In this Gospel Partner episode, be encouraged as you see from Scripture how it is your heavenly Father’s heart to be your unshakable source of supply and bless you with more than enough so that you can even be a channel of blessing to others.

you know why because everything starts

innocently a little flirtation a little

attraction all right the guy I really

want to counsel the girl all right but

the forces of attraction is very strong

the best thing is that don’t trust

yourself in this area

all right put no confidence in the flesh

there’s this cycle you need to

understand why people fall into sin we

learn the demands and all it was like

this the cycle first of all temptation

comes all right

temptation can come as a taught

something you saw something you remember

it’s first a temptation then before I

become sin all right this always happens

before I become sin maybe within

temptation then sin temptation then sin

no there is an in between and the in

between is this confidence in the flesh

the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3

we put no confidence in the flesh we

must not trust in this area amen

for example you tell your boy your

computer is outside the room let’s say

for example nowadays they can access to

your phone as well you know that so the

thing is that this is one step okay the

boy says you don’t trust me that all


see I trust you I just don’t trust your

flesh that’s a smart dad because I don’t

trust my own flesh that that can say

Amen we don’t trust your flesh okay you

are safe but the moment you say I can

handle this no I can watch this show not

no problem I can handle this and you may

mean it but you’re putting confidence in

the flesh

are you listening and your flesh will

always bring you to the dark side okay

so it weighs like I can handle this

you know what it’s getting late and

attractive girl like her should not be

going back alone in a cab I think I’ll

send her back all right

innocent I can handle this the reason

I’m talking about this area of sending

someone home is because I handle a case

like this thank God you know in our

church we hardly handle this kind of

case so much so if something happens all

the leaders know about it you know among

the leaders for example very rarely you

find a leader having problem when it

happens we all know about it okay that

shows the power of grace working in the

church but one of the areas is sending

someone back innocently and the guy

meant well the lady may mean well all

right but that’s what happened later on

so he put confidence the pleasure he

came to this stage before sin I can

handle this no I can handle this I’ll

just open this email all right let’s not

open up there’s some some suggestive

photos but you know there’s some other

things but I just the web sites okay

or this movie you know it’s like there’s

some good elements I can handle this I

can handle the bad elements it starts

the confidence in the flesh you’re smart

if you learn to run like Joseph because

you know something

Joseph God can trust him to rule I mean

does that mean poor Joseph you know he

was repressed for the rest no he found a

lovely wife had children had a boycott

double fruitfulness enjoyed married life

best of all he was able to have a clear

conscience never slept with Potiphar’s

wife I mean now if you have fallen you

have missed it listen carefully

all right the Bible says there is

therefore now no condemnation all right

but you need to understand this this is

the area the utter convert in the flesh

you fall into sin indulgence and the

problem of the sin is what guilt and Gil

you have new resolutions from now on I

will never open the computer from now on

I will never look at the opposite sex

from now on I won’t even talk to the

opposite sex you know some extreme

stupidity you know from now on never

never again never again never and a

devil never hears that say that there

was his hallelu the devil says goody
