An anxious and a worried mind is not normal. Do you know what is normal for a Believer? Peace. That’s our normal atmosphere that we’re supposed to live in. The peace that surpasses understanding. Watch Joyce explain.

Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help us enjoy our daily lives.

With a heart to share Christ and love people, Joyce’s messages help people in all walks of life to grow in their faith, learn to study the Bible, find healing from the wounds of life, get answers to life’s questions and encounter the love of God in a powerful way.

an anxious and a worried mind is not


do you know what is normal for a

believer peace

oh that’s our normal atmosphere that is

the atmosphere

of heaven that’s the atmosphere that we

are supposed to live in

the spiritual atmosphere is the peace

that passes


why are we going to pray if we’re going

to just keep worrying

it’s just silly it’s just wasted effort

if you’re going to worry don’t pray

when i try to teach i’m not worrying

i finally got to the point where i

thought you know lord this is useless

for me to teach i’m not worrying because

people are going to worry anyway i heard

all the messages i’m not wearing and i

wore it anyway

so i finally just kind of got down with

god and study and i said

when are people going to stop worrying

and here’s what i’ve learned

i can stand here and tell you i’m blue

in the face not to worry but you know

what you’re going to worry

until you finally realize that

it’s useless it doesn’t help your


doesn’t solve your problem all it is is

us saying

i think if i think about this long

enough and worry about it long enough

i can figure something out

that’s not going to work sometimes i

bring a rocking chair i didn’t bring

that this weekend

worry is like rocking in a rocking chair

all day it keeps you busy but gets you


at the end of the day you’ll still be in

the exact same spot just

going back and forth back and forth back

and forth

and i would say that worry is a pretty

huge problem for a large majority of


it is do i ever worry yeah there’s

sometimes when i do but i tell you i


nothing like what i used to my goodness

god has brought me a long way

i’m not where i need to be but thank god

i’m not where i used to be

i’m making progress and you can get to

the point

where you don’t worry all you have to do

when you’re worried is just think about

something else go get your mind on


else get your mind on something good and

just say out loud this is not going to

help me it’s not going to do me any good

it’s useless it’s a waste of time how

many of you believe that you’re more

valuable to god than a bird

you believe that you’re more valuable to

god than a bird well we know what

matthew 6 says

look at the birds

they don’t worry they’re not frustrated

they’re not concerned about anything and

yet god keeps feeding them

are you not worth much more

than a bird why waste your time worrying

about something that’s going on in your

life today because tomorrow you’re going

to have something new that you can think


if you want to so let’s pray and let’s

really believe

when we pray that god hears us and

that’s one of the things that has really

helped me i really have come to the

point where i truly believe when i pray

that god hears me and that he will do

what needs to be done about it in his


and if it’s not my timing i’m going to

have to be happy with it anyway because


upset is not going to make god hurry

come on