The Transformative Power of God’s Word (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode
Discover how the Holy Spirit uses Bible teachers to bring clarity to Scripture and how valuing time in God’s house releases blessings into your life! About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing the gospel of grace. Our mission is to find ways to make Jesus-centered, grace-based teaching resources completely free for those who cannot afford them. If you would like to join us in this global publishing mission reaching over 150 nations, and receive access to more than 1,000 sermons by Joseph Prince, visit: Here are other ways you can support the mission: • Become a supporter on Patreon: / officialgospelpartner • Become a supporter on Buy Me A Coffee:… Through any of these ways above, you will be supporting our ongoing commitment and publishing mission to (1) accelerate our content development work, (2) support the innovation of our technology, and (3) make more resources available for free to people in need. Do note that as we are a publishing house with a focus to advance the Gospel through resources, we do not accept tithes, offerings, and donations. About this episode You are watching the sermon, The Transformative Power of God’s Word, preached on Nov 3, 2024 by Joseph Prince. This episode was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us! Chapters 0:00 In Today’s Gospel Partner Episode… 0:44 Introducing The Joseph Prince Study Bible 6:18 01 Introduction: With God, nothing is impossible! 16:12 02 Why did the Lord give us Bible teachers? 27:32 03 Let us treasure being in the house of God! 38:44 04 Seeing Jesus in the Word transforms us 49:20 05 Your life is a living testimony for Jesus! 1:04:27 06 Study the Word in the light of the new covenant 1:12:43 07 How do I know if I am under the new covenant? 1:19:01 08 Salvation prayer & prayer of blessing 1:24:27 Let’s Take A Praise Break! If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report! Find out more about the Joseph Prince Study Bible here: Check out the brand-new daily experience on the Joseph Prince App. Download now: Subscribe and be the first to know when a Gospel Partner episode is released:… You can also find us at:
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God uses his word you think you’re
reading the Bible it’s reading you why
are we so easily conscious of ourselves
shy angry bitter you know why we are too
self occupied we don’t know how to set
oursel free and the whole purpose of the
Bible is to free you from that and to
keep you occupied with Christ you are
the Bible that people read you read your
Bible people read you they look at your
lives they look at you and they see they
say that I know this guy he’s not
transformed look at this family you are
a blessing everywhere you go the answer
is here ready as you are thinking of
God’s house you go from strength to
strength is still in the miracle working
business the Bible you hold in your
hands is no ordinary book
every time I open its Pages it’s like
I’m sitting down in an intimate
conversation with the Lord
himself as I meditate on scripture the
Holy Spirit illuminates the words making
them come alive in a deeply personal
way a passage that I’ve read countless
times before can suddenly take on new
meaning and speak directly into my
situation it never ceases to amaze me
how the Lord can use a book written
thousands of years ago to minister to
the very real needs and struggles we
today my friend I want you to know there
is no insignificant details in the Bible
it is all there for one purpose to point
us to the person of Jesus that is why I
wanted to introduce you to a very
special and exciting initiative that my
team and I have been working on one that
I believe will help you grow in your
ability to read and understand the Bible
yourself it is the Joseph prin Study
Bible in the gospel partner
app this is something that has been
brewing in my heart for the longest time
and it brings me such great joy and
Delight to finally present it to
you over the past months I have worked
with my team to go back into to many of
the sermons books and teachings that
I’ve shared over the past 20 years to
pull out the most impactful and most
revelatory portions and develop them
into multimedia study notes that can
come alongside you as you read through
Bible imagine reading through Leviticus
where it talks about the five offerings
and having me come in to explain the
significance of each offering how it all
typifies our lord Jesus and what it
means for us as Believers today or
imagine reading about Abraham and Isaac
in Genesis 22 and having questions about
why a good God would ask Abraham for
such a demanding sacrifice and then
being able to watch a video teaching
where I explain how it was always about
Jesus the true lamb the only begotten
Son of God who the father himself would
give for the world at launch I am
pleased to let you know that my study
notes will be included for the first
five books of the Bible thereafter the
team will continue to work through the
Bible to add more and more content that
I hope will bless you immensely in your
own Bible
study in addition to these study notes
it will let you find verses effortlessly
just by keying the scripture reference
you can also highlight
verses and words that speak to
you jot down
notes and have them pin to scripture
just like you would in the margin of
your physical
Bible this is something I personally
love to do in my own Bible study time
there is something powerful about
capturing what the Lord is speaking to
you in the moment and being being able
to revisit those insights whenever you
return to that
passage you can also use it as your
personal journal and categorize your
notes into various
notebooks for now the Joseph prin Study
Bible and access to the study notes
illustrations and teaching Clips is
included only as part of a gospel
partner subscription if you want to try
out the Joseph Prince Study Bible i’
like to bless you with a free 1 month
trial that will give you access to all
the study notes in the Bible and also to
over 1,000 sermons that I have preached
over 20 years please know there is no
obligation for you to subscribe you can
still access the various Bible
translations and use the notetaking
features for free without a subscription
I would also like to take this
opportunity to thank all our gospel
partner subscribers for your support a
Tech development project like this
requires substantial resources in time
effort and finances and it’s because of
your partnership that we are able to
Pioneer this exciting new Joseph Prince
Study Bible I believe that as you make
it a priority to spend time in the
scriptures you experience the
transforming power of His word in every
area of your life as you behold Jesus in
the pages of the Bible I know know you
will fall in love with him all over
again God bless
you praise God to God be all the glory
amen he’s still in the miracle working
business amen what is a miracle a
miracle is something is beyond the
natural loss but who put the natural
loss in the in the universe in the first
place God Amen and God can transcend it
so what with man is impossible because
of the natural law with God is
impossible it’s totally possible
possible amen it is
him possible amen and that word actually
you know um Wendy was just sharing with
me her time with the Lord and she said
that do you know when that happened she
was testing the pastor of the church you
know when did God say in his word with
God nothing shall be impossible I said
uh yes at a time when the angel Gabriel
appeared to Mary she says yes and said
with God that she will bear a child I
said and with God nothing shall be
impossible yeah but it’s not to Mary
that that word was actually talked about
that word was given she said that it was
to Mary’s cousin remember John the
Baptist Mother
Elizabeth and God says uh she’s now
pregnant right your your cousin
Elizabeth is pregnant and in her old age
she’s pretty old and God says with God
nothing shall be impossible so she said
the context was that she was an she was
a woman advanced in her
years that’s good isn’t it when God says
with God nothing shall be impossible
where they appear in the Bible in the
portion where it refers to a woman who
is advancing in years who is not
supposed to have a baby right with God
nothing shall be impossible it
transcends the natural laws amen amen
praise the Lord and God can do the same
for you see we we thank God for doctors
that work within the laws
of medicine amen there are certain
things that they will not violate
because it is based on the unshakable
laws amen like you know the law of
gravity you cannot violate it you think
you break
it you’re breaking yourself
right if someone wants to you know defy
the laws of gravity jump off a a plane
without a
parachute all right you will know the
law of gravity is something you cannot
break we get broken the law is there
already praise God and everything in the
universe works according to order and
design that shows an intelligence behind
it amen even the Birds they fly at a
certain season they know
instinctively that it is time to move on
Amen the uh salmon knows how to go back
to its original place where it was
birthed amen and compared to your brain
right the Salmon’s brain is smaller you
know enough for you to eat
it right but that same salmon can go
back to the exact location where it was
born and then will give birth to its
there everything in nature works by
Design and Order even though it’s a
fallen nature amen so it shows an
intelligence behind all
this you know when uh Isaac Newton who
is a scientist not a theologian actually
he’s a
scientist okay
when an apple dropped on his head and he
start thinking why does the apple drop
this way and not the other way
that’s when he discovered the laws of
gravity is there and he being a Believer
actually had a friend another scientist
who was an unbeliever in fact I think he
was an agnostic or an atheistic uh in
his beliefs but he brought him to his
house one day and showed him his design
he has a model of the
planets all right all the different
planets that he designed Isaac himself
did the design and his friend says wow
this is beautiful back in those days
they don’t have have all the AIDS that
we have and his friend said this is
amazing who made it he told his friend
one there was a big chaos in my
laboratory one day there was a loud
bang when I when I open up the door and
I look into the room everything was in
its perfect
order amen and we all know today that
even a few miles not not thousands of
miles a few miles nearer to the
the Earth will burn just a few miles
away from the Sun it will freeze life on
Earth was designed by a superior
intelligence for life for habitation we
are meant to live on this Earth amen
so God who created everything you know
people they sometimes they don’t want to
believe in God and they try to bring
excuses and those say well science uh
proves that actually science just proves
what the Bible has been saying all the
while long before Galileo galile and all
the rest of the scientists uh even
proposed the idea that the Earth was
round the Bible says it is he in the
book of
Isaiah which is written 2,600 years
ago Isaiah said it is he who sits on the
circle of the
earth amen job the oldest book in the
Bible amen all the way down thousands of
years back then and this discovery that
the Earth wasn’t suspended on Charles
back wasn’t put on a toris back now
that’s what some people believe until
then it’s a recent discovery that the
hangs upon nothing exactly the same
words you find in the Book of Job the
oldest book in the Bible he hangs the
Earth upon nothing the oldest book in
the Bible the Book of Job don’t you find
your Bible
exciting amen it is not designed to show
you science uh scientific discoveries
it’s a book about our savior and God’s
love for us amen our relationship with
God but it is scientifically accurate
wherever you can find Science in it
you’ll find that if some theories of
science is now not in agreement with it
wait for a while it will measure up it
always does
Amen Again The Book of Job the oldest
book in the Bible says
that the Earth shine sorry the moon
not how many agree with that
now but you know in the Ancients when
they look at in the night sky they see
the moon shining right but the Bible
says the moon shines
not amen how do they know God knows and
this God
says in the Book of Psalms he tells the
number of the Stars even today with all
our Advanced um you know uh uh
microscope and the
supersonic lens that we have today that
we don’t have available just 50 years
ago yet we cannot count the number of
the Stars
they say the stars that you see right
now actually they are millions of years
away only now we are able to see it all
right now you figure that
out and there’s only one star our son is
actually a
star and God says he tells the number of
stars and then this same God says in the
same Psalm that he will cast for the
infinite great create Creation in the
expans of the
universe he binds up the
Brokenhearted he cares for you and he’s
the same God who says he knows the
number of hairs on your head amen
amen one time Jesus told the people of
his day Jesus said are not Two
Sparrows soul for a farthing like a
dollar a farthing is a measurement they
used in those days so I’m going to use
farthing are not
Two Sparrows sold for a faring he says
then he says in another place are not
five sparrows sold for two farings that
means what one Tron in
free and then he says this you have more
value Than The Sparrows amen amen in
other words $1 dollar gets you Two
Sparrows that means they’re cheap $2 get
five they throw in one free
and it turns around and says you have
more value Than The Sparrows and you
know what God fits The
Sparrows God feits The Sparrows there is
a psalmist and he’s longing for this and
there something that’s on my heart I
want to share all of you I Endeavor to
speak what God wants said in every
service okay that’s called the Rema in
Greek Rema Rema is not logos logos is
the general purpose of and plan of God
like the whole Bible is a collection of
the logos but it is also Rama in it and
what we want every day of our life is
one Rama amen Jeremiah says it like this
thy words plural were found and I eat
them I enjoy them and thy word out of
that there’s a word that comes out amen
it’s like it arrests you you know when
you’re reading it it arrests you it says
read me again and again it it’s like a
word that lights up like the oran toim
and then he arrest you that’s the word
that God has for you it’s the RMA word
that God has for you for that day try it
for the Book of Proverbs
amen amen The Book of Proverbs there are
31 chapters in The Book of Proverbs
today is the
third right go to the third chapter of
proverbs and you read it you read it
until one lights up one speaks to you
then you stop and read it again amen you
think you’re reading the Bible it’s
reading you
it talks to you amen God uses his word
and we thank God for teachers Bible
teachers of which of course your pastor
here is one amen and there are Bible
teachers all over the world and it’s a
God’s gift to the body of Christ
together with
pastors prophets this this mentioned in
book of Ephesians When Jesus ascended he
gave gifts unto men what are the gifts
it’s actually people
people that the gifts are actually
people gifts he gave to the church gifts
what are the gifts the gift of a prophet
an apostle and a Prophet evangelist
pastor and teacher some people say
Pastor teacher goes together all right
but I like to separate them because
Jesus gave him in separation so
five uh again
Apostle Prophet evangelist evangelist
can you see your longest finger here use
your five fingers and then Pastor and
teacher so some people say you know I
read my Bible and I don’t need anyone to
guide me I just read my Bible direct I I
find many times people like this I find
them a bit
weird and they miss the forest for the
trees when they read the Bible they have
a certain emphasis and a slun whereas
for me I believe the emphasis that we
must have in the scriptures is always
the Gospel of Jesus J Christ amen which
encompasses the whole realm of God’s
purpose and plan for men that he because
he loved man he sent his son to die for
our sins that we might be identified
with a son who is altogether lovely amen
righteous holy and blameless forever
more so God today looks at you and
doesn’t judge you based on you God looks
at his son amen and judges you based on
him isn’t that
so because of that we need to understand
that God gives Bible teachers amen and
Pastor Darren who did an amazing job
week amen you can shout you can
praise amen we got such gifts in the
body of Christ right and when when he
shared about the part where you know for
me I don’t like to uh even my name to be
mention in in in stuff and all that God
is my witness until today I’m still like
that all right I always want to point to
Jesus am amen but sometimes we are not
we are robbing the people when we tell
them okay you study the Bible okay and
uh I don’t Avail my materials now I
happen to know myself I’ve lived with
myself quite a few years now I mean uh
uh 35 years
now now Pastor M always advis advis me
Pastor Prince tell people you 90 years
old I tell people when I meet them I’m
90 years old so they look at you say wow
so young are now you know so anyway I’m
not 35 but you know yourself all these
years you know the gift and that is a
healthy assessment of what God has given
you all right to be pretentious and say
oh no you know like the Asian style no
no no at the end end up no nothing you
know people give you a piece of cake no
no no you’re hungry no no La that’s
hypocrisy and that is actually lying
that’s not being nice you are hungry you
say no La no and the guy says okay thank
you very much the he’s a Westerner he
doesn’t know right our culture he takes
away right then you say o in your heart
how come like that
one right because he’s just he he
respects you maybe he thinks you’re on a
diet right I appreciate Pastor Darren
saying that uh you know he he shared
this portion of the Bible where um
remember uh Phillip
he was sent to the
unach from Ethiopia and the yo is
actually a man of great Authority not
just Authority the read the Bible it
says great Authority who has charged of
candas the queen of Ethiopia’s
treasure and she is a con I mean he is a
convert so he was on his way back and he
has a scroll of the book of Isaiah now
in those days you know the the Bible is
in Scrolls and the scrolls are in the
synagogues or in the temple
there I mean you canot just get a scroll
like the Bible we have today let’s not
take it for granted it takes a very
wealthy person to purchase a scroll so
obviously he has a scroll and he was in
his Chariot and and of course he has
people and servants to drive to to drive
him and all that he was reading the book
of Isaiah and he came to the portion in
Isaiah 53 in our Bible he was a scroll
he has to
unscrolling surely he has borne our
diseases and carried our pains and the
chastisement of our peace was upon him
with his stripes we are healed he was
wounded for our transgressions right he
read all that and then he was thinking
to himself who is this person now at the
same time Phillip has been summoned by
an Angel to go to that place and if you
read carefully it says the man was
taking his journey from Jerusalem to
Gaza and from Gaza he’ll go back to
Ethiopia so he was going south right so
the angel told told um Phillip to to in
intercept him but watch this he was
reading now here’s where the Lord
corrected me was when the Lord you know
sort of like tell me son you must tell
people also right that they need to have
a teacher that God puts on their heart
right usually is your pastor amen but
there are teachers all over the world
that God has raised amen but usually is
your pastor because if you if you listen
to the Rama of the church every church
should have a rama for that particular
Sunday amen it will carry you in your
specific in your the specifics the
specificities of your life for that week
amen okay now if you go somewhere else
and you’re not a member of that church
the Lord didn’t call you to be a member
of that church church I believe the Lord
calls people to different churches God
believes in local churches amen there
are seven local churches in the Book of
Revelation no doubt about it in fact one
message from Jesus to one church should
suffice but no the Lord believes in
amen amen he made all kinds of raises of
people because he loves raises amen
variety amen we don’t have just one
species of flow we have
varieties praise praise the Lord amen so
likewise for churches so each church is
unique each church should have an
emphasis and a call and we all believe
the foundational Doctrine Christ is God
man sent by the father amen died on the
cross for our sins rose again on the
third day amen and uh the Gospel of
Jesus Christ tells us we are justified
by faith not by law amen not by our
works that’s the once we believe that
you are part of the church y amen
and what the Lord said to me was this
when Philip came to the
Chariot have you noticed that that the
Bible says why why did Philip Go Near
The Chariot first of all the angel told
him to go to that location the angel
just say go down towards
Gaza and he went to the general location
but then he saw this Chariot pass by why
did he draw near to the Chariot read
your Bible it says then the holy spirit
said to f Philip join yourself to this
Chariot who spoke the Holy Spirit join
yourself to this Chariot my question is
this there people say I read the Bible I
just depend on the Holy Spirit the Holy
Spirit uses
people and uses Bible
teachers how many of you read portions
before right in in the Bible and you
don’t understand then you pick up a a
book may you you listen to a message on
that portion of scripture and then that
person be honest oh opens up that the
the passage for you that’s the Holy
Spirit using that person to answer your
prayer to answer your request amen so
watch this the Holy Spirit did not tell
the ethopian per uh did not teach the
ethopian person as he is reading the
Bible the Holy Spirit was there the Holy
Spirit was there close enough to tell
Phillip join yourself to this Chariot
and yet the Holy Spirit did not tell the
ethopian UN who the man was that this
passage was talking
about the Holy Spirit could have taught
him but the Holy Spirit told Phillip
join yourself I’m going to use
right it’s
obvious the Holy Spirit used Philip then
Philip said what is this you reading
said that uh do you understand what you
read he says uh I don’t understand
unless someone guide me and then philli
came onto his Chariot and Philip
expounded in the the scriptures about
Jesus amen can I have a good amen amen
praise the Lord are you with me so far
amen now you don’t have to have Pastor
Prince there are many other good uh
Bible studies around but you should find
that the ones that really really open up
to you are people who are there to teach
you all right whether it’s their Bible
and then you look at the site their
notes and all that these are the things
that help teach you not just Bible and
then you me Holy Spirit and the Bible
all right that’s not honoring the people
that God has put in the body of Christ
and that’s why the importance of the
local church and the importance of Us
coming together amen Psalms 84 is
something you all should read psalms 84
is actually a Psalm not written during
the time of the Tabernacles but it’s a
time during um uh the when the temple
was built okay the Temple of Solomon and
one of the Levites probably one of the
sons of Kora was was writing about the
Tabernacle amen it says is is Psalms 84
is written for the sons of Kora very
interesting Kora the father was a rebel
remember he was the one that says to
Moses why why do you exalt yourself and
Aaron above all of us all of us are
priests also then then Moses says if
your priest take your sensor tomorrow
there’ll be a
showdown God will show who are those
that belong to him the next day there
was an earthquake and all Cor
abiram Dayton and they were all and
their people they were all swallowed up
in the
earthquake all right this is no sinkhole
this is
earthquake amen and you know there’s a
one verse that says that but the sons of
Kora lived still the sons of Kora did
not die and you know what happened to
the sons of Kora they became the
songwriters singers in the Tabernacle of
David then later on in the temple of
and they wrote some of the Psalms you
think the Psalms is all written by David
no some are written by Moses some are
written by Ethan amen some are written
by hmon and some are written by the sons
of Kora this particular Psalm 84 one of
the sons of Kora probably he was
detained he couldn’t go to the house of
God then he says that you know you know
what he says he says how I wish I can go
to the house of God how I wish even the
the swallows and The Sparrows make their
their resting place where they lay their
young wow where how can that happen
probably on the rooftop of the house
amen he say he Envy the swallow remember
I told you the swallow just now yeah
amen they are worthless five are sold
$2 amen I mean one for I mean $1 can get
two $2 can get how many five so they are
worthless yet I envy them you know why
they’re there in the house of God then
he says that how blessed it is for those
who whose whose heart is set on
pilgrimage that’s there Psalms 84 he
says I I I I want to be among those who
every time they long to be in the house
of God their heart is set on pilgrimage
the entire week they are looking forward
for the
Sunday to be with God’s people to be in
the house of God the house is not
concrete b a brick all right the house
is the people of God coming together
there is an anointing there this is the
father’s house and the father’s house
there’s bread enough and to spare not
just not just spiritual bread but also
natural bread and bread is also for
healing there’s bread enough and to
spare in the father’s house the thing
that brought the prodal son back wasn’t
so much that he has a fresh revelation
of the Father’s Love but the fact that
he says in my father’s house there’s
bread enough and to spare that’s what
God puts in this house praise the Lord
amen when we come together all of a
sudden There’s No Lack all of a sudden
there’s great grace and all a sudden
people are getting healed all a sudden
The Impossible become possible what the
doctor says is impossible becomes
possible amen what is natural become
Supernatural Lord what is supposed to
take many many many years in a short
time hallelujah it’s done it’s almost
like we are we’ve entered into a
timelessness there’s no time wow praise
the Lord the answer is here
already that’s the time you know we step
into God’s house I really believe is
outside time and that’s why when I
preach all I look at the clock and I
realize that 1 hour has
passed but I really believe I’m in that
Timeless Zone and those of you who love
God’s word you you also know you enter
the Timeless Zone it’s like all wow one
hour and the rest who who don’t
appreciate gopel say wow one
hour amen trust me all right there are
many great churches that Don’t Preach
for 1 hour okay so don’t worry amen if
you cannot survive here there are a lot
of good places you can
survive and he says this on the way to
the house of God this pilgrims right
pilgrims are people on the journey to
the place of worship and it says they
actually go through the valley of baka
in Psalms 84 what is Baka Baka is in
Hebrew for weeping they go to the valley
of weeping you know what happened
throughout the week we are on our
journey always to the house of God next
Sunday same thing throughout the week
going to the house of God if that is in
your heart you’re looking forward for it
you’re looking forward you know it says
when you go through any valley during
the week you receive any bad news during
the week that causes weeping you’re
going through a valley of baka weeping
you God will turn it
into pools of
water that means God will turn it into
your refreshment
amen amen it’s there in Psalms 84 it’s a
beautiful Psalm I wish I can put it up
here but I it’s not one of those I
prepared I got too many preparation
already so let me just speak from my
heart because the moment you put it down
you’ll take you take photo anyway you
get distracted even down here you all
get distracted amen so now there’s a app
recommend when I say Psalm 84 you can he
right Psalms 84
amen and not only that in Psalms 84 it’s
says this as you are journeying towards
the house of God imagine this happening
every week they go from strength to
strength that’s where you find that
phrase strength to strength you find it
in Psalms 84 as you are thinking of
God’s house you go from strength to
strength and every one of them appears
before God in Zion wow he envies even
the Birds the worthless Birds he says
how I wish I can be like that bird make
my house in the house of God
amen and and there are people who don’t
value God’s house amen their heart is
not set on on thinking of yeah when when
when will the doors be opened next amen
I want to be among God’s people I want
to be in the house of God yes you can
receive from the Lord at home yes God
ordains six days and then seven right
now there are many days to be there at
home many days to be there
outside amen oh by the way I must tell
you this Psalms 84 is where you find one
day in the house of the Lord is worth
10,000 anywhere
else amen so let’s let’s let’s use the
math okay amen a thousand a th days
anywhere else one day in God’s house is
worth a thousand anywhere else outside
amen all right in this world there’s no
love there’s no true compassion for you
they do things as long as you can pay
they will do it for you it might look
very kind it’s not kindness they are not
doing it from their heart there’s no
love in the world the love is found
among the people of God and in your
families amen
amen true love and then you know what it
says the SSI says one day in your house
is worth a thousand outside so 1,000
days how many years to get 1,000 days
about 3 years right am I right about
three years give and take am I right you
know what he’s saying by the way that’s
how long covid
lasted the worst days of it General
consensus around the world right we
still have it running around but not as
bad as those those three years but guess
what God is saying you know what in our
place our location where God is and
where the people of God are gathered he
says there is no time amen it’s as if
three years become one year
the things that you have to work for
three years it takes one year one day
sorry one day one day one day one day
God is greater than one I’m saying one
day one day in the house of the Lord
right amen are yall with me so far this
is family and you never know who you
meet I say you never know who you
meet I don’t know how many how many
uh how many wonderful
relationships have come
out even
marriages amen I mean this front row
will testify
that hey their wives came from the house
God Amen so I go there to find a wife is
it no you go you go to the house of the
Lord to see the
Lord and the Lord will see
you amen he sees you in a special way
amen in the house of God everyone appear
they go from strength to strength
everyone appear before God in Zion and
he has Provisions for you yes even a
life partner amen this is the place have
you noticed in the Bible that many of
them found their wives at the
well Isaac found his wife through the
servant right the unnamed servant at the
well Jacob found Rachel where at the
Moses found his wife zipora where at the
well amen the well is the where the
living water is this is the well the
church amen or you say Pastor Prince uh
you don’t understand I I do believe in
the church but I’m from The Universal
Church then you die you ask the
universal Pastor to bury you then if you
want to get married you ask the
universal Pastor to to marry you right
marry or bear
you know it’s not practical Jesus spoke
to seven local local
churches even the Book of Revelation
amen you don’t like this church all
right it just goes to show you don’t
have good taste sorry I mean all
right yeah I can understand that okay
but but but look there are many other
good local churches around Even in our
nation amen as as well as all over the
world World there are good churches amen
you don’t like this church find one amen
but if you’re traveling from church to
church something is wrong the common
denominator is traveling with
you amen so there’s something that I
want you to see you know it helps you
because if you study the Bible just on
your own without a guide you tend to
want to read those things that you know
anyway but you want to read them your
favorite parts
whereas if there’s a teacher a teacher
brings you to all those place and brings
the gospel out of them okay now this is
how you you you look at the Bible
teachers one of the things I want to
share with you I know I’ve shared this
before but I’m going to bring this in
the fresh way I believe it’s going to
help you look at uh the emus Road
experience some of you read that already
all right this past week when you got
the app but look at what happened on the
day be now behold two of them on the day
of Jesus resurrection when Jesus rose
from the dead now imagine if you if if
you rose from the dead you just rose
from the
dead what is your
priority huh I’m going to walk with two
persons who are
discouraged that’s what is the same day
behold two of them were traveling that
same day if you read the verses before
this it’s the same day Jesus rose from
dead amen so they were traveling to a
village called EMAs EMAs means warm buff
like a sauna warm buff
all right which was seven miles from
Jerusalem and they talked together of
all these things which had happened by
the way they have this uncovered the
EMAs there are few cont contenders of
EMAs but the EMAs of seven miles have
uncovered Josephus actually talk about
it and it’s exactly seven miles okay and
they talk together of all these things
which had happened most likely husband
and wife okay and they were walking on
the day of resurrection and they talking
about what had happened and the the
Bible says it was while they Converse
and reason that Jesus himself Drew near
and went with them he rose from the de
just a few hours ago in the morning what
is he
doing doing something so common place so
homely so
ordinary walking he joined them listen
to them and he walks with them they’re
just talking about what
happened for the past few days obviously
about Jesus the cross the crucifixion
amen and on that day the resurrection
they heard uh some women coming from the
tomb saying that they didn’t find the
body and all that and they’re discussing
it with one another and Jesus joined
them so
ordinary what is more common place than
than having fellowship with someone over
at coffee and all you know someone else
come and join you at the table is don’t
you think I mean don’t Jesus have more
things to to to think about like the
universe after he rose from the dead
like like appearing in a pilot’s uh room
and say hello is me again or appearing
in the high priest all right who uh who
actually uh uh sentenced Jesus amen as a
blasphemer and all that and appear in
his room in his bedroom especially and
say I am that I am
amen it doesn’t he have more important
things to do no he just walked with two
discouraged disciples his own disciples
and then the Bible says Their Eyes Were
restrained so that they did not know him
now I’m going to some of you heard me
share this already so I’m going tell you
this for years I don’t know why some
things in the Bible but you know gets me
you know like like some people don’t
even bother to find out for me I cannot
I cannot take it I must find out why
their eyes were restrained why would
Jesus want to restrain their eyes so
that they don’t recognize
him right so I looked up many
commentaries and the commentaries many
of them they just keep this part they
don’t even explain or I don’t I don’t
find one that
explain the way the Lord said uh shared
with me after that and some of you know
what I’m going to share already on this
particular aspect he restrained their
eyes that means a supernatural power
kept them from seeing who he is
from recognizing
him now if it’s me Rose from the Dee and
I go to Pastor Lawrence who is not in
his glor glorious resurrected body right
I’ll be holding one very heavy uh uh
dumbbell right you know date weights
everywhere all right and I’ll just twir
them in my finger and walk near Pastor
mon right amen
now you’re really glad I’m Not
Jesus but he restrained the eyes isn’t
it better to show them look guys the
print of the nails look at my sight the
mark of the spear that pierc my
sight so that rivers of Love Will flow
out for you all right he didn’t show
them he restrain their eyes from seeing
him and then he asked them what kind of
conversation is this that you have with
one another as you walk and you are set
so they start telling him are you a
stranger don’t you know what happened
recently everyone is talking about it is
the headline news now on Jerusalem
Tribune you know and they say that we
Jesus of Nazareth I mean he does all
kinds of Miracles we thought drop down
he said we were hoping that it was he
who was going to redeem
Israel now
whenever I’m going to say this and uh
this is going to help you okay it’s
really to help you the biggest problem
with all of us is that why are we so
easily uh conscious of oursel shy angry
bitter feel that we have an entit a
sense of entitlement why do we you know
why we are too self
occupied we get hurt because we are too
self occupied we don’t know how to set
oursel free we think about ourselves all
the time every little pain every little
discomfort in our mind in our thoughts
and all that shows that we are very
self-occupied and the whole purpose of
the Bible is to free you from that and
to keep you occupied with Christ his
Beauty and glory
amen like the woman at the well she was
self occupied why she came in the
afternoon in the meid afternoon when the
sun is so hot many of you been to Israel
all right especially during the summer
days wow I’m telling you very hot during
during a noon time and the Bible gave
the timing so she came there when it’s
really hot most women would go draw
water from the well early in the morning
or late in the evening but she went in
the noon time and Jesus was there
sitting down after a long
journey and you you count the the words
Jesus spoke only seven words to her all
right only seven words
one of them is the woman says we know
that when the Messiah comes he’ll tell
us all things Jesus says I who speak
unto you I am
he okay now he sat down and the Bible
say he was tired don’t forget he came as
man amen in this man are the is the
okay in him I hid all the treasures God
had but then he didn’t come to manifest
himself as God
the word became flesh the Word was God
and the word became flesh so he came
fully as a man without
sin amen but tired yes got nothing to do
with sin he came as a man so he felt
tired every night he was sleep just like
all of us that’s not sin that’s becoming
a man amen glorified man no need to
sleep which one day we will when we have
the same body as he does when he comes
again okay but this time he’s tired and
the disciples has gone to buy food so
the the woman came in the afternoon and
you know the story how he asked her for
favor amen and she says how come you you
are a Jew you ask me and all that and
then finally he says the water that I’ll
give you will drink of it you will never
thirst again then she says uh and I call
your husband here I have no husband and
Jus says you’re right you had five
husbands and the one that you’re living
with is not your husband you see Jesus
had to tell her I know all about you in
order to make her really feel loved
because when people
think that you love them but they think
in their heart you don’t know who I am
and what I’m hiding they don’t really
feel loved they think that you love the
facade but Jesus need to tell her I know
all about you and I’m still here I love
you that is love when you know he’s
talking to me he knows everything about
me but not like other women who gossip
about me at the well that’s why I come
here in the afternoon when no one else
is around I’m here because I I want to
avoid all these people I want to be by
myself but this man knows all about me
and he still loves me he still talks to
me he even ask me for a
favor ask her for a
amen and he re you know something he
revealed himself to her as the Messiah I
who speak unto you I am
he then she knows the
Messiah is talking to me Jesus the
anointed one the promised one down
through the uh pages of the Bible is now
here and telling me he knows all about
me and he loves
me this is John chapter 4 John chapter 3
a ruler of the synagogue camea to Jesus
Jesus never say I am the Messiah to
him with all his audite
learning and his name is in the who is
who in the
Jerusalem pages of the VIPs and the
vvps Jesus tell him you know with all
your knowledge you have to be born
again to her he never used the word born
again he revealed himself to her he
didn’t reveal himself to the master of
Israel someone who’s a theologian of
theologians you get
it he
loves the L lowly
hearted recently I’m reminded again of
Pride you know I find that God God hates
Pride I think is the mother of all sin
because if you take this fruit you
become like
God actually they were already Godly
made in the image of God but then they
triy by their Works to become like what
they already are that’s
amen I mean the devil who was tempting
them he himself fell because of
Pride he looked himself in the mirror
every day and say mirror mirror on the
wall who is the fairest of them all okay
and he’s the the most beautiful of all
archangels all right at least the Bible
talks about his beauty doesn’t talk
about the beauty of the rest I’m sure
that all of them are glorious and be but
he was obsessed with his Beauty ladies
certain level of vanity is not what I’m
talking about all right now but it’s
like Pride you know it’s like I don’t
need God I can do it myself it’s Pride
the reason why marriages break down is
because of Pride
selfishness amen I’m looking out for
number one hey when you your your joy
you should find your joy in sacrifice
you should find your joy in loving you
should find your joy in
serving without looking for a return now
that part is very hard that part all of
us are very proud you know but you must
say first so who says first is important
real we we are still at that level you
know and that’s why the Lord works on us
when Jesus died for us he didn’t say
don’t forget I died for you now I die
okay I die you must give your life to me
I’m about to die okay how many of you
will give your life to me before I die
all right I got to make sure okay um uh
Peter can you give them all a a piece of
paper to sign with their blood okay I
will follow you before I give my life I
need to know what y will follow me what
if no one follows at the end and I died
all right I got to make sure come on
come on no love 1 Corinthians 13 love
believes the best of every
person our natural tendency to believe
the worst something happened the person
is involved I know it’s you and it’s
unfair recently my son had a had a
with his father mother
sister 12 years old and he says just
want to share you know that you all tend
to blame me first when something goes
wrong he’s the youngest right so you
know wow he’s come to the age where he
can speak for himself and I said when
when when did I do that yeah you know
the day we went out together we bought
soy bean right you carried one packet of
soy bean right and I carry another
packet remember that we went to toilet
together okay and then later on in the
car I realized hey how come this one who
I’ve been Justin where’s yours actually
I I put mine in the toilet
to wash my hands all right he was still
holding his but I was quick to say you
said remember all right it was yours but
you pointed to me you say that you know
Justin Justin Justin and and then told
the sister something else you also you
know it’s like all of us very quick to
him of course in our mind is that you
are the youngest and more subject to
making mistakes and things like that
right which had some track record before
right but then even then I think to
myself you know the the the verse in 1
Corinthians 13 says love believes the
best of every
person right I think it’s important that
they see that in our lives it’s not so
much our sermons you know it’s not all
our preaching to them that makes an
impact it’s what they are saying if you
preach one thing and you’re living
another way they they are observing
every day you know is a living
example huh are you with me so far
yes you
understand okay that’s why the Bible
says you are letters read of all men I’m
going to show you this in second
Corinthians 3 it says uh Do We Begin
Again to command ourselves Paul is
writing this Paul says do I need to
command myself like just now what I did
I became a fool in doing that trying to
tell you how important it is to have a
Bible teacher in your life all right I
recommend myself all right you know
people why s know but then on the other
hand you don’t tell them also they go
and find somebody else who is uh who is
teaching you know false teaching amen
putting you under condemnation putting
you under the law amen and they’re very
bitter very bitter
people right so I I care enough to tell
you and Paul himself says when Paul
recommend himself say I become a fool in
in telling you this you see you all forc
me to he said Paul says so I become a
fool in talking about what I can do for
you and what are the gifts God gives me
but I become a fool in boasting he says
have you read that before I feel that
way every time I I share anything about
myself I feel that way
amen a man of God told me once but you
don’t tell them the other side you’re
also robbing your people of
that what God has given you what God has
shown you huh but I still don’t feel
comfortable with that so Paul is saying
do I need to command myself he says or
do we need as some other people Epistles
of commendation to you or letters of
Commendation from you you see when I
want to go to a certain location do I
need you all to send me letters of
commendation about me so I come to you
with letters of commendation from this
VIP from this uh uh um um Roman
Centurion from this person from that
person do I need that from other pastors
of churches and I I must gather all this
before you welcome me Paul says do I
need letters of commendation from you or
to you even you are our epistle written
in our our hearts known and read by all
men I love this you know what he’s
saying guys you know what what commands
my Ministry to people when they look at
you you are the living
letters see we all read our Bibles and
thank God we have access to this digital
one that I I believe is going to bless
all of you in amazing ways you will keep
on blessing in the days to come you will
keep on giving in the days to come it’ll
be something your children will follow
after and read also what you wrote Amen
on that passage for years to come amen
right but you know your friends your
colleagues your your school friends and
all that out there they don’t read the
Bible but you know what they read they
you they read you Paul is saying you are
our epistle written in our hearts known
and read by all men he’s saying my
recommendation for my Ministry comes
from people reading you they look at
your lives they look at you and they see
they say that this is a love letter
I know this guy he’s not transformed
look at his family when they look at
life okay amen you are the Bible that
people read you read your Bible people
you amen it’s got to reflect they got to
look at you and and and one thing you
cannot you cannot uh take away I I
always tell the pastors this also and
when when we choose people and all that
for for certain roles and all that we
always tell I I I always say this look
for people who are radiant I don’t care
their age I don’t care their sex I don’t
care whether male female young old I
don’t care about all that I want to see
even in you know they’re gray and all
that but there’s a twinkle in their eye
there’s a
shine even if they are young they seem
in experience and all that but when they
Le worship there’s a
shine I tell you this there’s something
that you cannot
hide amen because if there’s no shine he
could be practicing some sin behind
closed doors or he has some wrong
Affairs or she might be involved in some
depressive thoughts and all that but on
Sunday just come here and just sing and
smile but then there’s no shine they can
smile but there’s no shine I’m not
talking about handsome I’m not talking
about beautiful nothing to do with the
physical I’m talking about the
shine and there something you cannot
hide Ecclesiastes says a man’s Wisdom
maker face to shine amen amen they look
to the Lord the psalmist says and they
are radiant you know what radiant it’s
amazing I’ve seen people who are reading
it’s like the face is
shining and many of you don’t not know
no you don’t realize many time I’m
preaching and preaching I want to stop
and take a picture of all of you you
know because as God’s word is being open
you don’t you don’t realize your face is
shining you know and all of you look
beautiful I’m telling you have you seen
ladies you know uh that are involved in
things that is they’re not supposed to
be or they call it ladies of the night
and all that they want you for the
money and you are reminded of the woman
of the well how Jesus Lov people like
this and they need the
Lord amen for men don’t step in and
preach the Bible says flee you know what
flee you
not you know flee run don’t trust
yourself run that’s the greatest wisdom
and courage of
all it’s a good advice run don’t stand
down there and say woman I’m going to
preach to you all right hit me with your
best Temptation I’m going to preach to
you don’t do that don’t do that okay you
fall amen that’s why I don’t counsel
ladies behind closed
doors right yeah I don’t trust
myself and I don’t trust her
also there’s no telling what they’ll do
to me you know what I’m
saying okay look I hope you get the
point of what we are saying we must not
trust oursel in this area Joseph did the
right thing he ran okay when it come to
sexual temptation is the only one the
Bible says
runen the rest he tells you reckon
yourself de to sin okay right but when
come to sexual Temptation
run amen you’re sending some girls back
from from Care Group groups and all that
and uh you realize that one of them
house is far away and all that I don’t
care how far you want to send them back
or right make sure the last one is the
yeah I mean real macho
guy all right because look things have
happened down through years I’m talking
about experience you all laugh right but
it’s no laughing matter for the wife and
and the families involved it all started
innocent just to drive her home Pastor
it’s late at night you know what you you
can do noway you can buy her taxi
fair all right you can you can order
grab amen now I mention grab not
sponsored so I have to say you
order other services as
well you don’t have to be the one it’s
very subtle you know little
flation with no bad intention it’s how
it all
so obviously why did I say
OA yeah you are epistle written in our
hearts now drop down this what he says
he says clearly you are an Epistle of
Christ ministered by us written not with
ink but by the spirit of the Living God
not on tablets of stone like the Ten
Commandments the law but on tablets of
Flesh that is of the heart and we have
such TR trust through Christ towards God
you know I really believe every time I
preach God is writing on your heart
every time I preach something if I
preach about the glory of the Lord it’ll
be reflected in your heart I just
preached just now about the radiance of
Christ manifesting manifesting through
your life guess what he’s written it on
your heart you reflect it amen whatever
you preach God will write it in their
hearts and this is not by with physical
ink not on tablets of stone that cannot
respond but with the spirit of the
Living God the heavenly ink is the
spirit of the Living God writing on
tablets of
Flesh and then the world can read you
the world says I don’t know what is it
but there’s something about you all
every time y all come to my my my my my
Boutique I don’t know where is it y must
keep coming because people after that a
lot of people come in the day in the
morning you come in the whole day people
are coming in I don’t know what is it
but please
come you go to a restaurant very quiet
all a sudden people start coming in wake
up and realize this is
happening and it’s because you walked in
you know you carry the blessing people
you are a blessing everywhere you go you
are a
amen amen so he says but you say Pastor
Prince I’m not too sure like some I
shared the the word of God I’m not too
sure whether the people get it or not
you must must have such trust through
Christ towards God he will write it on
their hearts amen drop down he says not
that we are sufficient of ourselves to
think of anything as being from
ourselves but our sufficiency is from
God whenever you are serving the lord
always remember this your sufficiency
you say that I’m not enough that’s the
word sufficiency I don’t think I’m
enough for this task I don’t think I’m
enough it’s not about you come on the
sufficiency doesn’t come from you amen
doesn’t come from your limited knowledge
your limited experience your sufficiency
comes from him yeah amen amen if God
give you something that you can do
yourself naturally you will not depend
on him no he’ll give you something
sometimes that you find that man I need
God for
this he loves it he loves it okay God
our sufficiency from God say it’s from
who also made us sufficient as Ministers
of the New Covenant not of the latter
but of the spirit for the latter kills
but the spirit gives life the latter
kills but now here’s where it’s very
interesting he says that my Ministry is
the ministry of the New Covenant you
know why God can write on your
heart right not on tablets of stone you
know why because my Ministry is Ministry
of the Holy Spirit and not the letter
now I want to close with this because of
time I want to close with this but I
I’ve not finished actually the passage
but I think you know God has his
portions for every day just like Mana
has a portion that can you can eat and
feel strong and and fulfilled and
satisfied for a long
time I believe that’s going to happen to
you now listen
carefully there are teachers today
telling you that when you read the Bible
you got to be careful you know all right
that you don’t just read the letter know
but must have the the spirit that gives
life and all these are just letters all
right but the spirit gives life let me
tell you this that’s a wrong
application of the Bible all scripture
is God
breathed okay this passage has been used
a rather abuse to say that Bible reading
has got to be of the spirit and not of
the letter look when you read the Bible
it is
letter okay it is letter you understand
but you depend on the Holy Spirit to
bring the Revelation amen and sometime
the Holy Spirit uses Bible teachers
whether you read a book you watch a a
sermon he uses there right that method
as well now watch this he says not of
the letter but of the spirit he talk
about the New Covenant say New Covenant
so whatever it is make sure you are
sitting under New
Covenant make sure that the church you
are in is a church that’s fully under
the New Covenant not like one time New
Covenant another time old Covenant
sometimes you have Grace sometimes you
have law sometimes you have the
importance of what God has done sometime
the importance of what you are needed to
do it’s all God uh God and you and you
know it’s like there’s a mixture you
cannot put Grace into old wine
skin the the the wine will ferment and
the old old God skin which is brittle
will break now you lose both Grace and
the law that’s the context that Jesus
talk about it’s law and
Grace amen so make sure that this this
Radiant Life this episodes that’s read
by all men your life transformed and all
that is when you are under the New
Covenant remember when God put them
under the under the old Covenant that
was the sitic Covenant and God gave the
Commandments you know what happened
3,000 people died
now Another Mountain Mount Zion God gave
not on Mount Zion anymore no sorry not
on Mount Si but Mount Zion God gave the
Holy Spirit and 3,000 people were saved
the letter kills what’s the letter the
law the spirit gives
life make sure that the ministry that we
have here the pulpit and all that is on
the right
Mountain if you preaching from Mount Si
you are killing people killing them
softly with the Lord healing them softly
with the
law every
Sunday healing them
slowly now we laugh but it’s true the
letter kills it’s not a joke you no the
latter kills sit under the old Covenant
enchant that death was set in death is
not just physical death ultimately it
comes to death okay it’s death in
depression death in your relationships
death to your brain cells Death to Your
Body in terms of disease death in every
area what what kills the letter
kills the letter kills but the spirit
gives life Hallelujah drop down we’re
going to finish this but if the ministry
of death whoa the ministry of death he
now he calls the law
those who preach the law the ministry of
death they have a Ministry it’s called a
Ministry of
death I I mean I know of people who do a
series on T Commandments you know that’s
doing healing them
slowly week by week I’m telling you
listen if the ministry of death you said
Pastor Prince we are you keep on saying
we are not under law but under grace
right you’re talking about not being
under law in terms of healing K of the
sacrificial animals and things like that
that’s what Paul is saying we no more
circumcised we no more have to be
circumcised or observe the feast days or
or killing of animals I beg to defer let
Bible interpret Bible the ministry of
death written and engraved on
Stones the ones you mentioned just now
healing of animals was never engraved on
Stones they were written on Scrolls that
part of the
law okay those that we you talk about
observing the feast day and all that
circumcision were never engrav on Stones
the only part of the law that’s engraved
on stones are the 10
commandments and it was never designed
to give you life it was never designed
for to empower you to keep it by the law
no flesh can be justified it was
designed to show you that you are a
sinner and every time you try to keep it
your sin will come out every time you
try to keep it your sin will come out
okay here it says
the ministry of death written and
engraved on Stones don’t forget this if
anyone tells you it’s not referring to
this part of the law tell them it is the
only part of the law that is the
ministry of death written and engraved
Stones okay back then it was glorious
even then it was glorious back then so
that the children of Israel can not look
steadily at the face of Moses because of
the glory of his countenance which Glory
was passing away if you’re under the
condemnation law the ministry of death
there is Glory there but the glory is
passing away that kind of Revival where
he use the law all right to uh condemn
people Amen to make them feel that they
are sinners listen carefully the law was
designed to make you feel like a sinner
yes but the law is until Christ came the
book of Galatians tells us and now the
Holy Spirit does the job
amen are you with me so far we’re coming
to something very important here and uh
we need to hear the fullness of it
okay listen
carefully Moses face had a glory but the
glory was fading away so you know what
Moses did he knew was fading away he’s a
very smart Pastor you know what he did
he covered his face why why did he cover
his face the Bible tells us the reason
he covered his face because if he didn’t
cover his face the people the people saw
initially they saw the glory on his face
he covered it because the glory was
passing away if the people see the glory
passing away they’ll say hey what
happened to Moses hey what happened to
our pastor I think he s well there’s no
more Radiance I think something happened
no no he’s very smart So to avoid all
these things he cover his face when he
goes into the holy of holies or rather
when he goes before God before the T of
meeting and meets God he takes it up
all right and then when he goes out to
the people he puts it on the Bible says
we are no more under them because our
glory is ever increasing let me read
that how will the ministry of the spirit
that’s the ministry of all of us
compared with Ministry of death that’s
right different colors you see in the
Bible you can put different colors
Ministry of death we put blue a Ministry
of spirit we put whatever color that
is brown okay how will the ministry of
spirit not be more glorious can you see
the ministry of the spirit contrast with
the ministry of death written and
engrave on Stones okay can you see it is
more glorious amen if that is not enough
the next verse he says if the ministry
of condemnation had Glory now he calls
the ministry of death condemnation what
you feel all the time you sit under this
kind of ministry will be you feel
condemned you feel condemned you feel
guilty you feel condemned you feel
condemned you feel condemned
condemnation kills my friend
kills if the ministry of condemnation
had Glory now there are some revivals in
the past they use condemnation a lot and
still there was some Glory but we
haven’t seen a Revival of the New
Covenant kind of Revival amen You Ain’t
Seen Nothing Yet all right if the
ministry of condemnation had Glory the
ministry of righteousness exceeds much
more in glory
we have not seen anything
yet imagine telling the people Sinners
listen God is not counting your sins
against you repent change your mind
about God come to him not go away from
him he’s not counting your sins against
you to which that God was in Christ
reconciling the world unto himself not
imputing their trespasses unto them so
we the apostles we beseech you by by the
grace of God be ye reconciled to
God is your move God is not holding
anything against you all your sins are
paid for in the body of his son amen who
is he that
amen so Ministry of condemnation
contrast with different color different
color again all right the ministry of
righteousness Ministry of condemn
had Glory don’t ever say some of the
revivals that’s based on condemnation
don’t say there was no glory there’s
Glory there but that glory is fading
away that’s why many of them the
converts don’t last many of them that
that kind of Revival don’t last God is
bringing a re a revolution all over the
world of the New Covenant of the Gospel
of Jesus Christ the Reformation which
happened a few days ago
all right that actually when they
celebrate the world celebrate hallowen
remember the word hello is actually holy
is referring to the Reformation day
amen the ministry of righteousness
exceeds much more in Glory
Hallelujah for even what was made
glorious the old Covenant had no glory
in this respect cannot compare with the
New Covenant because of the glor read
that excels we’ll stop here and uh I
just want to tell you this this whole
thing has got to do make sure you
understand what is Law and what is Grace
Martin Luther says it like this Martin
Luther therefore whoever knows well how
to distinguish the gospel from the law
or Grace some places put Grace from the
law should give thanks to God and know
that he’s a true
theologian Martin Luther who started the
Reformation of which we just celebrated
a few days
ago he said this if someone knows how to
how to contrast law and Grace he knows
where law belongs where Grace belongs
he’s a true Theologian praise the
Lord and you can go to Bible school and
spend years there and not be a true
Theologian you can’t differentiate both
or you try to let’s have all together in
one bag no you cannot amen does that
mean that we are not under law there’s
license to sin and that’s always the
fear right that’s what they accuse Paul
of no no license no
power of sin why the strength of sin is
the law in fact when you’re not under
law there’s no you find that sin becomes
unattractive and Grace becomes
attractive and you are drawn more and
more to the Lord and the more you are
drawn to the Lord the more you love the
Lord you will fall out of love with all
this things supernaturally
amen people like to say you know those
who preach Grace right they say that you
can you can fornicate you know you can
do whatever you want you can live like
the devil doesn’t matter Grace covers it
you never hear me preach
this you never hear me preach this and
all my sermons are out there you never
hear me preach this and be careful of
people take one portion of my sermon
listen to the whole
sermon okay you don’t you don’t do that
with uh politician also take one you
know bite sound bite and then put it out
there listen to the entire thing you’ll
never hear me say right you can live in
sin and then Grace covers
everything I don’t know you don’t talk
about other other Grace teachers who
teach that talk about them not this
house not this house I’ve never preached
that and I never will you know what why
because sin will have no dominion over
you amen when you’re truly under grace
you’re conscious of his love for you sin
will lose its power that woman at the
well left Jesus right and she became so
bold she come come and see the man who
told me everything about myself she
didn’t realize she became an
amen amen she was not bold you know why
because he knows all about me he still
loves me he unveiled himself self as the
Messiah to
me and another thing she’s no more
going there quietly looking around she’s
now bold why she’s occupied with the one
the object of beauty that is Lovelier
than anything
else on
Earth and even in heaven he is our
object of beauty amen times up go back
and read your Bibles amen don’t forget
law it BW
righteousness brown color all right yeah
you choose what color you want okay
every head bow every eye close all
across this place and for those who are
watching I pray this has blessed you
amen and I pray that when you go home
tell God speak love Grace to your
children don’t find fault it’s very hard
I’m preaching to myself don’t find fault
first if really need be save that for
those for rare occasions let your rare
occasions be to point out a fault but
let your default
mode be that of pointing something good
something right in your
family be
patient with their shortcomings with
their failures
shine at
home your life and who you
reflect your Radiance will speak more
than all your
preaching to your
children live a life that they can see
you are honors you are polite are you
more polite to strangers than your own
husband than your own wife and even your
children they’re not Beyond you being
polite you teach them to say please and
thank you do you say please and thank
you to
them you think you are training them God
sent them to train
you may your lives be a Radiant Life and
before I pray for believers I just want
to pray for those of you who never put
your trust in Christ but today you say
Pastor it’s like the Veil come off my
eyes I can see
Jesus I can see Jesus
and I want him to be My Savior and Lord
if that is you pray this prayer with me
say heavenly father I confess that Jesus
Christ is my Lord my savior and my God
and I thank you that when I was
justified in him when you acquitted me
in him you raised him from the dead and
he is alive today Jesus Christ is my
Lord in Jesus name amen amen amen praise
the Lord the reason why Jesus covered
their eyes because he wanted them to see
him in the Bible the Bible goes on as he
walked with them EMA’s Road he opened to
them in the
scriptures in the scriptures where in
the scriptures things concerning
himself we are told when you open the
scriptures ask God what promise to claim
what sin to avoid what to do what not to
do that’s not the main thing the way
Jesus taught the Bible is this he taught
them he expound in them things
himself later on they said did not our
hearts burn now this is the answer to
what I asked the Lord why you hit the
eyes from seeing you the Lord told me I
didn’t read this from any material the
Lord said this to me many years ago it’s
more important for them to see me in the
in the scriptures than to see me in
person so this gives hope to all of us
that we can see him in the scriptures
come on stand to your
feet praise the Lord
amen I feel good lift your hands all
across this place all you radient people
father in the name of Jesus I pray Lord
that you impart an anointing a wisdom
for your people Lord in all the areas
that we have heard from your spirit
today Lord for husbands and wives Lord
to have that wisdom and the anointing
Lord to flow with your spirit not to be
fault finding all the time to have a
default mode of always murmuring but to
have a default mode by your spirit Lord
to look for the good to call out the
good to be patient when that is a
manifestation of weakness in our loved
ones that you will grant us Lord that
will will shine in front of them Lord
that they will see Jesus and be
transformed even with our children Lord
give us the grace and the wisdom to live
lives Lord that they can read and see
Jesus even if they they don’t they don’t
read the Bible Lord they’ll read us Lord
and be inspired to live like us thank
you Father grant that Lord I pray to
primarily every leader of the House Lord
and then to all the wives Lord and to
the spouses and all parents and also
their children Lord in the aspects of
being radiant for your glory the lord
protect every one of you throughout this
week from every harm and danger from all
the powers of darkness and from all the
power of the evil one may you always be
occupied and find yourself only in him
the fullness of all in all in jesus’
name and all the people said amen God
bless you see you
again all right time for some awesome
good news uh first up we have a brother
from Brazil and uh he says I met my wife
2010 and God has blessed us with three
wonderful children however our marriage
faced many challenges I struggled with
anger stress and violence which made my
wife deeply unhappy her family often
condemned me but she stood firm in her
faith believing that God would one day
transform Our Lives some years ago we
came ac across Pastor Joseph princess TV
program here in Brazil and it deeply
impacted us my wife felt that God was
speaking to her directly through Pastor
Prince she was particularly touched by a
message where he said when you can God
can since then she began praying for me
and presenting me to God so so when you
can uh God can amen wives and uh you
know she says by his grace god Set Me
Free he completely transformed my life
and marriage like turning water into
wine today I feed on the word of God and
Pastor Prince’s teachings daily my wife
also tells me every day how much she
me husbands you love that right and uh
he says I thank God for pastor Prince’s
Ministry which has played a huge role in
my spiritual journey I believe that one
day we will all meet in eternity all
praise to
Jesus the next testimony is from a
brother from Kentucky United States of
America if you like KFC listen to this
years ago uh he says I was 16 years old
and living a life of sin my heart was
broken as a result of a girl I had a
relationship with and became extremely
bitter I developed constant debilitating
headaches that tarnished my performance
in high school I lost all of my friends
I could not do anything but think about
the pain for six months straight during
those six months I listened to Pastor
Prince after being drawn to watch
Christian television by the Holy Spirit
I expected to hear that I was receiving
my due reward that I would have to take
the grueling steps to rectify myself
before a holy and just God instead I
learned that God loves me I saw the
beauty of a man I had never met Jesus
the son of God eventually I received the
baptism of the Holy Spirit I’m now a
husband to the most amazing woman in the
world and I have a son a daughter and
two stepdaughters I’m brought to tears
thinking about God’s amazing love thank
you so much for the work you all do to
bring the gospel to someone thousands of
miles away in
yea amen God is so good and uh the next
testimony is from a sister who lives in
Singapore she says I’m a foreigner from
China and had been working in in
Singapore for a few years about a year
ago I was struggling with depression and
insomnia then one day a colleague
invited me to New Creation Church for
the Christmas service although the
service was wonderful I didn’t return
the following Sunday however I had left
my contact details with a leader at the
connect Point later someone God bless
this person amen someone from the church
reached out and encouraged me to attend
the first service of
2024 that day Pastor Prince preached
about uus and I remember thinking I
didn’t want to fall from the third story
but I still wasn’t sure what to believe
I decided to call my mom who has been a
Believer for decades and shared with her
my experience after a conversation I
decided to attend church
weekly I also joined the grace
Discovery classes where many Bible
verses were shared initially it felt
overwhelming but surprisingly my sleep
started to improve
significantly a few weeks later after a
Sunday service I picked up a Salvation
card at the connect point for the first
time I prayed the Salvation prayer in
that moment it felt as if the air around
me had become sweet without a purifier
okay shortly after my my work visa was
rejected I felt like God had closed the
door and I couldn’t understand why but I
remembered a sermon by Angel Gabriel I
mean Pastor Gabriel on the gospel
partner app praise God for the gospel
partner app where he encouraged the
congregation to keep thanking God even
when things don’t go as planned this
time I was able to say yes to trusting
God it dawned on me that I had always
wanted to pursue further studies so I
started preparing my applications I was
also connected to a Care Group that
prayed for me and encouraged me
throughout the process praise God
everything went smoothly and I was
accepted into one of the top three
business schools in France to pursue my
Master’s Degree not only that I recently
brought my parents to Singapore for a
visit they were thrilled to attend
service with me what was amazing is that
earlier in the year I had a huge
argument with my dad but at some point I
realized that there was no more quarrels
in our family it’s been less than a year
since I came to New Creation Church and
my life has been completely transformed
Pastor Prince once said that when Jesus
comes into your life be ready to be
lifted up now I experience God’s favor
every day and I’m truly blessed by his
goodness come on Church let’s give Jesus
all the
praise I hope you enjoyed today’s
episode but don’t go just yet if You’
like to receive prayer share your
testimony or find out more about gospel
partner just click the link on this
screen if not I’ll see you in the next