You have power & authority. Tap into what already belongs to you. This quick snippet will show you how.

And yet the Bible tells us plainly, everybody say, “Plainly.” “Plainly.”

You know Jesus is not real vague.

I mean if you really just read it, He
tell you exactly what to do to have a

great life.

And He also tell you, if you don’t do it,
then you’re not gonna have a great life.

So anybody who really wants to have a
great life

all you need to do is read the Book,
listen to the messages,

and then take action and go do it.
In Ephesians 4 it says

“Do not let the sun go down on your anger.” Now I don’t have to try to figure that out.

That’s not a mystery. “Do not let the sun
go down on your anger.

Do not give the devil any such

opportunity.” Don’t give him

a foothold. You know what happens if we
get the devil a foothold

then it’s not long and he gets a
stronghold. And that’s what becomes very

dangerous. So really and truly we need
to watch for the little things

that we often think don’t matter

but they turn into huge problems if we
don’t deal with them.

One of the things I’m gonna be talking to you about little bit more tonight a little

bit this morning is learning how

to be more proactive and how to resist
the devil

immediately. Instead of waiting to see
how bad it gets.

Or waiting to see what you can get by

and not I get in too much trouble.

So we need to learn that we can give

the enemy authority and access

to our life by simply not doing what God
tells us to do. Now obviously there’s

forgiveness and God helps us, and

He rescues us. But that’s not the way He
wants us to live.

He does not want us to live in the
emergency room of life

all the time. Amen?

He does not want us to be in intensive
care week after week after week.

He wants us to get to the point where
we know what to do to have a great life

and we take responsibility for ourselves
and we do it.

Adam gave away his authority

in the garden. And the devil actually
said to Jesus, recorded in Luke

Chapter 4, “All at this is mine and I’ll
give it to whoever I want to.”

It was his because Adam gave it to him.

But guess what? Jesus took it back.

He took it back.

And it belongs to those who will believe
in Jesus

and not just believe in Jesus but
believe that that power belongs to you.

See, I think one of the mistakes that we think, is we think that, well if I’m a believer in Christ

then all this

other stuff is an automatic. No, not really.

You have power if you believe you have

You experience the blessings of

being made right with God when you
believe that you’ve been made right with

God. Even though maybe legally you are
the righteousness of God, If you don’t

believe it,

then it affects you as if it wasn’t even true.

And you need to know that you have power
and authority.

And you need to let the devil know, that
you know, that you have power and

authority, because sometimes he’s a bit

And we need to reaffirm the him over and

not, you are not, not

ruling and running my life.