With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

we are Christ’s personal representatives

and through our lives God is pleading

with people be reconciled to me can you

get this understanding when you go to


God wants to plead through you to

somebody who’s lost please and you don’t

even you don’t have to preach one word

to do it you say well Joyce I’m just not

good at witnessing let your lives be a

witness if you’re bold enough to say

something you think the time is right

then say it in a loving way hand

somebody a book give somebody a Bible

but let your wives be a witness when my

husband worked in the engineering field

everybody knew he was different they

knew it and I don’t mean like different

in a weird way but yeah there were

things that they did they didn’t invite

Dave to do he ate lunch by himself a lot

of days when their marriages were

falling apart

I mean honestly everybody came to him

even people who’d made fun of him even

people who who maybe had given him a

hard time or had tried to persecute him

a little bit they they come around to

Dave you know they had big drawing

boards back then because he was in the

engineering field kind of hang around

his drawing board hey Dave hey doing

today well you know whatever I don’t

know you know what’s up you know well

man my wife left me I was wondering if

you could talk to me a little say if you

stand your ground people will come to


because the time is going to come when

they’re going to get desperate enough

they need to talk to somebody I love

what that one woman shared in that media

presentation last night she said I

finally got to the point where God gave

me the gift of desperation I love that

and we need to pray for that that God

would give unsaved people the gift of

desperation I think that would be a

great thing to pray for people that they

will be so fed up with their lives but

what are they going to do if their life

is full of darkness and everywhere they

look it’s darkness what are they going

to do oh you guys are like how many of

you agree that it’s very easy to go out

in the world and just start compromising

and kind of just you know well yeah you

know we’re believers and oh yeah we go

to church we got a bumper sticker

you know we wear our cross and but you

know we just we want to fit in you know

so we just kind of blend a little and

it’s just a little well if you’ll just

just bow down to me this once if you

just compromise just a little you can

get that promotion at work and because

you know you need to make more money and

you know you already know if you don’t

compromise if you stand your ground then

you’re not going to get promoted come on

I tell I tell a good story that happened

in my life and I’m going to take the

time to retell it because it’ll help get

my point across I worked at a seafood

company many many years ago before I

ever knew anything about being in

ministry but I did have a love for God

and I I didn’t want to do wrong things

and I was the bookkeeper and at the end

of every month we sent out all the

customers statements telling them what

their balance was but occasionally

somebody would have a huge credit and if

they got a statement with a credit on it

they might just wait let future

purchases eat up that credit but

sometimes they would call us and say can

you just send me a check well this one

particular customer had a pretty

good-sized credit and so my boss said to

me he said just I want you just to debit

that off of there and

and make it looked like they had

purchases so when they get it there’s we

don’t owe them any money well I was

scared all day long because I’m thinking

I can’t do that I know I can’t do that

should I do that and all the reason well

he is the boss and I definitely what he

tells me to and I can’t afford to lose

my job you know I just started a bunch

of work on my teeth and I was in the

middle of that what am I gonna do if I

lose my job and you know all the things

that we think about well I went home

that night and I was so stinkin

miserable how many of you know about

being so miserable you can’t hardly

stand it

until you finally get around to saying

okay I’m going to do it God’s Way so I

went back in the next morning just

pretty sure that I probably would get

fired and I just I went in and I said to

him I said look I know that you don’t

believe the way that I do but I’m a

Christian and I believe that I believe

in the Bible and I believe that it would

be wrong for me to do that and I told I

said I don’t want to lose my job I need

my job but I can’t I can’t do what

you’re asking me to do because I would

be offending God if I did and man he

sputtered and popped and got red in the

face went well just get back out there

and go to work well all day long I kept

thinking I get fired

finally just about five minutes before

quitting time I can imagine the battle

he went through all day he came out and

slept that statement down on my desk and

said justice ain’t on my check so I sent

him a check well

the devil would have had me think that I

would get fired for doing the right

thing but as it turned out I kept

getting promoted in that company until I

was the only person any more authority

than I did was him and I didn’t have

enough education to be doing what they

were paying me to do so please please

please don’t compromise you know riches

are deceitful the Bible says in mark 4

that many in the world are deceived by

riches and that’s what Satan was trying

to deceive Jesus with I can give you the

world I can give you this I can give you

that I can give you promotion

I can alleviate your suffering you can

be part of the group and Jesus and all

you have to do is just bow down to me

just once and Jesus didn’t even have to

think about it get thee behind me Satan

for it is written when are we going to

learn that this book contains the truth

that we need for our lives

but say this messes with people’s lives

I can I can hear your thoughts I mean

not like really but I kind of get a

little stuff don’t you get too scared

but I get this little sensing of like I

can hear the wheels turning what what

does this mean what what am I gonna have

to change oh my gosh if I’m gonna live

by this I may have to quit my job I mean

oh what’s gonna happen I mean if I live

like this I’m liable to lose all my

friends I’ll be rejected I won’t be part

of the growth I need to go back to the

woes I’ve left them I’m telling you what

I believe that God can put up with just

about anything better than a hypocrite

and I’ll say one thing for the young

people today which by the way young

people they are very unimpressed with

Christians because for anything else you

want to say about them they want

something real and we need to show them

something real they’re not in for

hypocrites and I believe if there’s

anything that’s just tasteful to God

it’s hypocrites I think he’d rather you

just be a full-on sinner than to act

like a religious person

that has all kinds of compromising

hidden things in your life

verse 13 but woe to you scribes and

Pharisees pretenders hypocrites for you

shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s

faces but you neither enter yourselves

nor do you allow those who are about to

go in to enter woe to you scribes and

Pharisees pretenders hypocrites for you

swallow widows houses and for a pretence

to cover it up make long prayers oh oh

won’t help anybody that’s in need but go

to early morning prayer at church oh you

guys you know

listen I remember when I did it I

remember going to 6 a.m. prayer 3 times

a week with all my spiritual buddies and

we would rant and rave and scream at the

devil and March around the church and

then I would go home and couldn’t even

be respectful to my husband maybe if I

get a little plainer we’ll understand

this I had a mouth that wouldn’t quit

I mean I’d go pray with all the people

even gossip about them that’s what a

hypocrite is that’s what a pretender is

that’s a scribe and a Pharisee they know

what to do and they’re very willing to

tell everybody else what to do but they

only do it when people are watching it

doesn’t matter to me how people behave

in church I couldn’t care less

it’s how they behave at home behind

closed doors well I’m having fun I don’t

know about you but I am

you say what choice I just make mistakes

that I can’t help it well when you make

mistakes and you can’t help it all you

got to do is repent ask God to forgive

you and it’s done instantly I’m not

talking about not making mistakes I’m

talking about having a determined

attitude that I’m going to press forward

I’m not going to keep mistreating people

I’m not going to be a phony and a

hypocrite I’m not going to get out in

society and just blend in god I need

courage I need you to get I need you to

make me bold help me God we need to

begin to address these issues and not

just float along in our little religious

boat thinking it’s all okay I don’t have

time for all these woes let’s look at

2nd Timothy 3 1 through 5 I think more

than any time in history and I know that

everybody’s probably said this every

preachers every preachers probably said

what I’m saying right now probably more

than any other time in history it is

vital that we take a stand and act like

we really believe what we say that we

believe how many of you believe that

Jesus is coming back soon ok now look at

me please don’t get mad when I say this

but no you don’t

because if we really believe that let me

ask if somebody could tell you and you

knew for sure that Sunday at noon Jesus

was coming back is there anything in

your life that you would change right

away real quick

that makes me squirm a little too of

course so then it’s just kind of become

something we say oh Jesus is coming soon

well what if he really is what if you

meet him before you thought you might

what if he comes tonight for me or for

you I think it’s time that we need to

learn how to live ready just in case you

won’t have time to get ready

let’s live ready amen

come on now

come on all my beautiful wonderful

people watching at home

don’t put this decision off if you’ve

not made Jesus the Lord of your life

call the number on your screen right now

let us pray with you and lead you into a

personal relationship with God please

second Timothy three one through five

but understand this that in the last

days we’ll come and sit in perilous

times of great stress and trouble hard

to deal with and hard to bear for people

will be lovers of self uh Turley

self-centered lovers of money aroused by

an inordinate greedy desire for wealth

proud and arrogant and contemptuous

boasters they will be abusive

blasphemous scoffing disobedient to

parents ungrateful unholy profane I

think we’re there they will be without

natural human affection callous inhuman

relentless admitting of no truce or

appeasement they will be slanders false

accusers troublemakers intemperate

loosen morals conduct uncontrolled and

fierce haters of all that is good they

will be treacherous betrayers rash and

inflated with self conceit they will be

lovers of sensual pleasures and Bane

amusements more than and rather than

lovers of God and let’s look at verse 5

because I wrote beside verse five Wow

for although they hold a form of true

religion they deny and reject and are

strangers to the power of it their

conduct belies the genuineness of their

profession avoid all such people turn

away from them do you know that you’re

better off hanging out with a sold-out

sinner who knows they’re a sinner and is

honest about it then a goofy starchy

religious legalistic person who pretends

to be one thing to your face and is

something else behind closed doors

dude I could use a little coffee right

now second Timothy three 10 through 14

you guys love it don’t you

I know you can take it here in

Minneapolis because you’re the ones that

God let me pick on

I thought about it I forgot are you sure

you want me to preach that in

Minneapolis all right now here this is

so good let’s get this now you have

closely observed and diligently followed

my teaching my conduct my purpose in

life faith patience love and

steadfastness my persecutions my

suffering such as occurred to me at

Antioch at Iconium and Lystra

persecutions I endured and I love this

but out of them all the Lord delivered

me now I am NOT going to tell you that

if you really decide to live what you

say you believe that you’re not going to

experience any persecution matter of

fact I can promise you that you will you

will be made fun of you will be talked

about you will lose a few friends you

might get passed over at work for a

promotion but true promotion comes from

God it doesn’t come from men and I can

tell you a little secret that I believe

with all my heart I believe when that

situation happened to me at that seafood

company that I worked for I think I was

checking me out I think he had me in

mind for this job that I’m doing right

now I do I believe that and I believe

that if I would have compromised them

that I wouldn’t be sitting here today

now I don’t mean that God doesn’t give

us second chances in third I don’t know

maybe he would have let me had another

try but I look back and I see several

things over the years that God asked me

to do our things he told me not to do

and I believe that they were key to me

being where I’m at today indeed all who

delight in piety and are determined to

live a devoted in a godly life in Christ

Jesus will meet with persecution that

will be made to suffer because of their

religious stand but wicked men and

imposters will go on from bad to worse

deceiving and leading astray others and

being deceived and led astray themselves

but watch verse 14 but as for you no

matter what anybody else out there does

no matter what any other Christian that

you know does as for you continue to

hold to the things that you have learned

and of which you are convinced knowing

from whom you have learned them so

what’s our job no matter what anybody

else does we’re supposed to hold fast

one more scripture I want to read you I

have to go through all my notes to get

to it I didn’t preach much on here

second Peter 3 10 and 11 so tonight I

come with four messages second Peter 3

10 and 11 but the day of the Lord will

come like a thief and then the heavens

will vanish and pass away with a

thunderous crash and the material

elements of the universe will be

dissolved with fire and the earth and

the works that are upon it will be

burned up since all these things are

thus in the process of being dissolved

what we just read in verse 10 is in the

process of happening we have not seen

the fullness of it yet but someday the

trumpet is going to blow the heavens are

going to be rolled back and everything

that we have invested so much into and

lied to get and compromise to get is

going to go since all these things are

thus in the process of being dissolved

what kind of person on each of you to be

in the meanwhile

I don’t know about you that gets me how

then shall we live if this wonderful

savior that we have died to give us this

life and he’s given us the privilege to

work for him and to be his

representatives in the earth can I tell

you something if you work for God and

you’re on his payroll he’s going to

always take care of you did you hear me

and I’m not talk about having to work in

a ministry or have a river in front of

your name I’m passing out applications

today to find out who wants to work for


I would love it if everyday when we get

up we would think about today I’m going

out to work for God I’m going out today

to represent God I’m going fishing today

and I’m going to catch fish with holy

behavior come on the Bible says in

Colossians put on behavior that’s a

credit to God put on kindness put on

humility above all that you put on put

on love in Ephesians that talks about

our behavior talks about our behavior

all over the place could I just say what

a tragedy it would be if the stores and

the businesses around here didn’t have a

wonderful report about all the people

who came to this conference but you know

what we have to stand up and tell people

in our conferences we do this especially

at the Women’s Conference in st. Louis

this year we’ll probably have 25 30,000

women hit downtown st. Louis and then

there won’t be a piece of clothing left

or a doughnut that hasn’t been eaten and

sadly we’ve had times when the people in

the restaurants have come and said those

Christians are some other rudest

cheapest most ridiculous asking look at

acting people so now we get up and tell

people if you are going to come to this

conference do not get out in my city and

make a fool out of me you get out there

and you represent God the way you should

represent it treat people the way you

want to be treated be patient be kind

don’t shove don’t push give good tips

say thank you if your meal doesn’t come

out exactly the way you want it says no

problem I understand you know what we

have to get the attitude you know what

I’m not so important that everything has

to be the way I want it

and you know what scares me I mean

really scares me that people could come

and sit all weekend in something like

this and then be nasty to somebody even

at the resource table and it happens all

time all time pushing and shoving I had

two ladies getting a fight one time they

were both sprung to sit in the same seat

in the front row

this is a very important word and you

know many of you are wonderful godly

beautiful people I mean you’ve let God

work with you and you’ve got good

behavior and you do represent God well

and God bless you I hope it gets

catching I hope other people catch your

vision and learn from you but we all

need to be that way let me ask you just

think with me for just in it what would

happen in the world

if everybody who calls themself a

Christian but just simply go out and act

like one

come on this this is not rocket science

what would happen I’m telling you what

light swallows up darkness and it’s just

that something all we need to do is turn

the lights on and get out our salt

shakers amen come on get up on your feet

and give God some praise today whoo

hallelujah come on you might as well get

happy you got more tonight more tomorrow

Oh glory

now let me tell you something you don’t

change by trying you change by praying

and asking God to get involved and help

you you change by studying yes I want

you to go out and try to behave better

but I don’t want you just to try I want

you to pray and say God I need your help

I do need to be more patient I do need

to be kinder I do need to forgive and I

cannot do it without you God help me

help me help me help me help me help me

help me and the more you pray for God to

help you the more he’s going to help you

and me and the better we’re going to

behave I’m going to be nice to somebody

how about you love you