ll receive 1:24:10 09 Salvation prayer & prayer of blessing Going through a challenging time? Request a free e-copy of No More Fear for yourself or a loved one here: Sign up for our Gospel Partner newsletter & get access to a FREE MASTERCLASS ON SLEEP: If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report! Check out the brand-new daily experience on the Joseph Prince App. Download now: Subscribe and be the first to know when a Gospel Partner episode is released:… You can also find us at:
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Grace is about giving faith is about
taking his giving is greater than your
receptivity God’s hand is so big when he
blesses us it’s it’s more than we can
take but how many want to take
everything that he has his vision for
you is always bigger than yours if you
know everything in your hit you don’t
need Faith many of times especially
Grace people they misconstrue rest for
laziness if you don’t possess what’s
yours the world will possess it whatever
you don’t possess the enemy takes over
you never know what you have lost
because of Shing your responsibility
evading duties possess your possessions
don’t just know about it possess your
possessions to God be the glory amen for
all the wonderful
testimonies every time we come to God’s
house you’re coming to the place where
to the world it is like just a hall of
people gathered together in worship but
what they don’t see is the invisible
realm we are here in the kingdom of God
and where the kingdom of God
rules there are there are no
impossibilities amen where the kingdom
of God rules There Is No Lack in God’s
Kingdom in Heaven you canot go to God
and say God um I think this is hyper
prosper erity Lord in heaven streets of
gold I mean over there down there down
there we walk on streets of tar
pavement and uh I think you you are just
making it too opulent you cannot say
that to God
amen amen amen you can just say that you
got you don’t have hospitals
here no
Coe there’s nothing that lacks there’s
no no
disharmony there is no
shortage there is no sickness no disease
no old
people Amen in heaven and it’s more real
over there except that they don’t have
their bodies just yet the Bible says
when Jesus returns for us that’s when
there are spirits and Souls of those
departed ones who have gone your loved
ones they’ll come and claim the
body amen amen and uh the body by the
way in case you are wondering our guests
and Friends started already the sermon
okay and they claim the the bodies and
and the amazing victory over death is
not just seen in the Tomb and Jerusalem
when our Lord rose from the dead he’s
just a first
fruits a prototype of what is to come in
fact all the
saints that includes Moses Joshua Joshua
is in sheim bared in sheim Abraham Isaac
Jacob all of them Abraham in the with
his wives in uh the
tomb over in mpel in
Hebron and David in the city of David
buried there the Bible says even though
they have decayed the body has decayed
not they they are in heaven they their
spirits and soul is more real the real
you is in heaven when you passed on your
body will
Decay whether it is bared or whether it
um burn cremated
all right which
uh is sometimes a a debate among
Christians and all that but the Bible
talks about for example in the Book of
Revelation even the date in the sea the
sea will give up the date that means any
molecule any thing found separately in
anywhere in the ocean this is the
victory over death that God Says by the
power by which he’s able to subdue all
things unto himself every loss loss uh
DNA amen will all come back to make that
body and that body is a glorified body
and that spirit and soul that has
departed let’s say some years ago let’s
say three years ago right that person
died in the sea the body could not be
found but because the the person is a
amen the blood of Jesus has washed away
that person sins even the body decays or
the body is eaten up even by facies or
whatever God the power by which he
subdue he will bring all things to
himself that includes people who have
perished under an explosion it’s hard to
find their body is in debris the power
by which he’s able to subdue all things
the Bible says you’ll bring it all back
together for a glorified body that’s why
it’s called a glor body and this body
cannot grow old this body cannot cannot
be sick ever again this body can never
never die it’s an immortal body amen it
still looks like
you oh no someone
said except all the
traces of deformity all the traces of
the fall all the traces that disfigure
you that is part of the earth that part
won’t be there so all of us will look
like Pastor
Lawrence amen we have muscles like him
we will all be able to push weights like
Pastor Mark with a smile amen we will
all be gloriously the Bible use the word
glorified we will be
glorified that’s glorious a glorious
body amen when Jesus rose from the dead
he was a glor body it is a human body
but it’s a glorious body it’s a human
body but it’s called Incorruptible body
and how long will you be in that body
forever so just let you know that we are
not just floating around isn’t this good
news that’s why the Apostle Paul says
for me to live is Christ to die is
gain amen why gain because straight away
I got no more
troubles I will never
die uh I have no problems with you know
anxiety worry because there’s no nothing
to worry about Amen in fact we cry for
them for the temporary separation right
when actually we are crying for
ourselves and it’s okay to cry you know
because of the temporary separation God
understands that but they are looking
down I wonder if they’re crying for
us the Bible says initially when they in
heaven the Lord wipe away their tears
because they see how beautiful how real
it is it is
realer than life on Earth
amen it’s not a good time to use bad
English so there’s no such word as
realer it’s more real okay so what does
it gain the what does it profit a man
really he gains the whole world but he
loses Soul the real himm amen you’re a
spirit you have a soul that’s the real
you and you live in a body the body is
just a place you live in amen look
around you look at all the different
types of of uh bodies and cottages and
building some are some are building
amen some are all
multicolored some doors are not colored
some doors are colored what is that set
a door to my lips oh
Lord amen got my lips so some are
colored some are not colored but it’s
just a body it’s just a house you live
in a house amen but you are not the
house but nonetheless God has such High
esteem for your house that I think in in
uh the teachings that seems to imply
sometimes our body is dirty our body is
bad this a part that sins and all that
it’s true it’s the instrument by which
sin uses the sin principle the sin is
not in your spirit you are a new
creation in Christ created in
righteousness and true Holiness the sin
actually is in your
soul right and that’s how once you in
heaven listen you have a a straight
straight away the presence of sin is
gone it’s it it manifest on the inside
outside do you
understand amen when we are in heaven
there’s no more
sin but sin manifest like this your body
is the instrument of sin whenever you
sin you you do something with your body
with your eyes your hands your legs or
your anything but the body is not listen
carefully the body the body is not dirty
and when our children come to puberty
it’s important to tell them don’t use
words like dirty don’t shame
them don’t shame your children see God
has given you a glorious body and when
you come to a certain age talk to them
use words um to teach your kids about
you know when you’re at this age
sometimes you will have sexy feelings
all right and what those sexy feelings
are don’t don’t shame them don’t you
know don’t make them dirty a lot of us
we discover uh this area of Life on our
own you don’t want them to learn on
their own you don’t want their friends
to teach them because it comes with
shame it comes with hiding it comes with
a lot of jiggling laughing like it’s
something that’s not glorious no God
ordained it that means you’re becoming a
man amen and you’re becoming a woman and
one day be a father and a mother amen
that’s a right teaching praise the
Lord you know the this past whole week
and for some time the Lord has been been
preparing my heart to share with you
some things especially for Grace people
you know we are people that learn about
that it is not by our works it’s by
Grace true faith and that not of
ourselves it is the gift of God not of
Works lest any should boast we all know
that what shall we say then that Abraham
our father has found If Abraham was
justified by works if he was made
or God sees him as righteous he was made
righteous if he was justified by works
he has something to boast but not before
God he can boast before men but not
before God all right he does some great
deed some exploit he can boast before
man but not before God but what saith
the scripture it’s always goes back to
this what saith the scripture Abraham
believed God and he was counted to him
righteousness amen so it’s nothing to do
with faith yes we are created in Christ
Jesus once you are saved you are created
in Christ Jesus we are all in Christ say
Amen we are all in Christ we are created
in Christ Jesus unto good
works in fact it says we are all God’s
workmanship say God’s workmanship do you
know that word workmanship in the Greek
is a beautiful word is the word
POA you know POA does he remind you
something in English quite a number of
English words come from the Greek poem
so God says we are all God’s
poetry you my friend you are God’s
poetry in
motion see his
gent you know a song oh you don’t know
song never mind it’s okay it’s
okay I’m from j z
Pastor some songs are forever
you need to get them okay anyway um God
looks at you and God says you are a
poetry that’s the word
workmanship you are meant to flow you
see po when you write poetry it is a
flow it’s
inspirational robots have no poetry all
right they just do things even chat GPT
and all that they do what they have been
programmed there’s no initiative on
their own
there is no LAX that that that LA
laxness to uh look at things at
different perspective that that Reserve
that God gives only to men the intuition
is something that you cannot program
into a
robot amen something that tells you you
there’s something wrong about this guy
he says everything right it seems that
all his books are okay there’s something
inside me telling me don’t invest in
guy all right something uh chat gity all
the AI you can come up with can never
come to that place that God gives you
it’s called
discernment you see the problem was
eating from the Tree of knowledge of
Good and Evil but discernment is not
part of your head of your mind it is
part of your
spirit there’s one time they brought
someone in front of Jesus and the Bible
that they want they were seeing whether
the Lord is going to heal him on the
Sabbath day and the Bible says Jesus
perceived that they so
reason that they so reason Jesus
perceived in his spirit that they so
reason where is reasoning found in your
brain where is perception found in your
spirit this is lightning fast no no no
it’s faster than lightning you know
things before you know it in your
head this is from God can I be good amen
so we go by the spirit amen we are God’s
poetry poem workmanship a poetic
workmanship so we are called to leave by
inspiration by a
flow amen we are not
robots if we were robots the world be a
perfect place today no one will fall no
one will be s in sin no one will the
earth will be a perfect place but then
God have only robots all of you are
robots because no robot will disobey
from the start God didn’t want to create
robots God wanted to create someone in
His image that will love him
voluntarily to have a to have a family
God’s idea whenever you you you your
child comes along or you look at your
child one day and your child has just
turned one one year old and you you you
see a lot of the beauty of your child
coming from your your wife and yourself
right guys you think to yourself I love
this child so much
this child can be soiling his uh Pampers
and uh you know I got to change it but
you know what when I when I’m changing
it I love him I love him with all his
dirtiness huh I love him even though he
doesn’t know how to love me
yet and all he does is that he wakes me
up in the middle of
night but I tell you this I love him and
and then that journey of Love becomes
deeper and deeper and they you know when
they’re 2 years old three years old and
they start responding to you you love
them even more amen come
on now you may have an employee that is
perfect in his uh you know um in the way
they they perform and bring results for
obedient right successful in your
company but when you leave your company
all right or you your heart’s desire if
truly you can look into your heart’s
desire you want to give your company to
son not to an
employee right how good the employee is
there is a relationship even though your
son may not be perfect or don’t get the
kind of results by he’s working in your
company you always want to promote your
son there’s something that God put in
you Father and Son the love is a picture
of his love for his son and his son is
obedient even unto death and that’s why
Jesus says therefore th my father Lov me
because I lay down my life he came to
lay down his life amen we always think
about Christ dying for us Christ dying
for our sins but actually you look look
carefully his first primary reason to
die on the cross is to glorify his
father because he knows that God’s
rights God’s holiness has been violated
so by giving himself for our sins on
that cross he will glorify God his
father do you know that
therefore I lay down my life my
therefore do my father love me because I
lay down my life he did it for his
father then he did it for
us our love is so who you know in we
love God because he did something for us
we love God because we see what he did
for us the benefits we love him because
he first loved us and that’s the way God
ordained it to be God wanted so it’s
amen we don’t really love God sacrif
sacrificially that’s why the first and
greatest commandment is love God all
your heart all your soul all your mind
all your
strength amen many of you you thank God
for healing that you
receive you don’t thank God for for when
you don’t need
healing yesterday last month there was a
spirit of cancer maybe coming along your
address to you
amen because you prayed and you asked
the Lord for protection God says no just
like the night of the Passover and the
angel of death pass over the house that
has the blood on the lamb God says no no
no you do not know and we cannot thank
him because we don’t know we didn’t know
we didn’t know it happened we thank God
so sometimes the Lord may allow us to
get into situations and then we see him
delivering us they God I thank you I
know it’s you you ever see that happen
how many parents would like to know that
how to talk to your children amen your
teenage children amen amen praise
God let’s do it right
now last two weeks during the week of
uh during the week of uh
our youth Outreach Zone X and thank God
for the landslide of souls Hallelujah To
God Be The Glory Hallelujah
yeah remember I that was my sermon two
weeks ago I I preached that Sunday after
the Zone X
Saturday right that week leading to that
week to my preaching on Sunday I was
involved in the worst accident in my
entire life where airbags all came
out right it was a a terrible accident
and what happened was that I fetched my
son from school which I don’t always do
but there was this particular time I
fetch him he finished school I was with
him in the car and I was going
straight all right now everyone would
tell everyone will tell you that they
have the right away okay but I believe
really I had the right
away I’m going a straight
road okay as I cross the
road the light turned Amber
and then there’s a car on the right that
turn right into the it is the junk at
the junction the car
turned really fast I I couldn’t go
faster I couldn’t go backwards it was so
fast it slammed right into my the side
of my
car airbags off
came but at that moment I
felt I felt like there was a cocoon
peace all around me it’s like I said wow
that was an
accident and then the next thought was
why am I so cool so
peaceful so I pull up slowly the car was
damaged terribly it could have
overturn and uh in said went I went to
site it’s a it’s a Toyota MPV my son was
in so he went I
just whatever it’s working to the side
and by the way after that he cannot
start yet for the safety Reon the car
cannot start and I look at Justin I said
Justin are you okay you look at me you
know what he said yeah I’m okay but
straight away when I got out the car
okay just hang on here for a while I
need to see make sure attend to the guy
the guy is okay but everybody is
okay he start calling his mom he says I
didn’t even know it was an
accident that
pieace kept us both I’ll tell you
that all right and uh the guy’s truck it
was like a a a pickup
truck and as I walked toward him I told
myself he’s going to say it’s my fault
for sure he’s going to say it’s my fault
because it’s human nature I told myself
all right so Joseph Prince keep
cool amen and sure enough because of
what the Lord has done for me I can keep
cool all right he’s oh why are you go
straight I said friend if I go straight
and it’s orange right as you’re going
it’s orange you know what I’m saying
you’re going in a steady place no matter
what steady place no matter what there’s
always some time before this light here
change he’s on a discretionary turn I
suspect he’s not watching
okay so we say resolve it right with
insurance and all that but then when the
whole day I was think thinking to myself
about that cocon of Peace of course I
keep on giving glory to the one that
protected me amen
amen and and Justin was okay to me for a
Father’s Heart is your son all right and
I was thinking to myself but I felt so
peace all right that we I found so much
peace I forgot about it to tell you all
that Sunday I didn’t even mention to you
all cuz it was such a wonderful peace I
start seeing the dangers of it actually
one week
after my wife says it’s PTSD
darling post-traumatic you know one hour
one one week after the thing then you
start thinking about it all right but
you see I gave praise to God because I
was in it he did delivered me from
it okay now all of us have experiences
like this where we pray for protection
but instead of uh protection where we do
not know we are supposed to get into an
accident all right all the time for days
and days and days I’m telling you this
if without God’s protection even a
simple virus can kill you you know even
a flu virus can kill you you know that
you have pneumonia before you know
you’re are dead all right but for God’s
protection come on let’s give praise to
God thank the Lord amen
okay so we give praise when you worship
God always remember worshiping is for
him his worth his Beauty his goodness
his excellencies amen his glories praise
the Lord you worship Him Praise Is for
what he has done we praise all that he
has done praise the Lord for he is good
for his Mercy endures forever all right
then he demonstrates what he has done
for us the entire s he overthrew pharaoh
and all of the enemies into the sea
praise God his Mercy endures forever
amen you praise the Lord for what he’s
done but please remember there’s a lot
that he has done and God is always under
praised underappreciated under
worshiped amen we are people that can be
very lazy
especially Grace people because a little
bit of work it becomes like oh we’re not
works we must
rest you know you know what I’m saying
sometimes there are bosses and
unfortunately I don’t like to hear this
all right I’m speaking uh generally in
fact I heard an American boss so nothing
to do with Singapore this church okay or
any church in Singapore but uh in
America one boss was
interviewed and the boss says you know I
don’t like to employ Christians he a
Christian himself because they take
advantage they come to church or they
come to work and they first thing they
do is working time they open up their
Bible when ask they say they’re doing
their quiet
time that means they’re telling me to
quiet amen you’re supposed to do your
quiet time at home
amen come to work and be a great example
Jesus and Jesus always invites people
who are busy
people amen he didn’t go to someone all
right who is lazing on a hammock by the
Sea of Galilee and says come follow me
never he goes to fishermen who are
fishing mending their Nets because you
got to mend your net before you catch
the fish amen you got to get yourself
some of them are already fishing when he
says launch out into the deep let down
your nets for a draff amen so he’s
always calling people that are busy
Elisha the successor of Elijah was
plowing with 12 yolk of oxen imagine
that when Elijah came and called him to
be his successor through his mental over
him he was busy he was doing something
in fact the Bible says if if any would
work this is your occupation now the
work there if any would not work neither
should he
eat amen come on and if you are a man
and you have a vision this this I got
this vision from God you know you tell
your wife and all that yes it could be a
vision from God but let’s test it okay
because we want entire family everyone
is uh suspended you know until the
prophet comes in until the blessing
comes in right we all putting this by
faith so your wife trusts you you go
into it it
failed what do you do never mind you
learn what not to do amen you learn
where you miss what you thought was
God’s voice was actually an angel of
Light the enemy trying to push you to a
place where you’re stressed your whole
family is stressed where you’ll be full
of fear anxiety and there’s no profit
but God when God leads you when he
speaks to you I’m I am the Lord thy God
who teacheth you to
profit I’m quoting the Bible now I am
the Lord your God who teach you to
profit and leads you by the way you
should go amen when Jesus told a a
fishermen who were actually fishing all
night that night and they caught nothing
throw your nets on the right side Peter
experienced fisherman says uh Lord we
toy all night we know in other words we
know this area we talk all night Miss we
have covered all the areas that we would
deem as uh uh uh fruitful areas and yet
we caught no
fisherman and J says let down your
nets for a catch
nevertheless Peter said at your word I
will let down the
net let down the Nets I will let down
net y you got it let down the Nets
his vision for you is always bigger than
yours his uh his giving is greater than
receptivity your
reception amen let down your
nets at your word I will let down the
net so you let down the net and now
there’s so much fish he had to called
for help and they pull the fish into the
boat and the net
break the net
break why he told them let down the Nets
they let down one net can you can you
come up higher in your
thinking can you come up to God’s
level come on can
you come
on think like
God because he’s he never fails in
anything so I think it’s good for you to
think like
God he never fails in anything when
there was Darkness he said light be and
there was light until now there’s still
light he never says light do you think
you can come out or not I’m not too sure
you know but I hope so a lot of people
about to create to be created they need
light light no he spoke with authority
it happens Jus let down your nets for a
catch let down your net for a catch and
they brought up the fish it was so much
that the Nets break and when the fish
got on the boat the boat
sank started to
sing amen too
much he is the god of more than
enough all right he is your father and
Jesus died to remove that barri of sin
between you and him so that he can be
father to
you amen so you come to God’s house this
more than enough here is invisible but
it everything that is Manifest today is
invisible amen the chair you sit on was
in someone’s mind it was invisible so
even man all right God made him in his
image his process are the same
everything is invisible because before
it becomes
amen it all starts in the mind it starts
with man having a vision are you with me
so far the problem is that God’s vision
for you is so big and His blessings for
you so vast that many of times
especially Grace people they misconstrue
rest for
laziness now when it comes to business
and all that you fail there there are
elements of failing learn from it but
please God says in his word in more than
one place in the multitude of counselors
there is safety in another place in
Proverbs book of wisdom in the multitude
of counselors there is Victory make sure
they are
counselors counselors are people filled
with God’s wisdom all right because it’s
from God’s book not in the multitude of
your best friends are they counselors
get people together before a major
Venture your wife must be one of of them
because she always gives you great
counsel if you don’t feel good hold
amen preach it Pastor
Prince God Made You together and God
will speak to you
together amen you are one you are
one amen okay God meant for that Oneness
he’s not talking just about
sex although that’s implied in a
marriage it’s called The Marriage
Act a man shall leave father and mother
and be joined to his wife and they shall
be one flesh that one flesh there means
you got to have an
agreement amen are you listening there’s
no power on earth that is released when
two persons come together in agreement
especially husband and wife because
Jesus says if two of you shall agree and
the Greek word there agree is
syono from the word symphon what word
Symphony when you both symphon
symphonize together on
anything it shall be done for them of my
father who is in heaven amen so you
speak negative over your child all right
during this exam period and you you came
on say you going going this way you know
you’ll be a failure and and your wife
speaks positive and that kind of thing
there’s no Symphony
you both must
symphonize and nothing shall be
impossible for the
child amen
amen we we we are prone to
laziness don’t use rest as an excuse so
there is a a tribe of Israel that the
whole week God has been speaking to me
about and you know telling me this tribe
was given one of the richest lands the
the most fertile soil that when it comes
to the
oil the
vine all right and the Fig and the
pomegranates some of the best
known in Israel back in the Bible times
and even today also is found in this
area what area is it well let’s first of
all look at this Joshua one God’s
instruction to Joshua how many of want
to possess everything that God has for
us our hands are so small God’s hand is
so big when he blesses us it’s it’s more
than we can take but how many want to
take everything that he
has amen he loves to give Grace is about
giving faith is about
taking amen that’s when God says you got
great faith that means what you got a
bigger hand of Faith to
take amen oh you of little faith let
means what your capacity is so small
you’re an adult but but in the spiritual
realm your hand is so small like a baby
when you take things whenever Jesus
correct people right it’s never oh you
know or you didn’t receive a healing oh
you of little prayer never never you
find that I’ll give you
$1,000 in the gospels you never find
someone who is not healed oh you of
little prayer oh you of little Bible
reading oh you of little
fasting I can tell you know know right
he never say oh you of little but what
does it always say oh you of little
faith that means I’m so full I came full
of grace and truth all the healing is in
me all the prosperity is in me all the
goodness of God is here for this to to
dispense my pain is not having anyone to
dispense it to I am so fo like a mother
when she’s full of milk it’s a pain for
her not to be able to give to a child
and if a child refus to take or the
child takes very little is a pain to be
fool mothers know this guys are you
don’t understand guys who are not
married especially amen God is so full
of goodness for man see God doesn’t take
from anyone he doesn’t need to
everything comes from him but he wants
to pour it his Joy is your father’s good
pleasure to
give you the kingdom Jesus said amen and
he look around he wants to give to this
person the person no no no I’m busy
doing this I got all these ideas okay go
go somewhere else God I’m doing fine
thank you very much and I’m following
your principles and I’m following your
your your your laws and following your
orders and all that and but no
dependence on God then God goes
somewhere else on a p my blessing and he
find someone Joseph Prince in class and
stammering the teacher makes him stand
everyone love all the girls laugh his
ears turned red sit down sit down sit
down same teacher very bad every time
come Joseph Prince up
okay just for the sheer pleasure of
seeing my ears turned
red it’s a said is the teacher but I
forgive the teacher Amen in Jesus name
and if you are here or watching from
home by accident
repent I still love you I have forgiven
you amen
and then God looks around and find the
boy says God I got nothing uh to give
you all right but I’m willing to take
whatever you have Lord I am so
desperately in need of you and I know
you have the goodness you have the power
you have the strength you have the
mercies you have the love you have the
favor only you can change my life
amen actually I included I want to marry
a beautiful
wife yeah as a teenager I prayed that I
want to have a family but now the girls
don’t even look twice at
me all right they look halfway they turn
their hair you
know Pastor Lawrence don’t understand
this at
all he’s
surrounded Pastor Gabriel don’t H you
are teacher why you should not be uh in
all this am man he was he was a teacher
in school so
God found someone and you know when God
pours it’s more than enough God Pours
and God Pours and God he’s still pouring
that’s my perspective of of every single
day right and the devil’s attack in my
life is always to keep that away from me
so that I get into anxiety fear and
worry but I only get into that when I
have lost this Vision that God is the
one giving God is pouring and every day
the the Bible says blessed be the Lord
God the psalmist says blessed be the
Lord God who daily loads us with
benefits do you like that he loads you
up with
Benefits okay so what happened was that
there’s a tribe called Asher say
aser and uh this is their problem Judges
chapter one God gave them the inheritant
and Judges chapter one tells us nor did
Asher drive out the inhabitants of Ako
very famous uh town by the way AKO or EO
today or the inhabitants of siden say
siden remember
siden Jesus talk
about um kzin and
bedsider if the Miracles I did in you
was done in TI and siden they would have
repented notice siden so the ashit dwelt
among the Canaanites the inhabitants of
the land for they did not drive them out
doesn’t say they could not drive them
out says they did not drive them out
these people were squarters and the land
was given to the tribe of Asher but the
asites did not drive them out the asites
are known as in the Bible as
lazy in fact they never got into a war
in all the records of the Bible they
never got into a war there’s only one
time to their credit when David was
wandering running away right and he was
in Zig King David he was in
zlac and at that
time he was only his mighty men that
some men from other tribes came and
40,000 came from Asher to be with him
but even then there’s no record that
this tribe ever fought together with
David but the mighty man did there’s no
record of them fighting they just like
to stay remember the story of
Deborah amen there was a king called
King jabin and King jabin is is the king
of the
Canaanites his place is hazar right and
uh he is a powerful King with with uh
literally hundreds and hundreds of
Chariots of iron that Israel could not
handle in the natural and he came down
marauding against Israel near Mount
Tabor in Israel and and when he came
down there Israel knew that without God
is finished so Israel at that time The
Book of Judges they like male leaders
even then and there was one lady leader
amen so who says that women cannot
preach on her name was Deborah even her
name means the word of God Deborah the
word dbar from the word dbar and uh she
was she was Jud not just that she was
Israel and then she encouraged a young
man by the name of
Barack okay his name is
lightning all right to go out there to
defeat this King but the resources he
had was very uh meager and he didn’t
have many people with him but
nonetheless because of the principle I’m
about to show you God said this to them
every time you go against your enemy
Joshua this happened after the Book of
Joshua but God promised Joshua this
Joshua 1 Moses my servant is dead now
therefore arise go over this Jordan you
and this people to the land which I’m
giving to them the children of Israel
every place that the soul of your foot
will tread upon I have given you as I
said to Moses can you see that it’s not
for lazy people in other words God give
you the land but God wants you to
possess your possessions God wants you
to step out on the land that’s yours so
even today this place here this building
we the pastors came here when it was
just a patch of ground and we we use
this verse every place that you step on
we didn’t have the money to buy this
building yet and uh all we did was that
we had faith and we had a big God
hallelujah and we we walk the ground we
walk the ground we walk the ground
because we we saying every place the
soul of our feet touches is ours amen
amen all right you you’re believing God
for a house you know just go to the area
walk God show me the house show me
nothing happen that way you got to walk
amen and God says every place that the
soul of your feet will tread upon tread
means walk will be yours so it is
actually yours
but practically yours comes by you
walking possessing the land now how do
we do that spiritually speaking we do it
by Faith by Faith by faith claim it
possess it possess your possessions
don’t just know about it possess your
possessions and God has so much
inheritance wisdom healing
Prosperity amen A sound mind amen
favor and that’s amazing for
relationships amen fa favor true
Holiness Redemption all the good things
of the Bible is there plus the things in
this life God says God is not against
them having the things in this life God
doesn’t want the things of this life to
have them God wants God God wants his
people to rule over it not be under it
and rule by it God wants his people to
love people and use
money not love money and use people
that’s why we don’t allow anyone who is
even a leader in our church we tell them
straight away there are some things you
cannot use your position to make money
of the
people in this
church right okay so you don’t like it
don’t be a leader in this church this
church very legalistic one
there okay
so God said so that that that was from
the very start God said that from the
very start right
but they were afraid of King jbin
because he had a commander-in chief by
the name of cicera who died of hate
damage lator from the hands of a woman
believe it or not you can read all about
it okay and God was just waiting for
someone to step
out so this woman says I need a man to
step out Deborah says no man stood up
she she invited this young man Barak and
Barak obeyed this this scripture just go
out but see before you go out before you
step out your mind will tell you that’s
look at them look at their Chariots of
iron we don’t even have a chair of iron
amen look at them they are seasoned
officers this is are the Canaanites they
are famous far and wide this region they
they are known to be fierce Warriors
look the people I get many of them are
farmers husbandmen amen they have no
experience you can reason all like that
you apply to your business you appli to
your ministry oh there’s too much there
no go God says go ahead like when they
when I suggested last time to have a
place for our people you know everyone
tell me not from our church okay
everyone tell tells me those that I know
it’s impossible in Singapore Singapore
is land
scarce I said no I believe we’ll get our
place I don’t know how that’s not my
part that’s God’s part my part is give
him faith and he gives me the miracle
all right that’s my part to have trust
in him you see if you know everything in
your head you don’t need
Faith you got to trust his heart and
sometimes when things don’t go right you
cannot see his hand trust his
heart trust his heart in the darkness
trust his heart through the
storm amen so we find
that Barack went down and finally not
that the Bible
says Barak said to uh Deborah you know
you must come with
us then we’ll win lat on God says to the
degree you limit me to the degree I’ll
limit you Barack wasn’t the one even
though he’s a great warrior he wasn’t
the one to kill the commander-in-chief
the fierce commander-in Chief whose name
was theara that privilege was given to a
woman her name was
jel amen Sarah was running away he found
her T he was so tired he fell asleep and
she hammered
him she took a hammer in the nail
hammered him
amen and she told Barack when he pass by
come see your
enemy and God says because you limit
yourself God says the victory doesn’t go
to you it goes to a
woman amen
God the Bible says God
uses amen even women in the Old
Testament that man deems as
weak to confound the
mighty yeah
amen are you with me so far and then
deel sang a song The prophetess now is a
amen and she sang very famous in fact an
inspired song Deborah song and in
Deborah’s song this is what she said in
uh the scripture she says one in the
songs she said why do you sit among the
Sheep FS to hear the pipings of the
flocks she
actually gave an indictment in her
prophetic song against all the tribes
that didn’t turn up to support them to
help them why are you sitting among your
folds why are you sitting in front of
your computer day in day out hoping for
all this opportunity to come to
you amen get your
counselors step out
amen so here’s this why you see around
hearing the pipings of the
flocks Gad stayed beyond the Jordan why
did Dan remain on ship so Dan didn’t
turn up the tribe of Dan they were too
busy with uh their canoe right and
joying themselves up there in the north
and they were near the Sea
Coast Asher now this is a trap I’m
talking about Asher her name means his
name means
happiness the tribe of Asher when he was
born right the mother named him
happiness Asher Asher continued at the
seashore and stayed by his
inlets wow what an indictment
Lazy by the way let me show you the the
allotment of the 12 tribes in the
the map of Israel okay during bible
times can you see all the 12 tribes
there San below Judah Jesus came from
the tribe of Judah Ruben and all the way
can you see top uh top left Asher Asher
actually has the Sea Coast it has the
Sea Coast and the land is all allotted
by Joshua amen by God of course true
Joshua the land is allotted to
them amen and
and Asher live along the the Sea Coast
and in this Sea Coast let me just tell
you why I’m showing you this in Asia
there are two God gave them two cities
that would become the New York of the
entire Earth during that time it’s
called the city of Ty and
sidon Ty and sidon were actually in the
territory of Asia
but what did the Bible say in judges one
he did not drive out the Canaanites the
Canaanites became squatters in the land
they took over they took over they took
over more and more land go back to the
judges one again show them real quick
what did Asher do Asher did not dwell
among Asher dwelt among the canites the
inhabitant of the land they did not
drive them out they dwelt among them
they allowed
D to be there now one day you come home
right you happen to see a guy down there
taking a break eating sandwich in your
kitchen right I think he’s a thief now
this thief don’t come with a hat right a
mask anymore he’s sitting down eating
your you came back all right he didn’t
realize you are back what do you do oh
you want
dessert what do you do and you got
strong young teenage boys or you know
young men with m CL like and and you got
Pastor Mark there fresh from the gym all
right what do you do what do you do okay
I think this house is big enough for the
two of
us can I do can I can I still stay here
you ask him no you not tolerate that
that land has been given
right correct or not but asites dwelt
among the Canaanites the inhabitants of
the land they did not drive them out now
the prophecy given to uh Asher there are
two prophecies by the way one was from
his uh father Jacob and this what Jacob
said the other one is from Moses Jacob
called his sons and said gather together
that I may tell you what shall befall
you when in the last days the days that
we are living in that’s why God had me
preach this word we are living in the
last days there’s a message for us as
well amen and let’s look at the Trap of
Asher drop down bread from Asher shall
be rich and he shall re yield Royal
dainties in other words King James says
bread from Asher shall be fat it is it’s
not just a normal bread it is a very
nourishing today you say the most
expensive bread it’s very nutritious why
because Asher the tribe the the soil of
Asher by the seashore is known to be the
most fertile the most is the richest and
the most
fertile in fact I’ve got uh some 1800
Travelers books to Israel I love to
study some of this even Travelers the
accounts and all that one traveler said
he says that there’s no
no that kind of he list down almonds
pomegranates Vine oil like that
found in this Coastal
area and that’s why you’ll see some
things when it says bread from Asher
shall be rich and he shall yield Royal
dainties in other words what even the
food is Fit For A
King kingly food he shall yield Royal
dainties right so the father prophesied
that now let’s go forward and see Moses
time Moses prophesied over the tribe of
Asher by now they are a tribe this is
what Moses said of Asher he said Asher
is Most Blessed of sons let him be
favored by his brothers think about the
inheritance that he has let him be
favored by his brothers I’m telling you
this if someone favors you all right
they want you they want you to be that
in that position they will make it
happen I tell something about bosses and
people or interviewers and all that they
can look at your yeah your
accomplishments and to a certain extent
all that matters but I tell you this
it’s the impression you make during your
interview all right the rest I would say
40% and all that can be based on this
because they have seen people who have
the technical knowhow and the smarts and
all that who don’t make
amen I have uh a book called who move
Fuji how to move Mount Fuji something
like many years ago and he talks about
back then IBM and uh uh even U uh how me
you know started and how they
interviewed people it’s not a
traditional way they ask question to see
how creative you are not your your
smarts that you get from your
universities that you graduate from the
questions they ask
amen I remember Henry for when he
created motoc cars and became the first
one of the mega conglomerate
multi-millionaire he sat down with a
potential worker and then he ate there
were two guys sorry being interviewed at
the end he says okay I’m sorry all right
I’ll be taking him and the guy says what
what I he’s he’s less you know
accomplished than me I I gr from St in
Stewart University and and he’s not from
you know you know why it’s a very simple
thing I notice you both and for you he
says you season your food before you ate
he ate it and then if need be he
seasoned you’re a creature of habit I’m
concerned about people who are creatures
habit I want people who can
think know what I’m saying to many of
you you just put the thing right maybe
the that thing has been
put it’s a just a
habit amen you know some some chefs are
very insulted when you start putting
seasoning before you eat
yeah so it’s the same thing here we see
the favor of God is what matters they
like you they’ll find ways to make
things happen for
you favor from God not Apple polishing H
not going to the the BS and you know
carring favors or no no no that’s that’s
not in fact it’s human effort really it
will need negate the favor of God is a
favor of God when favor I mean Joseph
what can he offer he was a slave in in
Pharaoh’s Court what can he offer but
the Bible says he was a prosperous man
whatever he did
prospered and his boss saw it
amen so let him be favored by his
brothers let him dip his fuit in oil and
a lot of people are saying that because
of the the is such a fertile land the
abundance of olive oil there is among
the best
you can
find in all the
land recently I I was uh when I was
traveling for um when I was in Israel I
actually asked a question some people
believe there’s there’s there’s there’s
petroleum there there’s oil there but
but um I said what do you think it is
and the person say it’s well known for
its olive oil it’s the region olive oil
it was this postal um go back to the map
again is this Coastal area that Elijah
came God sent him here to a widow of
zerf not a Jewish woman a gentile
remember God sent Elijah during the time
Jezebel imagine that to the hometown of
Jezebel and Jesus mentioned this in
between the region of TI and
H and it’s known by the way cath is just
by the Sea Coast but TI and siden let’s
look at TI and siden is
there TI and siden is the New York Tire
especially New York and it boast itself
of his
riches back then in the ancient time is
the like the New York
Paris London New York more because of
Sea Coast right and they got judged by
God the Judgment
fell why because Ezekiel prophesied this
Ezekiel says the word of the Lord came
to me again do you know there three
chapters three full chapters on Tire
alone all
right okay before I don’t show them this
look up
here what I’m trying to say is this if
you don’t possess what’s yours all right
the world will possess it so what
happened to th and S became so rich
right aser this is supposed to be you
yours because Asher God can trust you if
you had stepped out TI and siden will be
yours and the richest and the wealth of
it will be yours and you’ll be a good
Steward of it to make sure the message
that Jehovah God is the god of Israel
will pass through all the four corners
of the earth you’ll make TI and siden a
place where missions will go out
amen amen who better than honors people
to be stewards over
finances but aser you lost a great
inheritance and whatever you don’t
possess the enemy takes over I don’t
care what people say about you know they
say our church Prosperity Church that
kind of thing how often do you hear me
talk about material prosperity in fact
I’m telling you the dangers of Asher is
because he has
plenty amen but what God wants us to do
possess amen
possess our possessions even if it
includes becoming successful in Commerce
and all that with God’s wisdom not human
wisdom and then being a position of
influence amen
amen don’t just pray for a job pray for
a position amen trust God to give you
net breaking boat sinking load of fishes
if you are at work work your job is not
there okay to just read the Bible okay
you’re there is to you’re there to make
your boss look
good amen to bring some this what Joseph
did Joseph did it for a boss who is not
a Believer his name is Pharaoh it’s not
a name it’s a title actually Pharaoh
Pharaoh means mouth speak evil
Farah yeah okay perra okay Pharaoh
Pharaoh is not a Believer but Joseph
made him the wealthiest man with his
wisdom that’s your
job the Bible says work as unto the
Lord and your every day becomes
exciting answering email is not just
answering email it’s a princely work
once you get excited about what you’re
doing you knowing you’re doing it for
the Lord think of ways to prosper your
company a better way of doing things and
ask God God is a god of witty inventions
the Bible says of
creativity he’ll give you creative ideas
and your boss will look at you and say
it’s amazing this guy has uh graduated
from Harvard and not you’re not even
graduate from and and you got this idea
this is amazing I want you he won’t he
won’t say it out loud it’s called
favor amen what if they don’t see all
this pastor year after year ask God is
that a place for
you amen maybe it’s not for Joseph it
was the
prison sorry
but over there he became the head and he
rose all the way to the to be the right-
hand man of pharaoh all to the favor of
God are you
listening when God give you something
like ashes sit down on The Laurels
lazy even Deborah says you stayed by
your seos in your Creeks very
comfortable refuse to help your brothers
and sisters there’s a call in church for
your service and you are skilled in it
whether it’s filming whether it’s music
whether it’s ushering whe whatever it is
give God time and he’ll multiply time
back to
you you know uh the fisherman gave Jesus
the boat to preach from because the
crowd was pressing on Jesus and Jesus
looked behind and it was the waters then
he saw one empty boat because the
fisherman was uh repairing their their
their Nets and Jesus went on the boat
and Jesus preached from there it was
Peter’s boat later on of all the boats
down there Jesus rewarded this boat the
owner of this boat his name was Peter
with a net breaking boat sinking load of
fishes you give him time on Sunday he’s
going to bless all the time throughout
the week I’m telling you it’s the
principle of the th you give God the 10%
and He blesses all the 90% amen that’s
your move praise the
amen nothing you give up to God a God
God beholden to no man just a thing that
he blesses you is not the same amount as
your your service even or your sacrifice
it’s so much more yes amen amen is
one you don’t know what you are missing
because you evaded your
duty you do not know what riches could
have been yours because you omitted some
responsibility a simple person may come
to you and say can you assist us help us
in this and say I’m too busy you do not
know know the riches that you have lost
that somebody else is enjoying TI and
siden belong to
Asher not to the world later on the
three chapters they became corrupted yes
and having a lot of money can do that to
people that’s why be very very careful
when God starts to prosper you in the
area of material material Prosperity
don’t become materialistic
don’t become a worshipper of
money make sure money serves the Lord
there are many people who are very
wealthy in the Bible that serve the Lord
but the Bible says those that desire to
be rich got to be aware the dangers are
there and the dangers are
plenty okay but God wants you to be a
good Ste so three chapters Ezekiel 26
all the way to 28 you can go back and
read about it at first God addressed is
28 real fast god addressed what son of
man say to the prince of TI it’s the
prince of T but later on in chapter 28
you know who he addressed this is
chapter 28 sorry but in um later on he
address next chapter he will address the
king of T and then he says to the king
of T you were in the Garden of
Eden you are the anointed
sherub Satan even took over the city
because God’s people did not take
it and the king of tha is actually
spiritual he was the devil and God says
you were in the Garden of Eden you are
the anointed
sherub Lucifer that fell but here is the
physical King Prince thus says the Lord
God because your heart is lifted up and
you say I’m a God I sit in the seat of
gods in the midst of the Seas yet you
are a man and not a god though you set
your heart as the heart of a god drop
down by your great wisdom in tread see
just because you think ah I I got great
wisdom in tread I’ve made a lot of money
okay so was
Tyre okay see the
danger young people especially I want to
make money I want to make money I want
to make money think about the story of
Tire all right it says by your great
wisdom in trade you have increased your
riches and your heart is lifted up
because of your riches therefore says
the Lord God because you have set your
heart as the heart of a god behold
therefore I’ll bring strangers against
you the most terrible of the Nations
they shall draw their SS against the
beauty of your wisdom defile your
Splendor they shall throw you down into
the pit and you shall die the death of
the slain in the midst of the Seas real
fast look up here the first one that
came was king Nebuchadnezzar destroyed
the old city of Ty and again the bo says
you cannot conquer us our our cities are
fortified you know you cannot conquer us
and he did did he destroyed the city
right and and turn it to to dust and
later on they rebuil the city all right
all the way they not only Built This
City they also built an Island City so
that people like K cannot reach and
became like
Singapore it it they they built the city
on an
island okay and what happened was that
during the time of Alexander the Great
Alexander passed by the area and told
them to surrender okay and he will let
them go peacefully okay let him take
charge of that that Island Tire now
because this tire on the on the Sea
Coast is demolished and they refus they
told them we are so
powerful you cannot reach us you know
what you know what Alexander did he got
all his men to take the the stones and
the ruins of the ancient tire and make a
that’s why I say like Singapore made a
Crossway all the way and they built with
Defense Force all right a wooden tower
for arrows and all that and they built
and they built and they shooting them
all the time as they built all the way
until they succeeded and they they call
all the Allies that of the places they
have conquered Alexander and they
K but why all this happened God says
because of this this is before
Nebuchadnezzar came and god mentioned
Nebuchadnezzar here but but here he
didn’t mention Alexander but Alexander
is mentioned in Daniel all right is
destroyed but why God’s judgment because
he say I am a God I’m so rich there’s
nothing I can do I’m so rich amen money
powerful amen does that mean God is not
God is against you
having money no that’s it poor cannot
help the poor in fact you got to have
more than enough to be a
blessing right or not in fact this whole
place TI and sudden was supposed to be
under the influence of Godly
amen of prophets men of God does that
mean God has forgotten his dream I’ll
close with this for tire and siden Jesus
says in Matthew 11 oh kzin and
bedsider if the mighty work that was
done in you was done in tire and siden
they would have remained to this day
Jesus said and guess what he did one of
the greatest Miracles feeding now watch
this feeding watch this
feeding the 5,000 remember 12 basketball
left over and before the day ended he
crossed a lot of things happened he
crossed the sea the lake of Galilee on
the other side what happened people came
and when they touched the ham of His
Garment they were all healed that’s how
the story ended you know what happened
the next day the Pharisees rejected him
then we follow the story from here he
says Jesus went out from there where is
the there the chapter before tells us he
was in by the lake of Galilee he he just
did the Loaves and fish Miracle as well
as also healings provision and healings
come on come
on if you want to be strict about it now
there’s Health we
the Five Loaves is provision with 12
basket full left over more than enough
all right what is healing after that
Health but you make it so dirty like
health and wealth oh they preach the
health and wealth gospel hey friend
there’s no such thing as health and
wealth gospel there is the gospel of
grace and peace but it produces
provision on Amen it produces more than
enough so that you can be a blessing and
then Health yes
us that’s why we don’t accept you know
the moment you are recovering thank God
for all the areas that are healthy amen
and thank God for every Improvement yes
like the kingdom principle 34 64 100f
amen but don’t accept that sickness
could be God’s will for
you don’t accept
amen believe
God believe God for children
amen IVF is wisdom from
God given to
someone what was that Pastor okay I just
felt like saying that I just felt like
saying that as well okay don’t think
it’s something you know outside God’s
means there are many
medicines that are God’s mercy because a
lot of people do not know how to use
faith God is a good god
okay Jesus went out from the lake of
Galilee area and departed to the region
of TI and siden you know how far is it
look at the map again look at the map
can you see the Sea of Galilee Jesus
went all the way to Ty and sidon 130
miles and he went there along the way
there no Miracles recorded no nothing
was recorded he came came back from
there something happened there of course
he came back from there back to the lake
of Galilee no Miracles recorded nothing
was done so obviously the destination
has something to do with
it when a TI and siden and this follow
story Behold a woman of Chan remember
Canaanites they took over the whole area
all right they came from that region TI
siden and she cried out to him have
mercy on me oh Lord son of David I
should call him son of David now during
this time the gospel was for the Jew the
house of Israel lethon is for the whole
world but Jesus first coming is for them
to accept him and then he’ll be a
blessing to the entire world but they
rejected him but at that time no one can
call him son of David only Jewish people
can what’s God’s purpose in raising the
Jewish people so that they can be a
lighthouse to all the
world Amen God want them so blessed that
they can be a lighthouse to all the
world but God says if you turn away from
me you become a testimony also for the
whole world of the
negative I’m bringing this to a close
are you with me so far and behold a
woman Canan Cried Out have mercy on me
oh Lord son of David she’s she’s coming
as pretend she’s pretending to be a
Jewish a Jewish woman then Jesus look at
this drop now he answered her not a word
and his disciples came and urged him
saying send her away for she cries out
after us but he answered and said I was
not sent except to the lost sheep of the
House of Israel then she came and
worshiped him saying Lord help me now
this is a difficult passage for a lot of
people to understand unless they
understand that she came in pretense the
Lord cannot bless you in pretense
because if he blesses you in pretense
you will think that he doesn’t know but
you deceive him and then you got the
blessing from him but then you will
always feel like you stole something
you’ll never feel loved by him more than
healing he wants you to know he loves
you and when you pretend you’re never
sure the person loves you that’s why
first date then get married cannot you
cannot they must see The Good the Bad
and the Ugly not just clean this wood
you must see all the rest the ugly one
as well
right are you with me so far amen so if
you are a hypocrite and you come to the
Lord and you’re hypocrite that’s what
Jesus hates this sin of hypocrisies
he hates it why because you put this
veneer and if you get a blessing from
the verer you never feel love but when
he tears away the the veil sometimes it
seems quite harsh he tears away the veil
but it’s not harsh it’s actually love
and then you realize he Lov you he knows
who you are you had had five husbands
and the one that you have now is not
your husband and still she saw the love
in his eyes he’s talking to
her and then you feel love
she wasn’t being real okay so and when
you cannot understand the Lord trust his
heart she knew his heart she knew it’s
not time for the Gentiles to receive the
blessing but I know his heart I know
there’s a lot of love there a lot of
mercies a lot and and and she he
answered I was not stand except the
lordship of the House of Israel she came
and worship him now saying Lord no no
more son of David no more pretends like
a Jew only Jews can say son of David
Lord help me she’s being real Lord help
me and Jesus said it is not good to take
the children’s bread and throw it to the
little puppies okay the word there is
puppies puppies belong where in the
house there not wild dogs out there he’s
giving her a way out it’s not time for
the Gentiles blessings yet amen it’s a
time of Israel’s blessings but then he
gave her a away out it’s not right to
take the children’s bread from the table
give it to puppies you see the picture
and then she says yes Lord even yet even
she keep on calling him what Lord now
amen that’s her her right you can say
that Lord where is Lord of all the Earth
yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs
which fall from their master’s table you
say I’m a puppy I’m a puppy I take my
place amen but even puppies eat the
crumb that fall from the master’s table
Jesus Jesus answered and said oh
woman you know to say oh before the
white woman means like you know have you
found that Jesus in The Gospel is very
hard to surprise
anyone or to shock him but here he’s
like oh woman great is your faith you
keep on trusting my heart you knew that
I would’t let you down even though it’s
not time so it’s like Jesus reached into
the future dispensation of Grace and
took that healing and gave it to her
remember the
promise out of as will come
what reach
bread children’s
bread and even a crumb just a crumb from
this bread can heal the daughter woman
great is your faith let it be to you as
you desire her daughter was healed from
that very
hour now I’ll close by saying this to
you today you are
children not under the
table you’re not puppies
when Jus children’s bread it’s actually
you now we all the children of God now
amen we don’t eat crumbs we eat the
children’s bread you understand but
bread is once a while for them even
their staple diet like our
rice right is it once a while or every
day I’m not talking to uh those who on
on kanore diet and keto and I’m talking
about I’m talking about normal normal
people I’m talking normal people here
all right what’s your staple diet rice
right in in in Asia is rice right
chapati bread in Israel is bread is it
daily yes if you are sick I encourage
you receive bread
daily because he says children’s
bread receive it until the manifestation
happens okay Jesus Likens healing to the
children’s bread let means eat bread eat
bread eat bread by the way this is the
reason why I think you should not lower
your cup too
much matter how modern science become
right someday somewhere they’ll say ah
we just realized very low cups is quite
dangerous God says man shall not live by
bread alone but by every word that means
man does live by
bread but not alone but by every word
from God’s mouth so I suggest please eat
okay I don’t have time anymore I got to
stop here I got to stop here just when
it’s getting exciting I got to stop here
amen now do you know something even you
can’t possess your possessions this how
the story
ends Asher was
comfortable even
even when there was a
war Barack was sent by Deborah the
prophetess wouldn’t fight and the
Victory Was Won Deborah sang a song The
prophetess that Asher remained in her
sea what an
indictment it’s
lazy but even when you’re
lazy under
grace Jesus will come to
you even though it’s 130 miles he’ll
come to
you even though you have
compromised even though you have
compromised even though you’re not
qualified he went all the way for a
woman and you are you are part of
children not even a gentile how much
more will he do this for you and he is
the bread of life don’t sit down one day
and see other people enjoying what could
have been
yours amen if somebody took the
bread from Jesse David’s father to bring
it to the valley of a at the right time
when Goliath appeared I do not know he
might be king I do not
know but he he wasn’t shooking his
duty amen you never know you never know
what you have lost because of Shing your
responsibility evading duties somebody
else will come in of course God is Not H
up he will bring someone else when Judas
fell all the disciples in the upper room
quoted this verse from Psalm 69 let his
office his office another take you know
what it means God is Not Hur up you
don’t want that office somebody else
will take it and take your blessings and
grace and favor with
it and he will dip his food in oil oil
man for you anointing man for you
you I’m done praise the Lord
okay listen we might continue this
series okay we might there’s so much
here so much I haven’t shared yet we are
t on the tip of the iceberg amen is it
helping you all right every head bowed
every eye closed real fast if you have
never received Jesus Christ and
acknowledge him as your own personal
Savior and Lord the Bible says confess
with your mouth Jesus as your lord
believe in your heart God raised him
from from the dead you are acquitted you
are Justified if that is you say this
with me right now heavenly father I
confess Jesus Christ is my Lord my
savior Christ died for my sins and on
the third day he was raised from the
dead when I was
acquitted in him thank you Father now
baptize and fill me with your Holy
I am the righteousness of God in Christ
in Jesus name amen stand to your
feet praise the name of
Jesus remember this we see the dangers
of materialism and
greed but that doesn’t mean God doesn’t
want you to learn to be a Channel of
blessings and give and give amen
amen praise the
Lord I feel like the Lord’s saying
there’s an anointing to prosper people
you shall remember the Lord your God for
it is he who gives you gives you I think
he want to give you all power to get
wealth okay I didn’t prepare for this I
stood up here I felt the Lord saying
that amen lift your hands
father you know Lord those whose hearts
Lord that you will see Lord they will be
faithful they will be stewards
not given to avarice or covetousness or
greed you see their hearts that you have
prepared Lord by your
grace you can trust
them that by your grace Lord they’ll
they will steal it over your great
possessions that there’ll be a Channel
blessing and now father I ask in the
name of Jesus as you have instructed me
Lord according to your word grant them
grant them Lord everyone under the sound
of my voice whose Hearts you have
prepared to receive this grant them the
power to get
wealth from this day
forth in the name of
Jesus amen God bless you we’ll see you
amen praise the Lord good morning church
are you ready for some good news praise
God I got four testimonies to share with
you and the first testimony comes to us
from a brother from Singapore and he
writes that months ago I was admitted to
the hospital for a severe skin allergy I
underwent various tests and examinations
and on the third day my my allergy
suddenly worsened and I developed great
Lums and rashes all over my body I
prayed for the Lord to heal me and help
me regain my strength the next morning
although my symptoms had subsided
another H shell dropped the doctor
informed me that I had fatty liver
disease and they had found an abnormal
abnormality uh in one of my blood tests
although I was discharged I was asked to
return in 3 months for a further
evaluation on June on the 2nd of June
2024 I attended the second service where
Pastor Mark was preaching about healing
through faith I immediately claimed my
healing for myself then on the 28th of
July Pastor Prince mentioned the healing
of fatty liver I Joy fully received my
healing and believ that God had healed
me I went back to the hospital a month
later for a blood test when the results
came out the doctor told me that my
liver was normal and there was no sign
of fatty liver disease I believe God
healed me and restored to me a healthy
and brand new liver thank you Pastor
Prince for delivering the gospel to God
be the glory praise the Lord
hallelujah right next we have a brother
from Singapore who writes that I’ve been
experiencing from severe neck pain due
to poor sleep posture the pain was so
intense that I couldn’t even lift my
head or turn it to the left the pain
would also persist throughout the day on
Sunday the 25th of August the pain was
still present but I attended the service
nonetheless during ministring Pastor
Prince specifically mentioned that it
was healing for those suffering from
neck pain and encouraged us to start
stretching and moving our necks when I
turned my neck the pain completely
disappeared now I can lift my head look
upwards look to the left without any
comfort I’m incredibly grateful thank
you Pastor Prince and thank you Jesus
for healing my neck to God be the glory
praise the
Lord next we have a a testimony from a
sister from South Africa and she writes
that I’ve been battling stomach pain for
the past few weeks one night the pain
was particularly bad and even caused me
nightmares the next day Sunday the 25th
of August 2024 I tuned in to New
Creation Church 11:30 a.m. online
service during The Healing Ministry
Pastor Prince called out healing for a
stomach condition I knew it was for me I
received that healing in the name of
Jesus and I felt a cool sensation in my
stomach where he had been burning before
for the rest of the day I felt so much
better I could eat what I wanted and
there was no more pain or nausea the
following day I felt a twinch which I
rebuked in the name of Jesus and he left
I’ve been fine ever since praise God
thank you Jesus for the healing and
thank you Pastor Prince for your
obedience and service to the Lord praise
the Lord for this healing
testimony and finally we have a
testimony from a brother from Nigeria
and he writes recently I developed pain
in my shoulder from exercising and
couldn’t move my arm Beyond a certain
point without experiencing sharp pain so
I asked the Lord to heal me during the
upcoming Sunday service I prayed and
asked the Lord for Pastor Prince to call
out my condition throughout the I also
meditated on Psalm 103 which says forget
not all his benefits who heals all our
diseases a passage that Pastor Prince
had taught in his previous sermon during
the same week I began experiencing
unusually frequent urination which be
which became quite uncomfortable I would
wake up several times during the night
to go to the bathroom affecting my sleep
however I didn’t think to ask the Lord
to heal me of that condition on Sunday
the 25th of August I tuned in to the
online service after the praise and
worship Pastor Prince under the
anointing called out for my shoulder
condition I moved my shoulder in every
possible way and couldn’t find a pain my
shoulder was completely healed as if
that wasn’t enough Pastor Prince also
called out my urination condition which
he didn’t pray for actually God didn’t
just heal one he healed all my diseases
as promised in Psalm 103 my shoulder
pain is gone my urination frequency is
back to normal and I now sleep sleep
sweetly and soundly
thank you Lord Jesus for healing me and
thank you Pastor Prince for your prayers
and your faithfulness to the word we
give thanks to the Lord for all these
wonderful testimonies
Hallelujah I hope you enjoyed today’s
episode but don’t go just yet if you
like to receive prayer share your
testimony or find out more about gospel
partner just click the link on this
screen if not I’ll see you in the next